This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Announcement: Fellowship in Ethnographic Writing Fall 2013

Fellowship in Ethnographic Writing, Fall 2013

The Centre for Ethnography (CE) at the University of Toronto at
Scarborough (UTSC) is accepting applications for their annual Fellowship
in Ethnographic Writing. Writing is a key component of the work of an
anthropologist, but it takes time and benefits from some distance from the
fieldwork itself, and from other obligations. In recognition of this fact
the CE introduced a Fellowship in Ethnographic Writing in 2010. We are now
seeking applications for the Fall Term of 2013, to be held at UTSC.

The recipient of this award is expected to devote their time fully to
writing and may not teach or hold any other form of employment during the
tenure of the award. They are expected to attend all talks and colloquia
at the CE, to work several days a week on campus at UTSC, and to
contribute a presentation of their work in progress to the colloquia. In
addition, the Fellow will be available to coach students completing an
undergraduate writing assignment, in tandem with a professor teaching a
core introductory course. This work will be limited to 5 hours in total.

Applicants should supply a statement of no more than 5 double-spaced pages
describing their writing project, indicating the stage that it is at, and
precisely what they wish to accomplish during the duration of the
Fellowship. Explicit attention to questions of genre, narrative, and
audience are welcome but not essential. Successful applicants will either
be at the post-doctoral stage (engaged in transforming a thesis into a
book or articles) or in the final stages of completing the doctoral
thesis. All applicants must have completed their doctoral fieldwork and
have already submitted significant portions of their dissertation to their
committee. The current stipend is set at $10,000 for a period of ten

The closing date for this competition is March 1, 2013. Please send all
applications, as well as the names of two referees, electronically to the
Centre for Ethnography <>.

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