Dalhousie University
Location: Nova Scotia
Date posted: 2010-09-13
2011 Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships
Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships (KPDF) in most fields of
study are tenable for up to two years at Dalhousie University, located in
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. KPDFs are valued at $44,000 CDN per year
plus travel allowance, a one-time $3,000 research grant, and a $1,000
conference travel grant. Applicants must have recently completed a PhD
(Jan 2009 or later) at a recognised university and have no current
affiliation with Dalhousie University. Applications must be submitted no
later than 15-Dec-10.
Full details available at: dalgrad.dal.ca/kpdf