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Friday, January 31, 2014

CFP_CASCA 2014_Care Work and Transnational Family Care in the “Global South” Panel - Reminder: deadline February 7th

(Reminder: deadline February 7th)

CASCA 2014
York University, Toronto, Canada
April 30 - May 3, 2014

Care Work and Transnational Family Care in the "Global South":
Femmes migrantes au cœur de l'industrie mondiale des soins dans des
contextes des migrations "sud-sud"

Panel organizer: Aranzazu Recalde, Chaire Hans et Tamar Oppenheimer en
Droit international public, McGill University.

Much of the scholarship on care work, which is increasingly being done by
migrant women worldwide, has focused on the so-called Euro-Atlantic arena.
Over the past two decades, however, a growing body of literature on
intra-regional and/or "south-south" migrations has contested this
hegemonic geopolitics while problematizing the assumptions underlying it.
Our panel seeks to explore the experiences of migrant women doing care
work widely defined, including caring for children, the elderly, the sick
and the disabled as well as providing diverse housekeeping and sexual
services in a wide range of domestic, private and public settings in the
"Global South". What type of challenges do women face when seeking to
secure the socio-economic and emotional wellbeing of their families
through their participation in the global care industry as it has evolved
in diverse locations in the "Global South"? What are the local and
transnational strategies that they forge in order to care for their
dependents? Do the work and family arrangements that migrant women develop
under these circumstances differ from those forged by their counterparts
in different destinations in the "Global North"? Our panel welcomes papers
in English and French that explore these and attendant issues, from
diverse analytical and methodological perspectives.
Interested participants are invited to send their propositions (150-word
max. abstract, title and institutional affiliation) to<> by February 7.

Aranzazu Recalde, PhD in Anthropology
Boursière postdoctorale du CRSH/SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow
Chaire Hans et Tamar Oppenheimer en Droit international public/Hans and
Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law
Faculté de Droit/ Faculty of Law
McGill University
3644, rue Peel, room 503
Montréal (Québec) H3A1W9<>
(514) 398-4400 ext. 09084

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