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Saturday, August 10, 2013

CFP: Structural Drivers of HIV, Cape Town

Conference: Structural Drivers of HIV, Cape Town, South Africa

3rd STRUCTURAL DRIVERS OF HIV CONFERENCE: Contextualising the Structural
Drivers of HIV

5 & 6 December 2013, The Cullinan Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa

Because people and contexts differ, structural approaches to HIV do not
work the same way or have the same effect in all populations and settings.
Therefore, responses need to take into account drivers of local epidemics.
It is against this backdrop that the 3rd Structural Drivers of HIV
Conference will take place to discuss, learn from and reappraise the
contextual complexities that researchers and programmers across the HIV
and AIDS field wrestle with when planning and implementing HIV programmes.

Registration, call for abstracts and scholarship applications are now
open. Click here for more information and application details:

Register before 30 August and receive a 20% discount! Abstract submissions
close 13
September 2013.

Topics to be discussed include, pathways of risk and the interaction of
different structural drivers of HIV in different contexts, structural
approaches to HIV programmes, poverty, environmental and economic stress,
employment and HIV, gender inequality and violence, transactional sex and
gender relations in sub-Saharan Africa, new HIV technologies, including
medical male circumcision and treatment as prevention.

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