This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Seeking research partner: economics. agriculture & gender in Africa

Hello everyone,

We have a team of economists and agriculturalists (internal to Cape
Breton University and external (Canada and Africa)) who have been
working on funded projects related to economics, agriculture and gender
in Nigeria.

To paraphrase some of their work, some agricultural systems in Nigeria
hinge on the labour of women and children and are very labour intensive
in relation to the relatively small economic benefit of the work. In
proposing new systems, foods for propagation, and methods for food
security, the team works for and with local organisations, farmers, and
universities to ensure that the needs of the population are met and

The team is now looking for a research partner(s) who has international
experience (preferable in Africa) and a speciality in gender. Ideally,
gender and economics or agriculture, however, other disciplines are
welcome. The team is preparing another research proposal at the moment
and there is opportunity for the researcher to propose their research
questions and work within their area of expertise. PhD students working
in this area are also welcome. A research partner CANNOT be paid out of
this grant but their travel will be reimbursed and during the grant
writing stage they can advocate for other monies they may need
(electronics to complete their work, money to hire students, etc.).

Please contact me if you would like more information, and please forgive
the vagueness of this email, the partners are working on another
competitive proposal and so I must be confidential. However, I will
forward all emails to the primary investigator who will provide detailed
follow ups.



Dr. Jodi McDavid

Major Research Projects Officer

Director, Cooperative Study Club

Instructor, Gender & Women's Studies

Cape Breton University


I tweet at j_mcdavid

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