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Thursday, February 12, 2015

CASCA2015 panel CFP: Family Care and E-motions in Contexts of Transnational Migration


CASCA (Canadian Anthropology Society/ Société canadienne d'anthropologie)

Annual Conference/Colloque annuel

Landscapes of Knowledges/Paysages des connaissances

Université Laval, Québec, 13 – 16 mai 2015



Family Care and E-motions in Contexts of Transnational Migration


*Angélica H. Silva, Université de Montréal*

*Aranzazu Recalde, McGill University*

Our panel looks at processes of home-making and caregiving as these
intersect with international mobility under current forms of neoliberal
capitalism. We examine the embodied, everyday, experiences and
circumstances of migrant women and men who engage in (re)creating home
abroad while caring transnationally and locally for diverse relatives. Our
panel pays particular attention to life projects, household trajectories
and life cycles; the unequal and shifting caring roles performed by diverse
family members, which are shaped by cultural, kinship and gendered
expectations often endorsed by states; the emotional and socio-economic
considerations underpinning decisions to migrate or be "on the move"; the
increasingly restrictive migration/citizenship regimes implemented by
(many) states, which have produced temporary and precarious forms of
membership for those considered undeserving; and the diverse uses of
Internet communication technologies to (re)imagine and (re)negotiate a
sense of belonging among members of transnational families. Our panel seeks
to shed light on the role that e-motions play in determining mobility as
well as on the caregiving practices, experiences and circumstances of
diversely positioned family members and others considered kin in contexts
of south-north, south-south, north-north and north-south migrations.

We invite papers in English and French that, drawing on diverse analytical
and methodological perspectives, examine some of the above-mentioned or
related issues. If interested, please, send us your abstract (100-150
words) to and

For full information about the conference see:

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