This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS -- CATR (Canadian Association for Theatre Research) CURATED PANEL - University of Victoria, 2013

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS -- CATR (Canadian Association for Theatre
Research) CURATED PANEL - University of Victoria, 2013

For more information, see:

*Panel Title:*/Performance and Auto/ethnography: Interdisciplinary
/*Organizers:* Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston (York University) and Dara
Culhane (Simon Fraser University)

In the last two decades, auto/ethnography has become an important way
of doing ethnographic research. Auto/ethnographers draw on
auto/biography -- a self-authored account of a person's life -- as a
way of thinking about everyday life and human experience. Although a
wide range of representational strategies has been employed in
auto/ethnographic work, performance, broadly understood, has become
one of its principal means of expression. Auto/ethnographers perform
their own experiences to extend understandings of culture, politics
and power. However, while debates about auto/ethnographic research
have been ongoing internationally, there have been few opportunities
for auto/ethnographers from interdisciplinary backgrounds to engage in
conversations about their work.

The goal of this panel is to better understand and articulate the
auto/ethnographic work that is currently being done by scholars both
within a Canadian context and abroad. We seek papers that engage with
questions of theoretical and methodological underpinnings of
auto/ethnographic research.

Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

·Theoretical and methodological advantages and disadvantages of
performative auto/ethnographic research

·Poetics and politics of performative auto/ethnographic work

·Performative auto/ethnographic work as cultural critique and/or
activist praxis

·Canadian performative auto/ethnography and American, British and
European counterparts

·Future trajectories of performative auto/ethnographic work

·Performative auto/ethnography in marginalized communities

·Relationship between ethnographer, research participants and
audiences in performative auto/ethnographic research

·Contributions of performative auto/ethnography to performance studies

Individual presentations should not exceed 15 minutes. The panel will
involve paper presentations and moderated discussions between fellow
presenters and conference participants.

Interested scholars should submit an abstract (no more than 250 words)
and a brief biography to Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston <>by December 15, 2012.
Invitations to participate will be emailed in early January 2013.

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