This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CFP: Queering Borders Panel @ 2012 AAA Meeting


Please take a look at our panel proposal for the 2012 AAA Meetings below.
If you are interested in participating, please send me
( your contact info and paper abstract (250 words) no
later than March 15 2012.

*Panel: Queering Borders: Sexuality, Migration and Citizenship*

Co-Organizers: David AB Murray (York U) and Nathalie Ricard (Universite

How does sexuality impact border crossings across time, space, embodied
differences, language and culture? How might anthropological theories,
concepts and methods address the operations of sexuality in the making,
unmaking and remaking of these borders? While a growing literature on
'queer migration' recognizes the centrality of sexuality in the
movements, governance, regulation and agency of bodies crossing
trans/national borders and in the very structure of those borders, there
has been thus far relatively little research on these issues published
from an anthropological perspective.The papers in this panel apply this
perspective to a series of questions pertaining to borders and queer
migration: Do queer migrants redefine or reinscribe national frontiers?
How are local queer communities (re)defined by the movements and
arrivals of transnational queer immigrants, migrants and/or refugees? How
do cosmopolitanism and nationalism operate in queer migrants'
organizations and policies? To what extent does the internet contribute
to the impact these organizations have across borders?How are practices
and policies of citizenship affected by queer migration? How do queer
migrants and refugees negotiate questions of identity, belonging and
status as they move across borders?These papers question methodological
and theoretical paradigms andprovide interventions that provoke new
insights into the relationship between migration, borders, and sexual

CIHR-IPPH Feb e-Bulletin | e-Bulletin f=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9v?= IRSC-ISPP

Address | Adresse :
600 Peter-Morand Crescent., Suite 312 | Pièce 312
Ottawa, ON K1G 5Z3
Tel | Tél :
613-562-5800 ext 8414
Fax | Téléc :
Email | Courriel
Website ( ) | Site web
( )
( ) ( ) ( )

IPPH Staff | Personnel de l'ISPP
Scientific Director | Directrice scientifique
Dre Nancy Edwards
Tel | Tél : 613-592-5800 ext | poste 8414
Associate Director | Directrice associée
Erica Di Ruggiero
Tel | Tél : 416-524-0111
Senior Evaluation Associate | Associée principale de l'évaluation
Sarah Viehbeck
Tel | Tél : 613-592-5800 ext | poste 1925
Knowledge Translation and Communications Officer | Agente en application
des connaissances et en communications
Emma Cohen
Tel | Tél : 613-562-5800 ext | poste 8439
Administrative Coordinator | Coordinatrice administrative
Jennifer Morgan
Tel | Tél : 613-562-5800 ext | poste 8414
Fax | Téléc : 613-521-2919

CIHR Corporate Staff | Personnel de l'administration centrale des IRSC
Assistant Director | Directrice adjointe
Julie Senécal
Tel | Tél : 613-952-4538
Associate, Strategic Initiatives | Associée, Initiatives stratégiques
Kim Gaudreau
Tel | Tél : 613-957-6128
Fax | Téléc : 613-954-1800

February 27, 2012 | 27 février 2012



Banff Science Communications Course

CIHR Partnership Award

Additional News:

Funding Opportunities / Grants / Awards
Calls for Abstracts / Papers
Scholarship / Fellowship / Internship / Educational Opportunities
Job Opportunities
Have you Read/Seen?
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Share your Publications and Success Stories

Banff Science Communications Course

The CIHR-Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH) is supporting
the Banff Science Communications Course (Aug. 11-25, 2012) to promote the
science of population and public health.

The course is an immersive two-week residency experience that is aimed at
mid-career professionals in both science and communications. The program
is structured around daily seminars and workshops on new forms of creative
science communications. Emphasis is on group discussion and work, and
participants will be urged to create outside their usual medium of
scientific communication. At the end of the program, participants publicly
present collaboratively created group projects using media such as the
web, television, print, and three-dimensional scenarios that have
developed under the influence of debates, visits, talks, and one-on-one

We would like to encourage you to apply and to let your colleagues know
about this exciting opportunity. Please note that funding up to $5000 is
available through the CIHR-IPPH Skills Update Awards.

Skills Update Awards application deadline: March 15, 2012. Application
details are available online ( ) .

Banff Science Communications Course application deadline: March 30, 2012.
More information about the course is available online ( ) .

CIHR Partnership Award

The CIHR Partnership Award annually recognizes a partnership that
exemplifies excellence. The recipients receive a $25,000 award in the form
of a one-year research grant for advancing the research or knowledge
translation activities of the partnership. Details on the eligibility and
selection criteria are available on CIHR's website ( ) .
Application deadline: May 1st, 2012

Funding Opportunities / Grants / Awards (organized by deadline)

IPPH funding opportunities can be found here ( ) by selecting the
Institute of Population and Public Health under the CIHR Institute
dropdown menu.

2011-12 CIHR-IPPH Institute Community Support (ICS) Program
The ICS is designed to foster community development by providing grants
and awards (including travel awards) to individuals and organizations for
the purposes of: aiding research and knowledge translation activities
where the circumstances fall outside CIHR's programs, supporting
organizations and activities whose goals are consistent with the
Institute's and CIHR's vision, mandate and strategic directions. Visit the
IPPH ICS website ( )
for more information. Please note that travel awards are now administered
through ResearchNet ( )
Application deadline: March 15, 2012

Chair: Reproductive and Child Health Services and Policy Research -
Applied Chairs in Reproductive, Child and Youth Health Services and Policy
The purpose of this Applied Chairs program is to support mid-career
faculty (5-15 years experience) who conduct reproductive, child and youth
health services and policy research, are dedicated to working with
decision makers to frame their research questions and interpret their
results, and train and mentor students, fellows, junior faculty and others
seeking career opportunities in this field, similarly committed to applied
health services and policy research.
Visit the website ( )
for more information.
Registration deadline: March 30, 2012
Application deadline: August 1, 2012

Health Research Communications Award
The purpose of this funding opportunity is to build capacity in health
journalism and communications across all sectors of health research,
including biomedical, clinical, health services and policy, and population
and public health. By increasing the number of Canadians engaged in
communicating and disseminating the results of health research, in a
variety of formats, CIHR hopes to raise the level of understanding of
health related issues and research among a variety of audiences, including
the general public, health professionals and policy makers. It is expected
that this targeted investment will lead to more effective communication of
health research in Canada.
Visit the website ( )
for more information
Application deadline: April 2, 2012

Residencies at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center
Through conferences and residencies, the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio
Center, in Northern Italy, supports innovations that change the way we
solve global problems. Here people of diverse expertise and backgrounds
come together in a thought-provoking, collegial environment that helps
promote impact on a wide range of world issues. To apply, and for more
information, please visit the website ( ) or download a
brochure ( ) .
Application deadlines: May 1, 2012

Calls for Abstracts / Papers

Please see the Calendar of Upcoming Events below.

Call for submissions of papers for a Public Health Reports special issue
focused on applying social determinants of health to public health
Guest editors Drs. Dean, Williams, and Fenton seek manuscripts that
advance scientific knowledge and illustrate how public health
professionals can address SDH across a range of public health activities
that promote health equity among populations most disproportionately
impacted by infectious and/or chronic diseases.
Manuscripts may be analytic or descriptive in format and should report on
SDH approaches in public health research, surveillance, communication,
policy, program, capacity building, or partnership activities.
For questions about PHR, please contact the Managing Editor, Julie Keefe
Deadline for submission: May 1, 2012.

Scholarship / Fellowship / Internship / Educational Opportunities

Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research: Call for
The goal of this 5-day training institute is to provide participants with
a thorough grounding in conducting dissemination and implementation
research in health. Faculty and guest lecturers will consist of leading
experts (practitioners and teachers) in theory, implementation and
evaluation approaches to D&I, creating partnerships and multi-level
transdisciplinary research teams, research design, methods and analyses
appropriate for D&I investigations and conducting research at different
and multiple levels of intervention (e.g., clinical, community, policy).
Visit the website ( )
for more information
Deadline to apply: March 2, 2012

The NEW Canadian Harkness Fellowships
The Commonwealth Fund, in collaboration with the Canadian Health Services
Research Foundation, offers a unique opportunity for mid-career
professionals—researchers, policy-makers, clinicians, managers and
journalists—to spend 12 months in the United States to conduct a
policy-oriented research study with leading U.S. health experts.
Visit the website ( )
for more information
Deadline to apply: March 12, 2012

Equity Lens in Public Health (ELPH) Program of Research at the University
of Victoria
ELPH is a CIHR-funded Core Public Health Functions Research Initiative
(CPHFRI) program of research and is housed in the University of Victoria
School of Nursing and Centre for Additions Research of BC (CARBC). The
ELPH Program of Research is seeking highly qualified candidates to engage
in research related to health equity in public health and application of
an equity lens in policy related to mental health promotion and preventing
the harms of substance use. Please contact project coordinator Kathleen
Perkin with any questions.
Visit the website for more information on Masters ( #malformed ) and
Doctoral ( #malformed ) Fellowships.
Application deadline: March 15, 2012

2012 Summer School - Gender, Sex and Global Health Research
We invite graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and professionals
committed to global health research to apply to the second Summer School
of the Global Health Research Capacity Strengthening Programme (GHR-CAPS)
which will take place in Montréal between August 21 and 24, 2012. There
will be a limited number of places (approximately 25) at this event,
gathering participants from Québec, Canada and low and medium income
countries (LMICs).
Visit the website ( )
for more information.
Application deadline: March 30, 2012

Job Opportunities

Scientist - Population Health Intervention Research - Public Health Ontario
Reporting to the Director of Health Promotion, Chronic Disease and Injury
Prevention, the Scientist is responsible for leading on the design and
implementation of solution-focused population health intervention research
(PHIR), which involves "the use of scientific methods to produce knowledge
about policy and program interventions that operate within or outside of
the health sector and have the potential to impact health at the
population level."
If you are interested in applying for this position, please visit ( )
and click on the job title.
This position will remain open until filled.

Have you Read/Seen?

- Urban Physical Environments and Health Inequalities: A Scoping Review of
Interventions ( )
- EXTRA Fellows tell their story on video
- 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes ( )

Calendar of Upcoming Events

March 2012
- Focusing the equity lens: evaluating the differential impact of social
welfare and health system "reforms" ( ) – March 16, 2012 from
12:00-1:30 pm. Montreal, Quebec.

April 2012
- Ontario Public Health Convention ( ) - April 2-4, 2012.
Toronto, Ontario.
- Unite For Sight - Global Health & Innovation Conference ( ) - April 21-22, 2012.
New Haven, Connecticut.
- 2012 World Congress on Public Health - Towards Global Health Equity:
Opportunities and Threats ( ) - April 22-27, 2012.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- IPY Conference From Knowledge to Action ( ) – April 22-27, 2012.
Montreal, Quebec.
- Population Health Sciences Research Network: Population Health - Methods
and Challenges Conference ( ) - April 24-26, 2011.
Birmingham, UK.
- Global Forum for Health Research ( ) - April 24-26, 2012.
Cape Town, South Africa.

May 2012
- National Health Law Conference: Global Health Challenges & the Role of
Law ( ) - May 4-5,
2012. Toronto, Ontario.
- Rural Research Workshop (RRW): Policy and Research in Community
Investment ( ) - May
24-25, 2012. Ottawa, Ontario.
- How to Talk About Science ( ) – May 25-27, 2012.
Victoria, British Columbia.

June 2012
- Canadian Public Health Association Conference - Creating and Sustaining
Healthy Environments ( )
- June 11-14, 2012. Edmonton, Alberta.

August 2012
- National Conference on Health Statistics ( ) - August 6-8, 2012.
Washington, DC. Abstract submission deadline: April 16, 2012
- Banff Science Communications ( ) – August 11-25, 2012.
Banff, Calgary.
- World Cancer Congress ( ) – August 27-30, 2012.
Montreal, Quebec.

October 2012
- Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference: Aging in a Changing
World ( ) - October 18
– 20, 2012. Vancouver, BC. Abstract submission deadline: April 2, 2012
- Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research ( ) – October 29-31, 2012.
Montreal, Quebec.
- Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research ( ) – October 31-November
3, 2012. Beijing, China.

November 2012
- European Public Health Conference ( ) - November 8-10,
2012. Portomaso, Malta. Abstract submission deadline: May 1, 2012

Share your Publications and Success Stories

Has your research led to a breakthrough, the development of a new
product/program, or changes in policy and practice? We want to hear about
it! Your story may be featured on our web site or in the next issue of our
Institute newsletter - POP News ( ) . Please email your
publications and / or impact stories to Emma Cohen, IPPH Knowledge
Translation and Communications Officer.



Prix du partenariat des IRSC

D'autres nouvelles:

Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix
Appel d'abrégés / de communications
Bourses / Bourses de recherche / Occasions de stage
Possibilités d'emploi
Avez-vous lu / vu ?
Calendrier d'événements à venir
Partager vos contributions scientifiques ou votre histoire de succès

Prix du partenariat des IRSC

Le Prix du partenariat des IRSC est décerné chaque année pour reconnaitre
l'excellence d'un partenariat. Les lauréats reçoivent une subvention de
recherche d'un an de 25 000 $ pour faire avancer la recherche ou appliquer
les connaissances issues d'un partenariat. Les détails sur l'éligibilité
et les critère d'admissibilité sont disponibles sur le site Web ( ) des IRSC.
Date limite pour présenter sa candidature : le 1er mai 2012

Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix (organizé par date limite)

Les possibilités de financement de l'ISPP peuvent être retrouvées ici ( ) en sélectionnant
l'Institut de la santé publique et des populations du menu déroulant.

Programme d'appui communautaire (PACI) de l'Institut de la santé publique
et des populations (ISPP) 2011-2012
Les instituts des IRSC recourent au PACI pour fournir des
subventions/bourses à des personnes et à des organisations appartenant à
leurs milieux respectifs, afin qu'elles s'en servent pour : fournir des
subventions ou des bourses pour des activités de recherche et
d'application des connaissances qui ne sont pas couvertes par les autres
programmes des IRSC ; et appuyer des organismes et des individus dont les
buts concordent avec la vision, le mandat et les orientations stratégiques
des IRSC et des leurs instituts. Pour de plus amples renseignements,
consultez le site-Web pour le PACI de l'ISPP. Veuillez noter que les
bourses de voyage de l'ISPP ( ) sont maintenant
administrés par RechercheNet ( ) .
Date limite de présentation des demandes : le 15 mars 2012

Chaire : Services et politiques en santé reproductive et en infantile -
Chaires de recherche appliquée sur les services et les politiques en santé
reproductive et en santé des enfants et des adolescents
Le Programme de chaires de recherche appliquée a pour but de soutenir des
professeurs en milieu de carrière (5-15 ans d'expérience) qui font de la
recherche liée aux services et politiques en santé reproductive et en
santé des enfants et des adolescents; qui sont engagés à travailler avec
des décideurs pour élaborer leurs questions de recherche et interpréter
leurs résultats et qui agissent comme mentors auprès d'étudiants, de
professeurs en début de carrière et d'autres personnes étant à la
recherche de possibilités de carrière en recherche appliquée sur les
services et les politiques de la santé reproductive et en santé des
enfants et des adolescents.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site Web ( ) des IRSC.
Date limite d'inscription : 30 mars 2012
Date limite de présentation des demandes : 1er août 2012

Bourse en communications dans le domaine de la recherche en santé
Le but de cette possibilité de financement est de développer la capacité
en journalisme et en communications dans tous les secteurs de la recherche
en santé, y compris la recherche biomédicale, la recherche clinique, la
recherche sur les services et politiques de santé, et la recherche sur la
santé des populations et la santé publique. En augmentant le nombre de
Canadiens engagés dans la communication et la dissémination des résultats
de la recherche en santé, sous diverses formes, les IRSC espèrent élever
le niveau de compréhension des problèmes de santé et de la recherche chez
divers groupes, notamment le grand public, les professionnels de la santé
et les décideurs. On s'attend à ce que cet investissement ciblé mène à une
communication plus efficace des résultats de la recherche en santé au
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web ( ) des IRSC.
Date limite de présentation des demandes : le 2 avril 2012

Appel d'abrégés / de communications

Veuillez voir le calendrier d'Événements à venir ci-dessous.

Bourses / Bourses de recherche / Occasions de stage

Nouveauté pour 2012-2013 - Une bourse complète à l'intention des
participants canadiens
Le Fonds du Commonwealth, en partenariat avec la Fondation canadienne de
la recherche sur les services de santé, offre une occasion unique à des
professionnels à mi-carrière – chercheurs, responsables de politiques,
cliniciens, gestionnaires et journalistes – de passer 12 mois aux
États-Unis de mener une étude technique orientée vers les politiques avec
des spécialistes américains des politiques de la santé.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web ( ) .
Date limite de présentation des demandes : le 12 mars 2012

École d'été 2012 - Le genre, le sexe et la recherche en santé mondiale
Nous invitons les étudiants des cycles supérieurs, les stagiaires
postdoctoraux et les professionnels engagés en recherche en santé mondiale
à soumettre leur candidature à la seconde école d'été du Programme, qui
aura lieu du 21 au 24 août 2012 à Montréal. Un nombre limité de places
(environ 25) sera disponible pour cet événement qui réunira des
participants du Québec, du Canada et de pays à revenu faible et moyen
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web ( ) .
Date limite de présentation des demandes : le 30 mars 2012

Possibilité d'emploi

Tous nos postes sont présentement dotés.

Avez-vous lu / vu?

- Environnements physiques en milieu urbain et inégalités en santé :
examen de la portée des interventions ( )
- L'accès aux soins de santé en Afrique de l'Ouest. Au-delà des idéologies
et des idées reçues ( )
. Par Valéry Ridde.

Calendrier d'événements à venir

Mars 2012
- Focusing the equity lens: evaluating the differential impact of social
welfare and health system "reforms" ( ) (anglais seulement) –
le 16 mars 2012 de midi à 13h00. Montréal (Québec).

Avril 2012
- 2012 World Congress on Public Health - Towards Global Health Equity:
Opportunities and Threats ( ) (anglais seulement)-
22 au 27 avril 2012. Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).
- API Conférence De la connaissance à l'action ( ) – du 22 au 27 avril
2012. Montréal (Québec).
- Population Health Sciences Research Network: Population Health - Methods
and Challenges Conference ( ) (anglais seulement) -
du 24 au 26 avril 2012. Birmingham, UK.
- Global Forum for Health Research ( ) (anglais seulement) –
du 24 au 26 avril 2012. Le Cap, Afrique du Sud.

May 2012
- Global Health Challenges and the Role of Law ( ) (anglais seulement) –
les 4 et 5 mai 2012. Toronto (Ontario).
- Atelier sur la recherche rurale : Politique et recherche en matière
d'investissement communautaire ( ) - du 24 au 25 mai
2012. Ottawa (Ontario).
- How to Talk About Science ( ) (anglais seulement) –
du 25 au 27 mai 2012. Victoria (Colombie-Britannique).

- Conférence annuelle de l'Association canadienne de santé publique :
Créer et soutenir des environnements sains ( ) – du 11 au 14 juin
2012. Edmonton (Alberta).

- National Conference on Health Statistics ( ) (anglais seulement) –
du 6 au 8 août 2012. Washington (D.C.) Date limite pour soumettre une
demande : 16 avril 2012
- Banff Science Communications ( ) (anglais seulement) –
du 11 au 25 août, 2012. Banff (Calgary).
- World Cancer Congress ( ) (anglais seulement) –
du 27 au 30 août 2012. Montréal (Québec).

- Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference: Aging in a Changing
World ( ) (anglais
seulement) – du 18 au 20 octobre 2012. Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique).
Date limite pour soumettre une demande : 2 avril 2012
- Pour l'excellence dans la recherche sur le genre, le sexe et la santé ( ) – du 29 au 31 octobre
2012. Montréal (Québec).
- Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research ( ) (anglais seulement) –
du 31 occtobre au 3 novembre 2012. Beijing, Chine.

- Conférence de l'Association européenne de santé publique ( ) (anglais seulement) –
du 8 au 10 novembre 2012. Portomaso, Malta. Date limite pour soumettre un
demande : 1er mai 2012

Partager vos contributions scientifiques ou votre histoire de succès

Est-ce que votre recherche a résulté dans une invention révolutionnaire,
le développement d'un nouveau produit/programme ou les changements dans la
politique et la pratique ? Nous voulons en entendre ! Votre histoire peut
être présentée sur notre site Web ou dans l'édition suivante de notre
bulletin d'Institut - POP Nouvelles ( ) . S'il vous plaît
envoyez vos publications et / ou vos histoires d'impact à Emma Cohen ,
Agente en application des connaissances et en communications, ISPP.

TAC Conference on Cultural Heritage Film Reminder

To Scholars and Film Makers :

We would like to remind everyone of the February 29 deadline for abstract and
symposium submissions for The Archaeology Channel Conference on Cultural
Film to be held May 9-11 in Eugene, Oregon, USA, in conjunction with our
annual installment of The Archaeology Channel International film and Video
(May 8-12). The Conference will be held at the University of Oregon Baker
Center. This is an international event, with films and film-makers coming
around the globe. Conference presenters will receive tickets to all film

Currently, we have commitments from participants coming from as far away as
Ethiopia, Armenia, Iran, and Algeria as well as the US. We anticipate
from the UK and possibly China as well. We encourage you to send your
abstracts and
join the group of contributors.

Papers on applications of film (academic, cultural, practical,
educational) will be
considered for conference presentation. There will also be an open
discussion of
Festival films. The goals of this conference are three-fold: (1) to
promote the
creation, distribution and use of cultural heritage film as an influence
for broad
cultural awareness and understanding; (2) to bring together educators,
archaeologists, anthropologists, historians, journalists, historic
environmentalists, geographers, and others interested in cultural heritage
and its
connections to the natural environment; and (3) to encourage the exchange
of new
ideas and approaches to employ film for the common good of all humanity.

The official call for papers is posted in our Festival area at TAC Festival
information may be found at, where hotel
is posted as well. We encourage you to participate (for no fee) even if
you don't
present a paper. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
I look
forward to hearing from you and seeing you at this year's event. Please
share this
information as widely as possible.

Richard M. Pettigrew, Ph.D., RPA

President and Executive Director
Archaeological Legacy Institute

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Calls for Applications: Summer Seminars and Assistantships

Call for Applications

Poland and Ukraine during and after World War II in the Records of the
Tracing Service Collection
AUGUST 6–10, 2012
Applications due April 13, 2012

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Center for Advanced
Holocaust Studies
invites applications for the 2012 International Tracing Service Seminar.
The fifth in a series of programs created to encourage the use of the
opened archival holdings of the International Tracing Service (ITS), this
seminar seeks to acquaint doctoral students and faculty specializing in
Poland and
Ukraine with the substantial parts of the ITS collection that relate to these
countries. Applications are welcome from doctoral students and faculty in all
relevant academic disciplines, including history, political science,
Jewish studies, psychology, sociology, geography, and others.
During the seminar, Museum scholars will assist participants in exploring
of the ITS collection relating to Poland and Ukraine. Participants will focus
especially on records concerning (1) forced and slave laborers in the
German war
economy; (2) Nazi Germany's expansionist and genocidal policies; and (3)
the postwar
experiences of displaced persons and refugees from Poland and Ukraine.
will also have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the Museum's
library and
archival resources and to explore the ITS collection.
For more information, please visit our website:
This seminar is made possible by the major support of Betty-Jean and David
Bavar and
the Curt C. and Else Silberman Foundation, with additional support from
Edie and
David Blitzstein, in memory of Kurt and Thea Sonnenmark, and K. Peter and
Yvonee R.

Call for Applications

Applications due April 13, 2012

The Center is pleased to invite applications for the Summer Graduate Research
Assistant program, designed for students accepted to or currently enrolled
in a
master's (MA) degree program. Students who have completed their MA within
the last
two years but are not yet enrolled in a doctoral (PhD) program also will be
considered. The objective of the assistantship is to acquaint promising
students with Holocaust studies by encouraging participation in the broad
range of
scholarly and public educational programs offered by the Museum during the
months. Applications are welcome from students in all relevant academic
including history, political science, literature, Jewish studies, psychology,
sociology, geography, and others.
Projects may include but are not limited to: (1) conducting research on
Holocaust-specific and Holocaust-relevant courses in the United States,
assisting with statistical assessments of the state of the field; (2)
preparations related to the August 2012 seminar on Poland and Ukraine
during and
after World War II in the Records of the International Tracing Service
as well as other projects related to the International Tracing Service
collection at the Museum; and (3) supporting the research, annotation,
contextualization, and editing required for advancing the Museum's
Encyclopedia of
Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945 (vols. 3-6) and the archival source series
Life and Destruction, especially for Jewish Responses to Persecution,
(vols. 3-5), and The Holocaust in Hungary.
In addition to each applicant's involvement in these projects, graduate
will be expected to participate in a weekly training seminar led by Museum
introducing them to key subjects, essential tools, useful methods and
approaches, as
well as career opportunities in Holocaust research. Each assistant will
meet with a
staff mentor who will assign weekly tasks and project goals and discuss
the progress
in achieving them. Assistants will be expected to familiarize themselves with
relevant topics through assigned readings and actively engage with Center
Assistants will be required to be in residence at the Museum for 12
weeks, arriving on June 1, 2012, and departing on August 24, 2012. They
will receive
a stipend of $2,500/month, as well as a stipend to offset the cost of direct,
economy-class travel to and from Washington, DC. Local assistants will not
receive a
travel allowance.
For more information, please visit our website:

Reminder: Call for Applications

Teaching the Gendered Experience of the Holocaust
JUNE 4–15, 2012
Applications due February 27, 2012

The Center invites applications for the 2012 Curt C. and Else Silberman
Seminar for
college and university faculty from all relevant disciplines who are
teaching or
preparing to teach Holocaust or Holocaust-related courses.
This year's seminar will deepen participants' understanding of the
Holocaust through
the perspective of gender. The seminar will explore and compare the points of
convergence and divergence between male and female experiences in a
variety of
circumstances, including early persecution, refugee life, concentration
camp life,
life in hiding, separation and reunion of families, and survival in the
postwar era.
Through an interdisciplinary lens that combines historical, literary,
archival, and
visual sources, participants will also analyze the experiences of gays and
how gendered perspective is reflected in Holocaust diaries, memoirs, and
art; the
gendered experiences of perpetrators and their postwar representation; and
topics. Participants also will have the opportunity to consult and
interact with
Museum staff and visiting fellows, as well as access the Museum's
extensive archival
and library collections.
The seminar will be co-led by two leaders in the field: Atina Grossmann,
of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Cooper Union
for the
Advancement of Science and Art, New York, New York, and Dorota Glowacka,
of Humanities and Director of the Contemporary Studies Programme,
University of
King's College, Halifax, Canada.
For more information, please visit our website:

Reminder: Call for Applications

Understanding Complicity: The Churches' Role in Nazi Germany
JUNE 18–22, 2012
Applications due March 1, 2012

The Museum's Committee on Church Relations and the Holocaust (CRC) invites
applications for its annual faculty seminar. Applications from professors
from all
disciplines will be considered, but the seminar is designed particularly for
professors of theology, ethics, and religious studies at theological
schools and
other institutions of advanced education.
This seminar will explore the historical and theological dynamics of the
of churches in Nazi Germany. How widespread was complicity in the German
during the Nazi era? What were the causes? What was the role of the
leadership of
the churches? There will be discussion of how the reactions of the German
to Nazism paralleled or differed from those of churches outside Nazi
Germany; what
influence historical complicity had on postwar discussions in Germany
about guilt
and responsibility; and how this issue has been addressed in the general
historiography of the Holocaust.
The seminar will be taught by two authorities in the field: Robert Ericksen,
Professor of History and Kurt Mayer Chair of Holocaust Studies at Pacific
University, and Victoria Barnett, Staff Director, CRC.
For more information, please visit our website:

A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial
inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent
genocide, and
promote human dignity. Federal support guarantees the Museum's permanent
place on
the National Mall, and its far-reaching educational programs and global
impact are
made possible by generous donors.

100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW Washington, DC 20024-2126

Volunteer Position Announcement

Volunteer Position Announcement

Archaeological Legacy Institute is announcing two volunteer position
openings, both which can be filled off site, via email! Here is your
chance to get involved with the creative heart of a dynamic and
growing enterprise. Your help here will have a direct impact on ALI's
productivity and ability to pursue its public mission. The experience
you gain will be directly transferable to other positions you may seek
in the future.

Background: Archaeological Legacy Institute is a tax-exempt nonprofit
organization based in Eugene, Oregon. Our streaming-media Web site
and chief project, The Archaeology Channel(;
TAC), launched 12 years ago, has become one of the world?s most
popular Web sites relating to archaeology and the human cultural
heritage, with annual traffic in the millions of page views. We now
are rebuilding TAC as an even more attractive, content-filled,
dynamic, and interactive platform for our programming, services and
information. A closely-related spinoff of TAC is The Archaeology
Channel International Film and Video Festival, produced each spring at
the Shedd Institute, in downtown Eugene, Oregon. In 2010, ALI
launched its first cable TV programming distributed over a growing
nationwide network of stations. Our most popular program is the Audio
News from Archaeologica, our weekly radio-style show summarizing the
top archaeology and cultural heritage research stories from around the
world and distributed on TAC and by podcast to a loyal audience in the
hundreds of thousands. ALI has numerous opportunities for unlimited
growth as an Internet media and public outreach organization and needs
to expand its volunteer work force in order to take advantage of these
opportunities. Some of our volunteers may become our employees,
depending upon their productivity and effectiveness.

Position 1: Script Editor

Hourly Commitment: Approximately two hours per week.

Job Purpose: To help our Audio News from Archaeologica team generate
professionally well written scripts. This work helps us get our
message and image out to the public and thereby effectively raise
public awareness of who we are, what we do and why they should care.

Description: Because of its long history, its accumulated experience
and vast worldwide network and its ambitious vision, ALI is destined
to become an influential participant in the world of media. In a
continuing effort to improve our programming, we need a dedicated
volunteer to supplement our existing Audio News editing staff to
spread the task load for this program that has been produced weekly
without a break for the past 11 years. You will be part of a team of
11 special people currently coordinating their efforts to make this

Key Responsibilities: The Script Editor will receive draft scripts by
e-mail on Sunday evenings or Monday mornings to edit. The editing
chore often goes beyond simple copy editing, involving rewriting and
checking sources. The end product is a script that is delivered by
e-mail to ALI?s production office, where it is processed further
before being read and recorded.

Requirements: This job requires people who have strong interest and
demonstrated ability in writing and text editing. We are looking for
people who grasp the nuances of the English language and have close
attention to detail, not only in terms of words, but also in terms of
meaning and expression. The ideal person also will have some
background and knowledge relating to archaeology and history. We
expect some measure of on-the-job learning and training, but we want
to find people who can take us to the next level of competence and
productivity as we move further into the world of digital media

Position 2: Listserve Coordinator

Hourly Commitment: Approximately 2-5 hours per week.

Job Purpose: To improve our ability to communicate with target
audiences. We frequently share information and make announcements via
listserves, so we need someone to take charge of this activity.

Description: Our Listserve Coordinator delivers our announcements and
information via multiple listserves to selected groups of recipients.

Key Responsibilities: The Listserve Coordiniator will expand our index
of listserve Web sites on archaeology, education, and related
subjects; serve as conduit for ALI information to listserves; and
monitor listserves for information useful to ALI.

Requirements: This job requires people with computer and
communication skills as well as familiarity and experience with the
World Wide Web. Ideal attributes include familiarity with listserves
and a background in archaeology and anthropology. We expect some
measure of on-the-job learning and training, but we want to find
people who can take us to the next level of competence and
productivity as we move still more actively into the world of public

TO APPLY: Contact Dr. Richard Pettigrew by telephone (541-345-5538) or
e-mail ( A resume is required.

Friday, February 24, 2012

*Deadline Feb 25th/La date limite, le 25 f=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9vrier*_CASCA_2012:_The_Unexpected/L'=92Inattendu?=

**Deadline tomorrow: February 25th**

**la date limite: demain, le 25 février**

(la version française suit)

CASCA 2012
The Unexpected

As a departure from more paradigmatic conferences, CASCA 2012, to be
held at the University of Alberta in Edmonton on May 9-12, will
explore The Unexpected. The papers and events in and around this
conference will explore how anthropologists think about and respond to
unanticipated, unpredicted, and surprising aspects of their research.
CASCA 2012 presents a moment in which anthropologists, from the most
senior to the most inexperienced and from every sub-discipline, can
reflect on and share those aspects of their research typically
reserved for more informal venues. We are delighted to host Prof.
Richard Jenkins from University of Sheffield whose keynote address,
"Tales of the unexpected: doing fieldwork and doing everyday life,"
promises to confront directly the often precarious and contradictory
aspects of anthropological research.

In order to encourage participants to explore topics in unexpected
ways, the structure of this conference will differ from those held
previously. To begin, the organizers of CASCA 2012 are proposing
several thematic panels to which scholars may submit individual
abstracts. These thematic panels will be built around a format of
short (5-8 minute) presentations based on papers to be circulated
prior to the conference with the goal of sparking a wider discussion
among those presenting and those attending the sessions. The
Conference organized thematic panels will include the following:

• Ethics and the unexpected
• Experiencing the unexpected
• Planning for the unexpected
• Practicing the unexpected
• The unexpected in the global imaginary
• Unexpected connections in and through bio-archaeology
• Uh, oh!

In addition to the aforementioned thematic panels, other forms of
participation will include papers, PechaKucha, and poster sessions.
Individually submitted abstracts are preferred; conference organizers
will assemble panels from individual paper abstracts (maximum 120
words) with the goal of building new and unexpected convergences
between participants and topics. Participant organized panels are not
excluded, but those panels may see some reorganization to better fit
the theme and spirit of the conference. Along with sessions that
follow a traditional 15-minute paper presentation format, we offer
participants the opportunity to present as a part of PechaKucha
panels, in which each presentation is allowed 20 slides with a
20-second limit for each slide, or in poster sessions. All formats
will allow for lively and engaging presentations that should engender
thought-provoking interactions between presenters and audience members.

As a possible starting place for imagining contributions to The
Unexpected, we offer the following suggestions, hoping that they will
provoke some new and unexpected topics to be explored with others at
CASCA 2012.

Anthropology of the unexpected, of crises, disasters and tranquility
Unexpected anthropology (e.g., science fiction, ethnographic fiction, etc.)
Unexpected anthropology in classrooms and other learning environments
Unexpected connections and collaborations between people, ideas, and
Unexpected consequences of anthropology
Unexpected dangers and taboos of anthropology
Unexpected humor and unexpected joy in anthropology
Unexpected research or results

Abstracts will be accepted through February 25th. For detailed
information on registration and abstract submission, visit the CASCA
website at


CASCA 2012

Pour s'éloigner du style formel des conférences annuelles, le thème de
CASCA 2012 qui se tiendra à l'Université de l'Alberta à Edmonton du 9
au 12 mai sera L'Inattendu. Le thème qui sera exploré aux cours de
cette conférence est comment les anthropologues pensent et réagissent
à l'inattendu, l'imprévu et les aspects surprenants de leur recherche.
CASCA 2012 présente une opportunité pour les anthropologues, du plus
aguerri au moins expérimenté et de toutes les sous-disciplines, de
réfléchir et partager ces aspects de leur recherche généralement
réservée à des occasions moins formelles. Nous avons le plaisir
d'accueillir le Professeur Richard Jenkins de l'Université de
Sheffield, conférencier d'honneur. Sa présentation, 'Contes de
l'inattendu : travail de terrain et la vie quotidienne', promet
d'adresser directement les aspects souvent précaires et
contradictoires de la recherche en anthropologie.

Afin d'encourager l'exploration de sujets de façon inattendue par les
participants, la structure de la conférence sera différente de celles
des années précédentes. Premièrement, les organisateurs de CASCA 2012
proposent plusieurs groupes de discussion thématiques pour lesquels
les participants peuvent soumettre un résumé individuel. Ces groupes
de discussion thématiques seront construits autour de courtes
présentations (5 à 8 minutes) basées sur des articles qui seront
distribués avant la conférence afin de générer de plus amples
discussions qui incluront les présentateurs ainsi que les autres
participants de ces forums et les membres de l'auditoire. Les thèmes
de ces groupes de discussion proposés par les organisateurs incluront :

• Éthique et l'Inattendu
• L'expérience de l'Inattendu
• Se Préparer à l'inattendu
• Pratiquer l'inattendu
• L'inattendu dans l'imaginaire universel
• Liens inattendus dans et à travers la bio archéologie
• Oh oh!

En plus de groupes thématiques ci-dessus, d'autres formes de
participation incluront les présentations traditionnelles, sessions
PechaKucha et affiches (posters). La soumission de résumé individuel
est préférable; les organisateurs de la conférence assembleront les
séances à partir des résumés (maximum de 120 mots) dans le but de
bâtir des convergences nouvelles et inattendues entre participants et
thèmes. Les séances thématiques traditionnelles proposées par les
participants ne sont pas exclues mais ces séances pourraient être
modifiées afin de mieux cadrer dans le thème et l'esprit de la
conférence. En plus des communications traditionnelles de 15 minutes,
les participants auront l'opportunité de présenter dans des séances
d'affiches ou PechaKucha, pour lesquelles il y aura un maximum de 20
diapositives et un maximum de 20 secondes par diapositives. Chaque
type de séances permettra des interactions plus vives et plus engagées
entre les présentateurs les membres de l'auditoire.

Comme point de départ pour imaginer des contributions à L'Inattendu,
nous offrons les suggestions suivantes en espérant qu'elles
provoqueront des sujets nouveaux et inattendus à explorer avec les
participants à CASCA 2012.

Anthropologie de l'inattendu, de crises, de désastres et de tranquillité
L'anthropologie inattendue (ex. science-fiction, fiction ethnographique,
L'anthropologie inattendue dans les classes ou autres milieux éducatifs
Collaborations et liens inattendus entre personnes, idées et disciplines
Conséquences inattendues de l'anthropologie
Dangers et tabous inattendus en anthropologie
Humour ou joie inattendu en anthropologie
Recherche ou résultats inattendus

Les résumés seront accepté jusqu'au 25 février. Pour plus de détails
sur l'inscription et les soumissions de résumés, visitez le site
internet de CASCA á

CASCA 2012 - Feminist Anthropology Award - Prix du R=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9seau?= des femmes de la CASCA


CASCA Women's Network Award for Student Paper in Feminist Anthropology -

Prix du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA récompensant l'article d'un étudiant
en anthropologie féministe - $100,00.

Graduate students in Anthropology who will be presenting a paper at the
2012 CASCA
meetings in Edmonton are invited to submit their papers for consideration
for the
CASCA Women's Network Award for Student Paper in Feminist Anthropology.
This award
has been established as part of the events celebrating the 25th
Anniversary of the
CASCA Women's Network in 2009, and will be presented for the third time in
2012. The
goal of this award is to encourage research into gender and gender issues
from a
Feminist Perspective among emerging scholars in Social/Cultural
Anthropology in

Students should submit an abstract and paper to the CASCA Women's Network
member Dr. Heather Howard ( for consideration by our award
panel. In
order to be considered, students must be registered in a Graduate Program in
Anthropology at a Canadian University or be within one year of
Papers must be received by April 15, 2012, and may not exceed 10 pages in
Papers may be submitted in either French or English. Students should
indicate the
university at which they are registered and their current year in the
program. The
selected paper will be published in the Canadian anthropology journal,

Pauline McKenzie Aucoin (CASCA Women's Network Co-ordinator)
Heather Howard (Women's Network Committee)

Prix du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA récompensant l'article d'un étudiant en
anthropologie féministe - $100,00.

Les étudiants de maîtrise en anthropologie souhaitant présenter un article
rencontres 2012 de la CASCA, à Edmonton, sont invités à le faire dans le
cadre du
Prix du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA récompensant l'article d'un étudiant en
anthropologie féministe. Établi en 2009 dans le cadre des évènements de
du 25e anniversaire du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA, ce prix connaîtra sa
édition en 2012. Son objectif est d'encourager la recherche dans les
domaines du
genre et des questions liées au genre dans une perspective féministe chez les
chercheurs émergents en anthropologie sociale et culturelle au Canada.

Les étudiant(e)s intéressés doivent soumettre leur article accompagné d'un
résumé à
Dr. Heather Howard ( Membre du Comité du Réseau des femmes
de la
CASCA, pour examen par notre jury. Pour que leur candidature soit valable,
étudiants doivent être inscrits à plein temps au programme de maîtrise d'une
université canadienne, ou être à moins d'une une année de l'obtention d'un
supérieur. Les articles doivent avoir été reçus au 15 avril 2012 et leur
longueur ne
doit pas excéder 10 pages; ils peuvent être rédigés en français ou en
anglais. Les
candidat(e)s doivent mentionner à quelle université ils(elles) sont
inscrit(e)s, et
en quelle année du programme. L'article lauréat sera publié dans la revue
d'anthropologie Anthropologica.

Meilleures salutations,

Pauline McKenzie Aucoin (coordonnatrice du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA)

Heather Howard (Membre du Comité)

Monday, February 20, 2012

*Deadline approaching - La date limite approche* - 25 f=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9vrier/February?= 25th - CASCA 2012

Deadline: February 25th/date limite: le 25 février

(la version française suit)

CASCA 2012
The Unexpected

As a departure from more paradigmatic conferences, CASCA 2012, to be
held at the University of Alberta in Edmonton on May 9-12, will
explore The Unexpected. The papers and events in and around this
conference will explore how anthropologists think about and respond to
unanticipated, unpredicted, and surprising aspects of their research.
CASCA 2012 presents a moment in which anthropologists, from the most
senior to the most inexperienced and from every sub-discipline, can
reflect on and share those aspects of their research typically
reserved for more informal venues. We are delighted to host Prof.
Richard Jenkins from University of Sheffield whose keynote address,
"Tales of the unexpected: doing fieldwork and doing everyday life,"
promises to confront directly the often precarious and contradictory
aspects of anthropological research.

In order to encourage participants to explore topics in unexpected
ways, the structure of this conference will differ from those held
previously. To begin, the organizers of CASCA 2012 are proposing
several thematic panels to which scholars may submit individual
abstracts. These thematic panels will be built around a format of
short (5-8 minute) presentations based on papers to be circulated
prior to the conference with the goal of sparking a wider discussion
among those presenting and those attending the sessions. The
Conference organized thematic panels will include the following:

• Ethics and the unexpected
• Experiencing the unexpected
• Planning for the unexpected
• Practicing the unexpected
• The unexpected in the global imaginary
• Unexpected connections in and through bio-archaeology
• Uh, oh!

In addition to the aforementioned thematic panels, other forms of
participation will include papers, PechaKucha, and poster sessions.
Individually submitted abstracts are preferred; conference organizers
will assemble panels from individual paper abstracts (maximum 120
words) with the goal of building new and unexpected convergences
between participants and topics. Participant organized panels are not
excluded, but those panels may see some reorganization to better fit
the theme and spirit of the conference. Along with sessions that
follow a traditional 15-minute paper presentation format, we offer
participants the opportunity to present as a part of PechaKucha
panels, in which each presentation is allowed 20 slides with a
20-second limit for each slide, or in poster sessions. All formats
will allow for lively and engaging presentations that should engender
thought-provoking interactions between presenters and audience members.

As a possible starting place for imagining contributions to The
Unexpected, we offer the following suggestions, hoping that they will
provoke some new and unexpected topics to be explored with others at
CASCA 2012.

Anthropology of the unexpected, of crises, disasters and tranquility
Unexpected anthropology (e.g., science fiction, ethnographic fiction, etc.)
Unexpected anthropology in classrooms and other learning environments
Unexpected connections and collaborations between people, ideas, and
Unexpected consequences of anthropology
Unexpected dangers and taboos of anthropology
Unexpected humor and unexpected joy in anthropology
Unexpected research or results

Abstracts will be accepted through February 25th. For detailed
information on registration and abstract submission, visit the CASCA
website at


CASCA 2012

Pour s'éloigner du style formel des conférences annuelles, le thème de
CASCA 2012 qui se tiendra à l'Université de l'Alberta à Edmonton du 9
au 12 mai sera L'Inattendu. Le thème qui sera exploré aux cours de
cette conférence est comment les anthropologues pensent et réagissent
à l'inattendu, l'imprévu et les aspects surprenants de leur recherche.
CASCA 2012 présente une opportunité pour les anthropologues, du plus
aguerri au moins expérimenté et de toutes les sous-disciplines, de
réfléchir et partager ces aspects de leur recherche généralement
réservée à des occasions moins formelles. Nous avons le plaisir
d'accueillir le Professeur Richard Jenkins de l'Université de
Sheffield, conférencier d'honneur. Sa présentation, 'Contes de
l'inattendu : travail de terrain et la vie quotidienne', promet
d'adresser directement les aspects souvent précaires et
contradictoires de la recherche en anthropologie.

Afin d'encourager l'exploration de sujets de façon inattendue par les
participants, la structure de la conférence sera différente de celles
des années précédentes. Premièrement, les organisateurs de CASCA 2012
proposent plusieurs groupes de discussion thématiques pour lesquels
les participants peuvent soumettre un résumé individuel. Ces groupes
de discussion thématiques seront construits autour de courtes
présentations (5 à 8 minutes) basées sur des articles qui seront
distribués avant la conférence afin de générer de plus amples
discussions qui incluront les présentateurs ainsi que les autres
participants de ces forums et les membres de l'auditoire. Les thèmes
de ces groupes de discussion proposés par les organisateurs incluront :

• Éthique et l'Inattendu
• L'expérience de l'Inattendu
• Se Préparer à l'inattendu
• Pratiquer l'inattendu
• L'inattendu dans l'imaginaire universel
• Liens inattendus dans et à travers la bio archéologie
• Oh oh!

En plus de groupes thématiques ci-dessus, d'autres formes de
participation incluront les présentations traditionnelles, sessions
PechaKucha et affiches (posters). La soumission de résumé individuel
est préférable; les organisateurs de la conférence assembleront les
séances à partir des résumés (maximum de 120 mots) dans le but de
bâtir des convergences nouvelles et inattendues entre participants et
thèmes. Les séances thématiques traditionnelles proposées par les
participants ne sont pas exclues mais ces séances pourraient être
modifiées afin de mieux cadrer dans le thème et l'esprit de la
conférence. En plus des communications traditionnelles de 15 minutes,
les participants auront l'opportunité de présenter dans des séances
d'affiches ou PechaKucha, pour lesquelles il y aura un maximum de 20
diapositives et un maximum de 20 secondes par diapositives. Chaque
type de séances permettra des interactions plus vives et plus engagées
entre les présentateurs les membres de l'auditoire.

Comme point de départ pour imaginer des contributions à L'Inattendu,
nous offrons les suggestions suivantes en espérant qu'elles
provoqueront des sujets nouveaux et inattendus à explorer avec les
participants à CASCA 2012.

Anthropologie de l'inattendu, de crises, de désastres et de tranquillité
L'anthropologie inattendue (ex. science-fiction, fiction ethnographique,
L'anthropologie inattendue dans les classes ou autres milieux éducatifs
Collaborations et liens inattendus entre personnes, idées et disciplines
Conséquences inattendues de l'anthropologie
Dangers et tabous inattendus en anthropologie
Humour ou joie inattendu en anthropologie
Recherche ou résultats inattendus

Les résumés seront accepté jusqu'au 25 février. Pour plus de détails
sur l'inscription et les soumissions de résumés, visitez le site
internet de CASCA á

2013 Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship

Calls for Papers: The Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist

Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society

The Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship

Submission deadline: March 1, 2012

Named in honor of the founding editor of Signs: Journal of Women in
Culture and Society, the Catharine Stimpson Prize is designed to
recognize excellence and innovation in the work of emerging feminist
scholars and is awarded biannually to the best paper in an international
competition. Leading feminist scholars from around the globe will select
the winner. The prizewinning paper will be published in Signs, and the
author will be provided an honorarium of $1,000. All papers submitted
for the Stimpson Prize will be considered for peer review and possible
publication in Signs.

Eligibility: Feminist scholars in the early years of their careers (less
than seven years since receipt of the terminal degree) are invited to
submit papers for the Stimpson Prize. Papers may be on any topic that
falls within the broad rubric of interdisciplinary feminist scholarship.

For details, see:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

CASCA 2012: Register Today/Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

(la version française suit)

If you would like to present at CASCA 2012, today is the last day to
register for a CASCA membership!

In order to compensate for the time delay between registering for CASCA
membership and registering for the conference, the CASCA 2012 conference
committee will accept abstracts until February 25, if you have registered
for CASCA membership by today.

Conference sessions will run Wednesday, May 9 through Friday, May 11.

Check out WestJet's seat sale for great fares to Edmonton; the sale ends


Si vous souhaitez présenter à la CASCA 2012, est aujourd'hui le dernier
jour pour s'inscrire à un membres de la CASCA!

Pour remédier au délai entre l'inscription à la conférence et
l'inscription comme membre de CASCA, le comité organisateur de CASCA 2012
acceptera les résumés jusqu' au 25 février, si vous vous êtes enregistré
comme membre de CASCA aujourd'hui au plus tard.

Les présentations pour la conférence se dérouleront du Mercredi 9 Mai au
Vendredi le 11 Mai.

Consultez la vente de siège de WestJet en direction d'Edmonton. La vente
se termine demain.

Poste menant à la permanence, tenure-track job, U Laval

English announcement follows
Québec, Ville de Québec, Canada
Le Département d'anthropologie de l'Université Laval sollicite des
candidatures pour un poste régulier à temps complet de
en anthropologie sociale et culturelle avec une spécialisation sur
l'autochtonie ou les minorités. Aucune préférence n'est accordée à l'aire
recherche. La date d'entrée en fonction est le 1er septembre 2012. Les
éléments suivants doivent se retrouver au dossier :
- une lettre de motivation faisant état :
- d'un terrain significatif réalisé sur l'un des domaines ciblés;
- d'une volonté de diriger des étudiants aux trois cycles;
- d'un programme de recherche;
- une copie du diplôme du Ph. D. en anthropologie;
- un curriculum vitae;
- les noms et coordonnées de trois répondants.
Ces pièces devront faire la preuve d'un dossier de publications
scientifiques étoffé, d'expérience en enseignement et de la maîtrise du
français. L'obtention de subventions de recherche d'organismes reconnus
serait un atout.
La date limite de réception des dossiers de candidature est le 16 mars 2012,
par courrier postal.
Pour toute information, contactez :
Marie-Andrée Couillard, directrice
Département d'anthropologie
Pavillon Charles-De Koninck, bureau 3431
1030, avenue des Sciences-Humaines
Université Laval
Québec, Québec, G1V 0A6
Courriel :
Valorisant la diversité, l'Université Laval invite toutes les personnes
qualifiées à présenter leur candidature, en particulier les femmes, les
membres de minorités visibles et ethniques, les autochtones et les
handicapées. La priorité sera toutefois accordée aux personnes ayant le
statut de citoyen canadien ou de résident permanent.


Québec City, Québec, Canada
The Department of Anthropology at Université Laval invites applications for
a tenure-track, full-time teaching and research position in Social and
Cultural Anthropology, with a specialization in indigenous or minority
studies. Regional specialization remains open. The appointment will be due
to start on September 1st, 2012.
The application package must include:
- a cover letter stating, among other things, that the candidate:
- has conducted significant field work on one of the target themes of
- is qualified and willing to supervise graduate students at MA and Ph.D.
- has a clear plan for future research;
- a copy of the Ph.D. degree;
- a curriculum vitae;
- the names and contact information for three potential referees.
It is expected that these documents will provide evidence of substantial
scientific publications, of teaching experience, and fluency in French.
Previous success in securing research funding would also be a strength.
The deadline for hard copies of application files to be received is March
16th, 2012.
For additional information, please contact:
Prof. Marie-Andrée Couillard, Chair
Département d'anthropologie
Pavillon Charles-De Koninck, bureau 3431
1030, avenue des Sciences-Humaines
Université Laval
Québec City, Québec, G1V 0A6
Email :
Valuing diversity, Université Laval encourages all qualified individuals to
apply - particularly women, visible and ethnic minorities, aboriginal
persons, and persons with disabilities - but priority will be given to
Canadians and Canadian permanent residents.

CIHR Proposed Reforms | IRSC Changements propos=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9s?=

Le français suit l'anglais

Proposed Reforms of Open Programs and Peer Review
CIHR has initiated a process to design a new Open Suite of Programs and
peer review system that ensures the long-term sustainability of CIHR's
contribution to the Canadian health research enterprise, removes barriers,
and enables researchers from all pillars to improve CIHR's ability to
deliver on its mandate. CIHR sees these reforms as an opportunity to take
a holistic approach to designing a new Open Suite of Programs and peer
review process, and to address multiple challenges at once.
As part of our ongoing discussions on the CIHR reforms, we are pleased to
share with you the "Open Suite of Programs and Peer Review Enhancements"
discussion paper, which can be found on the CIHR website at: This document provides an
overview of our current thinking on the new design.

Before further developing elements of design and moving forward with their
implementation, CIHR wants to ensure that the changes being contemplated
address the concerns that have been raised by its research community. We
encourage you to share your perspectives to help us refine the design and
ensure that the transition occurs with minimal disruption.

You can submit feedback by completing a survey, participating in the CIHR
on-line discussion forum, attending an institution discussion or sending
us an email. Comments can be submitted until March 30, 2012.

We are looking forward to an on-going, active, and productive discussion
with our research community about the new Open Suite of Programs and Peer
Review Enhancements over the coming months.
160 Elgin Street, 9th Floor
Address locator 4809A
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W9

Changements proposés à la série de programmes ouverts
et améliorations au processus d'évaluation par les pairs
Les IRSC ont entrepris de concevoir une nouvelle série de
programmes ouverts et des améliorations au système
d'évaluation par les pairs dans le but d'assurer la
viabilité à long terme de la contribution des IRSC à
l'entreprise canadienne de recherche en santé, de supprimer
certains obstacles et de permettre aux chercheurs œuvrant dans tous les
thèmes de recherche d'améliorer la capacité des IRSC
de s'acquitter de leur mandat. Les réformes entreprises permettent
aux IRSC d'adopter une approche globale pour concevoir une nouvelle
série de programmes ouverts et des améliorations au
processus d'évaluation par les pairs, et pour solutionner plusieurs
problèmes d'un coup.
Dans le cadre de nos discussions continues sur les réformes
proposées par les IRSC, nous sommes heureux de vous
présenter le document de travail conceptuel « Proposition de
changements à la série de programmes ouverts des IRSC et
d'améliorations au processus d'évaluation par les pairs
», qui se trouve sur le site Web des IRSC à Ce document donne un
aperçu de l'état actuel de notre réflexion sur la
nouvelle conception.

Avant de poursuivre le développement des éléments de
la conception et d'aller de l'avant avec leur mise en œuvre, les IRSC
veulent s'assurer que les changements envisagés répondent
aux préoccupations soulevées par le milieu de la recherche.
Nous vous encourageons à nous faire part de vos points de vue pour
nous aider à préciser la conception et veiller à ce
que la transition se fasse le plus harmonieusement possible.

Vous pouvez soumettre vos commentaires en répondant à un
sondage, en participant au forum de discussion en ligne des IRSC, en
prenant part à une discussion dans un établissement ou en
nous envoyant un courriel. Vous avez jusqu'au 30 mars 2012 pour nous faire
parvenir vos commentaires.

Nous sommes impatients d'entreprendre un dialogue continu, actif et
productif avec les chercheurs au cours des mois à venir à
propos de la nouvelle série de programmes ouverts et des
améliorations à l'évaluation par les pairs.
160, rue Elgin 9e étage
Indice de l'adresse 4809A
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W9

CIHR - Institute of Population and Public Health
312 - 600 Peter-Morand Cres.
Ottawa Ontario K1G5Z3


Demeter Press
is seeking submissions for an edited collection
Chasing Rainbows: Exploring Gender
Fluid Parenting Practices
Co-Editors: Fiona Green and May Friedman
Publication Date: Early 2014
Feminist parenting creates unique challenges. Mothers may struggle with
shifts in their own subjectivity and the
peculiar conjoinment of parenthood. As women experience the unique
powerlessness of motherhood, they also hold
the uncomfortable power of acting as agents of socialization and social
control over their children. Fathers may feel
the desire for feminist parenting while experiencing a backlash and a lack
of support, while some parents may attempt
to resist the binaries of mothering and fathering in their feminist
parenting journey.
Feminist parents may attempt to resist gender binaries; they may submit to
them while attempting to foster critical
dialogue; they may struggle with the display of their own femininity and
masculinity or, for some, its perceived lack.
For some parents a dialogue about gender normativity may be inspired by
gender-diverse behavior on the part of their
own children, while others may parent children who happily submit to the
mainstream and query the need for gender
questioning. Chasing Rainbows: Exploring Gender Fluid Parenting Practices
attempts to cast a lens on the messy and
convoluted ways that feminist parents approach parenting their children in
gender aware and gender fluid ways. The
collection aims to draw together scholars, activists and community members
to open a conversation about the
challenges of exploring and maintaining an awareness of gender while
parenting in a highly gender normative world.
Because gender is expressed and performed differently in various places
and spaces, and across different ages, this
collection welcomes submissions from feminist parents and from the widest
range of experiences.
Possible approaches may include (but are not limited to):
• Cross-cultural, historical, transnational, comparative and
interdisciplinary modes of inquiry and analysis
• Gender fluid parenting within and beyond cisgendered mother and father
parenting roles
• The challenges and gifts of affective/psychic/embodied transformations
of gender fluid parenting
• Media representations and spectacles of gender fluid/diverse/variant
• Alternative visual and artistic depictions of gender variant
socialization in/of family life
• Racialization of gender variant parenting/family discourses
• Gender diverse self-help parenting texts
• Community based gender variant/diverse/fluid family activism and organizing
• Commodification of gender fluid and gender variant families
• Practical and theoretical ways of complicating and shaping fluid gender
• Broad social and historical forces that impact what can be done and said
in the name of gender diverse families
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts should be 250 words. Please also include a brief biography (50
words) with citizenship.
Please send to:, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria
St., Toronto, ON M5B 2K3
and, University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Ave.,
Winnipeg, MB R3T 1M5.
Deadline for Abstracts is March 15, 2012 & Deadline for Acceptances is May
15, 2012.
Accepted papers not exceeding 15 pages (3750 words) will be due February
15, 2013
and should be formatted according to MLA guidelines. The book is to have
50 percent
Canadian content, so Canadian contributors are especially encouraged to
Demeter Press
140 Holland St. West, PO 13022
Bradford, ON L3Z 2Y5 Tel: (905) 775-9089 /

Monday, February 13, 2012

CASCA: Jobs/Emplois

3 postes/3 postings

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) at Dalhousie University
invites applications for a Tier I Canada Research Chair on "Children and
Global Development." The appointment will be at the rank of Professor and
will be conditional on the successful applicant being approved as a Tier 1
Research Chair by the CRC secretariat. The position is open with regard to
disciplinary specialization, with a primary appointment in one of the
Faculty's Departments (Classics, English, French, German, History,
International Development Studies, Music, Philosophy, Political Science,
Russian Studies, Sociology and Social Anthropology, Spanish and Latin
American Studies or Theatre). A research emphasis on the area of children
and conflict would be an asset. Dalhousie University has growing strength
in the broad area of "Children in Challenging Contexts", including
researchers in the School of Social Work and the Faculty of Medicine as
well as FASS. This strength is reflected, for example, in a new Network
Centres of Excellence Knowledge Mobilization grant on Children in
Challenging Contexts and the Centre for Foreign Policy Studies Child
Soldier/Conflict Affected Youth initiatives. The successful candidate will
be expected to sustain a strong research program of their own, and in so
doing actively contribute to intra- and inter-faculty collaborations in
this area of emphasis.
Candidates must have a PhD, an outstanding research profile, and an
innovative and original research programme; a strong track-record of
obtaining external funding; and the ability to work co-operatively,
provide leadership in an interdisciplinary environment, develop
multi-faceted research projects, and work with graduate students and/or
post-doctoral fellows. Although this is primarily a research appointment,
the appointee will be expected to teach at the graduate and undergraduate
The Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Programme has been established by the
Government of Canada to enable Canadian universities to foster research
excellence and enhance their role as world-class centres of research
excellence. More information about the Canada Research Chairs Programme is
available at: Please note that the CRC
nominations are subject to review and final approval by the CRC
Dalhousie is the leading graduate and research university of Atlantic
Canada, with more than 17,000 students from over 100 countries (more than
3500 in graduate programmes). It is located in Halifax – the major centre
in the scenic Atlantic region and a city widely known for its high quality
of life. Further information about the Faculty and the university can be
obtained at <>. Dalhousie University
is an Employment Equity/Affirmative Action employer. The University
encourages applications from qualified Aboriginal people, persons with a
disability, racially visible persons and women. Applications should
include a detailed curriculum vitae, a two-page summary of the candidate's
proposed research programme, a statement of research and teaching
interests and philosophies, and three confidential letters of reference
forwarded by the referees. All application materials should be sent in
hard copy.
Deadline: 16 March 2012
Chair, CRC Tier 1 Appointments Committee
Office of the Dean
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dalhousie University
6135 University Avenue, Suite 3030
PO BOX 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2


Arts & Education
The Arts and Education Department at Grande Prairie Regional College
requires an Anthropology Instructor to teach 4 sections of AN1010 –
Introductory Anthropology, as well as AN2060 – Introductory Archeology,
AN2190 – World Prehistory, AN2460 – Circumpolar Ethnography, and one
undergraduate course in the successful candidate's discipline of
A PhD in Anthropology is strongly desired. Candidates near completion of
their PhD will also be considered. Field experience in archaeology and/or
ethnography is desired. The successful candidate will possess a strong
background in anthropological and archeological methodology and theory as
well as a demonstrated record of excellence in post-secondary teaching.
This full time sessional position (sabbatical replacement) will commence
August 15, 2012 and end April 30, 2013.
Grande Prairie Regional College offers an attractive remuneration and
benefits package. Salary will commensurate with qualifications and
Competition Number: WP0793
Submit your resume for this position plus the names of 3 references by
4:30 p.m., Thursday, March 15, 2012, to:
Human Resources, Grande Prairie Regional College
10726 - 106 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4C4 Fax# (780) 539-2854 Mail,
fax or email your application. If applying by email, Microsoft Word
applications are accepted. Send email to: We
thank all applicants for their interest. Only those applicants selected
for interview will be contacted.


Faculty Search – Museum Studies
The Faculty of Information, more commonly known as the iSchool, at the
University of Toronto invites applications in the area of Museum Studies
at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. The appointment will
commence on July 1, 2012.
The Faculty seeks candidates with excellent research and teaching
abilities and a commitment to shaping the future of the Faculty and
scholarship in the fields of museum studies/museology, and heritage
studies. The Faculty invites applications from scholars with active
research in one or more of the following areas: (i) in museum
studies/museology as a field of study; (ii) museum education; (iii)
museums and communities; (iv) museum communication, interpretation, and
meaning making; (v) collections management; and (vi) museums, information,
and communication technology.
The iSchool at the University of Toronto educates the next generation of
professional and academic leaders in Information to transform society
through collaboration, innovation and knowledge creation. Museums and
heritage form a central role in culture and social development both
locally and internationally and their advanced academic and applied study
is essential. The Faculty recognizes that the field of museums and
heritage, as well as its role and involvement in society, is dynamically
evolving, contributing to the development of new forms of social
engagement and cultural action. In parallel, the Faculty also studies
society's information practices as they are being reconfigured and
transformed by material shifts in information infrastructures and by
political and cultural shifts in our attitudes toward information as a
social phenomenon.
Applicants must have a PhD (or equivalent), a proven record of excellence
in scholarship, experience with multidisciplinary research, and superior
teaching experience. Applicants are expected to be able to demonstrate a
history of professional engagement with the museum sector. Applicants
applying at the Associate Professor level are expected to have experience
leading research projects and working with graduate students. Experience
developing Museum Studies/Museological (and related) curricula and new
courses are an asset. Rank and salary will be competitive and commensurate
with qualifications and experience.
Applicants should submit curriculum vitae, teaching dossier (including
statement of teaching philosophy), copies of three representative
papers/publications, and a statement outlining current and future research
interests. Applicants should also arrange to have three letters of
reference sent, under separate cover, to the Dean at the address listed
The Committee will begin consideration of applications on March 1, 2012,
but the search will remain open until the position is filled.
Electronic submission through our online system is strongly preferred by
clicking on the following link:
We encourage you to combine your attachments into one or two files.
Applicants are able to submit up to five files per profile. If you are
unable to apply online, please submit your application and other materials
to the following address: Submissions:
Dean Seamus Ross
Chair, Search Committee Email:
The University of Toronto offers excellent opportunities to teach, conduct
research, and live in one of the most culturally diverse cities in the
world. The Faculty of Information provides a context in which to work in
an emerging interdisciplinary environment with close ties to a range of
collaborative programs including Knowledge Media Design, and Book History
and Print Culture. Faculty website:
The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its
community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group
members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of
sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further
diversification of ideas.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. Canadians and permanent
residents will be given priority.

Casca News

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