This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Job posting - Human Rights Program, Carleton University

The Human Rights Program in the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies at
Carleton University invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at
the level of Assistant Professor, to commence on July 1st, 2012.

The Human Rights program is one of only two interdisciplinary
undergraduate programs in Human Rights in Canada, and has over 400 majors
currently registered. The successful candidate will be expected to
contribute to the growing needs of this expanding program.

Qualifications: A Ph.D. in a related field; evidence of demonstrated
excellence in teaching; a track record of research and publication; and
experience in the field of Human Rights.

We are seeking candidates whose expertise lies in Health and Human Rights,
in one or both of the following areas of specialty:

1. Social, cultural, and economic rights
2. Indigenous Populations in Canada and/or in transnational communities
and the health implications of income inequality, environmental
vulnerability, and the allocation of health-sustaining resources.

The successful candidate will be expected to develop a program of research
leading to significant peer-reviewed publications, and to contribute
effectively to academic life in the Institute. A demonstrated
interdisciplinary and critical approach to human rights frameworks in both
teaching and research is required.

Applications will be reviewed beginning 13 February 2012. Please include
the following in your application package: a letter of application, a
curriculum vitae, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and samples of
writing or published work. At the same time, candidates should arrange to
have three referees forward supporting letters. Materials can be mailed to:
Patrizia Gentile, Director, Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies,
Carleton University, 2201 Dunton Tower, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa,
Ontario, K1S 5B6 or sent electronically to

Carleton University is strongly committed to fostering diversity within its
community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment, and social
strength. We welcome those who would contribute to the further
diversification of our faculty and its scholarship including, but not
limited to, women, visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, persons with
disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. All
qualified candidates are encouraged to apply but applications from
Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

This position is subject to budgetary approval.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Appel AC=?iso-8859-1?Q?=C9A/Call?= for papers CAAS

(version in French follows below)
Canadian Association of African Studies/
Association canadienne des études africaines

Africa in transformation: Africa of individuals, Africa of generations

Laval University
Quebec, Canada
2-4 May 2012

The Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS) extends a special
invitation to all scholars and professionals working on all aspects of
African Studies for its next annual conference to be held on May 2-4,
2012, at Université Laval in Québec City, Canada. The meeting will be
hosted by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences with
support from Laval University, the two Faculties, the Groupe
Interuniversitaire d'Études et de Recherches sur les Sociétés Africaines
(GIERSA), the Observatoire Démographique et Statistique de l'Espace
Francophone (ODSEF), and the Chaire de recherche du Canada en littératures
africaines et Francophonie. Our aim is to attract an international group
of specialists at all stages in their careers for discussion and dialogue
in both of Canada's official languages, across disciplines, and between
scholars and professionals based in both the North and South.

In recent times African societies have experienced tremendous changes,
whether the dimension be social, economic, demographic, political,
media-related, cultural, or religious. This conference aims to explore, in
both French and English, the many facets of these mutations at the level
of individuals as well as at the level of social groups such as
generations, and in the varied contexts of self-affirmation, the
restructuring or erosion of political arrangements, economic crisis,
social tension, affirmation of religious identities, and cultural
pluralism. In the tradition of CAAS, the conference hopes to inspire
interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary inquiry as well as perspectives
over the longue durée.

To be sure, the conference will welcome papers on all topics, but three
major themes may serve to guide reflection about the dramatic changes in
Africa raised in the preceding paragraph:
Theme 1: Observation of the relationships between younger and older
people, men and women, social classes, and generations in order to analyze
the origins of tensions, negotiations as well as the often complex
strategies that lead to cooperation. This theme privileges consideration
of the internal dynamics of African societies and encourages the
reexamination of other classic themes—the power of gerontocracy, the role
of youth as either dependents of their elders or fomenters of violence, or
the situation of women as prisoners of social inferiority.
Theme 2: Analysis of how African societies, as illustrated through the
lives of famous people as well as the not-so-famous and family dynamics
both within and between generations, arrived at ways of responding to or
even resisting the numerous challenges posed by slave trades, diverse
imperialisms, decolonizations, political autocracies, democratic
transitions and their diverse evolutions, and changes in the face of
Theme 3: Review considerations of the different forms of participation in
social and public life, and the variety of forms of civic mobilization—of
individuals, social groups, and generations in times of severe political
and socioeconomic crisis. Such an approach encourages reflection about the
varied ways that people and groups position themselves regarding
individualization or community or the two taken together. It also promotes
analysis of the emergence of various forms of socialization and
sociability which may give rise to solidarity. Finally, it allows study of
how these forms of participation are expressed—in the mass media, popular
culture, and arts and literature.

The Canadian Association of African Studies and its journal, the Canadian
Journal of African Studies have long served as important platforms for
scholarship on Africa. As such, and in addition to the more focused themes
elaborated above, the conference welcomes papers on a broad range of
topics and themes related to the continent, both disciplinary and
interdisciplinary. Hence the meeting will be an occasion to share, in both
French and English, research on topics such as the state in Africa, civil
society, migrations, the slave trades, Africa in the international arena,
conflicts within the continent, linguistic practice, religious dynamics,
and so on. In keeping with the bilingual nature of CAAS, paper and panel
proposals in French are particularly welcomed.

The deadline for submitting paper proposals and panel proposals is January
10, 2012. Proposals for individual papers should be 150-200 words, while
panel proposals should be 200-250 words. For information on submitting
paper and panel abstracts, conference registration payment (on-line or by
cheque), requests for funding for graduate students in Canada, as well as
information regarding accommodations please send an e-mail to and go to CAAS site which will be updated regularly:

The organizing committee, the Executive Committee of the association, and
all of its members look forward to welcoming you at Laval University in
Quebec City in May 2012.


L'Afrique en mutations :
l'Afrique des individus, l'Afrique des générations

Association canadienne des études africaines/
Canadian Association of African Studies

Université Laval
Québec, Canada
Du 2 au 4 mai 2012

L'Association canadienne des études africaines (ACÉA) lance une invitation
toute spéciale aux chercheurs et professionnels travaillant sur les
différents aspects des études africaines pour sa prochaine conférence
annuelle. Celle-ci se tiendra du 2 au 4 mai 2012, à l'Université Laval,
Québec, Canada et sera accueillie par la Faculté des Lettres et la Faculté
des Sciences sociales avec le soutien notamment de l'Université Laval, de
ces deux Facultés, du Groupe Interuniversitaire d'Études et de Recherches
sur les sociétés africaines (GIERSA), de l'Observatoire démographique et
statistique de l'espace francophone (ODSEF) et de la Chaire de recherche
du Canada en littératures africaines et Francophonie. Notre but est de
faire aussi se rencontrer les chercheurs et les étudiants du Sud comme du
Nord, afin de favoriser, par delà les frontières disciplinaires les débats
dans les deux langues officielles du Canada.

En Afrique, les sociétés ont connu jusqu'à aujourd'hui des mutations
majeures, tant aux plans social, économique, démographique, politique,
médiatique, culturel que religieux. À cette conférence, seront explorées,
en français et en anglais, les multiples facettes de ces mutations en
confrontant des réalités sociales tant à l'échelle de l'individu, des
groupes sociaux que des générations et ce, à travers des contextes
d'affirmation, de restructuration ou d'érosion du Politique, de crises
économiques, de tensions sociales, d'affirmation du religieux ou de
foisonnement culturel. La conférence s'inscrit résolument dans une
perspective pluridisciplinaire voire interdisciplinaire et sur la longue

Trois axes principaux, mais non exclusifs, pourront guider les réflexions :
Axe 1 : observer les rapports entres jeunes et aînés, entre femmes et
hommes, entre classes sociales et entre générations afin d'analyser la
mise en œuvre de tensions, de négociations voire des stratégies complexes
de coopération. Ceci permettra notamment de rendre compte des dynamiques
internes des sociétés africaines, de revisiter les schémas classiques de
la gérontocratie, de l'image d'une jeunesse sacrifiée ou violente, de
l'image de la femme enfermée dans des situations d'infériorité sociale;
Axe 2 : analyser comment les sociétés africaines, à travers des
itinéraires individuels de personnes illustres ou non, des dynamiques
familiales, intra et intergénérationnelles, ont su répondre, résister
voire s'adapter aux défis de la traite, des impérialismes, des
décolonisations, des autoritarismes politiques, des transitions
démocratiques et de ses évolutions contrastées et de la mondialisation ;
Axe 3 : rendre compte des différentes formes de participation à la vie
sociale et publique, de mobilisation citoyenne des individus, des groupes
sociaux et des générations dans des moments de crises politiques et
socioéconomiques aigües. Ceci permettra, d'une part, de réfléchir sur des
postures en lien avec l'individualisation, celles en lien avec la
communauté et celles à la jonction des deux d'autre part, d'analyser les
formes de socialisation, de sociabilité voire de solidarité qui peuvent en
émerger et enfin, d'étudier les différentes façons dont ces participations
s'expriment à travers les médias de masse, la culture populaire, les arts
et la littérature.

L'ACÉA et sa revue Revue canadienne des études africaines ont depuis
toujours constitué des plateformes importantes pour les travaux sur le
continent africain. Dans l'objectif de regrouper toutes les recherches sur
les questions africaines, cette conférence accueillera ainsi des
communications sur un large éventail de sujets, avec des approches
disciplinaires ou interdisciplinaires. C'est ainsi que la conférence sera
l'occasion de partager, en français et en anglais, des recherches sur
divers sujets tels que sur l'État en Afrique, la société civile, les
migrations, les traites, l'Afrique dans les relations internationales, les
conflits en Afrique, les dynamiques religieuses, les pratiques langagières
etc. Reflétant la nature bilingue de l'ACÉA, les propositions de
communications et d'ateliers en français sont particulièrement les

La date limite d'envoi des résumés des communications (150-200 mots) et
des panels (200-250 mots) est le 10 janvier 2012. Pour les informations
relatives à l'envoi des résumés, à l'organisation des panels, à
l'inscription (en ligne ou par chèque), aux demandes d'aide financière
pour les étudiants inscrits dans une université canadienne et à
l'hébergement, envoyez un courriel à et consultez le
site qui sera régulièrement
mis à jour.

Le comité d'organisation, le comité exécutif de l'association et tous ses
membres se font d'ores et déjà une joie de vous recevoir à l'Université
Laval, à Québec, en mai 2012.

CIHR-IPPH Dec e-Bulletin | e-Bulletin d=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9c?= IRSC-ISPP

December 22, 2011 | 22 décembre 2011



•Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research
•Implementing a Schedule for the Retention of Information on ResearchNet
•ICES Applied Health Research Questions
•Reporting Guidelines for Equity-relevant Systematic Reviews -
Complete Our Survey
•Canadian Cancer Prevention Research Draft Strategic Framework -
Seeking Your Input

Additional News:
•Funding Opportunities / Grants / Awards
•Calls for Abstracts / Papers
•Scholarship / Fellowship / Internship / Educational Opportunities
•Job Opportunities
•Links of Interest
•Calendar of Upcoming Events
•Share your Publications and Success Stories

Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research

Canada's research granting agencies—Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (CIHR), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (NSERC), and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of
Canada (SSHRC)—are committed to fostering and maintaining an
environment that supports and promotes the responsible conduct of
research. On December 5, 2011, the Agencies officially launched the
new Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research. This new
Framework sets out the responsibilities and corresponding policies for
researchers, institutions, and the Agencies that together help support
and promote a positive research environment.

Implementing a Schedule for the Retention of Information on ResearchNet

Please be advised that a schedule for the retention of ResearchNet
data will be implemented as follows, effective December 10th, 2011:
•All submitted application activities and documents will be retained
for one year after the application decision has been released.
•All withdrawn applications will be retained for one year after
decisions for the competition have been posted.
•All incomplete and non-submitted applications will be retained for
three months after the competition deadline date.
•All review activities and documents will be retained for eighteen
months after the decisions for the application have been posted.
•All decision and post-decisions activities and documents will be
retained for eighteen months after the related application decisions.

Information on the Retention Schedule will be permanently available on
the ResearchNet homepage. Should users of ResearchNet wish to keep any
documents for future reference, we suggest that they download the PDF
(Portable Document Format) of the documents to another storage area
(e.g., the hard drive of a personal computer).

ICES Applied Health Research Questions

The Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) is inviting all
Ontario organizations that are users of research evidence (Knowledge
Users) to submit Applied Health Research Questions (AHRQs). An AHRQ is
a question posed by a health system Knowledge User in order to request
research evidence that can be applied to, improve or benefit the
Ontario health system. Institutes, centres and projects funded by the
Planning, Research and Analysis Branch of the Ministry of Health and
Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) provide responses to AHRQs to inform planning,
policy and program development, which in turn helps strengthen the
Ontario health system.

Three types of AHRQs may be requested:
1. Rapid response – Preliminary information will be delivered in one
week or less providing a "first blush" response.
2. Research report or technical brief – Approximately 4-8 weeks of
work will be required to synthesize the existing research evidence on
a given topic.
3. Research project – Where it has been confirmed that new knowledge
must be generated, i.e., existing knowledge is not sufficient for
planning or policy development requirements; a new research project
will be initiated. The duration may be months, or years, depending on
the project.

Please submit any comments, inquiries and your completed Knowledge
User AHRQ Request Form to: Dorina Simeonov

ICES will be accepting Knowledge User AHRQ Request Forms (pp. 2-3 in
MOHLTC AHRQ Templates attached) for Research Reports, Technical Briefs
and Research Projects semi-annually, with the first deadline extension
coming up on January 13, 2012. Rapid response requests can be
submitted at any time and another call for research projects will be
sent out in April, 2012, with a deadline of April 13, 2012.

Reporting Guidelines for Equity-relevant Systematic Reviews - Complete
Our Survey

The Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group invites you to complete
a survey on the need for reporting guidelines for equity-relevant
systematic reviews. We have identified a significant gap in reporting
effectiveness of interventions for poor and vulnerable populations in
systematic reviews. One way to improve reporting of facets of specific
importance to systematic reviews reporting on inequities is to develop
specific reporting guidelines, for example, by extending or amplifying
the PRISMA statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses). Currently PRISMA has no guidance specific to
health equity and we are now in the process of developing an equity
extension to PRISMA. We invite you to complete our survey on this
extension – open for responses until January 5th, 2012. For more
information visit our website or blogs: Speaking of Medicine
(PLoSMed), and BMJ.

Canadian Cancer Prevention Research Draft Strategic Framework -
Seeking Your Input

On behalf of the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) and the
Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), with support from Canadian Cancer
Research Alliance (CCRA), we invite you to provide your feedback on
the Canadian Cancer Prevention Research Draft Strategic Framework to
guide future cancer prevention research investments by CCRA member
organizations over the next five years. Your knowledge and expertise
will greatly enhance the development of the draft cancer prevention
research strategic framework for Canada and we hope you will visit the
online collaborative workspace to provide your ideas. We also ask that
you share this e-mail and link with your colleagues and professional
networks within Canada.

To access the draft report and provide your feedback please visit our
online collaborative workspace using the following log-in information:

Username: prevention
Password: Research1

Upon log-in, enter the space by clicking on "Cdn Cancer Prevention
Research Strategic " You will find the report and instructions for
feedback within.

In the event that you experience technical difficulties, please email
Michelle Halligan, Program Manager, Primary Prevention to obtain a
Feedback Form.

The space closes February 3, 2012.

Funding Opportunities / Grants / Awards (organized by deadline)

IPPH funding opportunities can be found here by selecting the
Institute of Population and Public Health under the CIHR Institute
dropdown menu.

Travel Awards - Institute Community Support (Winter 2012 Competition)
CIHR-IPPH will provide travel awards for trainees (graduate students
and post-doctoral fellows) and new investigators to present their own
research at national and international meetings, conferences and/or
symposia that align with one or more of IPPH's strategic priorities
and advance their professional development and/or knowledge
translation initiatives in population and public health.
Visit the website for more information
Application deadline: January 30, 2012

Operating Grant : Winter 2012 Priority Announcement (Specific Research Areas)
Population Health Interventions (POH)
CIHR-IPPH will provide funding for applications that are determined to
be relevant to population health interventions, including policy,
program and resource distribution approaches that address the
determinants of health and exert their influence through
organizational and other system levels within and outside of the
health sector. Of particular interest is how improvements in health
and health equity might best be achieved through population health
interventions targeting the social, cultural, economic and
environmental determinants of health.
Visit the website for more information
Registration deadline: February 1, 2012
Application deadline: March 1, 2012

Catalyst Grant : Ethics (2011-2012)
The purpose of this funding opportunity is to build capacity in ethics
as it applies to health (including health research, health promotion
and maintenance, clinical care, population and public health, health
systems and services, policy and governance) by encouraging
applications from nominated principal applicants who are new
investigators in the field of health ethics, or investigators new to
the field of health ethics, by offering one or two-year pilot project
Visit the website for more information
Registration deadline: February 1, 2012
Application deadline: March 1, 2012

Master's Award : 2011-2012
Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships -
Master's Award
The Canada Graduate Scholarships Master's Awards administered by CIHR
are intended to provide special recognition and support to students
who are pursuing a Master's degree in a health related field in
Canada. These candidates are expected to have an exceptionally high
potential for future research achievement and productivity.
Visit the website for more information
Application deadline: February 1, 2012

2011-12 CIHR-IPPH Institute Community Support (ICS) Program
The ICS is designed to foster community development by providing
grants and awards (including travel awards) to individuals and
organizations for the purposes of: aiding research and knowledge
translation activities where the circumstances fall outside CIHR's
programs, supporting organizations and activities whose goals are
consistent with the Institute's and CIHR's vision, mandate and
strategic directions. Visit the IPPH ICS website for more information.
Please note that travel awards are now administered through ResearchNet.
Application deadline: March 15, 2012

Health Research Communications Award
The purpose of this funding opportunity is to build capacity in health
journalism and communications across all sectors of health research,
including biomedical, clinical, health services and policy, and
population and public health. By increasing the number of Canadians
engaged in communicating and disseminating the results of health
research, in a variety of formats, CIHR hopes to raise the level of
understanding of health related issues and research among a variety of
audiences, including the general public, health professionals and
policy makers. It is expected that this targeted investment will lead
to more effective communication of health research in Canada.
Visit the website for more information
Application deadline: April 2, 2012

Residencies at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center

Through conferences and residencies, the Rockefeller Foundation
Bellagio Center, in Northern Italy, supports innovations that change
the way we solve global problems. Here people of diverse expertise and
backgrounds come together in a thought-provoking, collegial
environment that helps promote impact on a wide range of world issues.
To apply, and for more information, please visit the website or
download a brochure.
Application deadlines: May 1, 2012

Chair: Reproductive and Child Health Services and Policy Research
Applied Chairs in Reproductive, Child and Youth Health Services and
Policy Research
The purpose of this Applied Chairs program is to support mid-career
faculty (5-15 years experience) who conduct reproductive, child and
youth health services and policy research, are dedicated to working
with decision makers to frame their research questions and interpret
their results, and train and mentor students, fellows, junior faculty
and others seeking career opportunities in this field, similarly
committed to applied health services and policy research.
Visit the website for more information.
Registration deadline: February 15, 2012
Application deadline: August 1, 2012

Calls for Abstracts / Papers

Please see the Calendar of Upcoming Events.

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Gender
and Health will host the conference Advancing Excellence in Gender,
Sex and Health Research
Montréal, Canada,
October 29-31, 2012

The conference will explore advances in our understandings of how sex
and gender influence the health of women, men, and people of diverse
gender identities over the lifespan. It will showcase excellence
across the full scope of health research, from cell to society,
offering a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary learning and
exchange. The conference will feature dynamic presentations on new
discoveries and innovative interventions, interactive poster sessions,
lively discussions and valuable networking opportunities with leaders
in the field. It is open to all researchers, policy-makers, health
care providers, non-governmental organizations, students and others
with a shared interest in gender, sex and health.

For more information, visit:
To view the call for abstracts, visit:
To submit an abstract, visit:

The deadline to submit an abstract is February 15, 2012.

Scholarship / Fellowship / Internship / Educational Opportunities

Dr. Jill M. Saunders Award of Excellence in Health Technology Assessment
The Dr. Jill M. Sanders Award of Excellence in HTA recognizes and
celebrates individuals whose outstanding achievements have
significantly advanced the field of health technology assessment in
Canada. The winner of this award will receive a plaque, paid travel
and accommodation, and complimentary registration to attend and speak
at the 2012 CADTH Symposium. The award is open to individuals who have
made a significant and lasting contribution to health technology
assessment, evidence-based drug reviews, or optimal technology
utilization in Canada.
Deadline: January 16, 2012

The ACHIEVE Research Partnership: "Action for Health Equity Interventions"
ACHIEVE is aimed to equip new researchers with the competencies
necessary for closing the gap between measuring inner city health
inequities and reducing them.
Priority placement will be held for a qualified Aboriginal applicant
interested in pursuing research related to urban Aboriginal Health
issues. Aboriginal applicants are encouraged to self-identify within
their applications, and to describe their experience with Aboriginal
community engagement and Aboriginal health knowledge. Candidates will
be assessed on their knowledge of Indigenous approaches to health
(broadly defined), their effectiveness and experience in Aboriginal
community engagement, and their capacity to participate in and benefit
from the ACHIEVE curriculum.
For more information and to apply, visit
Deadline to apply: February 13, 2012

Job Opportunities

Associate, Strategic Initiatives
The purpose of this role is to support the Scientific Director (SD) in
the implementation of strategic initiatives for the Institute of
Cancer Research (ICR), of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
(CIHR), and foster partnerships for these initiatives. The incumbent,
in collaboration with Montreal and Ottawa Institute staff, will report
to the SD and be responsible for ensuring that strategic initiatives
are designed and implemented as planned. For more information, contact
Candidates should submit their applications BY EMAIL ONLY, no later
than January 9, 2012

Scientist - Population Health Intervention Research - Public Health Ontario
Reporting to the Director of Health Promotion, Chronic Disease and
Injury Prevention, the Scientist is responsible for leading on the
design and implementation of solution-focused population health
intervention research (PHIR), which involves "the use of scientific
methods to produce knowledge about policy and program interventions
that operate within or outside of the health sector and have the
potential to impact health at the population level."
If you are interested in applying for this position, please visit and click on the job title.
This position will remain open until filled.

Links of Interest

- Health Equity Clicks
- Population Health Data Analysis: from Infrastructure to Innovation -
Conference and Workshops
- Message from the President - CIHR Response to the International
Review Panel Recommendations
- Health, Not Health Care – Changing the Conversation - Dr. Arlene
King, Chief Medical Officer of Health
- New MoH data application process streamlines approvals & shortens
approval times for qualifying research projects
- Canada's Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines

Calendar of Upcoming Events

January 2012

February 2012
- Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC) fourth
pan-Canadian conference - February 7-10, 2011. Ottawa, Ontario.
- AAAS Annual Meeting Flattening the World: Building a Global
Knowledge Society – February 16-20, 2012. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Interactive Workshop on Creating Sustainable Career Paths in Global
Health Research: Challenges and Solutions - February 18th, 11am-12:30pm

March 2012

April 2012
- Ontario Public Health Convention - April 2-4, 2012. Toronto, Ontario.
- 2012 World Congress on Public Health - Towards Global Health
Equity: Opportunities and Threats - April 22-27, 2012. Addis Ababa,
- IPY Conference From Knowledge to Action – April 22-27, 2012.
Montreal, Quebec.
- Population Health Sciences Research Network: Population Health -
Methods and Challenges Conference - April 24-26, 2011. Birmingham, UK.

May 2012
- National Health Law Conference: Global Health Challenges & the Role
of Law - May 4-5, 2012. Toronto, Ontario.
- Rural Research Workshop (RRW): Policy and Research in Community
Investment - May 24-25, 2012. Ottawa, Ontario. Proposal submission
deadline: January 20, 2012
- How to Talk About Science – May 25-27, 2012. Victoria, British Columbia.

June 2012
- Canadian Public Health Association Conference - Creating and
Sustaining Healthy Environments - June 11-14, 2012. Edmonton, Alberta.

August 2012
- Banff Science Communications – August 11-25, 2012. Banff, Calgary.
- World Cancer Congress – August 27-30, 2012. Montreal, Quebec.

October 2012
- Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research – October
29-31, 2012. Montreal, Quebec. Abstract submission deadline: February
15, 2012

Share your Publications and Success Stories

Has your research led to a breakthrough, the development of a new
product/program, or changes in policy and practice? We want to hear
about it! Your story may be featured on our web site or in the next
issue of our Institute newsletter - POP News. Please email your
publications and / or impact stories to Emma Cohen, IPPH Knowledge
Translation and Communications Officer.



•Cadre de référence des trois organismes sur la conduite responsable
de la recherche
•Établissement d'un calendrier pour la conservation de l'information
dans RechercheNet
•Sondage - Lignes Directrices pour l'équité pertinentes les revues

D'autres nouvelles:
•Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix
•Appel d'abrégés / de communications
•Bourses / Bourses de recherche / Occasions de stage
•Possibilités d'emploi
•Liens d'intérêt
•Calendrier d'événements à venir
•Partager vos contributions scientifiques ou votre histoire de succès

Cadre de référence des trois organismes sur la conduite responsable de
la recherche

Les organismes subventionnaires fédéraux, à savoir les Instituts de
recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC), le Conseil de recherches en
sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG) et le Conseil de
recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), se sont engagés à
mettre en place et à maintenir un environnement qui encourage et
favorise la conduite responsable de la recherche. Le 5 décembre 2011,
ils ont officiellement lancé le nouveau Cadre de référence des trois
organismes sur la conduite responsable de la recherche (Cadre de
référence). Le Cadre de référence est un document général qui décrit
les politiques et les exigences des organismes liées à la demande de
fonds, à la gestion des fonds accordés, à l'exécution des travaux de
recherche et à la diffusion des résultats. Il décrit également les
processus que les établissements et les organismes suivent pour
examiner les allégations de violation de la politique des organismes.

Établissement d'un calendrier pour la conservation de l'information
dans RechercheNet

Veuillez prendre note qu'un calendrier de conservation des données
dans RechercheNet entrera en vigueur le 10 décembre 2011 :
•Toutes les activités et tous les documents relatifs aux demandes
soumises seront conservés pendant un an après la publication des
décisions pour les demandes visées.
•Toutes les demandes retirées seront conservées pendant un an
suivant l'affichage des décisions pour le concours.
•Toutes les demandes incomplètes et non soumises seront conservées
pendant trois mois suivant la date limite du concours.
•Toutes les activités et tous les documents d'évaluation seront
conservés pendant 18 mois suivant l'affichage des décisions concernant
les demandes.
•Toutes les activités et tous les documents relatifs à la décision
et à la post décision seront conservés pendant 18 mois suivant
l'affichage des décisions concernant les demandes.

Le calendrier de conservation demeurera affiché sur la page d'accueil
de RechercheNet. Les utilisateurs de RechercheNet qui souhaitent
conserver des documents sont priés de les télécharger en format PDF
vers une autre plateforme de stockage, telle que l'unité de disque dur
d'un ordinateur personnel.

Sondage - Lignes Directrices pour l'équité pertinentes les revues

L'équité Campbell et Cochrane méthodes de groupe vous invite à
remplir un sondage sur la nécessité de rendre les lignes directrices
pour l'équité pertinentes analyses systématiques. Nous avons identifié
une lacune importante dans les rapports efficacité des interventions
pour les populations pauvres et vulnérables dans les examens
systématiques. Une façon d'améliorer la déclaration des facettes d'une
importance particulière à l'examen systématique des rapports sur les
inégalités est de développer des lignes directrices précises de
déclaration, par exemple, en étendant ou amplifiant la déclaration
PRISMA (Articles rapports préférés pour les revues systématiques et
les méta-analyses). Actuellement PRISMA a pas de directives
spécifiques pour l'équité en santé et nous sommes maintenant dans le
processus d'élaboration d'une extension d'équité à Prisma. Nous vous
invitons à remplir notre sondage sur cette extension - ouvert jusqu'en
Janvier réponses 5th, 2012. Pour plus d'informations visitez notre
site Web ou des blogs: Speaking of Medicine (PLoSMed), et BMJ.

Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix (organizé par date limite)

Les possibilités de financement de l'ISPP peuvent être retrouvées ici
en sélectionnant l'Institut de la santé publique et des populations du
menu déroulant.

Bourses de voyage - Appui communautaire des instituts (Concours d'hiver 2012)
L'ISPP des IRSC mettra des bourses de voyage à la disposition des
stagiaires (étudiants des cycles supérieurs et boursiers
postdoctoraux) et des nouveaux chercheurs pour leur permettre de
présenter leur propre recherche à des réunions, à des conférences
et/ou à des symposiums nationaux et internationaux qui cadrent avec au
moins une des priorités stratégiques suivantes de l'ISPP et qui
contribuent à leurs initiatives de développement professionnel et/ou
d'application des connaissances en santé publique et des populations.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web des IRSC
Date limite de présentation des demandes : le 30 janvier 2012

Subvention de fonctionnement : Annonce de priorités d'hiver 2012
(Domaines de recherche particuliers)
Interventions en santé des populations (POH)
L'ISPP des IRSC accordera du financement pour les demandes jugées
pertinentes par rapport aux domaines de recherche prioritaires
suivants :
Les interventions en santé des populations sont des politiques, des
programmes ou des approches de distribution des ressources qui ciblent
les déterminants de la santé et exercent leur influence au niveau des
organisations et d'autres systèmes à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du
secteur de la santé. Elles visent particulièrement à savoir comment
les améliorations dans la santé et l'équité en santé pourraient le
mieux se faire au moyen des interventions en santé des populations qui
ciblent les déterminants de la santé sociaux, culturels, économiques
et environnementaux.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web des IRSC.
Date limite d'inscription : 1er février 2012
Date limite de présentation des demandes : 1er mars 2012

Subvention catalyseur : Éthique (2011-2012)
Le but de la présente possibilité de financement est de renforcer la
capacité en matière d'éthique s'appliquant à la santé (y compris la
recherche en santé, la promotion et le maintien de la santé, les soins
cliniques, la santé publique et des populations, les systèmes et les
services de santé, les politiques et la gouvernance) en encourageant
les candidats principaux désignés qui sont de nouveaux chercheurs qui
commencent dans le domaine de l'éthique de la santé, ou des chercheurs
qui sont nouveaux dans le domaine de l'éthique de la santé, à
présenter des demandes en leur offrant des subventions de projet
pilote d'une année ou deux.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web des IRSC
Date limite d'inscription : 1er février 2012
Date limite de présentation des demandes : 1er mars 2012

Bourse à la maîtrise : 2011-2012
Bourses d'études supérieures du Canada Frederick Banting et Charles
Best - Bourses à la maîtrise
Les bourses à la maîtrise du programme des Bourses d'études
supérieures du Canada, administrées par les IRSC, visent à souligner
le mérite des étudiants qui suivent des études de maîtrise dans un
domaine lié à la santé au Canada et à leur accorder une aide spéciale.
Les candidats doivent avoir un potentiel exceptionnel en matière de
recherche et de productivité.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web des IRSC.
Date limite de présentation des demandes : 1er février 2012

Bourse en communications dans le domaine de la recherche en santé
Le but de cette possibilité de financement est de développer la
capacité en journalisme et en communications dans tous les secteurs de
la recherche en santé, y compris la recherche biomédicale, la
recherche clinique, la recherche sur les services et politiques de
santé, et la recherche sur la santé des populations et la santé
publique. En augmentant le nombre de Canadiens engagés dans la
communication et la dissémination des résultats de la recherche en
santé, sous diverses formes, les IRSC espèrent élever le niveau de
compréhension des problèmes de santé et de la recherche chez divers
groupes, notamment le grand public, les professionnels de la santé et
les décideurs. On s'attend à ce que cet investissement ciblé mène à
une communication plus efficace des résultats de la recherche en santé
au Canada.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web des IRSC.
Date limite de présentation des demandes : le 2 avril 2012

Programme d'appui communautaire (PACI) de l'Institut de la santé
publique et des populations (ISPP) 2011-2012

Les instituts des IRSC recourent au PACI pour fournir des
subventions/bourses à des personnes et à des organisations appartenant
à leurs milieux respectifs, afin qu'elles s'en servent pour : fournir
des subventions ou des bourses pour des activités de recherche et
d'application des connaissances qui ne sont pas couvertes par les
autres programmes des IRSC ; et appuyer des organismes et des
individus dont les buts concordent avec la vision, le mandat et les
orientations stratégiques des IRSC et des leurs instituts. Pour de
plus amples renseignements, consultez le site-Web pour le PACI de
l'ISPP. Veuillez noter que les bourses de voyage de l'ISPP sont
maintenant administrés par RechercheNet.
Date limite de présentation des demandes : le 15 mars 2012

Chaire : Services et politiques en santé reproductive et en infantile
Chaires de recherche appliquée sur les services et les politiques en
santé reproductive et en santé des enfants et des adolescents
Le Programme de chaires de recherche appliquée a pour but de
soutenir des professeurs en milieu de carrière (5-15 ans d'expérience)
qui font de la recherche liée aux services et politiques en santé
reproductive et en santé des enfants et des adolescents; qui sont
engagés à travailler avec des décideurs pour élaborer leurs questions
de recherche et interpréter leurs résultats et qui agissent comme
mentors auprès d'étudiants, de professeurs en début de carrière et
d'autres personnes étant à la recherche de possibilités de carrière en
recherche appliquée sur les services et les politiques de la santé
reproductive et en santé des enfants et des adolescents.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web des IRSC.
Date limite d'inscription : 15 février 2012
Date limite de présentation des demandes : 1er août 2012

Appel d'abrégés / de communications

Veuillez voir le calendrier d'Événements à venir ci-dessous.

Concours de soutien à la rédaction d'ouvrages scientifiques
Le réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ) est
heureux d'annoncer son programme d'appui à la rédaction d'ouvrages
scientifiques Le but de ce programme ponctuel est d'appuyer
financièrement les chercheurs pour la rédaction d'ouvrages
scientifiques (livres, manuels, recueils, etc.) traitant d'un thème
relié à la recherche en santé des populations ou services et
politiques de santé. Les productions scientifiques faisant usage des
nouveaux médias de communication (web, CD-Rom, etc.) sont également
éligibles. La production de numéros spéciaux ou de suppléments dans
des revues scientifiques avec comité de pairs (incluant les revues
scientifiques en ligne) est aussi éligible. Les projets admissibles
sont ceux qui s'inscrivent dans la mission du RRSPQ et qui permettent
d'atteindre les objectifs de ce dernier.
Date limite pour soumettre une application : le 31 janvier 2012

Concours de soutien à l'organisation de colloques
Le réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ) est
heureux d'annoncer son programme d'appui à la tenue de colloques et
conférences. Le but de ce programme ponctuel est d'appuyer
financièrement l'organisation et la tenue de colloques traitant d'un
thème relié à la recherche en santé des populations ou services et
politiques de santé.
Date limite pour soumettre une demande : le 31 janvier 2012

L'Institut de la santé des femmes et des hommes des Instituts de
recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) sera l'hôte de la conférence Pour
l'excellence dans la recherche sur le genre, le sexe et la santé
Montréal, Canada - du 29 au 31 octobre 2012

La conférence permettra d'examiner les progrès réalisés dans la
compréhension de l'incidence du sexe et du genre sur la santé des
femmes, des hommes et des personnes de diverses identités de genre
tout au long de la vie. Elle mettra en relief l'excellence dans toute
la sphère de la recherche en santé, de la cellule à la société, et
offrira une occasion unique d'échange et d'apprentissage
interdisciplinaires. La conférence comportera des présentations
dynamiques sur de nouvelles découvertes et des interventions
innovatrices, des séances de présentation par affiches interactives et
des discussions animées, et offrira d'intéressantes occasions de
réseautage avec des chefs de file dans le domaine. Les chercheurs, les
responsables des politiques, les fournisseurs de soins de santé, les
organismes non gouvernementaux, les étudiants et autres intervenants
ayant comme intérêt commun la question du genre, du sexe et de la
santé sont tous conviés à cette conférence.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez:
Pour voir l'appel pour les résumés, visitez le site:
Pour soumettre un résumé, visitez le site:

La date limite pour soumettre un résumé est le 15 février 2012.

Bourses / Bourses de recherche / Occasions de stage

L'Institut de recherche en santé publique de l'Université de Montréal
(IRSPUM) offre des bourses d'excellence au doctorat et au postdoctorat
Les bourses de doctorat, d'une valeur de 20,000$ et d'une durée d'un
an, visent à favoriser le recrutement d'étudiants et à les soutenir
pendant la première année d'inscription au doctorat dans un des
domaines de recherche en santé publique de l'IRSPUM. Les bourses de
postdoctorat, d'une valeur de 30,000$ par année et d'une durée de 2
ans, appuient le recrutement et le soutien de jeunes chercheurs dans
le développement d'une recherche dans l'un des domaines de recherche
en santé publique de l'IRSPUM. Pour plus d'informations au sujet de
ces programmes de bourses, veuillez consulter le site web de l'IRSPUM.
La date limite pour le dépôt des candidatures est le 15 février 2012.

Possibilité d'emploi

Associé(e), Initiatives stratégiques
L'emploi consiste à appuyer la directrice scientifique (DS) de l'IC
des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) dans la mise en
oeuvre d'initiatives stratégiques et l'établissement de partenariats
avec les intervenants. Le candidat relève de la DS et veillera à ce
que les initiatives stratégiques soient élaborées et mises en oeuvre
selon les objectifs pré-établis. Pour plus d'informations contactez :
Les postulants devront soumettre leur candidature PAR COURRIEL
SEULEMENT d'ici le 9 janvier 2012

Liens d'intérêt

- Message du président - Réponse des IRSC aux recommandations du
Comité d'examen international
- Parlons de santé et non plus de soins de santé - Dre Arlene King,
médecin hygiéniste en chef
- Directives de consommation d'alcool à faible risque du Canada

Calendrier d'événements à venir

Janvier 2012

Février 2012
- Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC) fourth
pan-Canadian conference (anglais seulement) - du 7 au 10 février 2012.
Ottawa, Ontario.
- AAAS Annual Meeting - Flattening the World: Building a Global
Knowledge Society – (anglais seulement) du 16 au 20 février 2012.
Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique). Assistez à un atelier interactif sur
les perspectives de carrière en recherche en santé mondiale - 18
fevrier de 11h00 à 12h30.

Mars 2012

Avril 2012
- 2012 World Congress on Public Health - Towards Global Health
Equity: Opportunities and Threats (anglais seulement)- 22 au 27 avril
2012. Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).
- API Conférence De la connaissance à l'action – du 22 au 27 avril
2012. Montréal (Québec).
- Population Health Sciences Research Network: Population Health -
Methods and Challenges Conference (anglais seulement) - du 24 au 26
avril 2012. Birmingham, UK.

May 2012
- Global Health Challenges and the Role of Law (anglais seulement) –
du 4 au 5 mai 2012. Toronto (Ontario).
- Atelier sur la recherche rurale : Politique et recherche en matière
d'investissement communautaire - du 24 au 25 mai 2012. Ottawa
(Ontario). Date limite de dépôt des propositions : le 20 janvier 2012.
- How to Talk About Science (anglais seulement) – du 25 au 27 mai
2012. Victoria (Colombie-Britannique).

- Conférence annuelle de l'Association canadienne de santé publique :
Créer et soutenir des environnements sains – du 11 au 14 juin 2012.
Edmonton (Alberta).

- Banff Science Communications (anglais seulement) – du 11 au 25 août,
2012. Banff (Calgary).
- World Cancer Congress (anglais seulement) – du 27 au 30 août 2012.
Montréal (Québec).

- Pour l'excellence dans la recherche sur le genre, le sexe et la
santé – du 29 au 31 octobre 2012. Montréal (Québec). Date limite pour
soumettre un résumé : le 15 février 2012.

Partager vos contributions scientifiques ou votre histoire de succès

Est-ce que votre recherche a résulté dans une invention
révolutionnaire, le développement d'un nouveau produit/programme ou
les changements dans la politique et la pratique ? Nous voulons en
entendre ! Votre histoire peut être présentée sur notre site Web ou
dans l'édition suivante de notre bulletin d'Institut - POP Nouvelles.
S'il vous plaît envoyez vos publications et / ou vos histoires
d'impact à Emma Cohen , Agente en application des connaissances et en
communications, ISPP.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

CFP: vis-a-vis: Explorations in Anthropology

Call for Papers

2012 Issue Theme: Traces

In what ways does the anthropological project attempt to reveal
hidden patterns of life through the traces that have been left
behind? What insight into our collective histories do these traces
provide and how do anthropologists uncover them in the first place?

vis-à-vis: Explorations in Anthropology is an electronic,
peer-reviewed, student-produced journal. Our goal is to provide a
space in which graduate students from all fields of Anthropology can
present innovative research and gain publishing experience.

We welcome submissions that speak to our 2012 theme from scholars in
any anthropology sub-discipline or related field.

The deadline for submission is January 31st, 2012.
Submissions are accepted through the online submission system only.
1.   Register an account at
2.   Click the "Author" checkbox in the "Register As" section. We
also encourage all users to register as peer-reviewers for the
journal. Simply click the "Reviewer" checkbox and indicate your areas
of expertise.
3.   Once registered, visit your User Home page to start the
submission process.

Be sure to visit the vis-à-vis website to read our current issue as well.

Best wishes,

vis-à-vis Editorial Team
Kristina Alda, Jean Chia, Bess Doyle, Gillian Sloggett, Seth Palmer,
Erica Tennenhouse

Encyclopedia of Women cfp

Call For Authors

Source: SAGE Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World
SAGE Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World.
Call for Authors:
SAGE Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World-New Expanded Online
We are inviting academic editorial contributors to the Multimedia
Encyclopedia of
Women in Today's World, a new online library reference that will look at
women today
around the world and delve into the contexts of being female in the 21st
Thus the scope of the encyclopedia will focus on women's status starting in
approximately 2000 and look forward.
The new work will supplement the 4-volume print and online edition of the
encyclopedia already in production. The 500 signed entries (with
and recommended readings) will cover issues in contemporary women's and
studies and the articles will include information relevant to the
following academic
disciplinary contexts: women in different cultures/countries; arts and media;
business and economics; criminal justice; education; family studies;
health; media;
military; politics; science and technology; sports; environmental studies;
We are making assignments that are due March 2, 2012.
This comprehensive project is being published in stages by SAGE Reference
and will
be marketed to academic and public libraries as a digital product
available to
students via the library's electronic services. The General Editors, who
will be
reviewing each submission to the project, are Dr. Mary Zeiss Stange of
College, and Dr. Carol K. Oyster of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
If you are interested in contributing to this cutting-edge reference, it
is a unique
opportunity to contribute to the contemporary literature, redefining
women's issues
in today's terms. Moreover, it can be a notable publication addition to your
CV/resume and broaden your publishing credits.
SAGE Publications offers an honorarium ranging from SAGE book credits for
articles up to a free set of the printed product or access to the online
product for
contributions totaling 10,000 words or more.

The list of available articles is already prepared, and as a next step we
e-mail you the Article List (Excel file) from which you can select topics
that best
fit your expertise and interests. Additionally, Style and Submission
will be provided that detail article specifications.
To Apply:
If you would like to contribute to building a truly outstanding reference
with the
Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, please contact Sue
Director of Author Management, Golson Media, by e-mail:
Please provide a CV or brief summary of your academic/publishing
credentials in women's and gender issues.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

CFP - Canadian OA Journal - New Proposals

CFP- New Proposals calls for submissions of papers, commentaries,
reflections and photo essays that showcase progressive scholarship.

We are interested in full-length articles (normally 3,500 to 10,000 words)
as well as shorter comments and arguments (up to 3,500 words). We also
welcome short research reports (up to 1,500 words) summarizing the
theoretical framework, methodology, and preliminary results of research
projects that draw on progressive research traditions.

New Proposals is a transnational peer-reviewed journal hosted at The
University of British Columbia in collaboration with the UBC Library
EJournal Project

Our latest issue has just been published at

Our newest issue features a special section guest edited by Canadian
anthropologist, Scott Simon, on Indigenous peoples, Marxism and Late
Capitalism Also included is a pair of commentaries by Gavin Smith and
Judith Whitehead, respectively - and more!

With warm regards for the holiday season,

Charles Menzies

New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry
Vol 5, No 1 (2011): Capitalism and Indigenous Peoples

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

CASCA: Jobs/Emplois

Chair, Sociology and
University: Mount Royal University
Deadline: January 15, 2012

Biological Anthropology, Assistant Professor, DEADLINE
University: Manitoba
Deadline: January 4, 2012

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
University: St. Mary's
Deadline: February 13, 2012

Monday, December 19, 2011

Job announcements

Two job announcements, visible on the job announcement section of the EASA


The deadlines are rather close.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Tier 2 CRC in human rights and social justice

Canada Research Chair in Human Rights and Social Justice
Assistant or Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts

Located in the thriving, multicultural city of Winnipeg, the
University of Manitoba offers students and faculty a vibrant learning
community, exceptional facilities and the chance to explore ideas,
challenge assumptions and turn theory into reality. Our researchers
are among the best in the world, finding new ways to protect the
environment, improve human health, advance technology and strengthen
communities in Canada and beyond. With more than 30,000 students,
faculty, and staff, and over 90 degree programs, the University of
Manitoba plays a key role in the social, cultural, and economic
well-being of our community and our world.

The University of Manitoba is accepting applications and nominations
for Canada Research Chairs (CRCs) established by the Government of
Canada to enable Canadian universities to foster research excellence
( The University is committed in its
Strategic Plan to enhance academic initiatives in the area of human
Accordingly, the University has established a Centre for Human Rights
Research to enhance interdisciplinary and collaborative research
capacities, to provide enhanced training opportunities for students,
and to promote advancements in public policy and intellectual debate
on issues of human rights, law, and social justice. Position Number:
A central feature of the mission of the Faculty of Arts is to conduct
research in the humanities and social sciences in order for both to
advance and preserve knowledge in these areas and to provide the
highly trained personnel that are required in an increasingly
specialized society. It is home to 18 social sciences and humanities
departments and units, as well as ten Interdisciplinary programs.
Further information concerning the Department, the Faculty, and the
University may be obtained from The
Faculty welcomes applications from all researchers engaged in human
rights or social justice research in either the humanities or social
sciences. Applicants whose research intersects multiple disciplines
are particularly welcome.
The University of Manitoba is the province's largest, most
comprehensive post-secondary educational institution. More than 28,000
students from all over the world currently study in a wide range of
programs in the liberal arts and sciences, the creative arts, and the
professions. Research is a priority at the University of Manitoba and
the success of its faculty in securing substantial research support in
national/international competitions attests to this fact.
Winnipeg is a mature city of some 700,000 people that combines the
amenities of urban life with easy access to the countryside and to
northern lakes and forests. A short trip outside of Winnipeg reveals
the geographic diversity of Manitoba, with ample opportunities for
many leisure activities ( The city offers a
vibrant arts community, affordable housing by North American
standards, diverse cultural institutions, festivals, and entertainment
possibilities. Winnipeg is also home to the Canadian Museum of Human
This posting advertises a Tier 2 CRC Chair position in Human Rights
and Social Justice to be held in the Faculty of Arts. This posting is
open to all disciplines in Arts, and the home unit will be one of
those currently based in the Faculty of Arts. The successful candidate
should have a record of substantial publication in an outstanding and
innovative research program in human rights and/or social justice, and
the ability to attract excellent graduate students. Applications
including significant applied research contributions to human rights
and social justice are expressly welcomed. Tier 2 CRCs are
"exceptional emerging researchers" who at an early phase of their
careers (i.e., within 10 years of completing their PhD) have
demonstrated the promise of a strong research profile and the
potential to be leaders in their field. The candidate selected for
this position will be required to work with the proposed home
department or unit and the Faculty to prepare the formal nomination to
the CRC Secretariat according to CRC program guidelines.
The appointment, contingent upon the successful CRC nomination,
commencing July 1, 2013, will be a full-time probationary position at
the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. Rank and salary will be
commensurate with qualifications and experience. Tier 2 CRC positions
are for five-year terms, and are renewable once. For the duration of
the CRC, the successful candidate will be granted reduced teaching
The University of Manitoba is strongly committed to diversity within
its community and especially welcomes applications from visible
minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with
disabilities, persons of all sexual orientations and genders, and
others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. All
qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority.
Applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a research
proposal (maximum 1500 words) appropriate to the goals and objectives
of the CRC program, and a brief statement of teaching
philosophy/interests (electronic preferred) to Janice Gripp,
Confidential Assistant to the Dean (email:
Candidates must also arrange to have three letters of reference
addressed to the Dean, and sent electronically directly to the above
email or by mail to: Dr. Jeffery Taylor, Dean, c/o Janice Gripp,
Confidential Assistant to the Dean, Faculty of Arts, 310 Fletcher
Argue Building, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V5, Fax:
(204) 474-7590
Nominations or applications, including letters of reference, will be
handled in accordance with the "Freedom of Information and Protection
of Privacy Act" (Manitoba). Please note that curriculum vitas may be
provided to participating members of the search process.
Review of applications will begin on March 2, 2012 and will continue
until the position is filled. All Chairs are subject to review and
final approval by the CRC Secretariat.

For more information on this opportunity, please visit
Canada Research Chair in Human Rights and Social Justice
Assistant or Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Besoin urgent en enseignement: Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy

On cherche un prof pour une tâche de méthodes quantitatives au Campus
Notre-Dame-de-Foy. Merci de transférer dans vos réseaux

1 groupe / 4 h par semaine
Mardi 10 h 10 à 12 h
Jeudi 8 h 15 à 10 h

Le candidat doit posséder :
o Baccalauréat dans une discipline en sciences humaines ou en sciences de
l'administration ou en
o 6 crédits universitaires en statistiques ou en méthodes quantitatives
Il est souhaité que le candidat détienne un certificat en enseignement
Conditions selon l'Entente régissant les conditions de travail entre la
Corporation du Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy et
l'Association des professeurs(es) du Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy.
Les personnes intéressées doivent faire parvenir leur curriculum vitae par
courriel uniquement à, avant 16 h, le 19 décembre 2011.
Si des renseignements supplémentaires concernant ces postes vous étaient
nécessaires, veuillez
communiquer avec Mme Annie Raymond au 418-872-8041 poste 210.

CASCA: Emplois/Job postings

18 postings/18 postes:

1. Anthropology - Assistant Professor (Cultural Anthropology)
The University of British Columbia
Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2011-11-16
Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences
Anthropology - Assistant Professor Competition: ANTH - 2011

The Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences at the University of
British Columbia, Okanagan Campus, invites applications for a professorial
appointment in Cultural Anthropology at the rank of Assistant Professor,
tenure-track , to begin July 1st, 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The position will be held in Community, Culture and Global Studies
in the Barber School

We are seeking to fill a position in Cultural Anthropology with a
candidate who has a strong background in anthropological method and
theory. He/she should have an established research program preferably in
anthropology of gender and/or globalization. Candidates with a commitment
to teaching, including introductory anthropology courses as well as one or
more of the following would best meet our program needs: anthropology of
gender, kinship and social organization, anthropology of religion, applied

The successful candidate will also be expected to contribute to our
graduate teaching and supervision.

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. All
qualified persons are encouraged to apply. We especially welcome
applications from members of visible minority groups, women, Aboriginal
persons, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual
orientations and gender identities, and others with the skills and
knowledge to engage productively with diverse communities.Canadians and
permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. All appointments are
subject to budgetary approval.

UBC is consistently ranked among the world's top 40 universities, and the
UBC system comprises two distinct campuses in the province of British
Columbia'one in Vancouver and one in Kelowna. UBC's Okanagan campus is
located in the city of Kelowna, situated at the heart of the Okanagan
Valley in the southern interior of the province. The Okanagan campus has
over 7,000 students in six faculties, including strong graduate programs
at all levels. The Okanagan is connected by direct flights to major
Canadian and USA cities and the region is considered one of the desirable
regions to live in Canada.

How to Apply
Applicants should provide a cover letter, curriculum vitae, evidence of
teaching ability (e.g., course evaluations), program of research, and the
names and contact information of three referees. All documents must be
submitted as e-mail attachments and sent to The
deadline for applications is January 1, 2012. Preferred formats are
Microsoft Word (.doc) and Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). Please put the competition
title on the subject line of the e-mail and declare whether you are
legally entitled to work in Canada. Applications will be reviewed
beginning on January 4. The process will continue until the position is


2. Anthropology - Assistant Professor (Linguistic Anthropology)
Saint Mary's University
Location: Nova Scotia
Date posted: 2011-11-11
Tenure-Track Position Advertisement
Department of Anthropology
Linguistic Anthropology

The Department of Anthropology at Saint Mary's University invites
applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant
Professor with a specialization in the field of linguistic anthropology.
We are seeking a creative thinker with intellectual interests that can
link Canada to the global sphere, as well as an individual with a
demonstrated record of excellence in university teaching who will support
and develop courses from introductory to senior levels. The Department
values public outreach, community partnerships, field schools, and student
experiential learning. An interest in indigenous languages would be
considered an asset. The successful candidate will hold a PhD and be
appointable at an early level in the Assistant Professor rank. Candidates
holding ABD status with the dissertation near completion will also be
considered. The appointment will begin on July 1, 2012.

Saint Mary's University is uniquely committed to serving the local,
regional, national and international communities, and integrating such
activity as part of the learning environment for undergraduate and
graduate students. The Faculty of Arts is particularly interested in
scholars whose teaching in the Department can also contribute to the Arts
interdisciplinary programs: Asian Studies, Atlantic Canada Studies,
International Development Studies, Irish Studies, Linguistics, and Women
and Gender Studies. Applicants are encouraged to consult faculty web pages
to determine how, as potential hires, they might enrich our intellectual

Applicants should submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a
teaching dossier, including evidence of teaching excellence, a sample of
recent scholarly writing, graduate school transcripts, and names and
contact information of three references to Dr. Paul A. Erickson,
Chairperson, Department of Anthropology, Saint Mary's University, Halifax,
Nova Scotia B3H 3C3. E-mailed applications will not be considered. The
closing date for applications is January 6th, 2012.

Although candidates of all nationalities are encouraged to apply, priority
will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Saint Mary's
University is committed to principles of employment equity.


3. Archaeology - Assistant Professor
Wilfrid Laurier University
Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2011-11-15
Northeastern North American Pre-Contact Archaeology

Tenure-Track Position

The Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies invites applications
for a Tenure-Track Appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor,
effective July 1, 2012, subject to budgetary approval. We are seeking a
candidate with a research specialty in Northeastern North American
pre-contact archaeology. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. or be
certain of its completion before beginning the appointment. The candidate
should be competent to teach courses in Northeastern North American
prehistory, quantitative methods, theory, scientific applications in
archaeology, and participate in ongoing program development. We are
especially seeking candidates who are interested in developing a field
school in Ontario, or who have connections to an ongoing field school in
the province. Other requirements include a demonstrated excellence in
teaching, and evidence of a research program and publications.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and a
teaching dossier (which includes evidence of teaching effectiveness and a
statement of teaching philosophy); these documents must be in English.
Applicants should also provide copies of their publications and should
arrange for the mailing of three confidential letters of recommendation.
All these materials should be sent to: Dr. John Triggs, Chair, Department
of Archaeology and Classical Studies, 75 University Avenue West, Waterloo,
ON, N2L 3C5. Application deadline: January 23, 2012.

Wilfrid Laurier University is committed to employment equity and values
diversity. We welcome applications from qualified women and men, including
persons of all genders and sexual orientations, persons with disabilities,
Aboriginal persons, and persons of a visible minority. All qualified
candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent
residents will be given priority. Only those applicants selected for an
interview will be contacted.

Members of the designated groups must self-identify to be considered for
employment equity. Candidates may self-identify, in confidence, to the
Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Michael Carroll ( ).
Further information on the equity policy can be found at


4. Archaeology/History - Assistant Professor
Wilfrid Laurier University
Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2011-11-15
Roman Archaeology and/or History
Tenure-Track Position

The Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies invites applications
for a Tenure-Track Appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor,
effective July 1, 2012, subject to budgetary approval. We are seeking a
candidate with a research specialty in Roman Archaeology and/or History.
We are especially interested in candidates who are connected with an
archaeological field school in the Mediterranean World. The successful
candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate courses in Latin, and
Classical Archaeology and Civilization. Candidates will have completed a
PhD, or be near completion.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and a
teaching dossier (which includes evidence of teaching effectiveness and a
statement of teaching philosophy); these documents must be in English.
Applicants should also provide copies of their publications and should
arrange for the mailing of three confidential letters of recommendation.
All these materials should be sent to: Dr. John Triggs, Chair, Department
of Archaeology and Classical Studies, 75 University Avenue West, Waterloo,
ON, N2L 3C5. Application deadline: January 23, 2012.

Wilfrid Laurier University is committed to employment equity and values
diversity. We welcome applications from qualified women and men, including
persons of all genders and sexual orientations, persons with disabilities,
Aboriginal persons, and persons of a visible minority. All qualified
candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent
residents will be given priority. Only those applicants selected for an
interview will be contacted.

Members of the designated groups must self-identify to be considered for
employment equity. Candidates may self-identify, in confidence, to the
Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Michael Carroll ( ).
Further information on the equity policy can be found at


5. Criminology - Assistant Professor
Saint Mary's University
Location: Nova Scotia
Date posted: 2011-11-11
Saint Mary's University
Faculty of Arts
Department of Sociology & Criminology
Tenure-Track Position in Criminology

Applications are invited for a tenure-track appointment at the Assistant
Professor level commencing July 1, 2012. The Department is seeking a
Critical Criminologist with a strong record of research and teaching, and
the ability to teach courses on criminal justice, including courses on the
Canadian Criminal Justice System, and Prisons and Punishment. The
Department particularly seeks candidates whose work addresses how criminal
justice impacts marginalized peoples. The successful candidate will hold a
PhD and be appointable at an early level in the Assistant Professor rank.
Candidates holding ABD status with the dissertation near completion will
also be considered. In addition to undergraduate degrees in Criminology
and Sociology, the Department offers Masters Degrees in Criminology and
Women & Gender Studies. The successful candidate is expected to teach core
undergraduate courses at all levels, and contribute to the curriculum and
academic development of our programs. Candidates should fit well in a
Department strongly committed to feminist and anti-oppressive teaching and

Saint Mary's University and our Department are committed to offering a
diverse learning environment. We collaborate with local, regional,
national and international communities as part of our research and
curriculum. Information about the Department and University may be found

Applicants are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, teaching portfolio
(including recent student evaluations if available), an example of written
(including published) work, and the names, addresses, and contact
information for three referees. Application packages should be sent
directly to the Department Chair:

Dr. Evangelia Tastsoglou
Department of Sociology & Criminology
Saint Mary's University
Halifax, NS B3H3C3

Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their files are complete. The
deadline for completed applications is January 13, 2012. In accordance
with Canadian immigrations requirements, candidates of all nationalities
are welcome but priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent
residents. Saint Mary's University is committed to the principles and
practice of employment equity.


6. Criminology - Lecturer
The University of Auckland
Location: Outside North America
Date posted: 2011-11-03
Lecturer in Criminology

Vacancy Number: 13616

The Department of Sociology in The University of Auckland invites
applications for a Lecturer in Criminology, commencing 1 February 2012.
Rank and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Applicants should have a PhD in criminology/sociology or a related
discipline; a strong background in teaching and a research profile with
peer-reviewed publications in their specialist area/s. Applicants should
demonstrate a willingness to contribute in the areas of service and
administration. Areas of expertise are open, but we are particularly
interested in candidates who are familiar with, and able to make a
contribution to, the criminology of New Zealand and/or have strong
methodological skills in quantitative analysis.

Criminology is located in the Department of Sociology in the Faculty of
Arts and was established in 2009. The programme has been very successful
and the department is now looking to expand its teaching and research in
this area. The Department of Sociology is New Zealand's top-ranked
Sociology department. The vibrant nature of the Department is reflected in
the research innovation and teaching expertise of its academic staff. The
university has a strong record of supporting research through funding,
grants and conference support. Academic departmental members are eligible
for research and study leave. Department members normally teach 3 courses
per academic year.

The University of Auckland is New Zealand's leading research university
and was ranked 41st in the world for Social Sciences and Management and
55th for Arts and Humanities (QS World University Rankings, 2011).
Mercer's annual Quality of Living survey also ranked Auckland the world's
fourth most liveable city in 2010.

Enquiries of an academic nature should be directed to the Head of
Department, Professor Alan France

Further information about the Sociology Department may be obtained from
the Department's website

Applications close 2 December 2011.

For further information go to
The University has an equity policy and welcomes applications from all
qualified persons.

The University is committed to meeting its obligations under the Treaty of
Waitangi and achieving equity outcomes for staff and students.


7. Criminology - Professor
The University of Auckland
Location: Outside North America
Date posted: 2011-11-03
Professor in Criminology

Vacancy Number: 13615

The University of Auckland invites applications for a Professor or
Associate Professor in Criminology in the Department of Sociology. The
university is seeking to appoint an outstanding senior academic who will
take an ongoing leadership role in research, teaching and administration
in the Criminology programme in the department. We are seeking someone
with a distinguished record of research of international standing,
demonstrated excellence in teaching and in graduate supervision and the
capacity to contribute to a growing and vibrant department. Desired areas
of expertise are open although we are particularly interested in people
working in cultural and critical criminology, feminist criminology,
developmental/life course criminology, and/ or victimology.

Criminology is located in the department of Sociology in the Faculty of
Arts and was established in 2009. The programme has been very successful
and the department is now looking to expand its teaching and research in
this area. The University of Auckland is New Zealand's leading research
university and was ranked 41st in the world for Social Sciences and
Management and 55th for Arts and Humanities (QS World University Rankings,
2011). Mercer's annual Quality of Living survey also ranked Auckland the
world's fourth most liveable city in 2010.

Enquiries of an academic nature should be directed to the Head of
Department, Professor Alan France

Further information about the Sociology Department may be obtained from
the Department's website

Applications close 2nd December 2011.

For further information go to

The University has an equity policy and welcomes applications from all
qualified persons.

The University is committed to meeting its obligations under the Treaty of
Waitangi and achieving equity outcomes for staff and students.


8. Director - Office of Indigenous Health
University of Alberta
Location: Alberta
Date posted: 2011-11-23
Director, Office of Indigenous Health

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (FoMD) at the University of Alberta
invites applications for the position of Director, Office of Indigenous

The Director is accountable to the Associate Dean, Community Engagement
and will be expected to work collaboratively with other Directors in the
Division of Community Engagement to fulfill the mission of the Division.
The primary objective for the Director is to facilitate and foster the
engagement of Indigenous communities and physicians in the ongoing mission
of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. The Director will develop and
support relationships between the Faculty and health and non-health
organizations where such collaborations promote Indigenous health and/or
support educational goals. This position will implement new initiatives
and programs in Indigenous health and education and maintain existing
programs with the goal of increasing the support for Indigenous clinician
educators and the number of Indigenous graduates of the University of
Alberta, FoMD, and ultimately, improving the health status of Indigenous
people and communities.

The successful candidate will hold a MD (preferred) and/or PhD and have a
background in Indigenous health, including strong and ongoing ties with
Indigenous communities. Academic leadership and teaching experience would
be an asset in this Assistant Professor level position.

The appointment of a Director is for a five-year term and is open for
renewal for a second five-year term subject to a favourable performance
review. The successful applicant will be offered a tenure-track
appointment in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of
Alberta within the appropriate department.

For further discussions, please contact the Associate Dean, Community
Engagement ( ). Please submit your application by
January 15, 2012 and include a letter outlining your vision for the Office
of Indigenous Health, a curriculum vitae, and the names of three people
who may be contacted for references.

For more information visit

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Alberta
hires on the basis of merit. We are committed to the principle of equity
in employment. We welcome diversity and encourage applications from all
qualified women and men, including persons with disabilities, members of
visible minorities, and Aboriginal persons.


9. First Year Program - Lecturer and Program Coordinator
University of Toronto - Woodsworth College
Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2011-11-08
Lecturer Position available at Woodsworth College, University of Toronto

Woodsworth College invites applications for a two-year teaching stream
position at the rank of Lecturer and Program Coordinator for the College's
new first-year program. The appointment will begin May 1, 2012 and end
April 30th, 2014. This limited-term position will not be renewed.

Woodsworth One will offer students a fully integrated First Year
experience, combining two half-credit interdisciplinary seminars and a
wide range of co-curricular activities, including guest lectures, academic
skills support, student leadership events, and field trips.

The Program Coordinator will be responsible for the overall management of
this new program and will also teach in the program.

The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in one of the academic
disciplines included in Woodsworth One's interdisciplinary range
(Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, History, or a related
interdisciplinary field of study (Criminology), plus substantial
experience in teaching and curriculum development.

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Please submit a letter of application with curriculum vitae, a statement
of teaching philosophy, and a teaching portfolio including samples of
teaching materials, writing instructional materials and student
evaluations. For further details and to apply online please visit Job# 1101093. Please also arrange for
three letters of reference to be sent directly to Professor Joe Desloges,
Principal, Woodsworth College, 119 St. George St., Room 205, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, M5S 1A9 or by e-mail to
If your materials are too large or if you have difficulty applying online,
please submit your paper application to the address noted above. The
committee will begin reviewing completed applications on December 5th,
2011. This posting will remain open until the posting is filled.

For more information about Woodsworth College, please visit our home page.


10. Interdisciplinary Studies - Assistant Professor (International Child
The University of British Columbia
Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2011-11-11
Assistant Professor (Grant-Tenure Track) - International Child Development
Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP)

The Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP), a research institute in the
College for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of British
Columbia, Vancouver Campus, invites applications for a full-time Assistant
Professor (Grant-tenure track).

The position is for initially a term of three years and if renewal is
granted, for two additional years. Renewal is dependent on funding and
performance. The position is expected to begin on July 1, 2012.

Job Summary
The position is grant-funded. This position will provide leadership to
HELP's international child development and child rights monitoring
program. The individual in this position will be responsible for managing
project teams to implement and monitor the UN Convention on the Rights of
the Child in countries around the world. The work will enhance HELP's
existing work in partnership with the World Health Organization, the
United Nations and UNICEF. The child rights monitoring pilot project has
been completed in Tanzania and is now underway in Chile and in Canada. The
proposed HELP faculty will research and publish on the learnings from this
project and its implication for all countries. More broadly, the faculty
will focus on deepening the understanding of the influences international
on children's development. This work was initiated through HELP's
designation as the early child development knowledge hub for the WHO
Commission on the Social Determinants of Health.

The successful candidate for this position will also be central to
introducing the Early Development Instrument (EDI) internationally to
countries such as China. The individual will oversee all aspects of the
implementation of the EDI including establishing the scope of the
initiative, as well as forging a productive working relationship with
schools, community and government leaders in each country where the EDI
will be implemented.

This position will be a joint appointment in the Human Early Learning
Partnership (HELP), College for Interdisciplinary Studies and the Faculty
of Land and Food Systems (Food, Nutrition & Health Program). Depending on
the individual's background and expertise, there will be teaching
opportunities in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems (Food, Nutrition &
Health Program) and the School of Population and Public Health related to
the theme of international child health and development.

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Applicants must have completed a PhD in a relevant field and have
experience in working in an international setting, related to child
development. The candidate will be well versed with working with and
leading international organizations on a variety of projects. As well, the
successful candidate will have completed a post-doctoral fellowship
related to early child development and be eligible for a joint appointment
with another faulty.

Applicants must be and have a demonstrated potential for excellence in
teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate level and supervision of
undergraduate and graduate students; a proven record of excellence in
teaching. Applicants must be a successful teacher capable of providing
instruction at the various levels in his or her discipline.

How to Apply
Applications must include curriculum vitae, at least three reference
letters, evidence of teaching effectiveness, evidence of completion of
academic qualifications and a statement of research and teaching interest.
Please indicate your legal status to work in Canada.

The deadline for applications is December 31, 2011.

Please send the requested materials by email to:

ATTN: Assistant Professor - International Child Development Search (HELP)
Cheryl Rubuliak, Human Resources & Administration Manager
Human Early Learning Partnership, University of British Columbia
Suite 440 - 2206 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z3

Inquiries may be addressed to

Information about HELP is available at

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. All
qualified persons are encouraged to apply. We especially welcome
applications from members of visible minority groups, women, Aboriginal
persons, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual
orientations and gender identities, and others with the skills and
knowledge to engage productively with diverse communities. Canadians and
permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.


11. Linguistics - Department Chair
University of Alberta
Location: Alberta
Date posted: 2011-11-08
University of Alberta
Department of Linguistics
Chair, Department of Linguistics

The Department of Linguistics in the Faculty of Arts at the University of
Alberta invites applications for the position of Department Chair with
tenure at the associate or full professor level. The Department consists
of eleven full-time, continuing faculty members and currently is home to
40 graduate students at the Masters and PhD level. The Department of
Linguistics has a strong commitment to empirical and experimental
approaches to linguistic research and its members conduct investigations
in phonetics, the morphosyntax and semantics of Amerindian languages,
child bilingual acquisition, child language impairment, corpus
linguistics, psycholinguistics, phonology, cognitive linguistics, child
and adult 2nd language acquisition, language documentation and
revitalization, computational historical linguistics, and
sociolinguistics. More information about the Department can be found at

The Chair will be someone with a strong sense of collaborative leadership
and a clear commitment to continuing to develop the Department's standing
within the University, within Canada, and internationally on the cutting
edge of data-centered approaches to the study of human language and
linguistic development. The Chair will support a culture of grantsmanship
and will contribute to the development of graduate and undergraduate
programmes in the Department and will foster the activities of the
in-house research facilities - the Centre for Comparative
Psycholinguistics, the Language Documentation Research Cluster, Alberta
Phonetics Lab, and the Language Acquisition Lab; an active participation
in one or more of these groups would be expected.

Candidates with demonstrated administrative experience will be preferred,
and must hold the PhD, together with a distinguished record in university
teaching and research (including a strong track record of appropriate
grant activity) in areas of interest to the Department. The successful
candidate should have strong interpersonal communication skills and a
commitment to excellence in teaching and research, as well as a scholarly
track record suitable for appointment at a senior rank.

The University of Alberta, one of Canada's largest and most accomplished
research universities, is situated in Edmonton, a metropolitan area of
over one million with a vibrant artistic community and excellent standard
of living. Established in 1908 as a board-governed public institution, the
University of Alberta has earned the reputation of being one of the top
five universities in Canada based on its strengths in teaching, research
and service. The University of Alberta serves over 38,000 students in more
than 200 undergraduate and 170 graduate programs

The Faculty of Arts is the oldest and most diverse faculty on campus, and
one of the largest research and teaching centres in western Canada

Salary is negotiable and will be commensurate with experience.

This competition will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. The
selection committee will begin consideration of candidates December 31,
2011. To receive consideration, applications (including an up-to-date
curriculum vitae and the names of at least three referees), nominations,
or expressions of interest should be submitted in confidence to:

Dean Lesley B. Cormack
Faculty of Arts
University of Alberta
6-33 Humanities Centre
Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G 2E5

Competition No.: A107315909
Closing Date: Will remain open until filled.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Alberta
hires on the basis of merit. We are committed to the principle of equity
in employment. We welcome diversity and encourage applications from all
qualified women and men, including persons with disabilities, members of
visible minorities, and Aboriginal persons.


12. Linguistics - Professor (Quantitative Linguistics)
University of Alberta
Location: Alberta
Date posted: 2011-11-21
University of Alberta
Department of Linguistics
Professor in Quantitative Linguistics

The Department of Linguistics in the Faculty of Arts at the University of
Alberta invites applications for a tenured position in Quantitative
Linguistics at the Full Professor level. The successful candidate must
hold the PhD and will be exceptionally well qualified with an outstanding
research record in the application of quantitative, statistically-based
techniques to the study of language, particularly in the areas of
morphosyntax, language processing, and corpus linguistics.
Responsibilities will include maintaining an active research program,
teaching/supervision in both our undergraduate and graduate linguistics
programs, and administrative service.

The Department of Linguistics has a strong commitment to empirical and
experimental approaches to linguistic research. The Department consists of
eleven full-time, continuing faculty members pursuing research projects in
experimental phonetics, phonology, morphosyntax and semantics of
Amerindian languages, cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics, language
documentation and revitalization, bilingual 1st and 2nd language
acquisition and language impairment, psycholinguistics,
computational/historical linguistics, and sociolinguistics. We usually
have approximately 40 students in our graduate program at any given time,
of which roughly one quarter are pursuing the MSc while the majority are
working towards the PhD. More information about the Department can be
found at

Established in 1908 as a board-governed, public institution, the
University of Alberta has earned the reputation of being one of the best
universities in Canada based on our strengths in teaching, research, and
services. The University of Alberta serves over 38,000 students in more
than 200 undergraduate programs and 170 graduate programs
( The Faculty of Arts is the oldest and most
diverse faculty on campus, and one of the largest research and teaching
centres in western Canada ( The University's
main campus is located in Edmonton, the vibrant, cosmopolitan capital of
the province of Alberta. The Edmonton metropolitan area is the sixth
largest in the country with a population of approximately one million.
Edmonton is located only a few hours drive from Banff and Jasper National
Parks, which offer skiing in winter and excellent hiking and sightseeing
in summer.

Applicants should send curriculum vitae, a letter describing their areas
of research interest, samples of publications, and, if available, a
teaching dossier and evaluations of teaching performance.

Applicants must also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent in
confidence to the Chair. The closing deadline is 13 January 2012. The
effective date of employment will be 1 July 2012. Salary is negotiable and
will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Interested applicants may apply to:

Dr. Sally Rice, Interim Chair
Department of Linguistics
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, CANADA T6G 2E7
Fax : (780) 492-0806

Competition No.: A110716009
Closing Date: Jan 13, 2012

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Alberta
hires on the basis of merit. We are committed to the principle of equity
in employment. We welcome diversity and encourage applications from all
qualified women and men, including persons with disabilities, members of
visible minorities, and Aboriginal persons.


13. Linguistics and Language Studies - Instructor (American Sign Language)
Carleton University
Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2011-11-09
Instructor - Linguistics and Language Studies

Carleton University's School of Linguistics and Language Studies invites
applications for a preliminary (tenure track) position in American Sign
Language at the level of Instructor I, commencing July 1, 2012. Native or
native-like fluency in American Sign Language is required, and a Ph.D. or
equivalent in Applied Linguistics or related area with a specialization in
second or foreign language teaching and learning, language and identity,
or discourse studies, is preferred.

The successful candidate will have a demonstrated excellence in teaching,
and a permanent professional commitment to a career in teaching American
Sign Language at the university level. S/he will be expected to teach
undergraduate courses in American Sign Language (from introductory to
advanced, as needed) to a culturally diverse student body, and to
participate in the ongoing development of curriculum and of teaching and
testing materials. There is a possibility of some teaching in the Applied
Linguistics and Discourse Studies program, depending on qualifications,
and collaboration with that program is strongly desired. The School's
program in American Sign Language is housed in a unit representing a rich
diversity of perspectives on language, with courses in Linguistics,
Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin),
German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish, as well as Communication
Courses for Disciplines and Professions and courses in English as a Second
Language for international students, immigrants and refugees. Detailed
information on the School can be found at

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, but in accordance with
Canadian immigration requirements, applications from Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. Carleton University is an
excellent employer, and is strongly committed to fostering diversity
within its community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment and
social strength. We welcome those who would contribute to the further
diversification of our faculty and its scholarship, including but not
limited to women, visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, persons with
disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.

Carleton University is located on a beautiful campus in the central
portion of Ottawa, bounded by the Rideau River on one side, and the Rideau
Canal on the other. Its prime location -- minutes from downtown, an
international airport, and the Gatineau Hills -- enhances quality of life,
and allows for recreational opportunities for individuals and families.
With a population of almost one million, the city of Ottawa is Canada's
capital and reflects the country's bilingual and multicultural character.

Applications should be submitted to Professor Randall Gess, Director,
School of Linguistics and Language Studies, 215 Paterson Hall, Carleton
University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada. ( ) Letters of application should be accompanied by
a curriculum vitae as well as a concise dossier that includes written
evidence of teaching effectiveness. Three letters of reference should be
sent directly to the Director. The closing date for receipt of
applications, including the letters of reference, is December 2, 2011.
This position is subject to final budgetary approval.


14. Multiple Positions
University of Toronto - OISE
Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2011-11-25
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education - Multiple Positions

Teacher Education
Assistant / Associate / Full Professor - 110116
Closing Date: January 15, 2012 or until filled
The successful candidate will demonstrate expertise in the study of
teacher education program design, practices, curricula and evaluation,
with specific knowledge and experience regarding the preparation of
teachers in reading and writing pedagogy. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in
a relevant area; a demonstrated record of excellence in teaching; a
rigorous and productive program of research and record of publication; and
be committed to knowledge mobilization. The successful candidate will be
expected to contribute to undergraduate programs, initial teacher
education and graduate programs, including the supervision of graduate
student research.

Ethics and Ethical Inquiry in Education
Assistant / Associate / Full Professor - 1101115
Closing Date: January 15, 2012 or until filled
The successful candidate will possess expertise in ethical theory and
inquiry (e.g., traditional, modern, post modern and social justice equity
theories) and their application to current educational issues both within
Canada and globally. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in a relevant area; a
demonstrated record of excellence in teaching; a rigorous and productive
program of research and record of publication; and be committed to
knowledge mobilization. The successful candidate will be expected to
contribute to undergraduate programs, initial teacher education and
graduate programs, including the supervision of graduate student research.

Economics of Education
Assistant / Associate / Full Professor - 1101114
Closing Date: January 15, 2012 or until filled
The successful candidate will have expertise in the economics of education
including examination of practices, policies and outcomes in the
organization and systems which shape education and economic analysis of
critical issues in education both within Canada and around the world.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. in a relevant area; a demonstrated record of
excellence in teaching; a rigorous and productive program of research and
record of publication; and be committed to knowledge mobilization. The
successful candidate will be expected to contribute to undergraduate
programs, initial teacher education and graduate programs, including the
supervision of graduate student research.

Aboriginal Education
Assistant / Associate / Full Professor - 1101113
Closing Date: January 15, 2012 or until filled
We seek candidates with expertise in Aboriginal Knowledge Systems and
Education together with a demonstrated record of collaborative work with
Aboriginal communities. The successful candidate will participate in and
contribute to OISE's aboriginal education initiatives. Preference will be
given to Aboriginal scholars. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in a relevant
area; a demonstrated record of excellence in teaching; a rigorous and
productive program of research and record of publication; and be committed
to knowledge mobilization. The successful candidate will be expected to
contribute to undergraduate programs, initial teacher education and
graduate programs, including the supervision of graduate student research.

For further details and to apply online please visit:

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its
community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group
members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of
sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further
diversification of ideas.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority.


15. Sociology - Law, Crime and Society (Aboriginal Peoples and Justice
University of Saskatchewan
Location: Saskatchewan
Date posted: 2011-11-08
College of Arts & Science

The University of Saskatchewan is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, a
city with a diverse and thriving economic base, a vibrant arts community
and a full range of leisure opportunities. The University has a reputation
for excellence in teaching, research and scholarly activities, and offers
a full range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs to a
student population of about 20,000. The university is one of Canada's
leading research-intensive universities.

The College of Arts & Science offers a dynamic combination of programs in
the humanities and fine arts, the social sciences and the sciences. There
are over 8,000 undergraduate and graduate students in the College and 325
faculty, including 12 Canada Research Chairs. The College emphasizes
student and faculty research, interdisciplinary programs, community
outreach and international opportunities.

Successful candidates will demonstrate excellence or promise of excellence
in teaching and graduate supervision. They will be expected to develop a
vigorous, externally-funded research program.

The University of Saskatchewan is committed to employment equity, welcomes
diversity in the workplace, and encourages applications from all qualified
individuals, including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal
persons, and persons with disabilities. All qualified individuals are
encouraged to apply; however, Canadian and permanent residents will be
given priority.

The College is recruiting faculty in the following department for
appointment to begin July 1, 2012:

Department of Sociology - Law, Crime, and Society with special emphasis on
Aboriginal peoples and justice issues

For further information, please consult the College of Arts and Science
website at The positions are
subject to budgetary approval.


16. Sociology - Tenure-track Position
Bishop's University
Location: Quebec
Date posted: 2011-11-02
Applications are invited for a tenure-track position in Sociology at
Bishop's University to begin July 1, 2012, subject to final budgetary
approval. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. and a dynamic
research program in the area of Criminology and Deviance, as well as the
demonstrated ability to excel in the classroom. The ability to teach
introductory research methods and data collection courses, in addition to
Criminology and Deviance courses, is an asset.

Bishop's is a primarily undergraduate University with a strong emphasis on
dynamic and effective teaching and with an increasingly vibrant research
culture. Located in the beautiful Eastern Townships, our riverside campus
attracts students from across the country and around the world. Our small
class sizes offer excellent opportunity for the exchange of ideas between
professors and students.

Applications including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching
portfolio (including teaching evaluations), at least one sample scholarly
publication, and letters of reference from two academic referees should be
submitted no later than January 23, 2012 to:

Dr. B. Gerry Coulter
Chair, Department of Sociology
Bishop's University
2600 College Street
Sherbrooke Quebec
J1M 1Z7
819-822-9600 ext. 2570

Bishop's University is committed to the principles of employment equity
and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible
minorities, Aboriginal Peoples, people of all sexual orientations and
genders, and others who may contribute to further diversification of the
University. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority
will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. All qualified
applicants are encouraged to apply.


17. Sociology and Anthropology - Lecturer (Sociology)
Thompson Rivers University
Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2011-11-02
Sociology & Anthropology
Limited Term Contract

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Thompson Rivers University
in Kamloops, B.C. is seeking a Lecturer in Sociology.

The successful applicant will be required to teach courses from the first
to fourth year undergraduate level.

Courses will include:
• Introductory Sociology (SOCI 1110/1210)
• Classical Theory (SOCI 3200)
• Research Methods (SOCI 2720)
• Organization of Work (SOCI 3520) or
• Contemporary Social Movements (SOCI 4750)
• The Family in Cross-Cultural Perspective (SOCI 2160)

Plus at least one more third or fourth year topic.

• Ph.D. in Sociology or completion of doctoral degree by date of appointment.

TERM OF EMPLOYMENT: January 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013

REVIEW DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: Applications will be reviewed commencing
November 16, 2011, and may continue until position is filled.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. As part of its commitment to
Employment Equity, TRU encourages applications from qualified members of
the four designated groups: women, aboriginal peoples, persons with
disabilities, and visible minorities. Applicants are invited to identify
themselves if they belong to any of the four designated groups.

Please forward current curriculum vitae, quoting the Competition 11-199
with names, addresses and telephone numbers of three (3) referees and/or
references, along with a copy of graduate transcripts to:

Career Opportunities,
Human Resources Division
Thompson Rivers University
900 McGill Road
Kamloops, British Columbia
V2C 0C8 Canada
or by fax to:
or by email to:


18. Summer Session 2012
University of Manitoba
Location: Manitoba
Date posted: 2011-12-01

The University of Manitoba Summer Session 2012 may have instructional
positions open in courses offered by the following areas: Soil Sciences,
Landscape Architecture, Anthropology, Asian Studies, Catholic Studies,
Classics, Economics, English, Film Studies, French, Spanish, Italian,
German and Slavic Studies (German, Poland, Ukrainian, Russian), History,
Icelandic, Labour Studies, Linguistics, Native Studies, Philosophy,
Political Studies, Psychology, Religion, Sociology, Women's and Gender
Studies, Accounting and Finance, Actuarial, General Management, Human
Resource Management/ Entrepreneurship/Small Business, Marketing, Supply
Chain Management, Education (Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, and
Educational Administration, Foundations and Psychology), Civil
Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Environment and Geography, Geological Sciences,
Family Social Sciences, Human Nutritional Sciences, Human Ecology, Textile
Sciences, Kinesiology and Recreation Management, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy,
Biological Sciences (Botany, Zoology), Chemistry, Computer Science,
Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics and Astronomy, Statistics, Social Work,
and Fine Arts (Art History, and Studio Courses). Normally, successful
university teaching experience and a Ph.D. are required.

Summer Session 2012 is scheduled as follows: April 30 - June 19 (day),
April 30 - August 8 (evening), and June 25 - August 15 (day). The
University of Manitoba welcomes diversity in the workplace and encourages
applications from qualified women and men, including members of visible
minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities. All
qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. Submissions must be received
by January 9, 2012 and should indicate the specific area of teaching
interest. Please forward to Dr. Bill Kops, Director of Summer Session, 188
Extended Education Complex, The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg MB R3T

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