This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Two studentships for doctoral study in Social Anthropology - Manchester

Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester is delighted that
the ESRC has awarded research funding for our project, "The Domestic
Moral Economy: An ethnographic study of value in the Asia Pacific

In the immediate future we will be appointing two Project Studentships
for doctoral candidates who will carry out their own studies in tandem
with our research programme. That programme is described on our
website, and details of the postgraduate research posts, the
requirements for eligibility and the necessary application procedures
are available at this link:

We invite interested postgraduate students to apply for these posts.
Please note that we are eager to send out news of this now in order to
attract the best candidates, but the final deadline for application is
to be confirmed. Questions about the two studentships can be directed
to any of the Investigators, or most simply to Karen Sykes,

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