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1. Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Committee Award 2019 Prize Announcement / Annonce du Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee 20192. Call for Submissions: The 2020 Labrecque-Lee Book Prize / Appel de dossiers : Prix Labrecque-Lee - 20203. Call for Nominations, Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Selection Committee / Appel de candidatures, Comité de sélection du Prix Labrecque-LeeLabrecque-Lee Book Prize Committee Award 2019 Prize Announcement / Annonce du Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee 2019(la version française suit) Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Committee Award 2019 Prize Announcement The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize was established in 2018, and named in honour of two outstanding Canadian anthropologists. Marie-France Labrecque, Emeritus Professor at the Université Laval Department of Anthropology, where she taught for more than 30 years. Since 1982, she has (co)authored or (co)edited nine books on gender, migration and mobility in Mexico. In 2015, she was awarded the Weaver-Tremblay prize by CASCA, celebrating her contributions to Canadian anthropology. Richard Borshay Lee is Emeritus Professor at the University of Toronto Department of Anthropology. Since 1965, he has participated as (co)author or (co)editor of nine books on the hunter-gatherers of Africa and North America. In 2016, he was appointed Officer of the Order of Canada and he is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize honours a single or co-authored monograph on sociocultural, archaeological, bio-cultural, ethnohistorical or linguistic work, in French or English. It is given to CASCA members who demonstrate a Canadian affiliation through either their fieldwork, institution, degree or funding. The winner is honoured at the CASCA annual meeting and receives a $500 award. In 2019, the Committee was composed of Julie-Soleil Archambault, Nathalie Boucher, Daromir Rudnyckyj, and Jaro Stacul. Ten monographs were submitted. The Committee's criteria are richness and deepness of ethnography, strength of theoretical work, literary style, originality, and contribution to anthropological debates. The Committee is pleased to announce that the 2019 winner is Katie Kilroy-Marac, for her book An Impossible Inheritance: Postcolonial Psychiatry and the Work of Memory in a West African Clinic. Dr. Kilroy-Marac is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Toronto. An Impossible Inheritance is a paradigm-making example of ethnography that does theoretical work. The book is an ethnographic study of the Fann psychiatric clinic, located in Senegal. However, the book's interventions go far beyond a mere case study. Instead, author Katie Kilroy-Marac illustrates a profound theoretical problem through the debates and dynamics that animated treatment in the Fann clinic over several decades. At stake in these debates is nothing less than the question of the universality of knowledge. Taking the transcultural psychiatry of the French doctor Henri Collomb a central object of analysis, Kilroy-Marac describes how the Fann clinic is a central site for profound contestations over whether psychiatry is a universal science with privileged insight into the human mind at large or whether it is limited by the particular cultures and histories in which it is applied. In so doing, Kilroy-Marac reveals the aporias of colonialism and the predicaments of modernity. The author documents with vivid data how the Clinic is dense transfer point for cultural, historical and political tensions, Western and traditional practices and beliefs about mental health, and complex characters, especially Demba and Collomb. Most importantly, the theoretical dialogue with the micro-practices of the Clinic and the macro-context of postcolonial and neoliberal political economy is enlightening. Finally, the ethnographer's account of her thoughts and doubts are poetically and intelligently embedded in the text. Thoughtfully written with an eye toward ethnographic innovation, An Impossible Inheritance is a stunning example of the power of contemporary anthropology, and forcefully illustrates the capabilities of the discipline to illuminate critical theoretical issues through fine-grained ethnographic work. It provides a great example of the strengths of ethnographic work, and of writing, as a complex yet lucid means of contributing to anthropology and to the human sciences more broadly. The Committee also wishes to award an honorary mention to Laura Eramian for her book Peaceful Selves; Personhood, Nationhood, and the Post-Conflict Moment in Rwanda. Laura Eramian is Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at Dalhousie University, Halifax. The book is an analysis of personhood and nationhood in post-genocide Rwanda. Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in several spells over a decade, it examines how Rwandans of different social classes reflect on a wide range of messages emanating from the Rwandan state and NGOs, teaching them how to become good citizens and forgive perpetrators of violence. Both in content and style, the author successfully communicates the complex ambivalence that structure the daily life of her interlocutors, who are caught between a longing to leave the past behind and think about the future, and memories of the genocide and of missing relatives, friends, and neighbours. The author grounds her analysis in a thorough knowledge of Rwandan culture and society, and nicely dissects the different motivations and attitudes of Rwandans to their perceived role in the making of the new nation in the wake of violence. The portraits of participants give readers a real sense of how anxieties about personhood and nationhood are articulated by people who want to become agents of change. The book makes an excellent contribution to the established Africanist anthropological literature on post-disaster. The award and honourable mention will be presented at the Annual General Meeting on November 22, 2019, in Vancouver. -- Annonce du Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee 2019 Le Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee a été créé en 2018 et nommé en l'honneur de deux anthropologues canadiens exceptionnels. Marie-France Labrecque est professeure émérite au Département d'anthropologie de l'Université Laval, où elle a enseigné pendant plus de 30 ans. Depuis 1982, elle a (co)écrit et (co)édité neuf livres sur le genre, la migration et la mobilité au Mexique. En 2015, la CASCA lui a décerné le prix Weaver-Tremblay pour sa contribution à l'anthropologie canadienne. Richard Borshay Lee est professeur émérite au département d'anthropologie de l'Université de Toronto. Depuis 1965, il a participé en tant que (co)auteur ou (co)éditeur de neuf livres sur les chasseurs-cueilleurs d'Afrique et d'Amérique du Nord. En 2016, il a été nommé Officier de l'Ordre du Canada et il est membre de la Société royale du Canada. Call for Submissions: The 2020 Labrecque-Lee Book Prize / Appel de dossiers : Prix Labrecque-Lee - 2020(la version anglaise suit) Appel de dossiers : Prix Labrecque-Lee La Société canadienne d'anthropologie (CASCA) est à la recherche de candidatures pour le Prix Labrecque-Lee. Créé en 2018, ce prix a comme visée de souligner une publication remarquable en anthropologie rédigée en français ou en anglais. La CASCA recueille actuellement des dépôts de candidature pour ce prix. Le prix a été créé en l'honneur de deux extraordinaires anthropologues canadiens : Marie-France Labrecque et Richard Lee. En plus d'être honoré par la CASCA lors du colloque annuel, le récipiendaire de ce prix recevra une récompense de 500 $. Les nominations pour le Prix Labrecque-Prize doivent être proposées par une personne autre que l'auteur ou les auteurs et respecter les critères suivants :
Le dossier de candidature doit comprendre ce qui suit :
À la réception du dossier de candidature, des arrangements seront pris afin que la maison d'édition fasse parvenir des exemplaires du livre aux membres du comité de sélection du prix. La maison d'édition aura deux semaines pour procéder à l'envoi. Remarque : La maison d'édition du livre primé aura le droit de mentionner le prix remporté dans toute publicité lié à cette publication. Un comité interdisciplinaire composé de membres de la CASCA aura la tâche de sélectionner le livre gagnant. Le comité de sélection pourra néanmoins choisir de ne pas attribuer le prix lors d'une année donnée. Le gagnant devrait normalement être annoncé par la CASCA au mois de septembre de l'année ayant cours. Il sera impossible de faire appel de la décision du comité. -- Call for Submissions: The Labrecque-Lee Book Prize The Canadian Anthropology Society is seeking submissions for the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize. Established in 2018, the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize recognizes outstanding anthropological publications in either French or English. CASCA is now accepting submissions for the inaugural awards to be announced at the 2019 annual meeting in Vancouver, BC. These awards are made in honour of two outstanding Canadian anthropologists, Marie-France Labrecque and Richard Lee. In addition to being honoured by CASCA at the annual meeting, recipients of the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize will also receive a $500 award. Nominations for the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize must be submitted by someone other than the author(s) and meet the following criteria:
Nominations must include the following information:
Once the nomination package has been received, arrangements will be made for copies of the books to be sent by the publisher to those on the Prize Selection Committee. The publisher will have two weeks to arrange shipment. Please note: the publisher of the winning book is permitted to mention this prize in any publicity relating to its publication. An interdisciplinary panel composed of CASCA Members will select the winner. The selection panel reserves the right not to award the prize in any given year. The winner will normally be announced by CASCA in September of the same year. There will be no appeals of the decision of the panel. Call for Nominations, Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Selection Committee / Appel de candidatures, Comité de sélection du Prix Labrecque-Lee(la version française suit) Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Selection Committee The Canadian Anthropology Society—la Société canadienne d'anthropologie (CASCA) is seeking applications for two (2) positions (one English-speaking; one French-speaking) to serve on the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize Selection Committee. Established in 2018, the Labrecque-Lee Book Prize recognizes outstanding books published in both French or English. The purpose of the Committee is to review book nominations and, based on the award criteria, select the recipient of the annual Labrecque-Lee Book Prize. All information, discussion and comments during the awards selection process are considered confidential and must not be shared with anyone outside the Committee. CASCA will supply the Committee Members with the nomination materials prior to the selection. Conditions:
Nominations must include the following information:
CASCA is an open, participatory association and all members are eligible to serve on this committee. Please send your application electronically to membership@anthropologica.ca by April 1, 2019. -- Comité du Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee La Société canadienne d'anthropologie —The Canadian Anthropology Society— (CASCA) est à la recherche de candidatures pour deux (2) postes (un francophone, un anglophone) au sein du Comité du Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee. Créé en 2018, le Prix Labrecque-Lee récompense les publications anthropologiques exceptionnelles en français ou en anglais. Le Comité a pour mandat d'examiner les candidatures et, en fonction des critères du prix, de choisir le lauréat annuel du Prix Labrecque-Lee. Tous les renseignements, discussions et commentaires formulés au cours du processus de sélection des prix sont considérés comme confidentiels et ne doivent être communiqués à personne à l'extérieur du comité. La CASCA fournira aux membres du comité le matériel des nominations avant la sélection. Conditions :
Les mises en candidature doivent comprendre les renseignements suivants :
La CASCA est une association ouverte et participative et tous ses membres peuvent siéger à ce comité. Prière d'envoyer électroniquement les dossiers de candidatures à membership@anthropologica.ca au plus tard le 1er avril 2019. ![]() |
This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Canadian Anthropology Society – la Société c anadienne d'anthropologie - Prix du livre Labrecque-Lee Book Prize
Casca News
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