-CfP CASCA 2018: Assembling humans: plasticities, environments, and identities
-CfP CASCA 2018: Assembling humans: plasticities, environments, and identities
-CASCACUBA18 panel CFP: Contrapunteo y territorialidades
-Call for Papers CASCA 2018: Race, affect, and the performative in the counterpoint of center and margin
-CFP: Casca Cuba. Temporal experience and the ethics of time
-CFP: Digital Infrastructures, Practices, and Socialities beyond the State
-CFP: Intersecting Views on the Practice of Bridewealth
-Call for papers CASCA – Cuba: Ethnographies of NAFTA
-CASCACuba2018 panel CFP: Acoplando el contrapuntal (contrapunteo) voces de los investigadores e investigados basados en la comunidad a través de la difusión y utilización de los datos
-CASCACuba2018: Seeking co-presenters for a panel or round table-arts-based, qualitative research methods focus
-CASCACuba CFP: A contrapuntal anthropology of politics: engaging formally and informally with 'the political'
-CASCACuba CFP: A contrapuntal anthropology of politics: engaging formally and informally with 'the political'
-Round table to discuss the framing of migration in North America
-Panel CFP: Ethnographic Practices and the Temporality of Evidence
-Appel panel CASCACuba : La relation de l'anthropologue à autrui sur le terrain: qui ou quoi en décide? Observateur participant ou tiers-exclu ?
-CASCACuba panel CFP: The relationship of the anthropologist to the other (seen as a contrapuntear) while doing fieldwork: who or what decides on it? Participating observer or excluded third party?
-Call for papers: CASCA-CUBA - Value and Politics
-Propuesta de panel - CASCA-CUBA - Cultura, clima y azares medioambientales. Enfoques, retos y perspectivas de la Antropología Ambiental