This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

CASCA: CFPs, Events, Opportunities/Colloques, Appels à communication, évènements, opportunités


-CASCACuba2018: Seeking co-presenters for a panel or round table-arts-based, qualitative research methods focus

-CASCACuba CFP: A contrapuntal anthropology of politics: engaging formally and informally with 'the political'

CFPs, Events, Opportunities/Colloques, Appels à communication, évènements, opportunités

-Quebec Intervention Outbreak Symposium Oct 18-19

-Panel event on Latin American Critical Medical Anthropology

-CFP: SfAA 2018: Writing and Representing Gender-Based Violence

-Cuba Ethnographic Field School (May-June 2018)

-Call for Papers - Aging from beyond the skin


-The Joseph Morrison Legacy Fund - Bursary to Aboriginal Students

-CFP: Genders, sexualities, and museums

-Opportunities for Native American Scholars

-Call for Submissions, "Food Fights: A Global Perspective," Zapruder World 5 (2018)

-RFP (SfAA 2018): Neocolonialism and Alcohol Use: Patterns, Consequences, and Community Responses

-CFP: An International Workshop on Post-Orientalism (21-22 Sept. 2018, McMaster University)

-Call for Proposals: Displacements - Biennial Meeting of the Society for Cultural Anthropology, Cosponsored by the Society for Visual Anthropology

-CFP: 2018 Atlantic Canada Studies Conference

-Call for Papers - Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science

-Métis Nation of Ontario Bursary

-Now Accepting Nominations for the Berkshire Conference of Women Historians' Book Prizes

-Fellowships and Grants in China Studies 2017-18

-CFP: Territory cults Asia-Pacific

-Working-Class Studies Association 2018 Conference

-Social Analysis: Open Call for Special Issues

-CFP: Biology and the hierarchization of life

-Seminar: The Federal Environmental and Regulatory Review - Next Steps

-2018 Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research, Focus Theme: Space and Poverty

-Late CfP SfAA 2018 on Disability, temporality and futures

-Eleventh Biennial MESEA Conference - Ethnicity and Kinship: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Family, Community, and Difference

-CFP: SfAA 2018: Sustainable solutions: The role of complementary, integrative, and traditional medicines in addressing contemporary health and social issues

-CFP – Deceit in language: Lies, jokes and play in Amazonia @ ICA 2018

-Event: Why the World Needs Anthropologists - Powering the Planet

-CFP-Colloquium: Canada, the United States, and Indigenous Peoples: Sovereignty, Sustainability, and Reconciliation

-Call for nominations for the Juan E. Méndez Book Award for Human Rights in Latin America

-CFP: Vegan Geographies and The End of Anthroparchy

-CFP: SfAA 2018: Implementation Science and Applied Anthropology

-Call for Papers: Vol 7, No 1 (2018): "Muddied Waters: Decomposing the Anthropocene" / Pivot: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and Thought

-Symposium: "No Better Home for the Jews... than Canada?"

-Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program

-Abstracts Due Oct 15 for SMA's April meeting with SfAA

-CfP: "Exploring new links between transnational migration & education" CeMIS - UAntwerp, 21-22 June 2018

-InVisible Culture, Issue 29 CFP announcement: "Beyond Love"



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Casca News

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