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Saturday, December 17, 2016


The roads most travelled: ethnographic approaches to buffer zones,
crossroads and spaces in-between

Sarah Green (University of Helsinki)
Brenda Chalfin (University of Florida)
Patricia Scalco (University of Helsinki)
Laia Soto Bermant

Short Abstract
The world is full of crossroads, buffer zones and transit areas,
places through which people, things, non-human animals and ideas pass
in order to get somewhere else. This panel focuses on changes in the
relative value and significance of such locations, given changes in
how things move.

CFP "Policy and power in Latin America and the Caribbean" at the
upcoming CASCA/IUAES In Ottawa 2-7 May, 2017.
Deadline to submit a paper abstract is Dec 19

Work on public policy provides an avenue for examining how state power
is exercised and negotiated in everyday life. A range of case studies
in Latin America critically examines the complexity of "the state" and
"the public" or "civil society. The ebb and flow of populist,
neoliberal and leftist governments makes Latin America a particularly
rich site for considering these questions. Likewise, social movements
express political visions and make visible the interventions of a
variety of type of social actors -poor, wealthy, unionized,
indigenous, campesino, corporate, landless... . As we know,
differently situated social actors negotiate and experience these
processes in distinctive ways; this includes state and non-state
actors, acquiescence and resistance. Drawing on a variety of empirical
cases and theoretical perspectives, we ask what interventions
anthropology can make into thinking about the writing of and about

Lindsay DuBois (Dalhousie University)
& Liz Fitting (Dalhousie University)

To submit a paper abstract by the Dec 19 deadline, please go to the
conference website:

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