This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Association of Feminist Anthropology (AFA) 2016 Dissertation Award Competition

Association of Feminist Anthropology (AFA) 2016 Dissertation Award

$2,000 award to support the writing phase of a dissertation that
makes a significant contribution to feminist anthropology
To apply, you must be:
· A doctoral candidate in anthropology or an interdisciplinary program with
significant grounding in anthropological theory and methods. All
sub-fields of anthropology are encouraged to apply
· An AFA member at the time of submission
· In the write-up phase of the dissertation at the time the award is given
(November 2016, AAA meeting).

Applications will be judged on:
· Use of, and engagement with, feminist anthropology in framing
the research topic and findings
· Significance to feminist anthropology
· Originality of dissertation topic or analytic lens
· Timeliness or relevance of topic

Complete applications must include the following:
1. Dissertation project proposal of five double-spaced pages, plus
2. Short CV (no more than two pages).
3. One-page statement detailing the contribution of the dissertation
project to, and engagement with, feminist anthropology.
4. Cover letter indicating applicant's subfield, current status, and
dissertation adviser.
5. Letter of recommendation from the dissertation adviser. This
should frame the work within feminist anthropology. The adviser
should also certify that the graduate student will be in the
dissertation writing phase at the time the award is given (November
2016, AAA meeting). The letter should be sent directly to the
Committee chairperson listed below.
6. Proof of AFA membership (section memberships are
documented in your AAA membership information; a print out or
excerpt from this webpage is acceptable)

Assemble application materials (except letter of recommendation)
into one PDF file and submit via e-mail to:
Dr. Elise Andaya
Chair, AFA Dissertation Award Committee
Department of Anthropology, University at Albany (SUNY) <>

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