This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi

***Même si la CASCA reste très critique face l'exploitation toujours
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.

***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.

Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:

-Assistant Professor, General Sociology - University of Toronto


-Environmental / Global Studies, Individualized Study Tutor -
Athabasca University

-Casual Instructor(s), First Nations Governance Workshops - Yukon College

-Associate / Full Professor, Institute for Indigenous Health, School
of Public Health, Tenure Stream - University of Toronto

-Research Assistant, Faculty of Social Science - Western University

-Research Assistant, Centre for Policy in Aboriginal Learning -
Confederation College

-Aboriginal Advisor, Centre for Indigenous Education & Community
Connections - Camosun College

-Senior Research Assistant, School of Public Health - University of Alberta

See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:

If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:

Merci/Thank you

CASCASANA2016 panel CFPs/Appels à communication

-Cultural Production and the State

-Solidarit(i)és at the Intersection of Food and Religion

-Debt and the Double Edge of Solidarity

-Public and private in urban space / Le public et le privé dans
l'espace urbain

-Solidarities at the Edge of Exclusion

-Emerging economic futures: The intersections of informality and formality

-Solidarity with who?: On the Challenges of Studying Up

-Solidarities with Indigenous Peoples in Canada and Beyond

-More-Than-Human Solidarities: Conceptual Insights and Multispecies
Political Possibilities

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

CASCA/SANA2016 panel - looking for participants: CULTURAL PRODUCTION AND THE STATE


Institutionalized arenas of culture production like film, music and
performing arts industries have been described as spaces both
nurturing critical public dialogue and advancing hegemonic projects.
By employing notions like cultural and creative industries, culture as
a resource for governance, alternativity, and artistic public sphere,
arenas of cultural production can be seen as zones where government
institutions, transnational agencies, cultural producers and consumers
negotiate dissent and incorporation. This panel welcomes contributions
of anthropologist exploring the intersections of art, market, society
and state. Among the questions we would like to consider are: How do
states incorporate, marginalize, engage or ignore artistic practices?
How do artistic projects permeate state's projects? How do social
actors in this field articulate and narrate social solidarities?
Please send inquiries and abstracts to Daniel Salas-Gonzalez
( by January 31, 2016.

Monday, December 28, 2015

2016 CASCA/SANA cfp: Debt and the Double Edge of Solidarity

Debt and the Double Edge of Solidarity

Anthropologists have long been interested in the paradoxical roles that
financial and other forms of debt play in social life: its potential to bind
and to divide, to intensify social inequalities and to blur them; its role in
both expressing and destabilizing care and kinship; its ability to render
people solid citizens and deadbeats. Since the global financial crisis, as
Holly High observes, debt is approaching a Maussian "total" social phenomenon,
one in which "everything intermingles." This panel explores the paradoxes of
the credit/debt dyad (Gustav Peebles's term), with particular attention to its
work at/as a "double edge" of solidarity. Possible topics include but are not
limited to: the role of various types of debt in forming and fracturing
solidarities across and within social and geopolitical boundaries; the role of
elite solidarities in establishing debt as a mechanism for governmentality and
subjectivation; and anthropology's potential to illuminate debt's part in
making and unmaking shared identities, interests and struggles within and
across political movements, groups, classes, institutions and households.

Session Organizers: Robin Whitaker & David Cooney (Department of Anthropology,
Memorial University of Newfoundland)

Please email inquiries and/or 150 word abstracts to and by January 20th.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

CFP CASCA-SANA 2016: Public and private in urban space / Le public et le priv=?utf-8?Q?=C3=A9_dans_l=E2=80=99espace?= urbain

Public and private in urban space / Le public et le privé dans l'espace

[English follows]

Les villes concentrent des institutions, intérêts et ressources que l'on
classe souvent comme étant soit privés, soit publics. En fait, le public et
le privé s'imbriquent l'un dans l'autre, les préoccupations privées
devenant souvent le moteur des actions publiques et vice versa.

Tandis que la dimension publique de la ville a été grandement étudiée, sa
dimension privée demeure sous-théorisée; les recherches actuelles portent
surtout sur les effets néfastes de la privatisation de l'espace public sans
s'attarder, par exemple, sur les dynamiques de l'intime ou du domestique en
ville. Comme l'a mis en évidence l'anthropologie féministe, les sphères
publiques et privées se co-produisent et sont traversées par des rapports
de force et des flux de pouvoir. En transposant cette approche sur les
espaces urbains, cette session cherche à explorer les interstices, les
imbrications et les intersections du public et du privé et leurs
conséquences sur les relations sociales dans la ville.

Veuillez envoyer votre proposition de communication avec un titre, un
résumé de 100 à 150 mots, des mots clés et les noms des co-auteurs (le cas
échéant) avant le 22 janvier à Martha Radice et
Nathalie Boucher .

Public and private in urban space

Cities concentrate institutions, interests and resources that are often
classed as either public or private. In fact, the private and the public
are bound up in one another, with private preoccupations often driving
public action and vice versa. While the public dimension of the city has
been thoroughly problematized, the private remains under-theorized; current
research studies the ill effects of the privatisation of public space, for
instance, without looking at the dynamics of the domestic or intimate
realms in the city. As feminist anthropology has shown, public and private
spheres mutually produce each other and are traversed by relations and
circulations of power. Transposing this approach to urban spaces, this
panel seeks to explore the entanglements, interstices and intersections of
the public and the private, and their consequences for social relations in
the city.

Please send your paper proposal including the title, abstract (of 100 to
150 words), keywords, and co-authors (if applicable) by 22 January to
Martha Radice and Nathalie Boucher .

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi

***Même si la CASCA reste très critique face l'exploitation toujours
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.

***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.

Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:

-Assistant Professor, Anthropology and Biological Sciences - Faculty
of Arts and Science, MacEwan University

-International Studies - Lecturer / Senior Lecturer - Simon Fraser University

-Chargé de projet - Points de chute alimentaires - Parole d'excluEs

-ANTHROPOLOGY INSTRUCTOR - Kwantlen Polytechnic University

-Human Relations Officer/Agent de relations humaines - Native
Montreal/Montréal Autochtone

-Call for researcher –Canadian university student mobility in
North-South partnerships

-Care Canada Project Management, Global Health

-Inter Pares, Asia - Gestionnaire de programme, Asie/Program Manager, Asia

-Provost and Vice-President Academic - University of Saskatchewan

-Direction générale par intérim - Carrefour Nunavut

-Post doc-Rice Academy of Fellows-health and its many intersections

-Archaeology - Canada Research Chair Tier 1 (Archaeological Science) -
Simon Fraser University

-Associate Vice-President / Vice-recteur associé ou vice-rectrice
associée - University of Ottawa / Université d'Ottawa

-Equity Education Advisor, Race & Cultural Diversity - McGill University

-Aboriginal Justice, Subject Matter Expert - Bow Valley College

-Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Adviser, Pacific Women Shaping
Pacific Development - Cardno (Australasia; Tuvalu)

-Director, Equity & Inclusion - UBC

-Direction générale - Archéo-Québec

-Sociology of Marriage and the Family SOCI / WMGS 210, Part-time
Academic Instructor (Online) - St. Francis Xavier University

-Applied Research Technician - Red Deer College

-VICE PROVOST, TEACHING AND LEARNING - Kwantlen Polytechnic University

-Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Health Systems, Program and Policy
Evaluation - Wilfrid Laurier University

-Gestionnaire du suivi, évaluation et de l'apprentissage - CARE Canada

-Codirectrice ou codirecteur des communications (français) - Inter Pares

-Stagiaire-assistant-e aux communications et mobilisation - Société
pour la nature et les parcs du Canada SNAP

-Child and Youth Studies - Brock University

-Assistant Teaching Professor, Sociology, Limited Term - University of

-Manager - Northern Life Museum & Cultural Centre

-Intro to University ARTS 1110, Sessional Instructor - University of Manitoba

-Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response Network,
Post-Doctoral Position - Saint Mary's University

-Women's and Gender Studies - AAS - Learning Specialist (Bystander
Initiative) - University of Windsor

-Sociology - Assistant Professor (Indigenous Criminology/Socio-Legal
Studies) - University of Manitoba

-President - Concordia University of Edmonton

-Program Management Officer - Food, Environment and Health - IDRC

-Administrateur de programme - Alimentation, environnement et santé

-Sexual Violence Support Advocate - Wilfrid Laurier University

-Recruiter Advisor, Aboriginal Students - University of British Columbia

-Social Inequality ANTH 3101, Part Time Appointment - Mount Allison University

See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:

If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:

Merci/Thank you

Nominations Sought for Linda S. Cordell Prize for Outstanding Books in the Field of Archaeology

Nominations Sought for Linda S. Cordell Prize

The School for Advanced Research Seeks Nominations for the $5,000
Linda S. Cordell Prize for Outstanding Books in the Field of Archaeology

This award recognizes innovative books in archaeology or
anthropological archaeology that best exemplify excellence in writing,
significantly advance archaeological method, theory, or
interpretation, and inform other subfields of anthropology or related

Deadline for the 2017 prize is January 15, 2016

Go to for more information on this program, including
eligibility criteria and nomination guidelines.
Contact Info:

Maria Spray

Scholar Programs Coordinator

The School for Advanced Research
Contact Email:

CASCA/SANA2016 panel CFP: Solidarit(i)=?utf-8?Q?=C3=A9s?= at the Intersection of Food and Religion

Solidarit(i)és at the Intersection of Food and Religion

Session to be submitted for the CASCA/SANA meetings at Dalhousie
University, May 11 - 15, 2016

Food and religious communities offer a unique perspective to explore
the complexities, tensions, and contradictions that arise within the
dual nature of solidarity as both a place of cohesion and separation.
The panel addresses foodways as political, economic, and/or cultural
dimensions of production, distribution, preparation, and/or
consumption in relation to religious rituals, beliefs, and practices.
Though we hope to offer an open and general call to the panel, we ask
that papers ethnographically consider the conference theme of
Solidarit(i)és ( at the
intersection of food and religion.

Please send inquiries and/or short abstracts (150 words) to Jason WM
Ellsworth by January 25th, 2015 at

More information about the CASCA/ SANA (Canadian Anthropology
Society/Society for the Anthropology of North America) meetings is
available at:

Monday, December 21, 2015

CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante

Nouveaux ajouts/New announcements:

Fully-funded Life of Breath PhD opportunity at Durham University

Bourse: Mobilité des chercheurs dans les Amériques

See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:

Merci. Thank you

Subscription: CASCA Graduate Student Listserv || Abonnement: La liste de
diffusion des étudiant(e)s diplômé(e)s de CASCA

Interested individuals may send the following command to
(please leave the subject line of the email blank): subscribe casca-grad
lastname firstname.

Les personnes intéressées peuvent aussi envoyer une demande au pour se joindre la liste: subscribe casca-grad
nomdefamille prénom.

CASCA: Conferences, Calls for Papers, Events/Colloques, Appels à communication, Évènements

Conferences and calls for papers/Colloques et Appels à communication:

*Les colloques et appels à communication suivants viennent d'être ajoutés à
notre page web:
*The following conference announcements and calls for papers have just been
added to our web page:

-CFP: Gender Equity and Social Justice in Education - University of
Toronto, March 2016

-Panel CFP –Indigenous knowledge and wildlife biodiversity,
International Union for Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Intercongress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2016

-20e colloque bisannuel de l'American Council for Québec Studies
(ACQS), novembre 2016, Portland

See them and others on our website:

Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:



Thank you/Merci

Bourse: Mobilit=?utf-8?Q?=C3=A9_des_chercheurs_dans_les_Am=C3=A9riques?=

Mobilité des chercheurs dans les Amériques

Le Centre de la francophonie des Amériques (CFA) invite les
professeurs réguliers rattachés à une université dans les Amériques,
les chercheurs postdoctoraux (titulaires d'une thèse de doctorat) et
les étudiants au doctorat (3e cycle) à déposer un projet de mobilité
dans le cadre de son programme de « Mobilité des chercheurs dans les
Amériques ». La bourse de mobilité de 2000 $ CAN permet au
bénéficiaire de communiquer en français ses recherches à l'extérieur
de sa région d'origine et de tisser des liens avec une communauté
francophone dans les Amériques. Les personnes intéressées à déposer
une candidature doivent résider dans les Amériques et être capables de
faire deux communications en français. La date limite pour déposer un
dossier est le 31 décembre 2015.

La personne à contacter au CFA est madame France Roussel, au 1 (418)
643 0737 ou à l'adresse

JUE seeking senior editorial board members


The Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography
<>is a peer-reviewed online open access
journal that publishes high-quality articles by undergraduate students who
have conducted original research using ethnographic methods. Now preparing
its sixth volume, the JUE publishes articles by students from all over the
world, in two issues of four or five articles per year. Recent topics
include studies of terms of address in Spain, community in housing coops in
Canada, and narratives of transition in South Africa, among others.

We are currently seeking to expand our senior editorial board. As a senior
editor, you would be asked to review one article a year on a topic related
to your expertise. The editor-in-chief will provide specific guidance for
evaluating the article and providing recommendations for revisions.

Who we are looking for:

- Professors or instructors at a university or degree-granting college
- Familiar with ethnographic methods, and preferably experienced in using
- Working in any relevant discipline or interdisciplinary field (e.g.
anthropology, sociology, human geography, criminology, cultural studies,
urban studies, and area studies such as Latin American Studies)

How to apply:

- Send a brief bio and a one-page CV listing degrees, research interests,
courses typically taught and key publications to Martha Radice at
- Alternatively, send a link to a personal web page that provides the above

We look forward to hearing from you.

Dr. Martha Radice
Editor, Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography
Associate Professor
Sociology & Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University

Dr. Jason Patch
Founding Editor, Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography
Associate Professor, Sociology, Roger Williams University

Rappel/Reminder - CASCA/SANA2016 panel CFP: Solidarities with Indigenous Peoples in Canada and Beyond

CASCA/SANA2016 panel CFP reminder

Solidarities with Indigenous Peoples in Canada and Beyond

Anthropologists work with and for Indigenous peoples in Canada and
beyond. They expose negative representations about Indigenous peoples
within all forms of media. In consultation with Indigenous
stakeholders, anthropologists revise education programs, systems and
resources providing better access and culturally appropriate
instruction. Anthropologists act as expert witnesses for Indigenous
peoples within the courts. They work toward solutions to pressing
health challenges and problems confronting Indigenous peoples. Applied
anthropologists work closely with Indigenous peoples on a host of
practical projects designed to address routine and extraordinary needs
while creating capacity within communities. Anthropologists
collaborate with Indigenous historians and linguists building archives
using Indigenous knowledge and practices to save and maintain
Indigenous histories and languages. These panels invite, among other
things, anthropologists and Indigenous peoples to reflect upon what
solidarity requires, where solidarity-building has worked or not, and
what could have been done differently.

Please submit abstracts for consideration to:
Craig Proulx
St. Thomas University

2016 CASCA/SANA Conference: Call for Panel Papers - Emerging economic futures: The intersections of informality and formality

2016 CASCA/SANA Conference: Call for Panel Papers

May 11-15, 2016. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Co-organizers: Alan Smart (University of Calgary) and B. Lynne Milgram
(OCAD University)

Panel Abstract:
Emerging economic futures: The intersections of informality and formality

One of the key legacies of Keith Hart's original work is that current
scholarship has replaced the informal/formal sector dualism with the
recognition that informality/formality are interdependently linked.
Indeed, both academic analysis and development policy increasingly
bring informal and formal together, especially as policies encourage
the formalization of informality. This panel will broaden the terms of
this engagement by analyzing a range of formal/informal intersections.
Governments and corporations, for example, may formalize informality
by engaging informal actors as subcontractors or salespeople; within
supra-national institutions formality/informality are negotiated and
enforced through non-legally binding (soft law) tools (e.g., treaties,
conventions); and NGOs, grassroots movements and civic associations
often struggle to formalize and legalize their practice. By analyzing
the myriad ways in which formality and informality intersect and
interact – subordination, toleration, regularization, eradication,
exploitation and subversion – panel papers will effectively inform the
economic futures that emerge in a less Euro-centric global economy.

Key words:
formality/informality; legality/illegality; Global South; development;

• DEADLINE: We ask that paper proposal Abstracts and Key Words be submitted by
January 15, 2016. Please also include your full contact and
affiliation details.

• Please send paper proposal Abstracts of 100-150 words to both panel
co-organizers at: and

• Notification of acceptance of proposals will be sent by January 22, 2016.

• Note: In order to present a paper at the 2016 CASCA/SANA conference,
presenters must be members of one of these organizations.
• Further information about the conference is available at:

Saturday, December 19, 2015

CASCA/SANA2016 panel CFP: Solidarities at the Edge of Exclusion

Solidarities at the Edge of Exclusion

Solidarity is usually celebrated as a good thing and something that
ought to be promoted. But the forging of solidarity movements
necessarily sets one locus of collective values and commitments
against others and can lead to marginalization, rupture, scapegoating,
and exclusion. This panel engages with the irresolvable tension
between inclusion and exclusion in the forging of solidarities by
paying particular attention to their exclusionary sides, broadly
understood. It invites contributions that ethnographically investigate
how troubled forms of social difference are produced, lived, and
interpreted at the level of everyday practice. We will be especially
interested in the following questions: How do the dualities of
solidarity making – inclusion and exclusion – play out in practical
contexts? When solidarities collapse, how do social actors make sense
of the breakdown of collective attachments and commitments? How do
individuals and collectives navigate the everyday tensions that might
develop when they are allied in one context or moment, but opposed in
others? How fixed are group boundaries, and even in cases of deep
collective antipathies, is group membership always or ever an "all or
nothing matter"? When social actors engage in exclusionary boundary
work, what justifications do they give to these practices? Finally,
are there particular theoretical, methodological, or other challenges
associated with ethnographic investigations of solidarity's
exclusionary sides?

Please send inquiries or abstracts of 150 words to Laura Eramian
(Sociology and Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University) at by January 18, 2016.

Panel CFP –Indigenous knowledge and wildlife biodiversity, International Union for Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Intercongress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 4-9, 2016

Panel CFP –Indigenous knowledge and wildlife biodiversity,
International Union for Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Intercongress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 4-9, 2016
Submission deadline:January 31, 2016

Ever since the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1992, states have
been called upon to respect, preserve, and maintain the knowledge and
practices of indigenous and local peoples relevant to conservation of
biological diversity. The 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples likewise recognizes that respect for indigenous
knowledge contributes to sustainable development and environmental
stewardship; while calling for indigenous control of environmental
knowledge. There is a general idea that indigenous rights and
biodiversity conservation should reinforce one another, but a need to
collect case studies to see how this works in culture- and
species-specific contexts.

This panel explores the experiences of indigenous cultures with
initiatives in wildlife, including avian, biodiversity; as well as
untapped potential for indigenous contribution to conservation. This
panel seeks to explore knowledge systems of indigenous peoples,
especially relationships with birds and other wildlife. It plans to
look at case studies in which indigenous peoples have been involved in
wetlands management, coastal areas management, conservation efforts
and co-management of hunting regimes, with critical perspectives on
politics of biodiversity. It will look at cases where indigenous
peoples are included in such projects; but also at cases in which they
are excluded. Do different peoples have different ways of perceiving
wildlife and living with animals, including birds? What are the
implications of social and cultural differences for conservation of
biological diversity? How can indigenous rights be reinforced or
undermined by biodiversity regimes? What potential exists for
collaboration between anthropologists, biologists, and indigenous
communities in wildlife conservation?

Please submit panel online before January 31, 2016 (midnight Croatia

Inquiries may be sent to Scott Simon

Scott Simon, Professeur
École d'études sociologiques et anthropologiques
Université d'Ottawa
120, Université/University (10007)
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5

Friday, December 18, 2015

CASCA/SANA2016 panel CFP circulation in CASCA networks/Diffusion dans les r=?utf-8?Q?=C3=A9seaux?= de la CASCA des appels de communications pour les panels du colloque CASCA/SANA 2016

Please note - the CASCA administrator will be out of the office from
January 7-17, 2016. Please submit CASCA/SANA2016 panel CFPs to by January 5th to ensure their circulation in our
networks before the absence. Panel CFPs submitted after this date will
be circulated January 18th when the administrator returns.

Thank you for your understanding.


Veuillez noter que l'administratrice de la CASCA sera absente du 7 au
17 janvier 2016. Veuillez faire parvenir tout appel de communications pour
un panel du colloque CASCA/SANA 2016 à l'adresse d'ici
le 5 janvier afin qu'il soit diffusé dans nos réseaux avant l'absence de
l'administratrice. Tout appel de communications reçu après cette date sera
diffusé le 18 janvier, au retour de l'administratrice.

Merci de votre compréhension.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Reminder-CASCA/SANA 2016: Panel CFP - Solidarity with who?: On the Challenges of Studying Up


Solidarity with who?: On the Challenges of Studying Up
Session to be submitted for the CASCA/SANA meetings at Dalhousie
University, May 11 - 15, 2016

Anthropologists often position themselves in solidarity with marginal
groups, frequently represented by our research participants. Yet, for
several decades, anthropologists have also focused on studying
powerful institutions, including sites of scientific and technological
practice, government bureaucracies, and legal and policing systems.
Through this practice of "studying-up," anthropologists unpack the
meanings and practices of those operating within and through often
opaque institutional systems, providing a means of understanding and
often critiquing operations of power (Nader 1989). Yet, conducting
ethnographies of powerful actors and institutions can put us at odds
with the interests, goals, and politics of our research participants.
This panel invites papers that explore the complexities of enacting
solidarities while "studying-up," including discussions of productive
and problematic solidarities in the field and beyond, different means
and forms of solidarity, analyses of critical versus collaborative
approaches to ethnography, and considerations of relationships other
than solidarity in fieldwork.

Please send inquiries and abstracts to Samantha Breslin
( by January 8, 2016.

*Samantha Breslin, PhD Candidate *
Department of Anthropology
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Government of Canada contributes to global effort to tackle chronic lung diseases/Le gouvernement du Canada contribue à l'effort mondial de lutte contre les maladies pulmonaires chroniques - Funding Opportunity/la possibilité de financement

-Government of Canada contributes to global effort to tackle chronic
lung diseases;jsessionid=21920ac69610fd6a99d20ce06a0281c8285eaf813ee41a99e7fabd86de088816.e38RbhaLb3qNe3aOaN10?mthd=index&

-Le gouvernement du Canada contribue à l'effort mondial de lutte
contre les maladies pulmonaires chroniques

Funding Opportunity/la possibilité de financement

Application deadline/Date limite de présentation des demandes: 2016-02-24

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Jobs - deadline December 17/18

Sessional Lecturer (Sociology) - University of Saskatchewan (deadline
December 18)

Upper Level Sociology Courses, Sessional Faculty - Thompson Rivers
University (deadline December 17)

CASCA: Conferences, Calls for Papers, Events/Colloques, Appels à communication, Évènements

Conferences and calls for papers/Colloques et Appels à communication:

*Les colloques et appels à communication suivants viennent d'être ajoutés à
notre page web:
*The following conference announcements and calls for papers have just been
added to our web page:

-AlterNative Calls for Papers on Indigenous Autonomy Projects

-Call for papers: Tactics and dissonance: bending social relations
towards justice, through art

-CFP: Indigenous Literatures - Special Can Lit Issue - Indigenous
Literature and the Arts of Community

-Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of African Studies
(CAAS) – Call for Papers
-La conférence annuelle de l'Association canadienne des études
africaines – Appel à contributions

-CFP - Student Conference - 14th Annual Research in Religious Studies
Student Conference

-CFP: Performing Cartography York University Theatre and Performance
Studies Symposium

-CFP: Canadian Jewish Studies/ Études Juives Canadiennes –Volume 25 [2017]

See them and others on our website:

Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:


(Un)Forgotten Voices - Le Tombeau de Barbeau

Thank you/Merci

CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante

Nouveaux ajouts/New announcements:

Sociology Graduate Student Recruitment: Six Fully Funded Positions

CFP - Student Conference - 14th Annual Research in Religious Studies
Student Conference

Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Research: Dr. Jim
McDonald Scholarship

W. Garfield Weston Fellowship Program

See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:

Merci. Thank you

Subscription: CASCA Graduate Student Listserv || Abonnement: La liste de
diffusion des étudiant(e)s diplômé(e)s de CASCA

Interested individuals may send the following command to
(please leave the subject line of the email blank): subscribe casca-grad
lastname firstname.

Les personnes intéressées peuvent aussi envoyer une demande au pour se joindre la liste: subscribe casca-grad
nomdefamille prénom.

Cuts to CHL at ANU

Dear Colleagues

The ANU is threatening to cut 30% or more of the staff of the School
of Culture, History and Language which includes the anthropologists in
what was used toi be the Research School of Pacific Studies, but is
now the ANU College of Asia & the Pacific. Below is a Press release
signed by 70 members of the staff of the School.

If you want to express concern about this here are some email addresses:

Brian Schmidt<> incoming VC; Gareth
Chancellor;<>, Dean
of ANU College of Asia & the Pacific.



*Call to stop cuts to School of Culture, History and Language*

Staff at the ANU School of Culture, History and Language (CHL) have
been told that as many as one third of them may face dismissal next
year. CHL is among the highest performing academic units in the country.

CHL union representative (NTEU), Associate Professor Assa Doron said,
'CHL is one of the world's leading concentrations of academic
expertise on the Asia Pacific region. This region is central to
Australia's future.'

'Understanding and engaging with Asia and the Pacific is precisely
what will give Australia an advantage in the new global economic
climate when the mining boom ends and the Asia-Pacific trade agreement
enters into force,' said Doron.

'The cuts will hit CHL hard, impacting on the largest concentration of
Asian-Pacific language expertise in Australia,' said world-renowned
linguist Professor Nick Evans. 'Australia arguably has the worst level
of foreign language learning of any OECD country,' said Evans. 'Yet
the amazing range of language experts at CHL is one of our best assets
in turning this around, at a time when more than ever Australians need
to expand their mindsets to the sort of deep, empathetic,
culturally-informed engagement that the study of language provides.'

Current staff at CHL include two Fukuoka Prize winners and four ARC
Laureates, the greatest concentration of such academic awards in

A recent external review conducted by an independent panel of
international experts concluded that CHL has 'an outstanding national
and international reputation as one of the world's foremost
concentrations of scholars in humanities and interpretive social
sciences research in the Asia and Pacific regions.' The report further
noted widespread staff demoralisation.

ANU gains considerable reputational value and economic returns from
the stellar pool of academics in CHL. Yet the sole rationale for this
drastic move is the asserted need to urgently balance the School
budget. Professor Andrew Kipnis said, 'staff are baffled, how is it
that in 2013, management said CHL were comfortably in the black, and
added staff. Less than two years later we are being told we are in the
red? Originally, staff were told that changes would take three to five
years to implement. Now we are told that it will be less than a year.
In this situation, long-term planning becomes impossible.'

Cutting one third of CHL academic staff is inconsistent with the ANU
2020 strategic plan, which calls for promoting high-quality research,
increasing Higher Degree Research teaching and supervision, and
nurturing and growing core areas of international distinction.

The world class expertise in Asia and the Pacific assembled in CHL
took decades to develop. It's not too late to stop the decimation of
the School. Staff are dedicated to saving it, not just for their jobs,
but for the mission of the university and the intellectual health of

Once it's gone, this expertise won't come back.


Rachael Bahl

ACT Division Secretary

0403 648 440

02 6125 3114

REMINDER: Women's Network Award for a Student Paper in Feminist Anthropology / Prix étudiant du Réseau des f e mmes de la CASCA

*Women's Network Award for a Student Paper in Feminist Anthropology *

*Prix étudiant du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA*



Les étudiants de 2e et 3e cycles en anthropologie qui présentent
une communication au congrès annuel de la CASCA sont invités à soumettre
leur communication au concours du *Prix étudiant du Réseau des femmes de la
CASCA *pour une communication d'un-e étudiant-e en anthropologie féministe

Établi en 2009 dans le cadre de la célébration du 25e anniversaire
du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA, ce prix a pour objectif d'encourager
les chercheurs émergents en anthropologie sociale et culturelle au Canada
à faire de la recherche dans une perspective féministe sur les enjeux
autour du genre et des rapports sociaux de sexe.


- Les candidats doivent être inscrits à plein temps dans un programme
de maîtrise ou de doctorat en anthropologie dans une université canadienne,
ou avoir obtenu leur diplôme de maîtrise ou de doctorat il y a moins que
12 mois.

*Critères de sélection*

Le comité de sélection recherche des articles qui :

• traitent explicitement d'une question de genre et démontrent clairement
cette perspective dans le traitement du sujet;

• adoptent un point de vue féministe et renvoient vers des écrits
pertinents de littérature féministe;

• ne se contentent pas d'une approche descriptive, mais font preuve d'une
analyse critique originale.

*La communication*

- doit être envoyée à Heather Howard (<>), membre du Comité
du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA, pour examen par notre jury
- doit être reçue au plus tard le 31 décembre suivant le colloque où
elle a été présentée
- ne doit pas dépasser 10 pages
- peut être rédigée en français ou en anglais
- doit inclure un résumé
- doit inclure la mention de l'université, du programme et de
l'année d'inscription au programme de l'auteur-e.

La communication lauréate sera publiée comme article (après évaluation
par les paires) dans la revue canadienne d'anthropologie *Anthropologica*.


*Women's Network Award for a Student Paper in Feminist Anthropology *

Graduate students in Anthropology who will be presenting a paper at the
CASCA meetings are invited to submit their papers for consideration for the
CASCA Women's Network Award for Student Paper in Feminist Anthropology

This award was set up in 2009 as part of the celebration of the 25th
Anniversary of the CASCA Women's Network. Its goal is to encourage research
into gender and gender issues from a feminist perspective by emerging
scholars in social/cultural anthropology in Canada.


- Candidates must be registered full-time in a graduate program in
Anthropology at a Canadian university, or have graduated from such a
program less than one year ago.

*Judging criteria *

The adjudicating committee look for papers that:

- explicitly engage with gender, and clearly demonstrate that engagement
in their treatment of the topic
- take a feminist perspective, with reference to relevant feminist
- show evidence of a critical approach.

*The paper*

- Should be sent to the CASCA Women's Network Committee member Dr.
Heather Howard ( for consideration by our award panel
- Must be received by *December 31* of the year of the conference at
which the paper is presented
- Must not exceed 10 pages in length
- Can be submitted in either English or French
- Must include an abstract
- Must indicate the university at which the candidate is registered and
their current year in the program

The prize-winning paper will be published (following peer review) in
the Canadian anthropology journal, Anthropologica.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Anthropologica - Call for Submissions/Appel de textes


The editors of Anthropologica ( are seeking
submissions for the next issue of the journal. Please forward your articles
to Anthropologica Editor-in-Chief, Jasmin Habib by February 1st, 2016.

All Anthropologica submissions, reviews, and editorial work are done
through our online peer review management system PRESTO.
At this time, we would ask that you please contribute content to the
journal online.
1. To do so, simply visit the link below and press "click here to register."
2. You will be asked to fill in a contributor form and you must click
the "submit" button at the bottom for the page to save your data.
3. You will then be able to log in, using the username and password
you just created, and view the contributor homepage, which is the
starting point for all functions available to you as a contributor.

Thank you for your interest.

Jasmin Habib, Editor-in-Chief,
Alicia Sliwinski, Rédactrice, manuscrits en français


Les rédactrices d'Anthropologica (
vous invitent à soumettre vos propositions d'articles pour le prochain
numéro de la revue avant le 1 février 2016.

Toutes les soumissions à Anthropologica d'articles, de comptes-rendus
et autres textes se font au travers de PRESTO, l'interface de gestion
des évaluations par les pairs.

1. Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous puis sélectionnez « cliquer
pour s'inscrire ».
2. Remplissez le formulaire d'inscription de l'utilisateur et cliquer
« soumette » au bas de la page pour sauvegarder vos données.
3. Vous pourrez ensuite naviguer sur PRESTO, en enregistrant le nom
d'utilisateur et le mot de passe que vous aurez créés, ce qui vous
permettra de consulter la page d'accueil des contributeurs. Cette page
est le point de départ pour toutes les fonctions reliées à votre rôle
en tant que contributeur à la revue.

Merci de votre intérêt!

Jasmin Habib, Editor-in-Chief,
Alicia Sliwinski, Rédactrice, manuscrits en français

Monday, December 14, 2015

CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi

***Même si la CASCA reste très critique face l'exploitation toujours
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.

***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.

Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:

-Linguistics, Languages and Cultures - Assistant Professor (Japanese)
- University of Calgary

-Linguistics, Languages and Cultures - Assistant Professor (German) -
University of Calgary

-Agent(e) de recherche de logement - Centre social d'aide aux immigrants CSAI

-Associate Vice President Academic - Red Deer College

-Principal and Vice-President - University of St. Michael's College

-Research Asst/Tech 2, eHealth Strategy Office - UBC

-Call for a Resident Research Fellow, The Interdisciplinary Center of
Intercultural and Indigenous Studies (Chile)

-Call for three Visiting Research Fellow, The Interdisciplinary Center
of Intercultural and Indigenous Studies (Chile) - deadline December 15

-Research Associate, Community Health Sciences - University of Manitoba

-Aboriginal Student Service And Activity Planner - College of New Caledonia

-Research Grants Facilitator, Research Services - Dalhousie University
(deadline December 16)

-Socio-Ethnographic Research Methods CRIM 3821, Content Expert /
Consultant - Thompson Rivers University

-Sexuality & the Social SOCI 3440H, Workshop Leader - Trent University

-Criminology, Content Expert/Curriculum Developer/Consultant -
Thompson Rivers University

-Aboriginal Student Life Navigator - Confederation College

-Aboriginal Recruitment Officer - Mount Royal University

See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:

If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:

Merci/Thank you

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Reminder/Rappel: L'adhésion CASCA membership


(la version française suit)


I write to invite you to become a new member of the Canadian
Anthropology Society (CASCA), or to renew your membership. The 2016
membership year will begin January 1st.

As a subscriber to our list serve, you already know some of
the excellent services that CASCA offers. I invite you to join the
Society to support the objectives and undertakings of the Canadian
Anthropology Society and enjoy even more of what we have to offer. As
a member you will:

-receive regular e-mailings about activities, conferences
and professional opportunities within CASCA, and the wider Canadian
and international anthropology communities.

-have access to our on-line newsletter Culture, a great
resource, especially to read about new developments and issues in the
Canadian anthropology community and be eligible to submit or view
recent publication notices.

-receive one year (two issues) of our flagship journal,

-be eligible to attend our annual conference, a fine
opportunity to meet and share ideas with practitioners and academics
on topics of interest to anthropologists.

Use the link below and follow the easy steps to register. We look
forward to having you as a member of CASCA.

Please check our website for more details about the Society and our
activities. Regular postings are made to the site so I encourage you
to check it regularly.

Best Regards,
Karli Whitmore
CASCA membership administrator



Par la présente, je souhaite vous inviter à devenir membre de la
Société canadienne d'anthropologie (CASCA) ou à renouveler votre
adhésion. L'adhésion pour l'année 2016 commencera le 1er janvier.

Puisque vous souscrivez à notre liste de diffusion, vous
connaissez déjà certains des excellents services qu'offre la CASCA. Je
vous invite à devenir membre de la Société afin de soutenir nos
objectifs et projets et de profiter davantage de ce que nous avons à
vous offrir. En devenant membre, vous pourrez :

-Recevoir régulièrement des courriels sur les activités,
colloques et opportunités professionnelles de la CASCA ou, plus
globalement, de la communauté anthropologique canadienne ou

-Consulter en ligne notre bulletin Culture, une excellente
ressource surtout pour découvrir l'actualité et les questions de la
communauté anthropologique canadienne. Les membres ont aussi la
possibilité de soumettre ou de consulter les avis de publications.

-Recevoir un abonnement d'un an (2 numéros) de notre revue
phare Anthropologica.

-Participer à notre colloque annuel, une occasion idéale pour
rencontrer des anthropologues académiques et appliqués et échanger
avec eux sur des sujets d'intérêt des anthropologues.

Visitez le lien ci-dessous et suivez les étapes pour devenir membre.
Nous serons ravis de vous compter parmi les membres de la CASCA.

Visitez notre site Web pour plus de détails sur la CASCA et nos
activités. Des annonces sont affichées régulièrement sur le site alors
je vous encourage à le consulter fréquemment.

Karli Whitmore
Administratrice/Adhésion - CASCA

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi

***Même si la CASCA reste très critique face l'exploitation toujours
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.

***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.

Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:

-Visiting Associate Professor/Visiting Assistant Professor
(Development Studies) in the Department of Asian and International
Studies - City University of Hong Kong

-Linguistics, Languages and Cultures - Assistant Professor
(Theoretical Phonology) - University of Calgary

-Community Studies - Assistant Professor - Cape Breton University

-Manager, First Nations Centre - Fanshawe College

-Chargée de projet - Action travail des femmes du Québec ATF

-Gerontology Program-Contract Lecturer-Aging in Canada - Lakehead
University (deadline December 11)

-Support and Advocacy Service Coordinator, Aboriginal Workplace
Readiness, Saik'uz First Nation - College of New Caledonia

-Postdoc: UNSW Australia. Evolution and economics of gender

-Post-doc: Globalization and Rural Areas - with focus on Brazil and
China - Aberystwyth University

-Grants Facilitator, Social Sciences and Humanities - Saint Mary's University

-Adjoint administratif et responsable des communications - Voies
culturelles des faubourgs VCF

-Agent de programme (au Canada) - CARE Canada

-Management - Canada Research Chair Tier II (Indigenous Governance and
Leadership) - Dalhousie University

-Cultural Explorations ANTH 2150, Sessional Faculty - Thompson Rivers

-Call for Applications: UCRSEA Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Urban
Climate Resilience 2016-2017

-Aboriginal Affairs Project Intern - SUDBURY, ON - Ontario Ministry of
Northern Development and Mines

-Anthropology - Assistant Professor (Sociocultural Anthropology) -
MacEwan University

-Sociology - Assistant Professor - MacEwan University

-International Development and Global Studies/Environment -
Assistant/Associate Professor - University of Ottawa

-Développement international et mondialisation/environnement -
Professeur adjoint/agrégé - Université d'Ottawa

-Criminology - Lecturer/Senior Lecturer - Simon Fraser University

-Criminology - Assistant Professor - Simon Fraser University

-Indigenous Studies Recruitment - University of California, Riverside

-Chargé-e de projet en renforcement des organismes et création
d'outils - Réseau québécois des groupes écologistes RQGE

-Directeur(trice) - Table de quartier du Nord-Ouest-de-l'Île de
Montréal TQNOIM

See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:

If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:

Merci/Thank you

CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante

Nouveaux ajouts/New announcements:

CFP: Québec Past and Present: The 4th Annual International and
Domestic Colloquium on Québec Studies

University of Manchester, Sustainable Consumption Institute (SCI) - 4
PhD Studentships

See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:

Merci. Thank you

Subscription: CASCA Graduate Student Listserv || Abonnement: La liste de
diffusion des étudiant(e)s diplômé(e)s de CASCA

Interested individuals may send the following command to
(please leave the subject line of the email blank): subscribe casca-grad
lastname firstname.

Les personnes intéressées peuvent aussi envoyer une demande au pour se joindre la liste: subscribe casca-grad
nomdefamille prénom.

Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in Field Research

Nominations for the Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in Field Research
Deadline Extension

Deadline Extended - Nominations for the Paula Kantor Award for
Excellence in Field Research

The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) is extending
our call for nominations for the inaugural Paula Kantor Award for
Excellence in Field Research. The new deadline to nominate an
individual for consideration is Tuesday, December 15, 2015.

The inaugural award will be given to a young female researcher of
Indian origin to recognize and honor outstanding achievement in the
field of gender and empowerment of women and girls in India. The
inaugural Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in Field Research will
be conferred to the winner at ICRW's 40th Anniversary Celebration in
New Delhi in January, 2016.

Nominations must be made by a third-party. If you know someone who
deserves to win the inaugural Paula Kantor Award for Excellence in
Field Research, please read closely the eligibility and nomination
requirements and submit any nominations by December 15, 2015.

To read the full announcement and find out more about the criteria
for eligibility, please click here:

Monday, December 7, 2015

CASCA Medical Anthropology Network

The CMA Network is eager to expand its membership base, and encourages
undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, faculty and practitioners
to join the Network and benefit from its news updates concerning study,
scholarship and job opportunities. In addition, the Network offers members
the ability to engage in stimulating dialogue with fellow Canadians active
in medical anthropology here and abroad. Individuals, institutions and
organizations wishing to subscribe and/or submit items to the listserv
should email:

CASCA: Conferences, Calls for Papers, Events/Colloques, Appels à communication, Évènements

Conferences and calls for papers/Colloques et Appels à communication:

*Les colloques et appels à communication suivants viennent d'être ajoutés à
notre page web:
*The following conference announcements and calls for papers have just been
added to our web page:

-CFP: Québec Past and Present: The 4th Annual International and
Domestic Colloquium on Québec Studies

-Appel à textes - Recherches amérindiennes au Québec

-Note: Call for abstracts has been EXTENDED to December 14, 2015 -
Call for Abstracts for the session "Contemporary Issues in End-of-Life
Care" at the Canadian Society for the Sociology of Health Fifth
Biennial Conference

-Notez: Nouvelle date limite: 14 décembre 2015 - Appel de résumés pour
la session «Problèmes contemporains sur les soins de fin de vie» à la
Cinquième Conférence Bilingue Biennale de la Société canadienne de la
sociologie de la santé

-Congrès de l'Association internationale des sociologues de langue
française (AISLF), juillet 2016, Montréal

-Call for Chapters: Book on Sustainable Cities and Contestation

See them and others on our website:

Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:


Upcoming Panel Discussion:

Women in Security and Peacekeeping,
Ryerson University, Toronto
December 9, 2015

The International Issues Discussion (IID) series at Ryerson University
is pleased to present its sixth and final event of the fall 2015 term,
in partnership with the NATO Association of Canada: "Women in Security
and Peacekeeping."

Our guests will be:

Colonel Jennie Carignan (MSM, CD), Commandant of Royal Military
College Saint-Jean, Quebec. Her 30-year career in the Armed Forces has
spanned multiple command and senior administrative positions including
deputy commanding officer and acting commanding officer of the Task
Force Kandahar Engineer Regiment in Afghanistan, Deputy Commander 5
Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, troop commander in the Golan
Heights (UNDOF), chief engineer for the Multi-National Division
South-West (MND (SW)) in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and chief of staff of
Land Force Central Area/Joint Task Force Central. In December 2011,
Col. Carignan was presented the Meritorious Service Medal by the
Governor General of Canada. She has also received the Major-General
Hans Schlup Award for excellence in international relations as well as
being ranked amongst Canada's 2011 Top 100 Most Powerful Women.

Commander Michelaine Lahaie (CD), whose career with the Royal Canadian
Navy has included appointments on board HMCS PRESERVER, as underwater
warfare officer in HMCS VILLE DE QUÉBEC, and as operations officer and
combat officer in HMCS MONTREAL. In these capacities she took part in
support of UN peacekeeping efforts in Bosnia and various NATO
operations. Cdr. Lahaie's staff experience includes appointments to
the Maritime Forces Atlantic as the deputy fleet scheduling officer,
to the Canadian Forces Naval Operations School as the command control
information systems officer, and to the Royal Military College of
Canada as B Division commander. She also held senior appointments at
National Defence Headquarters in the Naval Staff, as occupation
manager for the MARS Occupation and as personnel policy section head
in the Directorate of Maritime Personnel; and in the Directorate of
Military Careers as the senior MARS career manager and later as
section head for the career management of all Naval Hard Sea
occupations and Musicians. She then commanded the Canadian Forces
Leadership and Recruit School in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
before deployment to the Naval Staff in Ottawa and her current
position with the Joint Command and Staff Programme in Ottawa.


Staff Sergeant Kimberley O'Toole, Staff Sergeant with the Toronto
Police Service, currently in charge of a platoon of front line
officers at 55 Division. Staff Sgt. O'Toole is in her 21st year with
the Toronto Police Service with experience in the Homicide Squad, Sex
Crimes Unit, Professional Standards Unit and general investigative
units. She has lectured for nine years as a sessional professor in the
Justice Studies Faculty at The University of Guelph-Humber, and holds
a Master of Criminal Justice from Boston University. She has recently
begun her Professional Doctorate in Criminal Justice at the University
of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom. She is also an executive member
for the Women's Internal Support Network and the Toronto Police
Service Military Veterans Association. In 2013, Staff Sergeant O'Toole
was seconded to European Union Police Mission in Afghanistan as a RoL
expert, assigned the portfolio of mentor and advisor for Gender and
Human Rights. She worked directly with the Afghan National Police, the
Attorney General's Office and other International partners including
the Canadian Ambassador to Afghanistan. She worked to provide
strategic and specialized advice to senior officials in order to
address concerns, and develop strategies and training initiatives.
These initiatives undertook to build capacity in the elimination of
violence against women with the goal to create and sustain a more
secure environment, while recognizing and addressing human rights and
gender equality issues. In 2014, Staff Sgt. O'Toole was awarded the
Non-Article 5 NATO medal along with the EUPOL medal for her service in

This event is free for all students with ID card. Admission for the
general public is $25 and for NATO Association of Canada members, $20.

Founded in 2005, the IID is a non-partisan, student-led forum designed
to engage all members of the Ryerson University community on major
events and issues in contemporary global affairs through reasoned,
objective, and scholarly discourse.
Women in Security and Peacekeeping
December 09 2015
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
ENG 103, George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre, 245 Church Street

Thank you/Merci

Casca News

This blog mirrors the list-serv for the Canadian Anthropology Society. To submit an announcement to this list, please email:

Blog Archive