This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Friday, June 29, 2012

aboriginal policy studies issue 2.1

aboriginal policy studies 2.1 has been published!
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aboriginal policy studies issue 2.1
aboriginal policy studies topics
New Issue: aboriginal policy studies

Volume 2, Issue 1
aboriginal policy studies has published its latest issue at
invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web
site to review articles and items of interest.

Thank-you for the continuing interest in our work,

Chris Andersen
Editor, aboriginal policy studies

2.1 Table of Contents

Editor’s Introduction, 2.1
Chris Andersen

Housing and Aboriginal People in Urban Centres: A Quantitative
Yale D. Belanger, Gabrielle Weasel Head, Olu Awosoga

Aboriginal Federal Turnout in Northern Saskatchewan
Loleen Berdahl, Greg Poelzer, Bonita Beatty

Post-secondary Aboriginal Educational Policy in Ontario: Policy and
Practical Implications
Lorenzo Cherubini

Finding Voice in a Changing Ecological and Political
Landscapeâ€"Traditional Knowledge and Resource Management in Settled and
Unsettled Claim Areas of the Northwest Territories, Canada
Brenda Parlee

The Mysterious Ways of Statistics for Aboriginal People in the Yukon:
The Ownership and Interpretation of Data
Greg Finnegan

Charting the Statistical Distinctiveness of Edmonton’s Aboriginal
Jacqueline M. Quinless, Shalene Jobin

A Humble Commentary on the Topic of Elders, Honoraria, and Protocol
Tracy Bear

Book Reviews and Foundational Documents

Elder’s Protocol and Guidelines
Council on Aboriginal Initiatives, University of Alberta

General Call for Submissions

Submissions to aboriginal policy studies include:
* scholarly articles;
* commentary articles; and
* book reviews.

Flexible deadline for aps issue 2.3 submissions is August 31, 2012. For
more information regarding submission requirements, contact Kirsten at
Copyright © 2012 aboriginal policy studies journal, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email as an interested reader and/or
submitter with aboriginal policy studies journal. You may remove
yourself from the mailing list at anytime.
Our mailing address is:
aboriginal policy studies journal
2-31 Pembina Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H8

Taiwan Fellowship opportunity for faculty

Dear colleagues,****

** **

I wanted to let you know of a great opportunity to conduct up to one year
of funded research in Taiwan. The Taiwan Fellowship provides return
airfare and a stipend of up to 60,000 New Taiwan Dollars a month for up to
one year. This is equivalent to just over $2000 CAD, and is enough to
generously cover living and research expenses here (rent is typically
$300 CAD/month). ****

** **

The link to the on-line application is here:********

The official language of Taiwan is Mandarin Chinese, but many people,
particularly at universities, speak English quite well and Chinese
ability, while obviously helpful for day-to-day living and research, is not
strictly necessary.****

** **

Taiwan is a beautiful, heavily forested sub-tropical and tropical island
east of China. The climate is excellent, the food world-renowned, and the
people unimaginably friendly, generous and hospitable. I strongly
encourage any of my colleagues to consider applying. I would also be happy
to do what I can to assist in making contacts with the Taiwanese
geographical community.****

Note: the Deadline is very close (July 15); I only received this notice
today. ****


Bill Hipwell

Adjunct Research Professor
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Carleton University
E-mail: <>
Mobile: +886-926-437170 (in Taiwan)

CIHR-IPPH announcements | Annonces de l'ISPP des IRSC



The CIHR Institute of Gender and Health is announcing the launch of
the Gender, Work and Health Chair Program.

The specific objectives of Gender, Work and Health Chair Program are:

* To support leading researchers to develop their programs of
research in gender, work and health.
* To build capacity for research on work and health that accounts
for gender and sex.
* To foster the translation of that research into gender- and
sex-sensitive policies and interventions that improve workers' health.

The maximum amount per award is $160,000 per year for up to five
years. Please visit the CIHR website[2] to access the full funding

English: July 18, 2012 1:00 - 2:00pm EDT
French: July 18, 2012 2:00 - 3:00pm EDT
Registration is not necessary. Go online[3] to participate. There is
no username or password required.



L'Institut de la sante des femmes et des hommes des IRSC annonce le
lancement du programme de chaires de recherche sur le genre, le
travail et la sante.

Les objectifs particuliers du programme de chaires de recherche sur le
genre, le travail et la sante sont les suivants :

* soutenir des chercheuses et chercheurs de renom dans l'elaboration
de leurs programmes de recherche sur le genre, le travail et la sante;

* accroitre les ressources necessaires pour effectuer de la
recherche sur le travail et la sante qui tient compte du genre et du
* favoriser l'application de cette recherche en vue d'etablir des
politiques et des interventions qui integrent les notions de genre et
de sexe et qui ameliorent la sante des travailleurs et des

Le montant maximal accorde par bourse est de 160 000 $ par annee sur
cinq ans. Visitez le site Web des IRSC[4] pour consulter la
possibilite de financement.

En anglais : le 18 julliet 2012 13h00 - 14h00 HAE
En francais : le 18 julliet 2012 14h00 - 15h00 HAE
Il n'est pas necessaire de s'inscrire. Aller en ligne[5] pour
participer. Aucun nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe n'est requis.


Contact Us | Nous contacter

1 Stewart St., Room 124 | Piece 124
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5
Tel | Tel : 613-562-5800 ext 8414 | poste 8414
Fax | Telec :613-562-5713
Website| Site web

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

CIHR-IPPH June e-Bulletin | e-Bulletin juin IRSC-ISPP

June 25, 2012 | Le 25 juin 2012


CIHR on YouTube
June POP News
IGH Conference Registration Now Live
Renewed Canadian Common CV (CCV) and June Funding Opportunity
Launch – Revised Launch Dates
Guide to Evaluation in Health Research
Guide to Knowledge Translation Planning at CIHR: Integrated and
End-of-Grant Approaches

Additional News:

Funding Opportunities / Grants / Awards
Calls for Abstracts / Papers
Scholarship / Fellowship / Internship / Educational Opportunities Job
Have you Read / Seen?
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Share your Publications and Success Stories

CIHR on YouTube
Want to learn more about CIHR-funded research? Visit the Health
Research in Canada YouTube channel and watch researchers discuss their
work. Our growing collection of videos addresses topics ranging from
traumatic brain injury to male circumcision as a form of HIV prevention.

June POP News
Check out the latest issue of POP News now online.

Message from the Scientific Director
Applied Public Health Chair Feature: Louise Fournier
Programmatic Grant Feature: How Poverty and Gender Equity Policies
Affect Health
New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network Quietly Changing Public Policy
Invited Article Review
Student Corner: Health Equity Workshop Reflections (Carmen Dell, Alycia
Fridkin and Fareen Karachiwalla)
Student Corner: PHIR Conference Reflections (Evan Castle)
Student Corner: PHIR Conference Reflections (Catherine Jones)
Student Corner: Thinking About Implementation Systems Research for
Population Health Interventions 2.0 (Rachel MacLean)
Student Corner: Medical Research Council Population Health Methods and
Challenges Conference Reflections (Daniel Fuller)
A Framework for the Conduct of Public Health Initiatives
Report from the House of Commons' Standing Committee on Health

IGH Conference Registration Now Live
Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research - October 29-31,
2012. Montréal, Canada.
The conference will explore advances in our understandings of how sex
and gender influence the health of women, men, and people of diverse
gender identities over the lifespan. It will showcase excellence across
the full scope of health research, from cell to society,
offering a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary learning and
exchange. The conference will feature dynamic presentations on new
discoveries and innovative interventions, interactive poster sessions,
lively discussions and valuable networking opportunities with leaders in
the field.
Application deadline: July 15, 2012
Register online.

Renewed Canadian Common CV (CCV) and June Funding Opportunity Launch –
Revised Launch Dates
The renewed Canadian Common CV (CCV) was implemented on June 21, 2012
for all CCV subscriber agencies, including CIHR. All CIHR applicants who
submit their applications on or after that date will be required to use
the renewed Canadian Common CV (CCV). The June CIHR Funding Opportunity
Launch will occur on Tuesday, June 26.
For more information, visit the website.

Guide to Evaluation in Health Research
The Guide to Evaluation in Health Research by Dr. Sarah Bowen,
University of Alberta, was developed for researchers and reviewers who
want to build their knowledge and skill in the area of evaluation of
health and health research initiatives. The specific objectives of this
CIHR online learning module are to: demonstrate the potential for
evaluation to support evidence-informed action; support development of
appropriate evaluation plans for research funding proposals, and;
facilitate assessment of evaluation plans by peer and merit reviewers.
View the complete Guide, which includes an evaluation checklist and
other evaluation resources, on the CIHR website.

Guide to Knowledge Translation Planning at CIHR: Integrated and
End-of-Grant Approaches
CIHR has developed a new KT Guide to assist with the writing and
reviewing of grants. Integrated and end-of-grant approaches are
described in detail with case studies that bring the concepts to life
and worksheets that will help guide your thinking and planning. The KT
Guide is available on the CIHR website. A hard copy can be obtained by

Funding Opportunities / Grants / Awards (organized by deadline)

IPPH funding opportunities can be found here by selecting the
Institute of Population and Public Health under the CIHR Institute
dropdown menu.

2012-13 CIHR-IPPH Institute Community Support (ICS) Program
The ICS is designed to foster community development by providing grants
and awards (including travel awards) to individuals and
organizations for the purposes of: aiding research and knowledge
translation activities where the circumstances fall outside CIHR's
programs, supporting organizations and activities whose goals are
consistent with the Institute's and CIHR's vision, mandate and
strategic directions. Visit the IPPH ICS website for more
information. Please note that travel awards are now administered through
Application deadlines: July 16, 2012, November 15, 2012, and March 15, 2013
Travel award deadline: September 2012 and January 2013

Grand Challenges Canada: Stars in Global Health Round 4
This unique program enables innovators in low- and lower-middle-income
countries and Canada to develop their bold idea with big impact to
improve global health conditions. Awards are initially valued at
$100,000 CAD for up to 12-18 months to demonstrate proof-of-concept of
the idea. Upon successful review of proposals at 12-18 months after the
initial award is granted, scale-up grants of up to $1 million CAD may be
awarded with potential linkages to private sector investments. Visit the
website for more information.
Application deadlines: September 5, 2012

CIHR Healthcare Renewal Policy Analysis
This Healthcare Renewal Policy Analysis funding opportunity welcomes
prospective and retrospective policy analyses and comparative policy
analysis is strongly encouraged. Health policy analyses may draw upon
new and/or existing research, including qualitative research,
quantitative research, or mixed methods research (e.g., statistical
analysis, case studies, key informant interviews, polling, survey
research, economic evaluation, etc.).
Visit the website for more information.
Deadline: September 19, 2012

2013 Canada Gairdner International Awards
The award recognizes outstanding biomedical scientists who have made
original contributions to medicine with the goal of contributing through
research to increased understanding of human biology and disease. The
award recognizes an original, seminal contribution or discovery rather
than a lifetime of work. Gairdner invites the
scientific community to nominate qualified scientists from any branch of
Visit the website for more information.
Nomination deadline: October 1, 2012

Calls for Abstracts / Papers
Canadian Research Data Centre Network 2012 Conference: Evidence-Based
Policy Formation and Evaluation
This conference is about research that influences and/or evaluates
government policy. Research areas include, but are not limited to:
immigration, the labour market, pension reform, health care, education
and training, income support and other forms of social security.
Visit the website.
Abstract deadline: June 29, 2012

Scholarship / Fellowship / Internship / Educational Opportunities

Job Opportunities

Have you Read / Seen?
- Using natural experiments to evaluate population health
interventions: guidance for producers and users of evidence (paper)

Calendar of Upcoming Events
August 2012
- International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation
Analysis Conference 2013: Technologies and Techniques - August 5-8,
2012. Waterloo, Ontario.
- International Congress on Circumpolar Health - August 5-10, 2012.
Fairbanks, AK, USA.
- National Conference on Health Statistics - August 6-8, 2012.
Washington, DC, USA.
- Banff Science Communications - August 11-25, 2012. Banff, Alberta. -
World Cancer Congress - August 27-30, 2012. Montreal, Quebec.
- International Conference on Health Impact Assessment (HIA) 2012: How
HIA Matters in Health in All Policies - August 29-31, 2012. Quebec City,

September 2012
- Population Health Congress: Population Health in a Changing World -
September 10-12, 2012. Adelaide, South Australia.
- European Urban Health Conference - September 12-14, 2012. Amsterdam,
the Netherlands.
- Health Promotion Ontario 25th Anniversary Conference - September 27,
2012. Toronto, Ontario.

October 2012
- Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference: Aging in a Changing
World - October 18-20, 2012. Vancouver, BC.
- Canadian Conference on Global Health - October 21-23, 2012. Ottawa,
- Canadian Research Data Centre Network 2012 National Conference:
Evidence-Based Policy Formation and Evaluation - October 23-24, 2012.
Fredericton, New Brunswick. Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2012. -
18th Qualitative Health Research (QHR) Conference - October 23-25, 2012.
Montreal, Quebec.
- Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research - October
29-31, 2012. Montreal, Quebec.
- Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research - October
31-November 3, 2012. Beijing, China. Early registration deadline: June
30, 2012. Registration deadline: August 31, 2012.

November 2012
- AICR Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, Physical
Activity and Cancer - November 1-2, 2012. Washington, DC, USA.
- European Public Health Conference - November 8-10, 2012. Portomaso, Malta.

June 2013
- 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion - June 10-14, 2013.
Helsinki, Finland.

Share your Publications and Success Stories

Has your research led to a breakthrough, the development of a new
product/program, or changes in policy and practice? We want to hear
about it! Your story may be featured on our web site or in the next
issue of our Institute newsletter - POP News. Please email your
publications and / or impact stories to Emma Cohen, IPPH Knowledge
Translation and Communications Officer.



Les IRSC sur YouTube
Juin POP Nouvelles
Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à la conférence de l'ISFH
Modification des dates de lancement de la nouvelle version du CV
commun canadien (CVC) et des possibilités de financement de juin
Guide d'évaluation dans le domaine de la recherche en santé
Guide de planification de l'application des connaissances aux
IRSC : approches intégrées et de fin de subvention

D'autres nouvelles:

Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix
Appel d'abrégés / de communications
Bourses / Bourses de recherche / Occasions de stage
Possibilités d'emploi
Avez-vous lu / vu ?
Calendrier d'événements à venir
Partager vos contributions scientifiques ou votre histoire de succès

Les IRSC sur YouTube
La recherche financée par les IRSC vous intéresse? Visitez le canal
YouTube Recherche en santé au Canada pour entendre les chercheurs parler
de leurs travaux. Nos vidéos, dont le nombre ne cesse
d'augmenter, traitent de sujets aussi variés que les lésions
cérébrales traumatiques et la circoncision pour prévenir l'infection à VIH.

Juin POP Nouvelles
Découvrez le dernier numéro de POP Nouvelles maintenant en ligne.

Message de la directrice scientifique
Article sur les chaires en santé publique appliquée : Louise Fournier
Article sur les subventions programmatiques : Comment les politiques
portant sur la pauvreté et l'équité entre les sexes touchent la santé Le
Réseau de recherche sur les politiques sociales du Nouveau
Brunswick change petit à petit la politique publique
Critique d'article sollicitée
Le coin des étudiants : l'Atelier sur l'équité en santé réflexions
(Carmen Dell, Alycia Fridkin et Fareen Karachiwalla)
Le coin des étudiants : RISP Colloque réflexions (Evan Castle)
Le coin des étudiants : RISP Colloque réflexions (Catherine Jones) Le coin
des étudiants : Recherche sur les systèmes de mise en œuvre des
interventions en santé des populations 2.0 (Rachel MacLean)
Le coin des étudiants : Rapport de la Conférence sur les défis et les
méthodes en santé des populations du conseil de recherches médicales
(Daniel Fuller)
Un cadre de conduite éthique dans les initiatives en santé publique
Rapport du Comité permanent de la santé de la Chambre des communes

Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à la conférence de l'ISFH
Pour l'excellence dans la recherche sur le genre, le sexe et la santé -
du 29 au 31 octobre 2012. Montréal, Canada.
La conférence permettra d'examiner les progrès réalisés dans la
compréhension de l'incidence du sexe et du genre sur la santé des
femmes, des hommes et des personnes de diverses identités de genre tout
au long de la vie. Elle mettra en relief l'excellence dans toute la
sphère de la recherche en santé, de la cellule à la société, et offrira
une occasion unique d'échange et d'apprentissage
interdisciplinaires. La conférence comportera des présentations
dynamiques sur de nouvelles découvertes et des interventions
innovatrices, des séances de présentation par affiches interactives et
des discussions animées, et offrira d'intéressantes occasions de
réseautage avec des chefs de file dans le domaine.
Date limite : Juillet 15, 2012.
Inscrivez-vous en ligne.

Modification des dates de lancement de la nouvelle version du CV commun
canadien (CVC) et des possibilités de financement de juin
Le déploiement de la nouvelle version du CV commun canadien (CVC) était
le 21 juin 2012 pour tous les organismes abonnés au CVC, y compris les
IRSC. Par conséquent, tous les candidats des IRSC qui présentent une
demande après cette date devront utiliser la nouvelle version du CVC. Le
lancement des possibilités de financement de juin se fera le mardi 26
Pour plus d'information, veuillez consulter le site web.

Guide d'évaluation dans le domaine de la recherche en santé
Le Guide d'évaluation dans le domaine de la recherche en santé de la Dre
Sarah Bowen, de l'Université de l'Alberta, a été préparé à
l'intention des chercheurs et des évaluateurs qui souhaitent
développer leurs connaissances et leurs compétences dans l'évaluation
des initiatives dans le domaine de la santé et de la recherche en santé.
Ce module d'apprentissage en ligne des IRSC vise précisément à :
démontrer le potentiel de l'évaluation pour appuyer l'action
éclairée par des données probantes; soutenir l'élaboration de plans
d'évaluation conformes aux propositions de recherche et aider les pairs
évaluateurs et les évaluateurs du mérite à porter un jugement sur les
plans d'évaluation.
Consultez le Guide complet, qui inclut un aide-mémoire pour
l'évaluation ainsi que d'autres ressources pour l'évaluation, sur le
site Web des IRSC.

Guide de planification de l'application des connaissances aux IRSC :
approches intégrées et de fin de subvention
Les IRSC ont mis au point un nouveau Guide de l'AC visant à faciliter la
préparation et l'évaluation des demandes de subventions. Les
approches intégrées et de fin de subvention sont décrites en détail avec
des études de cas illustrant concrètement les concepts ainsi que des
feuilles de travail qui aideront à orienter votre pensée et votre
planification. Le Guide de l'AC est disponible sur le site Web des IRSC.
Il est aussi possible d'en obtenir une version papier en
s'adressant par écrit à

Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix (organizé par date limite)
Les possibilités de financement de l'ISPP peuvent être retrouvées ici en
sélectionnant l'Institut de la santé publique et des populations du menu

Programme d'appui communautaire (PACI) de l'Institut de la santé
publique et des populations (ISPP) 2012-13
Les instituts des IRSC recourent au PACI pour fournir des
subventions/bourses à des personnes et à des organisations appartenant à
leurs milieux respectifs, afin qu'elles s'en servent pour : fournir des
subventions ou des bourses pour des activités de recherche et
d'application des connaissances qui ne sont pas couvertes par les autres
programmes des IRSC ; et appuyer des organismes et des
individus dont les buts concordent avec la vision, le mandat et les
orientations stratégiques des IRSC et des leurs instituts. Pour de plus
amples renseignements, consultez le site-Web pour le PACI de l'ISPP
Veuillez noter que les bourses de voyage de l'ISPP sont
maintenant administrés par RechercheNet.
Date limite de présentation des demandes : 16 juillet 2012, 15
novembre 2012, et 15 mars 2013
Date limite de présentation des demandes pour des bourses de voyage :
Septembre 2012, et janvier 2013

Grands Défis Canada : Les étoiles en santé mondiale ronde 4
Ce programme unique permet à des innovateurs de pays à revenu faible ou
intermédiaire inférieur et du Canada de développer leur idée
audacieuse ayant un grand impact en vue d'améliorer la situation de la
santé dans le monde. Le montant initial des subventions est fixé à 100
000 $CAN pour une période allant de 12 à 18 mois en vue de faire la
démonstration de principe du concept à la base de l'idée. Les
propositions qui auront franchi avec succès l'étape de l'examen au terme
de cette période de 12 à 18 mois seront admissibles à une
subvention de déploiement à l'échelle pouvant aller jusqu'à 1 million de
dollars CAN et profiter de liens éventuels avec des investissements du
secteur privé.
Pour plus d'information, veuillez consulter le site web.
Date limite pour le dépôt des propositions : 5 septembre 2012

Analyse des politiques liées au renouvellement des soins de santé
Dans le cadre de la possibilité de financement « Analyse des
politiques liées au renouvellement des soins de santé », on acceptera
volontiers les analyses prospectives et rétrospectives et on
encouragera fortement les analyses comparatives. Les analyses de
politiques de santé peuvent s'appuyer sur des recherches nouvelles et/ou
existantes, y compris des recherches qualitatives, quantitatives ou à
méthodes mixtes (p. ex. analyses statistiques, études de cas, entrevues
avec des répondants clés, sondages, enquêtes, évaluations économiques,
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web des IRSC. Date
limite : 19 septembre 2012

Prix Internationaux Canada Gairdner 2013
L'objectif de la fondation est de récompenser et féliciter les
scientifiques qui ont participé de façon significative à la médecine
avec pour but de contribuer, à travers la recherche, à la conquête de la
maladie et au soulagement de la souffrance humaine. La fondation invite
la communauté scientifique à désigner, dans le domaine de la
biomédecine, les scientifiques les plus qualifiés.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web.
Date limite de nominations : 1 octobre 2012

Appel d'abrégés / de communications

Conférence annuelle du Réseau canadien des Centres de données de
recherche: « Concevoir et évaluer les politiques publiques avec des
données probantes »
Cette conférence vise à mieux comprendre comment la recherche permet
d'influencer et d'évaluer les politiques publiques, notamment mais non
exclusivement, dans le domaine de l'immigration, du marché du travail,
du développement des enfants, de l'éducation, des pensions, de la santé
et du soutien du revenu.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site web.
Date limite pour soumettre une proposition : 29 juin 2012

Bourses / Bourses de recherche / Occasions de stage

Possibilité d'emploi

Avez-vous lu / vu?
- Using natural experiments to evaluate population health
interventions: guidance for producers and users of evidence (anglais
seulement) (article)

Calendrier d'événements à venir
- International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation
Analysis Conference 2013: Technologies and Techniques (anglais
seulement) - du 5 au 8 août 2012. Waterloo, Ontario.
- International Congress on Circumpolar Health (anglais seulement) - du
5 au 10 août 2012. Fairbanks, AK, USA.
- National Conference on Health Statistics (anglais seulement) - du 6 au
8 août 2012. Washington DC, USA.
- Banff Science Communications (anglais seulement) - du 11 au 25 août,
2012. Banff, Alberta.
- World Cancer Congress (anglais seulement) - du 27 au 30 août 2012.
Montréal, Québec.
- Conférence internationale sur l'évaluation d'impact sur la santé (EIS)
: prendre en compte la santé dans toutes les politiques - du 29 au 31
août 2012. Le Vieux-Québec, Québec.

- Population Health Congress: Population Health in a Changing World
(anglais seulement) - du 10 au 12 septembre 2012. Adelaide, Australie
- European Urban Health Conference (anglais seulement) - du 12 au 14
septembre 2012. Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
- Health Promotion Ontario 25th Anniversary Conference (anglais
seulement) - le 27 septembre 2012. Toronto, Ontario.

- Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference: Aging in a Changing
World (anglais seulement) - du 18 au 20 octobre 2012. Vancouver
- Conférence canadienne sur la santé internationale - du 21 au 23
octobre 2012. Ottawa, Ontario
- Conférence annuelle du Réseau canadien des Centres de données de
recherche : Concevoir et évaluer les politiques publiques avec des
données probantes - du 23 au 24 octobre 2012. Fredericton, Nouveau
- 18th Qualitative Health Research (QHR) Conference (anglais
seulement) - Du 23 au 25 octobre 2012. Mon Date limite pour soumettre un
demande : 30 juin 2012
tréal, (Québéc).
- Pour l'excellence dans la recherche sur le genre, le sexe et la santé
- du 29 au 31 octobre 2012. Montréal, Québec.
- Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (anglais
seulement) - du 31 occtobre au 3 novembre 2012. Beijing, Chine. Date
limite des inscriptions précoces : 30 juin 2012. Date limite des
inscriptions : 31 août 2012.

- AICR Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, Physical
Activity and Cancer (anglais seulement) - les 1 et 2 novembre 2012.
Washington DC, USA.
- Conférence de l'Association européenne de santé publique (anglais
seulement) - du 8 au 10 novembre 2012. Portomaso, Malta.

Juin 2013
- 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion (anglais seulement) - du 10
au 14 juin 2013. Helsinki, Finlande.

Partager vos contributions scientifiques ou votre histoire de succ?s

Est-ce que votre recherche a r?sult? dans une invention r?volutionnaire, le
d?veloppement d'un nouveau produit/programme ou les changements dans la
politique et
la pratique ? Nous voulons en entendre ! Votre histoire peut ?tre
pr?sent?e sur
notre site Web ou dans l'?dition suivante de notre bulletin d'Institut - POP
Nouvelles ( ) . S'il vous pla?t
envoyez vos
publications et / ou vos histoires d'impact ? Emma Cohen, Agente en
application des
connaissances et en communications, ISPP.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Visual Ethnography - CFP



Visual Ethnography is an online peer-reviewed journal dedicated to
researches on the following topics: the production and the use of
images and audiovisual ('old' and 'new') media in the socio-cultural
practices; the ethnographic representation through audiovisual media
and devices (film, photography, multimedia, etc.); the visual
dimension of objects, bodies, places and environments.
Moreover, the journal reserves a space for articles devoted to
reflections on theories and methods of anthropology.
Visual Ethnography publishes two issues a year in five languages:
Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The interests of
Visual Ethnography cross visual anthropology, media anthropology,
visual cultures, museography, photography, contemporary art, cultural
studies, film studies, anthropology of the senses, digital cultures,
anthropological theory.


CIHR-IPPH announcements | Annonces de l'ISPP des IRSC


One Health: The Landscape Outside of Canada (Webinar)

TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 2012
English (REGISTER):12:00 - 1:30pm EDT

The One Health approach (sometime referred to as One World One Health)
considers public health threats through an integrated lens of animal,
human and ecosystem health. In the past decade, the One Health
approach has gained international prominence and momentum worldwide.
This has been supported by a number of international events including
the One World One Health International Expert Consultation (Winnipeg,
Canada, 2009) and Operationalizing One Health (Stone Mountain, USA,
2010). Both the US CDC and the European External Action Service have
been instrumental in moving One Health forward towards implementation.

Healthcare Renewal Policy Analysis Grants: Webinar for Applicants

French (REGISTER): 9:00 - 10:00am EDT
English (REGISTER): 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT

Funding Opportunity highlights, Questions & Answers

These grants will support the generation of high-quality policy
analyses that identify evidence-informed policy options for healthcare
renewal in Canada in the priority areas of healthcare financing and
funding, health system sustainability, and governance and
accountability as part of CIHR?s Evidence-Informed Healthcare Renewal
Signature Initiative.

Analysis Funding Opportunity.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 19, 2012

IHDCYH Assistant Director Maternity Leave Job Posting (English only |
anglais seulement)

The Assistant Director provides primary support to the Scientific
Director in fostering and promoting strategic initiatives of IHDCYH.
The Assistant Director supervises a small team in Toronto, and works
directly with Ottawa-based staff, senior federal and provincial
government officials, Advisory Board members, Canadian and
international researchers and trainees, and stakeholders and partners
to conceive, develop, implement and evaluate programs and projects to
ensure the goals of the IHDCYH strategic plan are met.

For more information and to apply, please view the job posting online
before JUNE 30, 2012.

Une seule santé : Situation à l?extérieur du Canada (webinaire)

Anglais seulement (ENREGISTRER) : 12h00 - 13h30 HAE

L?approche Une seule santé (parfois appelée Un monde, une seule santé)
tient compte des menaces à la santé publique du point de vue intégré
de la santé animale, humaine et des écosystèmes. Au cours de la
dernière décennie, l?approche Une seule santé a acquis de l?importance
à l?échelle internationale et un essor mondial, ce qui est appuyé par
de nombreuses activités internationales, dont la consultation
d?experts internationaux d?Un monde, Une seule santé (Winnipeg,
Canada, 2009) et la rencontre technique « Operationalizing One Health
» (Stone Mountain, É.-U., 2010)- anglais seulement. Les CDC des
États-Unis et le Service européen pour l'Action extérieure ont été
essentiels pour faire progresser Une seule santé en vue de sa mise en

Subventions pour l?Analyse des politiques liées au renouvellement des
soins de santé: Webinaire pour les applicants

Français (ENREGISTRER) : 9h - 10h00 HAE
Anglais (ENREGISTRER) : 11h - 12h00 HAE

Les détails de la possibilité de financement, Questions & Réponses

Ces subventions soutiendront la production d?analyses de politiques de
qualité élevée cernant des options de politiques fondées sur des
données probantes pour le renouvellement des soins de santé au Canada,
dans les secteurs prioritaires, financement des soins de santé et
modèles de financement, viabilité du système de santé, gouvernance et
reddition de comptes du plan stratégique des IRSC Renouvellement des
soins de santé fondé sur des données probantes.

CONSULTEZ LA PAGE: La possibilité de financement: Subventions pour
l?Analyse des politiques liées au renouvellement des soins de santé.

DATE LIMITE : 19 septembre 2012

Position: Professor in Development Effectiveness

Subject: Position Description and Advertisement for a Professor in
Development Effectiveness
Reply-To: Paul Memmott <p.memmott@UQ.EDU.AU>
Find below a current advertisement and Position Description for a
Professor in Development Effectiveness which is linked to an emerging
research agenda in the Institute for Social Science and the Aboriginal
Environments Research Centre at the University of Queensland. Could you
please notify anyone whom you think is reasonably qualified and would be
interested in applying. If anyone is interested, please contact either
Professor Mark Western or myself in person to discuss. We are keen to
encourage all potential applicants for this competitive position. The
closing date is Friday June 29.
UQ Jobs:
Contact details:

Prof Mark Western on +61 7 334 67344 or email Prof
Paul Memmott on +61 7 336 53660 or email


Prof Paul Memmott
Aboriginal Environments Research Centre (AERC)

Research Fellowship in Textile Conservation

Isabel Bader Research Fellowship in Textile Conservation
Institution / Organization: Agnes Etherington Art Centre
Location: Kingston, Ontario
Closing Date: August 03, 2012
E-Mail: before 20 July; after
20 July
Fax number: 613.533.6765
Salary range: three-month residency: $12,000.00 CDN + $2,000.00 CDN
(travel and
other expenses)
Web link to Institution

Job description:
The Isabel Bader Research Fellowship in Textile Conservation is a research
opportunity at Queen's University that links two of its unique resources: the
Queen's University Collection of Canadian Dress, at the Agnes Etherington Art
Centre, Canada's premier university art gallery, and the Master of Art
Program, Canada's only graduate degree in conservation theory and treatment.
• Undertake a three-month residency in Kingston, Ontario, Canada
(beginning January
• Research areas of textile conservation and/or costume history using the
University Collection of Canadian Dress
• Supervise a textile conservation graduate intern in completing
treatments on
selected objects from the Queen's University Collection of Canadian Dress
• Utilize the well-equipped laboratories of the Master of Art Conservation
• Present lectures, seminars and/or workshops, to students in the Master
of Art
Conservation Program
The value of the Isabel Bader Research Fellowship in Textile Conservation is
$12,000.00 CDN + $2000.00 CDN (travel and other expenses). Projected start
date is 7
January 2013.
• Signed cover page including name, title and project summary (maximum 150
• Curriculum vitae
• Letters of support from two referees
• Detailed research proposal including objectives and methodology; use of the
Queen's University Collection of Canadian Dress; schedule of work and
outcomes; and plans for dissemination of research (maximum 5 pages)
Alicia Boutilier, Curator of Canadian Historical Art, Agnes Etherington
Art Centre,
Queen's University, Kingston ON, Canada, K7L 3N6
Interested candidates are strongly encouraged to contact Alicia Boutilier
( well in advance of the closing date to
discuss the
relevance of their research interests to the Queen's University Collection of
Canadian Dress.
A committee of representatives from the Agnes Etherington Art Centre and
the Master
of Art Conservation Program, Queen's University, will select the successful
applicant. All applicants will be notified by 3 September 2012. The
candidate will be responsible for his/her own travel and accommodation

For further information about the Agnes Etherington Art Centre and Master
of Art
Conservation Program, Queen's University, please consult: and
For further information about the Fellowship, please see
or call
613-533-6000, x 77049 to speak with Heather Saunders, Interim Administrative
Coordinator, before 20 July or Matthew Hills, Administrative Coordinator,
after 20

Research Fellowships - National Gallery of Canada

Job Title: Research Fellowship in Canadian Art, including the Indigenous
Art of Canada
Institution / Organization: National Gallery of Canada
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Closing Date: July 31, 2012
Fax number: 613-990-9818
Salary range: Maximum $30,000
Web link to Institution

Job description:
The Research Fellowships Program of the National Gallery of Canada
encourages and supports advanced research. The fellowships emphasize the
use and investigation of the collections of the National Gallery of
Canada, including those of the Gallery’s Library and Archives.

Applications are welcomed from art historians, curators, critics,
independent researchers, conservators, conservation scientists and other
professionals in the visual arts, museology and related disciplines in the
humanities and social sciences, who have a graduate degree or equivalent
publication history. The Fellowships are open to international
competition, and are tenable only at the National Gallery of Canada.
The term of full-time residency must fall within the period 1 October 2012
to 31 August 2013. Awards can be up to $5,000 a month, including expenses
and stipend, to a maximum of $30,000.
For application procedures, please consult the website:
or contact:
Jonathan Franklin
Chief, Library, Archives and Research Fellowships Program
National Gallery of Canada
P.O. Box 427, Station A
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 9N4
telephone (613) 990-0590

Mus=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9e?= canadien des civilisations (SMCC) - Emplois

Emplois - La Société du Musée canadien des civilisations (SMCC)

Chargé(e) de projets
E6 (55 072 $ - 72 328 $)

La Société du Musée canadien des civilisations (SMCC) est présentement à la
recherche de personnes dynamiques pour créer un bassin de candidats
qualifiés pour
des postes anticipés. Les candidats retenus devront, sous la direction du
superviseur assigné au Musée canadien des civilisations (MCC) ou au Musée
de la guerre (MCG), mener le processus de gestion de projet pour
l'élaboration de
projets d'expositions ou d'autres produits muséologiques en collaboration
avec des
équipes multidisciplinaires; veiller à l'utilisation continue et efficace des
espaces d'expositions; s'assurer que tous les aspects liés à la gestion de
projet et
à la gestion des équipes de projet répondent aux exigences opérationnelles
et au
cadre stratégique de la SMCC; veiller à ce que les normes muséologiques
respectées; et accomplir d'autres tâches connexes au besoin.
À titre de candidat(e) idéal(e), vous détenez un diplôme d'études
supérieures en
sciences sociales, muséologie, gestion de projets ou dans un domaine
connexe, ou
combinaison équivalente d'études et d'expérience. Une certification
en gestion de projets est un atout.
Veuillez spécifier si vous postulez pour un poste permanent ou un poste
Vous possédez une connaissance:

Du mandat, des programmes et des services de la SMCC;
Des différentes étapes de la conception d'une exposition et des analyses
opérationnelles y étant associées;
Des principes de leadership d'équipe et de la résolution de problèmes;
Des techniques de communication, de consultation et d'évaluation;
Des principes de gestion des risques;
Des politiques et des procédures pour la passation de marchés dans le
secteur public;
Des principes généraux et pratiques de muséologie.

Vous possédez de 3 à 5 ans d'expérience dans:

Les méthodes de gestion de projets, dont la préparation, le contrôle et la
supervision des budgets et des calendriers;
La planification et gestion d'expositions dans une institution complexe et/ou
multidisciplinaire tel qu'un Musée;
L'élaboration de projets dans un milieu culturel;
La participation au processus créatif permettant de concevoir des produits
La coordination d'activités et le respect des calendriers de mise en œuvre;
La planification, la gestion, l'exécution, la surveillance et la clôture
de projets;
La préparation de rapports et de présentations.

Puisque vous devrez travailler dans un environnement hautement
informatisé, une
expérience démontrée des logiciels de traitement de texte (Word), de
électronique (Excel), de gestion de projet (MS Project) et de courrier
(Outlook) est requise
Les compétences clés suivantes sont jugées essentielles au succès de cette
possibilité remplie de défis: Écoute et réaction; Flexibilité; Leadership
d'équipe ;
Pensée analytique ; Planification et initiative; Préoccupation de l'ordre
et de la
qualité; Sentiment d'urgence.
Les candidats externes peuvent consulter notre site Web pour une
définition des
compétences clés. Les employé(e)s de la SMCC peuvent consulter
l'Infocentre des
employé(e)s/Dictionnaire des compétences de la SMCC dans l'Intranet.
Ce poste requiert l'utilisation des deux langues officielles
(Français/Anglais) CBC
impératif et une vérification de fiabilité approfondie. Pour une
définition plus
détaillée du niveau linguistique requis, consulter notre site Web.
Veuillez noter
que ce poste s'adresse aux employé(e)s de la SMCC, aux candidat(e)s
externes ainsi
qu'aux candidat(e)s du répertoire.
La Société du Musée canadien des civilisations souscrit au principe
d'équité en
matière d'emploi et nous nous efforçons d'avoir une main-d'œuvre qui
reflète la
population canadienne. Nous encourageons fortement les candidats et
candidates à
préciser volontairement leur groupe d'appartenance : peuples autochtones,
groupes de
minorités visibles, ou personnes handicapées.
Nous remercions tous les candidat(e)s de l'intérêt qu'ils nous témoignent;
cependant, nous ne communiquerons qu'avec les candidat(e)s retenu(e)s.
La Société peut considérer un déploiement pour les employés du
gouvernement fédéral
pour ces opportunités et inventorier l'information reçue des candidat(e)s
pour des
postes similaires.
Cette possibilité d'emploi vous intéresse? Faites parvenir votre demande
avant le 3
juillet 2012 à 16 h en postulant sur le site web sous «
Opportunités d'emplois actuelles ».

Job Listing - Canadian Museum of Civilization

Job Listing - Canadian Museum of Civilization

Job Title: Project Manager
Institution / Organization: Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
Location: Gatineau, Quebec
Closing Date: July 03, 2012
Fax number: 819-776-7110
Salary range: E6 ($55,072 - $72,328)
Web link to Institution

Job description:
Anticipatory Staffing
Permanent positions and
Temporary positions for a period of 6 to 36 months
Project Manager
E6 ($55,072 - $72,328)

The Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation (CMCC) is currently
seeking dynamic
individuals to create a pool of qualified candidates for upcoming staffing
opportunities. The successful candidates will, under the supervision of
the assigned
supervisor at the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC) or Canadian War
(CWM), lead the project management aspects of the development of
exhibition projects
and/or other museological products in collaboration with multidisciplinary
oversee the continuous and effective operations of exhibition spaces;
ensure that
all aspects of project management and project-teams satisfy the CMCC
requirements and strategic framework; ensure that museological standards
are met;
and perform other related duties as required.

As the ideal candidate, you hold a Diploma in Social Sciences, Museology,
Management or a related field, or equivalent combination of education and
experience. A professional certification in project management is an asset.

Please specify if you are applying for a permanent or a temporary position.

You possess knowledge of:
• The CMCC's mandate, programs and services;
• The various stages of exhibition development and related operational
• Leadership principles in team management and problem solving;
• Communication, consultation and evaluation techniques;
• The principles of risk management;
• Policies and procedures for public sector contracting;
• General museological principles and practices;

You have 3 to 5 years experience in:
• Project management, including the preparation, control and supervision
of budgets
and schedules;
• Exhibition planning and management in a complex and/or multidisciplinary
institution such as a Museum ;
• Developing projects in a cultural context;
• Participating in the creative process for developing cultural products;
• Coordinating activities and maintaining implementation schedules;
• Planning, managing, executing, monitoring, and closing projects;
• Preparing reports and presentations.

Since you will be working in a highly computerized environment, a
experience of software knowledge e.g. Word, Excel, MS Project and
electronic mail is

The following core competencies, which are a deciding measure of success
for this
challenging opportunity, are: Analytical Thinking; Concern for Order and
Flexibility; Listening and Responding; Planning and Initiative; Sense of
Team Leadership.

External candidates can access definitions of these Core competencies on
our web
site. CMCC's employees can access the employee's Infocenter/CMCC Core
Dictionary on the Intranet.

This position requires the use of both Official Languages (French/English)
imperative and an enhanced reliability check. For a detailed definition of
linguistic level required, access our web site. Please note that this
position is
open to CMCC employees, external candidates and applicants of our inventory.

The Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation is committed to the
principles of
Employment Equity and to achieving a workforce which is representative of the
Canadian population. We strongly encourage candidates to self-identify if
they are
an Aboriginal person, a member of a visible minority group or a person with a

We thank all candidates for showing interest in our Corporation; however,
retained candidates will be contacted.

The Corporation may consider federal government employees for deployment
opportunities and inventory the information received from candidates for
similar positions.

Interested in this opportunity? Please apply no later than July 3, 2012 at
4:00 p.m.
as instructed on the web site: under "Current

CUSO INTERNATIONAL - Emplois/Job Posting

(English follows)



Conseiller(ère) en développement de projets et en collecte de fonds, Bolivie

NOM DU PARTENAIRE : UNIARTE (Union de Artisanos de la Tierra)

LIEU DE TRAVAIL : Santa Cruz, Bolivie


CRITÈRES D'ADMISSIBILITÉ AU FINANCEMENT : Être citoyen canadien ou résident

EXIGENCES LINGUISTIQUES : Espagnol de niveau 3-4.

Cliquez ici pour évaluer votre niveau linguistique.


Cuso international est un organisme sans but lucratif de développement
et de coopération volontaire. Chaque année, nous envoyons des centaines de
du monde travailler à des projets de développement dans plus de 20 pays
d'Asie, d'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes. Cuso international est l'un des
importants organismes de développement international et de coopération
volontaire de
toute l'Amérique du Nord.


L'association Union de Artisanos de la Tierra (Union des artisans de la
terre) est
un groupe d'artisans autochtones de la région de Santa Cruz. L'association se
compose de 60 jeunes artisans issus de deux peuples autochtones : les
Chiquitanos de
Lomerío et les Guarayos d'Urubichá et de Los Tajibos. L'association aide les
artisans à développer leurs compétences artistiques tout en préservant leur
expression culturelle ancestrale et leurs techniques traditionnelles.
Depuis sa
fondation, l'association a pour objectif de conserver et de protéger
culturelle des peuples autochtones Chiquitanos et Guarayos et d'offrir une
source de
revenus aux jeunes autochtones afin qu'ils puissent payer leurs études
dans des
instituts et des universités.

Rôle du coopérant-volontaire

Objectifs généraux

Les artisans de l'association font face à la dure compétition d'un marché
saturé de produits de substitution ou d'imitations de leur artisanat. Les
ont donc besoin de financement additionnel afin de mettre en œuvre des
leur permettant d'être plus concurrentiels. En collaboration avec le
personnel des
services de marketing, de gestion et de soutien technique, le
aidera l'association à élaborer et à mettre en œuvre de nouvelles stratégies
d'intervention auprès des organismes de financement (ONG, institutions

Objectifs particuliers

Déterminer l'admissibilité aux subventions, aux bourses et au financement
Créer des liens avec des investisseurs privés (investisseurs
providentiels, fonds
Participer aux négociations avec les organismes de financement.
Cibler les alliances et les partenariats stratégiques.



Diplôme universitaire en économie ou dans un domaine connexe et
connaissances en
marketing et en entrepreneuriat.
Expertise en conception de projets et collecte de fonds.

Expérience en développement de partenariat et d'alliances stratégiques.


Le soutien financier que nous offrons couvrira le coût de votre affection à
l'étranger et vous permettra d'avoir un mode de vie à la fois sain et
modeste :

participation à la journée d'évaluation de Cuso international (les
candidats doivent
payer les premiers 150 $ des frais de transport et d'hébergement les plus
frais de déplacement et d'hébergement associés à la formation prédépart de
jours qui se tiendra à Ottawa;
billet d'avion aller-retour, visa et permis de séjour (dont un billet de
retour en
cas d'urgence familiale);
frais de vaccination, médicaments et assurance maladie complète;
hébergement sur le terrain;
allocation de subsistance modeste, qui variera selon le pays d'affectation;
allocation trimestrielle durant votre affectation.


Posez votre candidature en ligne en indiquant le titre du poste et son
numéro de
référence LAC0210&#8209;0004-0001.


CUSO International


Fundraising and Project Development Advisor, Bolivia

PARTNER NAME : UNIARTE (Union de Artisanos de la Tierra)

LOCATION: Santa Cruz, Bolivia


Funding eligibility requirements :Must be Canadian Citizen or
Permanent Resident

Language requirements: Spanish Level 3-4

To self-assess your level please click here


Cuso International is a non-profit development agency that works through
Each year, we send hundreds of global citizens to work on collaborative
projects in more than 20 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the
Caribbean. We are one of North America's leading international development
organizations that works through volunteers.


The association called the Union of Artisans of the Earth with the acronym
is a representative body of indigenous artisans of Santa Cruz department.
made up of 60 young artisans from two indigenous peoples: the Chiquitanos
of Lomerío
and the Guarayos of Urubichá and Los Tajibos. UNIARTE helps artisans to
their artistic abilities, while preserving their ancestral cultural
expression and
traditional techniques. Since its founding, the association has had the
objective of
conserving and defending the cultural identity as indigenous peoples
Chiquitanos and
Guarayos, provide an alternative source of income to young indigenous
people who can
then afford training in the institutes and universities in our city.


Overall placement purpose and specific volunteer placement objectives:

UNIARTE's artisans face the competition challenges of a globalized market
that is
saturated with substitution products or imitations of their handicraft
products. As
a consequence, artisans must obtain

additional funds to drive strategies to become more competitive. In
with the marketing, management and technical support staff, the volunteer
will be in
charge of supporting UNIARTE in the

development and implementation of new intervention strategies with the
bodies (ONG's, public institutions, etc.)

Specific Objectives:

Identifying eligibility for aid-grants or public financing
Establishing relationships with private investors (business angels,
investment funds)
Supporting negotiations with funding bodies
Identifying strategic partnerships and alliances


Essential requirements

University degree in Economics or a related field, with knowledge of
marketing and
Expert in project design and fund-raising

Experience in partnership development and establishment of strategic


Our training and support package covers the costs of being an overseas
allowing you to enjoy a modest but healthy lifestyle while you volunteer
This includes:

Attendance at a Cuso International assessment day (candidates must cover
the first
$150 of the most cost-effective travel expenses and accommodation costs).
Travel and accommodation costs associated with pre-departure training.
Return airfare and visa/permit (this includes a return flight in the case
of a
family emergency).
Coverage for required vaccinations, medications and comprehensive health
Accommodation while overseas.
A modest living allowance, which varies depending on the country where you
are placed
Quarterly payments to support you in your placement

Please apply online, quoting referral code LAC0210-0004-0001 and the name
of the

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Call for Papers: Human Capital

*Call for Papers: Altérités*
(Voir ci-bas pour la version française)

Due to exceptional circumstances*, the deadline for submission for this
issue has been extended to *30 September 2012*.


Edited by Kim Turcot DiFruscia, Catherine Laurent Sédillot, Vincent Duclos
and Bernard Bernier

For the last thirty years, the concept of human capital has become a
reference in numerous social spheres, beyond its initial economic field
boundaries. Either right or left wing, in surplus labour contexts or in the
'knowledge economy', in corporative, industrial, educational or economical
environments, work management and social program designers 'think with' the
human capital concept, which is a prevalent element in neoliberal newspeak.

From complex and debatable origins, the human capital concept has been
diffused in its contemporary form by the Chicago neoliberal economists.
Deviating from classical economic thinking, commonly taking mankind as a
resource from which capital gain can be achieved through work extraction,
the contemporary neoliberal concept of human capital goes beyond the work
field to offer a two-sided conception of capitalist subjectification. On
one hand, the human capital concept refers to the idea that, as a
production means for a capitalist organization or for 'society' itself,
human capital is an investment site (in health, education, training,
morality) of which a profitable return is expected. On the other hand,
human capital refers to all the personal characteristics that an individual
(his qualification, skills, talents, but also his aptitudes, experiences
and personal qualities) can develop and use in a productive manner. Bearing
witness to the absorption by economy of all competitive values, self
capitalisation is inherent to the human capital concept. It is nevertheless
represented by its promoters as the humanization of economic thought and
rationality, now coherent with the nature of homo oeconomicus. The success
of the human capital concept is to be an indicator and instigator of
profound social, political, cultural, ideological and anthropological
transformations. The present issue of Altérités wishes to elaborate these
changes from an anthropological perspective.

We suggest contributors consider the following points:

* 1-* Theoretical and historical analysis of the human capital concept,
as well as the analysis of its entry into economic, political and social
fields. From what sources and what contexts was the concept developed,
adopted and diffused? In accordance with which ideological, political and
social transformations? With what logic and effect?

*2- * Ethnographies of programs, initiatives and milieus that refer to
or work with the human capital concept (for example corporate social
responsibility programs, development initiatives, new public policies but
also educative ideologies, psychological approaches, management and work
methods, etc.).

* 3-* Explorations of the human capital concept, its meanings,
applications and interpretations in various sites and by the different
protagonists who appropriate or promote it as well as those who resist or
criticize it.

Please send an electronic copy of your text and abstracts to
Presentation rules for submitted texts can be consulted at our website:

Altérités accepts texts in both English and French.

We at Altérités encourage the publication of thematic issues. However, we
strongly support the submission of off theme articles which we will publish
with each issue. Please do not hesitate to send us book reviews or
bibliographical essays. For further information, you may visit our web site
at the following address:

*** For now over four months, Quebec has been the site of an unprecedented
student strike. In support of the movement, we felt that the deadline for
submission should be extended. The very meaning given to higher education
(the mission of universities, etc.) has proven to be central to this
protest movement (which for instance has been associated with the boycott
of a product, instead of a legitimate strike). As such, it has provided an
occasion to think about human capital in relation with neoliberal
management of higher education. Any contributions related to the important
questions raised by this conflict are most welcome.


*Appel à contributions: Altérités*

En raison de circonstances exceptionnelles*, la date limite de réception
des soumissions pour ce numéro a été repoussée au *30 septembre 2012*.


Depuis trente ans, la notion de capital humain s'impose comme référence,
au-delà des frontières du champ économique, dans d'innombrables espaces
sociaux. À gauche comme à droite, dans des contextes de surplus de main
d'oeuvre comme dans les « économies du savoir », les milieux politiques,
corporatifs, éducatifs, les industries du développement et celles de la
santé, les gestionnaires du travail et les designers de programmes sociaux
« pensent avec » le concept de capital humain, élément courant de la
novlangue néolibérale.

D'origines complexes et débattues, le concept de capital humain est diffusé
sous sa forme contemporaine par les économistes néolibéraux de Chicago.
S'il relève de la pensée économique classique d'appréhender l'être humain
comme une ressource de laquelle extraire une plus-value par le travail, la
notion néolibérale contemporaine de capital humain déborde le champ du
travail pour proposer une conception biface de la subjectivation
capitaliste. D'une part, la notion de capital humain renvoie à l'idée que,
en tant moyen de production d'une organisation capitalistique comme de « la
société », le capital humain est un site d'investissements divers (en
santé, en éducation, en formation, en moralité) duquel un retour profitable
est attendu. D'autre part, le capital humain réfère à l'ensemble des
caractéristiques personnelles possédées par l'individu (ses qualifications,
ses compétences, ses talents, mais aussi ses aptitudes, expériences et
qualités personnelles) qu'il peut développer et mettre à profit à des fins
productives. Signifiant l'absorption par l'économique de toute valeur
concurrente, la capitalisation de soi inhérente au concept de capital
humain est néanmoins représentée par ses tenants comme une humanisation de
la pensée économique, maintenant cohérente avec la nature de l'homo
oeconomicus. Le succès du concept de capital humain est à penser comme
indicateur et instigateur de profondes transformations sociales,
politiques, culturelles, idéologiques et anthropologiques. Ce sont à ces
transformations que le présent numéro d'Altérités souhaite réfléchir depuis
une perspective anthropologique.
Nous invitons les contributeurs à considérer les pistes suivantes :

*1-* L'analyse théorique et historique de la notion de capital humain, de
même que l'analyse de sa pénétration des champs économique, politique et
social ainsi que du sens commun. À partir de quelles sources et dans quels
contextes la notion a-t-elle été développée, adoptée et diffusée? En
résonnance avec quelles transformations idéologiques, politiques et
sociales? Dans quelles logiques et avec quels effets?

*2-* L'ethnographie de milieux, de programmes, d'initiatives, de politiques
qui réfèrent à la notion de capital humain (par exemple: programmes de
responsabilisation corporative, initiatives de développement, nouvelles
politiques publiques, mais aussi idéologies éducatives, approches
psychologiques, méthodes de gestion, de travail, etc.).

*3-* L'exploration des significations, utilisations et interprétations de
la notion de capital humain, dans les milieux et chez les différents
acteurs qui se l'approprient ou en font la promotion comme chez ceux qui y
résistent ou la critiquent.

Veuillez transmettre un exemplaire électronique de votre texte et de deux
résumés de 150 mots chacun en français et en anglais à
comite@alterites.caet à .

Pour connaître les normes de présentation des manuscrits, consultez la
politique éditoriale d'Altérités à l'adresse suivante :
Altérités accepte des textes en français et en anglais.

La revue Altérités privilégie la publication de numéros thématiques.
Toutefois, nous vous encourageons fortement à soumettre des articles hors
thème ou hors format qui seront publiés à chacun des numéros. Enfin,
n'hésitez pas à nous soumettre un compte rendu critique d'ouvrage ou un
essai bibliographique. Pour plus de précisions, consultez :

*** Depuis plus de quatre mois, le Québec a été le lieu d'une grève
étudiante sans précédent. En guise de support à ce mouvement, nous avons
ressenti le besoin de repousser la date limite de réception des
soumissions. Au coeur de ce mouvement de protestation, il y a la question
du sens donné à l'éducation supérieure, du rôle social des universités. Les
récents événements ont ainsi donné l'occasion de réfléchir à la notion de
capital humain en lien avec la gestion néolibérale des institutions
d'enseignement supérieur. Toute contribution aux importants enjeux soulevés
par ce conflit est la bienvenue dans ce numéro.

Extension of the ASAA/NZ 2012 conference panel proposal submission deadline

Recently we advertised a Call for Panels and Papers for this year's
ASAA/NZ Conference "Anthropology and Imagination" which will be held at
Victoria University of Wellington from 8-10 December. The deadline for
submitting panel proposals has been extended to Friday 6 July 2012. The
ASAA/NZ website can be consulted soon for information about registration,
the programme, accommodation options, and events.

Lorena Gibson
Lecturer, Cultural Anthropology
School of Social and Cultural Studies
Victoria University of Wellington
Wellington, New Zealand

PhD opportunity - Northern research

1. The University of Aberdeen invites applications for three PhD
on the theme of Northern Colonialism: Historical Connections, Contemporary

These studentships are part of the University's strategic investment in
northern research and aim to foster path-breaking interdisciplinary
research on the processes and impact of colonialism in the North. The
Northern Colonialism programme builds upon existing expertise in
Anthropology, Archaeology, History and Geology and is structured around
three themes: Economies and Polities, Environments, and Cultural

Doctoral students will undertake ethnographic, archaeological, archival,
museum and/or material culture research to consider the intersections of
history, colonialism, and contemporary social life in The North. The North
is defined here not so much by latitude as by the intersection of climatic,
environmental, historical, geopolitical and cultural conditions, all of
which come together to give the region a significance for the future of
life on earth quite out of proportion to its relatively sparse human

For further details on the programme and how to apply, please see:

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.

University of Guelph - Tier II Canada Research Chair in Gender, Justice & Development at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor

*University of Guelph
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Tier II Canada Research Chair in Gender, Justice & Development at the level
of Assistant or Associate Professor*

The University of Guelph, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, is
seeking applications or nominations for a Tier II Canada Research Chair in
Gender, Justice and Development at the level of Assistant or Associate
Professor. The CRC program was established by the Government of Canada to
enable Canadian universities to foster world-class research excellence in
the global knowledge-based economy.

The successful candidate will develop a research program that focuses on
women and girls as agents of social change in a global context, on the
potential for investments in their rights and health, and on their
contribution to and benefits from civil society. Drawing on existing
university research strengths in the fields of food security, livelihoods,
health and well-being, and poverty, as well as the College's strong
tradition of community engagement (, the CRC will
be a hub for the university's existing research strengths in gender and
development and a catalyst for enhancing a distinctive approach to social
science research in gender and development that incorporates civil society
organizations and community engagement. The CRC is in keeping with the
strategic research themes of the College and University in the areas of
globalization and diversity, health and well-being, and public policy and
governance. Furthermore, the University is in the process of developing a
new School for Civil Society ( in relation to
these themes. Details about the College, its research strategy and faculty
are available at Information on the Canada
Research Chair program is available at .

Candidates must be exceptional emerging scholars with demonstrated
potential for becoming world leaders in their research area. They should
have a strong commitment toward interdisciplinary, community-engaged
research, the ability to attract excellent graduate students, and
demonstrated potential for excellence in teaching at both the graduate and
undergraduate level. They should have a PhD obtained within the last 10
years and post-doctoral or equivalent experience. They will be an assistant
or associate professor or possess the necessary qualifications to be
appointed at these levels. Disciplinary background is open but the
successful candidate must be appointable within one of the College's
departments (Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, Geography, Political
Science, Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology. See The appointment will be tenure track at the
rank of Assistant or Associate Professor, with reduced teaching

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a brief (1-2) page five year
research program plan, and a record of teaching effectiveness, along with
the names, addresses, emails, and telephone numbers of three referees to:

Dr. Belinda Leach
Associate Dean (Research)
College of Social and Applied Human Sciences
Room 105, MacDonald Institute
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1

Or by email to Inquiries can be made by
telephone to (519)
824 4120 extension 52699 or by fax to (519) 766 4797. Review of
applications and nominations will begin immediately and will continue until
July 6 2012. Interviews are expected to be held in July and August.

The position is subject to review and final approval by the CRC
Secretariat. Canada Research Chairs are open to individuals of any
nationality; offers will be made in accordance with the Canada Research
Chairs program and the best fit with the College and University research
strategies. The anticipated date of appointment is July 1 2013.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, however Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority.

This advertisement is available electronically at

The University of Guelph is committed to equity in its policies, practices,
and programs, supports diversity in its teaching, learning and work
environments, and ensures that applications for members of underrepresented
groups are seriously considered under its employment equity policy. All
qualified individuals who would contribute to the further diversification
of our University community are encouraged to apply.

CFP: Anthropology and Imagination - ASAANZ Annual Conference 2012

Subject: CFP: Anthropology and Imagination - ASAANZ Annual Conference 2012
Reply-To: Lorena Gibson <lorenagibson@GMAIL.COM>

Dear all,

The Association of Social Anthropology of Aotearoa/New Zealand is holding
its annual conference from 8-10 December 2012 at Victoria University,
Wellington, New Zealand. The Call for Papers is below and the website will
be available soon.

Lorena Gibson
Lecturer, Cultural Anthropology
School of Social and Cultural Studies
Victoria University of Wellington
Wellington, New Zealand

Call for Papers:


Imagine yourself suddenly set down surrounded by all your gear, alone on a
tropical beach close to a native village, while the launch or dinghy which
has brought you sails away out of sight… (Malinowski 1922:4)

Is there a distinct anthropological way of imagining the world? How might
we as anthropologists imagine our discipline, our objects of study and the
relationship between them? This conference will explore the imaginative
processes that shape and emerge from the anthropological project.

At its core anthropology demands an imaginative leap by comparatively
challenging the naturalness of one's own cultural world. But imagination
also drives the transformation and reinvention of the discipline.
Postcolonial and postmodern anthropologists, for example, sought to
re-imagine anthropology, the politics of knowledge and the discipline's
place in the world. This project continues in the context of
globalisation, and Appadurai (2000:6) has called on anthropology to
refigure the research imaginary in order to capture emerging transnational
flows and disjunctures. Recognising the role of imagination, he argues,
attends to “a faculty that informs the daily lives of ordinary people in
myriad ways: it allows people to consider migration, resist state
violence, seek social redress, and design new forms of civic association
and collaboration across national boundaries.”

Imagination, while clearly evident in artistic processes, is equally
present in the worlds of science, in technological, "rational‟ processes
such as Development, and in political movements such as the recent Occupy
movements. Such practices invite people to imagine new and possible social
forms and subjectivities. Attending to imagination thus allows us to
understand both the agency and ingenuity of our participants, and how they
make do within the confines of everyday life.

We invite papers and panels that interpret and critically reflect on the
conference theme in its broadest sense. We also welcome abstracts from
anthropologists who feel their research falls outside the bounds of this
theme. Potential themes for panels and papers could include, but are not
limited to, the following:

What is the role of imagination in ethnography, for example in conceiving
a research topic, conducting fieldwork, analysing findings, creating
research relationships, and writing ethnographic texts? How might we
imaginatively re-craft or extend anthropological methods?
What can the concept of imagination yield analytically for anthropology?
How does imagination figure as a social practice in a range of
ethnographic settings, and does the concept have cross-cultural
How do different groups and publics imagine anthropology?
How is anthropology re-imagining its analytical frameworks, for example in
concepts such as agency and structure, morality and ethics, gender,
kinship, culture, political ecology, migration, globalisation, capitalism,
development, mobility, tourism, class, sexuality, race, social movements,
and more?
What is the relationship between imagination and creativity, hope, desire,
utopia and fantasy, and ideas of the real and possible?
How are imagined communities shaping contemporary life, such as online and
transnational groups?
How is the university and education being reimagined through evolving and
emerging forms of governance, and what is anthropology‟s role in shaping
such imaginings?
How might we imagine the future of anthropology?

Abstract Submission Guidelines

We welcome both panel and individual paper proposals.

To propose a panel, please send the title and a brief description (150
words) of your panel, a short biographical note about yourself, the names
and contact details of presenters, the titles of their papers, and a 150
word abstract for each paper to

There is no specified or minimum number of papers for a panel proposal.
Please note that the conference committee will add individually submitted
papers to proposed panels if they fit within a panel's theme. Panel
details will be uploaded onto the ASAANZ website as they are accepted, and
when submitting an individual paper you may indicate to the conference
committee your desire to be placed within a particular panel. You do not
need to contact the panel organiser.

Individual papers will be organised into panels by the conference
committee. Paper presentations should not exceed 20 minutes. To propose a
paper, please send a title and 150 word abstract along with your contact
information and a short biographical note to:


Submission of panel proposals: 15th of June 2012
Submission of paper proposals: 15th August 2012
For all submissions and inquiries, please email

Key dates and timeframe

Start: Saturday afternoon, the 8th of December 2012
End: Monday afternoon, the 10th of December 2012
Conference Dinner: Sunday evening, the 9th of December 2012

Further Information

The ASAANZ website ( can be consulted soon
for information on registration, the programme, accommodation options, and
events, as this information becomes available.

Canadian Federation of University Women -- Bill C-38, Employment Equity Act and the Federal Conractors Program

On Monday, CFUW submitted a Brief to the Standing Committee on Finance in
which we included a recommendation to remove Clause 602 from Bill C-38,
which will amend the Employment Equity Act. We made sure to point out that
the changes to the Employment Equity Act had no clear connections to the
2012 Budget itself, as employment equity, nor the federal contractors
program are discussed in the budget. You can read our brief here if you are

I was told by the Committee Clerk that clause by clause review of the Bill
began on Monday, so hopeful our brief will be received in time.


Tara Fischer
Advocacy and Communications Coordinator
Canadian Federation of University Women
613-234-8252 ext.106<tel:613-234-8252%20ext.106>

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

International Women's Conference - Cairns, AU

*2nd Annual International Women's Conference*
*Cairns, Australia*
*June 13 -15 , 2012m*
Keynote Addresses Include:

The Inspiration of Women
Kerrie Tim
Special Advisor Indigenous Engagement, Australian Public Service Commission

Women's Leadership and Governance
Dame Carol Kidu
Member Papua New Guinea Parliament

Building Sustainable Communities
Sharon Bhagwan Rolls
Coordinator, FemLINKPACIFIC, Fiji

Women and Economic Development
Katherine Gibson
Professorial Fellow, Centre for Citizenship and Public Policy, University
of Western Sydney

Making Women's Lives Safer
Aruna Gajbhiye
Tirpude College of Social Work, Civil lines NAGPUR (Maharashtra), India

*Draft Programme** *

You can view a draft copy of the programme at


UN Women announces members of Global Civil Society Advisory Group

Press Release
For immediate release
17 May 2012

Media Inquiries:
Oisika Chakrabarti, UN Women, oisika.chakrabarti[at], +1 646

UN Women announces members of Global Civil Society Advisory Group

United Nations, New York — UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet
today announced the members of her Global Civil Society Advisory Group that
will facilitate regular consultations and dialogue between civil society and
UN Women.
"I am delighted that a group of outstanding international women's rights
advocates and experts on gender issues have agreed to serve on my Global
Civil Society Advisory Group. They will play an important consulting role,
and provide strategic perspectives on advocacy on gender equality and
women's empowerment and on UN Women's thematic priorities," said Ms.
Bachelet. "They will also help strengthen UN Women's engagement and
partnerships with civil society at all levels. I look forward to working
together towards our common goals," she added.
The establishment of UN Women Civil Society Advisory Groups at the global,
regional and national levels was announced earlier this year at the 56th
session of the Commission on the Status of Women. The Global Group appointed
by the Executive Director is based on wide consultation with civil society
networks and nominations from civil society organizations. All members have
proven track records of work in areas related to gender equality and women's
empowerment, and bring diverse experience and expertise to the group.
Members include grassroots, rural and community-based leaders, leaders of
indigenous people's groups, feminist scholars, human rights lawyers, and
male leaders working on gender and women's rights issues.
The main objective of this Group is dialogue and engagement to advance
global goals of gender equality and women's empowerment. The Group serves as
a consultative forum for UN Women.
The membership of the Group will be rotational, and the current members will
be serving for a period of two years. The current members of the Group are:
Marling Haydee Rodriguez, President of the Union of Cooperatives Las Brumas,
Nicaragua; Teresa Fernández de la Vega Sanz, Former Vice-President of Spain,
Eminent Jurist and Founder, Women for Africa Foundation, Spain; Tarcila
Rivera Zea, Founder, Center of Indigenous Cultures of Peru, Peru; Rawwida
Baksh, Former Head of the Women's Rights Programme, International Research
and Development Centre, Trinidad and Tobago; Patricia Perez, Global Chair of
International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW), Argentina;
Charlotte Bunch, Founder of GEAR Campaign, United States; Todd Minerson,
Executive Director, White Ribbon Campaign, Canada; Hibaaq Othman, Strategist
for Dignity Fund, the Think Tank for Arab Women and Karama, Somalia; Nehad
Abol Komsan, Founder and Chairperson of the Egyptian Center for Women's
Rights, Egypt; Rabea Naciri, President of the Democratic Association of
Moroccan Women, Morocco; Violet Shivutse, Leader, GROOTS, Kenya; Bineta
Diop, Executive Director and Founder, Femmes Africa Solidarité, Senegal;
Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director of Greenpeace International, South Africa;
Josephine Castillo, Organizer-Trainer, Damayan Ng Maralitang Pilipinong Api
(DAMPA), Philippines; Hina Jilani, Founder, Human Rights Commission of
Pakistan, Pakistan; Bandana Rana, Executive President of Saathi and Regional
Coordinator, South Asian Campaign for Gender Equality, Nepal; Sharon Bhagwan
Rolls, Founder, FemLINKPACIFIC, Fiji; Drude Dahlerup, Professor of Political
Science at Stockholm University, Sweden; Selma Acuner, Professor, Ankara
University, Turkey; Cecile Gebroval, Programme Director, European Women's
Lobby; and Joanne Sandler, retired Deputy Director, UNIFEM.
The first meeting of the Global Civil Society Advisory Group will be
convened at the time of the 67th session of the General Assembly in
September, when members will be able to provide important inputs into the
work of UN Women, including on partnerships and the post-2015 development
National and regional civil society advisory groups are also currently being
set up by UN Women regional and country offices, and a dedicated global
website will be established for information sharing between the civil
society groups and UN Women.
UN Women is the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the
empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was
established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. For
more information, visit UN Women, 220 East 42nd Street, New
York, NY 10017. Tel: +1 646 781-4400. Fax: +1 646 781-4444.

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