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Friday, February 25, 2011

Anthropology in Education Panel Call for Papers, CASCA 2011

Anthropology in Education: Canadian Cases

The purpose of this panel is to bring together examples of Canadian
anthropological research into knowledge dissemination practises,
educational institutions and systems, and processes of teaching, learning
and child development in order to highlight the
distinctiveness of the Canadian perspective. Unlike the American
experience, with the Spindler= school and its generation of researchers,
the Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE), and the Anthropology
and Education Quarterly (AEQ) journal, the
sub-discipline of educational anthropology has never taken root in Canada.
American dominance of the sub-discipline has certainly not excluded
Canadian contributions, or others from a broad range of perspectives and
places. But the sheer volume of American research and researchers has
ensured an American focus in the CAE and the AEQ. Canadian history has
produced different experiences, practises and policies in the field of
education, which benefit from anthropological analysis and tell a
compelling and specifically Canadian story of educational involvement at
home and abroad.
Contributions to the panel could include Canadian researchers working
abroad, researchers working within Canadian educational institutions,
research with indigenous and Aboriginal knowledge systems, studies into
childhood and youth, formal and informal educational practises, and any
instance where anthropological theories and methods have been applied to
situations involving education in a Canadian context. Please contact Evie
Plaice at if you are interested in joining the panel.

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