This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Incoming CASCA Executive, 2011-2012/ Nouveau comit=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9_ex=E9cutif?= de la CASCA, 2011-2012

Incoming CASCA Executive, 2011-2012/ Nouveau comité exécutif de la
CASCA, 2011-2012

It is my great pleasure to introduce our members to three new incoming
members to the CASCA Executive. They will take up their positions
immediately after our AGM during the Fredericton Conference in May.

J?ai le plaisir de présenter à nos membres les trois nouveaux
officiers du comité exécutif de la CASCA. Leur mandat prendra effet
immédiatement après notre assemblée générale annuelle qui aura lieu lors
du colloque à Fredericton en mai prochain.

Ellen R. Judd, B.A. (Queen?s U), M.A., Ph.D. (UBC), Diploma (Beijing
Language Institute), Diploma (Fudan U), F.R.S.C., is a Distinguished
Professor at the University of Manitoba. Her early research explored
cultural production in twentieth century China, including the Cultural
Revolution period and the revival of ritual opera. She later focused on
research in rural north China, examining how reform era thresholds could
be approached through the ethnography of gender, kinship and political
economy in households, communities and the initiatives of the women?s
movement. This was followed by ethnography exploring mobility,
livelihood and care in upland interior communities providing migrants to
cities and to centres of international commodity
production. Her current research explores how migrants care for the
health and wellbeing of their translocal families in an emergent milieu
of new health and social programs. She has long been involved with
CASCA, as Anglophone Book Review Editor and on the Editorial Board for
Culture/Anthropologica, and was guest editor of its special issue on War
and Peace.

Présidente désignée : Ellen R. Judd, B.A. (Queen?s U), M.A., Ph.D.
(UBC), est diplômée de la Beijing Language Institute et de la Fudan
University, membre de la Société royale du Canada et est une
professeure distinguée de la University of Manitoba. Ses premières
recherches s?intéressaient à la production culturelle dans la Chine du
XXe siècle, dont la période de la Révolution culturelle et la
renaissance de l?opéra rituel. Elle a plus tard effectué des
recherches en zone rurale du nord de la Chine. Elle y a examiné de
quelle façon l?avènement d?une ère de réforme peut être envisagé par le
biais de l?ethnographie du genre, de la parentalité et de
l?économie dans les foyers, les collectivités ainsi qu?au c?ur des
initiatives du mouvement féministe. Elle a ensuite utilisé
l?ethnographie pour explorer la mobilité, les moyens de subsistance et
les soins chez les collectivités des hautes terres intérieures que les
migrants quittent au profit des villes et centres internationaux de
production de biens. Grâce à ses recherches, Ellen a pu observer comment
les migrants s?occupent de la santé et du bien-être de leur famille
translocale dans un milieu émergent offrant de nouveaux
programmes sociaux et de santé. Elle est active depuis longtemps au sein
de la CASCA en tant que rédactrice de comptes rendus anglophones et au
sein du comité de rédaction de Culture/Anthropologica, et a été
directrice invitée pour le numéro spécial La guerre et la paix.

Treasurer: Lorne Holyoak completed his doctorate at the University of
Toronto in 2000. The topic of his dissertation was shamanism among the
Manzu of northeast China. From 1998 to 2001 he was director of
ethnography and oral history for the Ministry of Community and
Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Palau. From 2002 to 2006 Lorne was
an assistant professor of anthropology in the Department of Religious
Studies and Anthropology at the University of Saskatchewan. From 2006 to
2009 Lorne worked as a manager of policy teams for the Department of
Canadian Heritage in the federal government. Presently, he is a senior
policy and research analyst with Status of Women Canada and an adjunct
professor at Carleton University.

Trésorier : Lorne Holyoak a obtenu son doctorat à la University of
Toronto en 2000. Son sujet de thèse était le chamanisme chez les
Mandchous du nord-est de la Chine. De 1998 à 2001, il a été le
directeur de l?ethnographie et de l?histoire orale pour le ministère de
la Communauté et des Affaires culturelles de la République des Palaos.
Entre 2002 et 2006, Lorne a été professeur adjoint
d?anthropologie au département d?études religieuses et d?anthropologie à
la University of Saskatchewan. Par la suite, de 2006 à 2009, il a géré
des équipes chargées des politiques du département fédéral
Patrimoine canadien. Il est actuellement analyste senior des
politiques et de la recherche auprès de Condition féminine Canada et
professeur auxiliaire à la Carleton University.

Membre actif francophone : Nathalie Boucher est doctorante en Études
urbaines, un programme multidisciplinaire de l?Institut national de la
recherche scientifique - Centre Urbanisation Culture Société, à
Montréal. Elle s?intéresse aux interactions verbales et non verbales
qu?elle observe et analyse dans une perspective anthropologique. Cet
intérêt a d?ailleurs été au c?ur de ses recherches de maîtrise
(anthropologie, Université Laval). Ses recherches actuelles portent sur
Los Angeles et la façon dont la communication peut être le point central
d?analyse de diverses thématiques urbaines telles que
diversité sociale, fragmentation urbaine et espace public. Ces
intérêts de recherche sont sous-jacents à ses travaux au Canada, en
Inde, au Mexique et au Nicaragua. Elle a récemment publié sur
l?ambiance urbaine et la méthodologie.

Member-at-Large francophone: Nathalie Boucher Nathalie Boucher is a PhD
candidate in the interdisciplinary Urban Studies programme at the
Institut national de la recherché scientifique ?Centre Urbanisation
Culture Société, Montreal. She is interested in face-to-face
communication as seen through the lens of anthropology, in which she
holds an MA from Université Laval. In her ongoing doctoral research, in
Los Angeles, communication is understood as the point of
intersection at which one can draw together analyses of social
diversity, urban fragmentation, and public space. These research
interests have been the focus the research she did in Canada, India,
Mexico and Nicaragua. She has recently published on urban "ambiance" and

Notre nouvelle présidente sera Marie Nathalie LeBlanc (UQAM) à compter
de mai 2011. Craig Proulx poursuivra son mandat de secrétaire pour une
dernière année et Christopher Fletcher (Laval) demeurera membre actif
anglophone. Michel Bouchard (UNBC) continuera son formidable travail
d?agent d?information et de webmestre tandis que Craig Candler
explorera les facettes de son poste de représentant de l?anthropologie
pratique et appliquée. Par ailleurs, j?aimerais également exprimer ma
gratitude à nos officiers sortants : Robert Adlam (Mount Allison) qui a
agi comme trésorier pendant deux mandats et qui a rendu la
comptabilité accessible et compréhensible pour nous tous. Martin Hébert
(Laval), en tant que membre actif, nous a habilement présenté les
activités de nos membres dans de nombreux numéros de Culture. Deirdre
Meintel (Montréal) nous a pris sous son aile avec compassion et
attention pendant les trois dernières années à titre de présidente
désignée, de présidente et d?ancienne présidente.

Bienvenue aux nouveaux officiers et merci à tous,
Janice Graham, présidente

Our new President, will be Marie Nathalie LeBlanc (UQAM) effective May
2011. Craig Proulx will be continuing as Secretary for a final year, and
Christopher Fletcher (Laval) will continue as Member-at-Large. Michel
Bouchard (UNBC) will still be keeping us all up-to-date as
Communications Officer and Webmeister extraordinaire, and Craig
Candler is travelling new paths in the Practicing/Contract
Anthropologist position. At this time, I would also like to extend my
appreciation to our outgoing Executive. Treasurer, Robert Adlam (Mount
Allison), has served two full terms and made accounting
transparent and understandable for us all. Martin Hebert (Laval), as
one of our Members-at-Large, adeptly presented the activities of our
members through several issues of Culture. Deirdre Meintel (Montreal)
stewarded us with compassion and care through 3 full years as
incoming, serving and outgoing presidential responsibilities.

Welcome and Thank you all,
Janice Graham, President

Health Policy Job Posting -Health Canada **CLOSES TODAY**

Health Policy - Job Posting - CLOSES TODAY

EC-05 â€" Various Positions

About Health Canada:

Health Canada is the Federal department responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health, while respecting individual choices and circumstances.

The Department is committed to meeting the challenges of tomorrow by supporting research and fostering partnerships with researchers across the country and the world. We also work collaboratively with the provinces and territories to test ways in which the Canadian health care system can be improved and ensure its sustainability for the future.

Please view our three(3) tutorials featuring a step-by-step description of how to read our job poster, how to self-screen and how to apply successfully.
Position TitleVacanciesClassificationEmployment Tenure
EC-05 â€" Various Positions10EC - 05A pool of qualified candidates will be established from this selection process and may be used to staff similar positions with various employment tenures, various linguistic profiles, various organizational needs, various operational requirements and/or various Conditions of Employment within the Health Portfolio in various regions across Canada.
Stream 1: Policy Analyst10EC - 05A pool of qualified candidates will be established from this selection process and may be used to staff similar positions with various employment tenures, various linguistic profiles, various organizational needs, various operational requirements and/or various Conditions of Employment within the Health Portfolio in various regions across Canada.
Stream 2: Planning and/or Performance Measurement10EC - 05A pool of qualified candidates will be established from this selection process and may be used to staff similar positions with various employment tenures, various linguistic profiles, various organizational needs, various operational requirements and/or various Conditions of Employment within the Health Portfolio in various regions across Canada.
Stream 3: Evaluation Analyst10EC - 05A pool of qualified candidates will be established from this selection process and may be used to staff similar positions with various employment tenures, various linguistic profiles, various organizational needs, various operational requirements and/or various Conditions of Employment within the Health Portfolio in various regions across Canada.
Department Name: Department of Health
Locations: Various Locations 
Salary: $70,614 to $81,454
Closing Date: February 25, 2011 - 23:59, Pacific Time Useful Information 
Reference Number: SHC11J-009988-000011
Selection Process Number: 11-NHW-CS-EA-003
Website: For further information on the department, please visit Department of Health

Who Can Apply:

  • Persons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad.


See website:
Health Policy - Job Posting - CLOSES TODAY

EC-05 â€" Various Positions
About Health Canada:

Health Canada is the Federal department responsible for helping Canadians
maintain and improve their health, while respecting individual choices and

The Department is committed to meeting the challenges of tomorrow by
supporting research and fostering partnerships with researchers across the
country and the world. We also work collaboratively with the provinces and
territories to test ways in which the Canadian health care system can be
improved and ensure its sustainability for the future.

Please view our three(3) tutorials featuring a step-by-step description of
how to read our job poster, how to self-screen and how to apply

Position Title
Employment Tenure

EC-05 â€" Various Positions
EC - 05
A pool of qualified candidates will be established from this selection
process and may be used to staff similar positions with various employment
tenures, various linguistic profiles, various organizational needs,
various operational requirements and/or various Conditions of Employment
within the Health Portfolio in various regions across Canada.

Stream 1: Policy Analyst
EC - 05
A pool of qualified candidates will be established from this selection
process and may be used to staff similar positions with various employment
tenures, various linguistic profiles, various organizational needs,
various operational requirements and/or various Conditions of Employment
within the Health Portfolio in various regions across Canada.

Stream 2: Planning and/or Performance Measurement
EC - 05
A pool of qualified candidates will be established from this selection
process and may be used to staff similar positions with various employment
tenures, various linguistic profiles, various organizational needs,
various operational requirements and/or various Conditions of Employment
within the Health Portfolio in various regions across Canada.

Stream 3: Evaluation Analyst
EC - 05
A pool of qualified candidates will be established from this selection
process and may be used to staff similar positions with various employment
tenures, various linguistic profiles, various organizational needs,
various operational requirements and/or various Conditions of Employment
within the Health Portfolio in various regions across Canada.

Department Name: Department of Health
Locations: Various Locations
Salary: $70,614 to $81,454
Closing Date: February 25, 2011 - 23:59, Pacific Time Useful Information
Reference Number: SHC11J-009988-000011
Selection Process Number: 11-NHW-CS-EA-003

Website: For further information on the department, please visit
Department of Health
Who Can Apply:
Useful Information

Persons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad.


See website:

Anthropology in Education Panel Call for Papers, CASCA 2011

Anthropology in Education: Canadian Cases

The purpose of this panel is to bring together examples of Canadian
anthropological research into knowledge dissemination practises,
educational institutions and systems, and processes of teaching, learning
and child development in order to highlight the
distinctiveness of the Canadian perspective. Unlike the American
experience, with the Spindler= school and its generation of researchers,
the Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE), and the Anthropology
and Education Quarterly (AEQ) journal, the
sub-discipline of educational anthropology has never taken root in Canada.
American dominance of the sub-discipline has certainly not excluded
Canadian contributions, or others from a broad range of perspectives and
places. But the sheer volume of American research and researchers has
ensured an American focus in the CAE and the AEQ. Canadian history has
produced different experiences, practises and policies in the field of
education, which benefit from anthropological analysis and tell a
compelling and specifically Canadian story of educational involvement at
home and abroad.
Contributions to the panel could include Canadian researchers working
abroad, researchers working within Canadian educational institutions,
research with indigenous and Aboriginal knowledge systems, studies into
childhood and youth, formal and informal educational practises, and any
instance where anthropological theories and methods have been applied to
situations involving education in a Canadian context. Please contact Evie
Plaice at if you are interested in joining the panel.

CASCA 2011 - date limite soumission repouss=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9e/submission?= deadline extended

CASCA 2011 is pleased to extend the submission deadline until Friday
March 11, 2011. Please get your submissions in soon.

the Local Organizing Committee.

CASCA 2011 webpage:


L'organisation du colloque 2011 de la CASCA a repoussé la date limite
pour soumettre une communication jusqu'au vendredi 11 mars 2011.
Veuillez nous faire parvenir vos propositions rapidement.

Le comité organisateur local

informations CASCA 2011:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Panel proposal on food and identity CASCA 2011


Merin Oleschuk and Helen Vallianatos are working on putting together a
panel session for CASCA 2011, and need another participant. Panel
participants will examine the experience of ethnic/national
identity/ies through food practices and beliefs. The abstract for the
panel is:

As an integral symbol of identity, foodways at once embody the
individual, group and nation. Individuals construct their subjectivity
through both their literal and symbolic associations with food; we
assert our collective identities through common eating practices and
delineate boundaries between groups in the opposite manner.
Ethnic and national identities are manipulated and reformulated in the
creation of a national culture and this is represented in the
development of national cuisines. As scholars such as Arjun Appadurai,
Igor Cusack, and Richard Wilk tell us, a national cuisine is created
by multiple gendered, ethnic, and classed groups to appropriate and
assemble regional and ethnic cuisines into a relatively cohesive
product which defines "the boundaries of edibility and the structure
of domestic ideologies" (Appadurai, 1988). The diversities within any
national cuisine are demonstrated in the gendered construction of
nationhood, where men and women have defined roles to play in the
performance of the nation (Yuval-Davis, 1997). In producing the food
of the nation, women can be understood as partaking in a form of
nationalism which is differentially situated within the realm of
empowerment and silence depending on the value placed on this work
(Clark, 2009; Cusack, 2000).
The papers presented in this panel will explore the gendered
performance of ethnic and national identities. We seek to critically
examine how food is used by individuals to express their gendered,
ethnic and national subjectivities.

Please contact Merin Oleschuk ( if interested.

Call for Papers for a Session at CASCA 2011: Seeds of hope? Signs of Life in Latin America

Call for Papers for a Session at CASCA 2011

Seeds of hope? Signs of Life in Latin America
The dawn of the 21st century has seen a leftward turn in many Latin
American countries, altering the social, political and cultural
landscape. The papers in this session examine contemporary life
under these new conditions. They will consider questions such as:
What kinds of cultural and social practices and projects emerge?
How do people engage with this new, perhaps less hostile, state?
Have (or how have) the national agendas of these states effected the
lives of the people we work with? Here we refer of material changes
like social spending, but also of less material ones, like hope.
If you have a paper you think might fit in this panel, please send a
150 word abstract to Lindsay DuBois at

CASCA: Job postings/Emplois

The University of Winnipeg - Department of Anthropology - Cultural

The University of Winnipeg - Department of Anthropology - Biological

CASCA 2011: Looking for panel participants - Fisheries and Communities


Ed Koenig and Robert Adlam are hoping to put together a panel session
for the CASCA 201 meetings in Fredericton. The description is included
below. Please contact Ed Koenig ( )if you are
interested in participating. Thanks, Ed

CASCA – Panel Session Description

Organizer – Ed Koenig
Co-organizer – Robert Adlam
Chair – Ed Koenig

Fisheries and Communities: Opportunities and Challenges

Papers in this session will explore the conditions under which various
communities engage in fishing activities, and the opportunities and
challenges they encounter. Looking at several cases comparatively may shed
light on such opportunities and challenges, and suggest mechanisms and
approaches that have potential applicability in new or broader contexts.

Proposed Papers:

Ed Koenig – Aboriginal Fisheries on Lake Huron: Two Decades after Jones and

Monday, February 21, 2011

CASCA Call for Papers: Contemporary Perspectives in "Healing"

I am looking for individuals interested in presenting in a panel at
CASCA which would look at the concept and idea of "healing" as it is
expressed and utilized today. Papers can address any healing or
medical system. If interested please send me a title and abstract, and
I will fashion a session abstract accordingly. I will need these in
the next two days in order to meet the deadline for submissions.

CASCA 2011 panel: call for abstracts - Post/Colonial (Re)Constructions of Indigenous parenthood and family life

CASCA 2011 Panel Proposal:
Post/Colonial (Re)Constructions of Indigenous parenthood and family life

We are still seeking one additional paper for this panel. Please send
abstracts by email to not later than 5pm (EST)
on Wednesday February 23rd. We will aim to respond within twenty-four

Proposed Panel:
Many colonial regimes around the world and through history have been
centrally concerned with Indigenous family relations, parenting practices
and children. The latter have constituted social sites for the
legitimization of colonization, through discourses which construct
colonized peoples as morally inferior and justify interventions by the
colonial state, religious authorities and/or settler society into
Indigenous family life. Anthropologists and other scholars are belatedly
analysing what Indigenous people have been arguing for several decades:
how colonial regimes, in Canada and many other parts of the world, have
practiced the coerced acculturation of colonized children as a central
technique of colonial governance, removing Indigenous children from their
families and communities and placing them in boarding schools, orphanages,
children's homes and settler families. Comparable practices continue to
the present day through child welfare systems in settler states including
Canada, the United States and Australia. The striking historical
endurance of practices of 'rescuing' Indigenous children, across different
settler colonies and over periods of profound political and social change,
should prompt us to analyse how legitimizing discourses shift over time,
in concert with dominant professional, institutional and other interests
and changing moral economies.

Historically and in the present, Indigenous people have disrupted dominant
accounts and assumptions about the legitimacy of state-authorised
professionals' interventions into Indigenous family life. Such challenges
have coalesced in organized political protests, legal actions and
Indigenous initiatives to develop child welfare, parent support and early
childhood education services which are accountable to Indigenous
communities and incorporate Indigenous knowledge and languages. Such
initiatives involve processes of institution-building and
professionalization, often in the context of colonial continuities in
relations between settler states and Indigenous peoples, creating new
sites for the (re)constructions of Indigenous family relations and
contestations of parenting practices.

This panel seeks to promote scholarly dialogue on these issues via a
series of papers which analyse dominant and resistant, historical and
emergent discourses and practices on Indigenous parenting, child welfare
and family relations across time and in geographically varied
post/colonial settings. Analyses might draw on ethnographic and/or
historical (archival, oral history, literary, photographic, other)
sources, and focus on policies, professions, institutions,
social/political movements, and/or any other relevant site. All
submissions engaging with the above themes are welcome. We are
particularly interested in those which:
• analyse the social complexity of colonial relations with due attention
to Indigenous people as social and political actors, rather than focusing
more narrowly on dominant/ settler discourses
• draw on ethnographies/sources from outside of Canada (two of our
existing papers are Canadian-based).

Panel organizers: Krista Maxwell (Department of Social Science, University
of Toronto Scarborough Campus) and Susanne Miskimmin (Department of
Anthropology, University of Toronto).

Sunday, February 20, 2011

CASCA 2011: Keynote Speaker/conf=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9rencier?= principal - Mark Nuttall

(English follows)

Le comité organisateur du colloque 2011 de la CASCA à Fredericton (du
11 au 14 mai 2011) est fier d'annoncer l'identité de son conférencier
principal : M. Mark Nuttall, titulaire de la chaire Henry Marshall
Tory à l'Université d'Alberta. M. Nuttall a mené des recherches
anthropologiques et effectué du travail de terrain au Groenland, au
Canada, en Finlande, en Écosse et en Alaska. Parmi ses champs
d'intérêt, on compte entre autres l'histoire anthropologique et
environnementale du climat; les questions des modifications de
l'environnement et de l'exploitation des ressources au sein des
communautés rurales et côtières; l'anthropologie de l'énergie et les
industries extractives (y compris leurs politiques de consultation
autochtone et culturelle); les espaces, localités, dépopulation et
migration; les dimensions humaines des questions globales de
l'environnement et de la durabilité; et les identités et frontières.
Au sens large, il s'intéresse à la compréhension des relations
humain-environnement, principalement dans le contexte de changements
environnementaux historiques et contemporains qui ont un effet sur le
gagne-pain de l'être humain, son engagement envers l'environnement et
son exploitation des ressources à différents niveaux interdépendants.
Ses travaux actuels explorent l?engagement de l'anthropologie face aux
bouleversements climatiques, les réactions culturelles et politiques
devant ce phénomène, ainsi que la négociation et la gestion des terres
en mutation et des processus politiques sur les changements climatiques.

Voici le résumé du discours thème que prononcera M. Mark Nuttall. Nous
sommes convaincus que cette présentation correspondra parfaitement au
thème du virage vert du colloque et nous espérons que vous assisterez
tous à ce qui promet d?être une excellente et enrichissante allocution.

Monde changeant, mises en garde et surprises :
Réflexions sur les changements climatiques, leur influence et leur

Mark Nuttall
University of Alberta

Tant les recherches scientifiques que les reportages médiatiques
concernant les changements climatiques sont aujourd'hui saturés
d'expressions comme « seuil critique » et « point de non-retour ». Il
en découle des discussions caractérisées par une angoissante
anticipation d'un avenir modelé par de profonds bouleversements
climatiques, environnementaux, économiques, politiques et sociaux
irréversibles dont la portée serait considérable. Ce vocabulaire
influence le discours et les discussions servant à établir des
politiques quant aux catastrophes écologiques et aux crises
humanitaires, et les sens discursif, rhétorique et métaphorique de ces
expressions sont incroyablement puissants. Le climat est perçu comme
ayant le pouvoir d'influencer nos vies comme il ne l'a jamais fait
auparavant, ce qui implique un effet transformateur, perturbateur et
déstabilisant. Ainsi, la complexité du monde est exprimée par des
modèles scientifiques qui suggèrent un retour au déterminisme
climatique. De quelle façon l'anthropologie doit-elle participer à
cette discussion, à la recherche et à l'élaboration d'initiatives
concernant les changements climatiques? Les « points de non-retour »
et les « seuils critiques » sont-ils des métaphores? Doit-on les voir
comme d'hypothétiques prévisions ou comme la description d'événements
réels, indicateurs de futurs changements? Que voulons-nous dire quand
nous utilisons ces termes pour imaginer, décrire et représenter le
monde? Quelle importance leur accorder par rapport aux connaissances
et pratiques anticipatoires? En effet, comment l'anticipation nous
aide-t-elle à traverser un monde en constante évolution et plein de
surprises et comment influence-t-elle notre façon de se tourner vers


The Local Organizing Committee for CASCA 2011 in Fredericton (May
11-14, 2011) is pleased to announce our Keynote Speaker: Dr. Mark
Nuttall, Henry Marshall Tory Chair at the University of Alberta. He
has carried out anthropological research and fieldwork in Greenland,
Canada, Finland, Scotland and Alaska. His research interests cover,
but are not confined to, the anthropology and environmental history of
weather and climate; environmental change and resource use issues in
rural and coastal communities; the anthropology of energy and the
extractive industries (including the indigenous and cultural politics
of consultation); place, locality, depopulation and migration; the
human dimensions of global environmental and sustainability issues;
and identities and borderlands. In a broad sense, his interests focus
on understanding human-environment relations, especially within a
context of historical and contemporary environmental changes which
affect livelihoods, human engagement with the environment, resource
use and development at multiple and interrelated levels. Ongoing work
explores anthropology?s engagement with climate change, the cultural
and political responses to climate change, and the negotiation and
management of both shifting geographical terrains and climate policy

Here is the abstract of his Keynote Address. We look forward to a talk
completely relevant to our conference theme of greening. We hope that
you will all attend what promises to be an excellent and informative

Shifting worlds, forewarnings, and sudden surprises:
reflections on climate change, agency and anticipation

Mark Nuttall
University of Alberta

Both scientific research and media reporting on climate change are now
replete with references to ?tipping points?, ?thresholds?, and ?points
of no return?. This prompts discussion characterized by a nervous
anticipation of a future shaped by dramatic, far-reaching, and
irreversible climatic, environmental, economic, political and social
change. It influences the development of narratives and policy
discussion of ecological catastrophe and humanity in crisis and it is
tremendously powerful in discursive, rhetorical, and metaphorical
senses. Climate is talked about and represented as having the power to
influence our lives in ways we have never before experienced ?
suggesting something transformative, disruptive and decentering. Yet,
in doing so, the complexity of the human world is explained in terms
of scientific models that suggest a return to climatic determinism.
How is anthropology to contribute to this discussion and to research
and policy action on climate change? Are ?tipping points? and
?thresholds? metaphors, are they to be understood within contexts of
speculative forecast, or are they descriptions of real events and
indications of future change? What do we mean when we use these terms
to imagine, describe, and represent the world? What relevance do they
have for anticipatory knowledge and anticipatory practice? Indeed, how
does anticipation guide us through a world of shifting conditions and
sudden surprises and influence ways we orient ourselves towards the

Saturday, February 19, 2011

ARIT Fellowship Information 2012-2013


-ARIT/NEH 2012-2013 - This fellowship covers all fields of the
humanities as well as interdisciplinary aspects of cultural history.
Applicants will have completed their academic training. The terms of
the fellowship range from 4 months to 1 year. The stipends range from

-ARIT Fellowships for Research in Turkey 2012-2013 - These fellowships
are offered for research in ancient, medieval, or modern times in any
field of the humanities and social sciences. Post-doctoral and
advanced doctoral fellowships may be held for various terms from 1 - 3
months up to a year. Stipends range from $4,000 - $16,000.

-Kenan T. Erim Fellowship 2013 - The Erim fellowship will support
excavation or field study of excavated material remains at Aphrodisias
during the summer 2011. $2,375 pending funding.

**Applications for ARIT fellowships must be submitted to ARIt before
Nov. 1 2011. Applicants will be notified by late January 2012.


-ARIT-Princeton Summer Fellowships for Intensive Advanced Turkish
Language at Bogazici University, Istanbul. The program supports
intensive study of advanced Turkish language at Bogazici University.
It includes air fare, tuition, and stipend. Deadline is Feb. 1.

-Critical Language Scholarship Institutes in Turkish Language -
Provides support for intensive study of Turkish language at all
levels. Includes air fare, tuition, and stipend. Courses held in
several locations in Turkey. The competition is administered by the
Council of American Overseas Research Centers. For more info, please
see the program website at
Deadline is around Nov. 1.

For further information about the ARIT programs, please visit our
website at
or contact Nancy Leinwand at (215) 898-3474

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

CASCA 2011 accommodations/h=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9bergement:_book_now!/r=E9servez?= maintenant!

CASCA 2011 Accommodations/Hébergement:

click on the link below:

cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous:


More information received from the Crowne Plaza Fredericton-Lord Beaverbrook:
Des renseignements supplémentaires provenant du Crowne Plaza
Fredericton-Lord Beaverbrook:

Crowne Plaza Fredericton-Lord Beaverbrook is looking forward to hosting your
event, Canadian Anthropological Society, planned from 05/10/2011 to
05/14/2011. This email contains important information regarding the
reservations process and private booking website, as well as instructions
for accessing the Event Dashboard which will provide you with up-to-date
information on Canadian Anthropological Society's progress at anytime.


Online and phone reservations will be accepted from 01/29/2010.

A dedicated booking website has been created for your event so your guests
will be able to make, modify and cancel their hotel reservations online, as
well as take advantage of any room upgrades, amenities or other services
offered by the hotel.

To preview the website, please click the following link:

Italian publication project: 'Native American' poetry

Dear CASCA colleagues,
An Italian Studies colleague has asked for my help in disseminating the
message below. Please pass it on to any Native/Aboriginal/First Nations
poets you know who would be interested in publishing in Italy. They should
contact Dr Clerici directly.
Martha Radice

"An Italian publisher is interested in printing a book of Native American
poets, writing in English and French. I and my friend and collegue Claudia
Gasparini will be the editors and the translators into Italian. We are
particularly interested in women poets and in poems referring to topic as
history, social and contemporary and cultural issues. We will also consider
music lines. Poems might also be published in TEPEE, the journal I am the
editor of.
Thanks for your kind help,
Dr. Naila Clerici, Editor,
Redazione di TEPEE,
Via San Quintino 6, 10121 Torino, Italy
cell. 0039 3478207381
Storia delle Popolazioni Indigene d'America / History of Indigenous People
of the Americas
Università di Genova / University of Genoa "

AAA, Sight unseen, invitation

Dear colleague,
Enclosed is the first draft of the abstract for a panel that we are
proposing for the American Anthropological Society meetings in Montreal
that will be held Nov. 16-21, 2011. We warmly invite you to join us! If
you are interested in participating, please send an abstract of 250 words
or less to Deirdre Meintel and Véronique
Béguet Our abstracts follow that for the panel.
Jean-Guy Goulet will be the discussant for the panel.

If you would like to participate, we ask that you contact us as soon as
possible and send us your abstract (with key words).

If our panel is accepted, partipants are required to register for the
meetings on the AAA website ( ). The final
date is April 15, but we plan to finalize the session by April 1, given
the travel commitments of the authors in early April, not to mention the
logistical and technical difficulties that sometimes arise close to the

Please note that participants can submit only one paper abstract for the
AAA meetings.

Sincerely yours,

Deirdre Meintel and Véronique Béguet

Call for Papers
AAA Annual Meeting 2011

Panel: Sight Unseen: Contact with the Invisible in Secularized Societies

In this session, panelists will the relations with the invisible in
Western societies. Though secularization has often been thought to have
effaced concerns with spirits and with the unseen in general, in fact, we
note a resurgence in beliefs and practices related to what is diversely
termed as the "world of spirit", the "paranormal" and so on. The works of
scholars such as Tanya Luhrman, Marion Aubrée, Meredith McGuire and others
indicate that relations with the invisible are part of daily life for many
in North America, Great Britain, France and other societies characterized
by institutional secularization.

The broad focus of the panel includes invisible aspects of human beings
and the world they inhabit; e.g. invisible entities (spirits, angels,
guides, beings of light, auras, energy fields etc. etc.) and the
practices associated with them (trance, possession, exorcism,
mediumship...) Though well known to anthropologists, these topics are more
often studied in other types of society, and occasionally, among migrants
from those societies to North America and Western Europe. This panel is
aimed at exploring relations with the invisible as well as the concepts
and methods used to study them. It is intended to be forum for exchange
between researchers working in the anthropology of religion, ontological
anthropology, « anthropology of the afterlife » (Fiona Bowie) and and
other fields.


Deirdre Meintel
Université de Montréal

Title: Spirits in the City

Direct contact with spirits is part of normal everyday reality for many
people in the city of Montreal, situated in the province of Quebec,
Canada. Spiritualists describe contact with a plethora of spirit entities
that comes about by various means. Even those who do not experience such
themselves often believe that others around them do; e.g., members of the
same spiritual group, mediums they know, and so on. Many consider urban
spaces –homes, in particular – as the habitat of spirit entities with whom
it is possible to interact. Such entities may be evil spirits, benevolent
ones or « lost souls » trapped on the earth plane, unable to move on to
the world of spirit without help. Many cases I will present here concern a
Spiritualist congregation that I have followed for many years. Others come
from a team project on contemporary religious currents in Quebec that I
have been directing for the last five years.

Key Words: spirits, possession,exorcism, urban life

Véronique Béguet
Université de Québec à Trois Rivières

Title: An « Ontological » Anthropology of Experiences of the Invisible
among Canadians

In this presentation, I explore the experiences of the invisible
(sensations, visions, voices, out of body experiences) of Canadians
(mainly Quebecois) and the meaning they give to them. The interpretations
my informants give for these happenings draw on a vast symbolic store of
meanings available in Western societies and at the same time are nourished
by direct experience. Unseen beings (the dead, beings of light,
guides...) and invisible dimensions of human beings (energetic bodies and
paranormal abilities) are invoked to explain such experiences. Such
explanations mobilize notions of being that constitute alternatives to
rationalism and materialism. Ontological anthropology, a theoretical
current that developed out of new readings of animism, appears fruitful
for giving account of my informants' experiences and the interpretations
they offer for them. An important influence on my approach is Tim Ingold's
notion of "attentive engagement".

Keywords: experience, the invisible, ontological anthropology, Western

CFP CASCA 2011: Time and the Expert: Temporalities and the Social Life of Expert Knowledge

Call for Papers: CASCA 2011 Panel

Time and the Expert: Temporalities and the Social Life of Expert

This panel is concerned with the active social life of expert knowledge.
A curiosity for understanding the ways in which expert knowledge promises
particular futures and remembers specific pasts animates these papers. We
are fascinated by the forms of expert knowledge, but even more so in how
they circulate. How does expert knowledge become implicated in the
formation of communities or caught up in the creation or renewal of
stigmas and prejudices? How are temporalities in expert knowledge
harnessed to affect? How are forms of social and biological
differentiation created and reinforced? We delve into how temporalities
of expert knowledge can buttress or destabilize the legacies of
colonialism in contemporary experiences of post coloniality. We take a
broad approach to both "expert" and "knowledge". For example, papers on
this panel might consider temporalities of ethnographic reports and
religious texts, demographic or development models, academic biosciences,
agricultural knowledge or traditional medicine.

If you would like to participate in this panel, please send us an abstract
of 150 words by February 20th.

Organized by:
Sandra Widmer, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

Jean Mitchell, University of Prince Edward Island

Monday, February 14, 2011

CFP AAA Montreal 2011

AAA 2011 Call for Papers

Trudi Lynn Smith (York University) and Andrea N. Walsh (University of


We seek paper submissions for a panel organized to address the topic
of art and anthropological practices as it relates to this year's AAA
theme, "Traces, Tidemarks and Legacies". Despite recent attention to
the relationships between contemporary art and anthropology, the
traces and legacies that these two practices have left upon one
another remain underexplored. Papers presented in this panel will
explore questions about anthropology and art through the way both
modes of inquiry are engaged in practice, particularly through the
practice of visual art. We are interested in submissions from social
scientists and artists who can speak about how their own contemporary
art practices work as facets of their research. These art producers
move beyond recent discussions of borders, edges and borrowing to look
more closely at how art practices come to bear on anthropology and
what contribution anthropology makes to diverse art worlds. We pose
the question: How is the practice of art a form of strategic
engagement, rather than simply appropriation?

Questions that papers address may include:

1. What are the traces, tidemarks and legacies that the process of
art practice brings into anthropological practice?

2. In what way are art practices and art worlds transformed by
investigation that bears the marks of anthropological inquiry?

3. What traces remain of the legacy of critical conversation in
relation to the debate of knowledge production in visual anthropology
and filmmaking? Furthermore, what is impressed upon new practices
created within the realm of academics and art production? What lessons
can we learn from the debate around knowledge production and film
production in visual anthropology? How can this be applied to visual
arts production in the present?

4. What might the use of artistic production as a method of
knowledge production bring to anthropology?

5. Do anthropologists who use art practice and engage their art
production in the art world start from a different position than
artists who don't use this approach? If so, in what ways does it
differ? What ways do art practices differ if used in an
anthropological context? As anthropologists, can we ever not be
embedded in an anthropological context?

6. What happens when either art or anthropology leaves one world
and circulates to another without an artistic or anthropological

7. What ways can anthropologists and artists learn from one
another -- for better or for worse?

8. In what way does art practice transform into something else if
it is approached by an anthropologist, with a set of anthropological
questions, and when the knowledge (or object) produced returns to feed
into anthropological knowledge? Does it transform it?

9. What ways of working and methodological approaches does art
offer anthropologists to approach the study of representation?

Paper Proposal Deadline

If you are interested in presenting a paper as part of this panel,
please submit a 250-word abstract by March 1, 2011 to

Ideologies of War, Genocide & Terror Website


Dear Colleague,

The <> IOWGT Website publishes the
best that has been thought and said on societal forms of violence,
establishing a resource for scholars around the world. A typical paper
appearing on our website is read by 3000-5000 visitorsâ€"attracting more
readers in a year than a typical journal publication attracts in a

Our website presents writings from some of the most significant
authors on these topics, including:

Emilio Gentile (nationalism as a religion)
Glenn Bowman (the psychology of ethnic
James Jones (religious
Jonah Winters (martyrdom)
Mark Kiyak (the invasion of the body
Michael Bryson (sacrifice and the body
Paul Kahn (sacred
Roger Griffin (the dynamics of

Are there significant publications we are missingâ€"authors whose
writings belong on our website? Please convey your suggestions to me
at <>

We hope you will use our Website in your research and teachingâ€"and
return to it frequently.

Best regards,

Orion Anderson
Editor-in-Chief of the IOWGT Website

Thursday, February 10, 2011

*Deadline approaching - La date limite approche* - CASCA 2011: The Greening of Anthropology/L'anthropologie se recycle - Call for Papers/Appel de Soumissions

(la version française suit)



The 2011 Canadian Anthropology Society Annual Conference will be held
from May 11 to May 14, 2011, at St. Thomas University in Fredericton,
New Brunswick.

This year's theme chosen by the program committee of CASCA 2011: The
Greening of Anthropology: reconfiguring our work for the 21st Century.

The program committee seeks proposals by February 25, 2011.

Early submissions and registration are welcome. For more detailed
information on the conference theme, the conference venue, and on how
to become a member of CASCA, register for the conference, submit
proposals and buy tickets for the CASCA 2011 banquet, go on CASCA's
website and follow the instructions:
For further information, please contact us at:
We look forward to seeing you all in large numbers!

COMMITTEE ORGANIZERS: Craig Proulx, Robert Adlam, and Evie Plaice

Program Committee, CASCA 2011.


Dans le cadre du colloque annuel de la Société Canadienne
d'Anthropologie se tiendra cette année à Fredericton, du 11 mai au 14
mai, sur le campus de l'Université St. Thomas, Fredericton, New

Le thème choisi cette année par le comité de programmation du colloque
annuel de CASCA 2011 : L?anthropologie se recycle : le virage vert du
21e siècle.

La date limite pour les soumissions est le 25 février 2011.

Pour de l'information détaillée sur le thème du colloque,
le lieu du colloque et son organisation, et sur l'adhésion à CASCA,
l'inscription au colloque, les soumissions et l'achat de billets
pour le banquet du colloque CASCA 2011, veuillez vous référer au site
internet de CASCA et suivre les instructions :

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter à:

Au plaisir de vous y voir nombreux !

Craig Proulx, Robert Adlam, and Evie Plaice
Comité de programmation, CASCA 2011

CASCA 2011 panel: call for abstracts - Post/Colonial (Re)Constructions of Indigenous parenthood and family life

CASCA 2011 Panel Proposal:

Post/Colonial (Re)Constructions of Indigenous parenthood and family life

Many colonial regimes around the world and through history have been
centrally concerned with Indigenous family relations, parenting practices
and children. The latter have constituted social sites for the
legitimization of colonization, through discourses which construct
colonized peoples as morally inferior and justify interventions by the
colonial state, religious authorities and/or settler society into
Indigenous family life. Anthropologists and other scholars are belatedly
analysing what Indigenous people have been arguing for several decades:
how colonial regimes, in Canada and many other parts of the world, have
practiced the coerced acculturation of colonized children as a central
technique of colonial governance, removing Indigenous children from their
families and communities and placing them in boarding schools, orphanages,
children's homes and settler families. Comparable practices continue to
the present day through child welfare systems in settler states including
Canada, the United States and Australia. The striking historical
endurance of practices of 'rescuing' Indigenous children, across different
settler colonies and over periods of profound political and social change,
should prompt us to analyse how legitimizing discourses shift over time,
in concert with dominant professional, institutional and other interests
and changing moral economies.

Historically and in the present, Indigenous people have disrupted dominant
accounts and assumptions about the legitimacy of state-authorised
professionals' interventions into Indigenous family life. Such challenges
have coalesced in organized political protests, legal actions and
Indigenous initiatives to develop child welfare, parent support and early
childhood education services which are accountable to Indigenous
communities and incorporate Indigenous knowledge and languages. Such
initiatives involve processes of institution-building and
professionalization, often in the context of colonial continuities in
relations between settler states and Indigenous peoples, creating new
sites for the (re)constructions of Indigenous family relations and
contestations of parenting practices.

This panel seeks to promote scholarly dialogue on these issues via a
series of papers which analyse dominant and resistant, historical and
emergent discourses and practices on Indigenous parenting, child welfare
and family relations across time and in geographically varied
post/colonial settings. Analyses might draw on ethnographic and/or
historical (archival, oral history, literary, photographic, other)
sources, and focus on policies, professions, institutions,
social/political movements, and/or any other relevant site. All
submissions engaging with the above themes are welcome. We are
particularly interested in those which:
• analyse the social complexity of colonial relations with due attention
to Indigenous people as social and political actors, rather than focusing
more narrowly on dominant/ settler discourses
• draw on ethnographies/sources from outside of Canada (two of our
existing papers are Canadian-based).

Please send abstracts by email to not later
than 5pm (EST) on Friday February 18th. We will aim to respond by 5pm on
Monday February 21st.

Panel organizers: Krista Maxwell (Department of Social Science, University
of Toronto Scarborough Campus) and Susanne Miskimmin (Department of
Anthropology, University of Toronto).

CASCA conference panel search: Seeding the City

Panel proposal and search for CASCA conference 2011, Fredericton, NB, May
11-14, 2011

Organizer: Martha Radice, Dalhousie University

*Seeding the City*

From green roofs to flash mobs, from the re-appropriation of public spaces
to the reinvigoration of social movements, people are continually seeding
cities with new ideas and practices. Urban anthropologists are likewise
breaking new ground and tending new varieties of research in their
fieldwork. What approaches to urban space and networks are being explored?
What can be said about the growth and decay of public spaces, city forms,
and urban trends? How is the city morphing under the influence of cultural
and social practices themselves shaped by forces at different scales? How
are urban dynamics like fragmentation, polarization, re-enchantment,
privatization, metropolitanization, sustainability and hyper-mobility
changing the ways we apprehend the city? This session call on urban
anthropologists and their colleagues from related disciplines to share the
greenest shoots of their research: their work-in-progress, their latest
theoretical frameworks, objects of study, methods or collaborations.

If you would like to present in this panel, please send the title of your
paper with an abstract of 150 words to Martha Radice,,
by *Friday 18 February.* Decisions regarding inclusion in the panel will be
sent out by 21 February. This is a bilingual panel, accepting papers in
French and English.


Des toits verts aux foules éclairs, de la réappropriation des espaces
publics à la revitalisation des mouvements sociaux, les citadins ne cessent
de semer la ville d'idées et de pratiques novatrices. En parallèle, les
anthropologues urbains sont en train de creuser de nouveaux terrains et de
cultiver de nouvelles variétés de recherche. Comment mettent-ils à jour
l'étude des espaces et des réseaux urbains? Que disent-ils à propos de la
croissance et de la décomposition des espaces publics, des formes et des
tendances urbaines? Comment la ville se métamorphose-t-elle sous l'influence
de pratiques sociales et culturelles elles-mêmes forgées à d'autres
échelles? Comment notre compréhension de la ville est-elle affectée par des
dynamiques urbaines telles que la fragmentation, la privatisation, la
durabilité, la polarisation, le ré-enchantement, la métropolisation,
l'hyper-mobilité? Cet atelier invite les anthropologues urbains ainsi que
leurs collègues d'autres disciplines à partager les pousses les plus
tendres de leur recherche en cours.

Si vous souhaitez présenter une communication dans cet atelier, veuillez en
envoyer le titre avec un résumé de 150 mots à Martha Radice,, avant le 18 février. Une décision quant à votre
participation à l'atelier vous sera envoyée avant le 21 février. Cet atelier
sera bilingue, avec des communications en français et en anglais.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nouvelle ma=?iso-8859-1?Q?=EEtrise?= en anthropologie

Nous sommes heureux de vous donner des nouvelles de notre maîtrise en
anthropologie sociale et culturelle qui en sera à sa deuxième année en
septembre prochain. Ce nouveau programme qui annonce des avenirs des plus
prometteurs a créé chez nous une nouvelle synergie et un grand
enthousiasme parmi nos étudiants. Notre équipe de professeurs, dont les
recherches de terrain sont ancrées dans les cinq continents, possède une
expertise dans plusieurs champs, dont ceux du développement, des questions
relatives aux autochtones, des droits humains, de la santé et de
l'anthropologie appliquée. Le programme est innovateur en s'inscrivant au
carrefour des traditions française et anglo-américaine et en promouvant le


We are pleased to provide updated information of our new Masters program
in social and cultural anthropology that will be it its second year next
September. The new program has created new synergies and great enthusiasm
with our students and announces promising futures. Our team of
professors, whose research is anchored in the five continents, provide an
expertise in various fields, including those of development, indigenous
studies, human rights, medical and applied anthropology. The program is
innovative as it inscribes itself at the intersections of anglophone and
francophone traditions, in this way promoting bilingualism.

Julie Laplante

Professeure adjointe
Responsable de la maîtrise en anthropologie
Sociologie et anthropologie
Université d'Ottawa
Pavillon Desmarais, 55 Laurier Est, Pièce 8162
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5
Tel: 613-562-5800 # 6134/ Cell: 613-447-4571/ Fax: 613-562-5906

Julian Award - Anthropology and Environment

The Anthropology and Environment Section of the American
Anthropological Association invites nominations for the 2011 Julian
Steward Award for the best monograph in environmental anthropology.
The award will be given to a book published within the four calendar
years prior to the award date. In 2011, eligible books were those that
were published in 2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007. A press will only be
allowed to nominate one book from its list.

The author(s) does not have to be an anthropologist, but the monograph
must employ anthropological method and theory. Edited volumes are not

Please send letters of nomination and four copies of the book by May
15 to Paige West (president of the Anthropology and Environment
Section) at:

Paige West
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Barnard College and Columbia University
3009 Broadway
New York, New York 10027

CASCA: Job posting/Emplois

Dalhousie University:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Technological Innovation for Human Development - Submissions invited

For your consideration:

Mother Pelican - A Journal of Sustainable Human Development
Volume 7, Number 2, February 2011
Technological Innovation for Human Development

Page 1. Technological Innovation for Human Development
Page 2. 2011: The year we’ll hit 7 billion, by Lisa Hyman
Page 3. A Conversation on Happiness, by Derek Ross
Page 4. Human Dignity and Diversity Training, by Susan Clark
Page 5. Globalization and Collective Violence, by Thomas Scheff
Page 5. Impact of Increased Global Food Prices, by Sara Gustafson
Page 6. The Biology of Globalization, by Elisabet Sahtouris
Page 7. Technology Breakthrough with a Fatal Flaw, by Promode Kant
Page 7. Ethical Analysis-Cancun Climate Negotiations, by Donald Brown
Page 8. Sex and Nonviolence, by Symon Hill
Page 9. A Synopsis of Socioeconomic Democracy, by Robley George

Supp1. Advances in Sustainable Development
Supp2. Directory of Sustainable Development Resources
Supp3. Sustainable Development Simulation (SDSIM) Version 1.4
Supp4. Budapest Call for Climate Justice (World Council of Churches)

Please forward this notice to friends and associates. Submission of research
papers on solidarity, sustainability, and sustainable human development is
cordially invited.


Luis T. Gutiérrez, PhD, PE
The Pelican Web of Solidarity and Sustainability
Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development
A monthly, CC license, free subscription, open access e-journal


Le texte français suit le texte anglais.

CIHR-IPPH Summer Student Opportunity
CIHR Grants and Awards Guide – Dec. 2010 Changes
Changes to CIHR's KT Supplement Funding Opportunity
CIHR ResearcherNet Policy
Other News
CIHR Prizes
Funding Opportunities, Grants, and Awards
Calls for Abstracts
CIHR Institute of Gender and Health 2011 Summer Institute
Population Health, In Brief
Population Data FREE Online Workshops
Fellowship/Internship Opportunity
Links of Interest
Reports of Interest
Upcoming Events
Share your Success Stories
IPPH E-mailing List

CIHR-IPPH 2011 Summer Student (May-August) Employment Opportunity at
the University of Ottawa

The CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health aims to improve the
health of populations and promote health equity in Canada and globally
through research and its application to policies, programs, and
practice in public health and other sectors.

The summer student will assist Institute staff with projects related,
but not limited, to the following:
Administration: Update contact and peer review databases; article
retrieval to inform briefing material; take meeting minutes;
transcription; assist with implementing and maintaining paper and
electronic filing systems.
Evaluation and analysis: Assist with key informant interviews, collate
reports, and support analyses of research funding.
Communications and coordination: Assist in production of Institute
newsletter and e-bulletin; help organize events and meetings; help
with website content enhancements; assist with environmental scans.
Knowledge translation: Assist in conducting literature reviews.


* Bilingualism in English and French
* Prior administrative or communications experience
* Health sciences or social sciences background, with a minimum
of two years of undergraduate university

Deadline for applications: Friday, February 25th, 2011

[Text Box: APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS - Cover letter briefly outlining
relevant experience (academic, work, and/or volunteer) and interests
in population and public health - Resume - Names and contact
information for two referees - Copy of academic transcript]

Please send your information to:

Institute of Population and Public Health
Suite 312, 600 Peter-Morand Crescent
Tel: (613) 562-5800 ext 8414
Ottawa, Ontario K1G 5Z3
Fax: (613) 521-5713

Please note that only candidates chosen for an interview will be
contacted by Wednesday, March 9th. For more information visit our

CIHR Grants and Awards Guide – Dec. 2010 Changes
Dec. 15, 2010 - CIHR announces the launch of the revised Grants and
Awards Guide. For a summary of the changes visit:

We would like to highlight the following change:

To further acknowledge researchers' contributions and team building,
and to more accurately reflect that grant membership can change over
time in response to research needs:

1. The Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) on a grant may now add,
promote or remove Principal Applicants and Co-Applicants on their
existing grants, provided that:
* the individuals added, replaced or promoted meet the
individual eligibility requirements as outlined in the original
funding opportunity description; and
* the rationale for adding, replacing, promoting or removing
individuals has been deemed justifiable by the authorized official at
the Institution Paid. The signature of the authorized official at the
Institution Paid on the Request to Replace, Add, Remove or Promote
Individuals on Existing Grants confirms that the changes are
justifiable. Note: CIHR will deny the request if the authorized
official at the Institution Paid has not signed the Request to
Replace, Add, Remove or Promote Individuals on Existing Grants.
2. The replacement of individuals on existing grants is no longer
limited to a change in eligibility.

The Nominated Principal Applicant is encouraged to communicate and
ensure agreement on changes of this nature to project participants.
Confirmation from existing Principal Applicants and Co-Applicants is
not required for CIHR to process a request to add, replace, promote or
remove individuals on or from grants.

For CIHR's policy on replacement, addition, removal or promotion of
principal applicants and co applicants (existing grants), including
examples of justifiable changes, consult the Replacement, Addition,
Removal or Promotion of Principal Applicants and Co Applicants
(Existing Grants)<>
Back to Top

Changes to CIHR's KT Supplement

A core component of CIHR's mandate is to translate knowledge into
improved health, more effective health services and products, and a
strengthened health care system. The Knowledge Translation (KT)
Branch, through its KT Supplement Funding Opportunity, provides
supplemental funding to enable widespread dissemination and
implementation of research findings to communities beyond the
traditional scientific community so as to accelerate the capture of
the benefits of health research. The funding opportunity requires the
use of active KT strategies and interventions supplementary to
publication in peer reviewed journals. It is not intended to cover
typical KT costs budgeted for at the time of submission of the
original grant (eg. publication costs and open access fees for
anticipated publications, conference fees, etc).

In order to maximize the impact of this funding opportunity, CIHR has
instituted key changes to the scope of the KT Supplement Funding

* The maximum amount awarded for a single KT supplement grant has
increased from $40,000 to $100,000 for up to one year. CIHR has
committed $2,000,000 to this opportunity and this increase is expected
to further allow applicants to develop substantial KT
strategies/interventions and activities appropriate to their research
findings. Please note that;
* The specific objective of this funding opportunity is to
facilitate the dissemination and uptake of research findings through
appropriate KT strategies/activities based on the best evidence of
effective methods for influencing the uptake of research by the
intended target audience(s) following the successful completion of a
peer reviewed grant/award or a component of a grant/award for which
dissemination and uptake is justifiable before the grant/award is
* KT strategies/activities must be appropriate to the degree
of generalizability of the research findings (ie. are the proposed KT
strategies/activities justified by the strength of the research
findings?). Furthermore, the justification for the activities must
include how the research findings fit within the context of available
* The eligibility criteria has been expanded to allow
applications related to improving health, health services or products
stemming from a peer reviewed grant issued by any recognized research
funder. Proof of previous and related grant funding will be required
with the application.

Please note that:
CIHR has committed $8,000,000 to the KT Supplement program, to be
distributed evenly, over the following four competitions; October
2010, February 2011, June 2011 and October 2011.

Inquiries regarding these program adjustments can be directed to Ms.
Yumna Choudhry, Senior KT Specialist, at 613-954-1944 or<>


CIHR ResearcherNet Policy
Don't forget: Effective January 3, 2011, CIHR will implement an
earlier cut-off time of 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) for all
ResearchNet e&#8209;Submission funding opportunities. For more information,
go to

The Presidents of the federal research agencies (CIHR, NSERC and
SSHRC) are pleased to announce the release of the 2nd edition of the
Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving
Humans<>, or TCPS

Other News

CIHR Prizes
CIHR Health Researcher of the Year (2011)
The CIHR Health Researcher of the Year Prize (formerly called the
Michael Smith Prize in Health Research) is CIHR's most prestigious
prize. A career achievement award, it honours and recognizes an
exceptional health researcher in any area of health research who has
demonstrated significant achievements in advancing knowledge through
excellence in research, in capacity building and mentorship and
through research and knowledge translation activities that have made a
significant impact on improving health and/or the health system.
One prize is awarded annually. The purpose of the prize is to provide
a significant boost in funding over five years to an exceptional
health researcher who is expected to continue to produce research of
exceptional merit.
Funds Available
CIHR and external partner(s) financial contributions for this
initiative are subject to availability of funds. Should CIHR or
external partner(s) funding levels not be available or are decreased
due to unforeseen circumstances, CIHR and partner(s) reserve the right
to reduce, defer or suspend financial
to grants received as a result of this funding

* The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $
500,000, enough to fund 1 prize. The maximum amount per prize is $
100,000 per annum for up to 5 years.
* The prize consists of a medal and a research grant.
Application Deadline: 2011-03-15

For more information:

Prize: Knowledge Translation (2010-2011)


The CIHR Knowledge Translation Prize honours and supports the
exemplary knowledge translation efforts and activities of an
exceptional individual, team or organization that has made an
outstanding contribution to increasing the application of research
findings, improving the health of individuals, improving health
services and products, or strengthening the health-care system.

Nominated individuals, teams or organizations will be assessed on
significant achievements in knowledge translation activities relevant
to any area of health research (e.g., biomedical, clinical, health
services and policy, and population and public health), including that
of commercialization and global health. The achievements of the
individual, team or organization that is the recipient of the CIHR
Knowledge Translation Prize will be celebrated at the annual CIHR
Awards Ceremony held in Ottawa each fall. A historical listing of
previous winners is available on the page CIHR Knowledge Translation
Awards<>. (Updated: 2010-10-22)

The CIHR-Institute of Aging Betty Havens Prize for Knowledge
Translation in Aging 2011 recognizes the outstanding achievements and
excellence in knowledge translation in the area of aging for an
individual, team or organization at a local or regional level. To
nominate an individual, team or organization for this prize, please
refer to the following opportunity: Prize: Knowledge Translation in

Funds Available
CIHR's and partner contribution to the amount available for this
initiative is subject to availability of funds. Should CIHR or partner
funding levels not be available or are decreased for some unforeseen
circumstances, CIHR and partner reserve the right to defer or suspend
to grants received as a result of this funding
Funds available for the current funding opportunity:

* The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $ 100,000.
* The maximum amount for the Knowledge Translation Prize is
$100,000 per annum, for one year.

Application Deadline: 2011-02-15

For more information:

CIHR Partnership Award

The CIHR Partnership Award, established in 2002, recognizes
partnerships between organizations that exemplify excellence by
bringing health research communities together to create innovative
approaches to research, develop research agendas that are responsive
to the health needs of Canadians and/or accelerate the translation of
knowledge for the benefit of Canadians. The emphasis of the award is
on innovative cross-sectoral partnerships that promote excellence.

The Award
Recipient(s) will receive a $25,000 award in the form of a one-year
research grant, to be used by the awardee(s) to advance the research
or knowledge translation activities of the partnership. Winners agree
to be highlighted on the CIHR website, in communication materials and
included in a commemoration of all CIHR award winners at CIHR's
corporate office. In addition, the partnership may be written up as a
"best practice" for the CIHR partnership casebook.

The deadline for nominations is April 1st, 2011.

For questions about the award, please contact:
Rosa Venuta
Senior Advisor
Partnerships and Citizen Engagement Branch
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Telephone 613-941-1006

Please send nomination packages to
Allison Forsythe
Agreement Advisor
Partnerships and Citizen Engagement Branch
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Room 97, 160 Elgin Street
Address locator: 4809A
Ottawa, ON K1A 0W9
Telephone 613-948-2724

Funding Opportunities, Grants, and Awards

IPPH funding opportunities can be found
by selecting the Institute of Population and Public Health under the
CIHR Institute** dropdown menu.

2010-2011 IPPH Institute Community Support (ICS) Program - Funding

The February 3rd deadline for the institute community support programs
is fast approaching.

Apply Now!

* IPPH Mentorship
* IPPH Visiting Scholar<>
* IPPH Lectureships in Population and Public Health
* IPPH Skills Update Travel Awards for Postdoctoral Fellows and
* IPPH Travel Awards<>

For more information on how to apply please visit the Institute
Community Support Program Website:
Secondary Analysis of Health Databases
The CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child & Youth Health and its
partners is pleased to announce the launch of the Secondary Analysis
of Health Databases funding opportunity. Secondary analysis grants are
intended to provide an opportunity for expert analysis of existing
data sets and by doing so, improve the availability of evidence for
decision-making. The program is intended to achieve a balanced and
comprehensive set of analyses that will create new knowledge in the
area of maternal and child population health and health care.

The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $2 000 000,
enough to fund approximately 20 grants. This amount may increase if
additional funding partners participate. The maximum amount per grant
is $ $50 000 per year for up to 2 years.

* $1 000 000 is available to fund applications relevant to the CIHR
Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH).
* $150 000 is available to fund applications relevant to the CIHR
Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health (IAPH).
* $500 000 is available to fund applications relevant to the CIHR
Institute of Aging (IA).
* $100 000 is available to fund applications relevant to the CIHR
Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR).
* $100 000 is available to fund applications relevant to the CIHR
Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA).
* $150 000 is available to fund applications relevant to the Public
Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

For more information, please visit ResearchNet
Pre-announcement of the first joint research activity – hypertension

The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD), consortium of health
organizations that includes CIHR, announced on December 8, 2010, its
intention to release a Request for Applications (RFA) on
Implementation Research on Hypertension in Low and Middle Income
Countries, inviting investigators to submit proposals to improve
effective approaches to the prevention and control of hypertension.
The final announcement is expected in April 2011.

Calls for Abstracts

See also Calendar of Upcoming Events below

CIHR Institute of Gender and Health ~ CALL FOR CHAPTERS
What a Difference Sex and Gender Make

The CIHR Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) invites original
submissions for a new resource in gender, sex, and health research.
The resource will enhance research capacity by presenting models of
how sex and gender can be incorporated into health research and by
providing examples of how health research and its translation can be
transformed by accounting for gender and sex. It will support the work
of researchers working in the field of gender, sex, and health and
serve as a guide for health researchers looking to take up sex and
gender considerations in their work.

Complete submissions should be sent electronically by March 1, 2011 to
IGH Knowledge Translation Manager Stephanie Coen at<>.

For more information, contact:
Stephanie Coen
Knowledge Translation Manager
Institute of Gender and Health<>
Telephone 604-827-3445
Facsimile 604-822-1622


6th International Conference on the Impact of Environmental Factors on
Health: Environmental Health Risk 2011

Date: July 25-27, 2011

Location: Riga, Latvia

Abstract Submission Deadline: Open/ Ongoing

CIHR Institute of Gender and Health 2011 Summer Institute
Call for Applications

June 6-10, 2011
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

The Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) will host its third annual
Summer Institute in June 2011. We invite applications from graduate
students and post-doctoral fellows who study health in relation to
gender (broadly, social factors) and/or sex (broadly, biological
factors). The purpose of the IGH Summer Institute is to provide
participants with the opportunity to both increase their understanding
of methods for conducting gender, sex and health research and to
network with colleagues and mentors from across Canada.


Applicants must:

• be enrolled full-time or part-time in a Master's or PhD program at a
Canadian university or hold a post-doctoral fellowship at a Canadian
• have research interests, a thesis subject or a post-doctoral project
in the field of gender, sex and health research;
• be committed to attending the entire 5 days of IGH's Summer
Institute (June 6-10, 2011); and
• have not attended IGH's 2009 or 2010 Summer Institute.

As this is an activity for trainees, IGH will not accept applications
from prospective participants who are not graduate students or
post-doctoral fellows (e.g., faculty members, policy makers, staff
members at non-governmental organizations).

How to apply

Please e-mail<>
for an application package. The deadline for applications is Thursday,
March 3, 2011.

For more information contact the Institute of Gender and Health.
Telephone: 604-827-4470
Back to Top
Population Health, In Brief
What is this?
Population Health, In Brief is CIHI's biweekly news digest focused on
policies, programs and publications related to population health.

More reading? I don't have a lot of time!
Don't worry. We scan the population health landscape for you and then
deliver the findings directly to your inbox! A compilation of current
news, In Brief provides a comprehensive but quick overview, with links
in case you'd like to know more! And since In Brief is produced on a
biweekly basis, you can be assured that the information is up-to-date.

Is this relevant to me?
It is if you're looking for

* Topics for intervention research in the field of population health;
* Intervention news from other settings and jurisdictions in Canada; and
* Deeper knowledge about population health in Canada.

I don't really like to give out my email address.
CIHI will not disclose, give or sell your email address to any person,
entity or company, or use it for any distribution other than to
provide you with In Brief. (And of course, you can cancel your
subscription at any time.)

Sign me up!
It's easy! To subscribe, send an email to<>.

Population Data FREE online workshops
Four free, online workshops are now available from the Education and
Training Unit of Population Data BC as part of our mandate to serve
the needs of researchers, analysts and practitioners.

The workshops have been redesigned from their original inceptions as
in-class workshops to an online format in order to broaden knowledge
mobilisation in the following topic areas.

* Administrative Data
* Spatial
* GIS and Epidemiology
* Introduction to Space-Time Disease

Visit the links above for more information on each workshop, including
video clips outlining workshop content and sign up instructions.

The Education and Training Unit also offers in-person workshops which
may be delivered to researchers around the province using our mobile
computer lab. If you are interested in Population Data BC delivering a
workshop specifically for your organisation, please contact
us<> for further details.

Fellowship/Internship Opportunity
Scholarship/Fellowship/Internship Opportunity
CANADA-HOPE Scholarship Program- Fellowship Awards (2011-2012)

Program launch date: December 15, 2010
Application deadline: March 31st, 2011

The primary goal of the CANADA-HOPE Scholarship Program is to further
develop international collaborative efforts between researchers. The
short term goal is to enable promising individuals to be mentored by
prominent Canadian researchers. The long term objective of the Program
is to enable promising scientists and clinicians from Low and Middle
Income Countries (LMIC), as identified by the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA) and the United Nations (UN), to be exposed
to some of the best science, laboratories and training environments in
Canada. This round will focus on sub continental South Asia and
Sub-Saharan Africa.

Value and term
The maximum amount awarded for a single award is $174,000 for up to
four years:

* Trainee stipend: $40,000 or $50,000 per annum. The stipend
level is related to the major degree, licensure (where applicable) and
experience of the applicant. Stipends are valued in Canadian dollars
and are taxable.
* This award is non-renewable.

Funding start date: July 1st, 2011.

2011-2013 Post-Doctoral Fellowships: Call for Applications
Submission Deadline: February 1, 2011

The ACHIEVE Research Partnership: "Action for Health Equity Interventions"
A Canadian Institutes for Health Research Strategic Training
Initiative in Health Research at the Centre for Research on Inner City
Health (Keenan Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St.
Michael's Hospital) Toronto, Canada.

For more information and to apply, go to<>

CHSRF's flagship program, the Executive Training for Research
Application (EXTRA)

Individual and organizational applications must be submitted on or
before March 1, 2011.

Visit for more

Links of Interest
U.S. Initiative

Reports of Interest

The Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Health Canada, is
pleased to announce the release of two reports, Defining "Healthy" and
"Unhealthy" Foods: An International Review and Defining "Healthy"
Foods: Environmental Scan of the Situation in Canada. The Executive
Summaries of the reports are available at:
To receive copies of the full reports, please contact the Office of
Nutrition Policy and Promotion at:

National Lung Health Framework Progress Report<>

The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Heath
in Canada, 2010:
Growing Older - Adding Life to Years:

Upcoming Events


· International Symposium - Understanding and Intervening in
Realities Faced by Men
<> –
March 9-11, 2011. Laval University, Québec City, Québec.

· 4th Annual NIH Conference on the Science of Dissemination
March 21-22, 2011. Bethesda,


* The Ontario Public Health Convention: Exchanging evidence,
ideas and technology MORE<> -
April 6-8, 2011. Toronto, Ontario. Submission deadline: December 15,
2010, 5 PM.
* Knowledge Exchange in Public Health
Conference<> – April 11-12,
2011. Durham, UK.
* Global Health & Innovation Conference Presented by Unite For
Sight, 8th Annual Conference <>
- April 16-17, 2011. New Haven, Connecticut, USA.


· From Policy to Research and Back Again: The 1st Annual Rural
– May 5, 2011. Ottawa,

· Canadian Multidiscipliary Road Safety
Conference<> - May 8-11, 2011. Halifax, Nova

· International Conference on Environmental Pollution and
Public Health (EPPH
2011)<>. May 13-15,
2011. Wuhan, China.

· The 5th National Community Health Nurses Conference: "The
Time is Now: Influence, Impacts, Outcomes"
<> - May 16-18, 2011.
Halifax, Nova Scoti


· Festival of International Conferences on Caregiving,
Disability, Aging and Technology
June 5-8, 2011. Toronto, Ontario.

· Canadian Public Health Association 2011 Annual Conference
<> - June 19-22, 2011.
Montréal, Québec.

· 4th International Symposium on Local et Regional Health
Programs (French only) – June 27-30th, 2011. Ottawa, Ontario.


· 6th International Conference on the Impact of Environmental
Factors on Health: Environmental Health Risk
July 25-27, 2011. Riga,


· Canadian Association on Gerontology – October 20-23, 2011.
Ottawa, Ontario. Email <> for more

Share your Success Stories
Has your research led to a breakthrough, the development of a new
product/program, or changes in policy and practice?
We want to hear about it! Your story may be featured on our web site
or in the next issue of our Institute newsletter - POP

Please email your impact stories to Emma Cohen, IPPH Knowledge
Translation and Communications Officer:<>. Thank you!

Please let us know about your recent publications. We would like to
profile some of these in future newsletters. Please email Emma Cohen,
Knowledge Translation and Communications Officer, IPPH:<>. Thank you.

IPPH E-mailing List

Please email the
IPPH<> if you
would like to be added to or removed from the IPPH e-mailing list.


Possibilité d'emploi d'été de l'ISPP des IRSC
15 décembre 2010 – Modifications - Guide de subventions et bourses des IRSC
Des changements à programme Supplément pour l'AC des IRSC
Politique de RechercheNet des IRSC

D'autres nouvelles
Prix des IRSC
Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix
Appel d'abrégés
Atelier d'été 2011 de l'Institut de la santé des femmes et des hommes des
La santé de la population en bref
Bourse de recherche / Occasion de stage
Annonce livre
Rapports d'intérêts
Événements à venir
Partager votre histoire de succès
Liste de courriel de l'ISPP

ISPP des IRSC - Possibilité d'emploi d'été (mai – août) pour étudiant
2011 à l'Université d'Ottawa

L'Institut de la santé publique et des populations des IRSP vise à
améliorer la santé des populations et promouvoir l'équité en santé au
Canada et dans le monde par la recherche et son application aux
politiques, aux programmes et aux pratiques en santé publique et dans
d'autres secteurs.

L'étudiant aidera le personnel de l'Institut pour des projets liés
entre autres aux domaines suivants :
Administration : mise à jour des contacts et pairs contenus dans les
bases de données ; récupération d'articles pour informer les documents
d'information ; rédiger le compte-rendu des réunions ; transcription ;
aider à la mise en œuvre et le maintien de systèmes de classement
(papier et électronique).
Évaluation et analyse : collaborer aux entrevues avec des répondants
clés, réunir des rapports, et fournir du soutien pour les analyses du
financement de la recherche.
Communications et coordination : aider à la production des bulletins
d'information et des bulletins électroniques de l'Institut ;
collaborer à l'organisation d'activités et de réunions ; aider à
renforcer le contenu du site Web ; aider à des analyses du contexte.
Application des connaissances : participer à la réalisation d'examens
de la littérature.


* Bilinguisme (anglais et français)
* Expérience dans l'administration ou les communications
* Formation en sciences de la santé ou en sciences sociales, avec
un minimum de deux ans au premier cycle universitaire

Date limite pour présenter sa candidature : le vendredi 25 février 2011

EXIGENCES - Une lettre de présentation décrivant
brièvement l'expérience pertinente (universitaire, travail, et/ou
bénévolat) et les intérêts en santé des populations et en santé
publique - CV - Nom et coordonnées de deux répondants - Copie du
relevé de notes de l'université

Envoyez vos renseignements à :

Institut de la santé publique et des populations
600, croissant Peter-Morand, bureau 312
Ottawa ON K1G 5Z3
Tél. : 613-562-5800, poste 8414
Téléc. 613-521-5713
Courriel :<>

Veuillez noter qu'on communiquera seulement avec les candidats retenus
pour une entrevue avant le mercredi 9 mars. Pour plus de détails,
consultez notre site Web au

15 décembre 2010 – Modifications - Guide de subventions et bourses des IRSC
15 décembre 2010 – Les IRSC annoncent le lancement du Guide de
subventions et bourses révisé. Pour une liste des changements,
veuillez visiter :

Nous tenons à souligner le changement suivant :

Pour mieux reconnaître les contributions des chercheurs et la
formation d'équipe, et pour mieux tenir compte du fait que la
composition des équipes peut évoluer avec le temps en réponse aux
besoins de la recherche :

1. Le candidat principal désigné (CPD) d'un projet subventionné
peut maintenant ajouter, promouvoir ou retirer des candidats
principaux et des co-candidats, pourvu que :
* les individus ajoutés, remplacés ou promus répondent aux
critères d'admissibilité individuels tels que définis dans le texte
original de la possibilité de financement;
* l'ajout, le remplacement, la promotion ou le retrait des
individus soient estimés
justifiables<> par le
représentant autorisé de l'établissement payé. Celui-ci confirme que
les changements sont justifiables en apposant sa signature sur la
Demande de remplacement, d'ajout, de retrait ou de promotion
d'individus pour des subventions
existantes<>. À noter : Les IRSC
rejetteront toute Demande de remplacement, d'ajout, de retrait ou de
promotion d'individus pour des subventions existantes qui n'aura pas
été signée par le représentant autorisé de l'établissement payé.
2. Le remplacement d'individus pour des subventions existantes ne
se limite plus aux changements par rapport à l'admissibilité.

On encourage le candidat principal désigné à communiquer les
changements de cette nature aux participants au projet et d'en
convenir avec eux. Les IRSC n'exigent pas la confirmation des
candidats principaux et des co-candidats pour traiter une demande
d'ajout, de remplacement, de promotion ou de retrait d'individus pour
une subvention existante.

Pour obtenir de l'information sur la politique des IRSC sur le
remplacement, l'ajout, le retrait ou la promotion de candidats
principaux et de co-candidats (subventions existantes), y compris des
exemples de changements justifiables, veuillez consulter la
sous-section Remplacement, ajout, retrait ou promotion de candidats
principaux et de co-candidats (subventions
Haut de la page

Des changements à programme Supplément pour l'AC des IRSC
Une importante composante du mandat des IRSC est d'appliquer les
connaissances en vue d'améliorer la santé de la population canadienne,
d'offrir de meilleurs produits et services de santé, et de renforcer
le système de santé au Canada. La Direction de l'application des
connaissances (AC), par sa possibilité de financement Supplément pour
l'AC, offre du financement supplémentaire pour permettre la
dissémination à grande échelle et la mise en application des résultats
de la recherche hors du milieu scientifique traditionnel, de manière à
accélérer la concrétisation des avantages de la recherche en santé.
Cette possibilité de financement nécessite le recours à des stratégies
et interventions actives en AC autres que la publication dans des
revues examinées par des pairs. Elle n'est pas destinée à couvrir des
coûts habituels d'AC prévus au budget au moment de l'octroi de la
subvention originale (p. ex. coûts de publication et frais de libre
accès pour les publications prévues, frais liés à la tenue de
conférences, etc.).

Afin de maximiser l'impact de cette possibilité de financement, les
IRSC ont apporté des changements importants à la portée du programme
Supplément pour l'AC :

* Le montant maximal accordé par supplément pour l'AC est passé
de 40 000 $ à 100 000 $ pour une période maximale d'un an. Les IRSC
ont accordé une contribution financière de 2 000 000 $ à cette
possibilité de financement, et cette augmentation devrait mieux
permettre aux candidats de concevoir d'importantes stratégies,
interventions et activités d'AC appropriées à leurs résultats de
recherche. Il est à noter que :
o l'objectif particulier de la présente possibilité de
financement est de faciliter la dissémination et l'application des
résultats de la recherche grâce à des stratégies/activités d'AC
appropriées et fondées sur les meilleures données probantes qui
démontrent l'efficacité des méthodes influant sur l'application des
résultats de la recherche par les groupes cibles et ce, suite à
l'obtention d'une subvention/bourse ou un volet d'une
subvention/bourse examiné par les pairs, pour laquelle la
dissémination et l'application des connaissances sont justifiables
avant la fin de la période de subvention/bourse;
o les stratégies/activités d'AC doivent être adaptées au degré
de généralisation des résultats de la recherche (c.-à-d. le poids des
résultats de la recherche justifie-t-il les stratégies/activités
proposées d'AC?). De plus, la justification des activités doit
comprendre la façon dont les résultats de la recherche s'inscrivent
dans le contexte de la littérature disponible.

* Les critères d'admissibilité ont été élargis pour permettre la
présentation de demandes portant sur l'amélioration de la santé, des
produits ou des services de santé et provenant d'une subvention
obtenue suite à un examen par les pairs et accordée par tout bailleur
de fonds reconnu de la recherche. La demande devra être accompagnée
d'une preuve de financement antérieure et connexe.
Il faut également noter que :

Les IRSC ont consacré 8 000 000 $ au programme Supplément pour l'AC,
montant qui sera distribué équitablement lors des quatre concours
suivants : octobre 2010, février 2011, juin 2011 et octobre 2011.

Les demandes de renseignements concernant ces changements peuvent
êtres envoyées à Yumna Choudhry, spécialiste principale de l'AC, au
613-954-1944 ou à<>.

Politique de RechercheNet des IRSC
N'oubliez pas : à compter du 3 janvier 2011, les IRSC mettront en
place une heure limite devancée à 20 h, heure de l'Est (HE), pour
toutes les possibilités de financement avec soumission électronique
sur RechercheNet. Pour plus de plus amples renseignements, visitez

Les présidents des organismes de recherche fédéraux (CRSH, CRSNG et
IRSC) sont heureux d'annoncer la publication de la 2e édition de
l'Énoncé de politique des trois Conseils : Éthique de la recherche
avec des êtres humains<> ou EPTC

D'autres nouvelles
Prix des IRSC
Chercheur de l'année en santé des IRSC (2011)
Le prix Chercheur de l'année en santé des IRSC (auparavant appelé Prix
de la recherche en santé Michael-Smith) constitue le prix le plus
prestigieux des IRSC. Il récompense un chercheur exceptionnel oeuvrant
dans n'importe quel domaine de la recherche en santé pour ses
réalisations remarquables ayant mené à l'avancement des connaissances
par l'excellence de sa recherche, le renforcement des capacités et le
mentorat, ainsi que par les activités de recherche et d'application
des connaissances qui ont produit un impact avantageux sur la santé
et/ou le système de santé.
Un prix est décerné chaque année afin d'aider financièrement et sur
cinq ans un chercheur exceptionnel dans le domaine de la santé, qui
devrait continuer de mener des recherches de qualité supérieure.
Fonds disponibles
La contribution des IRSC et des partenaires externes au montant
disponible pour cette initiative est assujettie à la disponibilité des
fonds. Dans l'éventualité où les fonds des IRSC ou des partenaires ne
seraient pas disponibles ou réduits en raison de circonstances
imprévues, les IRSC et les partenaires se réservent le droit de
réduire, de reporter ou de suspendre le
des subventions octroyées dans le cadre de la présente possibilité de

* Le montant total disponible dans le cadre de cette possibilité
de financement est de 500 000 $, ce qui permettra d'accorder un prix.
Le montant maximal accordé par prix est de 100 000 $ par année, pour
une période maximale de cinq ans.
* Le prix comprend une médaille et une subvention de recherche.
Date limite de présentation des demandes : 2011-03-15

Pour de plus amples renseignements :

Prix : Application des connaissances (2010-2011)


Le Prix de l'application des connaissances des IRSC récompense et
appuie les efforts et les activités exemplaires d'application des
connaissances d'une personne, d'une équipe ou d'une organisation
exceptionnelle qui a contribué de façon extraordinaire à accroître
l'application des conclusions de la recherche, à améliorer la santé
des individus, et les services et produits de santé, ainsi qu'à
renforcer le système de santé.

Les personnes, les équipes ou les organisations mises en candidature
seront évaluées selon leurs réalisations marquantes au chapitre des
activités d'application des connaissances dans n'importe quel secteur
de la recherche en santé (c.-à-d. recherche biomédicale, clinique, sur
les services et les politiques de santé, et sur la santé publique et
des populations), y compris celui de la commercialisation et de la
santé mondiale. Les réalisations des personnes, des équipes ou des
organisations lauréates du Prix de l'application des connaissances des
IRSC seront soulignées à la cérémonie annuelle de remise des prix des
IRSC, qui a lieu à Ottawa à l'automne. Une liste des gagnants
précédents est disponible sur la page des Prix de l'application des
connaissances des IRSC<>. (Mise
à jour : 2010-10-22)

Le prix Betty Havens 2011 de l'Institut du vieillissement reconnait
les réalisations exceptionnelles et l'excellence dans l'application
des connaissances dans le domaine du vieillissement d'une personne,
d'une équipe ou d'une organisation, à l'échelle locale ou régionale.
Pour soumettre la candidature d'un individu, d'une équipe ou d'une
organisation à ce prix, veuillez consulter : Prix : Application des
connaissances dans le domaine du vieillissement

Fonds disponibles

La contribution des IRSC et des partenaires au montant disponible pour
cette initiative est assujettie à la disponibilité des fonds. Dans
l'éventualité où les fonds des IRSC ou des partenaires ne seraient pas
disponibles ou réduits en raison de circonstances imprévues, les IRSC
se réservent le droit de reporter ou de suspendre les
des subventions octroyées dans le cadre de la présente possibilité de
Fonds disponibles pour la présente possibilité de financement :

* Le montant total disponible dans le cadre de cette possibilité
de financement est de 100 000 $.
* Le montant maximum accordé pour le Prix de l'application des
connaissances est de 100 000 $ par année pour une période maximale
d'un an.

Date limite de présentation des demandes : 2011-02-15

Pour de plus amples renseignements :

Prix du partenariat des IRSC

Le Prix du partenariat des IRSC, qui a été créé en 2002, reconnaît les
partenariats des organisations qui illustrent l'excellence en
rassemblant les milieux de la recherche en santé pour créer des
approches novatrices, élaborer des programmes de recherche qui
répondent aux besoins en matière de santé des Canadiens et accélérer
l'application des connaissances au profit de la population canadienne.
Ce prix vise à reconnaître les partenariats intersectoriels
innovateurs qui favorisent l'excellence.

La bourse
Les lauréats recevront une bourse de 25 000 $, remise sous la forme
d'une subvention de recherche d'un an, qui financera l'avancement de
la recherche ou les activités d'application des connaissances des
partenaires. Les lauréats acceptent que leur nom soit mentionné sur le
site Web des IRSC, dans des documents de communication et sur un
tableau commémoratif qui sera installé au bureau central des IRSC. Le
partenariat sera par ailleurs inclus comme exemple de pratique
exemplaire dans le recueil des IRSC consacré aux partenariats.

La date limite pour le dépôt des candidatures : le 1er avril 2011.

Pour toute question au sujet de la bourse, communiquez avec:
Rosa Venuta
Conseillère principale, Engagement des citoyens
Direction des partenariats et de l'engagement des citoyens
Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Téléphone : 613-941-1006
Courriel :<>

Faites parvenir les dossiers de candidature à :
Allison Forsythe
Conseillère en matière d'ententes
Direction des partenariats et de l'engagement des citoyens
Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
160, rue Elgin, bureau 97
Indice de l'adresse : 4809A
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0W9
Téléphone : 613-948-2724
Courriel :<>

Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix
Les possibilités de financement de l'ISPP peuvent être retrouvées
en sélectionnant l'Institut de la santé publique et des populations du
menu déroulant.
Programme d'appui communautaire des instituts (PACI) - Possibilité de
financement de l'Institut de la santé publique et des populations
(ISPP) des IRSC 2010 - 2011

La date limite pour le programme de soutien communautaire de
l'Institut du 3 février approche rapidement.
Présenter une demande maintenant !

* Possibilités de mentorat de
* Chercheur invité de l'ISPP<>
* Bourses de conférence de l'ISPP en santé publique et des
* Bourses de voyage de l'ISPP pour la mise à jour des compétences
- boursiers postdoctoraux et
* Bourses de voyage de l'ISPP<>

Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez le site-web pour le
Programme d'appui communautaire des instituts:
Analyse secondaire des bases de données
L'Institut du développement et de la santé des enfants et des
adolescents des IRSC et ses partenaires ont le plaisir d'annoncer le
lancement dune possibilité de financement portant sur l'analyse
secondaire des bases de données. Les subventions pour effectuer des
analyses secondaires ont pour but de permettre aux experts d'analyser
les ensembles de données existants et, ce faisant, d'améliorer la
disponibilité des données probantes pour la prise de décision. Le
programme vise à obtenir un ensemble d'analyses équilibré et complet
qui permettra de créer de nouvelles connaissances dans le domaine de
la santé maternelle et infantile et les soins de santé.

Le montant total disponible dans le cadre de cette possibilité de
financement est de 2 000 000 $, ce qui devrait permettre d'accorder
environ 20 subventions. Ce montant pourra augmenter si d'autres
partenaires financiers décident de participer. Le montant maximal
accordé par subvention est de 50 000 $ par année, pour une période
maximale de 2 ans.

* Un montant de 1 000 000 $ est disponible pour les demandes
pertinentes par rapport aux objectifs de l'Institut du développement
et de la santé des enfants et des adolescents (IDSEA) des IRSC.
* Un montant de 150 000 $ est disponible pour les demandes pertinentes
par rapport aux objectifs de l'Institut de la santé des Autochtones
(ISA) des IRSC.
* Un montant de 500 000 $ est disponible pour les demandes pertinentes
par rapport aux objectifs de l'Institut du vieillissement (IV) des IRSC.
* Un montant de 100 000 $ est disponible pour les demandes pertinentes
par rapport aux objectifs de l'Institut des services et des politiques
de la santé (ISPS) des IRSC.
* Un montant de 100 000 $ est disponible pour les demandes pertinentes
par rapport aux objectifs de l'Institut des neurosciences, de la santé
mentale et des toxicomanies (INSMT) des IRSC
* Un montant de 150 000 $ est disponible pour les demandes pertinentes
par rapport aux objectifs de l'Agence de la santé publique du Canada

Pour obtenir plus de renseignements, visitez Recherchenet

Pré-annonce de la première activité de recherche en partenariat –

L'Alliance mondiale contre les maladies chroniques, un consortium
d'organisations de santé incluant les IRSC, a annoncé, le 8 décembre
2010, son intention de lancer un appel de demandes sur la réalisation
de recherche sur l'hypertension dans les pays à revenu moyen ou
faible, invitant les chercheurs à soumettre des propositions pour
améliorer les approches efficaces de prévention et du contrôle de
l'hypertension. L'annonce finale aura lieu en avril 2011. (en anglais seulement)

Appel d'abrégés
Veuillez aussi voir le calendrier d'Événements à venir ci-dessous.


Institut de la santé des femmes et des hommes des IRSC ~ APPEL DE
L'influence du genre et du sexe
L'Institut de la santé des femmes et des hommes (ISFH) des IRSC lance
un appel de contributions originales pour une nouvelle ressource en
recherche sur le genre, le sexe et la santé. Cette ressource permettra
de développer les capacités de recherche en proposant des modèles
d'intégration des questions de genre et de sexe à la recherche en
santé, ainsi que des exemples de recherches en santé et leur
application transformées par la prise en compte des facteurs de genre
et de sexe. Elle soutiendra les chercheurs dans le domaine du genre,
du sexe et de la santé et servira de guide aux chercheurs en santé
désireux de tenir compte des différences de genre et de sexe dans
leurs travaux.

Envoi des chapitres
Les chapitres complets devraient être soumis par courrier électronique
d'ici le 1er mars 2011 à Stephanie Coen, gestionnaire de l'application
des connaissances de l'ISFH, à<>.

Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec :
Stephanie Coen
Gestionnaire de l'application des connaissances
Institut de la santé des femmes et des hommes
Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)
Université de la Colombie-Britannique, bureau 305, 6190 Agronomy Road,
Vancouver (C.-B.) V6T 1Z3<>
Téléphone : 604-827-3445
Télécopieur : 604-822-1622

Atelier d'été 2011 de l'Institut de la santé des femmes et des hommes des

Du 6 au 10 juin 2011
Université de la Colombie Britannique, Vancouver (C. B.)

L'Institut de la santé des femmes et des hommes (ISFH) tiendra son
troisième atelier d'été annuel en juin 2011. Nous invitons à présenter
une demande les étudiants des cycles supérieurs et les postdoctorants
qui étudient la santé relativement au genre (essentiellement, les
facteurs sociaux) et/ou au sexe (essentiellement, les facteurs
biologiques). Le but de l'atelier d'été de l'ISFH est de fournir aux
participants la possibilité à la fois de mieux comprendre les méthodes
de la recherche sur le genre, le sexe et la santé, et de nouer des
liens avec des collègues et des mentors de partout au Canada.


Les candidats doivent :

• être inscrits à un programme de maîtrise ou de doctorat à temps
plein ou à temps partiel dans une université canadienne ou être
titulaires d'une bourse d'études postdoctorales à une université
• avoir des intérêts de recherche, un sujet de thèse ou un projet
postdoctoral dans le domaine du genre, du sexe et de la santé;
• s'engager à s'assister aux cinq jours de l'atelier d'été de l'ISFH
(du 6 au 10 juin 2011);
• ne pas avoir assisté à l'atelier d'été de 2009 ou 2010 de l'ISFH.

Comme il s'agit d'une activité pour des stagiaires, l'ISFH n'acceptera
pas de demandes de participants potentiels qui ne sont pas des
étudiants des cycles supérieurs ni des postdoctorants (p. ex.
professeurs, responsables des politiques, membres du personnel
d'organismes non gouvernementaux).

Comment présenter une demande

Veuillez envoyer un courriel à<> pour obtenir une
trousse de demande. La date limite pour les demandes est le jeudi 3
mars 2011. Nous encourageons les candidats à demander une trousse bien
avant cette date limite.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, s'adresser à l'Institut de la
santé des femmes et des hommes.
Courriel :<>
Téléphone : 604-827-4470
Haut de la

La santé de la population en bref
De quoi s'agit-il?
La santé de la population en bref est le bulletin bimensuel de l'ICIS
qui s'intéresse aux politiques, aux programmes et aux publications en
matière de santé.

Encore de la lecture? Je n'ai pas vraiment le temps!
Pas de problème. Nous explorons le paysage de la santé de la
population pour vous, puis livrons nos trouvailles directement dans
votre boîte de réception! Le bulletin offre un aperçu condensé, mais
complet de l'information d'actualité sous forme de recueil accompagné
de liens pour un complément d'information. Puisqu'il s'agit d'une
publication bimensuelle, vous pouvez être assuré que l'information
reçue est à jour.

Pourquoi m'y intéresser?

Il s'adresse à vous si vous recherchez :

· des sujets de recherche interventionnelle en santé de la

· des nouvelles sur la recherche interventionnelle réalisée
dans d'autres milieux ou régions du Canada;

· des connaissances poussées en santé de la population au Canada.

Je n'aime pas vraiment donner mon adresse courriel
L'ICIS ne divulguera, ne transmettra ni ne vendra votre adresse
courriel à quelque personne, entité ou entreprise que ce soit, et ne
l'utilisera à des fins autres que l'envoi du bulletin. (Vous avez bien
entendu la possibilité de vous désabonner en tout temps.)

Je veux m'inscrire!
Rien de plus facile! Envoyez un courriel à<>

Bourse de recherche / Occasion de stage
Programme de bourses HOPE du CANADA – Bourse de recherche (2011-2012)

Date de lancement du programme : le 15 décembre 2010
Date limite de présentation des demandes : le 31 mars 2011

L'objectif principal du Programme HOPE du Canada consiste à renforcer
davantage les efforts de collaboration à l'échelle internationale
entre les chercheurs. L'objectif à court terme est de permettre à des
candidats prometteurs d'être encadrés par d'éminents chercheurs
canadiens. L'objectif à long terme est de permettre à des
scientifiques et à des cliniciens de pays à faible et à moyen revenu,
tel que désignés par l'Agence canadienne de développement
international (ACDI) et les Nations Unies (ONU), de découvrir certains
des meilleurs centres canadiens au chapitre des activités
scientifiques, des laboratoires et de la formation. Ce cycle mettra
l'accent sur le sous-continent sud-asiatique et l'Afrique subsaharienne.
Montant et durée
Le montant maximal accordé par bourse est de 174 000 $ pour une
période maximale de quatre années :

* Allocation de formation : 40 000 $ ou 50 000 $ par année. Le
niveau de l'allocation de formation sera fixé en fonction du diplôme
et de l'expérience du candidat ainsi que du permis d'exercice qu'il
détient (s'il y a lieu). Les allocations de formation sont fixées en
dollars canadiens et sont imposables.
* La bourse n'est pas renouvelable.

Date de début du financement : le 1er juillet 2011

Le programme Formation en utilisation de la recherche pour cadres qui
exercent dans la santé (FORCES).

Les candidatures individuelles ou collectives doivent être soumises au
plus tard le 1 mars 2011.

Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez visiter :

Annonce livre
Réduire les inégalités sociales en santé

Rapports d'intérêts

Rapport annuel du cadre de travail national sur la santé pulmonaire<>

L'administrateur en chef de la santé publique - Rapport sur l'état de
la santé publique au Canada : Vieillir - Ajouter de la vie aux années

Événements à venir


* Colloque international sur les hommes et les
– du 9 au 11 mars 2011. Université Laval, Québec
* 4th Annual NIH Conference on the Science of Dissemination and
(anglais seulement) – le 21 et 22 mars 2011. Bethesda (Maryland). Submission
deadline: November 12,


* The Ontario Public Health Convention: Exchanging evidence,
ideas and technology MORE<>
(anglais seulement) – du 6 au 8 avril 2011. Toronto (Ontario). Date
limite de dépôt des propositions : le 15 décembre 2010, 17h00.
* Knowledge Exchange in Public Health
Conference<> (anglais
seulement) – du 11 au 12 avril 2011. Durham, RU.
* Global Health & Innovation Conference Presented by Unite For
Sight, 8th Annual Conference <>
(anglais seulement) – du 16 au 17 avril 2011. New Haven, Connecticut,
ÉU. Date limite de dépôt des propositions : le 30 septembre 2010.


* Des politiques à la recherche, aller et retour : 1er Atelier
annuel de recherche rurale
– le 5 mai 2011. Ottawa (Ontario). Date limite de dépôt des propositions :
le 15

· Canadian Multidiscipliary Road Safety
Conference<> (anglais seulement) – du 8 au 11
mai 2011. Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse).

· International Conference on Environmental Pollution and
Public Health (EPPH
2011)<> (anglais
seulement) – du 13 au 15 mai 2011. Wuhan, Chine. Date limite de dépôt
des propositions : le 22 octobre 2010.

· The 5th National Community Health Nurses Conference: "The
Time is Now: Influence, Impacts, Outcomes"
<> (anglais seulement)
– du 16 au 18 mai 2011. Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse).


· Festival of International Conferences on Caregiving,
Disability, Aging and Technology
(anglais seulement) – du 5 au 8 juin 2011. Toronto (Ontario). Date
limite pour la présentation d'un résumé : 1e décembre 2010.

* 2011 Conférence annuelle de l'Association canadienne de santé
publique<> - du 19 au
22 juin 2011. Montréal (Québec).
* 4e Colloque international des Programmes locaux et régionaux de
santé <> – du 27 au 30 juin 2011.
Ottawa (Ontario). Appel de communication - date limite de soumission :
30 novembre 2010


· 6th International Conference on the Impact of Environmental
Factors on Health: Environmental Health Risk
seulement) - du 25 au 27 juillet 2011. Riga,


· Conférence de l'Association Canadienne de gérontologie – du
20 au 23 octobre 2011. Ottawa (Ontario). Veuillez envoyer un courriel
<> pour plus de renseignements.

Partager votre histoire de succès
Est-ce que votre recherche a résulté dans une invention
révolutionnaire, le développement d'un nouveau produit/programme ou
les changements dans la politique et la pratique ?
Nous voulons en entendre ! Votre histoire peut être présentée sur
notre site web ou dans l'édition suivante de notre bulletin d'Institut
- POP Nouvelles<>.
S'il vous plaît envoyez vos histoires d'impact à Emma Cohen, Agente en
application des connaissances et en communications, ISPP :<>. Merci!

S'il vous plaît veuillez aviser l'ISPP lorsque vous publiez. Nous
voulons souligner vos contributions scientifiques dans nos prochains
bulletins. Veuillez faire parvenir un courriel à Emma Cohen, Agente en
application des connaissances et en communications, ISPP :<>. Merci.

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