This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Conference Announcement - "Aboriginal Government", Nov. 7, 8, 2008

The Native Law Centre and the University of Saskatchewan are pleased
to invite you to attend "Aboriginal Government: Giving Effect to our
Constitution Commitments", which will be held on November 7 and 8, 2008.

Join us at the College of Law, University of Saskatchewan, for this
conference on one of Canada's most vital issues - the formation of
Aboriginal government. This conference will examine barriers that have
been experienced in developing Aboriginal government, seek responses
to the challenges of structure, co-ordination and accountability,
explore effective and respectful implementation processes and identify
opportunities in self-government for development.

Speakers will include:
James Tully, FRSC and John Burrows, University of Victoria
Shawn Atleo, AFN Regional Chief, British Columbia
Jean Teillet, Pape Salter Teillet
Charlie Watt, Senate of Canada
Gordon Christie, University of British Columbia
Kiera Ladner, University of Manitoba
David Newhouse, Trent University
Leroy Little Bear, University of Lethbridge

For more information and to register, please visit or contact Amanda Kozun at College of Law
at (306) 966-7788.

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