This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Call for Papers

For more information, please contact:

Lucie Lamarche, Incumbent of the Gordon F Henderson Chair in Human
Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa ou


Feminist Perspectives on International Human Rights in Canada

Regards féministes sur le droit international des droits de la
personne au Canada



Ottawa, March 27-29, 2009

Ottawa, 27 -29 mars 2009

Faculté de droit de l'Université d'Ottawa ?University of Ottawa,
Faculty of Law

Centre de recherche et d'enseignement sur les droits de la personne de
l'Université d'Ottawa ? University of Ottawa Human Rights Research and
Education Centre

Chaire Gordon F. Henderson sur les droits de la personne de
l'Université d'Ottawa ? University of Ottawa Gordon F. Henderson Chair
in Human Rights

Institut d'études des femmes de l'Université d'Ottawa ? University of
Ottawa Institute of Women's Studies

(Et autres partenaires à confirmer - And other partners to be confirmed )

The University of Ottawa and its partners are organizing a conference
entitled, Feminist Perspectives on International Human Rights in
Canada, which will take place in March 2009. This event marks the
importance of the contribution of international human rights law along
with its implementation, compliance, and follow-up mechanisms in the
support and affirmation of women's rights in Canada. Specifically,
papers will deal with the following:

* review, reporting, and follow-up mechanisms of the treaties
ratified by Canada;

* special procedures and rights to individual remedies;

* the link between these mechanisms and the promotion of
women's rights in Canada (effectiveness, recognition of the gender
dimension, etc ?);

* issues resulting from globalization from the perspective of
women's human rights;

* issues specifically related to sustainable development,
poverty, and trade;

* the relationship between aboriginal women and international law;

* recent advancements in employment equity and social
protection social;

* violence towards women, trafficking of women and girls,
racism and racial discrimination, and the implications of the new
security agenda on women.

Proposals must conform to the requirement of analyzing a relation
between international law and the repercussions and actual conditions
confronting women in Canada. They must also reflect a feminist
perspective or take into account the reality of social gender relations.

Deadline: October 1, 2008

Length: 500 words

Coordinates: electronic coordinates as well as a complete mailing
address and telephone number should accompany proposals.

Target population: academics, decision-makers, and representatives of
civil society in Canada and elsewhere.

Special attention and arrangements: young female researchers and professors;

Working languages and languages of communication: English and French

Intention to publish papers: YES

Forward your proposals to: Professor Lucie Lamarche, Gordon F
Henderson Chair in Human Rights:
<; ou

Web site : <>

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