CASCA2021 - Engagements and Entanglements/Engagements et Enchevêtrements - Guelph, Ontario - 12-15 mai/May 12-15 (submission deadline is Feb 5th, date limite soumission le 5 fév)
-CFparticipants - Panel Proposal for 2021 Canadian Anthropology Association Annual Meeting: Engagements and Entanglements - Communities and Conservation: Anthropological insights at the intersections of social justice and environmental change
CASCA2021 panel CFP - Quantifications that construct humanity. How do data, statistics and figures enact social solidarities, impact embodiment or deny sovereignty?
-Panel CFP - Canadian Anthropology Association (CASCA) 2021 Virtual Conference May 12-15th - The Necessity of Messiness: Ethnographic Engagement
-CASCA2021 symposium CFP « Bold femininities in African contexts and beyond » / Appel, symposium CASCA2021 : « Des féminités audacieuses dans les contextes africains et au-delà»
-Appel - Table ronde - CASCA2021 - Le terrain ethnographique en temps de pandémie : comment la crise sanitaire de la Covid-19 modifie-t-elle la pratique anthropologique
-CFP - Global Matricultures Research Network CASCA2021 symposium
-panel Call for Papers - CASCA2021 - Mobilities of Abeyance: Care, Collaboration, and Kin in Times of Crisis
-CASCA2021 panel CFP - The Entanglements of 'Good Work(s)'
-CFP - CASCA2021 - Title: Morality and Pedagogy During Pandemic Teaching
-Call for Papers for CASCA2021 Panel: Epidemics and Their Consequences
-CASCA Women's Network 2021 Award for Student Paper in Feminist Anthropology / Prix étudiant du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA pour une communication d'un-e étudiant-e en anthropologie féministe