Application deadline: 31 December, 2014
For more information:
This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi
***Même si la CASCA reste très critique face l'exploitation toujours
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.
***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.
Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:
-Postdoctoral Fellowship - UNC
-National Coordinator - Aboriginal Curatorial Collective
-Faculty, School of Humanitarian Studies - Conflict Analysis and
Management - Royal Roads University
-Biological Anthropology: Evolution, Fossils, Genes and Diversity ANTH
1002, Contract Academic Position - University of New Brunswick
-Assistant / Associate Professor, Program Planning and Evaluation,
School of Public Health and Health Systems, Tenure Track - University
of Waterloo
-Fiction by Minority Women - Feminist Theory and Cultural Practice
EN325, Sessional Lecturer - Wilfrid Laurier University
-Chargé de projet, Action culturelle - Musée McCord d'histoire canadienne
-Coordonnateur/Coordonnatrice - Regroupement interculturel de Saint-Léonard
-Enseignant en anthropologie (english) - Cultural Anthropology - Cégep
de Sept-Îles
-Dean of Liberal Arts and Access Programs - Georgian College
-Associate / Full Professor - Music and Health Research Collaboratory
- University of Toronto
-Sessional Lecturer, Aboriginal Health Policy, GSPP 812 - University of Regina
-SSHRC Insight Development Grants/CRSH Subventions de développement Savoir
-People, Places and the Toured Landscape TMGT 2060, Sessional Faculty
- Thompson Rivers University
-Spécialiste des droits de l'homme - Nations Unis
-Ethnographic Exploration ANTH 2002H, Workshop Leader - Trent University
-Aboriginal Community And Social Development Program, Aboriginal
Treaties, Rights And Laws, Part Time Professor - Georgian College
-Chargé(e) de cours / Déviance, criminalité et désorganisation sociale / UQAR
-Sociology - Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) - The University of
British Columbia
-Listuguj Education Directorate, Teaching within the Bachelor of Arts
in Community Studies (BACS) program - Cape Breton University
See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:
If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:
Merci/Thank you
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.
***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.
Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:
-Postdoctoral Fellowship - UNC
-National Coordinator - Aboriginal Curatorial Collective
-Faculty, School of Humanitarian Studies - Conflict Analysis and
Management - Royal Roads University
-Biological Anthropology: Evolution, Fossils, Genes and Diversity ANTH
1002, Contract Academic Position - University of New Brunswick
-Assistant / Associate Professor, Program Planning and Evaluation,
School of Public Health and Health Systems, Tenure Track - University
of Waterloo
-Fiction by Minority Women - Feminist Theory and Cultural Practice
EN325, Sessional Lecturer - Wilfrid Laurier University
-Chargé de projet, Action culturelle - Musée McCord d'histoire canadienne
-Coordonnateur/Coordonnatrice - Regroupement interculturel de Saint-Léonard
-Enseignant en anthropologie (english) - Cultural Anthropology - Cégep
de Sept-Îles
-Dean of Liberal Arts and Access Programs - Georgian College
-Associate / Full Professor - Music and Health Research Collaboratory
- University of Toronto
-Sessional Lecturer, Aboriginal Health Policy, GSPP 812 - University of Regina
-SSHRC Insight Development Grants/CRSH Subventions de développement Savoir
-People, Places and the Toured Landscape TMGT 2060, Sessional Faculty
- Thompson Rivers University
-Spécialiste des droits de l'homme - Nations Unis
-Ethnographic Exploration ANTH 2002H, Workshop Leader - Trent University
-Aboriginal Community And Social Development Program, Aboriginal
Treaties, Rights And Laws, Part Time Professor - Georgian College
-Chargé(e) de cours / Déviance, criminalité et désorganisation sociale / UQAR
-Sociology - Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) - The University of
British Columbia
-Listuguj Education Directorate, Teaching within the Bachelor of Arts
in Community Studies (BACS) program - Cape Breton University
See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:
If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:
Merci/Thank you
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Indigenous Studies in Canada 2 IST 117, Instructor - Camosun College **Closing date: November 21, 2014**
Indigenous Studies in Canada 2 IST 117, Instructor - Camosun College
Indigenous Studies in Canada 2 IST 117, Instructor
Camosun College
Closing date: November 21, 2014
Faculty Position Vacancy - Y14-30 Instructor - IST 117
3100 Foul Bay Rd, Victoria, B.C. V8P 5J2 Camosun College Human
Resources P 250.370.3004 F 250.370.3664
w w w . c a m o s u n . c a
Instructor: Indigenous Studies in Canada 2 School of Health and Human Services
Closing Date:
November 21, 2014
Start Date:
January 2, 2015
End Date:
April 20, 2015
Camosun College values teaching excellence in its faculty and is
committed to successful learning for its students. The Indigenous
Family Support Program is seeking a qualified instructor to teach IST
117-Indigenous Studies in Canada 2. IST 117 is a one-semester course
delivered in the winter semester. It analyzes the effects of
colonization on Indigenous peoples/communities through an examination
of policies such as residential schools, child welfare, treaties and
the Indian Act. The course studies revitalization strategies and the
nation re-building processes operating in Indigenous communities. This
course is delivered within the Indigenous Family Support worker
program at Lansdowne campus.
Relevant degree(s); a master's degree is preferred
Previous post-secondary teaching experience
Understanding of the history, issues and processes that guide
Indigenous communitiesSelection processes will value internal and
theoretical knowledge of Indigenous community wellness issues and
ability to speak from an Indigenous perspective. A commitment to
teamwork and student success is essential.
Salary is commensurate with education and experience.
Apply online at www.camosun.ca/careers. We would like to thank
everyone in advance for applying as only those selected for an
interview will be contacted.Camosun College is an Equal Opportunity
Indigenous Studies in Canada 2 IST 117, Instructor
Camosun College
Closing date: November 21, 2014
Faculty Position Vacancy - Y14-30 Instructor - IST 117
3100 Foul Bay Rd, Victoria, B.C. V8P 5J2 Camosun College Human
Resources P 250.370.3004 F 250.370.3664
w w w . c a m o s u n . c a
Instructor: Indigenous Studies in Canada 2 School of Health and Human Services
Closing Date:
November 21, 2014
Start Date:
January 2, 2015
End Date:
April 20, 2015
Camosun College values teaching excellence in its faculty and is
committed to successful learning for its students. The Indigenous
Family Support Program is seeking a qualified instructor to teach IST
117-Indigenous Studies in Canada 2. IST 117 is a one-semester course
delivered in the winter semester. It analyzes the effects of
colonization on Indigenous peoples/communities through an examination
of policies such as residential schools, child welfare, treaties and
the Indian Act. The course studies revitalization strategies and the
nation re-building processes operating in Indigenous communities. This
course is delivered within the Indigenous Family Support worker
program at Lansdowne campus.
Relevant degree(s); a master's degree is preferred
Previous post-secondary teaching experience
Understanding of the history, issues and processes that guide
Indigenous communitiesSelection processes will value internal and
theoretical knowledge of Indigenous community wellness issues and
ability to speak from an Indigenous perspective. A commitment to
teamwork and student success is essential.
Salary is commensurate with education and experience.
Apply online at www.camosun.ca/careers. We would like to thank
everyone in advance for applying as only those selected for an
interview will be contacted.Camosun College is an Equal Opportunity
CASCA: Conferences, Calls for Papers, Events/Colloques, Appels à communication, Évènements
Conferences and calls for papers/Colloques et Appels à communication:
Les colloques et appels à communication suivants viennent d'être ajoutés à
notre page web:
The following conference announcements and calls for papers have just been
added to our web page:
-CFP: NACS-XI 2015 - A Land Shaped by Water: Perspectives on Canada
Turku, Finland, August 2015
-Appel à communication / Call for proposals – Résister en corps /
Bodily Resistance
-Colloque Nouvelles perspectives en études féministes. Littérature,
cinéma et théâtre - août 2015
-Call for Papers - Western University's 3rd Annual Anthropology
Graduate Student Conference - "Confronting Categories"
See them and others on our website:
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:
Technoscience Salon - "Queering Evidence" - Toronto - November 28, 2014
Salon Theme: The goal of this salon is to highlight the use of affect as a
lively and unsettling tactic or methodology. For example, queer
practitioners will
punctuate their arguments with personal anecdotes, charged imagery,
and raw emotions,
challenging the insistence that we are supposed to remain detached
when weighing the
This salon asks: How might we queer and reinvent conventional modes of
How can we morph the sensory organs of science to develop different ways of
seeing, touching, hearing, and smelling? How might we venture queer
stories that
capture and inspire new approaches to evidence? Read more about our
provocation here.
Presenters: Lauren Corman (Sociology, BrockU) and Mike Hoolboom (Award
winning filmmaker)
Discussants: Cate Sandilands (FES, YorkU) and Andrew Zealley (FES, YorkU)
WHEN: Friday, November 28, 2014, 4-6pm
WHERE: Studio 106, at Artscape Youngplace, at 180 Shaw Street
WHAT: Please bring snacks, beverages and tasty ideas to share
For more information and upcoming events, please visit our website
at http://technosalon.wordpress.com/
Thank you/Merci
Les colloques et appels à communication suivants viennent d'être ajoutés à
notre page web:
The following conference announcements and calls for papers have just been
added to our web page:
-CFP: NACS-XI 2015 - A Land Shaped by Water: Perspectives on Canada
Turku, Finland, August 2015
-Appel à communication / Call for proposals – Résister en corps /
Bodily Resistance
-Colloque Nouvelles perspectives en études féministes. Littérature,
cinéma et théâtre - août 2015
-Call for Papers - Western University's 3rd Annual Anthropology
Graduate Student Conference - "Confronting Categories"
See them and others on our website:
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:
Technoscience Salon - "Queering Evidence" - Toronto - November 28, 2014
Salon Theme: The goal of this salon is to highlight the use of affect as a
lively and unsettling tactic or methodology. For example, queer
practitioners will
punctuate their arguments with personal anecdotes, charged imagery,
and raw emotions,
challenging the insistence that we are supposed to remain detached
when weighing the
This salon asks: How might we queer and reinvent conventional modes of
How can we morph the sensory organs of science to develop different ways of
seeing, touching, hearing, and smelling? How might we venture queer
stories that
capture and inspire new approaches to evidence? Read more about our
provocation here.
Presenters: Lauren Corman (Sociology, BrockU) and Mike Hoolboom (Award
winning filmmaker)
Discussants: Cate Sandilands (FES, YorkU) and Andrew Zealley (FES, YorkU)
WHEN: Friday, November 28, 2014, 4-6pm
WHERE: Studio 106, at Artscape Youngplace, at 180 Shaw Street
WHAT: Please bring snacks, beverages and tasty ideas to share
For more information and upcoming events, please visit our website
at http://technosalon.wordpress.com/
Thank you/Merci
CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante
Nouveaux ajouts/New announcements:
-RSFAT field school program 2015
-Call for Papers - Western University's 3rd Annual Anthropology
Graduate Student Conference - "Confronting Categories"
See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:
Merci. Thank you
-RSFAT field school program 2015
-Call for Papers - Western University's 3rd Annual Anthropology
Graduate Student Conference - "Confronting Categories"
See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:
Merci. Thank you
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Boycott and Open Forum at AAA
Format for December 4th Members' Open Forum on Engagement with Israel
and Palestine
Posted on November 13, 2014 by Joslyn O.
Today's guest blog post is written by Ed Liebow, Executive Director.
Last July's Anthropology News mentioned a variety of ways in which AAA
leadership is trying to foster dialogue and information exchange among
AAA members on anthropologically relevant issues related to
Israel/Palestine. We mentioned there that anOpen Forum would be held
at the Annual Meeting; it has now been scheduled forThursday 4
December, from 13:00 to 14:15 in the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel,
Ballroom Salon 2. Our goal is to facilitate dialogue among AAA
Members, bringing to bear on the conversation the culture of inquiry
and analytical skills characteristic of our profession.
The frame for the discussion is: what issues related to
Israel/Palestine are relevant to us as anthropologists, as members of
a scholarly association, and to the AAA as an association of
Here is what you can expect at the Open Forum. The hall will be
arranged with a number of tables; the hall is large and we can
accommodate many small groups. You will be encouraged to sit with
people you do not already know well. There will be introductory
remarks from Monica Heller, the AAA President, a brief update on the
work of the AAA Task Force on Engagement on Issues related to
Israel/Palestine by the Task Force chair, AAA Past-President Don
Brenneis, and a short explanation of the forum's format by our lead
facilitator, Tarek Maassarani. The process will include an opening
round to build trust and familiarity amongst participants; several
discussion rounds with prompts to share what questions, knowledge,
perspectives, and experiences participants bring to the table; and a
reflective closing round to share insights and their relevance beyond
this one event.
Participants will also be given index cards that they can place in
feedback boxes as they leave the room. Facilitators will be asked to
fill out a reflection form immediately following the dialogue to help
us better understand what happened at each table. If there is time, we
might be able to hear from some of the facilitators before we need to
vacate the room. Since the objective at this stage is to foster
dialogue among members, we will check badges at the entrance.
Executive Board members, Task Force members, Section Assembly
leadership and AAA staff will likely attend as observers. We will ask
the press to respect our privacy during the Forum, though we are happy
for participants to speak to the press (or blog or tweet) before and
after the event. We are also open to considering further such events,
whether open only to members or not.
Format for December 4th Members' Open Forum on Engagement with Israel
and Palestine
Posted on November 13, 2014 by Joslyn O.
Today's guest blog post is written by Ed Liebow, Executive Director.
Last July's Anthropology News mentioned a variety of ways in which AAA
leadership is trying to foster dialogue and information exchange among
AAA members on anthropologically relevant issues related to
Israel/Palestine. We mentioned there that anOpen Forum would be held
at the Annual Meeting; it has now been scheduled forThursday 4
December, from 13:00 to 14:15 in the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel,
Ballroom Salon 2. Our goal is to facilitate dialogue among AAA
Members, bringing to bear on the conversation the culture of inquiry
and analytical skills characteristic of our profession.
The frame for the discussion is: what issues related to
Israel/Palestine are relevant to us as anthropologists, as members of
a scholarly association, and to the AAA as an association of
Here is what you can expect at the Open Forum. The hall will be
arranged with a number of tables; the hall is large and we can
accommodate many small groups. You will be encouraged to sit with
people you do not already know well. There will be introductory
remarks from Monica Heller, the AAA President, a brief update on the
work of the AAA Task Force on Engagement on Issues related to
Israel/Palestine by the Task Force chair, AAA Past-President Don
Brenneis, and a short explanation of the forum's format by our lead
facilitator, Tarek Maassarani. The process will include an opening
round to build trust and familiarity amongst participants; several
discussion rounds with prompts to share what questions, knowledge,
perspectives, and experiences participants bring to the table; and a
reflective closing round to share insights and their relevance beyond
this one event.
Participants will also be given index cards that they can place in
feedback boxes as they leave the room. Facilitators will be asked to
fill out a reflection form immediately following the dialogue to help
us better understand what happened at each table. If there is time, we
might be able to hear from some of the facilitators before we need to
vacate the room. Since the objective at this stage is to foster
dialogue among members, we will check badges at the entrance.
Executive Board members, Task Force members, Section Assembly
leadership and AAA staff will likely attend as observers. We will ask
the press to respect our privacy during the Forum, though we are happy
for participants to speak to the press (or blog or tweet) before and
after the event. We are also open to considering further such events,
whether open only to members or not.
Call for IUAES-TOURISM regional representatives
Dear colleague,
This is a message from the International Union of Anthropological and
Ethnological Sciences Commission on the Anthropology of Tourism
(IUAES-TOURISM). The main objective of IUAES-TOURISM is to promote
the anthropology of tourism in the fields of research, teaching and
public dissemination. The Commission facilitates the networking
across the globe of people who share this interest. We want to
strengthen the global approach of the commission and to increase its
activities. We therefore invite anthropologists to become regional
representatives. The task of such a representative would be to
inform the global community (primarily via the mailing list and
social media) on issues, events, publications or opportunities
related to the anthropology of tourism in their respective area (or
beyond) and to forward information from IUAES-TOURISM to their
regional contacts and networks. This is a position of trust without a
heavy workload. We believe that a better regional coverage will
enable IUAES-TOURISM to become more truly global.
If you are an anthropologist and interested in becoming a
IUAES-TOURISM regional representative, please send
mari.korpela@uta.fi a short introduction of yourself, the region you
propose to cover, and your interests in the field of anthropology of
tourism. The deadline is Nov. 30th, 2014.
Yours, Mari Korpela, Noel B. Salazar and Yujie Zhu (the co-chairs of
the IUAES-Tourism)
IUAES-Tourism Homepage:
This is a message from the International Union of Anthropological and
Ethnological Sciences Commission on the Anthropology of Tourism
(IUAES-TOURISM). The main objective of IUAES-TOURISM is to promote
the anthropology of tourism in the fields of research, teaching and
public dissemination. The Commission facilitates the networking
across the globe of people who share this interest. We want to
strengthen the global approach of the commission and to increase its
activities. We therefore invite anthropologists to become regional
representatives. The task of such a representative would be to
inform the global community (primarily via the mailing list and
social media) on issues, events, publications or opportunities
related to the anthropology of tourism in their respective area (or
beyond) and to forward information from IUAES-TOURISM to their
regional contacts and networks. This is a position of trust without a
heavy workload. We believe that a better regional coverage will
enable IUAES-TOURISM to become more truly global.
If you are an anthropologist and interested in becoming a
IUAES-TOURISM regional representative, please send
mari.korpela@uta.fi a short introduction of yourself, the region you
propose to cover, and your interests in the field of anthropology of
tourism. The deadline is Nov. 30th, 2014.
Yours, Mari Korpela, Noel B. Salazar and Yujie Zhu (the co-chairs of
the IUAES-Tourism)
IUAES-Tourism Homepage:
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
CASCA2015 Panel CFP: Indigenous Knowledge Landscapes in Canada
Indigenous Knowledge Landscapes in Canada
This symposium will focus on issues of relations between settlers and
Indigenous peoples, particularly in Canada, and the role(s) that
anthropology could play in making a positive contribution to that
relationship. Foci include, but are not limited to, the relationship between
anthropology/ists and Indigenous and decolonizing methodologies and how we
are challenged by/ critical of/ welcoming of this emerging literature.
Examining the implications of re-readings of the history of the terms
Canadien and Métis and how they could potentially have an impact on the
contemporary debates surrounding definitions of Métis identity. Moves toward
more participatory approaches in collecting, selecting and managing
Indigenous-related records. How settlers and Indigenous peoples are using
various media to create new landscapes of knowledges, to stymie their
production or to reproduce old antagonisms. The role of anthropologists in
translating between police and corporations in land/resource conflicts.
Other foci are welcome.
Please respond to Craig Proulx
This symposium will focus on issues of relations between settlers and
Indigenous peoples, particularly in Canada, and the role(s) that
anthropology could play in making a positive contribution to that
relationship. Foci include, but are not limited to, the relationship between
anthropology/ists and Indigenous and decolonizing methodologies and how we
are challenged by/ critical of/ welcoming of this emerging literature.
Examining the implications of re-readings of the history of the terms
Canadien and Métis and how they could potentially have an impact on the
contemporary debates surrounding definitions of Métis identity. Moves toward
more participatory approaches in collecting, selecting and managing
Indigenous-related records. How settlers and Indigenous peoples are using
various media to create new landscapes of knowledges, to stymie their
production or to reproduce old antagonisms. The role of anthropologists in
translating between police and corporations in land/resource conflicts.
Other foci are welcome.
Please respond to Craig Proulx
Friday, November 14, 2014
American Anthropological Association
2014 Annual Meetings, Washington, D.C.
Date: Friday, December 5, 2014.
Time: 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Where: Omni Shoreham, Congressional B
Meet friends and colleagues!
Refreshments and Cash Bar
American Anthropological Association
2014 Annual Meetings, Washington, D.C.
Date: Friday, December 5, 2014.
Time: 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Where: Omni Shoreham, Congressional B
Meet friends and colleagues!
Refreshments and Cash Bar
CASCA 2015: Paysages des connaissances/Landscapes of Knowledges - Universit=?utf-8?Q?=C3=A9?= Laval, mai/May 2015
CASCA 2015
Université Laval,
Québec, Canada
May 13 - May 16, 2015
Landscapes of Knowledges/Paysages des connaissances
(la version française suit)
Anthropology, especially since the 1980s, has continually re-examined
the modes for apprehending knowledge, that is, both the knowledge of
the groups it has studied and its own knowledge. From its very
foundation, and throughout its evolution since the 19th century,
anthropology has question and analyzed modes of knowing in various
languages and societies, pondering the related particularities of the
societies and cultures it has studied and sought to describe. But for
at least 25 years now, it has undertaken to radically criticize the
way it has accessed and then "represented" the knowledge of others.
The criticism voiced by the discipline's critical currents has
contributed to the deconstruction of knowledge in anthropology. This
deconstruction process, although essential, has also had a flip side,
notably the fact that—in appearance, anyway—it has all too often
alienated the discipline from its own object and methods. The critical
and deconstructionist enterprise has perhaps not sufficiently
emphasized what contemporary anthropology produces and is able to
produce. Without necessarily always taking into account all of the
questions raised in connection with the strengths and limitations of
the currents that have marked the discipline's renewal over the past
25 years, the latest ethnographies are unquestionably influenced by
what can be called the new landscapes of knowledge. Indeed,
contemporary ethnographies tend to be enriched by a focus, among other
things, on temporal spectrums (the importance of genealogical
approaches) and spatial spectrums (the importance of
multi-localization and geospatial approaches). The approaches that
were vividly called into question in the 1990s (for example,
postmodern approaches), and those considered to be too philosophical
today (for example, ontological approaches), are growing in
prominence, depth and scope, and allowing us to genuinely take stock
of the discipline and its canonical methodology. Moreover, they enable
a better balance to be struck between the subjective place of
anthropology with respect to its object, on one hand, and its
"objective" investigation methods, on the other. Transformations
within the discipline's interpretive, critical and methodological
frameworks—at times successive, at times simultaneous—are contributing
to enriching the landscapes of knowledges that are being constructed
and co-constructed, and that are now influencing all of the social and
cultural sciences. It is becoming possible to suppose that
anthropological theories, in their meta-paradigmatic and
transformative dimensions—both before and after the ethnographic
moment—are defining plural and regenerative perspectives on the
conditions for knowing the social worlds and groups that we have
studied, as well as on the conditions for representing and
disseminating this knowledge. The object of the discipline, i.e.,
social worlds in their complexity, heterogeneity, genealogy and
spatiality, requires novel forms of "re-cognition" on the part of all
actors. How to take into account social, individual and collective
worlds, subjectivities, socialities, singularities, ontologies,
languages and even the discipline itself as it is now developing
outside the circles from which it originated? After having assumed its
Western and colonial history, anthropology is developing in such a way
that it is now able to rethink the nature of its knowledge project, as
well as the knowledge of those whom it claims to know. Anthropology
has always been plural, in a sense, as a result of its diverse
theoretical currents, but today it is much more than that. The horizon
of a plurality of knowledges can no longer be seen only from the
perspective of the theoretical currents stemming from the West, but
also from the perspective of those stemming from studied groups (which
we might call the perspectives of social worlds, or ontologies). This
horizon must also be seen from the standpoint of the "scientific"
knowledge that is developing from many of these social worlds, that is
to say, anthropologies themselves (known as world anthropologies). As
a result, the discipline requires increasingly sophisticated and
decolonized ethnographic methods that will enable such perspectives to
emerge and to be defined.
The Keynote speaker is Tim Ingold, professor at the School of Social
Sciences at Aberdeen University, Scotland. Tim Ingold is proposing a
large and profound view of the discipline and of the worlds in which
anthropologists are engaged. Through fecund and stimulating dialogues
with a variety of disciplines like ecology, arts, philosophy,
archeology and architecture, this scholar of international reputation
is proposing novel ways to think the production of anthropological
knowledge. His recent trajectory, since the publication of The
Perception of the Environment (2000), is challenging the social
sciences and the humanities, through a series of provocative essays :
Lines (2007), Being Alive. Essays on movement, knowledge and
description (2011), and Making (2013).
CASCA 2015 invites different types of proposals and strongly
encourages panels and symposia that will bring together presenters
from a variety of academic and non-academic backgrounds. Bilingual
sessions of different forms are also strongly encouraged.
PhD students returning from their fieldwork, and M.A students who have
finished their thesis, are invited to present the results of their
first-hand research or in-depth and advanced analytical work. Students
must be part of sessions with faculty or professionals. Please note
that course-based projects cannot be presented as conference papers.
15-minute papers
Individual proposals accepted by the CASCA 2015 program committee will
be organised into thematic sessions. The submission for a paper must
include the presentation title, abstract (of 100 - 150 words),
keywords, and co-authors (if applicable).
Poster presentation
Proposals for posters must include the presentation title, abstract
(of 100 - 150 words), keywords, and co-authors (if applicable).
Suggestions for designing an effective poster are available at:
90-minute panels
Panels will be composed of 4 to 5 presentations, followed by a
discussion. Please do not include more than 4 presentations should a
formal discussant be invited. The submission for a paper must include
the presentation title, abstract (of 100 - 150 words), keywords, and
co-authors (if applicable). If you are part of an organised panel or
symposium, you must provide the name of the organiser and the title of
the panel. The panel organiser should provide a 100 - 150-word
abstract describing the theme of the proposed panel or symposium and
include a list of the participants (including, the chair and the
Symposia will be composed of at least 2 panels of 90 minutes each,
back to back in the same location (as scheduling permits). The
symposium organiser should provide a 100 - 150-word abstract
describing the theme of the proposed panel or symposium and include a
list of the participants (including, the chair and the discussant).
Round-tables will be 90 minutes in length, addressing a specific theme
or issue to be submitted by the organiser of the round-table, but do
not include formal presentations. The roundtable organiser should
provide a 200 - 250-word abstract describing the theme and include a
list of the participants (including the chair). Roundtable
participants do NOT submit individual abstracts but do need to go
through the regular CASCA 2015 registration process, filling in the
appropriate fields of the round-table participation form.
Organisers of panels, symposia, or roundtables may wish to advertise
their session and find presenters through the CASCA listserv (email
your call for papers to cascanews@cas-sca.ca or through the Conference
Classifieds section on the CASCA website http://www.cas-sca.ca/)
Abstract Submission deadline: 16 February 2015
Paper acceptance notification date: 23 March, 2015.
In order to submit a paper or propose a panel, symposium, or
round-table, you must be a current member of CASCA and register for
the 2015 conference (conference registration takes place at the same
time as submission). Please check the registration link for further
membership: https://fedcan-association.ca/casca
conference: https://www.fedcan-association.ca/event/en/34/96
All conference participants must have an active CASCA membership.
Membership fees can be paid at the same time as registering for the
2015 Conference. Participants who do not have their CASCA membership
and CASCA 2015 conference fees paid by the submission deadline will be
excluded from the final program.
CASCA Membership Fees:
- Regular member: $105
- Family/joint: $156
- Student, retired, unwaged, post-doctoral candidates: $42
- Sustaining member: $130
*CASCA Membership Fees includes one-year subscription to the journal
**A $20 fee will be applied for out of country shipping of Anthropologica
*** If you are unsure of your CASCA membership status, please contact
Karli Whitmore at membership@anthropologica.ca
Conference Fees
Faculty, Professionals
- Up to February 2, 2015: $180
- Feb 3 to April 20, 2015: $200
- April 21, 2015 and after: $220
Students, Postdocs, Unwaged, Retired
- Up to Feb 2, 2015: $100
- Feb 3, 2015 to April 20, 2015: $115
- April 21, 2015 and after: $130
Cancellation Policy:
*Participants wishing to cancel their registration for CASCA 2015,
should send an e-mail to casca15@ant.ulaval.ca .
**Reimbursements are available for the CASCA 2015 registration fees
only (registration fees for membership to CASCA are not reimbursed).
March 30, 2015: Cancellations submitted by this date will receive a
100% reimbursement.
April 20, 2015: Cancellations between March 31, 2015 and up to April
20, 2015 will receive a 50% reimbursement of conference registration
After April 20, 2015: No reimbursement.
CASCA Membership and Registration website
Abstracts must be submitted in the current language of the participant
(English or French). CASCA 2015 will be responsible for the
translation of all abstracts.
Additional Advance Registration Required
- Women's network Luncheon: Thursday, May 14, 12:30 -2:00, at Le
Cercle restaurant: $35.
- Banquet: After Weaver-Tremblay Lecture/Reception: Friday,
6:00-11:00, May 15th, 2015. $86. Evening Dinner Cruise on the
St-Lawrence river, on the Louis-Jolliet : a fabulous experience in
perspective !!!
- Parking is available on campus for $17.25 per day.
- Childcare services will be provided to conference attendees. Please
indicate on the registration form for how many children you will need
this service.
> ----------------------------------------------------<
CASCA 2015
Université Laval
Québec, Canada
13 mai – 16 mai 2015
Paysages des connaissances/ Landscapes of Knowledges
L'anthropologie, en particulier depuis les années 1980, n'a de cesse
de réinterroger les modes d'appréhension des connaissances, tant ceux
des groupes qu'elle étudie que les siens propres. À son fondement
même, et dans toute l'histoire de son évolution depuis le XIXème
siècle, l'anthropologie a questionné et analysé les modalités du
connaître dans différentes langues et sociétés, se posant la question
de la spécificité des modes de connaissances propres aux sociétés et
cultures qu'elle étudiait et dont elle voulait rendre compte. Or,
depuis maintenant au moins 25 ans, elle a entrepris de critiquer
radicalement la manière dont elle a accédé aux savoirs des autres et
les a ensuite « représentés ». La critique ouverte par ces courants a
contribué à la déconstruction des savoirs en anthropologie. Ce travail
de déconstruction, quoiqu'essentiel, a aussi eu ses revers, notamment
celui de rendre trop souvent, en apparence tout au moins,
l'anthropologie orpheline de son objet et de ses méthodes.
L'entreprise critique et déconstructionniste n'a peut-être pas
suffisamment mis l'accent sur ce que l'anthropologie contemporaine
produit et peut produire. Sans nécessairement répondre directement à
chaque fois à toutes les interrogations sur les forces et les limites
de tous les courants qui ont marqué le renouvellement de la discipline
depuis les 25 dernières années, les ethnographies les plus actuelles
sont certes influencées par ce qu'il convient de nommer les nouveaux
paysages des connaissances. Les ethnographies contemporaines tendent
en effet à s'enrichir par l'approfondissement, entre autres, des
spectres de la temporalité (importance des approches généalogiques) et
de la spatialité (importance de la multi-localisation et des approches
géo-spatiales). Les approches que l'on questionnait avec force dans
les années 1990 (par exemple, post-moderne), et celles que l'on
considère trop philosophiques aujourd'hui (par exemple, ontologique),
ont gagné en puissance, en profondeur et en étendue, et permettent un
réel retour sur la discipline et sa méthodologie canonique. Elles
permettent, en sus, un meilleur équilibre de la place subjective de
l'anthropologue eu égard à l'objet ainsi que de ses modes 'objectifs'
d'enquête. Les transformations, parfois successives, parfois
simultanées, au sein des appareils interprétatifs, critiques et
méthodologiques de la discipline contribuent à l'enrichissement des
paysages de la connaissance qui se construisent et se co-construisent
et influencent maintenant l'ensemble des sciences sociales et de la
culture. Il devient possible de supposer que les théories
anthropologiques, dans leurs dimensions métaparadigmatiques et
transformatrices, en amont comme en aval du moment ethnographique,
définissent des perspectives plurielles et régénératrices sur les
conditions du savoir sur les mondes sociaux et les groupes que nous
étudions ainsi que sur les conditions des représentations et les
modes de diffusion de ces mêmes savoirs. L'objet de la discipline,
soit les mondes sociaux dans leur complexité, leur hétérogénéité, leur
généalogie et leur spatialité, exigent de tous des formes inédites de
're'-'connaissance'. Comment prendre en compte les mondes sociaux,
individuels et collectifs, les subjectivités, les socialités, les
singularités, les ontologies, les langues, voire la discipline
elle-même telle qu'elle s'élabore dorénavant hors des cercles d'où
elle est issue ? L'anthropologie, après avoir assumé son histoire
occidentale et coloniale, se re-déploie de façon telle qu'elle en
arrive à repenser la nature de son projet de connaissance, en même
temps que des connaissances de ceux qu'elle prétend connaître.
L'anthropologie a toujours été en quelque sorte plurielle par les
divers courants théoriques qui l'ont traversée, mais elle est
aujourd'hui beaucoup plus que cela. En effet, l'horizon de la
pluralité du savoir ne peut dorénavant se penser uniquement depuis la
perspective des courants théoriques issus de l'Occident, mais aussi de
ceux qui viennent des groupes étudiés (que l'on pourrait appeler les
perspectives des mondes sociaux, ou les ontologies) de même que des
savoirs 'scientifiques' qui s'élaborent depuis plusieurs de ces mondes
sociaux, soit les anthropologies elles-mêmes (que l'on appelle les
world anthropologies). C'est pourquoi l'anthropologie exige des
méthodes ethnographiques de plus en plus raffinées et décolonisées de
façon à permettre que s'incarnent et se définissent de telles
Le conférencier d'honneur est Tim Ingold, professeur à l'École des
sciences sociales de l'université d'Aberdeen, Écosse. Tim Ingold
propose une vue large et profonde de la discipline et des mondes avec
lesquels les anthropologues sont engagés. Par le biais de dialogues
féconds avec une variété de disciplines telles que l'écologie, les
arts, la philosophie, l'architecture et l'archéologie, cet
intellectuel de réputation internationale aborde de nouvelles manières
de penser la production du savoir anthropologique. Sa trajectoire
récente, depuis son ouvrage The Perception of the Environment (2000),
défie les sciences sociales et les humanités à travers une série
d'essais provocants et stimulants, dont Lines (2007), Being Alive.
Essays on movement, knowledge and description (2011) et Making (2013).
Le comité de programmation du colloque CASCA 2015 vous invite à
soumettre différents types de communications et encourage fortement
les panels et les symposiums réunissant des participants de divers
milieux (universitaires et non universitaires). Les sessions bilingues
sous différentes formes sont fortement encouragées.
Les étudiants de doctorat de retour de leur terrain ainsi que les
étudiants à la maîtrise qui ont terminé leur mémoire sont invités à
présenter les résultats de leur recherche originale et de leurs
analyses en profondeur. Les étudiants qui présentent doivent le faire
dans le cadre de sessions avec des professeurs et professionnels.
Veuillez noter que les soumissions liées à la conférence ne devraient
pas être limitées à un projet axé sur un cours.
Communications de 15 minutes
Les communications individuelles retenues par le comité de
programmation du colloque CASCA 2015 seront organisées selon des
séances thématiques. Toute proposition de communication devra inclure
le titre de la communication, le résumé (entre 100 et 150 mots), les
mots-clés et les coauteurs (s'il y a lieu).
Communication par affiche
La proposition d'une communication par affiche devra inclure le titre
de la communication, le résumé (entre 100 et 150 mots), les mots-clés
et les coauteurs (s'il y a lieu). Vous pourrez trouver des conseils en
lien avec la conception d'une affiche efficace sur le site Web suivant
(en anglais seulement):
Panels de 90 minutes
Les panels comprendront de quatre à cinq communications, lesquelles
seront suivies d'une discussion. Si un commentateur a été spécialement
invité, veuillez ne pas inclure plus de quatre communications dans le
panel. Toute proposition de communication devra inclure le titre de la
communication, le résumé (entre 100 et 150 mots), les mots-clés et les
coauteurs (s'il y a lieu). Si vous prenez part à un panel ou à un
symposium, vous devrez également fournir le nom de l'organisateur et
le titre du panel ou du symposium. L'organisateur du panel devra
fournir un résumé de 100 - 150 mots décrivant le thème du panel
proposé, ainsi qu'une liste des personnes participantes (président(e),
panélistes, et commentateur le cas échéant).
Les symposiums comprendront au moins deux panels de 90 minutes chacun.
Les panels des symposiums seront présentés à la suite l'un de
l'autre et dans la mesure du possible dans la même salle.
L'organisateur du symposium devra fournir un résumé de 100 à 150 mots
décrivant le thème du symposium proposé, ainsi qu'une liste des
personnes participantes (président(e), panélistes, et commentateur le
cas échéant).
Tables rondes
Les tables rondes dureront 90 minutes et ne comprendront pas de
communications formelles, mais elles permettront d'aborder une
problématique ou un thème précis qui aura été soumis par
l'organisateur de la table ronde. L'organisateur de la table ronde
devra fournir un résumé de 200 à 250 mots décrivant le thème, ainsi
qu'une liste des personnes participantes (incluant le président ou la
présidente). Les participants de la table ronde N'ONT PAS à soumettre
de résumés individuels. Cependant, ils doivent passer par le processus
d'enregistrement régulier du CASCA 2015, en remplissant les champs
appropriés liés au formulaire de participation de la table ronde.
Les organisateurs de panels, de symposiums ou de tables rondes
pourraient désirer diffuser leur activité et recruter des panélistes à
l'aide de la liste de diffusion de la CASCA (veuillez faire parvenir
votre appel de communications à l'adresse courriel suivante:
cascanews@cas-sca.ca <mailto:cascanews@cas-sca.ca>) ou de la section
des petites annonces du site de la CASCA:
Date butoir pour la soumission d'une proposition: 16 février 2015.
Notification de l'acceptation de la soumission: 23 mars 2015.
Pour soumettre un article ou proposer un panel, un symposium ou une
table ronde, vous devez être un membre actuel de la CASCA et vous
inscrire à la conférence de 2015 (l'inscription à la conférence
s'effectue en même temps que la soumission). Veuillez vérifier le lien
d'inscription pour plus de détails.
- adhésion: https://fedcan-association.ca/casca
- conférence: https://www.fedcan-association.ca/event/fr/34/96
Tous les participants à la conférence doivent être membres actifs de
la CASCA. Les frais d'adhésion peuvent être payés en même temps que
l'inscription à la Conférence de 2015. Les participants qui ne sont
pas membres de la CASCA et qui n'ont pas payé les frais d'inscription
pour la conférence CASCA de 2015 et ce, avant la date limite de
soumission, seront exclus du programme final.
Frais d'adhésion à la CASCA
- Membre régulier: 105 $
- famille/conjoint: 156 $
- étudiant, retraité, sans emploi, candidats post-doctorants: 42 $
- membre bienfaiteur: 130 $
* La cotisation des membres CASCA comprend un abonnement d'un an à la
revue Anthropologica
** Des frais de 20 $ seront appliqués si l'expédition de la revue
s'effectue à l'extérieur du pays
*** Si vous n'êtes pas sûr de votre statut de membre CASCA, veuillez
contacter Karli Whitmore à l'adresse suivante:
Frais de conférence
Faculté, professionnels
- Jusqu'au 2 février 2015: 180 $
- Du 3 février au 20 avril 2015: 200 $
- À partir du 21 avril 2015: 220 $
Étudiants, post-doctorants, sans emploi, retraités
- Jusqu'au 2 février 2015: 100 $
- Du 3 février au 20 avril 2015: 115 $
- À partir du 21 avril 2015: 130 $
Politique d'annulation
* Les participants qui souhaitent annuler leur inscription à la CASCA
2015 sont priés d'envoyer un courriel à casca15@ant.ulaval.ca .
** Les remboursements s'effectuent seulement pour les frais
d'inscription liés au CASCA de 2015. (Les frais relevant de
l'adhésion à la CASCA ne seront pas remboursés).
30 mars 2015: Les annulations jusqu'à cette date seront remboursées
dans leur intégralité.
20 avril 2015: Les annulations situées entre le 31 mars 2015 et le 20
avril 2015 recevront un remboursement de 50% lié aux frais
d'inscription du congrès.
Après le 20 avril 2015 : Aucun remboursement.
Adhésion à la CASCA et inscription Web
Les résumés doivent être soumis dans votre langue habituelle de
communication (Français ou Anglais). La traduction de tous les
résumés est prise en charge par l'organisation de Casca 2015.
Inscription additionnelle préalablement obligatoire
- Réseau des femmes, Lunch: Jeu., de 12:30 à 14 :00, le 14 mai 2015 au
restaurant Le Cercle, $35.
-Banquet: Après la conférence/réception Weaver-Tremblay: Vendredi
18:00 à 23:00, 15 Mai 2015. $86. Souper croisière sur le
Saint-Laurent sur le bateau Louis Jolliet : une expérience hors du
- Stationnement disponible sur le campus au coût de $17.25/jour.
-Des services de garde seront disponibles. Veuillez indiquer sur le
formulaire d'inscription le nombre d'enfants nécessitant ce service.
Université Laval,
Québec, Canada
May 13 - May 16, 2015
Landscapes of Knowledges/Paysages des connaissances
(la version française suit)
Anthropology, especially since the 1980s, has continually re-examined
the modes for apprehending knowledge, that is, both the knowledge of
the groups it has studied and its own knowledge. From its very
foundation, and throughout its evolution since the 19th century,
anthropology has question and analyzed modes of knowing in various
languages and societies, pondering the related particularities of the
societies and cultures it has studied and sought to describe. But for
at least 25 years now, it has undertaken to radically criticize the
way it has accessed and then "represented" the knowledge of others.
The criticism voiced by the discipline's critical currents has
contributed to the deconstruction of knowledge in anthropology. This
deconstruction process, although essential, has also had a flip side,
notably the fact that—in appearance, anyway—it has all too often
alienated the discipline from its own object and methods. The critical
and deconstructionist enterprise has perhaps not sufficiently
emphasized what contemporary anthropology produces and is able to
produce. Without necessarily always taking into account all of the
questions raised in connection with the strengths and limitations of
the currents that have marked the discipline's renewal over the past
25 years, the latest ethnographies are unquestionably influenced by
what can be called the new landscapes of knowledge. Indeed,
contemporary ethnographies tend to be enriched by a focus, among other
things, on temporal spectrums (the importance of genealogical
approaches) and spatial spectrums (the importance of
multi-localization and geospatial approaches). The approaches that
were vividly called into question in the 1990s (for example,
postmodern approaches), and those considered to be too philosophical
today (for example, ontological approaches), are growing in
prominence, depth and scope, and allowing us to genuinely take stock
of the discipline and its canonical methodology. Moreover, they enable
a better balance to be struck between the subjective place of
anthropology with respect to its object, on one hand, and its
"objective" investigation methods, on the other. Transformations
within the discipline's interpretive, critical and methodological
frameworks—at times successive, at times simultaneous—are contributing
to enriching the landscapes of knowledges that are being constructed
and co-constructed, and that are now influencing all of the social and
cultural sciences. It is becoming possible to suppose that
anthropological theories, in their meta-paradigmatic and
transformative dimensions—both before and after the ethnographic
moment—are defining plural and regenerative perspectives on the
conditions for knowing the social worlds and groups that we have
studied, as well as on the conditions for representing and
disseminating this knowledge. The object of the discipline, i.e.,
social worlds in their complexity, heterogeneity, genealogy and
spatiality, requires novel forms of "re-cognition" on the part of all
actors. How to take into account social, individual and collective
worlds, subjectivities, socialities, singularities, ontologies,
languages and even the discipline itself as it is now developing
outside the circles from which it originated? After having assumed its
Western and colonial history, anthropology is developing in such a way
that it is now able to rethink the nature of its knowledge project, as
well as the knowledge of those whom it claims to know. Anthropology
has always been plural, in a sense, as a result of its diverse
theoretical currents, but today it is much more than that. The horizon
of a plurality of knowledges can no longer be seen only from the
perspective of the theoretical currents stemming from the West, but
also from the perspective of those stemming from studied groups (which
we might call the perspectives of social worlds, or ontologies). This
horizon must also be seen from the standpoint of the "scientific"
knowledge that is developing from many of these social worlds, that is
to say, anthropologies themselves (known as world anthropologies). As
a result, the discipline requires increasingly sophisticated and
decolonized ethnographic methods that will enable such perspectives to
emerge and to be defined.
The Keynote speaker is Tim Ingold, professor at the School of Social
Sciences at Aberdeen University, Scotland. Tim Ingold is proposing a
large and profound view of the discipline and of the worlds in which
anthropologists are engaged. Through fecund and stimulating dialogues
with a variety of disciplines like ecology, arts, philosophy,
archeology and architecture, this scholar of international reputation
is proposing novel ways to think the production of anthropological
knowledge. His recent trajectory, since the publication of The
Perception of the Environment (2000), is challenging the social
sciences and the humanities, through a series of provocative essays :
Lines (2007), Being Alive. Essays on movement, knowledge and
description (2011), and Making (2013).
CASCA 2015 invites different types of proposals and strongly
encourages panels and symposia that will bring together presenters
from a variety of academic and non-academic backgrounds. Bilingual
sessions of different forms are also strongly encouraged.
PhD students returning from their fieldwork, and M.A students who have
finished their thesis, are invited to present the results of their
first-hand research or in-depth and advanced analytical work. Students
must be part of sessions with faculty or professionals. Please note
that course-based projects cannot be presented as conference papers.
15-minute papers
Individual proposals accepted by the CASCA 2015 program committee will
be organised into thematic sessions. The submission for a paper must
include the presentation title, abstract (of 100 - 150 words),
keywords, and co-authors (if applicable).
Poster presentation
Proposals for posters must include the presentation title, abstract
(of 100 - 150 words), keywords, and co-authors (if applicable).
Suggestions for designing an effective poster are available at:
90-minute panels
Panels will be composed of 4 to 5 presentations, followed by a
discussion. Please do not include more than 4 presentations should a
formal discussant be invited. The submission for a paper must include
the presentation title, abstract (of 100 - 150 words), keywords, and
co-authors (if applicable). If you are part of an organised panel or
symposium, you must provide the name of the organiser and the title of
the panel. The panel organiser should provide a 100 - 150-word
abstract describing the theme of the proposed panel or symposium and
include a list of the participants (including, the chair and the
Symposia will be composed of at least 2 panels of 90 minutes each,
back to back in the same location (as scheduling permits). The
symposium organiser should provide a 100 - 150-word abstract
describing the theme of the proposed panel or symposium and include a
list of the participants (including, the chair and the discussant).
Round-tables will be 90 minutes in length, addressing a specific theme
or issue to be submitted by the organiser of the round-table, but do
not include formal presentations. The roundtable organiser should
provide a 200 - 250-word abstract describing the theme and include a
list of the participants (including the chair). Roundtable
participants do NOT submit individual abstracts but do need to go
through the regular CASCA 2015 registration process, filling in the
appropriate fields of the round-table participation form.
Organisers of panels, symposia, or roundtables may wish to advertise
their session and find presenters through the CASCA listserv (email
your call for papers to cascanews@cas-sca.ca or through the Conference
Classifieds section on the CASCA website http://www.cas-sca.ca/)
Abstract Submission deadline: 16 February 2015
Paper acceptance notification date: 23 March, 2015.
In order to submit a paper or propose a panel, symposium, or
round-table, you must be a current member of CASCA and register for
the 2015 conference (conference registration takes place at the same
time as submission). Please check the registration link for further
membership: https://fedcan-association.ca/casca
conference: https://www.fedcan-association.ca/event/en/34/96
All conference participants must have an active CASCA membership.
Membership fees can be paid at the same time as registering for the
2015 Conference. Participants who do not have their CASCA membership
and CASCA 2015 conference fees paid by the submission deadline will be
excluded from the final program.
CASCA Membership Fees:
- Regular member: $105
- Family/joint: $156
- Student, retired, unwaged, post-doctoral candidates: $42
- Sustaining member: $130
*CASCA Membership Fees includes one-year subscription to the journal
**A $20 fee will be applied for out of country shipping of Anthropologica
*** If you are unsure of your CASCA membership status, please contact
Karli Whitmore at membership@anthropologica.ca
Conference Fees
Faculty, Professionals
- Up to February 2, 2015: $180
- Feb 3 to April 20, 2015: $200
- April 21, 2015 and after: $220
Students, Postdocs, Unwaged, Retired
- Up to Feb 2, 2015: $100
- Feb 3, 2015 to April 20, 2015: $115
- April 21, 2015 and after: $130
Cancellation Policy:
*Participants wishing to cancel their registration for CASCA 2015,
should send an e-mail to casca15@ant.ulaval.ca .
**Reimbursements are available for the CASCA 2015 registration fees
only (registration fees for membership to CASCA are not reimbursed).
March 30, 2015: Cancellations submitted by this date will receive a
100% reimbursement.
April 20, 2015: Cancellations between March 31, 2015 and up to April
20, 2015 will receive a 50% reimbursement of conference registration
After April 20, 2015: No reimbursement.
CASCA Membership and Registration website
Abstracts must be submitted in the current language of the participant
(English or French). CASCA 2015 will be responsible for the
translation of all abstracts.
Additional Advance Registration Required
- Women's network Luncheon: Thursday, May 14, 12:30 -2:00, at Le
Cercle restaurant: $35.
- Banquet: After Weaver-Tremblay Lecture/Reception: Friday,
6:00-11:00, May 15th, 2015. $86. Evening Dinner Cruise on the
St-Lawrence river, on the Louis-Jolliet : a fabulous experience in
perspective !!!
- Parking is available on campus for $17.25 per day.
- Childcare services will be provided to conference attendees. Please
indicate on the registration form for how many children you will need
this service.
> ----------------------------------------------------<
CASCA 2015
Université Laval
Québec, Canada
13 mai – 16 mai 2015
Paysages des connaissances/ Landscapes of Knowledges
L'anthropologie, en particulier depuis les années 1980, n'a de cesse
de réinterroger les modes d'appréhension des connaissances, tant ceux
des groupes qu'elle étudie que les siens propres. À son fondement
même, et dans toute l'histoire de son évolution depuis le XIXème
siècle, l'anthropologie a questionné et analysé les modalités du
connaître dans différentes langues et sociétés, se posant la question
de la spécificité des modes de connaissances propres aux sociétés et
cultures qu'elle étudiait et dont elle voulait rendre compte. Or,
depuis maintenant au moins 25 ans, elle a entrepris de critiquer
radicalement la manière dont elle a accédé aux savoirs des autres et
les a ensuite « représentés ». La critique ouverte par ces courants a
contribué à la déconstruction des savoirs en anthropologie. Ce travail
de déconstruction, quoiqu'essentiel, a aussi eu ses revers, notamment
celui de rendre trop souvent, en apparence tout au moins,
l'anthropologie orpheline de son objet et de ses méthodes.
L'entreprise critique et déconstructionniste n'a peut-être pas
suffisamment mis l'accent sur ce que l'anthropologie contemporaine
produit et peut produire. Sans nécessairement répondre directement à
chaque fois à toutes les interrogations sur les forces et les limites
de tous les courants qui ont marqué le renouvellement de la discipline
depuis les 25 dernières années, les ethnographies les plus actuelles
sont certes influencées par ce qu'il convient de nommer les nouveaux
paysages des connaissances. Les ethnographies contemporaines tendent
en effet à s'enrichir par l'approfondissement, entre autres, des
spectres de la temporalité (importance des approches généalogiques) et
de la spatialité (importance de la multi-localisation et des approches
géo-spatiales). Les approches que l'on questionnait avec force dans
les années 1990 (par exemple, post-moderne), et celles que l'on
considère trop philosophiques aujourd'hui (par exemple, ontologique),
ont gagné en puissance, en profondeur et en étendue, et permettent un
réel retour sur la discipline et sa méthodologie canonique. Elles
permettent, en sus, un meilleur équilibre de la place subjective de
l'anthropologue eu égard à l'objet ainsi que de ses modes 'objectifs'
d'enquête. Les transformations, parfois successives, parfois
simultanées, au sein des appareils interprétatifs, critiques et
méthodologiques de la discipline contribuent à l'enrichissement des
paysages de la connaissance qui se construisent et se co-construisent
et influencent maintenant l'ensemble des sciences sociales et de la
culture. Il devient possible de supposer que les théories
anthropologiques, dans leurs dimensions métaparadigmatiques et
transformatrices, en amont comme en aval du moment ethnographique,
définissent des perspectives plurielles et régénératrices sur les
conditions du savoir sur les mondes sociaux et les groupes que nous
étudions ainsi que sur les conditions des représentations et les
modes de diffusion de ces mêmes savoirs. L'objet de la discipline,
soit les mondes sociaux dans leur complexité, leur hétérogénéité, leur
généalogie et leur spatialité, exigent de tous des formes inédites de
're'-'connaissance'. Comment prendre en compte les mondes sociaux,
individuels et collectifs, les subjectivités, les socialités, les
singularités, les ontologies, les langues, voire la discipline
elle-même telle qu'elle s'élabore dorénavant hors des cercles d'où
elle est issue ? L'anthropologie, après avoir assumé son histoire
occidentale et coloniale, se re-déploie de façon telle qu'elle en
arrive à repenser la nature de son projet de connaissance, en même
temps que des connaissances de ceux qu'elle prétend connaître.
L'anthropologie a toujours été en quelque sorte plurielle par les
divers courants théoriques qui l'ont traversée, mais elle est
aujourd'hui beaucoup plus que cela. En effet, l'horizon de la
pluralité du savoir ne peut dorénavant se penser uniquement depuis la
perspective des courants théoriques issus de l'Occident, mais aussi de
ceux qui viennent des groupes étudiés (que l'on pourrait appeler les
perspectives des mondes sociaux, ou les ontologies) de même que des
savoirs 'scientifiques' qui s'élaborent depuis plusieurs de ces mondes
sociaux, soit les anthropologies elles-mêmes (que l'on appelle les
world anthropologies). C'est pourquoi l'anthropologie exige des
méthodes ethnographiques de plus en plus raffinées et décolonisées de
façon à permettre que s'incarnent et se définissent de telles
Le conférencier d'honneur est Tim Ingold, professeur à l'École des
sciences sociales de l'université d'Aberdeen, Écosse. Tim Ingold
propose une vue large et profonde de la discipline et des mondes avec
lesquels les anthropologues sont engagés. Par le biais de dialogues
féconds avec une variété de disciplines telles que l'écologie, les
arts, la philosophie, l'architecture et l'archéologie, cet
intellectuel de réputation internationale aborde de nouvelles manières
de penser la production du savoir anthropologique. Sa trajectoire
récente, depuis son ouvrage The Perception of the Environment (2000),
défie les sciences sociales et les humanités à travers une série
d'essais provocants et stimulants, dont Lines (2007), Being Alive.
Essays on movement, knowledge and description (2011) et Making (2013).
Le comité de programmation du colloque CASCA 2015 vous invite à
soumettre différents types de communications et encourage fortement
les panels et les symposiums réunissant des participants de divers
milieux (universitaires et non universitaires). Les sessions bilingues
sous différentes formes sont fortement encouragées.
Les étudiants de doctorat de retour de leur terrain ainsi que les
étudiants à la maîtrise qui ont terminé leur mémoire sont invités à
présenter les résultats de leur recherche originale et de leurs
analyses en profondeur. Les étudiants qui présentent doivent le faire
dans le cadre de sessions avec des professeurs et professionnels.
Veuillez noter que les soumissions liées à la conférence ne devraient
pas être limitées à un projet axé sur un cours.
Communications de 15 minutes
Les communications individuelles retenues par le comité de
programmation du colloque CASCA 2015 seront organisées selon des
séances thématiques. Toute proposition de communication devra inclure
le titre de la communication, le résumé (entre 100 et 150 mots), les
mots-clés et les coauteurs (s'il y a lieu).
Communication par affiche
La proposition d'une communication par affiche devra inclure le titre
de la communication, le résumé (entre 100 et 150 mots), les mots-clés
et les coauteurs (s'il y a lieu). Vous pourrez trouver des conseils en
lien avec la conception d'une affiche efficace sur le site Web suivant
(en anglais seulement):
Panels de 90 minutes
Les panels comprendront de quatre à cinq communications, lesquelles
seront suivies d'une discussion. Si un commentateur a été spécialement
invité, veuillez ne pas inclure plus de quatre communications dans le
panel. Toute proposition de communication devra inclure le titre de la
communication, le résumé (entre 100 et 150 mots), les mots-clés et les
coauteurs (s'il y a lieu). Si vous prenez part à un panel ou à un
symposium, vous devrez également fournir le nom de l'organisateur et
le titre du panel ou du symposium. L'organisateur du panel devra
fournir un résumé de 100 - 150 mots décrivant le thème du panel
proposé, ainsi qu'une liste des personnes participantes (président(e),
panélistes, et commentateur le cas échéant).
Les symposiums comprendront au moins deux panels de 90 minutes chacun.
Les panels des symposiums seront présentés à la suite l'un de
l'autre et dans la mesure du possible dans la même salle.
L'organisateur du symposium devra fournir un résumé de 100 à 150 mots
décrivant le thème du symposium proposé, ainsi qu'une liste des
personnes participantes (président(e), panélistes, et commentateur le
cas échéant).
Tables rondes
Les tables rondes dureront 90 minutes et ne comprendront pas de
communications formelles, mais elles permettront d'aborder une
problématique ou un thème précis qui aura été soumis par
l'organisateur de la table ronde. L'organisateur de la table ronde
devra fournir un résumé de 200 à 250 mots décrivant le thème, ainsi
qu'une liste des personnes participantes (incluant le président ou la
présidente). Les participants de la table ronde N'ONT PAS à soumettre
de résumés individuels. Cependant, ils doivent passer par le processus
d'enregistrement régulier du CASCA 2015, en remplissant les champs
appropriés liés au formulaire de participation de la table ronde.
Les organisateurs de panels, de symposiums ou de tables rondes
pourraient désirer diffuser leur activité et recruter des panélistes à
l'aide de la liste de diffusion de la CASCA (veuillez faire parvenir
votre appel de communications à l'adresse courriel suivante:
cascanews@cas-sca.ca <mailto:cascanews@cas-sca.ca>) ou de la section
des petites annonces du site de la CASCA:
Date butoir pour la soumission d'une proposition: 16 février 2015.
Notification de l'acceptation de la soumission: 23 mars 2015.
Pour soumettre un article ou proposer un panel, un symposium ou une
table ronde, vous devez être un membre actuel de la CASCA et vous
inscrire à la conférence de 2015 (l'inscription à la conférence
s'effectue en même temps que la soumission). Veuillez vérifier le lien
d'inscription pour plus de détails.
- adhésion: https://fedcan-association.ca/casca
- conférence: https://www.fedcan-association.ca/event/fr/34/96
Tous les participants à la conférence doivent être membres actifs de
la CASCA. Les frais d'adhésion peuvent être payés en même temps que
l'inscription à la Conférence de 2015. Les participants qui ne sont
pas membres de la CASCA et qui n'ont pas payé les frais d'inscription
pour la conférence CASCA de 2015 et ce, avant la date limite de
soumission, seront exclus du programme final.
Frais d'adhésion à la CASCA
- Membre régulier: 105 $
- famille/conjoint: 156 $
- étudiant, retraité, sans emploi, candidats post-doctorants: 42 $
- membre bienfaiteur: 130 $
* La cotisation des membres CASCA comprend un abonnement d'un an à la
revue Anthropologica
** Des frais de 20 $ seront appliqués si l'expédition de la revue
s'effectue à l'extérieur du pays
*** Si vous n'êtes pas sûr de votre statut de membre CASCA, veuillez
contacter Karli Whitmore à l'adresse suivante:
Frais de conférence
Faculté, professionnels
- Jusqu'au 2 février 2015: 180 $
- Du 3 février au 20 avril 2015: 200 $
- À partir du 21 avril 2015: 220 $
Étudiants, post-doctorants, sans emploi, retraités
- Jusqu'au 2 février 2015: 100 $
- Du 3 février au 20 avril 2015: 115 $
- À partir du 21 avril 2015: 130 $
Politique d'annulation
* Les participants qui souhaitent annuler leur inscription à la CASCA
2015 sont priés d'envoyer un courriel à casca15@ant.ulaval.ca .
** Les remboursements s'effectuent seulement pour les frais
d'inscription liés au CASCA de 2015. (Les frais relevant de
l'adhésion à la CASCA ne seront pas remboursés).
30 mars 2015: Les annulations jusqu'à cette date seront remboursées
dans leur intégralité.
20 avril 2015: Les annulations situées entre le 31 mars 2015 et le 20
avril 2015 recevront un remboursement de 50% lié aux frais
d'inscription du congrès.
Après le 20 avril 2015 : Aucun remboursement.
Adhésion à la CASCA et inscription Web
Les résumés doivent être soumis dans votre langue habituelle de
communication (Français ou Anglais). La traduction de tous les
résumés est prise en charge par l'organisation de Casca 2015.
Inscription additionnelle préalablement obligatoire
- Réseau des femmes, Lunch: Jeu., de 12:30 à 14 :00, le 14 mai 2015 au
restaurant Le Cercle, $35.
-Banquet: Après la conférence/réception Weaver-Tremblay: Vendredi
18:00 à 23:00, 15 Mai 2015. $86. Souper croisière sur le
Saint-Laurent sur le bateau Louis Jolliet : une expérience hors du
- Stationnement disponible sur le campus au coût de $17.25/jour.
-Des services de garde seront disponibles. Veuillez indiquer sur le
formulaire d'inscription le nombre d'enfants nécessitant ce service.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi
***Même si la CASCA reste très critique face l'exploitation toujours
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.
***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.
Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:
-Aboriginal Health Policy GSPP 812, Sessional Lecturer - University of Regina
-Assistant Professor, Sociology - MacEwan University
-Études sociologiques et anthropologiques - 2 Professeurs (rang
ouvert) - Université d'Ottawa
-Sociological and Anthropological Studies - (2) Open-Rank Tenure-Track
Positions - University of Ottawa
-Director of Indigenous Studies, Vancouver School of Theology -
Vancouver School of Theology
-Academic Vice-President and Provost - St. Francis Xavier University
-Archival Cataloguer - Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
-Postdoctoral Fellowships: Society, Work and Development Institute
(SWOP) Post Doctoral Fellowships, Johannesburg, SA
-Three year Ph.D position in anthropology at the University of Lucerne
-Chef de projet - Oxfam-Québec
-Chargé-e de concertation-alimentation - Vivre Saint-Michel en santé VSMS
-Aboriginal Funding Advisor - New Brunswick Community College
-Introduction to First Nations Studies I FNST 101, Term Instructor -
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
-Indians of British Columbia ANTH 223, Term Instructor - Nicola Valley
Institute of Technology
-The Metis of Canada: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives II -
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
-Criminal Law in Canada CRIM 230/Introduction to Criminal Justice
System CRIM 131, Term Instructor - Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
-2 Visiting Fellowships - Department of History and the Faculty of
Sociology at Bielefeld University, Germany
-Health Sciences - Faculty Position (Aboriginal/Indigenous Health &
Wellbeing) - University of Lethbridge
-Sciences sociales - Professeur remplaçant (Institut d'études
féministes et de genre) - Université d'Ottawa
-Social Sciences - Replacement Professor (Institute of Feminist and
Gender Studies) - University of Ottawa
-Vice-President Academic and Provost - University of Ottawa
-Chef de projet - Haïti - Oxfam-Québec
-PhD Researchers - Redefining Home: Transnational practices of
European Muslims in the UAE and Montreal, IMMRC, KU Leuven
-Religious Materiality in the Indian Ocean World, 1300- 1800, Andrew
W. Mellon Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowship - University of Toronto
-Social Innovation - Post-Doctoral Fellowship - University of Waterloo
-Vice-recteur aux études et provost - Université d'Ottawa
-Museum Collection Outreach Co-ordinator - City of Mississauga
-Agent de recherche / Agente de recherche - Université de Montréal UdeM
See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:
If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:
Merci/Thank you
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.
***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.
Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:
-Aboriginal Health Policy GSPP 812, Sessional Lecturer - University of Regina
-Assistant Professor, Sociology - MacEwan University
-Études sociologiques et anthropologiques - 2 Professeurs (rang
ouvert) - Université d'Ottawa
-Sociological and Anthropological Studies - (2) Open-Rank Tenure-Track
Positions - University of Ottawa
-Director of Indigenous Studies, Vancouver School of Theology -
Vancouver School of Theology
-Academic Vice-President and Provost - St. Francis Xavier University
-Archival Cataloguer - Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
-Postdoctoral Fellowships: Society, Work and Development Institute
(SWOP) Post Doctoral Fellowships, Johannesburg, SA
-Three year Ph.D position in anthropology at the University of Lucerne
-Chef de projet - Oxfam-Québec
-Chargé-e de concertation-alimentation - Vivre Saint-Michel en santé VSMS
-Aboriginal Funding Advisor - New Brunswick Community College
-Introduction to First Nations Studies I FNST 101, Term Instructor -
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
-Indians of British Columbia ANTH 223, Term Instructor - Nicola Valley
Institute of Technology
-The Metis of Canada: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives II -
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
-Criminal Law in Canada CRIM 230/Introduction to Criminal Justice
System CRIM 131, Term Instructor - Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
-2 Visiting Fellowships - Department of History and the Faculty of
Sociology at Bielefeld University, Germany
-Health Sciences - Faculty Position (Aboriginal/Indigenous Health &
Wellbeing) - University of Lethbridge
-Sciences sociales - Professeur remplaçant (Institut d'études
féministes et de genre) - Université d'Ottawa
-Social Sciences - Replacement Professor (Institute of Feminist and
Gender Studies) - University of Ottawa
-Vice-President Academic and Provost - University of Ottawa
-Chef de projet - Haïti - Oxfam-Québec
-PhD Researchers - Redefining Home: Transnational practices of
European Muslims in the UAE and Montreal, IMMRC, KU Leuven
-Religious Materiality in the Indian Ocean World, 1300- 1800, Andrew
W. Mellon Visiting Postdoctoral Fellowship - University of Toronto
-Social Innovation - Post-Doctoral Fellowship - University of Waterloo
-Vice-recteur aux études et provost - Université d'Ottawa
-Museum Collection Outreach Co-ordinator - City of Mississauga
-Agent de recherche / Agente de recherche - Université de Montréal UdeM
See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:
If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:
Merci/Thank you
CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante
Nouveaux ajouts/New announcements:
-Grad Symposium Call for Papers: System Breakdown? Critical
Reflections on the European Union in Crisis - Dalhousie University,
March 2015
-Call for New Interns - Society for Cultural Anthropology
-Undergraduate Course: "Social Movements and Social Change in Brazil"
-Call for Applications for Lemelson Funding Programs
-TRU - Field School Opportunity (Romani Studies)
-Submission - Journal - TOTEM: The University of Western Ontario
Journal of Anthropology
-Summer School - The 2015 International Political Economy and Ecology
- York University
See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:
Merci. Thank you
-Grad Symposium Call for Papers: System Breakdown? Critical
Reflections on the European Union in Crisis - Dalhousie University,
March 2015
-Call for New Interns - Society for Cultural Anthropology
-Undergraduate Course: "Social Movements and Social Change in Brazil"
-Call for Applications for Lemelson Funding Programs
-TRU - Field School Opportunity (Romani Studies)
-Submission - Journal - TOTEM: The University of Western Ontario
Journal of Anthropology
-Summer School - The 2015 International Political Economy and Ecology
- York University
See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:
Merci. Thank you
FURS young researchers essay competition
Dear Colleague,
We would like to inform you that FURS has just started the 2015 Competition
for the best essay on urban and regional themes by PhD students or scholars
who have completed their PhD within a five year period.
The prize involves £1,000 and the publication of the best article in the
Some additional information can be found at www.ijurr.org/furs/essay-
Best regards
Eduardo Marques and Alberta Andreotti
Eduardo Marques
Professor livre-docente - DCP/USP, pesquisador - Centro de Estudos da
Livre-docente Professor - DCP/USP, researcher - Center for Metropolitan
We would like to inform you that FURS has just started the 2015 Competition
for the best essay on urban and regional themes by PhD students or scholars
who have completed their PhD within a five year period.
The prize involves £1,000 and the publication of the best article in the
Some additional information can be found at www.ijurr.org/furs/essay-
Best regards
Eduardo Marques and Alberta Andreotti
Eduardo Marques
Professor livre-docente - DCP/USP, pesquisador - Centro de Estudos da
Livre-docente Professor - DCP/USP, researcher - Center for Metropolitan
CASCA: Conferences, Calls for Papers, Events/Colloques, Appels à communication, Évènements
Conferences and calls for papers/Colloques et Appels à communication:
Les colloques et appels à communication suivants viennent d'être ajoutés à
notre page web:
The following conference announcements and calls for papers have just been
added to our web page:
-CFP: Canadian Women's Studies Association/L'association Canadienne
Des Études Sur Les Femmes (Cwsa/Acef)- WGSRF Annual Conference-
University of Ottawa- May/June 2015
-CFP: Lusophone Studies Association Halifax Conference: June/July
2015, SMU, Halifax
-CFP: Sovereignties and Colonialisms: Resisting Racism, Extraction and
Dispossession - April/May 2015, York University
-CFP: AlterNative
-INDIGENOUS HEALTH CONFERENCE, November 20-21, 2014, Toronto
-Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums International Conference
- Washington, DC, 2015
-9th European Feminist Research Conference -Sex & Capital, June 2015, Finland
-Colloque: DIEU ET L'AFRIQUE. Une approche prophétique, émancipatrice
et pluridisciplinaire, l'Université d'Ottawa, 13 decembre 2014
-Grad Symposium Call for Papers: System Breakdown? Critical
Reflections on the European Union in Crisis - Dalhousie University,
March 2015
-CFP: Women and Gender: Looking Toward 'Caribbeanness'
-Appel à Communication. Colloque AMADES 2015 "Ce que guérir veut dire"
See them and others on our website:
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:
France announces series of MOOCs through the French FUN network,
easily accessible at:
(https://www.france-universite-numerique-mooc.fr/(in French).
Most of the courses are in French, although some are available in
German or English.
Bruno Latour - A Primer in SCIENTIFIC HUMANITIES
"Scientific humanities" means the extension of interpretative skills
to the discoveries made by science and to technical innovations. The
course will equip future citizens with the means to be at ease with
many issues that straddle the distinctions between science, morality,
politics and society.
The course provides concepts and methods to :
learn the basics of the field called "science and technology studies",
a vast corpus of literature developed over the last forty years to
give a realistic description of knowledge production
handle the flood of different opinions about contentious issues and
order the various positions by using the tools now available through
digital media
comment on those different pieces of news in a more articulated way
through a specifically designed blog.
Course Format : the course is organized in 8 sequences It displays
multimedia contents (images, video, original documents)
Professor at Sciences Po
Bruno Latour was trained as a philosopher and an anthropologist. From
1982 to 2006, he has been professor at the CSI (Ecole des mines) in
Paris. He is now professor at Sciences Po where he created the
medialab in 2009. He became famous for his social studies of science
and technology. He developed with others a widely known theory called
"Actor Network Theory".
The course is designed for undergraduates but since the topic of
scientific humanities is not widely known, it will be of interest for
graduates and for the general public as well. It does not require a
degree in science and technology.
The course is available in english and the assignments must be done in
Week 1: How to patrol the borderline between science and politics?
Week 2: How to find one's way in the scientific literature?
Week 3: How to handle technical innovations?
Week 4: How to deal with controversies?
Week 5: Feedback: Bruno Latour comments on your blogs
Week 6: How to understand the shifting nature of the natural world?
Week 7: How to become a citizen in the public life of science and technology?
Week 8: Feebdback: Bruno Latour comments on your participation in
public debates
of the course :
Restrictive Licence : the user can only use the content of this
website for personal uses, the name of the author should always be
of the content produced by users :
Restrictive Licence : the content you produce is part of your
intellectual property and therefore cannot be reused
Thank you/Merci
Les colloques et appels à communication suivants viennent d'être ajoutés à
notre page web:
The following conference announcements and calls for papers have just been
added to our web page:
-CFP: Canadian Women's Studies Association/L'association Canadienne
Des Études Sur Les Femmes (Cwsa/Acef)- WGSRF Annual Conference-
University of Ottawa- May/June 2015
-CFP: Lusophone Studies Association Halifax Conference: June/July
2015, SMU, Halifax
-CFP: Sovereignties and Colonialisms: Resisting Racism, Extraction and
Dispossession - April/May 2015, York University
-CFP: AlterNative
-INDIGENOUS HEALTH CONFERENCE, November 20-21, 2014, Toronto
-Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums International Conference
- Washington, DC, 2015
-9th European Feminist Research Conference -Sex & Capital, June 2015, Finland
-Colloque: DIEU ET L'AFRIQUE. Une approche prophétique, émancipatrice
et pluridisciplinaire, l'Université d'Ottawa, 13 decembre 2014
-Grad Symposium Call for Papers: System Breakdown? Critical
Reflections on the European Union in Crisis - Dalhousie University,
March 2015
-CFP: Women and Gender: Looking Toward 'Caribbeanness'
-Appel à Communication. Colloque AMADES 2015 "Ce que guérir veut dire"
See them and others on our website:
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:
France announces series of MOOCs through the French FUN network,
easily accessible at:
(https://www.france-universite-numerique-mooc.fr/(in French).
Most of the courses are in French, although some are available in
German or English.
Bruno Latour - A Primer in SCIENTIFIC HUMANITIES
"Scientific humanities" means the extension of interpretative skills
to the discoveries made by science and to technical innovations. The
course will equip future citizens with the means to be at ease with
many issues that straddle the distinctions between science, morality,
politics and society.
The course provides concepts and methods to :
learn the basics of the field called "science and technology studies",
a vast corpus of literature developed over the last forty years to
give a realistic description of knowledge production
handle the flood of different opinions about contentious issues and
order the various positions by using the tools now available through
digital media
comment on those different pieces of news in a more articulated way
through a specifically designed blog.
Course Format : the course is organized in 8 sequences It displays
multimedia contents (images, video, original documents)
Professor at Sciences Po
Bruno Latour was trained as a philosopher and an anthropologist. From
1982 to 2006, he has been professor at the CSI (Ecole des mines) in
Paris. He is now professor at Sciences Po where he created the
medialab in 2009. He became famous for his social studies of science
and technology. He developed with others a widely known theory called
"Actor Network Theory".
The course is designed for undergraduates but since the topic of
scientific humanities is not widely known, it will be of interest for
graduates and for the general public as well. It does not require a
degree in science and technology.
The course is available in english and the assignments must be done in
Week 1: How to patrol the borderline between science and politics?
Week 2: How to find one's way in the scientific literature?
Week 3: How to handle technical innovations?
Week 4: How to deal with controversies?
Week 5: Feedback: Bruno Latour comments on your blogs
Week 6: How to understand the shifting nature of the natural world?
Week 7: How to become a citizen in the public life of science and technology?
Week 8: Feebdback: Bruno Latour comments on your participation in
public debates
of the course :
Restrictive Licence : the user can only use the content of this
website for personal uses, the name of the author should always be
of the content produced by users :
Restrictive Licence : the content you produce is part of your
intellectual property and therefore cannot be reused
Thank you/Merci
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi
***Même si la CASCA reste très critique face l'exploitation toujours
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.
***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.
Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:
-Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - Carleton University
-Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies WGST 100, Sessional Lecturer
- University of Regina
-Responsable d'équipe – Volontariat (poste bilingue français/anglais)
- Carrefour International
-Agent-e de programme - Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines
-Program Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
-Chargé(e) de projet - Troc-tes-Trucs
-Coordonnateur-trice régional Amérique latine - Centre d'étude et de
coopération internationale (CECI)
-Direction générale - Relations publiques sans frontières
-Sessional Instructor, ANTH3770 - Kinship and Social Organization -
University of Guelph
-Assistant Professor, Anthropology of the Environment, Ethnobotany and
Traditional Ecological Knowledge - University of Lethbridge
-Recreation and Leisure Studies - Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
(Therapeutic and Inclusive Recreation) - University of Waterloo
-Executive Director - Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society
-Sociology: Sexualities and Society SOCI 2P20, Teaching Assistant -
Brock University
-Sociology Positions (TA, Marker Grader, Instructor) - Brock University
-Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies CRC (Tier1) in Global
Urbanism - York University
-Faculty Positions - University of Regina
-Chargé(e) de projet – Développement de l'entrepreneuriat féminin en
économie sociale - Chantier de l'économie sociale
-Chargé(e) de projet – Organisation d'événement / Relations
internationales - Chantier de l'économie sociale
-Associate Dean, Academic Studies - Niagara College Canada
-Introduction to Sociology 2 SOCI 1210, Sessional Faculty - Thompson
Rivers University
-Research,Project Work - Linguistics, McGill University
-UCRSAP Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2015-2016 - Munk School of Global
Affairs, U of T
-Head - Research and Evaluation Section - Canada Council for the Arts
-e-Learning/ International Outreach Manager - Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum
-Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies WGST 100, Sessional
Lecturer (Saturdays) - UofRegina
-Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies WGST 100, Sessional
Lecturer - University of Regina
-Academic Chair, Wellness, Research and Innovation - Algonquin College
-Method / Theory Cultural Anthropology ANTH-2100, Contract Academic
Staff - University of Winnipeg
-CRC Tier 2 position at University of Calgary in Global Urban Studies
-Director - Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence
Research (MMFC) - University of New Brunswick
-Human Rights - Endowed Chair (Assistant Professor) - St. Thomas University
-Phonetics & Phonology ANTH-2401 / LING-2001 / ENGL-2803, Contract
Academic Staff - University of Winnipeg
-Anthropology Contract Academic Staff - University of Winnipeg (January 2015)
-Vacancy for Researcher/Senior Researcher Urban & Neighbourhood Change
at TU Delft
-Chargé de cours à la Formation continue - Cégep Marie-Victorin
-Chargé de projet - Fondation David Suzuki
-Personne chargée de programmes – Aide humanitaire - Développement et Paix
-Manager of Equity and Inclusion Programs - Centennial College
See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:
If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:
Merci/Thank you
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.
***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.
Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:
-Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - Carleton University
-Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies WGST 100, Sessional Lecturer
- University of Regina
-Responsable d'équipe – Volontariat (poste bilingue français/anglais)
- Carrefour International
-Agent-e de programme - Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines
-Program Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
-Chargé(e) de projet - Troc-tes-Trucs
-Coordonnateur-trice régional Amérique latine - Centre d'étude et de
coopération internationale (CECI)
-Direction générale - Relations publiques sans frontières
-Sessional Instructor, ANTH3770 - Kinship and Social Organization -
University of Guelph
-Assistant Professor, Anthropology of the Environment, Ethnobotany and
Traditional Ecological Knowledge - University of Lethbridge
-Recreation and Leisure Studies - Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
(Therapeutic and Inclusive Recreation) - University of Waterloo
-Executive Director - Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society
-Sociology: Sexualities and Society SOCI 2P20, Teaching Assistant -
Brock University
-Sociology Positions (TA, Marker Grader, Instructor) - Brock University
-Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies CRC (Tier1) in Global
Urbanism - York University
-Faculty Positions - University of Regina
-Chargé(e) de projet – Développement de l'entrepreneuriat féminin en
économie sociale - Chantier de l'économie sociale
-Chargé(e) de projet – Organisation d'événement / Relations
internationales - Chantier de l'économie sociale
-Associate Dean, Academic Studies - Niagara College Canada
-Introduction to Sociology 2 SOCI 1210, Sessional Faculty - Thompson
Rivers University
-Research,Project Work - Linguistics, McGill University
-UCRSAP Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2015-2016 - Munk School of Global
Affairs, U of T
-Head - Research and Evaluation Section - Canada Council for the Arts
-e-Learning/ International Outreach Manager - Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum
-Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies WGST 100, Sessional
Lecturer (Saturdays) - UofRegina
-Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies WGST 100, Sessional
Lecturer - University of Regina
-Academic Chair, Wellness, Research and Innovation - Algonquin College
-Method / Theory Cultural Anthropology ANTH-2100, Contract Academic
Staff - University of Winnipeg
-CRC Tier 2 position at University of Calgary in Global Urban Studies
-Director - Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence
Research (MMFC) - University of New Brunswick
-Human Rights - Endowed Chair (Assistant Professor) - St. Thomas University
-Phonetics & Phonology ANTH-2401 / LING-2001 / ENGL-2803, Contract
Academic Staff - University of Winnipeg
-Anthropology Contract Academic Staff - University of Winnipeg (January 2015)
-Vacancy for Researcher/Senior Researcher Urban & Neighbourhood Change
at TU Delft
-Chargé de cours à la Formation continue - Cégep Marie-Victorin
-Chargé de projet - Fondation David Suzuki
-Personne chargée de programmes – Aide humanitaire - Développement et Paix
-Manager of Equity and Inclusion Programs - Centennial College
See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:
If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:
Merci/Thank you
University of Toronto Press is pleased to announce that it will be
exhibiting books at next month's AAA conference in Washington DC, and
acquisitions editors Douglas Hildebrand (Scholarly Publishing) and
Anne Brackenbury (Higher Education) will be on hand to discuss book
projects with CASCA members. Please stop by our booth (#218) or make
an appointment with Doug at
dhildebrand@utpress.utoronto.ca<mailto:dhildebrand@utpress.utoronto.ca> or
Anne at
Thank you, and kindest regards,
Douglas Hildebrand
Acquisitions Editor, Social Sciences
10 St. Mary Street, Suite 700
Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 2W8, Canada
Phone: 416-978-2239 ex. 251
Fax: 416-978-4738
Email: dhildebrand@utpress.utoronto.ca<mailto:dhildebrand@utpress.utoronto.ca>
University of Toronto Press is pleased to announce that it will be
exhibiting books at next month's AAA conference in Washington DC, and
acquisitions editors Douglas Hildebrand (Scholarly Publishing) and
Anne Brackenbury (Higher Education) will be on hand to discuss book
projects with CASCA members. Please stop by our booth (#218) or make
an appointment with Doug at
dhildebrand@utpress.utoronto.ca<mailto:dhildebrand@utpress.utoronto.ca> or
Anne at
Thank you, and kindest regards,
Douglas Hildebrand
Acquisitions Editor, Social Sciences
10 St. Mary Street, Suite 700
Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 2W8, Canada
Phone: 416-978-2239 ex. 251
Fax: 416-978-4738
Email: dhildebrand@utpress.utoronto.ca<mailto:dhildebrand@utpress.utoronto.ca>
Monday, November 3, 2014
CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante
Nouveaux ajouts/New announcements:
-Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada- Graduate Student
Award of Merit
-Mortuary Archaeology Field School, Poland 2015
-Internship- Students for International Development
-Two Ethnographic Field School Opportunities - Guatemala, Summer 2015
See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:
Merci. Thank you
-Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada- Graduate Student
Award of Merit
-Mortuary Archaeology Field School, Poland 2015
-Internship- Students for International Development
-Two Ethnographic Field School Opportunities - Guatemala, Summer 2015
See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:
Merci. Thank you
Centre of Canadian Studies, University of Edinburgh – 2015 Conference CANCELLED
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Due to changing circumstances, the School of Social and Political
Science cannot confidently anticipate the Centre of Canadian Studies's
capacity to make timely preparations for the full range of its
previously scheduled 2014/15 programme of events.
The School therefore, with regret, announces that the Centre's May
2015 Conference - Decolonization in the Digital Age - is cancelled.
This regret is especially pronounced in respect of those who have
submitted abstracts for papers, and/or who may have prepared plans to
Our apologies for the inconveniences, and disappointments.
Yours sincerely
Ada Munns
Centre Secretary
Centre of Canadian Studies
on behalf of
Neil Willett
Director of Professional Services
School of Social and Political Science
University of Edinburgh
Rm 6.06, Chrystal Macmillan Building
15a George Square
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Due to changing circumstances, the School of Social and Political
Science cannot confidently anticipate the Centre of Canadian Studies's
capacity to make timely preparations for the full range of its
previously scheduled 2014/15 programme of events.
The School therefore, with regret, announces that the Centre's May
2015 Conference - Decolonization in the Digital Age - is cancelled.
This regret is especially pronounced in respect of those who have
submitted abstracts for papers, and/or who may have prepared plans to
Our apologies for the inconveniences, and disappointments.
Yours sincerely
Ada Munns
Centre Secretary
Centre of Canadian Studies
on behalf of
Neil Willett
Director of Professional Services
School of Social and Political Science
University of Edinburgh
Rm 6.06, Chrystal Macmillan Building
15a George Square
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Casca News
This blog mirrors the list-serv for the Canadian Anthropology Society. To submit an announcement to this list, please email: cascanews@anthropologica.ca
Blog Archive
- WHO recruitment of anthropologists for Ebola - EBO...
- CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi
- Indigenous Studies in Canada 2 IST 117, Instructor...
- CASCA: Conferences, Calls for Papers, Events/Collo...
- CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante
- Boycott and Open Forum at AAA
- Call for IUAES-TOURISM regional representatives
- CASCA2015 Panel CFP: Indigenous Knowledge Landscap...
- CASCA 2015: Paysages des connaissances/Landscapes ...
- CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi
- CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante
- FURS young researchers essay competition
- CASCA: Conferences, Calls for Papers, Events/Collo...
- CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi
- UTP at AAA
- CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante
- Centre of Canadian Studies, University of Edinburg...