This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Friday, September 30, 2011

PAAA Conference AUGUST 2012 NAIROBI, KENYA - 1st Conference Announcement

NAIROBI, in collaboration with the


A decade ago, over 119 Heads of State and Government met in New York and
examined the state of the world. The meeting identified key goals, the
Millennium Development Goals, and set 2015 as the benchmark to reverse and
eliminate disparities. Ten years later, Africa has made little progress
towards achieving the targets. In fact, Africa has remained worse off than
it was in 2000. For example, maternal and child mortality has become worse
than it was in 1999. The Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African
Studies, University of Nairobi in collaboration with the Pan-African
Anthropological Association (PAAA) is organising a conference to
deliberate on these issues. The conference will bring together
Anthropologists and policy makers to explore the challenges Africa is
facing in making progress towards the set MDG targets. In particular,
emphasis will be laid on the Role of Anthropology in addressing or
alleviating the challenges.

Therefore, we invite papers from anthropologists and policy makers. This
conference will stimulate discussions on MDGs and the place of Africa in
the context of the MDGs. In keeping with the theme papers will address the
following themes:

 Maternal and Child Health: Socio-cultural dimensions of Maternal
and child health in Africa; Anthropology of fertility reduction and child
health; culture, family planning and population policies; changing
marriage patterns and maternal health, health and socio-economic
consequences of adolescent fertility.

 Gender Disparities and Women's Empowerment: The Gender ideology
in contemporary African setting; Gender-power relations in a dynamic
socio-political African environment, Female Genital Cutting; The politics
and economics of body image in Africa; Sexuality and sexual identity in

 HIV, Malaria and Other Diseases: The cultural context of HIV in
Africa; The Socio-cultural context of malaria prevention; Health as social
context; Culture and health-seeking in Africa; Plural healthcare systems.

 Environmental Sustainability and Natural Resources Management:
The politics of natural resources and environmental management; Indigenous
knowledge and the management of natural resources; Participation of
indigenous peoples in the management of terrestrial and marine resources;
Anthropological perspectives on climate change and biodiversity loss in
Africa; Biodiversity and its importance to local communities.

 Poverty and Hunger: Causes of extreme poverty in Africa; The
socio-economic aspects of food production in Africa; Redefining the
culture of food production, distribution and consumption; Anthropological
perspectives of food security in Africa; Social welfare and poverty in

For further information or submission of papers, contact Denis Shilabukha
the Conference Coordinator at: or Prof. Isaac Nyamongo

Thursday, September 29, 2011

IPPH September E-Bulletin | E-Bulletin de septembre l'ISPP

Address | Adresse :
600 Peter Morand Crescent., Suite 312 | Pièce 312
Ottawa, ON K1G 5Z3
Tel | Tél :
613-562-5800 ext 8414
Fax | Téléc :
Email | Courriel
Website ( ) | Site web ( )
( ) (!/cihr_irsc ) ( )

IPPH Staff | Personnel de l'ISPP
Scientific Director | Directrice scientifique
Dre Nancy Edwards
Tel | Tél : 613-592-5800 ext | poste 8414
Associate Director | Directrice associée
Erica Di Ruggiero
Tel | Tél : 416-524-0111
Senior Evaluation Associate | Associée principale de l'évaluation
Sarah Viehbeck
Tel | Tél : 613-592-5800 ext | poste 1925
Knowledge Translation and Communications Officer | Agente en application
des connaissances et en communications
Emma Cohen
Tel | Tél : 613-562-5800 ext | poste 8439
Acting Administrative Coordinator | Coordinatrice administrative par interim
Jennifer Morgan
Tel | Tél : 613-562-5800 ext | poste 8414
Fax | Téléc : 613-521-2919
2011 Summer Student | Étudiantes d'été 2011
Marina Irick

CIHR Corporate Staff | Personnel de l'administration centrale des IRSC
Assistant Director | Directrice adjointe
Julie Senécal
Tel | Tél : 613-952-4538
Associate, Strategic Initiatives | Associée, Initiatives stratégiques
Kim Gaudreau
Tel | Tél : 613-957-6128
Fax | Téléc : 613-954-1800

September 26, 2011 | 26 septembre 2011

Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the IPPH's September E-Bulletin!



Café Scientifique in Edmonton: Acting Together on Healthy Eating for Children
CIHR 2011 International Review Panel Report
Call for Cases for a New Publication: Population and Public Health Ethics
Release of the 2011 Tri-Agency (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) Financial
Administration Guide
Institute of Gender and Health Invitation for Proposals: Instructional
Design Consultant, Gender and Health Resource
Announcement: Canada's Strategy for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR)

Additional News:

Funding Opportunities / Grants / Awards
Calls for Abstracts / Papers
Scholarship / Fellowship / Internship / Educational Opportunities
Job Opportunities
Links of Interest
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Share your Publications and Success Stories

Café Scientifique in Edmonton: Acting Together on Healthy Eating for Children

Healthy eating for children needs to involve government, the food
industry, schools, and communities. Academia should also be involved to
promote action that is based on evidence. Come out to this free event to
hear representatives from these groups discuss the current problem and
debate solutions.

WHEN? Monday, October 17th, 2011, 7:00-9:00pm
WHERE? Enterprise Square - Gallery
10230 Jasper Ave., University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

Dr. Kim Raine, Director and Professor, Centre for Health Promotion
Studies, University of Alberta
Dr. Charlene Elliott, Canada Research Chair, Food Marketing, Policy and
Children's Health, University of Calgary
Mr. Dave Colburn, Board Chair, Board of Trustees, Edmonton Public Schools

Dr. Nancy Edwards, Scientific Director, CIHR-Institute of Population and
Public Health

Please RSVP:

CIHR International Review Panel Report

The CIHR Governing Council commissioned a 10-year International Review of
CIHR, which addressed the following overarching questions:
Has CIHR been effective in fulfilling its mandate as outlined in the CIHR
How can CIHR improve at achieving its mandate?

The review was conducted by an International Review Panel chaired by Dr.
Elias Zerhouni in Ottawa.
Following the Panel's deliberations, Dr. Zerhouni has reported the
findings and recommendations to the CIHR Governing Council. The final
report was presented to the Governing Council in June 2011. Please visit
CIHR's website ( ) to read the final
CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health Internal Assessment for
2011 International Review - Read online ( ) .

Call for Cases for a New Publication: Population and Public Health Ethics

The CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH), together with
its partners, are pleased to announce a call for case submissions in
Population and Public Health Ethics. For more information, please visit
the IPPH Website ( ) for
additional details and submission guidelines.
Fostering the development and refinement of ethical frameworks for
population health interventions in Canada and globally is a strategic
objective for the IPPH. Population and public health ethics can be
distinguished from clinical ethics by the focus on:

Populations rather than individuals;
A wide range of population-level and/or environmental interventions often
implemented outside of the health care setting or the health sector; and
Equitable prevention of disease and disability.

The CIHR-IPPH, CIHR Ethics Office, Public Health Agency of Canada-Office
of Public Health Practice, National Collaborating Centre for Healthy
Public Policy, and Public Health Ontario have partnered to develop this
casebook of ethical dilemmas in population and public health and related
case analyses. The objectives of the casebook are to:

Increase awareness and understanding of PPH ethics, and the value of
ethical thinking in population and public health research, policy, and
Highlight cases from across population and public health research, policy,
and practice that feature different ethical issues and dilemmas, and;
Create a tool to support instruction, debate, and dialogue related to
cases in population and public health ethics research, policy, and

Structured case submissions of up to 850 words are due by Friday,
September 30, 2011. Cases should be realistic (either real or a composite
based on a real situation) and can either focus on:

A particular ethical dilemma that arises in practice;
The ethical considerations of a specific population health intervention; or
How a public health organization(s) or organization in other sectors
deliberates or takes ethics into account in their priority setting or
decision-making process.

Each selected case will be peer reviewed and subsequently analyzed
according to a common approach by an invited author who is not affiliated
with the case submission authorship team. Authors of selected cases will
be given an opportunity to provide an alternative analysis and these
responses will be included in the casebook, which will be published in
Spring 2012.

Release of the 2011 Tri-Agency (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) Financial
Administration Guide

The Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide was recently updated.
Changes made to this year's guide supersede last year's guide and took
effect on September 15, 2011. Revisions have been made to i) reflect the
recently harmonized Tri-Agency policy on stipends paid from grants; and
ii) detail eligible expenses under CIHR's Release Time Allowance Policy.
For an overview of the changes, consult the Guide's Summary of Changes at:
) .

Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) Invitation for Proposals:
Instructional Design Consultant, Gender and Health Resource

The Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) is currently producing a gender,
sex and health research casebook (What a Difference Sex and Gender Make),
slated for release in January 2012, as a tool to support the routine
integration of gender and sex considerations in health research. This
Invitation for Proposals is for an Instructional Design Consultant to
develop learning material accompaniments to the casebook.
The Consultant will develop two appropriately tailored products (or sets
of products, as relevant) to support the use of the casebook: 1) in
post-secondary classroom settings (by course instructors with students);
and 2) in a self-directed context (by trainees and researchers
independently reading the casebook outside of a structured learning

Please contact the IGH Knowledge Translation Manager Stephanie Coen via
email for more information.
The application is due September 30, 2011.

Announcement: Canada's Strategy for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR)

This document was developed under the leadership of the Canadian
Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Canada's premier health research
agency. The focus on patient-oriented research is at the core of CIHR's
2009/10 Health Research Roadmap which outlines CIHR's strategic directions
over the next five years. It sets out a vision and strategy to improve
health outcomes and enhance patient care through the levers of research.
The underlying premise of the document is that greater uptake of
research-based evidence will improve the health of Canadians while
improving the cost-effectiveness of the health care system.
Read the full document on the CIHR website ( ) .

Funding Opportunities / Grants / Awards (organized by deadline)

IPPH funding opportunities can be found here ( ) by
selecting the Institute of Population and Public Health under the CIHR
Institute dropdown menu.

CHIR Operating Grant: Advancing Theoretical and Methodological Innovations
The CIHR Institutes of Aging (IA), Population and Public Health (IPPH),
and Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) have identified the need
to further strengthen the theories, conceptual frameworks, methods and
tools underpinning the conduct of interdisciplinary health research.
Guided by different disciplinary traditions, researchers use a range of
theories, frameworks, methods and tools to understand, observe and/or
measure phenomena. Innovations need to be informed by the best available
scientific methods emanating from a broad range of disciplines. Whether we
seek to better theorize how policy interventions adapt to context, or to
strengthen our approaches to analyzing and reporting data to inform health
decision-making, we need to further enhance research's contribution to
such efforts. The total amount available for this funding opportunity is
$3,200,000, enough to fund approximately 16 grants.
This amount may increase if additional funding partners participate. Visit
the CIHR ResearchNet website (
) for further information.
Registration deadline: September 30, 2011

CIHR Catalyst Grant: HIV/AIDS and Aboriginal Health
Under the leadership of the CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity, the
CIHR HIV/AIDS Research Initiative is responsible for the management and
oversight of the research component of the Federal Initiative to Address
HIV/AIDS in Canada. This funding opportunity is focused on the health of
Aboriginal people, one of the eight target populations under the Federal
Initiative. It is expected that this targeted investment will enable
researchers to generate preliminary data, initiate new partnerships,
and/or explore novel research ideas towards enhancing the success of
subsequent applications to the CIHR open and strategic competitions in the
area of HIV/AIDS and Aboriginal health.The total amount available for this
funding opportunity is $ 600,000, enough to fund approximately six grants.
This amount may increase if additional funding partners participate.Visit
the CIHR ResearchNet website (
) for further information.
Application Deadline: October 3, 2011Joint Call for Applications in Ageing
Research: Healthy Life Expectancy 2020 – LOI (Letter of Intent)
As a partner of the European Research Area in Ageing (ERA-AGE2), a
European research network on aging, FRSQ is pleased to inform the
scientific community of a call for proposals for multidisciplinary
research in "Active and Healthy Ageing across the Life Course". Each
project must be presented by a team of researchers from at least three
different countries participating in the call for proposals. Details about
the competition and confirmation of the participating countries can be
found on the ERA-AGE2 website ( ) . For more information,
ResearchNet (
) or contact FRSQ Program Manager Nathalie Champagne.
Deadline for letters of intent: October 3, 2011

CIHR Knowledge Synthesis Grant: 2011-2012
CIHR's mandate is to excel, according to internationally accepted
standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and
its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health
services and products and a strengthened Canadian health care system. The
purpose of this funding opportunity is to support teams of researchers and
knowledge users to produce knowledge syntheses and scoping reviews that
will contribute to the use of synthesized evidence in decision-making and
practice. This funding opportunity will support two types of projects:
knowledge syntheses and scoping reviews.The total amount available for
this funding opportunity is $ 400,000, enough to fund approximately four
to eight grants. This amount may increase if additional funding partners
participate. Visit the CIHR ResearchNet website (
) for further information.
Application Deadline: October 3, 2011

CIHR Journalism Awards 2011-2012
The CIHR Journalism Awards will support media stories that inform
Canadians of evidence-based health-related research issues carried out by
health researchers. The award is not meant to support health-related
research carried out by the applicant. Recipients may undertake projects
in print, broadcast and on-line media. Projects are expected to include a
period of investigation and study that assembles the information needed
for an in-depth news or feature article, a radio or TV piece, or a series
of articles or pieces. Travel to interview sources is anticipated.Visit
the CIHR ResearchNet website (
) for further information.
Application Deadline: October 5, 2011

CIHR Planning Grants Fall 2011 – Implementation Systems for Population
Health Interventions
The CIHR-Institute of Population Health is interested in funding planning
grants that support research related to the examination of systems for
population health interventions. Population health interventions are
defined as policy, program and resource distribution programs that address
the determinants of health through organizational and other system levels.
Implementation systems within and outside the health sector are required
to initiate, support, sustain and scale-up these interventions. Such
systems are influenced by all levels of governance, leadership support,
priority setting and resource allocation, human resource, legal and
administrative capacities. The total amount available for this funding
opportunity is $ 75,000. This amount may increase if additional funding
partners decide to participate.Visit the CIHR ResearchNet website (
) for further information.
Application Deadline: October 17, 2011

CIHR Catalyst Grant: HIV/AIDS (Community-Based Research)
The CIHR HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research (CBR) Program assists
community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations and
institutions in developing the knowledge necessary to carry out their
HIV/AIDS work in the most effective manner, and in creating expertise
within these communities to conduct their own research. The aim of this
Catalyst Grant is to provide seed money, on a short-term basis, to support
health research activities which represent a first step towards the
pursuit of more comprehensive funding opportunities (e.g., operating
grants). The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $
198,000, enough to fund approximately six grants. This amount may increase
if additional funding partners participate. Visit the CIHR ResearchNet
website (
) for further information.
Application Deadline: October 17, 2011
2011-12 CIHR-IPPH Institute Community Support (ICS) Program
The ICS is designed to foster community development by providing grants
and awards (including travel awards) to individuals and organizations for
the purposes of: aiding research and knowledge translation activities
where the circumstances fall outside CIHR's programs, supporting
organizations and activities whose goals are consistent with the
Institute's and CIHR's vision, mandate and strategic directions. Visit the
IPPH ICS website ( ) for more
information. Please note that travel awards are now administered through
ResearchNet ( ) .
Application Deadline for IPPH ICS Awards: November 15, 2011

Calls for Abstracts / Papers

CALL FOR ABTRACTS - Ontario Public Health Convention, April 2-4, Toronto,
The theme for this year's convention is Staying Ahead of the Curve. For
detailed goals and objectives, please visit the official TOPHC website (
http://www.tophc,ca/ ) .
Deadline: September 30, 2011

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - Achieving the Promise of Community-Engaged Health
Disparities Research:
A National Community Partner Forum, December 6-7 in Boston, MA
Community engagement in research is central to understanding and
addressing racial, ethnic and
socioeconomic disparities in health. Research funding agencies are
supporting faculty members and
institutions to engage communities as partners in conducting research.
Community partners involved in community-engaged research are invited to
apply to participate in the forum. For additional information about the
forum, please see the initial announcement that went out in July at the
CCPH website ( ) .
Deadline for applications: October 3, 2011

CALL FOR PAPERS - Canadian Journal of Nursing, McGill University:
Indigenous Peoples' Health and Health-Care Equity
In 2005 CJNR published its first focus issue on the health of First
Nations, Inuit, and Métis, the indigenous peoples of Canada. It is the
most frequently downloaded issue of CJNR, reflecting the intense interest
in this topic nationally and internationally. For this second focus issue,
we invite submissions that increase our understanding of how to promote
equity in health and health care involving indigenous people in Canada and
in other countries. We are particularly interested in critical analyses of
the root causes of health, social, and health-care inequities; strategies
for mitigating such inequities; and related research that draws on
indigenous epistemologies and decolonizing perspectives. We invite a range
of submissions, including manuscripts based on empirical research using
quantitative, qualitative, or combined methods; theoretical contributions;
and policy analyses. Please submit papers
online ( ) Using CJNR E-journal
Submission deadline: October 15, 2011

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - 2012 World Congress on Public Health - Towards Global
Health Equity: Opportunities and Threats, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April
The World Federation of Public Health Associations and the Ethiopian
Public Health Association invite local, national and international public
health leaders, service providers, advocates, trainers and students to
submit abstracts dealing with major issues related to opportunities and
threats in realizing global health equity. These abstracts should
demonstrate the role that public health could play in addressing emerging
issues and current problems that contribute to global health inequity.
Abstracts should also showcase innovations, tools, transferable knowledge,
and technology. Highlighting these lessons learned from across the globe,
will help us make collective decisions and recommendations to the global
health community, thereby, moving us forward towards sustainable global
health equity. For additional information, please visit the website ( ) .
Deadline: October 21, 2011

Scholarship / Fellowship / Internship / Educational Opportunities

New! Professional Specialization Certificate in Population Health Data
Analysis at the University of Victoria, Division of Continuing Studies
The program, developed by Population Data BC in partnership with the Dept
of Geography and Division of Continuing Studies at the University of
Victoria, provides a unique opportunity for health professionals to learn
a diverse set of skills from multiple disciplines including: working with
administrative data, epidemiological statistics, population health and
geographical information systems, spatial epidemiology and outbreak
detection, longitudinal analysis and multi-level modeling of population
health data, health services program monitoring and evaluation. Visit
Continuing Studies, University of Victoria ( ) for more details about the program
and to register.

Job Opportunities

Research Coordinator NCCMT, McMaster University
McMaster University's School of Nursing National Collaborating Centre for
Methods and Tools (NCCMT ( ) ) is recruiting for a
Bilingual (French and English) Research Coordinator for a one year
The Research Coordinator will provide specialized knowledge and skills to
initiate, design, develop, coordinate and manage a range of research
projects and knowledge translation activities undertaken by the National
Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools. The individual must be able to
work in a fluid environment, recognize which knowledge base and/or skills
are required for different situations (and be able to apply such
knowledge/skills), and manage multiple and sometimes competing priorities.
The successful candidate will be fluently bilingual in French and English
(verbal and written), have a Master's degree in health sciences, public
health or a related field with 3+ years experience in a public health
environment with quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Contact: Pamela Forsyth, Administrative Director

Links of Interest

-Report from the Centre for Research on Inner City Health - Community
Service System in Toronto neighbourhoods: What should the City pay
attention to? A Summary of consultations with Torontonians ( ) .
) - Please note that minor revisions to the guidelines on Subject Matter
Eligibility have been posted on the SSHRC website to provide further
clarification to applicants regarding the eligibility of health-related
- CIHR Annual Report 2010-11 ( )

Calendar of Upcoming Events

September 2011
- Regulatory action against bullying and harassment in the workplace in an
international perspective: from research to policy ( ) - September 27, 2011. Toronto, Ontario.

October 2011
- Ontario Public Health Association/Health Promotion Ontario Fall Forum (
) - October 5-6, 2011. Toronto, Ontario.
-Action on Wellness International Symposium ( ) - October 11-13,
2011. Banff, Alberta.
- 7th World Alliance for Risk Factor Surveillance (WARFS) Global
Conference: Role of Surveillance in the Promotion of Health ( ) - October 16-19, 2011. Toronto, Ontario.
- 40th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Canadian Association on
Gerontology and 4th Pan American Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics,
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (
) - October 21-23, 2011. Ottawa, Ontario.
- International Conference on Global Health and Public Health Education,
Chinese University of Hong Kong ( ) - October 25-27, 2011. Hong
Kong, China.

November 2011
- 7th National Conference on Tobacco or Health ( ) - November 1-3, 2011. Toronto,
- 9th Annual Global Health Symposium on Global Health & Global Health
Ethics ( ) - November 1, 2011. 8:30AM-4:45PM
Main Auditorium, University of Toronto Schools, 371 Bloor Street West.
- Global Health Conference - Advancing Health Equity in the 21st Century ( ) – November 13-15,
2011. Montreal, Quebec.
- CIHR Institute of Cancer Research New Principal Investigators Meeting ( ) - November 27-30, 2011.
Toronto, Ontario.
- 15th Annual Public Health Days ( ) –
November 28-December 1st, 2011. Montréal, Québec.

December 2011
- The Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia of the National Academy of Sciences and
the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Present "Biological Embedding
of Early Social Adversity: From Fruit Flies to Kindergartners" (
) - December 8-10, 2011. Irvine, California.

January 2012

February 2012
- Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC) fourth
pan-Canadian conference ( ) -
February 7-10, 2011. Ottawa, Ontario.

March 2012

April 2012
- Ontario Public Health Convention ( ) - April 2-4,
2012. Toronto, Ontario.
- 2012 World Congress on Public Health - Towards Global Health Equity:
Opportunities and Threats ( ) - April 22-27,
2012. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- Population Health Sciences Research Network: Population Health - Methods
and Challenges Conference ( )
- April 24-26, 2011. Birmingham, UK.

Share your Publications and Success Stories

Has your research led to a breakthrough, the development of a new
product/program, or changes in policy and practice? We want to hear about
it! Your story may be featured on our web site or in the next issue of our
Institute newsletter - POP News (
) . Please email your publications and / or impact stories to Emma Cohen,
IPPH Knowledge Translation and Communications Officer.


The Summer 2011 Issue of the IPPH newsletter, POP News, is available on
the Institute website ( ) .
Inside this issue:

Message from the Scientific Director ( )

CIHR Open Operating Grants Program ( )

An Innovative Model of Ethics and Services for Public Health Projects ( )

Applied Public Health Chair Feature: Dr. Doug Manuel ( )

Invited Book Review - Cannabis Policy: Moving Beyond Stalemate ( )

Student Corner: Katherine Deering ( )

Funding Opportunities ( )

Recent IPPH Publications ( )



Café scientifique: Agir ensemble pour la saine alimentation des enfants
Examen international des IRSC de 2011
Appel de cas pour une nouvelle publication : recueil de cas sur l'éthique
en santé publique et en santé des populations
Sortie du Guide d'administration financière des trois organismes (IRSC,
CRSNG et CRSH) de 2011
Les 15es Journées annuelles de santé publique

Annonce: Stratégie de recherche axée sur le patient du Canada

D'autres nouvelles:

Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix
Appel d'abrégés / de communications
Liens d'intérêt
Calendrier d'événements à venir
Partager vos contributions scientifiques ou votre histoire de succès

Café scientifique: Agir ensemble pour la saine alimentation des enfants

Le gouvernement, l'industrie alimentaire, les écoles, les collectivités,
tous doivent s'unir avec un but : la saine alimentation des enfants. Le
milieu universitaire doit lui aussi collaborer, en faisant connaître les
politiques et les lignes directrices fondées sur des données. Venez
écouter les représentants de ces groupes discuter de l'enjeu et débattre
des solutions à cet événement offert gratuitement.

QUAND? Le lundi 17 octobre 2011de 19 h à 21 h
OÙ? Galerie du Enterprise Square, 10230, avenue Jasper, Université de
l'Alberta, Edmonton (Alberta)

Dre Kim Raine, Directrice et professeure,Centre for Health Promotion
Studies, Université de l'Alberta
Dre Charlene Elliott, Chaire de recherche du Canada, Commercialisation des
produits alimentaires, Politiques et Santé des enfants, Université de
M. Dave Colburn, Président, conseil d'administration, établissement
d'enseignement Edmonton

Dre Nancy Edwards, Directrice scientifique, Institut de la santé publique
et des populations des IRSC

R.S.V.P. :

Examen international des IRSC de 2011

Les IRSC ont commandé un examen international après dix ans sous la
coordination de leur conseil d'administration. Cet examen portait sur les
questions globales qui suivent.

Les IRSC ont-ils réussi à remplir leur mandat tel qu'il est défini dans la
Loi sur les IRSC?

Comment les IRSC peuvent-ils mieux remplir leur mandat?

Cet examen a été dirigé par un comité d'examen international présidé par
le Dr Elias Zerhouni à Ottawa. Le rapport final a été rendu public quelque
temps après sa présentation au conseil d'administration en juin 2011.
Lisez le rapport du comité d'examen international sur le site web IRSC ( ) .
Institut de la santé publique et des populations des IRSC - Évaluation
interne pour l'examen international de 2011 ( ) .

Appel de cas pour une nouvelle publication : recueil de cas sur l'éthique
en santé publique et en santé des populations

L'Institut de la santé publique et des populations (ISPP), ainsi que ses
partenaires, sont heureux d'annoncer le lancement d'un appel de
présentations de cas sur l'éthique en santé publique et en santé des
populations. Visitez le site web de l'ISPP ( ) pour vous renseigner sur la
façon de présenter une demande.
Favoriser la conception et le perfectionnement de cadres d'éthique pour
les interventions en santé des populations au Canada et ailleurs dans le
monde fait partie des objectifs stratégiques de l'Institut de la santé
publique et des populations (ISPP). L'éthique en santé publique et en
santé des populations (SPSP) se distingue de l'éthique clinique par
l'accent mis :

Sur les populations plutôt que sur les personnes,
Sur une vaste gamme d'interventions menées au niveau de la population
et/ou de l'environnement et souvent mises en oeuvre à l'extérieur du
milieu des soins ou du secteur de la santé,
Sur la prévention équitable des maladies et des incapacités.

L'ISPP des IRSC, le Bureau de l'éthique des IRSC, le Bureau de la pratique
de santé publique de l'Agence de la santé publique du Canada, le Centre de
collaboration nationale sur les politiques publiques et la santé, et Santé
publique Ontario travaillent en partenariat pour élaborer un recueil de
cas de dilemmes éthiques en SPSP, accompagné des analyses connexes.
Les objectifs particuliers du recueil de cas sont les suivants :

Mieux faire connaître et comprendre l'éthique en SPSP, ainsi que la valeur
de la pensée éthique dans la pratique, les politiques et la recherche sur
Mettre en évidence des cas dans la pratique, les politiques et la
recherche sur la SPSP, qui illustrent différents enjeux et dilemmes
Créer un outil pour alimenter les instructions, le débat et le dialogue
relativement aux cas d'éthique dans la pratique, les politiques et la
recherche en SPSP

Les cas structurés (maximum de 850 mots) doivent être remis au plus tard
le vendredi 30 septembre 2011. Les cas doivent être réalistes (cas réels
ou cas composites fondés sur des situations réelles) et peuvent porter sur
ce qui suit :

Un dilemme éthique précis soulevé dans la pratique;
Les considérations éthiques d'une intervention particulière en santé des
Les façons avec lesquelles les organismes de santé publique et ceux
d'autres secteurs délibèrent ou tiennent compte de l'éthique dans leurs
processus d'établissement des priorités ou de prise de décision.

Tous les cas choisis seront évalués par les pairs puis analysés par un
auteur invité non affilié à l'équipe d'auteurs ayant présenté le cas, et
ce, en se fondant sur une approche commune. Les auteurs des cas choisis
auront l'occasion de proposer une autre analyse et ces réponses seront
également ajoutées au recueil de cas, lequel sera publié au printemps

Sortie du Guide d'administration financière des trois organismes (IRSC,
CRSNG et CRSH) de 2011

Le Guide d'administration financière des trois organismes a fait l'objet
d'une mise à jour le 15 septembre, 2011. La nouvelle version du Guide
l'emporte toujours sur la version précédente du Guide. Des révisions ont
été apportées pour : i) refléter la politique récemment harmonisée des
trois organismes sur les allocations payées à même les subventions; et ii)
les dépenses admissibles détaillées liées à la politique sur l'allocation
de détachement des ISRC.
Pour un aperçue des révisions, veuillez consulter le Sommaire des
révisions :
) .

Les 15es Journées annuelles de santé publique

Les 15es Journées annuelles de santé publique (JASP), c'est un
rendez-vous, du 28 novembre au 1er décembre 2011 à l'hôtel Fairmont le
Reine Elizabeth, à Montréal. Pour sa quinzième édition, l'événement
accueille une rencontre internationale sur la thématique des écoles
promotrices de santé les 28 et 29 novembre 2011. Tous les décideurs et
acteurs du Québec et d'ailleurs concernés par la réussite, la santé et le
bien-être des jeunes en contexte scolaire sont conviés à ce rendez-vous
fondamental et décisif. Dix journées thématiques et quatre ateliers
méthodologiques de grande qualité vous sont également offerts les 30
novembre et 1 décembre 2011.

L'inscription aux JASP se fera en ligne ( ) , au début du mois
de septembre.

Annonce: Stratégie de recherche axée sur le patient du Canada

Ce document a été rédigé sous la direction des Instituts de recherche en
santé du Canada (IRSC), le principal organisme de recherche en santé au
Canada. La recherche axée sur le patient est la pierre angulaire du plan
stratégique 2009-2010 des IRSC (L'innovation au service de la santé), qui
expose les orientations stratégiques de l'organisme pour les cinq
prochaines années. Le présent document expose une vision et une stratégie
visant à obtenir de meilleurs résultats en santé et à offrir de meilleurs
soins aux patients grâce à la recherche. Il est fondé sur le principe
selon lequel une meilleure mise en pratique des résultats de la recherche
aura des effets positifs sur la santé des Canadiens et l'efficacité du
système de santé.
Lisez le document sur le site web de l'IRSC ( ) .

Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix (organizé par date limite)

Les possibilités de financement de l'ISPP peuvent être retrouvées ici ( ) en
sélectionnant l'Institut de la santé publique et des populations du menu

Subvention de fonctionnement : Promouvoir les innovations théoriques et
méthodologiques des IRSC (2011) L'Institut du vieillissement (IV),
l'Institut de la santé publique et des populations (ISPP) et l'Institut
des services et des politiques de la santé (ISPS) des IRSC ont convenu de
la nécessité de renforcer les théories, les cadres conceptuels, les
méthodes et les outils sur lesquels repose la recherche en santé
interdisciplinaire. Guidés par les traditions de leurs disciplines
respectives, les chercheurs se servent d'une variété de théories, de
cadres, de méthodes et d'outils pour comprendre, observer et/ou mesurer
des phénomènes. L'innovation doit être tributaire des meilleures méthodes
scientifiques issues d'une grande variété de disciplines. Nous devons
accroître la contribution de la recherche à ce chapitre, que ce soit pour
mieux expliquer en théorie comment les interventions s'adaptent au
contexte, ou encore pour renforcer nos approches d'analyse et de
communication des données éclairant la prise de décisions relatives aux
soins de santé. Le montant total disponible dans le cadre de cette
possibilité de financement est de 3 200 000 $, ce qui devrait permettre
d'accorder approximativement 16 bourses. Ce montant pourra augmenter si
d'autres partenaires financiers décident d'y participer.Pour de plus
amples renseignements, consultez RechercheNet ( ) .
Date limite d'inscription: le 30 septembre 2011

Subvention catalyseur : VIH/sida et santé des Autochtones des IRSC
Sous la direction de l'Institut des maladies infectieuses et immunitaires
(IMII) des IRSC, l'Initiative de recherche sur le VIH/sida des IRSC est
chargée de la gestion et de la surveillance du volet de recherche sur le
VIH/sida de l'Initiative fédérale de lutte contre le VIH/sida au Canada.
Cette possibilité de financement porte sur la santé des peuples
autochtones, l'une des huit populations cibles de l'initiative fédérale.
On s'attend à ce que cet investissement ciblé permette aux chercheurs
d'obtenir des données préliminaires, d'établir de nouveaux partenariats et
d'explorer de nouvelles idées de recherche, afin de favoriser la réussite
de demandes subséquentes dans le cadre des concours ouverts ou des
concours stratégiques des IRSC portant sur le VIH/sida et la santé des
Autochtones. Le montant total disponible dans le cadre de cette
possibilité de financement est de 600 000 $, ce qui devrait
permettre d'accorder quelque six subventions. Ce montant pourra augmenter
si d'autres partenaires financiers décident d'y participer. Pour de plus
amples renseignements, consultez RechercheNet (
) .
Date limite de présentation des demandes: le 3 octobre, 2011.
Subvention d'équipe: European Research Area in Ageing (ERA-AGE 2)
Le European Research Area in Ageing (ERA-AGE 2) vient de lancer une
possibilité de financement invitant les équipes de recherche
multidisciplinaires à soumettre une demande sous le thème du «
Vieillissement actif et en santé à tous les stades de la vie ». Les
groupes de recherche multidisciplinaires représentant de 3 à 5 pays sont
invités à déposer une soumission préliminaire entre le 1er juin 2011 et le
3 octobre 2011, afin d'enquêter les questions de recherche spécifiques à
cet appel. Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez RechercheNet (
) ou le site Web ERA-AGE2 ( ) (en
anglais seulement).
Date limite pour le lettre d'intention (LDI): le 3 octobre 2011
Subvention sur la synthèse des connaissances des IRSC
Le mandat des IRSC est d' « exceller, selon les normes internationales
reconnues de l'excellence scientifique, dans la création de nouvelles
connaissances et leur application en vue d'améliorer la santé de la
population canadienne, d'offrir de meilleurs produits et services de santé
et de renforcer le système de santé du Canada ». Le but de la présente
possibilité de financement est d'appuyer les équipes de chercheurs et
d'utilisateurs des connaissances à produire des synthèses de connaissances
et des examens qui contribuent à l'utilisation de données synthétisées
pour la prise de décisions et la pratique. Cette possibilité de
financement appuiera deux types de projets : les synthèses des
connaissances et les examens de la portée. Le montant total disponible
dans le cadre de cette possibilité de financement est de 400 000 $, ce qui
devrait permettre d'accorder quelques quatre à huit subventions. Ce
montant pourra augmenter si d'autres partenaires financiers décident de
participer. Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez RechercheNet (
) .
Date limite de présentation des demandes: le 3 octobre 2011

Bourses en journalisme des IRSC 2011-2012
Les bourses en journalisme des IRSC permettront de financer la réalisation
de reportages visant à informer les Canadiens sur les questions de
recherche en santé fondées sur des données probantes, la recherche étant
réalisée par les chercheurs en santé. La bourse ne doit pas servir à
financer la recherche liée à la santé réalisée par le candidat. Les
titulaires d'une bourse peuvent entreprendre des projets pour les médias
imprimés, les médias électroniques et les médias en ligne. Ces projets
comprendront normalement une période d'enquête et de recherche, qui
permettra de rassembler les renseignements nécessaires à la réalisation
d'un article de fond ou d'un article spécialisé, d'un reportage pour la
radio ou la télévision ou encore d'une série d'articles ou de reportages.
À cette fin, on prévoit que des voyages seront nécessaires pour rencontrer
les sources. Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez
RechercheNet (
) .
Date limite de présentation des demandes: le 5 octobre 2011

Systèmes de mise en œuvre des interventions en santé des populations
L'Institut de la santé publique et des populations des IRSC souhaite
financer des subventions de planification pour appuyer la recherche liée à
l'examen de systèmes de mise en oeuvre des interventions en santé des
populations. Selon notre définition, les interventions en santé des
populations sont des politiques, des programmes ou des approches de
distribution des ressources qui ciblent les déterminants de la santé et
exercent leur influence au niveau des organisations et d'autres systèmes
plutôt que par des approches cliniques ciblant individuellement les
patients et leurs familles. Les systèmes de mise en oeuvre sont
nécessaires à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du secteur de la santé pour
lancer, soutenir, maintenir et étendre des interventions en santé des
populations. Ces systèmes sont influencés par des facteurs comme les
structures de gouvernance interorganisationnelles, intergouvernementales
intersectorielles; le soutien des leaders; les processus d'établissement
des priorités et de répartition des ressources; et les capacités humaines,
juridiques et administratives. Le montant total disponible dans le cadre
de cette possibilité de financement est de 75 000 $. Ce montant pourra
augmenter si d'autres partenaires financiers décident de participer. Pour
de plus amples renseignements, consultez RechercheNet (
) .
Date limite de présentation des demandes: le 17 octobre 2011

Subvention catalyseur : VIH/sida (Recherche communautaire) des IRSC
Le Programme de recherche communautaire (RC) sur le VIH/sida des IRSC
permet d'aider les organismes communautaires, les organismes non
gouvernementaux et les établissements à développer les connaissances dont
ils ont besoin pour poursuivre leurs travaux le plus efficacement possible
et de créer l'expertise dans ces communautés pour qu'elles puissent
effectuer leurs propres recherches. Le but de ce programme de subventions
Catalyseur vise à offrir du financement de démarrage, à court terme, pour
appuyer des activités de recherche en santé qui représentent une première
étape en vue de profiter de possibilités de financement plus élaborées (p.
ex. subventions de fonctionnement). Le montant total disponible dans le
cadre de cette possibilité de financement est de 198 000 $, ce qui devrait
permettre d'accorder quelque six subventions. Ce montant pourra augmenter
si d'autres partenaires financiers décident de
participer. Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez RechercheNet (
) .
Date limite de présentation des demandes: le 17 octobre 2011Programme
d'appui communautaire (PACI) de l'Institut de la santé publique et des
populations (ISPP) 2011-2012
Les instituts des IRSC recourent au PACI pour fournir des
subventions/bourses à des personnes et à des organisations appartenant à
leurs milieux respectifs, afin qu'elles s'en servent pour : fournir des
subventions ou des bourses pour des activités de recherche et
d'application des connaissances qui ne sont pas couvertes par les autres
programmes des IRSC ; et appuyer des organismes et des individus dont les
buts concordent avec la vision, le mandat et les orientations stratégiques
des IRSC et des leurs instituts. Pour de plus amples renseignements,
consultez le site-Web pour le PACI de l'ISPP. Veuillez noter que les
bourses de voyage de l'ISPP ( )
sont maintenant administrés par RechercheNet ( ) .
Date limite de présentation des demandes pour les prix de PACI de l'ISPP:
le 15 novembre 2011

Appel d'abrégés / de communications

Veuillez aussi voir le calendrier d'Événements à venir ci-dessous.

Coordonnateur(trice) de la recherche, CCNMO, l'École des infirmières de
l'université McMaster

Le bureau du Centre de collaboration nationale des méthodes et outils
( ( ) ) de l'École des infirmières de
l'université McMaster recrute un(e) coordonnateur(trice) de la recherche
bilingue (anglais et français), pour un contrat d'un an. À titre de
coordonnateur(trice) de la recherche, vos connaissances et vos compétences
spécialisées vous serviront à amorcer, concevoir, élaborer, coordonner et
gérer un éventail de projets de recherche et d'activités d'application des
connaissances entreprises par le Centre de collaboration nationale sur les
méthodes et outils (CCNMO). Vous devrez pouvoir travailler dans un
environnement fluide, reconnaître les bases de données et/ou les habiletés
nécessaires pour répondre à différentes situations (et être capable
d'appliquer ces connaissances/ces habiletés), et gérer des priorités
nombreuses et parfois concurrentes.

Répondez à: Pamela Forsyth, Directrice administrative, CCNMO

Liens d'intérêt

- Rapport annuel des IRSC 2010-2011 ( )
- CRSH ( ) - Lignes directrices pour
déterminer l'admissibilité des demandes liées à la santé.

Calendrier d'événements à venir

Octobre 2011
- Ontario Public Health Association/Health Promotion Ontario Fall Forum (
) - 5 et 6 octobre 2011. Toronto, Ontario. (anglais seulement).
- Action on Wellness International Symposium ( ) - du 11 au 13 octobre
2011. Banff (Alberta). (anglais seulement)
- Le Conférence de l'Association Canadienne de gérontologie accueillera le
4e Congrès panaméricain de l'Association
internationale de gérontologie et de gériatrie ( )
– du 20 au 23 octobre 2011. Ottawa (Ontario).
- International Conference on Global Health and Public Health Education,
Chinese University of Hong Kong ( ) - du 25 au 27 octobre 2011.
Hong Kong, Chine. (anglais seulement)

Novembre 2011
- 7e Conférence nationale sur le tabagisme ou la santé ( ) – du 1er au 3 novembre 2011.
Toronto (Ontario).
- 9th Annual Global Health Symposium on Global Health & Global Health
Ethics ( ) (anglais seulement) - 1 novembre,
2011. Toronto (Ontario). 8:30AM-4:45PM Main Auditorium, University of
Toronto Schools, 371 Bloor Street West.
- Global Health Conference - Advancing Health Equity in the 21st Century ( ) (anglais seulement) – du 13 au 15
novembre 2011. Montréal (Québec).
- L'Institut du cancer des IRSC présente la Réunion pour les nouveaux
chercheurs principaux ( ) - 27 au 30
novembre 2011. Toronto (Ontario).
- 15es Journées annuelles de santé publique ( )
– du 28 novembre au 1er décembre 2011. Montréal (Québec).
- D'Autres Regards, D'Autres Avenues ( ) - du 28
novembre au 1er décembre 2011 à l'hôtel Fairmont le Reine Elizabeth, à

Décembre 2011
- The Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia of the National Academy of Sciences and
the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Present "Biological Embedding
of Early Social Adversity: From Fruit Flies to Kindergartners" (
) (anglais seulement) - 8-10 décembre 2011 . Irvine (California).

Janvier 2012

Fevrier 2012
- Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC) fourth
pan-Canadian conference ( ) - du 7
au 10 fevrier 2011. Ottawa, Ontario. (anglais seulement).

Mars 2012

Avril 2012
- 2012 World Congress on Public Health - Towards Global Health Equity:
Opportunities and Threats ( ) (anglais
seulement)- 22 au 27 avril 2012. Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).
- Population Health Sciences Research Network: Population Health - Methods
and Challenges Conference ( )
(anglais seulement)- April 24-26, 2011. Birmingham, UK.

Partager vos contributions scientifiques ou votre histoire de succès

Est-ce que votre recherche a résulté dans une invention révolutionnaire,
le développement d'un nouveau produit/programme ou les changements dans la
politique et la pratique ? Nous voulons en entendre ! Votre histoire peut
être présentée sur notre site web ou dans l'édition suivante de notre
bulletin d'Institut - POP Nouvelles ( ) . S'il vous plaît envoyez vos
publications et / ou vos histoires d'impact à Emma Cohen , Agente en
application des connaissances et en communications, ISPP.


Le numéro d'été 2011 du bulletin de l'ISPP, POP Nouvelles, est disponible
sur le site Web de l'Institut ( )
À l'intérieur de ce bulletin :

Message de la directrice scientifique ( )

Programme OSF des IRSC ( )

Modèle innovateur de services d'éthique pour les projets en santé publique
( )

Article sur les chaires de recherché : Dr Doug Manuel ( )

Critique de livre - « Cannabis Policy: Moving Beyond Stalemate » ( )

Le coin des étudiants : Katherine Deering ( )

Possibilités de financement ( )

Publications récentes ( )

CIHR - Institute of Population and Public Health
312 - 600 Peter-Morand Cres.
Ottawa Ontario K1G5Z3

CASCA: Jobs/Emplois

Human Rights and Social Justice, Canada Research Chair (Tier II)
University: Manitoba
Deadline: Applications will be reviewed commencing October 31, 2011

Rebanks Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Classical Archaeology

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

The Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto invites applications for a Rebanks
Research Fellowship in Classical Archaeology. A two-year fellowship
with a grant of $50,000
a year, the Rebanks Fellowship program provides Canadian citizens or
Canadian landed
immigrants who have obtained their doctorate in the last five years
the opportunity to pursue
their research with the support of one of Canada's leading research
institutions. The Rebanks
Research Fellowship is open to scholars working in most aspects of
Greek and Roman
archaeology. We seek applicants with significant research potential
whose work complements
the strengths of the Royal Ontario Museum's Greek and Roman
collections. Museum
experience and familiarity with web page development are also
preferred. The Fellow would
have some collection and exhibit responsibilities and would be
expected to interact with the
public through lectures, gallery activities and web based-media.
Publication opportunities
may be available to Rebanks Fellows through the publishing arm of the Museum.

Applicants should submit a letter of application detailing their
research project, curriculum
vitae, and the names of three references to: Department Head,
Department of World
Cultures, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario,
M5S 2C6, Canada.
Application materials must be received by November 18, 2011 for
consideration. Only
Canadian citizens or Canadian landed immigrants who have received
their Ph.D. after
November 1, 2006 are eligible for the position. We especially
encourage applications from
women and members of minority groups.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Canada and the New World Order: Graduate Conference.

Canada and the New World Order: The National Contexts of Global Change
Trent-Carleton Graduate Conference 2011-12
March 9-10, 2012

In the past few years, many countries and communities around the world
have experienced dramatic social, cultural, political and economic
shifts, transformations and upheavals. From uprisings in Greece, Egypt,
and Libya, to the growing economic power of Brazil, Russia, India,
China, and South Africa, to fundamental shifts in Canadian federal
politics, it is clear that we are now facing a new world order. The 8th
Annual Trent-Carleton Graduate Conference will examine these and other
related issues under the theme "Canada and the New World Order: The
National Contexts of Global Change." This interdisciplinary graduate
conference will take place on March 9-10, 2012 at Trent University in
Peterborough, Ontario, and will consider questions including, but not
limited to, the following:
· How have the Canadian dimensions of the ?New World Order? been
imagined and/or (mis)understood? Where are we now? How did we get here?
Where are we going?
· How have people enacted, challenged, and/or accommodated
political and/or economic shifts in Canada, and what social, cultural
and/or environmental effects have those shifts had in terms of policy,
practice or lived experiences?
· What role(s) has Canada played in shaping the state of global
politics and/or international relations? What role(s) will Canada play
in the future?
· What forms have social, cultural and political responses to
change taken in Canada, and how have people responded to those changes?
· How have the historical and/or ideological contexts of race,
class, gender, sexuality and/or ability been constructed, represented or
interrogated in the midst of global change?
· How have the politics of difference in Canada shaped and/or
been shaped by changing global contexts of (im)migration, diversity and
human rights?

Submissions should include a maximum 250 word abstract, and a 150 word
bio that clearly indicates institution, field of study and degree
programme, and should be sent via email by November 1, 2011 to Adam
Guzkowski, Program Chair, at, with the
subject line ?FirstName LastName Proposal? (if your name is Amy Smith,
your subject line would read ?Amy Smith Proposal?). Nous invitons et
encourageons les propositions de communication en français.

All proposals should have a distinctive Canadian focus, but we also
encourage submissions that consider Canada in a comparative context. The
Conference Committee looks forward to creative interpretations of the
conference theme and/or the questions above, and particularly welcomes
proposals from current graduate students, whatever their program or home
institution. Limited travel bursaries may be available for accepted
presenters traveling from out of province or from Northern Ontario.
Billeting for accepted presenters may also be available; please indicate
in your submission if you would like to receive information regarding

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

NAPA workshops at the AAA in November

Dear colleagues:

Receive my greetings and wishes for good health. My name is
Carla Guerron Montero, Associate Professor of Anthropology at
the University of Delaware. I am also a member of the
Workshops Committee of the National Association for the
Practice of Anthropology (NAPA) at the American
Anthropological Association (AAA).

As you may know, this year, the AAA meetings will take place
in Montreal, Canada, from November 16 to November 19, 2011.
NAPA has put together 18 workshops for anthropology faculty,
students, and practitioners, and we would like to kindly
request your support in publicizing them within your

By mid-September, the AAA website will include this list of
NAPA-sponsored workshops with their full description, and
options to register for the workshops. We would like to
encourage all faculty and students to register early while
space is available, and to let you know that students receive
significantly reduced rates.

I thank you very much in advance for your kind attention to
this message, and remain,

Carla Guerron Montero, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Department of Anthropology
(Joint Appointments Black American Studies, Latin American
Studies, and Women's Studies)
University of Delaware
46 West Delaware Avenue
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: (302) 831-3362
Fax: (302)831-4002

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CFHSS/FCSH: Communiqu=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9?= September 2011 | septembre 2011

CommuniquÉ September 2011

Table of Contents
1. Don't miss the new season of Big Thinking on Parliament Hill
2. CFHSS's pre-budget submission to the House of Commons Standing
Committee on Finance
3. CFHSS at the 2011 Canadian Science Policy Conference
4. New Equity Matters series to debut on the Fedcan blog
5. CIHR funding opportunity
6. Off the shelf

1. Don't miss the new season of Big Thinking on Parliament Hill

Our Big Thinking lecture series is back on Parliament Hill for a new
season. Big Thinking brings lecturers on pressing social issues to
Parliament Hill, putting parliamentarians and Canadians in contact
with critical ideas in the humanities and social sciences.

The next Big Thinking lecture, "Food for Thought: Addressing the
global food crisis," will be held on September 28. Evan Fraser,
associate professor in the University of Guelph's geography
department and Canada Research Chair in Global Food Security, will
explore the past, present and future of the global food crisis. He
will discuss how we can approach the coming crisis, and how this
challenge requires a rethinking of the food trade, the nature of
scientific research and our own culture of food.

For more information and to register, visit the Big Thinking -

2. CFHSS's pre-budget submission to the House of Commons Standing
Committee on Finance

CFHSS submitted "Moving forward, from a position of strength" to the
House of Commons Finance Committee in August. Based on an assessment
of the current economic climate and Canada's position as a centre of
knowledge and innovative research, the submission recommends
increases to funding for the federal research granting agencies,
cross-sector mobilization of knowledge and research, and investment
in graduate and postdoctoral training. To read the executive summary
or to download the full submission, click here -

3. CFHSS at the 2011 Canadian Science Policy Conference

The third annual Canadian Science Policy Conference -
will be held in Ottawa November 16-18. This year, CFHSS is organizing
a panel entitled "How do we build resilient communities in the face
of climate change?"

Join panelists Frances Abele, Academic Director of the Carleton
Centre for Community Innovation, Gordon McBean, Research Chair at the
Institute of Catastrophic Loss Reduction at the University of Western
Ontario, Ian Mauro, Canada Research Chair in Human Dimensions of
Environmental Change at Mount Allison University and Jamal Shirley,
Manager of Research Design and Policy Development at the Iqaluit
Research Centre of the Nunavut Research Institute for an inspiring
conversation on community activism, sustainability and resilience in
Canada's northern communities.

4. New Equity Matters series to debut on the Fedcan blog

Three new series will be added to the Fedcan blog -
's Equity Matters portfolio this fall. Equity Matters features
articles on equity issues written by members of CFHSS and other
researchers and scholars from around the world. This fall's series
are "Equity and Education," "Diversity, Creativity and Innovation"
and "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer, Intersex and
Two-Spirited." CFHSS is always looking for thoughtful contributions
to our Equity Matters series. Visit our Editorial Policy page -
for information on submissions.

5. CIHR funding opportunity: advancing theoretical and methodological

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research have identified the need
and outlined a call for submissions around further strengthening the
theories, conceptual frameworks, methods and tools underpinning the
conduct of uni-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary health research.
All researchers, whether interested in measuring equity or
multi-dimensional inequality, experimental economics, or social
capital theory as they relate to the priorities in this call, are
encouraged to apply. This call welcomes social scientist and
humanities researchers from a broad range of disciplines such as
economics, anthropology, law, sociology, history and more.

The total amount available for this funding opportunity is
$3,200,000, enough to fund approximately 16 grants. The maximum
amount per grant is $200,000 in total for up to three years.

? Registration Deadline: 2011-09-30
? Application Deadline: 2011-10-28

For more information, click here -

6. Off the shelf Here we feature lectures, podcasts and videos
that--while part of our archives--are still relevant to current
events. In our April 2009 Breakfast on the Hill, Mark Kingwell,
professor at the University of Toronto, examined the relevance of
leadership. At what point does personal leadership really orient
political activity? Can a charismatic administrator alone elicit
change in the system or, does the system evolve by itself? You can
watch the recording, originally broadcast on CPAC, here -

Contact us Please email our communications team at
if you have news, events or opportunities that would be of interest
to CFHSS members.

The Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is the
voice for the humanities and social science researchers in Canada. It
is a non-profit charitable organization that represents more than
85,000 researchers in 80 scholarly associations, 79 universities and
colleges, and 6 affiliates across the country.

CommuniquÉ septembre 2011

Table des matiÈres
1. Ne manquez pas la nouvelle saison Voir grand sur la Colline du
2. MÉmoire prÉbudgÉtaire de la FCSH devant le comitÉ permanent
des finances de la Chambre des communes
3. La FCSH À la ConfÉrence sur les politiques scientifiques
canadiennes 2011
4. À venir : nouvelles sÉries des Questions d'ÉquitÉ sur le
blogue Fedcan
5. PossibilitÉ de financement des IRSC : Promouvoir les innovations
thÉoriques et mÉthodologiques
6. De nos archives

1. Ne manquez pas la nouvelle saison Voir grand sur la Colline du

Notre sÉrie de causeries Voir grand revient sur la Colline
parlementaire pour une nouvelle saison. Cette sÉrie prÉsente aux
Élu(e)s et au grand public des recherches innovatrices et
pertinentes, et leur offre une perspective critique sur des enjeux
sociaux actuels.

La prochaine causerie Voir grand, « Nourrir la rÉflexion : faire
face À la crise alimentaire mondiale », aura lieu le 28 septembre.
Evan Fraser, professeur associÉ au dÉpartement de gÉographie de
l'University of Guelph et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du
Canada sur la sÉcuritÉ humaine À l'Échelle mondiale, explorera
le passÉ, le prÉsent et l'avenir de la crise alimentaire mondiale.
Il examinera comment le Canada peut aborder la sÉcuritÉ
alimentaire, conscient que ce dÉfi exige de repenser le secteur
agro-alimentaire, la nature de la recherche scientifique et notre
propre culture alimentaire.

Pour plus d'information, visitez la page Voir grand -
sur le site de la FCSH.

2. MÉmoire prÉbudgÉtaire de la FCSH devant le comitÉ permanent
des finances de la Chambre des communes

La FCSH a dÉposÉ en aoÛt Avancer, en position de force devant le
comitÉ permanent des finances de la Chambre des communes. BasÉ sur
un examen du climat Économique actuel et de la position du Canada
comme centre de savoir et de recherche innovatrice, le mÉmoire
recommande une augmentation du financement des organismes
subventionnaires fÉdÉraux, de la mobilisation des connaissances
interdisciplinaires et des investissements dans la formation aux
cycles supÉrieures. Pour lire le rÉsumÉ ou tÉlÉcharger le
document complet, cliquez ici -

3. La FCSH À la ConfÉrence sur les politiques scientifiques
canadiennes 2011

La troisiÈme Édition de la ConfÉrence sur les politiques
scientifiques canadiennes -
aura lieu À Ottawa du 16 au 18 novembre. Cette annÉe, la FCSH y
organise une table ronde intitulÉe: "How do we build resilient
communities in the face of climate change?"

Venez Écouter Frances Abeles, directrice acadÉmique du Carleton
Centre for Community Innovation, Gordon McBean, titulaire d'une
chaire de recherche À l'Institute of Catastrophic Loss Reduction À
l'University of Western Ontario, Ian Mauro, titulaire de la Chaire de
recherche du Canada sur les dimensions humaines du changement
environnemental À la Mount Allison University et Jamal Shirley,
directeur de la planification de la recherche et du dÉveloppement
des politiques À l'Iqaluit Research Centre du Nunavut Research
Institute, discuter d'activisme communautaire, de durabilitÉ et de
rÉsilience dans les communautÉs du Nord canadien.

4. À venir : nouvelles sÉries de Questions d'ÉquitÉ sur le blogue

Trois nouvelles sÉries seront ajoutÉes dans cette section du blogue
Fedcan -
cet automne. Questions d'ÉquitÉ prÉsente chaque semaine des
articles sur le sujet Écrits par des membres de la FCSH et d'autres
chercheurs de partout dans le monde. Les sÉries de cet automne sont
: « ÉquitÉ et Éducation », « diversitÉ, crÉativitÉ et
innovation », « lesbiennes, gays, bisexuel(le)s, transgenres,
intersexuÉ(e)s, allosexuel(le)s et bispirituel(les) ». La FCSH est
toujours À la recherche de contributions enrichissantes pour notre
section Questions d'ÉquitÉ. Visitez la page de notre politique
Éditoriale -
pour de l'information sur la publication.

5. PossibilitÉ de financement des IRSC : Promouvoir les innovations
thÉoriques et mÉthodologiques

Les Instituts de recherche en santÉ du Canada ont convenu de la
nÉcessitÉ de renforcer les thÉories, les cadres conceptuels, les
mÉthodes et les outils sur lesquels repose la recherche en santÉ
uni-disciplinaire et interdisciplinaire. Que ce soit un intÉrÊt
dans la mesure de l'ÉquitÉ ou l'inÉgalitÉ multidimensionnelle,
l'Économie expÉrimentale ou la thÉorie sur le capital social
portant sur les prioritÉs de cet appel d'offres, nous vous
encourageons de faire une demande. Cet appel d'offres encourage les
chercheurs en sciences sociales et les humanistes d'une variÉtÉ de
disciplines telles que l'Économie, l'anthropologie, le droit, la
sociologie, l'histoire, ainsi de suite.

Le montant total disponible dans le cadre de cette possibilitÉ de
financement est de 3 200 000 $, ce qui devrait permettre d'accorder
approximativement 16 bourses. Le montant maximal accordÉ par bourse
est de 200 000 $ au total, pour une pÉriode maximale de 3 ans.

? Date limite d'inscription : 2011-09-30
? Date limite de prÉsentation des demandes : 2011-10-28.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez -
le site des

6. De nos archives Vous trouverez ici des confÉrences, des balados
et des vidÉos qui, bien qu'ils soient dans nos archives, peuvent
toujours Éclairer l'actualitÉ. Dans notre DÉjeuner sur la Colline
d'avril 2009, Mark Kingwell, professeur À l'University of Toronto,
se penchait sur l'importance du leadership. Dans quelle mesure le
leadership personnel peut-il vraiment orienter l'activitÉ politique?
Un administrateur charismatique peut-il seul susciter le changement
dans un systÈme dÉmocratique, ou le systÈme lui-mÊme est-il la
source du renouvellement? Vous pouvez visionner l'enregistrement fait
par le canal CPAC, ici -

Pour communiquer avec nous Pour nous faire part des nouvelles, des
ÉvÉnements et de toute autre opportunitÉ qui pourrait intÉresser
les membres de la FCSH, veuillez communiquer avec notre Équipe des
communications À l'adresse .

ReprÉsentant plus de 85 000 chercheurs par le biais de 80 sociÉtÉs
savantes, 79 universitÉs et collÈges et 6 sociÉtÉs affiliÉes, la
FÉdÉration canadienne des sciences humaines est le porte-parole
national de la collectivitÉ de recherche et de formation
universitaire dans ces disciplines.

CFP Paper Session IUAES 2013 - Mobile Sentiments: Transformations of Affect amid Transnational Migration

CFP: Paper Session
IUAES 2013 (August 5-10, Manchester, UK)
Mobile Sentiments: Transformations of Affect amid Transnational Migration
Session Organizers:
Nicola Mooney (University of the Fraser Valley)
Glynis George (University of Windsor)
Many emotions connect humans to places, whether homes, landscapes, or
nations, and these are unsettled and transformed with transnational
migration. This panel proposes to explore the dimensions of 'mobile
sentiments' - what we see as the affective and emotional responses of
people to the places and experiences of migration - in several
ethnographic contexts. How are mobile sentiments constituted, transmitted
and circulated within migrant communities? How and why do people express
links to home and place in migrant contexts, and how do these differ from
those 'at home'? Through what processes do host nations become home
nations? How are emplacing sentiments in migration shaped by those at
home, as well as by the circumstances of movement? How do notions of time
and history, as well as place and space, influence the affects of
migration? What are the roles of memory, nostalgia, and the imaginary in
the construction of migrant attachments to place, landscape, nation, etc?
What are the affective dimensions of governing mobile subjects through
settlement, citizenship, multiculturalism, and other policy frameworks?
Please send abstracts by October 7th, 2011 to:
Glynis George (<>)
Nicola Mooney (<>)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

CASCA: Jobs/Emplois

See postings below/Voir annonces ci bas:

Educational Studies - Assistant/Associate Professor (Indigenous Education)
The University of British Columbia
Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2011-08-24
The Department of Educational Studies at the Faculty of Education,
University of British Columbia invites applications for an Assistant or
Associate Professor in Indigenous Education.

The Department of Educational Studies is a multidisciplinary department
concerned with the broad study of education as a lifelong pursuit
occurring in community, workplace, institutional and other contexts. The
Department fulfills major commitments to both undergraduate and graduate
programs in the Faculty of Education, enrolling large numbers of master's
and doctoral students. Programs are committed both to meeting traditional
needs and to developing innovative and integrated approaches to emerging
issues in education. Department graduate programs include specializations
in Adult Education, Higher Education; Educational Administration and
Leadership; Society, Culture and Politics in Education; and Indigenous

The Department of Educational Studies is situated in the UBC Faculty of
Education. The Faculty, a leader in Indigenous Education, offers an
Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (NITEP), a graduate Indigenous
education and research specialization (Ts`'kel) and is proposing an
Indigenous Education PhD Specialization; sponsors a cross-Faculty
Indigenous Education Institute of Canada; publishes an annual theme issue
of the Canadian Journal of Native Education; and has an Associate Dean for
Indigenous Education leadership position. Many faculty members work with
Indigenous communities and organizations on education and research
projects. The Faculty has a growing cadre of excellent Indigenous faculty

The successful applicant will develop her/his Indigenous educational
expertise in one or more program areas offered by the Department, at both
the graduate and undergraduate levels. Expectations include: teaching and
mentoring undergraduate and graduate students; contributing to the
Department's and Faculty's Indigenous educational initiatives; and
implementing a research program that involves Indigenous communities,
scholars, and centres of scholarship in British Columbia, Canada, and

Applicants must hold an earned doctoral degree and have expertise in
Indigenous knowledge systems and education. Expertise in one or more of
the Department's program areas is required. The successful candidate will
have demonstrated excellence in research and teaching, and successful
experience working with Indigenous communities.

This position is subject to budgetary approval. Rank and salary will be
commensurate with experience and qualifications. Consideration of
candidates will begin November 1, 2011 and will continue until the
position is filled.

The University of British Columbia hires on the basis of merit and is
committed to employment equity. We encourage all qualified persons to
apply. For this position, Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will
be given priority and preference will also be given to Aboriginal
candidates as permitted by Section 42 of the BC Human Rights Code.
Candidates seeking a preference may be required to prove qualification for
the preference.

Applications should include a letter indicating clearly potential
contributions to the Department, curriculum vitae, evidence of teaching
excellence, a sample of scholarly work, and the names of three references,
including academic and professional. The complete application package
should be sent to Professor Donald Fisher, Head, Department of Educational
Studies, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 2125 Main
Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada.

The application deadline is November 1, 2011.


Forensic Behavioural Sciences and Justice Studies - Research Fellowship
University of Saskatchewan
Location: Saskatchewan
Date posted: 2011-08-15
Centre for Forensic Behavioural Sciences
and Justice Studies

Research Fellowship

The Centre for Forensic Behavioural Sciences and Justice Studies at the
University of Saskatchewan is an interdisciplinary centre created to
promote research and graduate training in the areas of criminal justice
and criminal behaviour. Areas of research interest include the law and
justice systems, corrections, young offenders, aboriginal offenders,
substance abuse, crime prevention, and issues of community health and
mental health as they relate to incarcerated and community based

The Centre is pleased to invite applications for a Research Fellow for a
2-year term, made possible with funding support from Saskatchewan
Corrections, Public Safety and Policing. The successful candidate will
hold a graduate degree (Ph.D. preferred) from a recognized Canadian or
International University in a field of study relevant to the domains of
forensic behavioural sciences and justice and will be expected to lead a
program of research encompassing one or more of the above-referenced
areas. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in
national funding competitions.

For information on how to apply, visit or contact


Indigenous Studies/First Nations Studies
The University of British Columbia
Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2011-08-30


The First Nations Studies Program at the University of British Columbia
invites applications for a tenure-stream professorial position in the
First Nations Studies Program. Appointment at an advanced rank will be
considered, and candidates with administrative experience are strongly
encouraged to apply. Successful candidates may also be considered for a
Tier II Canada Research Chair and a leadership role in the program.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Indigenous studies or a related Arts
Faculty discipline at the time of appointment, and have a record of or
clear potential for excellent research, teaching, graduate student
supervision, and publication, as well as a documented ability to work with
Aboriginal students and communities.

This position involves teaching in the core curriculum of the program, the
opportunity to develop additional curriculum, the mentoring of Aboriginal
students and supervision of graduate students, liaison with Aboriginal
communities and organizations, and participation in program development
and other program functions. The successful candidate will be expected to
maintain an active program of research, teaching, graduate supervision,
and service.

The First Nations Studies Program offers a BA with a Major or a Minor in
First Nations Studies and is dedicated to the development of theoretical
investigations of Indigenous issues and strategic community-based
research. Faculty in the program also supervise graduate students, either
through affiliated departments, or through UBC's Interdisciplinary
Graduate Studies Program. For more information about the program, please
see our web site at For information about UBC's
Aboriginal Strategic Plan and the broader context for Indigenous studies
at UBC, please visit

This appointment is effective 1 July 2012 and is subject to final
budgetary approval. Application materials should be received no later than
15 October 2011. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and
experience. First Nations Studies is an interdisciplinary program: faculty
will also be appointed in a department of disciplinary specialization.
Appointment structure is flexible, with primary responsibilities in FNSP,
or up to one half of the appointment in the department. Cross-faculty
appointments may also be considered.

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. UBC
is strongly committed to diversity with its community and especially
welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women,
Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual
orientation or gender identity, and others who may contribute to the
further diversification of ideas. We encourage all qualified persons, and
especially Indigenous scholars, to apply; Canadians and permanent
residents of Canada will, however, be given priority.

Please apply with letter of application, curriculum vitae, one
article-length writing sample, and evidence of teaching effectiveness
including evaluations if available, and arrange to have three confidential
letters of recommendation sent under separate cover, to:

Linc Kesler, Chair - UBC First Nations Studies Program
1866 Main Mall, Buchanan E266, Vancouver BC Canada V6T 1Z1

Please contact us if you have questions.


Multiple Disciplines - Faculty Positions
University of Regina
Location: Saskatchewan
Date posted: 2011-08-16
Faculty Positions Available

The University of Regina is a university on the move, striving for
excellence in its innovative academic, research, and community service
pursuits. The University is building on its strengths and looking to the
future in areas as diverse as culture and heritage, energy and
environment, informatics, health, and social justice. It enjoys
constructive relationships with three federated colleges, with all levels
of government, and with business, research, and community partners. With
more than 12,000 students, and over 2,500 permanent and casual faculty and
staff, and an operating budget of $112 million, the University of Regina
is committed to being a great place to study and work.

Tenure-Track Position
In the area of Industrial Systems Engineering

Tenure-Track Position
In the area of Geology - Clastic Sedimentologist

1) Tenure-Track Positions:
Women's and Gender Studies Program
Department of French
Department of Geography
Department of Sociology

2) Term Positions:
Dallas W. Smythe Chair in Journalism and the Public Interest (January -
April, 2012)

For detailed descriptions on these positions, please visit

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Regina is
committed to achieving a representative workforce and qualified diversity
group members are encouraged to self identify on their applications.


Multiple Disciplines - Tenure-Stream Appointments (Faculty of Liberal Arts
& Professional Studies)
York University
Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2011-08-16
York University offers a world-class, modern, interdisciplinary academic
experience in Toronto, Canada's most multicultural city. York is at the
centre of innovation, with a thriving community of almost 60,000 faculty,
staff and students who challenge the ordinary and deliver the unexpected.

"A renewed faculty complement dedicated to teaching, research, and
university citizenship" is one of the five strategic goals orienting the
newly-adopted Strategic Planning Framework of the Faculty of Liberal Arts
& Professional Studies (LA&PS). These 17 tenure-stream positions are the
first step toward achieving that goal. They mark out a focused array of
directions: the revival of the Faculty's historical core strengths; the
strengthening of our distinctive and distinguished interdisciplinary
programs; the support of our professional programs; and the inception of
new initiatives.

Larger than many universities in Canada, York's Faculty of Liberal Arts &
Professional Studies offers 59 undergraduate and 23 graduate programs,
taught by over 1,250 full- and part-time faculty who engage with some
25,000 undergraduates and 1,800 graduate students. Within its 25 academic
units, LA&PS brings together Canada's most comprehensive group of
disciplinary and interdisciplinary academic programs and researchers in
social sciences, humanities, and related professional programs.

The application deadline varies with the positions - please consult the
individual advertisements. Late applications may be accepted for unfilled
positions. The successful candidates must be suitable for prompt
appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Salaries will be
commensurate with qualifications and experience. The start date for all
positions is July 1, 2012. All York University positions are subject to
budgetary approval. For full position details and contact information,

Applications for each position should be addressed to the appropriate
contact person and area co-ordinates specified under each listing, at:

Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M3J 1P3

Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies - Tenure-Stream Appointments:


Social/Cultural Anthropology

Applications are invited for a tenure-stream position, at the rank of
Assistant Professor, in the field of Social/Cultural Anthropology within
the Department's "Power, Politics and Development" research cluster. A PhD
in Social/Cultural Anthropology is required at the time of appointment.
Geographic areas and theoretical specializations are open, but the ideal
candidate will augment existing departmental expertise. The successful
candidate will demonstrate the promise of excellence and innovation in
both scholarly research and teaching. The successful candidate will
demonstrate an ability to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels,
in both large-format lectures and seminar-based courses, and will be
expected to teach core and elective courses.

Applicants should send a cover letter, an updated curriculum vitae and a
writing sample, and have three confidential letters of reference sent, by
October 31, 2011, to: Professor Albert Schrauwers, Chair, Department of
Anthropology, 2054 Vari Hall.


1) Health & Society

Applications are invited for a tenure-stream position, at the rank of
Assistant Professor, in the critical, interdisciplinary study of health,
illness and health care. A relevant PhD is required. The successful
candidate will demonstrate the promise of excellence in both scholarly
research and teaching and will already have a strong record of
health-focused critical interdisciplinary scholarship, as well as teaching
experience based in the social sciences. Areas of specialization are open,
but preference will be given to those with expertise in one or more of the
following: global health; health of indigenous peoples; mental health;
alternative health; social and environmental health movements; food and
health; arts-based approaches to health; corporate involvement in health
research and health care. The successful candidate will have demonstrated
a commitment to interdisciplinary undergraduate teaching. S/he will teach
in his or her areas of expertise, but will also teach introductory courses
and will be expected to play an active role in the administration and
development of the Health & Society Program. Prior experience with
community-linked experiential education is also highly desirable.

2) International Development Studies

Applications are invited for a tenure-stream position, at the rank of
Assistant Professor, in the field of International Development Studies. A
relevant PhD is required. The successful candidate will demonstrate the
promise of excellence in both scholarly research and teaching at the
undergraduate and graduate levels, reflecting a systematic yet critical
understanding of the changing narratives of development. Although areas of
specialization are open, preference will be given to those with expertise
in one or more of the following areas: critical approaches to the
contemporary practices of development; development economics; grassroots
development. Applicants must have research and work experience in the
developing world; preference will be given to those with experience in the
Middle East and/or South East Asia. The successful candidate must have a
good grasp of qualitative and quantitative methods used in development
research. The candidate is expected to teach core and elective courses at
both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Applicants should submit a letter of application outlining their
professional experience and research interests, an up-to-date curriculum
vitae and a teaching dossier, and arrange for three confidential letters
of recommendation to be sent, by October 31, 2011, to: Professor Kimberley
White, Chair, Department of Social Science, S737 Ross Building.


Global Sociology

Applications are invited for a tenure-stream position, at the rank of
Assistant Professor, in the area of Global Sociology. We seek a scholar
with a strong sociological background who advances conceptual frameworks
that address trans-society/transborder formations and processes.
Preference will be given to those who specialize in one or more of:
religion, governance, inequality, regulatory frameworks and theoretical
perspectives from the Global South. The successful candidate will show
promise of excellence in scholarly research, publications and teaching,
and will be expected to offer courses as part of both the undergraduate
and graduate curricula. A PhD in Sociology is required and should be
completed no later than July 1, 2012.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching and
research interests, up to three samples of written work (at least one of
which has sole authorship), and teaching evaluations, and arrange for
three letters of reference to be sent directly, by October 31, 2011, to:
Professor Nancy Mandell, Chair, Department of Sociology, 2060 Vari Hall.


Gender and Sexuality

Applications are invited for a tenure-stream position, at the rank of
Assistant Professor, in the field of Gender and Sexuality. Required
qualifications include a completed PhD in Women's Studies or a related
field, and an ongoing program of research on issues of gender and
sexuality. Candidates are expected to demonstrate excellence in teaching
and in scholarly research, and to have publications appropriate to their
stage of career. The successful candidate will be expected to teach
interdisciplinary courses in her/his own area of expertise as well as to
contribute to the program by teaching in some of our core courses (for
example, the introductory course or courses in Women's Studies and/or
Sexuality Studies, and courses in each program on theories and

Applicants should submit a letter of application outlining their
professional experience and research interests, an up-to-date curriculum
vitae, a sample of their scholarly work, and a teaching dossier, and
arrange for three confidential letters of recommendation to be sent, by
November 15, 2011, to: Professor Gertrude Mianda, Chair, School of Women's
Studies, 206 Founders.

York University is an Affirmative Action Employer. The Affirmative Action
Program can be found on York's website at or
a copy can be obtained by calling the affirmative action office at
416.736.5713. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however,
Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.


Société civile et politiques publiques - Chaire Katharine A. Pearson
Université McGill
Location: Quebec
Date posted: 2011-08-16
Facultés de droit et des arts

Chaire Katharine A. Pearson en société civile et politiques publiques

L'appel de candidatures est maintenant ouvert pour la Chaire Katharine A.
Pearson en société civile et politiques publiques relevant conjointement
de la Faculté des arts ( et de la Faculté de droit
(, de l'Université McGill. Le poste s'adresse à
un professeur titulaire. La Chaire Katharine A. Pearson a été créée grâce
à un don généreux de la Fondation de la famille McConnell.

Les facultés des arts et de droit recherchent des candidats ou candidates
de renommée internationale qui détiennent des titres universitaires
exemplaires en arts et en droit et des compétences interdisciplinaires
confirmées. La Chaire vise à promouvoir l'enseignement aux étudiants des
premier, deuxième et troisième cycles inscrits dans ces deux facultés,
ainsi que leur supervision. Le ou la titulaire de la Chaire devra
également assumer un rôle de leadership au sein d'un nouveau programme en
société civile à l'Université McGill, établir de nouvelles orientations de
recherche dans ce domaine et encourager les demandes de bourses de
recherche en appui au programme.

Le programme en société civile retiendra le sens large de société civile
en tant que terme d'analyse pour les sciences sociales et les sciences
humaines. On étudiera le rôle des individus et des structures
institutionnelles, des groupes, des collectivités et des organismes non
gouvernementaux dans l'élaboration de politiques juridiques et publiques.
Ce programme sera axé sur le Canada en tant que laboratoire d'étude et
d'action publique, et reconnaîtra que le Canada représente un espace
privilégié, pour l'enseignement, la recherche et l'information de la
population sur des questions concernant la société civile dans la
communauté internationale.

Les candidats ou candidates doivent fournir une lettre d'intention, un
sommaire de leurs champs d'intérêt en recherche (y compris un programme de
recherche proposé), un curriculum vitæ détaillé, un exemplaire de trois
publications représentatives et les noms d'au moins trois références au
Comité de recrutement avant le 15 octobre 2011. Les demandes seront
acceptées jusqu'à ce qu'une personne soit retenue pour occuper le poste.
Il est préférable de soumettre sa demande par courriel à l'adresse
suivante, mais il est aussi possible de la faire
parvenir par la poste à l'adresse suivante :

Comité de recrutement
a/s Cabinet du doyen
Faculté de droit
Université McGill
3644, rue Peel
Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3A 1W9

On encourage tous les candidats qualifiés à postuler : la priorité sera
toutefois accordée aux Canadiens ainsi qu'aux résidents permanents.
L'Université McGill souscrit à la diversité et à l'équité en matière
d'emploi. Elle accueille favorablement les demandes d'emploi des peuples
autochtones, des minorités visibles, des minorités ethniques, des
personnes handicapées, des femmes, des personnes de toutes orientations et
identités sexuelles et d'autres personnes qui pourraient contribuer à une
plus grande diversité.


Sociology and Legal Studies - Assistant Professor
University of Waterloo
Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2011-09-01
FACULTY POSITION IN WOMEN AND THE LAW. Applications are being accepted for
the position of assistant professor (tenure-track) in Sociology and Legal
Studies beginning after 1 July 2012. The successful candidate must have an
active research program focussed on Women and the Law and a PhD in one of
the following disciplines: sociology, criminology, law, history, political
science, psychology. Duties include research, teaching at the
undergraduate and graduate level, and supervising graduate students.
Salary range commensurate with qualifications and experience. The closing
date for applications is December 31, 2011.

Send curriculum vitae and the names of three referees to Prof. Lorne
Dawson, Chair, Department of Sociology and Legal Studies, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G1.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Waterloo
encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including women,
members of visible minorities, native peoples, and persons with

This appointment is subject to the availability of funds.

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