This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Final deadline for Nomination Holberg Prize 2012 is 15 September 2011

Dear Professor

The Board of the Ludvig Holberg Memorial Fund invites you to nominate
the Holberg International Memorial Prize for outstanding work in the
academic fields of the arts and humanities, social science, law and
theology. The prize for 2012 is NOK 4,5 million (approximately EUR
565,000/USD 765,000*), and was established by the Norwegian Government
in 2003.

Letters of nomination must be sent to us by 15 September 2011.

Holberg Prize Laureates:
2011: Jürgen Kocka
2010: Natalie Zemon Davis
2009: Ian Hacking
2008: Fredric R. Jameson
2007: Ronald Dworkin
2006: Shmuel N. Eisenstadt
2005: Jürgen Habermas
2004: Julia Kristeva

How to nominate?
Scholars holding a senior position at universities and other research
institutions within the above mentioned academic fields are entitled
to nominate candidates for the Holberg Prize. The Holberg Prize's
Academic Committee will base its assessment on the letters of
nomination which must state the reasons for the nomination (2 to 3
pages). Letters should also contain a brief CV for the candidate and
suggest referees who know the scholar and his/her work. Joint
nominations do not strengthen a candidacy. Nominations are strictly

For more information:

The award ceremony takes place in Bergen in Norway in June 2012.

If you have questions, please don´t hesitate to contact Ms Trine
Kleven, Project Manager in Holberg Prize:

Yours Sincerely,

Professor Jan Fridthjof Bernt
Chair of Ludvig Holberg Memorial Fund

*Currency rates may change. Present rates from February 2011.

Canada-Latin America and the Caribbean Research Exchange Grants / Subventions pour la coop=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9ration_en_recherche_entre_le_Canada,_l'Am=E9rique?= latine et les Antilles (SCR-CALA)

French, Spanish and Portuguese follows

Canada-Latin America and the Caribbean Research Exchange Grants (LACREG)

2011 Competition Launch

The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) is
pleased to announce the launch of the 2011 Canada-Latin America and
the Caribbean Research Exchange Grants (LACREG) program. This program
has been managed by the AUCC with financial support from the
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) since 1995.

The purpose of this program is to strengthen international
partnerships and consolidate emerging networks among academic
researchers from Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean. It is
designed to support small collaborative research activities which will
contribute to the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge
in the development process in at least one area of IDRC thematic

IDRC Research themes:

Projects must address one or more of the Centre?s following research themes:

· agriculture and the environment;

· science, technology, and innovation;

· social and economic policy; and

· health and health systems.

Eligibility: Applicants from Canada and eligible Latin American and
Caribbean (LAC) countries are encouraged to apply. The LACREG program
applies to collaborative research between Canada and the following LAC
countries: Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

Value: Support through this program will be cost-shared on a 2:1 ratio
by the program and the partner institutions, respectively. The
maximum value of each grant under this program will be $15,000 CDN.

Deadline: Thursday, October 6, 2011

For program guidelines, visit the AUCC website at the following

For additional information please email


Programme Subventions pour la coopération en recherche entre le
Canada, l?Amérique latine et les Antilles (SCR-CALA)

Lancement du concours 2011

L?Association des universités et collèges du Canada (AUCC) est fière
d?annoncer le lancement du concours 2011 du programme de Subventions
pour la coopération en recherche entre le Canada, l?Amérique latine et
les Antilles (SCR-CALA). Depuis 1995, ce programme est administré par
l?AUCC avec le soutien financier du Centre de recherches pour le
développement international (CRDI).

Le programme est destiné à renforcer les partenariats internationaux
et à consolider les réseaux émergents de chercheurs universitaires du
Canada, de l?Amérique latine et des Antilles. Il est conçu pour
soutenir des activités de recherche concertée de petite envergure qui
serviront le processus de développement dans l?un ou l?autre des
domaines thématiques prioritaires du CRDI.

Thématiques prioritaires du CRDI :

Les projets doivent porter sur une ou plusieurs thématiques de recherche du

CRDI, à savoir :

· Agriculture et environnement

Science, technologie et innovation
Politique sociale et économique
Santé et systèmes de santé
Admissibilité : Les candidats du Canada et des pays d?Amérique latine
et des Antilles admissibles sont invités à poser leur candidature. Le
programme SCR-CALA soutient des projets de recherche entre le Canada
et les pays suivants de l?Amérique latine et les Antilles : Argentine,
Barbade, Belize, Bolivie, Brésil, Chili, Colombie, Costa Rica, Cuba,
El Salvador, Equateur, Guatemala, Guyane, Haïti, Honduras, Jamaïque,
Mexique, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Pérou, République dominicaine,
Trinité-et-Tobago, Uruguay et Venezuela.

Valeur : Le financement proviendra à la fois du programme SCR-CALA et
des établissements partenaires dans une proportion de 2 à 1
respectivement. La valeur maximale de chaque subvention est de 15 000
$ CAN.

Date limite : Le jeudi 6 octobre 2011

Pour obtenir les lignes directrices, veuillez consulter le site web de
l?AUCC au

Pour obtenir un complément d?information, veuillez communiquer avec
l?AUCC à


Becas para el Intercambio de Investigación

Canadá- América Latina y El Caribe (BII-CALC)

Lanzamiento del concurso 2011

La Asociación de Universidades y Colegios de Canadá (AUCC) se
complace en anunciar el lanzamiento del programa de Becas para el
Intercambio de Investigación Canadá-América Latina y El Caribe
(BII-CALC) correspondiente al 2011. Desde 1995, este programa ha sido
administrado por la AUCC, con el apoyo financiero del Centro
Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (IDRC).

El propósito de este programa es fortalecer las alianzas
internacionales y consolidar redes emergentes entre investigadores
académicos provenientes de Canadá, de América Latina y de El Caribe.
Está destinado a apoyar actividades menores de investigación
colaborativa, las cuales contribuirán a la creación, difusión y
aplicación del conocimiento en el proceso de desarrollo en al menos un
área temática prioritaria del IDRC.

Temas de investigación definidos por el IDRC:

Los proyectos deberán abordar uno o más de los siguientes temas de
investigación del Centro:

· agricultura y medio ambiente;

· ciencia, tecnología e innovación;

· política social y económica; y

· salud y sistemas de salud.

Elegibilidad: Se insta a los candidatos provenientes de Canadá y de
los países elegibles de América Latina y El Caribe (ALC) a que
postulen. El programa de BII-CALC se aplica a la colaboración en
investigación entre Canadá y los siguientes países de ALC: Argentina,
Barbados, Belice, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
República Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haití,
Honduras, Jamaica, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Trinidad
y Tobago, Uruguay, y Venezuela.

Valor: El apoyo que se otorga a través de este programa contemplará
una coparticipación en los costos en una relación de 2:1 entre el
programa y las instituciones asociadas, respectivamente. El monto
máximo de cada subvención conforme a este programa será de CDN $15.000.

Fecha límite: jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

Si desea información acerca de las bases del programa, visite el sitio
web de la AUCC en:

Para información adicional, sírvase enviar un correo electrónico a


Subvenções para o Intercâmbio de Pesquisa Canadá-América Latina e
Caribe (LACREG)

Concurso 2011

É com agrado que a Associação de Universidades e Colégios do Canadá
(AUCC) anuncia o lançamento do programa Subvenções para o Intercâmbio
de Pesquisa Canadá-América Latina e Caribe para 2011 (LACREG). Desde
1995 que o programa tem sido administrado pela AUCC e recebido
sustentação financeira do Centro Internacional de Pesquisas para o
Desenvolvimento (IDRC).

O objetivo deste programa visa reforçar as parcerias internacionais
e consolidar as redes emergentes entre pesquisadores acadêmicos do
Canadá, da América Latina e do Caribe. O programa foi criado para dar
apoio às atividades de pesquisa participativa de pequeno porte que
contribuam para a criação, disseminação e aplicação de conhecimentos
no processo de desenvolvimento em, pelo menos, uma área temática de
prioridade do IDRC.

Temas de pesquisa do IDRC:

Os projetos deverão atender um, ou mais, dos temas de pesquisa seguintes:

· agricultura e meio ambiente;

· ciência, tecnologia e inovação;

· política social e econômica; e

· saúde e sistemas de saúde.

Eligibilidade: Os candidatos do Canadá e dos países elegíveis da
América Latina e Caribe (ALC) são convidados a apresentar sua
candidatura. O programa LACREG aplica-se à pesquisa participativa
entre o Canadá e os seguintes países da ALC: Argentina, Barbados,
Belize, Bolívia, Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, República
Dominicana, Equador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guiana, Haiti, Honduras,
Jamaica, México, Nicarágua, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru, Trinidad e Tobago,
Uruguai e Venezuela.

Valor: O suporte para este programa é obtido mediante a divisão de
custos na proporção de 2:1 pelo programa e pelas instituições
parceiras, respectivamente. Valor máximo de cada subvenção ao abrigo
deste programa: $15.000 CDN.

Prazo: Quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

Para obter as diretrizes do programa, favor visitar o website da AUCC

Para informações adicionais, favor enviar mensagem por via eletrônica

Thursday, June 23, 2011



University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada October 25, 2011 Paper and
poster abstracts of no more than 200 words should be forwarded to by June 30, 2011. Click here for complete info:

CFP IUAES 2013: Mobile cultures, cultural (im)mobilities

CFP IUAES 2013: Mobile cultures, cultural (im)mobilities

17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and
Ethnological Sciences
Manchester (UK), 5-10 August 2013

*Mobile cultures, cultural (im)mobilities*

Panel organizer: Noel B. Salazar (University of Leuven, Belgium): <>

Panel abstract:
Although humans have always been on the move, discourses of
globalization and metaphors of 'flow' have conjured up images of
unfettered movement. Partly influenced by neoliberal and free market
ideologies, transnational mobility has become one of the most powerful
stratifying factors, leading to a global hierarchy of movements.
Purposeful border-crossing mobilities, usually of the temporary kind,
are widely accepted as a desirable and even normative path (e.g. rites
of passage) towards success: career achievement through educational
exchange and work experience abroad, and wellbeing or quality of life
achievement through international tourism and lifestyle migration.
Across the globe, such forms of geographical movement are made
meaningful by being variously linked with the accumulation of economic
(resources), social (status) or cultural (cosmopolitanism) capital.As
more people cross borders, nation-states attempt to maintain authority
over the meaning of their movements. An all too exclusive focus on the
most mobile people alone conceals the wider effects that dominant
ideas of (im)mobility and transnational networks have on societies and
their cultural fabric as a whole. The papers in this panel will
ethnographically address the following questions: How is
achievement-through-mobility ideologically constituted across cultures
and which mechanisms and institutional regimes ensure its transmission
and self-perpetuation? How do people experience, understand and
negotiate positively valued transnational mobilities? How much are
people aware of the ways that culture influences boundary-crossing
mobility patterns? And, turning the question around, what is the role
of transnational mobilities in the constitution of culture(s) and
cultural heritage?

Submission of abstracts:
Please send an e-mail to the panel organizer with the following data:
title and 150 word paper abstract, name, affiliation and full contact
Deadline: 22 July 2011

General information on the conference:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Colloque Amades 2012, Anthropologie, Innovations techniques et dynamiques sociales dans le domaine de la sant=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9?=

L'association française AMADES (Anthropologie médicale appliquée au
développement) tiendra son prochain colloque à Brest (France) en 2012 sur
le thème:

Anthropologie, innovations techniques
et dynamiques sociales
dans le domaine de la santé

10-11-12 mai 2012
Faculté de médecine - Brest

La date limite de proposition des communications est fixée au 15 septembre

L'accès à l'appel à communication, ainsi que la fiche de proposition de
communication sont disponible sur le site de l'Amades :

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

CfP: Studies in Social Justice special issue on The Politics of Resilience and Recovery in Mental Health Care - 22 July

~ Call for Papers ~

Studies in Social Justice, Special Issue on

The Politics of Resilience and Recovery in Mental Health Care

Over the past several decades, mental health care has increasingly
privileged models of resilience and recovery, alongside and as part of
shifts away from (partial) de-institutionalization, towards the newly
preferred model of 'community-based' care. Though such shifts have
largely been initiated through the resistance of those who have been
psychiatrized, these new models of care have now been co-opted within a
number of mental health care systems. Through this appropriation,
resilience and recovery have come to be incorporated into systems of
medicalized mental health care. Resilience and recovery have thus been
re-figured: psychiatric experts now iterate that through recovery and
resilience those who are deemed to have disordered minds can live
'meaningful lives' despite the ostensible permanence of their 'illnesses,'
thus working to deny the possibility of a kind of recovery that would
place 'patients' or 'clients' outside the remit of medical authority.
Whereas 20 years ago 'resilience' and 'recovery' were harnessed as an
organized means for psychiatric survivors to avert the medical system
through peer knowledge and support, they are now harnessed as a means for
incorporating psychiatric survivors into medical systems, and to making
them responsible for their adherence to prescribed ways of governing their
interior lives. In the process, bio-medical and psychosocial models have
been drawn together in novel configurations, including Cognitive Behaviour
Therapy (CBT), positive psychology, and the like. Whole populations and
societies are being targeted as these models move from solely treating
those deemed mentally ill, towards responsibilizing all members of a given
population or society for their mental health and well-being.

Mental health models based on resilience and recovery are being instituted
in a number of sub-national, national and supra-national settings with the
aspiration of creating healthy, happy and productive populations. These
processes are incredibly expansive, and are targeting numerous populations
in a wide array of spaces. Examples abound. Mental health care within
national health services are being revamped, through, for instance, the
newly formed Mental Health Commission of Canada, and the UK NHS's recent
systemic turn to CBT. Resilience and recovery also figure within the
mental health programming of various sub-national organizations, from
schools, to universities, to militaries, amongst others. Resilience and
recovery models have also figured in International Organizations,
including the World Health Organization's 2001 world health report on
Mental Health: New Understanding, New Hope, which advocates the
integration of neuromedicine and behavioural science, while targeting
former post-colonial nations, without also acknowledging psychiatry's role
in imperialism. Such activities are being contested within psy expert
communities, as well as resisted by psychiatric survivor and mad pride
movements, which have worked to politicize the appropriation of resilience
and recovery from psychiatric survivor communities. Such resistance works
to re-position mental health, resilience, and recovery, not as matters
under the domain of medicine or illness, but as matters of social justice,
recognition, and difference.

We seek contributions that will foster interdisciplinary dialogue on the
politics of resilience and recovery, and social justice in mental health
care. Contributions are welcome from those situated in or across the
disciplines of anthropology, sociology, political science, education,
psychology, ethics, medicine, health studies, amongst others. Please send
an abstract of 500 words by no later than July 22, 2011 to Alison Howell
and Jijian Voronka, special issue guest editors at: and Please be
advised that full articles of 6,000 to 8,000 words (inclusive) will be due
on or before November 15th, 2011. Further information about Studies in
Social Justice can be found at:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CFP Diverse Spaces:Examining identity, community and citizenship within Canadian public culture

Diverse Spaces:
Examining identity, community and citizenship within Canadian public
April 20-21, 2012
Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies
Trent University
Peterborough, Canada

Identity, belonging and citizenship within the nation state are
established, contested and legitimized within sites and institutions of
public culture, heritage and representation. In Canada, people from
diverse cultural backgrounds seek to engage with cultural, historical
and social knowledge in these spaces. While public museums have been
primary sites of engagement, some people have sought to create
alternative opportunities and institutional spaces to express and
represent the complexities of their histories, identities, communities
and places in both Canadian and global society. We are seeking papers
that explore the roles that all types of public spaces play in the
expression or contestation of different histories, different identities,
and different forms of community, national and transnational
The goal of this conference is to bring together a wide range of
academics, professionals, community leaders and students to examine,
analyze and theorize the dynamics of public cultural institutions in
relation to the putative multicultural nation of Canada. What
negotiations, relationships, compromises, conflicts, successes or
failures emerge as new spaces are established, and as old ones are
reconstituted or rethought? We welcome papers and panels from all
disciplines and interdisciplinary fields that touch on the spaces, the
structures, the goals, the practices, the people or the processes of
public cultural and heritage institutions on local, community, national
or international scales that comparatively or specifically offer comment
on the Canadian context. Possible topics might include, but are not
limited to:

• Conceptualizing difference/diversity/multiculturalism/pluralism
in public spaces
• Representing the multicultural “we” in national spaces
• New social and cultural spaces of representation
• Collecting the transnational/multicultural ‘citizen’
• Virtual/digital collections and the ‘real’ of the public
• Diaspora, migrations, uprooting and ‘heritage’
• Spaces of memory and testimony
• Donors, diversity, and ‘new’ museum publics
• State museums/institutions and representations of citizenship
• Citizenship/community in public spaces from above, below and
• Cross-cultural encounters in public spaces/institutions
• Museums and collaborative processes
• Virtual worlds, public culture and representation
• New media and transnational identities

Please submit either (a) 250 word abstracts for an individual papers, or
(b) proposals for panels including 3 papers by August 31, 2011 to Accepted papers and panels will be announced by
the end of January, 2012.

The conference is organized by Julia Harrison, Director, and Susan
Ashley, SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Frost Centre for Canadian
Studies and Indigenous Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Canada.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2011 CPHA Conference - Systems Thinking Panel

La version française suit

Public Health - Thinking Towards a System 2.0
22 juin 2011 • 09 h 00 à 10 h 30
Palais des congress, Montreal, QC • Salle 520CF

This panel is a second in an ongoing series at the CPHA conferences
that examines how and why after new investments and greater focus on
public health in Canada it still feels that public health is operating
as a collection of parts rather than a whole system.

Garry Aslanyan, World Health Organization

Alain Poirier, Directeur national de santé publique et Sousministre
adjoint à la Direction générale de la santé publique, Ministère de la
Santé et des Services sociaux, Québec

Kim Elmslie, Director General, Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention
and Control, Public Health Agency of Canada

Lucie Granger, Directrice générale, Association pour la santé publique
du Québec

Nancy Edwards, Scientific Director, CIHR-Institute of Population and
Public Health (CIHR-IPPH)

Pamela Fralick, Co-Chair, Canadian Coalition for Public Health in the
21st Century (CCPH21) and President and CEO, Canadian Healthcare


La santé publique – vers le système 2.0
22 juin 2011 • 09 h 00 à 10 h 30
Palais des congress, Montreal, QC • Salle 520CF

Ce débat est le deuxième d'une série de débats organisés à l'occasion
des conférences de l'ACSP. Il examine comment et pourquoi, malgré de
nouveaux investissements et l'accent plus marqué sur la santé publique
au Canada, on a toujours l'impression que la santé publique fonctionne
de manière disparate plutôt qu'en parfaite harmonie.

Garry Aslanyan, Organisation mondiale de la santé

Alain Poirier, Directeur national de santé publique et Sousministre
adjoint à la Direction générale de la santé publique, Ministère de la
Santé et des Services sociaux, Québec

Kim Elmslie, Directrice générale, Centre de prevention et de contôrle
des maladies chroniques, Agence de la santé publique du Canada

Lucie Granger, Directrice générale, Association pour la santé publique
du Québec

Nancy Edwards, directrice scientifique, Institut de la santé publique
et des populations des IRSC

Pamela Fralick, Coprésidente La Coalition canadienne pour la santé
publique au 21e siècle (CCSP21) et Présidente et chef de la direction,
Association canadienne de soin de santé

CIHR - Institute of Population and Public Health | IRSC - Institut de
la santé publique et des populations
312 - 600 Peter-Morand Cres.
Ottawa, Ontario, K1G5Z3
Tel|Tél : (613)562-5800 x8414

Thursday, June 2, 2011

CIHR-IPPH/IRSC/ISPP: May E-Bulletin / E-Bulletin de mai


Address / Adresse:
600 Peter Morand Crescent., Suite 312
Ottawa, ON K1G 5Z3

Tel / Tél:
613-562-5800 ext 8414

Fax / Téléc:

Email / Courriel
<A href="" name="Website>Website" a
web< Site>

</A></SPAN><A href=""
name="http></a"> </A></SPAN><A href=""

le texte français suit.

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the new and improved IPPH E-Bulletin!

<A name="1 - Contents (Top of Page)">
</A>IPPH Webinars
</A>CIHR Café Scientifique Program
</A>CIHR Roadmap Signature Initiative in Community-Based Primary
</A>Open Data Pilot Project
</A>Health in All Policies Summer School

</A>Other News
Funding Opportunities/Grants/Awards
for Abstracts/Papers
</A>Scholarships/Fellowship/Internship Opportunities
</A>Job Opportunities
</A>Reports of Interest
</A>Upcoming Events</A>
Share your Success Stories
<A name="2 - IPPH Webinars">IPPH Webinars</A>
CIHR-IPPH Systems for Implementation Webinar – June 28, 2011, 12:30-2:00pm
The systems for implementation webinar, one of the IPPH's strategic
research priorities, aims to build a common understanding of what this
priority means for the population and public health research community.
Dr. Nancy Edwards, CIHR-IPPH Scientific Director, will facilitate the
CIHR's major strategic initiatives are available online <A
href="" name="here>here</a">.
Register now on the </A></SPAN><A

CIHR-IPPH Open Operating Grant Webinar – June 29, 2011, 12:30-2:00pm EDT.

The Open Operating Grant (OOG) provides funds to support research
proposals in all areas of health research. The webinar will promote and
explain the application process for funding opportunities. Presenters
include Dr. Gregory Huyer, Deputy Director of Program Delivery at CIHR,
and Dr. Patricia O'Campo, Director of the Centre for Research on Inner
City Health at St Michael's Hospital and Professor at the Dalla Lana
School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.
Register now on the </A></SPAN><A
name="CHNETWorks>CHNET-Works!</a"> website!
<A name="3 - CIHR Café Scientifique Program">CIHR Café Scientifique
Café scientifiques are informal discussions that provide insight into
health-related issues of popular interest to the general public, and in
turn provoke questions and provide answers.
They involve interaction between the public and experts in a given field
at a café, a pub or a restaurant.
The CIHR-IPPH, in partnership with the Public Health Agency of Canada
(PHAC), is pleased to announce a funding opportunity to support up to ten
(10) Café Scientifiques focused on population and public health research.
Apply now! Application deadline: June 30th, 2011.
The subject must be a health-research related issue of interest to the
general public.
Visit the <A
name="CIHR website">CIHR website </A></SPAN>for more details.

<A name="4 - CIHR Roadmap Signature Initiative">CIHR Roadmap Signature
Initiative in Community-Based Primary Healthcare</A>

Twenty-four Planning Grants valued at $25,000 each will support
researchers to come together to build active and meaningful collaborations
and to understand the existing Community-Based Primary Healthcare (CBPHC)
research landscape, including needs and priorities, before embarking on a
full CBPHC Team Grant application in the fall 2011. (Note: Teams who plan
to apply for a CBPHC Team Grant are not required to apply for a CBPHC
Planning Grant.)
To apply for the Planning Grants, please visit <A

Application deadline: June 16, 2011
<A name="5 - Open Data Pilot Project">Open Data Pilot Project</A>
The Open Data Pilot is
part of the Government of Canada's commitment to open government, which is
being pursued along three streams: open data, open information and open
dialogue, and aims to drive innovation and economic opportunities for all
The Open Data Pilot seeks to improve the ability of the public to find,
download and use Government of Canada data. You are invited to search the
catalogue, download datasets and explore the possibilities of Open Data.
For more information, please visit the <A
href="" name="Open
Data Pilot Project Website">Open Data Pilot Project Website</A></SPAN>.

<A name="6 - Health in All Policies Summer School">Health in All Policies
(HiAP) Summer School</A>
Adelaide, South Australia
28 November – 2 December 2011
Applications will be open until 31 July 2011
This course is being convened as a follow-up to the
Adelaide meeting by the Government of South Australia (SA) with technical
support from the WHO. It will bring together practitioners and academics
from several highly esteemed international and regional universities.
Professor Ilona Kickbusch is the summer school's Course Director and is
joined by Course Co-Director Ms Carmel Williams, Manager HiAP SA Health.
For further information on the application process, please email HiAP</A>.

<A name="7 - Funding Opportunities/Grants/Awards">Funding
IPPH funding opportunities can be found <A
name="here>here</a"> by selecting the Institute of Population and Public
Health under the CIHR Institute** dropdown menu.

BLOOMBERG-MANULIFE AWARD – Deadline to Apply: May 31, 2011
<EM>McGill University
In May 2011, Toronto-based investment
manager Lawrence S. Bloomberg, O.Ont., and Manulife Financial launched the
Bloomberg Manulife Prize for the Promotion of Active Health at McGill
Motivated by a strong common desire to improve the lifestyle choices of
North Americans, the founding partners joined forces to create an
influential prize that will have the power to bring real and lasting
change to the way we live. To accomplish this goal, they decided to
recognize and support the researchers who are already having a profound
impact on the health and well-being of their fellow citizens.
For more information, or to apply, please visit </A></SPAN><A
href="" name="McGill Universitys
BloombergManulife Award">McGill University's Bloomberg-Manulife Award
Website</A></SPAN>, or contact Bloomberg-Manulife</A> by email.

– June 1, 2011
<EM>Élisabeth-Bruyère Research Institute</EM>
The Ontario Research Coalition (ORC) brings together seven key research
institutes/centres working on producing evidence that could help to
improve the quality of care provided to seniors in Ontario. The ORC's
approach is to build research capacity by encouraging cross
institute/centre creation of collaborative projects, by enhancing linkages
with consumers, providers, planners, and educators to promote research
translation, and by providing incentives for people early in their
research careers to focus on health and aging. The ORC is focusing on four
high-priority research topics: chronic disease; aging at home; drug usage
/ patient safety; or mobility and aging.
The Élisabeth Bruyère Research Institute (ÉBRI), a coalition partner, has
a total of $13,500 to offer one or more Early Research Awards. The award
can provide salary support for the
Early Researcher or used to offset the cost of conducting research (RA
support, data collection, etc.). Each award recipient is expected to
present their research at the Coalition's Annual Research Symposium in the
spring of 2012, in Toronto (the award funds must be used to cover any
travel expenses incurred by the recipient).
Early Researcher candidates must:
• Be enrolled in a masters or doctoral program, or be a clinical or
postdoctoral fellow.
• Be affiliated with at least one of the seven coalition partners. • Be a
relative newcomer to the field of research on aging.
• Submit a brief research proposal to a coalition partner related to
health services research in one of the four priority areas.
• Commit to engaging in an inter-institution/centre process (to be defined
by the recipient and their coalition sponsor) that will bring them into
contact with an investigator(s) with at least one other
coalition institute/centre.
Please submit your proposal to Dr. Larry Chambers by June 1, 2011, for
consideration by the ÉBRI management committee. If you have any questions
about the call for proposals, contact Beckie Walbourne</A>.

Pre-announcement of the first joint research activity – hypertension

The Global Alliance for Chronic Disease (GACD), a consortium of health
organizations that includes CIHR, announced on December 8, 2010, its
intention to release a Request for Applications (RFA) on Implementation
Research on Hypertension in Low and Middle Income Countries, inviting
investigators to submit proposals to improve effective approaches to the
prevention and control of hypertension. CIHR anticipates launching this
competition in early May 2011 with applications being due early September
Please visit the <A href=""
name="CIHR Website">CIHR
Website</A></SPAN> for more details.

Pre-announcement – CIHR Open Operating Grants Program – Fall 2011 Priority
Announcement – Population Health Interventions
CIHR-IPPH will provide funding for applications that support research
related to population health interventions.

Population health interventions are policy, program and resource
distribution approaches that address the determinants of health within and
outside of the health sector. Population health interventions are
complex, dynamic, and adaptable to different socio-cultural and political

Some examples include:
1) Municipal infrastructure policies to make communities safer and more
2) Housing renewal developments and their potential impacts on family
3) Social assistance policies to improve household food security. Visit
the <A
name="CIHR ResearchNet website">CIHR ResearchNet website</A></SPAN> for
further information.

Pre-announcement – Call for Québec-Europe (ERA-AGE2) projects on aging:
Healthy Life Expectancy 2020

As a partner of ERA-AGE2, a European research network on aging, FRSQ is
pleased to inform the scientific community that a call for proposals will
be made in June 2011 for multidisciplinary research in "Active and Healthy
Ageing across the Life Course".
Each project must be presented by a team of researchers from at least
three different countries participating in the call for proposals.
Finland, France, Israel, Latvia, Luxembourg, Romania, Sweden and United
Kingdom have expressed their interest in participating in this call for
The deadline
for letters of intent will be early October 2011. Details about the
competition and confirmation of the participating countries will be
announced in June 2011 on the <A
href="" name="ERAAGE2
website">ERA-AGE2 website</A></SPAN>.
As soon as we have further details to provide, we will post them on our
For more information, contact FRSQ Program Manager Nathalie Champagne</A>.

Pre-announcement – CIHR Open Operating Grants Program Priority
Announcement – Implementation Systems for Population Health Interventions

The CIHR-Institute of Population Health is interested in funding planning
grants that support research related to the examination of systems for
population health interventions. Population health interventions are
defined as policy, program and resource distribution programs that address
the determinants of health through organizational and
other system levels. Implementation systems within and outside the health
sector are required to initiate, support, sustain and scale-up these
interventions. Such systems are influenced by all levels of governance,
leadership support, priority setting and resource allocation, human
resource, legal and administrative capacities.

Some examples include:
1) Intersectoral engagement regarding population health interventions
and their potential scale-up
2) Government approaches to consider health in all policies
3) Applications of systems thinking or complexity science to understand
implementation systems for population health interventions

N.B. This Priority Announcement will require completion of a Relevance Form.

Visit <A

name="ResearchNet>ResearchNet</a">for further information

Pre-announcement – CIHR Open Operating Grants Program Priority
Announcement – Pathways to Health Equity
The CIHR-Institute of Population and Public Health will provide funding
for applications that support research related to pathways to health
equity. Health equity suggests that all people can reach their full
health potential and should not be disadvantaged from attaining it because
of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or any other socially determined
circumstance. Research furthering the understanding of the pathways that
lead to health equity focuses on understanding interactions between
biological, social, cultural and environmental determinants. Research
addressing these priorities involves a range of research designs and
theoretical innovations informed by diverse interdisciplinary perspectives
such as epidemiology, sociology,
political science, and other health and social sciences.
N.B. This Priority Announcement will require completion of a Relevance Form.
Visit the </A></SPAN><A
name="CIHR ResearchNetnbsp">CIHR ResearchNet </A></SPAN>website for
further information.
<A name="8 - Calls for Abstracts/Papers">Calls for Abstracts/Papers</A>
See also the Calendar of Upcoming</A> Events below.

CALL FOR RESEARCH REPORTS – National Housing Research Committee – Deadline
for Submission 15 June 2011

The NHRC Newsletter offers you an opportunity to share information about
housing research with members of the NHRC and other interested people in
organizations across the country. The approximately 1 500 people who will
receive the newsletter have a keen
interest in hearing about your project. The NHRC Secretariat will hire a
writer to produce the articles based upon initial information you provide
and a brief telephone interview. A high-quality drawing, photograph or
chart to accompany your article is recommended. If you are drafting an
article, please ensure that it be less than 500 words.
Please submit articles by e-mail to David Stansen</A>.

CALL FOR PAPERS - International Conference on Global Health and Public
Health Education – Deadline for Abstract Submission 15 August 2011
Emerging infectious, rising rates of obesity and problems for health from
pollution have all raised the profile of public health not only in Hong
Kong globally. As part of their 10th anniversary, CUHK School of Public
Health and Primary Care (SPHPC) will host the International Conference on
Global Health and Public Health Education at CUHK School of Public Health
Building, Hong Kong, on 25 – 27 October 2011.
Date: 25 – 27 October 2011
Venue: School of Public Health Building, CUHK
Organizer: School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK

Important Dates:Deadline for Early Bird Registration: 31 August 2011
Deadline for Registration in Advance: 31
September 2011
Deadline for Abstracts Submission: 15 August

The registration form is available <A
href="" name="here>here</a">.
For enquiries, please feel free to contact Conference
Secretariat</A></SPAN> at 852-2252-8428.

<EM>Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
The Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health (CJCMH) is an
interdisciplinary publication devoted to sharing information on the mental
well-being of Canadians and their
communities. CJCMH invites submissions to a special issue sponsored by the
Canadian Population Health Initiative of the Canadian Institute for Health
Information. The special issue will be dedicated to mental health
promotion from a population health perspective, with particular emphasis
on equity and the role of social determinants of health. We hope to elicit
papers that explore a variety of research and practice-based perspectives
from a range of disciplines, and from health and social care
professionals, mental health policy and decision-makers, and academic
Keith Denny, PhD
Canadian Population Health Initiative-Canadian Institute for Health
Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Carleton University
Frank Elgar, PhD
Department of Psychology, Carleton University
Deadline: August 31, 2011
href="" name="Click
here">Click here</A></SPAN> to see the instructions for authors.
For information or to submit a paper, contact:
Annie Sebold
</A>Canadian Population Health Initiative
Canadian Institute for Health Information

CALL FOR PAPERS – Special issue on Aging: Canadian Review of Social
Policy/Revue Canadienne de Politique Sociale – September 7, 2011
The Canadian Review of Social Policy/Revue Canadienne de Politique Sociale
is seeking scholarly articles for an upcoming special issue on Aging and
Canadian Social Policy.
This special edition of the Canadian Review of Social Policy/Revue
Canadienne de Politique Sociale seeks to document and examine current
Canadian social policy and administration on aging. Manuscripts should
address the political and public policy dimensions of the case being
examined and should be no more than 5,000 words
in length. This special edition of the Canadian Review of Social Policy
encourages submissions from non-university based researchers and analysts
as well. A wide range of topics is considered for this special issue.
Electronic manuscripts should be submitted via the <A
name="journal website">journal website</A></SPAN> by the September 7,
2011. Each submission must be accompanied by a 250 word abstract, and a
brief biography of the author.
Regarding any further questions, please contact Professor Atsuko
Matsuoka</A>, Marie Beaulieu</A> or Professor Brigitte Kitchen</A>. The
deadline for manuscripts is September 7, 2011.
Canadian Review of Social Policy/Revue Canadienne de Politique Sociale
School of Social Work
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON, M3J 1P3
Back to Top</A>
<A name="9 -
Opportunities">Scholarships/Fellowship/Internship Opportunities</A>
PHIRNET and NCC Two-year, full-time Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) in
Population Health Intervention Research

The Population Health Intervention Research Network (PHIRNET) and the
National Collaborating Centres (NCCs) for Public Health are pleased to
announce an application process to award a two-year, full-time
Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) in Population Health Intervention Research.
The purpose of this fellowship is to conduct an in-depth case study, as an
implementation evaluation, of the development of the collective program of
the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health. The award amount is
$40,000 per year for two years. A research allowance of $5,000 per year
for two years will also be provided, to support data collection and
conduct knowledge translation and dissemination

Applications must be received by midnight (Pacific Daylight Time) on 30
June 2011. Send your application here</A>.
If you have any questions about the competition, please contact Cathy

Exciting PhD research opportunity - Health equity in greenfield urban

Health and well-being considerations have become more prominent in urban
planning endeavours in recent years. Many benchmarks, toolkits, planning
instruments andtechnologies have been developed and advocated over the
last decade.
Whether these impact on health equity through action on social and
political determinants is yet unclear, however. There is a very exciting
opportunity in Geelong (Victoria, Australia) to investigate this issue not
just post-hoc but pro-actively. A new neighborhood is going to be built
just south of the current built-up area of the City of Greater Geelong.
Armstrong Creek, as it is called,
will be home to some 60,000 new residents a decade from now.
Initial research mapping of this health and urban planning scenario has
been completed.
This has involved the identification of planning stakeholders, and
completion and approval of an ethics application with the Deakin
University Human Research Committee. Specific theoretical and
methodological flavours can still be applied to this research topic. The
PhD candidate will be part of the Deakin University School of Medicine
Community Health Systems and Policy research programme.

Contact Professor Evelyne de Leeuw</A> for further information.

Public Health and the Agricultural Rural Ecosystem (PHARE) Graduate
Training Scholarships - May 31, 2011
This Canadian Institutes of Health Research Strategic Training Initiative
in Health Research (CIHR-STIHR) funded graduate training program draws
skills from across Canada to respond to changing
demographics and technology and to address the health challenges facing
persons living in rural Canada as they seek a healthy, safe and
sustainable lifestyle.
The PHARE program provides scholarship support to graduate students at the
Master's, PhD and Postdoctoral level. It is a virtual program, accessible
through any eligible Canadian University.
Application Deadline: May 31st, 2011
Please refer to the <A
name="PHARE training program website">PHARE training program
website</A></SPAN> for application details and forms.

New fellowship to provide researchers with health policy experience - June
1, 2011

Please visit the <A
website">ResearchNet website</A></SPAN> for more details.<A
Back to Top</A>
<A name="10 - Job Opportunities">Job Opportunities</A>
Join the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health - June
5, 2011
<EM>Knowledge Translation Specialists, Knowledge Broker and Research
St. Francis Xavier University, a top-ranking Canadian university focused
on academic excellence, innovation in teaching and research, service to
society and international outreach, is seeking new staff to translate
evidence and encourage uptake of effective health equity enhancing
practices and policies by
Canadian public health organizations. The Collaborating Centre is part of
an exciting network of centres engaged in public health renewal.
See detailed job postings on the <A
Acceptance of applications closes on June 5th, 2011.

The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC)

The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) is hiring a new Manager,
Knowledge and Exchange. The position can be based in either Calgary or
Ottawa. The MHCC is looking for a strong project management professional,
someone who can easily build relationships and a person experienced at
building and executing projects similar to this important knowledge
exchange network. The Manager, Knowledge and Exchange will be responsible
for the day-to-day projects connected with the KEC, and report up to the
Director, Knowledge Exchange Centre.
For further information please contact:
Mike Kerr, CMA, FCMA or Heather Fookes, MLIS
Davies Park Calgary
1810, 300 – 5th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 3C4
Phone: (403) 263-0600
Fax: (403) 269-1080

Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion - Manager, Analytic
Department: Surveillance and Epidemiology / Analytic Services

The Manager, Analytic Services is responsible to provide unit leadership
for the planning, development and management of sound, innovative
developmentsin the field of public health epidemiology including the
provision of scientific and technical advice and support for
evidence-based public health practice to those working to protect and
promote the health of Ontarians.

For more information, please visit the
</A></SPAN><A href="" name="OAHPP
Website">OAHPP Website</A></SPAN>.

Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion - Manager, Surveillance
Department: Surveillance and Epidemiology / Surveillance Services

The Manager, Surveillance Services is responsible to provide unit
leadership for the planning, development and management of sound,
innovative science initiatives in the field of public health surveillance
including the provision of scientific and technical advice and support for
evidence based public health practice to those working to protect and
promote the health of Ontarians.

For more information, please visit the <A
href="" name="OAHPP Website">OAHPP

<A name="11 - Reports of Interest">Reports of Interest</A>
name="nbspCognitive Performance of Canadian Senio">Cognitive Performance
of Canadian Seniors</A></SPAN> by Heather Gilmour – June 15, 2011

<A href="" name="At Work Research Excellence
Advancing Emplo">At Work - Research Excellence Advancing Employee
Health</A></SPAN> – Institute for Work & Health (IWH)

<A name="12 - Upcoming Events">Upcoming Events</A>

<LI><A href=""
name=" ">Festival
of International Conferences on Caregiving, Disability, Aging and
Technology (FICCDAT)</A></SPAN> - June 5-8, 2011. Toronto, Ontario. </LI>
<LI><A href=""
name=" ">2011 Forum on HIV and
Rehabilitation and CWGHR Annual General
Meeting (AGM) </A></SPAN>- June 11-12, 2011. Toronto, Ontario. </LI>
<LI><A href=""
name=" ">Canadian Public Health
Association 2011 Annual Conference </A></SPAN>- June 19-22, 2011.
Montréal, Québec. </LI> <LI><A
name=" ">Workplace Mental
Health 2011 </A></SPAN>- June 20-21, 2011. Toronto, Ontario. </LI> <LI><A
name=" ">CHRA Congress
2011</A></SPAN> - June 20-23, 2011. Regina, Saskatchewan. </LI> <LI><A
name=" ">Inaugural
symposium on Health Impact Assessment</A></SPAN> – June 27, 2011. Hilton
Lac Leamy,
Gatineau (Québec). Please reserve your place by <A
">clicking here</A></SPAN>. </LI> <LI><A
name=" ">4<SUP>th</SUP> International
Symposium on Local and Regional Health Programs</A></SPAN> (French only) –
June 27-30, 2011. Ottawa, Ontario. </LI>

<LI><A href=""
name=" ">8<SUP>th</SUP> World
Congress in Health Economics</A></SPAN> – July 10-13, 2011. Toronto,
Ontario. </LI> <LI><A
">6<SUP>th</SUP> International Conference on
the Impact of Environmental Factors on Health: Environmental Health Risk
2011</A></SPAN>- July 25-27, 2011. Riga, Latvia. </LI>
">Health Data: Pushing the Boundaries. Health Data Users Conference
2011</A></SPAN> – September 22-23, 2011. Ottawa Convention Centre,
Ottawa, Ontario. </LI> <LI><A
Safety Conf 2011 - save the date info flyer.pdf"
Safety Conf 2011 - save the date info flyer.pdf ">Improving Patient Safety
across the Continuum. Patient Safety Matters. University of Windsor
Patient Safety Conference</A></SPAN>. September 24, 2011. </LI>
<LI> <A href="" name="http>Canadian" a Gerontology<
on Association>– October 20-23, 2011. Ottawa, Ontario. Email</A></SPAN>
for more information. </LI>
<LI><A href=""
name=" ">7th National Conference on Tobacco
or Health</A></SPAN> - November 1-3, 2011. Toronto, Ontario. </LI> <LI><A
href="" name="
">Global Health Conference - Advancing Health Equity in the 21st Century
</A></SPAN>– November 13-15, 2011. Montreal, Quebec. </LI> <LI><A
name=" ">15th
Annual Public Health Days</A></SPAN> – November 28-December 1st, 2011.
Montréal, Québec. </LI>

<A name="13 - Share your Success Stories">Share your Success Stories</A>
Has your research led to a breakthrough, the development of a new
product/program, or changes in policy and practice?
We want to hear about it! Your story may be featured on our web site or in
the next issue of our Institute newsletter - <A
href="" name="POP News">POP
Please email your impact stories to Emma Cohen</A>, IPPH Knowledge
Translation and Communications Officer.

Thank you!

<A name="14 - Communications">Communications</A>
CIHR-IPPH 2010 Population Health Intervention Research Symposium and
Workshop Reports Now Available
Dear Colleagues,

As you may know, on December 1st, 2010 the CIHR-Institute of Population
and Public Health, along with its partners hosted a workshop entitled
"Stimulating Methodological and Theoretical
Innovation in Population Health Intervention Research". The objectives of
the workshop were to:
1. Create a forum to contrast, debate and discuss the different
theoretical and methodological underpinnings of population health
intervention research in order to advance the science of population health
2. Identify priority areas for theoretical and methodological development
in population health intervention research

The CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health recognizes the generous
support of the CIHR Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes and
the Public Health Agency of Canada and the significant contributions of
planning committee members.
We are pleased to announce that the workshop website is now active. On the
website you will find English versions of all presentations, reports and a
copy of the program. Bilingual versions of the summary report will also
be made
available on the IPPH website in the coming weeks. Please feel free to
distribute this information.
Additionally, please take the time to fill out the <A
name="online evaluation survey">online evaluation survey</A></SPAN>; your
feedback is greatly appreciated.

Please let us know about your recent publications. We would like to
profile some of these in future newsletters. Please email Emma Cohen</A>,
Knowledge Translation and Communications Officer, IPPH. Thank you. Past
IPPH newsletters, POP News, are available on the <A
href="" name="Institute
website">Institute website</A></SPAN>.


<A name="16 - Contenu (Haut de la page)">
</A>Webinaires de l'ISPP
</A>Programme Café scientifique des IRSC
</A>Initiative phare
du plan stratégique des IRSC sur les soins de santé primaires
communautaires (SSPC)
</A>Projet pilote sur les données ouvertes
</A>Les 15es Journées annuelles de santé publique
</A>4e Colloque international des Programmes locaux et régionaux de santé</A>
D'autres nouvelles
Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix
</A>Appel d'abrégés / de communications
</A>Bourse / Bourse de recherche / Occasion de stage</A>
Opportunités d'emploi
</A>Rapports d'intérêt
</A>Événements à venir
</A>Partager votre histoire de succès
<A name="17 - Webinaires de l'IRSC">Webinaires de l'</A>ISPP
Webinaire de l'ISPP des IRSC sur les systèmes de mise en œuvre - 28 juin
2011, de 12 h 30 à 14 h (HAE).
<?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p></o:p>

Les systèmes de mise en oeuvre des interventions en santé des populations
dans le secteur de la santé publique et d'autres secteurs constituent une
des priorités de recherche stratégiques de l'ISPP. L'Institut vise ainsi à
développer une interprétation commune des implications de cette priorité
pour le milieu de la recherche en santé publique et des populations. Le
webinaire sera animé par Dre Nancy Edwards, directrice scientifique de
On trouve les grandes initiatives stratégiques des IRSC <A
href="" name="ici>ici</a">.

Il est possible de s'inscrire au webinaire dès maintenant dans le site Web
de </A></SPAN><A
name="http>CHNET-Works!</a">. <EM>

À noter : Le webinaire se déroulera en anglais seulement, mais le
personnel de l'ISPP des IRSC se fera un plaisir de répondre aux questions
ou aux commentaires en français.

Webinaire sur le Programme ouvert de subventions de
fonctionnement de l'ISPP des IRSC – 29 juin 2011, 12 h 30 à 14 h (HAE).
Ce programme permet d'octroyer des fonds pour appuyer les propositions de
recherche dans tous les domaines de la recherche en santé. Le webinaire
promouvra et expliquera le processus d'inscription. Les conférenciers
seront Gregory Huyer, directeur adjoint de l'exécution des programmes aux
IRSC, et Dre Patricia O'Campo, directrice du Centre for Research on Inner
City Health à l'hôpital St Michael et professeure à l'École de santé
publique Dalla Lana de l'Université de Toronto. L'inscription au webinaire
est commencée sur le site Web </A></SPAN><A
">CHNET-Works!</A></SPAN> <EM>

Remarque : Le webinaire se tiendra en anglais; toutefois, l'ISPP des IRSC
se fera un plaisir de répondre aux questions ou aux commentaires en

<A name="18 - Programme Café scientifique des IRSC">Programme Café
scientifique des IRSC</A>

<A name="OLE_LINK2></a"><A name="OLE_LINK1>Les" a o:p>< <o:p><
scientifiques. sujets de librement discuter pour réunions des sont
scientifiques cafés>
Ils permettent au public d'interagir avec des experts dans un domaine en
particulier dans un café, un pub ou un restaurant. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
L'ISPP des IRSC, en partenariat avec l'Agence de la santé publique du
Canada (ASPC), est heureux d'annoncer une possibilité visant à financer
jusqu'à dix (10) cafés scientifiques traitant de la recherche en santé
publique et des populations.<o:p></o:p>
Présenter une demande maintenant pour tenir votre propre café scientifique
! Date limite de présentation des demandes : le 30 juin

Le sujet doit être lié à la recherche en santé et intéresser le grand
Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez </A><A
name="le site Web">le site Web</A></SPAN>.

<A name="19 - Initiative phare du plan stratégique des IRSC">Initiative
phare du plan stratégique des IRSC sur les soins de santé primaires
communautaires (SSPC)</A>
Vingt-quatre subventions pour Réunions, planification et dissémination
d'une valeur de 25 000$ chacune permettront aux chercheurs de se réunir
pour bâtir de véritables collaborations et pour explorer le paysage actuel
de la recherche sur les soins de santé primaire communautaires (SSPC), y
compris ses besoins et priorités,
avant d'entreprendre une demande de subvention détaillée. (Note: les
équipes qui ont l'intention de demander une subvention d'équipe en SSPC ne
sont pas tenues de demander une subvention de planification en SSPC.)
Pour faire une demande de subventions, veuillez visiter le site du <A

Date limite de présentation des demandes : le 16 juin 2011

<A name="20 - Projet pilote sur les données ouvertes">Projet pilote sur
les données ouvertes</A>
<A href=""
name="http>Le" a de ouvertes< données Portail du pilote projet>fait partie
de l'engagement du gouvernement du Canada envers un gouvernement ouvert
s'inscrit dans le cadre de trois grands volets : les données ouvertes,
l'information ouverte et le dialogue ouvert, et vise à favoriser
l'innovation et les débouchés économiques pour tous les Canadiens. Le
Projet pilote sur les données ouvertes vise à accroître la capacité du
public de trouver, de télécharger et d'utiliser des données du
gouvernement du Canada. Nous vous invitons à consulter le catalogue, à
télécharger des ensembles de données et à découvrir les possibilités
qu'offrent les données ouvertes.

<A name="21 - Les 15es Journées annuelles de santé publique">Les 15es
Journées annuelles de santé publique</A>
Les 15es Journées annuelles de santé publique (JASP), c'est un
rendez-vous, du 28 novembre au 1er décembre 2011 à l'hôtel Fairmont le
Reine Elizabeth, à Montréal. Pour sa quinzième édition, l'événement
accueille une <A
href="" name="rencontre
internationale">rencontre internationale</A></SPAN> sur la thématique des
écoles promotrices de santé les 28 et 29 novembre 2011. Tous les décideurs
et acteurs du Québec et d'ailleurs concernés par la réussite, la santé et
le bien-être des jeunes en contexte scolaire sont conviés à ce rendez-vous
fondamental et décisif. Dix journées thématiques et quatre ateliers
méthodologiques de grande qualité vous sont également offerts les 30
novembre et 1 décembre 2011. Dans l'attente de la programmation détaillée,
vous pouvez dès maintenant consulter la <A
name="programmation en un coup doeil">programmation en un coup
d'oeil</A></SPAN> sur notre site Web. Plus d'information concernant des
bourses et la proposition des affichées est disponible en ligne.
L'inscription aux JASP se fera <A
href="" name="en
ligne">en ligne</A></SPAN>, au début du mois de septembre.

<A name="22 - 4e Colloque international des Programmes">4e Colloque
international des Programmes locaux et régionaux de santé </A>
Les systèmes de santé font face aux défis de rapprocher de la population
les services de santé afin de mieux répondre aux besoins et d'améliorer la
santé des populations et principalement des populations les plus
vulnérables. Au cours de ce 4e Colloque international des programmes
locaux et régionaux de santé, nous vous invitons à débattre et échanger
sur les défis à relever pour un renouvellement durable des systèmes de
santé. Si vous prévoyez assister au 4e Colloque des PLRS, il important de
noter que la date limite pour se prévaloir du tarif préférentiel du
colloque pour les chambres d'hôtel au Hilton Lac Leamy est le 26
mai 2011. Le tarif de $169 par nuit (30% de réduction sur le tarif
courant de l'hôtel) ne peut être garanti après le 26 mai 2011. Pour vous
inscrire ou réservez votre chambre, visitez <A
name="le site du colloque">le site du colloque</A></SPAN>, ou encore
contactez notre équipe</A> de planification ou par téléphone à
+1-514-846-9191, poste 0.

<A name="23 - Possibilités de financement, subventions, et
prix">Possibilités de financement, subventions, et prix</A>
Les possibilités de financement de l'ISPP peuvent être retrouvées <A
name="ici>ici</a"> en sélectionnant l'Institut de la santé publique et des
populations du menu déroulant.

Pré-annonce de la première activité de recherche en partenariat –

L'Alliance mondiale
contre les maladies chroniques, un consortium d'organisations de santé
incluant les IRSC, a annoncé, le 8 décembre 2010, son intention de lancer
un appel de demandes sur la réalisation de recherche sur l'hypertension
dans les pays à revenu moyen ou faible, invitant les chercheurs à
soumettre des propositions pour améliorer les approches efficaces de
prévention et du contrôle de l'hypertension. Les IRSC prévoient lancer le
concours au début de mai 2011, les demandes devant être reçues au plus
tard au début de septembre 2011. Pour plus d'information, SVP
</A></SPAN><A href="" name="cliquez
ici">cliquez ici</A></SPAN>.

<A name="24 - Appel d'abrégés / de communications">Appel d'abrégés / de
Veuillez aussi voir le calendrier d'Événements à venir</A> ci-dessous.

Réservez cette date!
La 7e Conférence nationale sur le
tabagisme ou la santé (CNTS) aura lieu du 1er au 3 novembre 2011 à
Toronto, à l'Hôtel Marriott Eaton Centre. Ajoutez <A
href="" name="le liennbspici">le lien
ici</A></SPAN> à vos signets pour consulter toutes les mises à jour au
sujet de la Conférence.
Inscription en ligne
L'inscription en ligne commence le 21 mars 2011.
Membres du CCCT - 475 $ CAN
Non-membres du CCCT – 625 $ CAN
Étudiants (19 ans et plus) 350 $ CAN
Inscrivez-vous en ligne <A href=""

Rapports de recherche demandés – Comité national de recherche sur le
logement – 15 juin 2011
Grâce à ce bulletin, vous aurez la possibilité de faire connaître vos
activités de recherche sur le logement aux membres du Comité et à d'autres
personnes que cette question intéresse et qui représentent des organismes
disséminés à l'échelle du pays. Les quelques 1 500 personnes
à qui ce bulletin est destiné souhaitent en savoir davantage au sujet de
votre projet. Vous devrez fournir des renseignements de base et vous
prêter à une brève entrevue téléphonique avec le rédacteur du bulletin. Si
vous rédigez un article, assurez-vous de ne pas excéder 500 mots. Vous
pouvez également joindre à votre rapport un dessin, une photographie ou
une charte d'excellente qualité.
Veuillez transmettre votre article par courrier électronique à David

Demande de communications - Promotion de la santé mentale : perspectives
de la santé de la population
<EM>Revue Canadienne de Santé Mentale Communautaire
La Revue Canadienne de Santé Mentale Communautaire (RCSMC) est une
publication interdisciplinaire qui vise à présenter de l'information sur
le bien-être mental des Canadiens et de leurs collectivités. La RCSMC vous
invite à faire parvenir vos soumissions à un numéro
spécial parrainé par l'Initiative sur la santé de la population canadienne
(ISPC) de l'Institut canadien d'information sur la santé (ICIS). Ce numéro
spécial sera consacré à la promotion de la santé mentale du point de vue
de la santé de la population et portera une attention particulière à
l'équité et au rôle des déterminants sociaux de la santé. Nous souhaitons
obtenir des exposés qui explorent différentes perspectives de recherche et
de pratique dans diverses disciplines, rédigés par des professionnels de
la santé et des services sociaux, les responsables de l'élaboration de
politiques et les décideurs en matière de santé mentale ainsi que les
chercheurs universitaires. Les exposés peuvent aborder les sujets suivants
• Les liens entre les facteurs sociaux (comme l'emploi, l'équilibre de vie
et l'environnement social) et le bien-être mental;
• Les risques et les facteurs de protection
liés à la prévention de la maladie mentale et à la promotion de la santé
• Les initiatives et les réformes stratégiques qui contribuent à améliorer
les résultats pour la santé mentale, les services en santé mentale et
l'accès aux ressources;
• Évaluation des interventions visant à changer le système
• Stratégies et programmes d'innovation visant sur l'équité dans la
promotion de la santé mentale;
• Les programmes de promotion de la santé mentale mis en œuvre dans la
collectivité ou dans le système de santé;
• Les programmes de promotion de la santé mentale visant les populations à
• Les défis liés à l'évaluation : comment évaluer, quoi évaluer et les
indicateurs liés à la promotion de la santé mentale.
Keith Denny, Ph.D
Initiative de la santé de la population canadienne (ISPC)
Institut canadien d'information sur la santé
Département de sociologie et
Université Carleton
Frank Elger, Ph.D
Département de psychologie
Université Carleton
Date limite : le 31 août 2011
<A href="" name="Voir les
directives pour les auteurs">Voir les directives pour les
Pour en savoir plus ou pour soumettre un exposé, veuillez communiquer avec :
Annie Sebold
</A>Initiative sur la santé de la population canadienne
Institut canadien d'information sur la santé

<A name="25 - Bourse / Bourse de recherche / Stage">Bourse / Bourse de
recherche / Occasion de stage </A>
PHIRNET-RISP et CCN - Bourse de recherche interventionnelle en santé des
populations (deux ans, à temps plein)
PHIRNET-RISP et les Centres de collaboration nationaux (CCN) en santé
publique des populations ont le plaisir d'annoncer l'opportunité d'obtenir
un bourse de recherche
interventionnelle en santé des populations (deux ans, à temps plein). Le
but de cette aide financière est de faire une étude de cas en profondeur,
un évaluation de mise en oeuvre de l'élaboration du programme collectif de
Centres de collaboration nationale en santé publique. Le montant du prix
est de 40,000 $ par année (pendant deux ans). Une allocation de recherché
de 5,000 $ par année (pendant deux ans) sera également fournie, pour
appuyer la collect de données et l'échange des connaissances.

Les demandes doivent être reçues avant minuit (heure avancée du Pacifique)
le 30 juin 2011. Envoyez votre candidature ici</A>.

Si vous avez des questions concernant la bourse, veuillez envoyer un
courriel à Cathy Chabot</A>.

Nouvelle bourse de recherche pour donner aux chercheurs une expérience des
politiques de santé
Date limite de présentation des demandes : le 1e juin 2011
name="Cliquez ici">Cliquez ici </A></SPAN>pour plus d'information.

<A name="26 - Opportunités d'emploi">Opportunités d'emploi</A>
Entrez au service du Centre de collaboration nationale des déterminants de
la santé
<EM>Possibilités d'emploi comme spécialistes du transfert des
connaissances, courtière ou courtier du savoir et adjointe ou adjoint à la

</EM>L'Université St. Francis Xavier est un établissement d'éducation
supérieure canadien qui se consacre à l'excellence universitaire, à
l'innovation en matière d'enseignement et de recherche, au service à la
société et au rayonnement international. L'Université est à la recherche
de nouveau personnel chargé de veiller au transfert des connaissances et
de favoriser
l'application des meilleures pratiques et politiques de promotion de
l'équité en matière de santé dans les organismes de santé publique au
Canada. Le Centre de collaboration fait partie d'un stimulant réseau de
centres voués au renouveau de la santé publique. Veuillez consulter le
détail des descriptions de tâches et des compétences exigées <A
name="ici>ici</a">. La date de clôture pour la soumission des demandes
d'emploi est le 05 juin, 2011.

<A name="27 - Rapports d'intérêt">Rapports d'intérêt</A>
Performance cognitive chez les personnes âgées au Canada par Heather
Gilmour - le 15 juin 2011
À partir des données du module de la cognition de l'Enquête sur la santé
dans les collectivités canadiennes – Vieillissement en santé, menée en
2009, l'auteure examine les corrélats d'une faible performance à l'égard
de quatre tâches cognitives chez les Canadiens de 65 ans et plus qui
vivaient dans un logement privé et qui n'étaient pas atteints de la
maladie d'Alzheimer ni de démence. Les faibles résultats enregistrés pour
ces tâches sont analysés en fonction de caractéristiques
sociodémographiques et de paramètres de mesure de l'état de santé et du
bien-être. Pour s'informer de la publication Rapports sur la santé,
veuillez communiquer avec Janice Felman</A>, au 1-613-951-6446, Division
de l'analyse de la santé, Statistique Canada.

<A name="28 - Événements à venir">Événements à venir </A>
Juin<o:p> <LI><A
name=" ">Festival
of International Conferences on Caregiving, Disability, Aging and
Technology (FICCDAT)</A></SPAN> (anglais seulement) – du 5 au 8 juin 2011.
(Ontario). </LI> <LI><A
name=" ">Workplace Mental
Health 2011 </A></SPAN>(anglais seulement) – du 20 au 21 juin 2011.
Toronto (Ontario). </LI> <LI><A
name=" ">Congrès de l'ACHRU 2011
</A></SPAN>– du 20 au 23 juin 2011. Régina (Saskatchewan). </LI> <LI><A
name="'impact_sur_la_sante.ccnpps ">Symposium
inaugural sur l'Évaluation de l'impact à la Santé</A></SPAN> – du 27 juin
2011. Hilton Lac Leamy, Gatineau (Québec). Vous devez réserver votre
place <A

">en cliquant ici</A></SPAN>. </LI> <LI><A
name=" ">Le Forum sur le VIH et la
réinsertion et l'assemblée générale annuelle (a.g.a.) de 2011 du GTCVRS
</A></SPAN>– du 11 au 12 juin 2011. Toronto (Ontario). </LI> <LI><A
name=" ">2011 Conférence annuelle
de l'Association canadienne de santé publique</A></SPAN> - du 19 au 22
juin 2011. Montréal (Québec). </LI> <LI><A
name=" ">4e Colloque international des
Programmes locaux et régionaux de santé </A></SPAN>– du 27 au 30 juin
2011. Ottawa (Ontario). </LI>

<LI><A href=""
name=" ">8<SUP>th</SUP> World
Congress in Health Economics</A></SPAN> (anglais seulement)– 10-13 juillet
2011. Toronto, Ontario </LI> <LI><A
">6<SUP>th</SUP> International Conference on the Impact of Environmental
Factors on Health: Environmental Health Risk 2011</A></SPAN>(anglais
seulement) - du 25 au 27 juillet 2011. Riga, Latvia. </LI>

">Données sur la santé : Repousser les limites. Conférence des
utilisateurs de données sur la santé 2011</A></SPAN> - Du 22 au 23
septembre 2011. Centre des congrès d'Ottawa, Ottawa (Ontario) </LI> <LI><A

Safety Conf 2011 - save the date info flyer.pdf"
Safety Conf 2011 - save the date info flyer.pdf ">Improving Patient Safety
across the Continuum. Patient Safety Matters. University of Windsor
Patient Safety Conference</A></SPAN> (en anglais seulement) 24 septembre
2011. </LI>

<LI>Conférence de l'Association Canadienne de gérontologie – du 20 au 23
octobre 2011. Ottawa (Ontario). Veuillez envoyer un courriel </A>pour plus
de renseignements. </LI>

<LI><A href=""
name=" ">7e Conférence nationale sur le
tabagisme ou la santé</A></SPAN> – du 1er au 3 novembre
2011. Toronto (Ontario). </LI> <LI><A
href="" name="
">Global Health Conference - Advancing Health Equity in the 21st Century
</A></SPAN>(anglais seulement) – du 13 au 15 novembre 2011. Montréal
(Québec). </LI> <LI><A
name=" ">15es
Journées annuelles de santé publique</A></SPAN> – du 28 novembre au
1<SUP>er</SUP> décembre 2011. Montréal (Québec). </LI>

<A name="29 - Partager votre histoire de succès">Partager votre histoire
de succès </A>
Est-ce que votre recherche a résulté dans une invention révolutionnaire,
le développement d'un nouveau produit/programme ou les changements dans la
politique et la pratique ?

Nous voulons en entendre ! Votre histoire peut être présentée sur notre
site web ou
dans l'édition suivante de notre bulletin d'Institut - <A
href="" name="POP Nouvelles">POP

S'il vous plaît envoyez vos histoires d'impact à Emma Cohen</A>, Agente en
application des connaissances et en communications, ISPP. Merci!

<A name="30 - Communications">Communications</A>
Rapports du colloque et l'atelier 2010 sur l'avancement de la recherche
interventionnelle en santé des populations de l'ISPP des IRSC sont
maintenant disponibles
Chère collègue,
Le 1 décembre 2010, l'Institut de la santé publique et des populations des
IRSC, en collaboration avec ses partenaires, a organisé un colloque appelé
« Programme de l'atelier sur la recherche interventionnelle en santé des
populations ». Le colloque voulait aborder les deux aspects suivants : 1.
de créer une tribune afin de susciter le débat de la discussion sur les
différents fondements théoriques et méthodologiques de la recherche
interventionnelle en santé des populations (RISP), de mettre en opposition
et de faire avancer la science des interventions en santé des populations
2. de déterminer les domaines prioritaires de la recherche
interventionnelle en santé des populations sur le plan du développement
théorique et méthodologique
L'Institut de la santé publique et des populations des IRSC tient à
remercier l'Institut de la nutrition, du métabolisme et du diabète des
IRSC et l'Agence de la santé publique du Canada pour leur générosité et de
reconnaître la contribution des membres du comité de planification. Le
site Web du colloque est maintenant accessible. Sur ce site Web, vous
trouverez, en anglais, les présentations, rapports et une copie du
programme. Au cours des prochaines semaines, vous pourrez consulter les
versions bilingues du rapport sommaire
sur le site Web de l'ISPP. Vous pouvez distribuer ces renseignements aux
personnes concernées.
De plus, veuillez prendre le temps de compléter <A
href="" name="le
questionnaire dvaluation en ligne">le questionnaire d'évaluation en
ligne</A></SPAN>. Vos commentaires sont fortement appréciés.

S'il vous plaît veuillez aviser l'ISPP lorsque vous publiez. Nous voulons
souligner vos contributions scientifiques dans nos prochains bulletins.
Veuillez faire parvenir un courriel à <A
name="Emma Cohen">Emma Cohen</A></SPAN>, Agente en application des
connaissances et en communications, ISPP. Merci.
Les bulletins de l'ISPP, POP Nouvelles, sont disponibles <A
href="" name="sur le site Web de
lInstitute">sur le site Web de l'Institute</A></SPAN>.

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