The Institute of African Studies, Carleton University Launch Conference
The launch of the new Institute of African Studies (IAS) at Carleton
University represents a profound commitment to, and belief in, Africa.
At the same time, this new Institute is being launched during a time of
economic uncertainty, a crisis which poses particular challenges for
Africa. This inaugural IAS conference moves beyond the paralysing
polarity of "Afro-pessimism", on the one hand, and a naïve and
romanticized view of the continent, on the other. Its central aim is to
engender a better understanding of the perils facing the continent today
but also the possibilities for the future
Bell Theatre, Minto Centre
Carleton University
Ottawa, October 23-24, 2009
Speakers include:
Valentin Y. Mudimbe (Duke University)
Gaston Kaboré (Filmmaker, Founder of Imagine Film Training Institute,
Burkina Faso)
Rita Abrahamsen (University of Ottawa)
Linda Freeman, Pius Adesanmi, Edward Jackson, Chris Brown, and Aboubakar
Sanogo (Carleton University)
and featuring a keynote address by award-winning author, Lawrence Hill
(author of The Book of Negroes)
Regular Admission: $20 in advance and $25 at door
Student and Unwaged Admission: $10 in advance and $15 at door
For Lawrence Hill's closing keynote speech only: $10 in advance and $15
at door
Also on the evening of Friday October 23rd there is an Institute Launch
Dinner at Carleton where Lawrence Hill will talk about the making of his
award-winning novel, The Book of Negroes
Cost: $100 ($30 of which is a tax-deductable donation to raise funds for
exchange programs with Carleton's partner universities in Africa)
This is part of the "Africa Week" events at Carleton from October 19-24th.
For registration form for the conference and/or the Institute Launch
Dinner and the conference program and a list of the Africa Week events,
please go to
For more information, contact the Institute of African Studies at
613-520-2600 ext. 2220, FAX 613-520-2363 or