The International Development Studies Department at Trent University
( invites applications for two limited term
positions at the assistant professor level. The first is a 9 month
position commencing September 1, 2009. The second is a 4 month
position commencing January 1, 2010.
IDS is an interdisciplinary undergraduate department at Trent University.
We are seeking candidates with expertise in the following areas: the
political economy of development, development theory, social and
cultural aspects of development.
Candidates must have teaching experience and a Ph.D. in hand or near
completion. Applications will be welcomed from individuals with a
background in development studies, anthropology, sociology, geography,
political studies or a related discipline.
Candidates should send (in paper and electronic copy) a covering
letter, curriculum vitae, and letters from three referees to: Winnie
Lem, Chair, International Development Studies, Trent University,
Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7B8, Canada.
Applications must be received by April 30th, 2009.
Trent University is an employment equity employer, and especially
invites applications from women, Aboriginal peoples, visible
minorities and persons with disabilities. All qualified candidates
are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents
will be given priority. Positions are subject to final budgetary