This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

AAA panel: call for papers: The End of Citizenship in Latin America ? The Body as a New Site of Political Struggle

Proposed Panel for the 108th Annual Meeting of the American
Anthropological Association December 2-6, 2009 Philadelphia, PA

(To be reviewed by

The Association for Political and Legal Anthropology APLA)

AAA 2009

The End of Citizenship in Latin America ?

The Body as a New Site of Political Struggle

Karine Vanthuyne (EHESS/IRIS) and Paula Vasquez Lezama (Université
Paris Descartes/EHESS-IRIS)
In Latin America today, the different dimensions of citizenship, and
the dispute among its various appropriations and definitions largely
constitute the grounds of political struggle. Such a dispute reflects
the trajectory followed by the confrontation between a democratizing,
participatory project of extension of citizenship, in the post Cold
war context, and the neoliberal offensive to curtail the possibilities
that extension announced. How is this dual movement embodied? To what
extent has the body body proper – the biological body – become the
central stage of a contentious process of "post-authoritarian
neoliberal democratization"?
In post-Cold War Latin America, the 1980s have been characterised by
the emergence of new social movements, and the consequent broadening
of the meaning that had traditionally been assigned to "citizenship".
From the environmentalists' movement to the Indigenous Peoples'
movement, all found, in the very idea of being "citizens", not only a
new tool for their specific struggles, but also an unprecedented
platform for solidarity between their battles. Increasingly perceiving
themselves as "co-rulers of the polis", an rising number of
individuals thus began struggling for the establishment and
recognition of new rights to equality and difference.
Opposition groups in Latin America were not alone, however, in
re-signifying the concept of "citizenship". Over the past two decades,
the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, as well as
foreign and local investors, have also appropriated this notion to
reaffirm their political leadership in the region. But in the eyes of
these players, or at least in the way they concretely give shape to
their understanding of citizenship as a political institution,
citizens are not perceived as new social subjects actively identifying
what they consider to be their rights and struggling for their
recognition. In the context of an almost entirely liberalized
capitalist economy, the market is offered as a surrogate instance of
citizenship, and "to be a citizen" thus becomes an individual's
integration into the market as a consumer or a producer, and "to
exercise one's citizenship", to take over the responsibility for the
maintenance of one's community, family or one's self. Hence the
emergence, alongside a more and more exclusive group of "citizen
entrepreneurs", of a more and more inclusive group of "non-citizens",
that is, people who, when they prove unable to maintain themselves,
are characterised as "'needy' human beings to be cared for by private
By analysing the various ways into which citizenship is represented,
and practiced, in Latin America, this panel intends to grasp the
extent to which the biological body has become the central site of a
dual movement of extension and curtailment of "citizenship". In an
array of contexts of extreme social and political violence, the
physical body is increasingly used as an instrument of political
struggle: "blood strikes" in prisons to request due process,
crucifixions of disaster victims to claim promised dwellings, or
people chaining themselves to the bars of their government's houses,
are examples of what could be qualified as a "biologization" of the
registers of political action. Has the biological body become the new
site of political struggles in contemporary Latin America? Is
physicality used as a new instrument for the recovery of one's
dignity, i.e., the dignity of the political subject claiming for the
fulfilment of his sovereign's political engagements? By analysing the
moral economy that is subjacent to this process of "biologization" of
political action, we will argue that the end of "citizenship" as a
political institution in Latin America has not meant the end of
anthropological studies on "citizens'" action in the region. Quite the

We welcome abstracts that address these or similar topics related to
the struggles for citizenship, the sovereignty and the body in Latin
Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words as soon as possible,
but not after February 27, to Karine Vanthuyne<> or
Paula Vasquez:<>

Le prix d'excellence Richard F. Salisbury, Bourses de voyage étudiantes

Bourses de voyage étudiantes

Bien qu?en nombre limité, des bourses de voyage sont disponibles aux
étudiants afin de les aider à assumer les frais qu?occasionne leur
participation au congrès annuel de la CASCA, qui se tiendra à
l?University of British Columbia (Vancouver) du 13 au 16 mai 2009.
Celles-ci seront prioritairement attribuées aux doctorants inscrits
dans une université canadienne.

Pour télécharger le formulaire d?application, cliquez ici :

Pour plus d?informations au sujet de ces bourses, mais aussi à propos
du support financier offert aux étudiants par la Société américaine
d?ethnologie, consultez la page correspondante sous la rubrique «
CASCA/AES 2009 », accessible à partir du site Web de l?University of
British Columbia.

Le prix d?excellence Richard F. Salisbury

Le concours de la bourse de recherche Richard F. Salisbury est ouvert
à tous les étudiants inscrits au programme de troisième cycle en
anthropologie d?une université canadienne. D?une valeur de 1500$, ce
prix est annuellement remis à l?étudiant/e qui s?est le plus
distingué/e à la fois par l?exceptionnalité de son dossier académique
et par l?excellence de son projet de recherche ? jugé selon sa portée
scientifique et sociale. Le nom du récipiendaire sera annoncé lors du
congrès annuel de la CASCA, qui se tiendra à l?University of British
Columbia (Vancouver) du 13 au 16 mai 2009.

La date limite pour soumettre le formulaire d?application a été
reportée au 31 mars 2009. Pour plus d?informations, visitez le site
Web des prix de la CASCA à l?adresse suivante :

Nomination de nouveaux membres du comité exécutif de la CASCA

Les postes vacants au sein du comité exécutif sont désormais pourvus.
Les trois nouveaux membres nommés assumeront leur rôle respectif lors
de la prochaine réunion générale annuelle, qui se tiendra au cours du
congrès annuel de la CASCA, reçu cette année par l?University of
British Columbia, du 13 au 16 mai 2009. Les voici :

1) Présidente désignée: Janice Graham (Dalhousie University, Halifax)
2) Membre d?office francophone: Martin Hébert (Université Laval, Québec)
3) Secrétaire: Evie Plaice (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton)

Nous leur souhaitons chaleureusement la bienvenue au sein du comité et
remercions sincèrement ceux qui leur céderont leur place en mai

Un grand merci à tous pour leur soutien dans ce processus

Saturday, February 21, 2009

CASCA Salisbury Award and student bursaries

Dear Colleague,

The executive of the Canadian Anthropology Society would like to draw
your attention to the Richard F Salisbury Award for anthropological
research. This award is open to any student registered in an
anthropology doctoral degree programme at a Canadian university. It is
valued at $1 500, and is awarded annually to a student with an
outstanding academic record and an excellent research proposal with
innovative scholarly import and social relevance. The recipient will
be announced during the CASCA Annual Conference, hosted this year by
the University of British Columbia in Vancouver,
May 13-16 2009.

The deadline for accepting applications has been extended to March
31st 2009. For further information, please visit the Awards web page
on this site:

In addition, there are a limited number of student bursaries to help
defray the costs of attending the upcoming CASCA Annual Conference
being hosted by the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May
13-16 2009. Graduate students currently enrolled in doctoral
programmes (which must be at a Canadian university) will be given

For further information, and for information about student support
provided by the American Ethnology Society, please visit the relevant
page on the University of British Columbia AES/CASCA conference web

Please pass this information on to any students or colleagues who may
be interested in either of these two opportunities. Feel free to
contact me if you need any further information.

Thank you for your help and interest.

Evie Plaice, CASCA Secretary
Department of Anthropology
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton NB E3B 5A3

Les Histoires de l'esclavage / Histories of Slavery

L'Institut d'études des femmes de l'Université d'Ottawa présente / The
Institute of Women's Studies at the University of Ottawa presents:

Les Histoires de l'esclavage / Histories of Slavery

Le 2 mars 2009 / March 2, 2009

Événement débute à 17h30 / Event starting at 5:30 p.m.

Pièce 112, Pavillon Tabaret / Room 112 Tabaret Hall

Conférencières et conférencier de la Table ronde / Round Table speakers

Marie-Célie Agnant, nouvelliste / novelist
(présentera en français / will present in French)

Denyse Beaugrand-Champagne, historienne et archiviste / historian and
(présentera en français / will present in French)

Karolyn Smardz-Frost, historian and author / historienne et auteure
(will present in English / présentera en anglais)

Barrington Walker, historian, professor and author / historien,
professeur et auteur
(will present in English / présentera en anglais)

M. Nourbese Philip, novelist, essayist and poet / nouvelliste,
essayiste et poète
(will present in English / présentera en anglais)

Cet événement est accessible à toutes et tous. Admission libre / This
event is open to all. Free admission

Nos sincères remerciements à la Faculté des sciences sociales, la
Faculté des arts, le Département d'histoire, l'Institut d'études
canadiennes, le Laboratoire d'études africaines, et le Département de
Our sincere thanks to the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of
Arts, the Department of History, the Institute of Canadian Studies,
the African Study and Research Laboratory, and the French Department.

Friday, February 20, 2009

CASCA Salisbury Award and student bursaries

Dear Colleague,

The executive of the Canadian Anthropology Society would like to draw
your attention to the Richard F Salisbury Award for anthropological
research. This award is open to any student registered in an
anthropology doctoral degree programme at a Canadian university. It is
valued at $1 500, and is awarded annually to a student with an
outstanding academic record and an excellent research proposal with
innovative scholarly import and social relevance. The recipient will
be announced during the CASCA Annual Conference, hosted this year by
the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, May 13-16 2009.

The deadline for accepting applications has been extended to March
31st 2009. For further information, please visit the Awards web page
on this site:

In addition, there are a limited number of student bursaries to help
defray the costs of attending the upcoming CASCA Annual Conference
being hosted by the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May
13-16 2009. Graduate students currently enrolled in doctoral
programmes (which must be at a Canadian university) will be given

For further information, and for information about student support
provided by the American Ethnology Society, please visit the relevant
page on the University of British Columbia AES/CASCA conference web

Please pass this information on to any students or colleagues who may
be interested in either of these two opportunities. Feel free to
contact me if you need any further information.

Thank you for your help and interest.

Evie Plaice, CASCA Secretary
Department of Anthropology
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton NB E3B 5A3

Call for Papers

Harnessing Images, Text, and Sound for Education in the Context of
Culture, Multimedia, Technology and Cognition
June 25 ? June 28, 2009, University of Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Call for Papers

Recent developments in computer multimedia technologies provide new
means for enhancement of teaching and learning. Improvements in
teaching methods could arise from harnessing the power of multimedia,
but which ways of exploiting media for learning are the best? At what
point, for example, does multimedia overtake rather than enhance
teaching? Research on effective ways of using the opportunities
provided by multimedia is still in its infancy, but early results
strongly suggest the necessity for collaboration across disciplines
for answers to questions about the best uses of multimedia for
education in a cultural context.

Since 2001, a multidisciplinary group drawn from the University of
Prince Edward Island (UPEI), the University of New Brunswick, and
l?Université de Moncton (New Brunswick) have pursued research on how
electronic media can enhance education in a cultural context under the
aegis of the ?Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Culture,
Multimedia, Technology, and Cognition? (CMTC). The CMTC has secured a
significant infrastructure for research, including a large digital
library, multimedia production facilities, multimedia classrooms, and
visual and auditory perceptual testing equipment, all housed at UPEI.

The research goals of the CMTC are
a) to develop a model of the mind of the learner (perceiver/user of
multimedia) in order to predict how best to use media (including
digital images, text, and sound)
b) to promote learning and develop versions of course materials that
exploit multimedia resources based on theories of the learner and
c) to test a range of versions of course materials and course delivery
for different cultural groups, and ? on the basis of the findings ?
d) to develop automatic techniques for altering course materials (or
learning objects) for end-users from different cultures.

The CMTC is holding this conference to gather researchers focused on
using images, technology, and sound in teaching, to discuss their
work, share their results, and develop recommendations for best

The conference will
a) reflect on and analyse new digital media, multimedia, and
text-based computing technologies, and integrate these into research
in the humanities and social sciences
b) bring together theorists, experimentalists, and technologists from
different disciplines, to share ideas and methods that stimulate
advances in research through the use of audio-visual and text-based
c) facilitate the creation of regional, national, and international
networks and partnerships among researchers, industries, governments,
and individuals to promote and sustain research and develop resources
across disciplines and cultures.
Proposals for panels, papers, posters, and workshops are invited from
individuals, academics, teams, and institutes whose research and
activities involve any aspect of the conference?s mandate. Submit
abstracts electronically to,
attached as an anonymous, titled, single-spaced document of not more
than 400 words in a Microsoft Word file, if possible. The name,
address, contact information, and affiliation of the researcher should
be included in the body of the e-mail. Within the body of the e-mail,
please indicate any audio-visual equipment needed. Those wishing to
propose panels or special sessions should contact the conference
co-convenor (Udo Krautwurst) about submitting an abstract for the
panel together with abstracts for each of the constituent papers. Time
allotted for each presentation will be 20 minutes for delivery of the
paper plus 10 minutes discussion. Papers will be distributed on a CD
of proceedings at the conference or published in a book growing out of
the conference.

Deadline for receipt of abstracts is March 15, 2009. Notification of
acceptance will be sent out by April 15, 2009.

Limited funds are available to support conference travel. Special
consideration will be given to graduate students presenting papers or

The CMTC organizing committee gratefully acknowledges the generous
funding provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council (SSHRC), making this conference possible.

Organizing Committee
Annabel J. Cohen, Department of Psychology, UPEI; Project Leader, CMTC
Udo Krautwurst, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, UPEI
Review Committee for Submissions and Conference Proceedings:
Anne Furlong, Department of English, UPEI
Catherine Innes-Parker, Department of English, UPEI
Executive Operations Committee (CMTC) and the Tri-University Council:
Sandy McAuley, Department of Education, UPEI
Pamela Courtenay Hall, Department of Philosophy, UPEI
David LeBlanc, Department of Computer Science, UPEI
David Cormier, CMTC and Robertson Library, UPEI
Mark Leggott, CMTC and Robertson Library, UPEI
Chadia Moghrabi, Informatic, Université de Moncton
Wladyslaw Cichocki, Département de français, University of New Brunswick
Communications :
Anna MacDonald, UPEI Communications Officer

CFP for AAA2009: Roundtable on Balancing Children and the Academy from Grad School to Tenure

Marriott, December 2-6, 2009)

While children are becoming a regular sight at the annual AAA
meetings,there have been few public discussions about the everyday demands
of balancing the work of anthropology and the work of parenting. This
roundtable aims to be a practical intervention that explores the various
choices and challenges that anthropologists with children face in building
their careers. Our aim is to provide a forum in which scholars who are also
parents can share and reflect upon their diverse experiences as a way of
mentoring the next generation of anthropologists as they make difficult
decisions about their personal and professional lives.

The panelists will include anthropologists with different career
trajectories and different types of families. They will be at different
stages in their careers, ranging from graduate students and adjunct
professors to more established faculty. The participants will be asked to
briefly discuss how they have negotiated the competing demands of scholarly
work and parenting at different stages in their lives.

The roundtable discussion will then collectively consider the following
* How does parenting affect career choices and academic work in turn affect
parenting choices? How are these issues experienced differently for
scholars in different institutional positions?
* How are these experiences and decisions gendered? What is involved in
juggling scholarly, parental, and gender roles in academic contexts?
* What are the advantages and disadvantages of having children at various
periods in one's scholarly career? How can flexible academic schedules
serve as resources (or alternately cause difficulties) when balancing
parenting and life in the academy?
* What issues surround bringing children into the field? In what ways has
parenting shaped fieldwork plans, interactions in the field, and the
insights and texts that come out of fieldwork experiences?
* What are the ways in which departments, universities, and various funding
institutions support anthropologists with children? What barriers can they
raise? How might these be surmounted on both individual and policy levels?

We envision an open and lively dialogue with audience members, whose
experiences and insights will be welcomed.

If you are interested in participating please contact Susanne
Cohen( by March 6, 2009. Send a brief email message
introducing yourself
and highlighting the issues that you feel particularly prepared to address.
Please note that participation in a roundtable does not preclude
participation in other types of sessions.

Roundtable Organizers: Susanne Cohen (University of Michigan) and Csilla
Kalocsai (Yale University), Student Representatives, Society for the
Anthropology of Work



The Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies at Carleton

invites you to attend a presentation

"From Rebellions to Obama:
The Black Struggle"

presented by

Sarah Onyango

Kenyan-born Sarah Onyango has become a well-known fixture on Ottawa's
community television and radio scene. She is often to be spotted at
community events, camera and tape recorder in hand, looking for
uplifting stories about the National Capital region's growing African
and Caribbean community. Since 2002, Sarah has been the host of the
monthly African cultural program Fontonfrom, on Rogers TV-Ottawa
(Cable 22).

Her interest in exploring issues affecting Canada's Black community
led her to produce two one-hour nationally-broadcast television
programs for the Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC): "Lest We Forget,
Blacks Served Too" and "The Future of Canada's Communities of African
Since 1998, she has produced and hosted segments for "Black on Black",
a weekly public affairs and cultural program aired on CHUO 89.1FM
(University of Ottawa). In 2002, she took on hosting and producing
duties at the same radio station for the popular weekly African radio
program "Afrika Revisited".

Monday, February 23, 2009
11:35- 13:00
409 Southam Hall

Free Admission and All are Welcome

Co-sponsored by Equity Services at Carleton University

CFA:What's happening with urbanpublic places? (CASCA/AESConference)

What's happening with urban public places?
CASCA/AES Conference, Vancouver, May 13-16, 2009

"Across France, Cafe Owners Feel Like the New Misérables;
Traditional Bars Hit By Change in Habits And Weak Economy" observed
the New York Times last November.

In this age of globalised crisis, virtual interactions and movements,
and the limitless desire for an uncontaminated environment and
relations, what do cities offer their inhabitants in order to meet and
exchange? What is happening in cities with traditional public places,
no public places, unmaintained public places, or with no hope for
public places? What is happening to and in "traditional" spaces of
interactions (like parks, squares and the Habermas Cafés) in
relatively old cities? Are there any new public places emerging from
private visions of the city? Where do people gather, mix, put their
tolerance to the test in view of the heterogeneity of their city?

The deadline for submission to the CASCA is Friday 20th, Pacific time!
Join a so-far very international panel, by sending a 100 words
abstract and short bio ASAP to Nathalie_Boucher@UCS.INRS.Ca

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto invites applications for a Rebanks Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in New World Archaeology


The Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto invites applications for a Rebanks
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in New World Archaeology. A two-year
fellowship with a grant of $50,000 a year, the Rebanks Fellowship
program provides Canadian citizens or Canadian landed immigrants who
have obtained their doctorate in the last five years the opportunity
to pursue their research with the support of one of Canada's leading
research institutions. The Rebanks Research Fellowship in New World
archaeology is open to scholars working on any indigenous culture of
the Americas. We seek applicants with significant research potential
whose work complements the Royal Ontario Museum's existing strengths
in archaeology. Museum experience is also preferred, as the Fellow
would have some collection and exhibit responsibilities. Publication
opportunities are available to Rebanks Fellows through the publishing
arm of the Museum. Candidates should submit a letter of application
detailing their research project, curriculum vitae, and the names of
three references to: Department Head, Department of World Cultures,
Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2C6,
Canada. Application materials must be received by March 16, 2009 for
consideration. Only Canadians citizens or Canadian landed immigrants
who have received their Ph.D. after 2003 are eligible for the
position. We especially encourage applications from women and members
of minority groups.

CASCA/AES 2009, submissions deadline THIS FRIDAY

(la version française suit)


Please note that the deadline for submissions and early registration
has been extended to February 20, 2009

Canadian Anthropology Society/American Ethnological Society
2009 Joint Meeting

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May 13-16 2009

"Transnational Anthropologies: Convergences and
Divergences in Globalized Disciplinary Networks"

The organizing committee seeks proposals for panels and individual papers.

Please go to
<> for information on how to:

· Register for the conference
· Submit panels and individual papers
· Submit films for the Anthropology
Film Festival held in conjunction with CASCA/AES
· Buy tickets for the party at the UBC Museum of Anthropology
· Book accommodation on the UBC campus

For further information, please contact us at:

Transnational Anthropologies: Convergences and
Divergences in Globalized Disciplinary Networks

In an era when anthropology is increasingly
attentive to transnational connections,
globalized geographies, and diasporic identities,
the discipline itself is subject to new and
challenging forms of deterritorialization and
re-territorialization. Anthropology has long been
constituted by tensions between the gravitational
force of its various national traditions and the
pull toward an international intellectual
cosmopolitanism. Yet the increasing presence of
scholars from the world "periphery" in
metropolitan universities, the rise to
international prominence of subaltern academic
centers, the deterritorialized concerns and
priorities of funding institutions, and the
growing transnational links between researchers,
research institutions, and research subjects
(among other factors) are further complicating
the spatiality of anthropological practice. These
shifts, in turn, are transforming the way
anthropologists examine the production of power
relations, inequalities, and identities in local
and global arenas. The 2009 CASCA-AES conference
to be held at the University of British Columbia
in Vancouver calls anthropologists and scholars
from across the social sciences and the
humanities to offer a fresh look at the
increasingly transnational nature of knowledge
production, at the resilience of regionalized
academic hierarchies, as well as at the different
ways in which the latter are being reconstituted
and subverted. Additionally, the conference
welcomes volunteered papers, panels, workshops,
and videos related to the internationalization of
social practice, power relations, and
subjectivities and to any other theme associated
with ongoing anthropological questions.

Deadlines and registration fees (in Canadian dollars)

Faculty registration costs:
Before the deadline of February 20, 2009: $150.00
Before March 15, 2009: $170.00
At the conference venue: $190.00

Students, Postdocs, Unwaged, Retired:
Before the deadline of February 20, 2009: $50.00
Before March 15, 2009: $60.00
At the conference venue: $70.00


La date limite pour la soumission de propositions et pour l'inscription hâtive
a été reportée au 20 février 2009

CASCA/AES 2009 Congrès conjoint de la Canadian
Anthropology Society-Société Canadienne
d'Anthropologie et de la American Ethnological Society.

Université de la Colombie-Britannique, Vancouver, 13 au 16 mai 2009

Thème: Anthropologies transnationales :
Convergences et divergences au sein de réseaux disciplinaires mondialisés

Voir le lien suivant :
<> pour:

* S'inscire au colloque
* Soumettre une proposition de communication ou de séance de groupe
* Soumettre de films pour le Festival de
Films Anthropologiques au CASCA/AES
* Achetez vos billets pour la soirée qui aura
lieu au Musée d'Anthropologie de UBC
* Réserver hébergement sur le campus de UBC

Pour toutes questions liées au congrès veuillez communiquer avec :

Thème :
Anthropologies transnationales : Convergences et
divergences au sein de réseaux disciplinaires mondialisés

À une époque où l'anthropologie est de plus en
plus attentive aux rapports transnationaux, aux
géographies mondialisées et aux identités
diasporiques, la discipline elle-même est aussi
confrontée à de nouvelles formes de
déterritorialisation et de reterritorialisation.
L'anthropologie s'est édifiée au fil de tensions
entre la force gravitationnelle de ses diverses
traditions nationales et sa tendance vers un
cosmopolitisme intellectuel international.
Aujourd'hui, la présence grandissante
d'intellectuels issus de la périphérie mondiale
dans les universités occidentales, la percée au
niveau international de centres académiques du
Sud global, les préoccupations et priorités
déterritorialisées des organismes
subventionnaires, de même que les relations
transnationales croissantes entre chercheurs,
institutions de recherche et sujets de recherches
(entre autres facteurs), compliquent encore
davantage la spatialité de la pratique
anthropologique. Ces changements transforment
aussi la façon dont les anthropologues examinent
la production de relations de pouvoir,
d'inégalités et d'identités sur les scènes
locales et mondiales. Le congrès CASCA-AES 2009,
qui aura lieu à l'Université de la
Colombie-Britannique à Vancouver, invite les
anthropologues et les chercheurs de toutes
disciplines des sciences sociales et humaines à
porter un regard nouveau sur la nature de plus en
plus transnationale de la production du savoir,
sur la résilience des hiérarchies académiques
régionalisées, de même que sur les différentes
façons par lesquelles ces dernières se voient
reconstituées et renversées. La conférence
sollicite également des propositions de
communications individuelles, de séances de
groupe, d'ateliers et de vidéos reliées à
l'internationalisation des pratiques sociales,
des relations de pouvoir et des subjectivités
ainsi qu'à tout autre thème associé aux enjeux anthropologiques contemporains.

Dates limites et frais d'inscription (en devise canadienne)

Tarifs d'inscription pour le corps professoral:
Avant la date limite du 20 février 2009 : $150,00
Avant le 15 mars 2009 : $170,00
Lors de la conférence : $190,00

Étudiants, stagiaires postdoctoraux, non-salariés, retraités:
Avant la date limite du 20 février 2009 : $50,00
Avant le 15 mars 2009 : $60,00
Lors de la conférence : $70,00

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Call for Papers - 4S conference, Washington DC, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2009

Call for Papers

STS New Beginnings: Five Sessions with a Latin American Emphasis.
Society for Social Studies of Science(4S)Annual Meeting, 2009.
October 28 ? November 1, Washington, DC. USA.

This year the 4S gathers in Washington DC, an historical seat of
global influence and a
present node of much controversy. With the inauguration of a new U.S.
President, hopes
for change engage and excite both national and international
communities. Climate change,
sustainable development, financial stability, human rights (freedom,
education, health)
and global terror continue to be inter-dependent challenges around
which converges much
popular and scholarly attention. Advances in science and technology
over the past century
are often framed as both the culprit and panacea in discussions of how
we arrived in
these troubled global waters and how we might navigate our way out of them.

As has been noted in past STS work, the manner in which science and
technology are
produced or translated and then employed to address challenges depends
greatly on
historical and national contexts. The production of knowledge about
the interactions of
science, technology and society is not exempt from this
contextualization. Yet much like
the production of tehnoscientific knowledge, STS knowledge production
remains primarily
EuroAmerican despite the field's attempts to broaden its conceptual

The goal of these five sessions is three-fold: (1) to explore the
contributions to
thinking about science, technology and society by scholars in Latin
America: past and
present; (2) to provide scholars from around the world working on
Latin American STS
issues a space to showcase their investigation and findings; and (3)
to further
contextualize how science and technology innovation, diffusion and
adaptation in Latin
America are antecedents for, and perhaps solutions of, global and
local challenges in
this region.

Papers are invited to contribute to the following five thematic sessions:

1.Theories and Methods in Latin American STS:
Session Organizer: Ivan da Costa Marques []
Session Description: Although a thematic session entitled ?Theories
and Methods? in an
STS conference may come as a surprise for some, the title of this
session indicates a
special welcome to papers that make visible a permanent and
innumerable activity of
crossing over the mutating borders between theory and practice in
Latin American case
studies, rather than a landscape observed by a supposed purely
theoretical focus of a
bifocal lens.

2.Technologies of Health Care in Latin America
Session Organizer: Olarte Sierra, M.F. []
Session Description: Given that the field of STS on and in
Latin-American´s appropriation
and transformation of technologies is increasing in numbers and
relevance, we propose a
panel that explores STS on health care technologies in Latin America.
The panel has three
objectives. Firstly, to present the diverse academic interest and
scientific productions
from people working on medical technologies in Latin American
latitudes and realities;
secondly, to give room to discussing the theoretical and
methodological contribution that
such scholars are making to the broader field of STS studies; and,
thirdly, to enable a
network of scholars, with similar interest, in the area of STS and
medical technologies
working in and on Latin America. Papers are invited to address issues
such as: (1)
Approaches at studying to specific medical technologies, (2) Studies
addressing medical
technologies in relation with social processes; and (3) Studies on
power/knowledge struggles over medical or technological authority.

3.Bio-technologies in Latin America
Session Organizer: Christina Holmes []

"La buena noticia es que la biotecnología presenta una oportunidad
única. La mala es que
la historia nos dice que América Latina se ha especializado en
desecharlas todas."
(Tambornini, 2003, p.137)

Session Description: Biotechnology has been posited as a way for Latin
America to be both
internationally competitive and to redress its historically unequal position.
Biotechnology represents an important ?growth? area, in terms of
scientific knowledge
(and publication possibilities), as well as presenting potentially
applied uses. It has
been suggested as an important way of improving agricultural
cultivars; as a way of
mapping, managing, and profiting from biodiversity; as a way of
protecting a country?s
genetic patrimony; and as a way of creating new industrial and medical
applications. It
has also been associated with an emigration of graduate students and
scientists to North
America and Europe. This panel aims to foster discussion about
biotechnology and Latin
America by asking the following three questions: 1) How has Latin
America interacted with
what Tambornini refers to as the ?unique opportunity? of
biotechnology? 2) How have the
policies and practices surrounding biotechnology in Latin America
compared to wider,
global trends? 3) What approaches are important for analyzing the
creation of scientific
knowledge and technology in the field of biotechnology in Latin America?

4.Post-colonial Computing - Information Technology and Development
Session Organizers: Robert Olivo [] & Richard Arias Hernandez
Session Description: This Panel aims to promote a dialogue between
researchers interested
in exploring and questioning the role of ICTs in developmentalism.
During the last two
decades of the 20th century, electronically-based information
technologies became part of
the grammar of development, much of it spurred by the exponential growth and
privatization of the Internet during the mid-1990s. During this
decade, information
technology policies for development began emerging both in rich and
poor countries
recognizing the "need" to design and use information technologies to
promote the social
and economic development of the nations. Today several countries have
in place national
development plans that include intensive use and incorporation of information
technologies in e-government, e-health, e-democracy, e-ducation, and
e-commerce programs.
This gradual inclusion of IT in developmentalism is however still in
need of systematic
and critical analysis
especially from STS perspectives. Have the policies oriented to
reducing "digital
divides" and turning economies of poor countries into "digital
societies" improved the
economic and social conditions in these countries? What have been the
results of the
discursive construction of info-rich and info-poor categories and how
has it been
incorporated or resisted in poor countries? Is the informational phase of
developmentalism extending global capitalism while disproportionately
favoring rich
countries? What are the discursive and material mechanisms through
which informational
developmentalism has been created and resisted? How this discourse is
currently sustained
and mobilized from centers of power in the United States and Europe to
the rest of the

We invite scholars interested in these or similar questions to
participate in this panel
and to participate in an ongoing conversation about informational
post-colonial computing and the creation of "information societies" in
the global south.
We especially encourage the presentation of ongoing research in Latin
America, Africa,
Asia and Eastern Europe linking the material and discursive aspects of

5.Environment, Technology and Society Interactions in Latin America
Session Organizer: Rick B. Duque []
Session Description: This panel converges upon research focused on
both the natural and
anthropogenic risks inherent when communities and environments
collide. The aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina reminds us that even resource-rich communities are
not immune to
extreme natural forces, technological failures, bureaucratic
mismanagement and root
social asymmetries. In resource-poor regions, environmental and
technological risks are
often magnified and the resilience of marginalized communities and
indigenous peoples
tested often beyond their limits. To address sub-regional distinctions
and offer
solutions, this session invites comparative and case study papers that
delve into
historical and contextual accounts of colonial and post-colonial
environmental and
technological dialogues in Latin America. The session is particularly
interested in
attracting work that compares indigenous and non-indigenous
technological responses to
the environmental and social
challenges of free-market global development like for example climate
change, ozone
depletion, water controversies, urban sprawl, waste management,
alternative energy
sources, disaster preparedness, industrial and natural toxic exposure and the
conservation of indigenous forests, fisheries and sacred artifacts and lands.

Please send an abstract of a paper (minimum 250 words, maximum of 400
words) to the
appropriate session organizer above.

Submission deadline: February 25, 2009.

See you in DC.

Indigenas/Bourses pour les Peuples Autochtones

Indigenous Fellowship Programmes

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
organises every year an Indigenous Fellowship Programme, which is an
extensive training programme aimed at strengthening indigenous
representatives' knowledge of the United Nations system, general Human
Rights mechanisms and other mechanisms more specifically dealing with
indigenous issues. This programme is exclusively for indigenous
persons. It is implemented in close cooperation with University
partners and other UN agencies. Trained participants are better
equipped to assist their organisations and communities in using
existing international instruments and mechanisms to protect their
rights. This training programme is available in 4 languages: English,
Spanish, French and Russian. For more information on the fellowship
programme, please visit our website:

Deadlines to apply to the 2010 programmes per linguistic versions are:

- English: 30 April 2009
- Spanish: 15 July 2009
- French: to be confirmed
- Russian: 30 September 2009


Programas de Becas para Pueblos Indígenas

La Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas20para los
Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH) organiza cada año un Programa de Becas para
pueblos indígenas cual finalidad es fortalecer los conocimientos de
representantes indígenas sobre el systema de las Naciones Unidas,
mecanismos de derechos humanos, especialmente aquellos que analizan
cuestiones indígenas. Este programa se desarolla exclusivamente para
representantes indígenas. Está organizado en estrecha colaboración con
Universidades y otras agencias de
las Naciones Unidas. Los becarios capacitados están en mejor
situación para ayudar a sus organizaciones y comunidades a utilizar
estos intrumentos y mecanismos para proteger sus derechos. El programa
de formación existe en 4 idiomas: Inglés, Español, Francés y Ruso.
Para obtener más información sobre el Programa de Becas, puede visitar
nuestra página web:

Las fechas límites para mandar sus solicitudes a los Progamas de
Becas 2010 son (por componente linguístico):

- Inglés: el 30 de abril de 2009
- Español: el 15 de julio de 2009
- Francés: queda por confirmar
- Ruso: el 30 de septiembre de 2009


Programmes de Bourses pour Représentants de Peuples Autochtones

Le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme (HCDH)
organise chaque année un programme de formation pour représentants de
peuples autochtones qui a pour finalité de donner à
ces représentants la possibilité de se familiariser avec le système et
les mécanismes des Nations Unies relatifs aux droits de l'homme en
général et plus spécifiquement aux droits des peuples autochtones. En
fin de formation, les boursiers ont une meilleure connaissance de ces
instruments et mécanismes et sont mieux à même d'aider leurs
organisations et communautés à protéger leurs droits. Ce programme est
exclusivement réservé à des personnes autochtones. Il est organisé en
étroite collaboration avec des Universités et d'autres agences des
Nations Unies. Il est délivré dans 4 versions linguistiques
différentes: anglais, espagnol, français et russe. Pour plus
d'information sur le programme, veuillez visiter notre page web:

Les dates limites de soumission des candidatures pour les programmes
de formation 2010 sont (par versions linguistique):

- Anglais: 30 avril 2009
- Espagnol: 15 juillet 2009
- Français: la date reste à confirmer. Elle sera placée sur note
site web dès qu'elle sera connue.
- Russe: 30 septembre 2009

Call for papers for CASCA 2009 session - City Matters: Shifting Terrains of Ecology, Disparity and Connectivity

We are inviting participants for the following session:

City Matters: Shifting Terrains of Ecology, Disparity and Connectivity

The year 2008 dramatically marked an urban turn for humanity: the
majority of the world's
population now lives in cities. Urban transformations have however
been taking place
quite dramatically for the last two decades and have been significant:
the proliferation
of exburbs, in-between cities, satellite cities, gated communities,
and the creation of
new, regionally specific peripheries; the aging of the suburbs; the
morphing of slums,
favelas, and shantytowns into diverse communities; the bypassing by
disaporic communities
of the urban ghettos and gentrifying inner-cities. In this shifting
terrain, deep
anxieties have arisen over the pace and scale of urbanization in
connection to unfolding
disparities, connectivity, and ecology. This session, in an effort to
engage in and
initiate a dialogue over the challenges and possibilities offered by
the urban turn,
invites papers that deal with the question of the urban and reflect on
how the new
geographies of wealth and disparity, health and ecology, and movement
and mobilization,
are reconstituting cities in the twenty first century.

Organizers: Shubhra Gururani and Karl Schmid

If you are interested, please contact us. A 100 word abstract of your
paper will be
required by February 18.

Contact us at: or

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Call for abstracts - Expanding property rights & contested knowledges CASCA 2009

We are interested in adding papers to the following panel.

If interested, please submit abstacts to karine peschard by Feb. 18th, 2009.

Expanding Property Rights and Contested Knowledges
The current movement towards expanding forms of property and the
enforcement of property rights has been referred to, alternatively,
as accumulation by dispossession, the second enclosure, or the global
politics of dispossession (Harvey 2003; Boyle 2003; Andreasson 2006).
These forces reveal the intimate link between scientific knowledge,
capital flows and new, global forms of governmentality (Nguyen 2005;
Sunder Rajan 2006). This panel explores how such developments are
affecting the production and circulation of knowledges ? medical and
agricultural, scientific and folk ? based on case-studies (so far) of
the global south. Two of the case-studies examine the production of
knowledge in laboratory settings ? a public crop biotechnology research
lab in Colombia, and a locally-run HIV lab in Senegal. The third
case-study discusses how farmers? knowledge is increasingly being
marginalized by the growing commodification of seeds. We are
particularly interested in the ways in which dominant knowledges are
negotiated, appropriated and contested.

The conference will be held May 13-16,

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

March 10 Colloquium and Networking Event at Aboriginal Policy Research Conference

March 10 Colloquium and Networking Event at Aboriginal Policy Research

In conjunction with the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference held in
Ottawa from March 9 to 12, 2009, the Institute On Governance will host
a one-day colloquium on March 10, 2009. The colloquium will explore
the central themes of the Aboriginal Policy Research Initiative, with
a focus on issues affecting Métis, Non-Status Indians and other
Aboriginal people residing off-reserve.

Call for Papers for Aboriginal Policy Research Series 2009/10

Following a successful 2008/09 year with series contributions
appearing soon, the Aboriginal Policy Research Initiative is pleased
to commission eight papers for its Aboriginal policy research paper
series for the 2009/10 year.

Submissions in both official languages are welcome. Please note that
papers should focus on issues affecting Métis, non-status Indians and
other Aboriginal people residing off-reserve.

Web Presence for the Aboriginal Policy Research Initiative

All papers, reports and announcements produced through the Aboriginal
Policy Research Initiative are available on the IOG's website in a
special section devoted to the initiative. Reports and presentations
for APRI colloquia held on February 14, 2008 in Ottawa and June 5,
2008 in Vancouver are posted and available for download. Papers
produced for the research series for the 2008/09 year will begin
appearing shortly.

To view the site, please follow the link:

Whiteford Graduate Student Award in Applied Anthropology

For graduate students going to the Santa Fe SfAA meetings:


The Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA) announces
its 2009 Whiteford Graduate Student Award in Applied Anthropology, in honor
of Michael B. Whiteford and Scott Whiteford. Papers submitted to the
award's committee are limited to a maximum length of six thousand words,
including bibliography, have an applied component, and be based on field
research carried out in Latin America, the Caribbean, or among
first-generation migrants from these areas. The papers can be written in
English, Spanish, French or Portuguese and have been submitted to be
presented at the 2009 SLACA Spring meetings in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Marc
17-21. The student should be a member of SLACA.

The award is intended to help two students attend the 2009 SLACA Spring
Meetings, which will be held jointly with the Society for Applied
Anthropology in Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 17 - 21, 2009. The prize
consists of US $200.00 for a student registered in a graduate program in the
U.S.A. or Canada, and US $300 for a student registered in a graduate program
in Latin American or the Caribbean. Scott Whiteford and Michael Whiteford
will present the prize during a SLACA event at the Santa Fe meetings. We
encourage anthropology departments to support students entering the
competition by providing additional conference travel funds.

The Whiteford Graduate Student Award in Applied Anthropology in Latin
America/Caribbean was created through the enduring support of Michael B. and
Scott Whiteford who have donated all of the royalty income from their book
Crossing Currents: Continuity and Change in Latin America to the Society for
Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology since its publication in 1998.
Their contributions have allowed SLACA to support the travel of scholars of
Latin America in presenting their work at the annual meetings of the
American Anthropological Association. We are proud to extend the Whiteford's
generosity to students' emerging scholarship at the annual meetings of the
Society for Applied Anthropology.

Deadline for receiving papers: February 13, 2009.

Please address queries and send papers to Walter E. Little at

Monday, February 9, 2009

AAA 2009 Call for Papers "Reimagining Bodies and Embodying Value in a Neoliberal Age"

Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association

Philadelphia, December 2-6 2009

Call for Papers

Reimagining Bodies and Embodying Value in a Neoliberal Age


Fred Ketchum (University of Chicago)

George Paul Meiu (University of Chicago)


In the context of late capitalism, we are witnessing
an increasing return to the body proper as a central
site of governmentality and value production. The
optimization of vitality and the valorization of
youth, ideal heights and desirable weights, erotic
features and exotic traits, visions of perfection
and perfectible visibilities, valuable ethnicities
and commodified identities, bio-value and
bio-capital, the violation of the body vulnerable
and the violence of bodies at war. These are only a
few of the recurrent themes in the neoliberal moment
that have engendered not only new ways of imagining
bodies and configuring subjectivities, but also new
forms of exclusion. For many, the impossibility of
embodying value has become generative of new
imaginations of bodily practices and social orders.

Throughout the last two decades, the body has become
an important site of reflection and critical
thought. From cultural studies to political
philosophy, from feminist theory to literary
criticism, scholars have (re)thought the
theorization of embodiment. The anthropological
concern with bodies has undergone multiple shifts
and diverged in many directions. One important
thread emerged with a critique of hegemonic bodily
configurations. Often, the issue of embodied value
has been explored with emphasis on the somatic body
in medical anthropology. For example, the
objectification and commodification of bodies and
body parts, particularly in the context of
technological and scientific developments like organ
transplants and stem cells, has shed light on at
least some ways in which value is produced.

Beyond this important focus on the value of
abstracted bodies, however, anthropology has
provided fewer analyses of how bodily practices
might carry value in the context of late capitalism,
and on how subjects might be viewed as generative of
value. Yet, this concern could shed light on
anthropology?s relevance in today?s world. What
can anthropology contribute to our notions of
identity, by theorizing some of the new ways of
embodying value of self-entrepreneurial subjects,
and the complex links to globalized images of the
?ideal?? How might we understand the publics in
which such discourses take place and are
materialized, and what forms of exclusion they
produce? Emphasizing an ethnographic perspective,
this panel aims to address some of these issues both
from theoretical and methodological viewpoints. For
anthropology a central question remains: To what
extent does the "body" allow for a critically
informed ethnographic investigation? Is there still
a place in our political and critical pursuits for
an "anthropology of the body"?

Papers could engage the following questions, but are
not limited to them:

o What are the relations between globally
circulated ideals of the human body, as
mechanism of value production, and local,
culturally and historically specific
articulations of embodiment?
o How do discourses of the body unfold in everyday
life and how are such discourses, in turn,
reshaped or reinforced in practice?
o How are bodies re-envisioned or reemployed in
neoliberal techniques of governmentality?
o How can we critically rethink bodies through the
lens of a neoliberal context abundant in new
forms of value production, new bodily
technologies, new forms of consumption and
commodification, and new aesthetic and affective
o How can different ethnographically-grounded
explorations help us rethink bodies in relation
to biopolitical mechanisms of power?

Please submit abstracts (250 words) and a brief bio
or CV by email to by March 1,
2009. Participation in the panel will be confirmed
via email by March 18th.

CRC 1 in sustainable development at Thompson Rivers University

Canada Research Chair

Tier I

Sustainable Development

Thompson Rivers University is seeking expressions of interest for a Tier
1 Canada Research Chair in the broad area of sustainable development.
The Chair will be an associate professor or professor in an appropriate
academic department, play a vital leadership role in stimulating
interdisciplinary research among colleagues at TRU, nationally and
internationally, and will be well recognized for excellence in guiding
student research.
In recruiting for this position TRU takes a broad view of sustainable
development to include social, environmental, cultural and economic
sustainability. The specific area of focus is open and TRU is committed
to recruiting the strongest candidate who best complements and
strengthens existing research expertise at TRU.

The CRC program was established by the Government of Canada to attract
outstanding researchers and to enable excellence in research and
research training (

Tier 1 nominees should:

Be outstanding and innovative researchers whose accomplishments have
made a major impact in their fields;
Be recognized internationally as leaders in their fields;
Have superior records of attracting and supervising graduate students
and postdoctoral fellows (taking into account practices in the relevant
field or discipline) and, as chairholders, be expected to attract
excellent trainees, students and future researchers;
Be proposing an original, innovative research program of the highest

The position is eligible for funding through the Canada Foundation for
Innovation (CFI) for equipment and infrastructure.

Thompson Rivers University has a dynamic research environment fueled by
individual passions for research and interdisciplinary collaborations.
The university is home to three Tier 2 Canada Research Chairs (Community
Ecosystems, E-Learning, and Cultural and Artistic Inquiry), two BC
Regional Innovation Chairs (Cattle Industry Sustainability, and
Aboriginal Health), and several research centres.

Interested candidates should submit expressions of interest, and/or
address any questions in confidence to:

Dr. Nancy A. Van Wagoner, Associate Vice President

Research and Graduate Studies

Thompson Rivers University

900 McGill Road

PO Box 3010

Kamloops, BC Canada V2C 5N3

Phone: 1-250-828-5410

Submissions should include a curriculum vitae, names of three referees,
a single page research proposal, and a letter describing anticipated
contribution to TRU.

Applications will be considered in strict confidence. Only the referees
of short-listed candidates will be contacted with the consent of the

Review will begin March 1, 2009 and will continue until the position is
Applicants from Canada and elsewhere are encouraged. TRU hires on the
basis of merit and is committed to the principle of equity in
employment. As part of its commitment to Employment Equity, TRU
encourages applications from qualified members of the four designated
groups: women, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and
visible minorities. Applicants are invited to identify themselves if
they belong to any of the four designated groups.


Thompson Rivers University is a comprehensive university that offers
academic, professional, trades and technology programs. TRU is dedicated
to undergraduate research, to infusing research as part of the student
experience, and to increasing its capacity in research and graduate
studies. Located in the beautiful semi-arid grasslands of the southern
interior region of British Columbia, the university has strong ties with
the community and a solid record of pure and applied research and
technology transfer. Unique research facilities include a range of state
of the art analytical equipment including a new 500 MHz NMR, CE-MS,
STEM, research greenhouse, GIS infrastructure, elemental analyzer, meat
science laboratory, biocatalyst and bio-produccomplete trades
infrastructure, and an advanced robotics facility. TRU
has close ties with the Kamloops Water Quality and Research Centre – one
of the world's largest membrane treatment facilities, the Kamloops Range
and Research Unit of Agri-Food Canada, local government ministries,
non-governmental organizations, and the business community. TRU is an
international campus with about 10 percent international students from
more than 70 countries, an additional 1,600 students enrolled with
partner institutions overseas, and international partnerships and
projects in more than 45 countries.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Faculty Position in Community-Based Health Research


Tenure-track Faculty Position in Community-Based Health Research

The Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, College of Medicine,
invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant
Professor rank, with an anticipated starting date of July 1, 2009. Candidates
should have a PhD or be near completion, in community/population/public health
or a related area (e.g., health geography or sociology). Expertise in
naturalistic and/or quantitative research methods and mixed methods research,
and experience in and a strong commitment to working with communities are

The Department of Community Health and Epidemiology is a dynamic, cohesive and
growing academic department comprising 13 core faculty and 34 associate and
clinical faculty. We have an active graduate program, with 52 students at the
Masters and doctoral levels, and contribute to the undergraduate education of
medical and health science students. Areas of current research excellence
include child health, knowledge transfer, socio-behavioural aspects of cancer
care, global health, social epidemiology, biostatistical applications to
chronic diseases, public health practice, and Aboriginal peoples' health. An
emphasis on health equity and community engagement underlies all our work. We
have strong relationships with a wide range of community-based organizations
and government agencies and are connected with the Community University
Institute for Social Research and other research units, such as the Prairie
Region Health Promotion Research Centre, the Prairie Women's Health Centre of
Excellence, and the Saskatchewan Population Health Research and Evaluation
Unit, and the newly formed School of Public Health.

The faculty member in this position will be expected to:

1. teach community health research methods at the graduate level (with
opportunities for developing a new course in the individual's particular area
of interest;
2. contribute to other graduate and undergraduate courses as appropriate;
3. develop an externally-funded research program using community-based
research methodologies, and
4. supervise graduate student research.

Successful candidates will demonstrate excellence in or promise of
excellence in
research, teaching, and community engagement.

The University of Saskatchewan is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, a city
with a diverse and thriving economic base, a vibrant arts community and a full
range of leisure opportunities. The University has a reputation for excellence
in teaching, research and scholarly activities and offers a full range of
undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs to a student population of
about 20,000. The University is one of Canada's leading research-intensive
universities. We offer competitive remuneration and a collegial, supportive
work environment.

The University of Saskatchewan is committed to Employment Equity. Members of
Designated Groups (women, Aboriginal people, people with disabilities, and
visible minorities) are encouraged to self-identify in their applications. All
qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and
permanent residents will be given priority.

Interested candidates are asked to submit a cover letter describing their
research and teaching interests, curriculum vitae and names of three referees.
Applications should be directed to:

Dr. Nazeem Muhajarine, Department Head
Community Health & Epidemiology
College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon SK Canada S7N 5E5

FAX: (306) 966-7920


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mount Allison University - position

The Department of Anthropology at Mount Allison University invites
applications for a 9-month full-time sessional sabbatical replacement
position, effective August 1, 2009, subject to budgetary approval.
Applicants should have a PhD in Anthropology or be near completion at the
time of the appointment and have a strong commitment to undergraduate
teaching and research. The successful candidate will be expected to teach
in a team-taught introductory course that covers the five sub-fields of
Anthropology as well as to offer courses in the areas of Anthroplogical
Research Methods, Belief and Folklore. The Department is also interested in
candidates who can teach in the ethnographic area of Canada's First Nations
Peoples or in an ethnographic area which complements the Department's
current offerings (Arctic, African, North African and Middle Eastern, South
Asia and Southeast Asian). The appointment will be made at the rank of
Lecturer or Assistant Professor, commensurate with qualifications and
experience. Applicants should submit a letter of application, a curriculum
vitae, and three letters of reference to:

Dr. Robert Adlam

Chair, Search Committee

Department of Anthropology

Faculty of Social Sciences

Mount Allison University

144 Main Street Sackville, NB E4L 1A7

Email: <; Phone: 506-364-2356 Fax:

The closing date for receipt of applications is March 31, 2009 or until the
position is filled.

Mount Allison University welcomes diversity in the workplace and encourages
applications from all qualified women and men, including aboriginal peoples,
persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities. All qualified
candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent
residents will be given priority. Canadian and permanent residents should
indicate their citizenship status in their application.

Casca News

This blog mirrors the list-serv for the Canadian Anthropology Society. To submit an announcement to this list, please email:

Blog Archive