This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Italy Summer 2009 Field School - Historic Preservation & Restoration

Dear Colleague,

I would like to inform you about our summer 2009 field school in
Italy, the San
Gemini Preservation Studies Program, now in its 11th year, which is
dedicated to the
preservation of cultural heritage.

This year the program is sponsored by the Department of Art History
and Studio Arts
at John Cabot University ( <> ), an
American liberal arts university in Rome, in collaboration with the Historic
Preservation Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and other
preservation organizations.

Application deadline is March 15th.

Courses offered (3 credits each):

· Introduction to Art Restoration in Italy

· Surveying and Analyzing Historic Buildings

· Traditional Painting Methods and Restoration Techniques

· Preservation Theory and Practice in Italy

Field Projects:

· Surveying the 12th Century San Giovanni Battista Church complex

· Surveying the Church of Santo Gemine

· Archaeological survey of the public baths in Carsulae

To find out more about our program please visit our website <>

Our program offers both undergraduate and graduate credits and is open
to students
from many disciplines. The program is taught in English.

If you know any students, scholars or others interested in this type
of study, please
inform them about our program. We would appreciate it if you could
list our program
on your organization's website as an available educational resource.
Also, attached
is a flyer that you may wish to post on your department notice board
or forward to
interested parties.

Thank you very much.

Max Cardillo
Director, San Gemini Preservation Studies
John Cabot University

Re: Italy Summer 2009 Field School - Historic Preservation & Restoration

Hi folks,

I sent this out.

Karli Whitmore
CASCA list serve

Quoting "Plaice, Evelyn M" <>:

> This message was originally submitted by plaice@UNB.CA to the
> CASCA list at
> YORKU.CA. If you simply forward it back to the list, using a mail
> command that
> generates "Resent-" fields (ask your local user support or
> consult the
> documentation of your mail program if in doubt), it will be
> distributed and the
> explanations you are now reading will be removed automatically. If
> on the other
> hand you edit the contributions you receive into a digest, you
> will have to
> remove this paragraph manually. Finally, you should be able to
> contact the
> author of this message by using the normal "reply" function of
> your mail
> program.
> ----------------- Message requiring your approval (94 lines)
> ------------------
> Hello Dr Cardillo,
> Would you like this information posted to the members of the
> Canadian Anthropological
> Society. If so, please send your information to:
> Evie Plaice, CASCA Secretary
> Department of Anthropology
> University of New Brunswick
> Fredericton NB
> Quoting Max Cardillo <>:
>> Dear Colleague,
>> I would like to inform you about our summer 2009 field school in
>> Italy, the San
>> Gemini Preservation Studies Program, now in its 11th year, which is
>> dedicated to the
>> preservation of cultural heritage.
>> This year the program is sponsored by the Department of Art History
>> and Studio Arts
>> at John Cabot University (
>> <> ), an
>> American liberal arts university in Rome, in collaboration with the Historic
>> Preservation Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and other
>> preservation organizations.
>> Application deadline is March 15th.
>> Courses offered (3 credits each):
>> · Introduction to Art Restoration in Italy
>> · Surveying and Analyzing Historic Buildings
>> · Traditional Painting Methods and Restoration Techniques
>> · Preservation Theory and Practice in Italy
>> Field Projects:
>> · Surveying the 12th Century San Giovanni Battista Church complex
>> · Surveying the Church of Santo Gemine
>> · Archaeological survey of the public baths in Carsulae
>> To find out more about our program please visit our website
>> <>
>> Our program offers both undergraduate and graduate credits and is
>> open to students
>> from many disciplines. The program is taught in English.
>> If you know any students, scholars or others interested in this
>> type of study, please
>> inform them about our program. We would appreciate it if you could
>> list our program
>> on your organization's website as an available educational
>> resource. Also, attached
>> is a flyer that you may wish to post on your department notice
>> board or forward to
>> interested parties.
>> Thank you very much.
>> Max Cardillo
>> Director, San Gemini Preservation Studies
>> John Cabot University
>> <>
>> <>

CASCA/AES 2009, deadline for submissions extended to February 20

(la version française suit)


Please note that the deadline for submissions and early registration
has been extended to February 20, 2009

CASCA/AES 2009 Joint Meeting
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May 13-16 2009

"Transnational Anthropologies: Convergences and
Divergences in Globalized Disciplinary Networks"

The organizing committee seeks proposals for panels and individual papers.

Please go to
<> for information on how to:

· Register for the conference
· Submit panels and individual papers
· Submit films for the Anthropology
Film Festival held in conjunction with CASCA/AES
· Buy tickets for the party at the UBC Museum of Anthropology
· Book accommodation on the UBC campus

For further information, please contact us at:

Transnational Anthropologies: Convergences and
Divergences in Globalized Disciplinary Networks

In an era when anthropology is increasingly
attentive to transnational connections,
globalized geographies, and diasporic identities,
the discipline itself is subject to new and
challenging forms of deterritorialization and
re-territorialization. Anthropology has long been
constituted by tensions between the gravitational
force of its various national traditions and the
pull toward an international intellectual
cosmopolitanism. Yet the increasing presence of
scholars from the world "periphery" in
metropolitan universities, the rise to
international prominence of subaltern academic
centers, the deterritorialized concerns and
priorities of funding institutions, and the
growing transnational links between researchers,
research institutions, and research subjects
(among other factors) are further complicating
the spatiality of anthropological practice. These
shifts, in turn, are transforming the way
anthropologists examine the production of power
relations, inequalities, and identities in local
and global arenas. The 2009 CASCA-AES conference
to be held at the University of British Columbia
in Vancouver calls anthropologists and scholars
from across the social sciences and the
humanities to offer a fresh look at the
increasingly transnational nature of knowledge
production, at the resilience of regionalized
academic hierarchies, as well as at the different
ways in which the latter are being reconstituted
and subverted. Additionally, the conference
welcomes volunteered papers, panels, workshops,
and videos related to the internationalization of
social practice, power relations, and
subjectivities and to any other theme associated
with ongoing anthropological questions.

Deadlines and registration fees (in Canadian dollars)

Faculty registration costs:
Before the deadline of February 20, 2009: $150.00
Before March 15, 2009: $170.00
At the conference venue: $190.00

Students, Postdocs, Unwaged, Retired:
Before the deadline of February 20, 2009: $50.00
Before March 15, 2009: $60.00
At the conference venue: $70.00


La date limite pour la soumission de propositions et pour l'inscription hâtive
a été reportée au 20 février 2009

CASCA/AES 2009 Congrès conjoint de la Canadian
Anthropology Society-Société Canadienne
d'Anthropologie et de la American Ethnological Society.

Université de la Colombie-Britannique, Vancouver, 13 au 16 mai 2009

Thème: Anthropologies transnationales :
Convergences et divergences au sein de réseaux disciplinaires mondialisés

Voir le lien suivant :
<> pour:

* S'inscire au colloque
* Soumettre une proposition de communication ou de séance de groupe
* Soumettre de films pour le Festival de
Films Anthropologiques au CASCA/AES
* Achetez vos billets pour la soirée qui aura
lieu au Musée d'Anthropologie de UBC
* Réserver hébergement sur le campus de UBC

Pour toutes questions liées au congrès veuillez communiquer avec :

Thème :
Anthropologies transnationales : Convergences et
divergences au sein de réseaux disciplinaires mondialisés

À une époque où l'anthropologie est de plus en
plus attentive aux rapports transnationaux, aux
géographies mondialisées et aux identités
diasporiques, la discipline elle-même est aussi
confrontée à de nouvelles formes de
déterritorialisation et de reterritorialisation.
L'anthropologie s'est édifiée au fil de tensions
entre la force gravitationnelle de ses diverses
traditions nationales et sa tendance vers un
cosmopolitisme intellectuel international.
Aujourd'hui, la présence grandissante
d'intellectuels issus de la périphérie mondiale
dans les universités occidentales, la percée au
niveau international de centres académiques du
Sud global, les préoccupations et priorités
déterritorialisées des organismes
subventionnaires, de même que les relations
transnationales croissantes entre chercheurs,
institutions de recherche et sujets de recherches
(entre autres facteurs), compliquent encore
davantage la spatialité de la pratique
anthropologique. Ces changements transforment
aussi la façon dont les anthropologues examinent
la production de relations de pouvoir,
d'inégalités et d'identités sur les scènes
locales et mondiales. Le congrès CASCA-AES 2009,
qui aura lieu à l'Université de la
Colombie-Britannique à Vancouver, invite les
anthropologues et les chercheurs de toutes
disciplines des sciences sociales et humaines à
porter un regard nouveau sur la nature de plus en
plus transnationale de la production du savoir,
sur la résilience des hiérarchies académiques
régionalisées, de même que sur les différentes
façons par lesquelles ces dernières se voient
reconstituées et renversées. La conférence
sollicite également des propositions de
communications individuelles, de séances de
groupe, d'ateliers et de vidéos reliées à
l'internationalisation des pratiques sociales,
des relations de pouvoir et des subjectivités
ainsi qu'à tout autre thème associé aux enjeux anthropologiques contemporains.

Dates limites et frais d'inscription (en devise canadienne)

Tarifs d'inscription pour le corps professoral:
Avant la date limite du 20 février 2009 : $150,00
Avant le 15 mars 2009 : $170,00
Lors de la conférence : $190,00

Étudiants, stagiaires postdoctoraux, non-salariés, retraités:
Avant la date limite du 20 février 2009 : $50,00
Avant le 15 mars 2009 : $60,00
Lors de la conférence : $70,00

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Call for Papers for CASCA Session - Transnational Masculinities


Transnational Masculinities and the (Re)Making of Gendered Categories
and Corporeality

Organizer: Elizabeth Urbanowski

The cultural contingencies of masculinity and masculine subjectivities
have recently been
the subject of interesting and significant anthropological study.
This session seeks to
contribute to the anthropological investigation of masculinities by
drawing together
papers that explore the shape and resonance of transnational codes of
masculine embodiment and corporeality, and the masculinization of
knowledge. We welcome
papers that explore any aspect of masculinity and masculine
subjectivity that includes
consideration of transnationalism and neoliberalism.

Please send a 100-word abstract to Elizabeth Urbanowski
( by Friday January 30th. Thank you!



NB: Amended version. Please note e-mail address for Andrew Lyons

This message is addressed to all CASCA members. It
concerns your journal, Anthropologica. I have served as
Editor-in-Chief since the beginning of May, 2008.In that time I have
had a chance to assess the journal's many strengths as well as its
weaknesses. Under the editorship of my predecessor, we published
several excellent issues. Most of them were devoted to specific themes
and many were based on conference sessions. They include only a
minority of stand-alone submissions.

In the past eight months we have received very few such
articles. Only half of them were from Canada. Decisions have been made
on all but two of them. None of those papers were submitted in French.
It is true that there are journals which do not publish individual
submissions. That is not our mandate. We undertake to produce both
individually volunteered papers and thematic sections. We want our
journal fully to represent Canadian anthropology and we want it to be
the first place where Canadian faculty and graduate students publish.

We have received a large increase in our SSHRC Grant
because we promised to clear a large backlog of special issues
(thematic sections) and to print more volunteered papers, effective

We need your written work and your support. We guarantee
that we will give you a prompt decision regarding your work.
Electronic submissions are acceptable and most if not all of the peer
review process is now conducted electronically. Because there will be
no serious backlogs the gap between final acceptance and publication
should not be more than a year.

There is no reason why Canada's national anthropology
journal should not be ranked as highly as its equivalents in the USA,
France or Britain. We intend to bring that about, but it can only
happen with your support.

Articles written in English should be submitted
electronically to the Editor-in-Chief, Andrew Lyons (Wilfrid Laurier)
at Articles written in French should be
submitted to our Editor (French Manuscripts), Marie-France Labrecque
at . After April 15 French
manuscripts should go to our new Editor (French manuscripts), Sylvie
Poirier at .

St. Francis Xavier University - position

The Anthropology Program, St. Francis Xavier University, invites
applications for a nine-month, limited-term position at the assistant
professor level commencing 1 September 2009. The successful candidate
will have a PhD, or be near completion, in anthropology and demonstrate
effective teaching skills. Teaching responsibilities include courses in
four-field introductory anthropology and ethnographic field methods.
Consideration of applications will begin on February 16, 2009.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, statements of teaching and
research interests, evidence of teaching skills, and arrange for three
confidential letters of reference to be sent to: Dr. Susan Vincent,
Coordinator, Anthropology Program, St. Francis Xavier University. PO Box
5000, Antigonish, NS, B2G 2W5. Phone (902) 867-5281; Fax (902)
867-5456; e-mail

All qualified candidates, especially women and members of minority
groups, are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian
Immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will
be given priority. St. Francis Xavier University is committed to the
principle of employment equity.

Friday, January 23, 2009



Please note single letter correction in my e-mail address in English text
(an error occurred when I pasted the text).
The address was, is and will remain !

This message is addressed to all CASCA members. It
concerns your journal, Anthropologica. I have served as
Editor-in-Chief since the beginning of May, 2008.In that time I have
had a chance to assess the journal's many strengths as well as its
weaknesses. Under the editorship of my predecessor, we published
several excellent issues. Most of them were devoted to specific themes
and many were based on conference sessions. They include only a
minority of stand-alone submissions.

In the past eight months we have received very few such
articles. Only half of them were from Canada. Decisions have been made
on all but two of them. None of those papers were submitted in French.
It is true that there are journals which do not publish individual
submissions. That is not our mandate. We undertake to produce both
individually volunteered papers and thematic sections. We want our
journal fully to represent Canadian anthropology and we want it to be
the first place where Canadian faculty and graduate students publish.

We have received a large increase in our SSHRC Grant
because we promised to clear a large backlog of special issues
(thematic sections) and to print more volunteered papers, effective

We need your written work and your support. We guarantee
that we will give you a prompt decision regarding your work.
Electronic submissions are acceptable and most if not all of the peer
review process is now conducted electronically. Because there will be
no serious backlogs the gap between final acceptance and publication
should not be more than a year.

There is no reason why Canada's national anthropology
journal should not be ranked as highly as its equivalents in the USA,
France or Britain. We intend to bring that about, but it can only
happen with your support.

Articles written in English should be submitted
electronically to the Editor-in-Chief, Andrew Lyons (Wilfrid Laurier)
at Articles written in French should be
submitted to our Editor (French Manuscripts), Marie-France Labrecque
at . After April 15 French
manuscripts should go to our new Editor (French manuscripts), Sylvie
Poirier at



Ce message est adressé à tous les membres de la CASCA. Il
concerne votre revue, Anthropologica. Je suis rédacteur en chef de la
revue depuis le début de mai 2008. Durant cette période, j'ai pu évaluer
ses nombreuses forces ainsi que ses problèmes. Sous la direction
éditoriale de ma prédécesseure, nous avons publié plusieurs
excellents numéros. La plupart d'entre eux étaient consacrés à des
thèmes spécifiques et plusieurs étaient basés sur des sessions de
conférence. Ces numéros n'incluent qu'une minorité de soumissions

Au cours des huit derniers mois, nous n'avons reçu que très
peu de telles soumissions. Seulement la moitié de celles-ci provenait du
Canada. Des décisions ont été prises sur l'ensemble sauf deux d'entre
elles. Aucun de ces manuscrits n'a été soumis en français. Il est vrai
qu'il existe des revues qui ne publient pas les articles soumis
individuellement. Or, là n'est pas notre mandat. Nous nous engageons à
publier à la fois des articles soumis individuellement et des numéros
thématiques. Nous voulons que notre revue représente l'anthropologie
canadienne dans son ensemble et qu'elle soit le premier endroit où
publient le corps enseignant et les étudiants gradués canadiens.

Nous avons reçu une augmentation substantielle pour notre
subvention du CRSH grâce au fait que nous nous sommes engagés à traiter
les numéros thématiques en retard et à publier davantage d'articles
soumis individuellement, et ce à partir de 2010.

Nous avons besoin de vos écrits et de votre appui. Nous
garantissons que votre manuscrit sera traité rapidement et dans des
délais raisonnables. Les soumissions électroniques sont acceptées et
la plupart des processus d'évaluation par les pairs sont maintenant
menés électroniquement. Puisqu'il n'y aura aucun délai majeur, le
temps entre l'acceptation définitive et la publication ne devrait pas
dépasser une année.

Il n'y a aucune raison pour que la revue canadienne
d'anthropologie ne jouisse pas de la même réputation que ses équivalents
aux Etats-Unis, en France ou en Grande-Bretagne. Nous avons l'intention
d'atteindre cet objectif, et cela n'est possible qu'avec votre appui et
votre participation.

Les manuscrits en anglais devront être soumis
électroniquement au rédacteur en chef, Andrew Lyons (Wilfrid
Laurier) à . Les manuscrits en français
devront être soumis à la rédactrice pour les manuscrits en français,
Marie-France Labrecque à Après le
15 avril, les manuscrits en français devront être soumis à la nouvelle
rédactrice pour les manuscrits en français, Sylvie Poirier à

Call for Papers "Neoliberalism and Diasporas"

Call for Papers

"Neoliberalism and Diasporas"

Organizers: Daphne Winland (York University) and Nicholas deMaria
Harney (University of
Western Australia)

This session examines the tensions between two much studied phenomena
in the past twenty years that have rarely been explicitly conjoined:
1) the dramatic increase and politicisation in diasporic, solidaristic
transnational forms of belonging; and 2) the colonisation of life by
neoliberal forms of governance and discourse about the self. How
might an investigation of their intersection enable us to think about
alternative forms of social organisation and possibilities for
varieties of mutuality? The emergence of intensive diasporic practices
accompanied by the circulation and production of ideas, images and
goods on a global scale through technological innovation has
transformed international migration. This new intensity has coincided
with the individualising demands of neoliberal economic and governance
models that pervade sending, transit and receiving societies. What
effect do the specific features of neoliberal transformations such as
the socialisation of the self with an emphasis on flexible skills,
self-management and individualisation have on collective practices for
mutuality? Anthropologists have been attentive to the affective
attachments intensified by new technologies in the post Cold War
period but have paid less attention to how those attachments might be
influenced, constituted, undermined or refracted by neoliberalism's
many forms attached for example, to trade agreements, development
models or the demands of European integration. What are the processes
involved in the making of new mutualities and fissures? How do these
concurrent forms of neoliberalism intersect with processes such as
racialisation, commodification and aestheticisation? How might we
consider the coincident emergence of diasporic connections and

Please email Daphne Winland ( by January 28, 2009 at
the latest.

Rappel - Colloque 2009 / Reminder - 2009 Conference

English version follows

Chers collègues,

Au nom du comité scientifique du colloque international, Patrimoines
musicaux : circulation et contacts, qui aura lieu à Montréal (Canada)
du 29 octobre au 1er novembre 2009, je vous rappelle que nous
acceptons les propositions de communications, d'ateliers et de
concerts jusqu'au 18 février 2009.

Je vous invite à consulter le site Internet du colloque pour les
détails de l'appel à communications.

Pour tout renseignement supplémentaire, n'hésitez pas à communiquer avec moi.

Bien à vous,

Marie-Hélène Pichette

Coordonnatrice du colloque

Laboratoire de recherche sur les musiques du monde

Faculté de musique - Université de Montréal

C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville

Montréal (Québec)

Canada H3C 3J7

Téléphone: (514) 343-6921

Télécopieur: (514) 343-5727

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Programme Committee of the international conference,
Musical Heritage: Movement and Contacts, in Montréal (Canada) from
October 29th to November 1st 2009, I remind you that we are accepting
abstract submissions for papers, workshops and concerts until February
18th 2009.

Detailed information on the call for papers are available on the
conference website.

For additionnal information, do not hesitate to contact me.


Marie-Hélène Pichette

Conference Coordinator

Laboratoire de recherche sur les musiques du monde

Faculté de musique - Université de Montréal

C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville

Montréal (Québec)

Canada H3C 3J7

Telephone: (514) 343-6921

Fax: (514) 343-5727

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Annonce modifi=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9e/Amended_Advertisement:_Chaire_conjointe_en_=E9tudes_des_femmes_/_Joint_Chair_in_Women's_Studies,_Universit=E9?= d'Ottawa et/and Carleton University

Bonjour / Hello

Chaire conjointe en études des femmes / Joint Chair in Women's
Studies, Université d'Ottawa et/and Carleton University
Acceptez nos excuses si vous recevez cet envoi plus d'une fois /
Apologies for cross-posting

(English follows)



Créée en 1985, la Chaire conjointe en études des femmes pour
l'Université d'Ottawa et Carleton University offre à sa titulaire ou
son titulaire la possibilité de contribuer au développement des études
des femmes, d'établir des liens entre le monde universitaire et la
communauté et la chance d'explorer des questions féministes et
interdisciplinaires innovatrices.

Le comité administratif de la Chaire conjointe en études des femmes
sollicite les candidatures de personnes ayant une expérience reconnue
dans leur domaine et démontrant une solide capacité de recherche et/ou
de pratiques féministes.

Il s'agit d'un poste requérant une expertise démontrée, dont le mandat
est d'une durée de 12 mois (sujet à une possible prorogation),
commençant au plus tôt le 1er juillet 2009 OU au plus tard le 1er
janvier 2010. Il y a des exigences quant à la résidence (présence d'au
moins 4 jours par semaine durant toute l'année scolaire) afin
d'assurer la visibilité de la ou du titulaire sur les deux campus tout
au long de son mandat.

Nous sommes particulièrement intéressées par les candidat-e-s pouvant
apporter une contribution considérable au développement de réseaux
internationaux et domestiques, ainsi qu'à la promotion de la Chaire
conjointe, et pouvant aussi contribuer à d'autres opportunités telles
que :

1. assumer le leadership dans la mise en ouvre et le suivi de
nouveaux projets de recherche ;

2. développer et encourager des partenariats de recherche
entre les deux universités et la communauté ;

3. appuyer les efforts de levée de fonds pour la Chaire conjointe ;

4. enseigner aux premier et/ou deuxième cycles à l'Université
d'Ottawa ainsi qu'à l'Université Carleton, suivant entente ;

5. contribuer à la diffusion des résultats des recherches par
la tenue de conférences à l'Université d'Ottawa et à la Carleton
University et/ou par le biais de publications.

QUALIFICATIONS : Doctorat achevé ou l'équivalent en termes de travaux
savants et/ou pratiques féministes. Nous accueillerons les
candidatures d'universitaires, d'activistes, de gens issus du milieu
professionnel (les professions), ainsi que de personnes provenant du
milieu des arts. Une excellente renommée dans son domaine serait un

Le bilinguisme est essentiel, le ou la titulaire devant s'exprimer
avec aisance en français et en anglais.

SALAIRE : Le salaire pour ce poste se situe dans l'échelle salariale
d'un Professeur agrégé et sera établi selon les qualifications,
l'expérience et la disponibilité de la personne choisie.

CANDIDATURES : Le dossier de candidature doit inclure un curriculum
vitae, un exposé décrivant la vision de la Chaire conjointe par la
candidate ou le candidat et une proposition de programme de recherche
et d'activités pour la durée du mandat. Les candidates ou candidats
devront aussi fournir les noms et coordonnées de trois répondants ou

Comité conjoint de sélection pour la Chaire

a/s Institut d'études des femmes

Université d'Ottawa

143, rue Séraphin-Marion

Ottawa ON K1N 6N5

- OU -

Comité conjoint de sélection pour la Chaire

a/s Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies

Carleton University

Dunton Tower, Room 1502

1125, promenade Colonel-By

Ottawa ON K1S 5B6

L'étude des demandes débutera le 31 janvier 2009 et continuera jusqu'à
ce que le poste soit comblé.

Conformément aux exigences d'Immigration Canada, cette annonce
s'adresse en priorité aux personnes ayant la citoyenneté canadienne ou
le statut de résident permanent. L'Université d'Ottawa et la Carleton
University ont toutes deux un programme d'équité d'emploi et
encouragent les femmes, les autochtones, les personnes handicapées et
les membres des minorités visibles à poser leur candidature.

*Poste subordonné à une approbation budgétaire.



Established in 1985, the Joint Chair in Women's Studies for Carleton
University and the University of Ottawa offers an opportunity for its
incumbent to contribute to the development of Women's Studies, to
build links between academe and the community, and to explore
innovative feminist and interdisciplinary topics.

The Administrative Committee for the Joint Chair is seeking
applications from individuals who have an established record and have
demonstrated strong capacity in feminist research and/or practice.

This is a 12-month term senior appointment (subject to possible
extension), commencing at the earliest on July 1, 2009, OR at the
latest, on January 1, 2010. Residency requirements (minimum 4 days per
week during the academic year) ensure visibility of the chair-holder
on both campuses throughout the tenure of the position.

We are particularly interested in candidates who will make
considerable contributions to the development of international and
domestic networks, to the promotion of the Joint Chair and who can
participate in other opportunities such as:

1. providing leadership in responding to new research initiatives;

2. developing and fostering research links between the two
universities and the community;

3. supporting fundraising initiatives for the Joint Chair;

4. teaching in the graduate and/or undergraduate Women's
Studies programs at Carleton University and the University of
Ottawa, as negotiated;

5 facilitating the dissemination of research results by
hosting conferences at Carleton and the University of Ottawa
and/or through publication.

QUALIFICATIONS: A PhD or equivalent in feminist scholarship and/or
practice. We will consider applicants with experience in academia, the
arts, the professions, or as activists. Prominence in their field
would be an asset.

Fluency in both official languages is required.

SALARY: The stipend for this position will be in the Associate
Professor range, commensurate with qualifications, experience and

APPLICATIONS: Letter of application including curriculum vitae and a
statement detailing the candidate's vision of the Chair and proposed
research program and activities to be undertaken during the incumbency
should be sent to the Joint Chair Search Committee. Candidates should
also provide the names and contact information for three referees.

Joint Chair Search Committee

c/o Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies

Carleton University

Dunton Tower, Room 1502

1125 Colonel By Drive

Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6

- OR -

Joint Chair Search Committee

c/o Institute of Women's Studies

University of Ottawa

143 Séraphin-Marion

Ottawa ON K1N 6N5

Consideration of applications will begin on January 31, 2009, and will
continue until the position is filled.

In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this
advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent
residents. Both Carleton University and the University of Ottawa have
employment equity programs and encourage applications from women,
Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible
and ethnic minorities.

*The position is subject to budgetary approval.

CALL FOR PAPERS/panel: Sites of Cosmopolitanism/CASCA-AES meeting/May 13th-16th

We are looking for additional participants for a panel on the politics
of representation in ethnographic writing (see abstract below), for
CASCA/AES's next meeting in Vancouver (May 13th-16th). If you are
interested in participating, please send us an abstract by January
25th the latest.

Looking forward hearing from you ,

Karine Vanthuyne


Kee Howe Young
McMaster University

Postcolonial critics are amongst "us", arriving as intellectuals or
savvy computer engineers, instead of slaves or indentured labourers.
They have caught our imagination. "We" feel the need to have a
conversation with "them" – if only to expand our anthropological
horizons. But is a "conversation" possible when both parties (excuse
the simplification) have not "unlearned" the trappings of their
respective privilege? To quote Spivak, can there be a fruitful
"conversation" when "we" have yet to "learn that [our] privilege is
[our] loss"? Can the voice and scholarship of the so-called subaltern
be imaginable or even readable if authors do not subscribe to the
prevailing paradigmatic lexicon of Western epistemology? Each paper in
this panel is informed by this conundrum. In their respective accounts
- informed by ethnography at cosmopolitan sites - they negotiate the
problematic of representation in the hope of "unlearning" their
"privileges." In this way, we are able to evaluate the epistemological
closure inherent in anthropology, history, globalized capital, human
rights and so on, all terrains of ideology in the 21st century.

National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research 2009 Graduate Study Scholarships, Awards and Fellowships

the National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research (NAMHR) is
pleased to Announce
its 2009 Graduate Study Scholarships, Awards and Fellowships



The main goal of the National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health
Research (NAMHR) is to
train researchers, especially those from Aboriginal backgrounds, to
conduct mental health
research relevant to the needs and priorities of Aboriginal
populations and communities.
To build capacity, the NAMHR links interested students to a national
network of scholars
and researchers, and provides financial support for graduate students
pursing a master?s
or doctoral degree and post-doctoral fellowships related to Aboriginal
mental health.
Financial support is provided in the form of scholarships and/or
research allowance.

The NAMHR is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
(CIHR) Institute of
Aboriginal Peoples? Health (IAPH) and includes leading researchers in
Aboriginal mental
health and community partners from across Canada.

*Scholarships/Post-doctoral Fellowships*

All scholarships/fellowships are considered for a one-year term.
Applicants may re-apply
for each additional year of their program. Students demonstrating
adequate progress in
their studies and/or research project will be given priority. Students
pursuing a
master?s degree (MA, MSc or equivalent) are eligible to receive up to
$_18,000_ per year
and doctoral (PhD or equivalent) degree candidates are eligible for
_$21,000_. The amount
will be pro-rated for part-time students.

Exceptional candidates who have completed their doctorate within the
past 3 years are
eligible for post-doctoral fellowships. Applicants may apply for
_$42,000 (annually) for
a two-year term and a research stipend of $3,000_. Post-doctoral
students must submit a
progress report after the first year of funding.

Successful applicants are strongly encouraged to apply for other
sources of funding;
however, they may not hold another scholarship awarded by the
Tri-Council or other
NEAHRs. The total amount of the scholarships accepted must not exceed
$25,000 per year.

*Research Allowance*

Any student can also apply for a research allowance to defray the
costs of conducting
their research projects. Students must submit the following:

· A brief project proposal (1-2) pages indicating the rationale,
objectives and methods
of the research and also provide a budget of the study. The proposal
must also clearly
indicate the nature of the program of studies (i.e. a mental health
related discipline)
and how the project relates to NAMHR research themes.

· A letter from the student?s supervisor indicating their support for
the project and
affiliation with NAMHR. Supervisors who are not members of the NAMHR
will be invited to

Students will be reimbursed for their expenses upon submission of
original receipts. A
lump sum payment may be requested in advance of the project to avoid
undue financial

Some examples of expenditures that may qualify for support include:

* Travel ? to support data collection, community
communication/consultation, information dissemination, or
presentation at conferences, etc.
* Research assistants ? to assist with data collection (e.g.
interviews), transcription, data entry, computer programming, etc.
* Materials and supplies ? to purchase books, stationery, journal
subscriptions and reimburse long-distance telephone calls,
postage/couriers, etc.
* Others ? in unusual circumstances, support for unforeseen expenses
incurred by being away from home conducting the research will also
be considered (e.g. day care).

A student may receive both a scholarship and a research allowance, or
one and not the
other depending on his/her circumstances.

*Eligibility and Selection*

* Preference may be given to applicants who are Canadian citizens or
permanent residents.
* Graduate awards are open to both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
* Applicants must be enrolled in a master?s or doctoral program in a
mental-health related discipline, or be otherwise pursuing mental
health research within the context of their academic program.
(Proof of acceptance into a graduate program is mandatory before
award funds can be released).
* Applications at the post-doctoral level are eligible for a maximum
of two years funding.
* Research projects that are community-based or involve active
partnership with an Aboriginal organization/community are encouraged.
* There must be a commitment to disseminate the information arising
from the research.

NOTE: The NAMHR provides training activities (i.e. summer school
workshops, annual
meeting) for graduate students. Participation in NAMHR training
activities (for repeat
applicants) will be considered in the review process. Successful
applicants must agree to
provide a short biography and a photo, as well as a progress report
near the end of their
scholarship period.

If an applicant has taken a longer than average length of time to
complete graduate work,
please provide details (i.e. parenthood, etc.).

It is the applicant?s responsibility to obtain the required ethics
approval for research
involving human subjects from the relevant Research Ethics Review
Board in their own
institutions. Such approval is not required at the time of
application, but should be
submitted to NAMHR as soon as it has been granted. Funded projects
must respect the newly
developed *CIHR Guidelines for Health Research Involving Aboriginal People*.

*Submission Deadlines*

* *

The deadline for fall students is February 16, 2009.

*Application Procedure*

Submit applications directly to the National Network for Aboriginal
Mental Health
Research (NAMHR) at:

A complete application includes:

* A summary of the proposed project
* The CIHR CV module
* The CIHR training module
* Official transcripts
* A letter from the project supervisor

Those applying for a research allowance should also submit the following:

* A project proposal, including a budget not to exceed _$7,500_.
Please note that the nature of the project may determine the
amount awarded.

Please send complete applications to:

National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research

c/o Culture and Mental Health Research Unit

Jewish General Hospital

4333 Cote Ste Catherine Road

Montreal, Quebec H3T 1E4

Tel: (514) 340-8222, ext. 5244

Fax: (514) 340-7503

For more information please contact:

Katya Petrov, Coordinator

Phone: 514-340-8222, ext. 5244

Email: <;


(English follows)



Créée en 1985, la Chaire conjointe en études des femmes pour
l'Université d'Ottawa et Carleton University offre à sa titulaire ou
son titulaire la possibilité de contribuer au développement des études
des femmes, d'établir des liens entre le monde universitaire et la
communauté et la chance d'explorer des questions féministes et
interdisciplinaires innovatrices.

Le comité administratif de la Chaire conjointe en études des femmes
sollicite les candidatures de personnes ayant une expérience reconnue
dans leur domaine et démontrant une solide capacité de recherche et/ou
de pratiques féministes.

Il s'agit d'un poste requérant une expertise démontrée, dont le mandat
est d'une durée de 12 mois (sujet à une possible prorogation),
commençant au plus tôt le 1er juillet 2009 OU au plus tard le 1er
janvier 2010. Il y a des exigences quant à la résidence (présence d'au
moins 4 jours par semaine durant toute l'année scolaire) afin
d'assurer la visibilité de la ou du titulaire sur les deux campus tout
au long de son mandat.

Nous sommes particulièrement intéressées par les candidat-e-s pouvant
apporter une contribution considérable au développement de réseaux
internationaux et domestiques, ainsi qu'à la promotion de la Chaire
conjointe, et pouvant aussi contribuer à d'autres opportunités telles
que :

1. assumer le leadership dans la mise en oeuvre et le suivi de
nouveaux projets de recherche ;

2. développer et encourager des partenariats de recherche
entre les deux universités et la communauté ;

3. appuyer les efforts de levée de fonds pour la Chaire conjointe ;

4. enseigner aux premier et/ou deuxième cycles à l'Université
d'Ottawa ainsi qu'à l'Université Carleton, suivant entente ;

5. contribuer à la diffusion des résultats des recherches par
la tenue de conférences à l'Université d'Ottawa et à la Carleton
University et/ou par le biais de publications.

QUALIFICATIONS : Doctorat achevé ou l'équivalent en termes de travaux
savants et/ou pratiques féministes. Nous accueillerons les
candidatures d'universitaires, d'activistes, de gens issus du milieu
professionnel (les professions), ainsi que de personnes provenant du
milieu des arts. Une excellente renommée dans son domaine serait un

Le bilinguisme est essentiel, le ou la titulaire devant s'exprimer
avec aisance en français et en anglais.

SALAIRE : Le salaire pour ce poste se situe dans l'échelle salariale
d'un Professeur agrégé et sera établi selon les qualifications,
l'expérience et la disponibilité de la personne choisie.

CANDIDATURES : Le dossier de candidature doit inclure un curriculum
vitae, un exposé décrivant la vision de la Chaire conjointe par la
candidate ou le candidat et une proposition de programme de recherche
et d'activités pour la durée du mandat. Les candidates ou candidats
devront aussi fournir les noms et coordonnées de trois répondants ou

Comité conjoint de sélection pour la Chaire

a/s Institut d'études des femmes

Université d'Ottawa

143, rue Séraphin-Marion

Ottawa ON K1N 6N5

- OU -

Comité conjoint de sélection pour la Chaire

a/s Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies

Carleton University

Dunton Tower, Room 1502

1125, promenade Colonel-By

Ottawa ON K1S 5B6

L'étude des demandes débutera le 31 janvier 2009 et continuera jusqu'à
ce que le poste soit comblé.

Conformément aux exigences d'Immigration Canada, cette annonce
s'adresse en priorité aux personnes ayant la citoyenneté canadienne ou
le statut de résident permanent. L'Université d'Ottawa et la Carleton
University ont toutes deux un programme d'équité d'emploi et
encouragent les femmes, les autochtones, les personnes handicapées et
les membres des minorités visibles à poser leur candidature.

*Poste subordonné à une approbation budgétaire.



Established in 1985, the Joint Chair in Women's Studies for Carleton
University and the University of Ottawa offers an opportunity for its
incumbent to contribute to the development of Women's Studies, to
build links between academe and the community, and to explore
innovative feminist and interdisciplinary topics.

The Administrative Committee for the Joint Chair is seeking
applications from individuals who have an established record and have
demonstrated strong capacity in feminist research and/or practice.

This is a 12-month term senior appointment (subject to possible
extension), commencing at the earliest on July 1, 2009, OR at the
latest, on January 1, 2010. Residency requirements (minimum 4 days per
week during the academic year) ensure visibility of the chair-holder
on both campuses throughout the tenure of the position.

We are particularly interested in candidates who will make
considerable contributions to the development of international and
domestic networks, to the promotion of the Joint Chair and who can
participate in other opportunities such as:

1. providing leadership in responding to new research initiatives;

2. developing and fostering research links between the two
universities and the community;

3. supporting fundraising initiatives for the Joint Chair;

4. teaching in the graduate and/or undergraduate Women's
Studies programs at Carleton University and the University of
Ottawa, as negotiated;

5 facilitating the dissemination of research results by
hosting conferences at Carleton and the University of Ottawa
and/or through publication.

QUALIFICATIONS: A PhD or equivalent in feminist scholarship and/or
practice. We will consider applicants with experience in academia, the
arts, the professions, or as activists. Prominence in their field
would be an asset.

Fluency in both official languages is required.

SALARY: The stipend for this position will be in the Associate
Professor range, commensurate with qualifications, experience and

APPLICATIONS: Letter of application including curriculum vitae and a
statement detailing the candidate's vision of the Chair and proposed
research program and activities to be undertaken during the incumbency
should be sent to the Joint Chair Search Committee. Candidates should
also provide the names and contact information for three referees.

Joint Chair Search Committee

c/o Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies

Carleton University

Dunton Tower, Room 1502

1125 Colonel By Drive

Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6

- OR -

Joint Chair Search Committee

c/o Institute of Women's Studies

University of Ottawa

143 Séraphin-Marion

Ottawa ON K1N 6N5

Consideration of applications will begin on January 31, 2009, and will
continue until the position is filled.

In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this
advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent
residents. Both Carleton University and the University of Ottawa have
employment equity programs and encourage applications from women,
Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible
and ethnic minorities.

*The position is subject to budgetary approval.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Stage postdoctoral sur les soci=?utf-8?Q?=C3=A9t=C3=A9s_post-conflits_en_Am=C3=A9rique?= latine

Stage postdoctoral sur les sociétés post-conflits en Amérique latine

Chaire de recherche du Canada en histoire de l'Amérique latine

Université de Montréal

Dirigée par la Professeure Cynthia Milton, département d'histoire,
Université de Montréal, le programme de recherche de la Chaire de
recherche du Canada en histoire de l'Amérique latine, porte sur le
phénomène récent de la prolifération des commissions de vérité.
Intitulé, « Récits historiques après la violence », il cherche à
savoir comment ces lieux de mémoire nous aident à mieux comprendre la
violence du passé. Ce programme inclut également l'étude d'autres
lieux de mémoire et d'autres façons de parler du passé qui
n'appartiennent pas à la méthodologie et aux sources traditionnelles
utilisées par les historiens, tels les monuments, le cinéma, les arts
visuels, etc.

Le stagiaire postdoctoral aura pour responsabilités de coordonner les
travaux de recherches de la Chaire. Concrètement, cela signifiera
participer aux travaux du programme « Récits historiques après la
violence », en contribuant, entre autres choses, à ses actions de
rayonnement, à la rédaction de demandes de subventions de recherche, à
la coordination de conférences, ainsi qu'à la gestion du site Internet
de la Chaire. Le stagiaire participera aussi à la coordination et aux
activités du Réseau d'études sur l'Amérique latine, un consortium
interdisciplinaire de professeurs et d'étudiants qui conduisent leurs
recherches sur cette région.

Le stage débutera le 1er mai 2009. Il aura une durée d'un an, avec la
possibilité d'être renouvelé pour une autre année.

Le salaire est à discuter.

Les dossiers de candidature devront comprendre une lettre de
motivation, un curriculum vitae, les noms et les coordonnées de trois
références, ainsi qu'une description d'une page du projet de recherche
proposé, en lien avec la programmation de recherche de la Chaire. La
date d'échéance pour la remise des dossiers de candidature est le 15
février 2009. Prière de faire parvenir vos dossiers, ou vos demandes
d'informations supplémentaires à : Cynthia Milton,<>.

----- End forwarded message -----

Doctoral Position at the University of Bergen

Dear all
Please notify possible applicants regarding the PhD scholarship at the
University of Bergen, as adverties in Anthropology Today (see below). The
deadline has been extended to February 28 2009.
Cato Berg

Dr. Cato Berg
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Bergen
Fosswinckels gate 6, N-5007 Bergen, Norway
Tel.: (+47) 55589355, Fax: (+47) 55589260

Doctoral Fellow in
Social Anthropology
University of Bergen
A position as doctoral fellow in social
anthropology is available at the Department
of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen,
Norway. The fellowship has been established
in recognition of the distinguished contribution
of Professor Fredrik Barth, the Department's
founder, to anthropological knowledge. The
position runs for a fixed term of 3 years
from the date agreed including a year of
ethnographic fieldwork in a region of the
successful candidate's own choosing.
Applicants must have achieved a Master's
degree in social or cultural anthropology by the
closing date for applications. The fellowship is
open to citizens of countries outside the USA,
Canada, Japan, the European Community,
Australia and New Zealand.
The successful candidate must meet the
formal requirements for admission to the PhD
programme at the University of Bergen. A
proposal for the PhD project (total 6-8 pages)
must be submitted with the application.
Information about the University of Bergen's
PhD programme and an application form are
available at

The fellowship covers travel to and from
Bergen, basic accommodation, subsistence
and tuition costs in Bergen, and travel and
research maintenance in the field. The
candidate is expected to complete the PhD
programme within the 3-year period of the
Further information about the position can
be obtained from Professor Bruce Kapferer
(e-mail The
department's website is at http://ugle.svf.uib.
The successful applicant must comply with the
es that apply to the position at any time.
The application must be submitted in 3
copies, sorted into 3 identical bundles, each
with a complete overview of education and
professional activities (CV), certified copies of
diplomas and transcripts, copies of scholarly
works, and a separate list of publications.
Applications should be to The Department of
Social Anthropology, University of Bergen,
PO Box 7801, N-5020 Bergen, Norway,
by 31 January 2009.
Please note that email applications will not be

Thursday, January 15, 2009



This message is addressed to all CASCA members. It
concerns your journal, Anthropologica. I have served as
Editor-in-Chief since the beginning of May, 2008.In that time I have
had a chance to assess the journal's many strengths as well as its
weaknesses. Under the editorship of my predecessor, we published
several excellent issues. Most of them were devoted to specific themes
and many were based on conference sessions. They include only a
minority of stand-alone submissions.

In the past eight months we have received very few such
articles. Only half of them were from Canada. Decisions have been made
on all but two of them. None of those papers were submitted in French.
It is true that there are journals which do not publish individual
submissions. That is not our mandate. We undertake to produce both
individually volunteered papers and thematic sections. We want our
journal fully to represent Canadian anthropology and we want it to be
the first place where Canadian faculty and graduate students publish.

We have received a large increase in our SSHRC Grant
because we promised to clear a large backlog of special issues
(thematic sections) and to print more volunteered papers, effective

We need your written work and your support. We guarantee
that we will give you a prompt decision regarding your work.
Electronic submissions are acceptable and most if not all of the peer
review process is now conducted electronically. Because there will be
no serious backlogs the gap between final acceptance and publication
should not be more than a year.

There is no reason why Canada's national anthropology
journal should not be ranked as highly as its equivalents in the USA,
France or Britain. We intend to bring that about, but it can only
happen with your support.

Articles written in English should be submitted
electronically to the Editor-in-Chief, Andrew Lyons (Wilfrid Laurier)
at Articles written in French should be
submitted to our Editor (French Manuscripts), Marie-France Labrecque
at . After April 15 French
manuscripts should go to our new Editor (French manuscripts), Sylvie
Poirier at .



Ce message est adressé à tous les membres de la CASCA. Il
concerne votre revue, Anthropologica. Je suis rédacteur en chef de la
revue depuis le début de mai 2008. Durant cette période, j'ai pu évaluer
ses nombreuses forces ainsi que ses problèmes. Sous la direction
éditoriale de ma prédécesseure, nous avons publié plusieurs
excellents numéros. La plupart d'entre eux étaient consacrés à des
thèmes spécifiques et plusieurs étaient basés sur des sessions de
conférence. Ces numéros n'incluent qu'une minorité de soumissions

Au cours des huit derniers mois, nous n'avons reçu que très
peu de telles soumissions. Seulement la moitié de celles-ci provenait du
Canada. Des décisions ont été prises sur l'ensemble sauf deux d'entre
elles. Aucun de ces manuscrits n'a été soumis en français. Il est vrai
qu'il existe des revues qui ne publient pas les articles soumis
individuellement. Or, là n'est pas notre mandat. Nous nous engageons à
publier à la fois des articles soumis individuellement et des numéros
thématiques. Nous voulons que notre revue représente l'anthropologie
canadienne dans son ensemble et qu'elle soit le premier endroit où
publient le corps enseignant et les étudiants gradués canadiens.

Nous avons reçu une augmentation substantielle pour notre
subvention du CRSH grâce au fait que nous nous sommes engagés à traiter
les numéros thématiques en retard et à publier davantage d'articles
soumis individuellement, et ce à partir de 2010.

Nous avons besoin de vos écrits et de votre appui. Nous
garantissons que votre manuscrit sera traité rapidement et dans des
délais raisonnables. Les soumissions électroniques sont acceptées et
la plupart des processus d'évaluation par les pairs sont maintenant
menés électroniquement. Puisqu'il n'y aura aucun délai majeur, le
temps entre l'acceptation définitive et la publication ne devrait pas
dépasser une année.

Il n'y a aucune raison pour que la revue canadienne
d'anthropologie ne jouisse pas de la même réputation que ses équivalents
aux Etats-Unis, en France ou en Grande-Bretagne. Nous avons l'intention
d'atteindre cet objectif, et cela n'est possible qu'avec votre appui et
votre participation.

Les manuscrits en anglais devront être soumis
électroniquement au rédacteur en chef, Andrew Lyons (Wilfrid
Laurier) à . Les manuscrits en français
devront être soumis à la rédactrice pour les manuscrits en français,
Marie-France Labrecque à Après le
15 avril, les manuscrits en français devront être soumis à la nouvelle
rédactrice pour les manuscrits en français, Sylvie Poirier à .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

CALL FOR PAPERS - "Aging and the Indigenous People of North America"

CALL FOR PAPERS - "Aging and the Indigenous People of North America"

The Seventh Annual Conference of the Association for Anthropology and
Gerontology will be held at the University of Oklahoma-Norman from
June 5 - 7, 2009. This year's theme broadly focuses on "Aging and the
Indigenous People of North America." Any topic is welcome; examples
include aging and health issues, the revitalization of culture and
language, and overviews of the field as a whole. The conference is an
interdisciplinary small-scale meeting emphasizing the close critique
of works-in-progress. It includes a workshop focused on the future of
gerontological work with the indigenous people of North America. It
also features an optional mentoring component for students and junior
researchers, who are paired with senior researchers who offer
technical assistance concerning research proposals or manuscripts.
Papers from the conference will be considered for publication either
individually or as a special issue of the Journal of Cross-Cultural
Gerontology. Presenters are invited to submit a one-page abstract by
February 15, 2008 to Dr. Lori L. Jervis, University of Oklahoma,<;. Registration forms
are available at

Tuesday, January 13, 2009



Dear membership,

We are preparing to publish the next issue of Culture, CASCA 's online
newsletter and we are looking for booknotes. If you are a CASCA member
and have recently published a book, please send us a brief description
and, of possible, a photo of your book cover. It will be our pleasure
to publish it. The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2009.

Yours sincerely,

Karine Vanthuyne<;

Craig Proulx<;


Chers membres,

Nous préparons la publication du prochain numéro de Culture, le
bulletin-en-ligne de la CASCA, et sommes donc à la recherche de notes
brèves sur des livres. Si vous êtes un membre de la CASCA et venez
tout juste de publier un livre, ou prévoyez le faire prochainement (en
2008-2009), veuillez nous envoyer une brève description de votre
ouvrage ainsi qu'une photo de sa page couverture, si possible. C?est
avec le plus grand des plaisirs que nous les publierons. La date de
tombée est le 1er mars 2009.

Bien à vous,

Karine Vanthuyne<;

Craig Proulx<;

Appel d?articles pour le bulletin Culture/Call for Submissions, Culture Newsletter

Call for Submissions, Culture Newsletter

We are currently planning our upcoming fifth issue of Culture that
will be coming out before the next CASCA meetings in May.

We welcome all kinds of submissions to the newsletter from CASCA
members. Please share your experiences and ideas in the upcoming 2009
issue of Culture.

Submissions should be made by no later than March 1, 2009. Send your
inquiries and submissions to Craig Proulx, Anglophone member?at?large
at<; and/or Karine Vanthuyne
Francophone member-at-large at<;.

For more information about Culture check out the CASCA website:<>

Appel d?articles pour le bulletin Culture

Nous sommes en train de planifier le prochain numéro du bulletin
Culture. Celui-ci sera publié tout juste avant la tenue de notre
prochaine conférence, au mois de mai 2009.

Toutes les soumissions de textes sont les bienvenues. Partagez avec
nous vos expériences et vos idées dans le prochain numéro du bulletin

Les textes doivent nous être parvenus au plus tard le 1er mars 2009.
Veuillez envoyer vos demandes d?informations supplémentaires ou vos
propositions de textes à Craig Proulx,<;, membre anglophone ou Karine
Vanthuyne, membre francophone,<;.

Pour plus d?informations concernant le bulletin, veuillez visiter le
site Internet de la CASCA :<>

Friday, January 9, 2009

Call for Papers: Canadian Anthropology Society Annual Meeting

Call for Papers
Canadian Anthropology Society Annual Meeting
May 13-16, 2009 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.

Session Title: 50 Years of the Cuban Revolution: Political Economy,
Ecology and Culture
Session Organizer: Kendra Coulter, University of Windsor
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Cuba is an
important sociocultural site for anthropological scholarship on the
production of political projects, offering significant insights for
understanding transnational anti-imperialist, anti-neoliberal and
socialist politics. This session will examine the accomplishments and
complexities of the Cuban Revolution as a lived, collective process and as
a sustained challenge to the capitalist model. Papers on political
ecology, gender relations, labour, education, health, children/youth and
political economy in Cuba are particularly welcome.

Please email Kendra Coulter directly at before
January 27th.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

sessional position at Thompson Rivers University

A sessional position (full year), likely to be extended, in the
Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Thompson Rivers University
(Kamloops, BC):

Monday, January 5, 2009

Seeking Panel Participants for CASCA 09 - The Power of Kinship: locating the role of kinship in a post-modern world.

Panel Title: The Power of Kinship: locating the role of kinship in a

Panel Organiser: Cara Krmpotich, Institute of Social and Cultural
University of Oxford

Papers exploring the role of kinship within discourses of globalisation,
post-colonialism/de-colonisation, transationalism, and/or the production of
power are being sought for a panel for this year's CASCA meetings.

Panel Abstract:
This year's CASCA meetings question anthropology's relationship with
transationalism, globalism, de-territorialisation and the production of
power. Yet, for all the headway anthropology has gained by moving beyond the
confines of culture areas or recognising the place of indigenous people
within global and post-colonial processes, we need to also ask how these new
perspectives confront, challenge or support the historic source of
power in many
of these locations: kinship. Not wanting to conflate tradition with
authenticity, this panel raises the element of kinship as a means of tracing
change and continuity within cultures and within anthropology as a discipline.
It asks how family can be articulated within community and/or anthropological
discourses as a legitimate mode of political, economic, and social power.

Possible venues to explore include how success in the transnational art market
filters down to the production of local power? How kinship's role in the
production of power has been affected by the emergence of band councils and
pan-Indian political organizations? How the notion of "community" as an agent
for action and a source of belonging alters the roles of kinship? Or how
technologies such as Facebook, Bebo, WikiNative or the use of radio to
potlaches influence family interaction?

Interested contributors should email the panel organiser with questions and/or


The Brantford Campus Of Wilfrid Laurier University invites applications
for one position at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure track or
limited term appointment) beginning July 1, 2009 (subject to budgetary
approval). The successful candidate will deliver key courses in Laurier
Brantford*s new International Development Option as a member of the
*Leadership* ( and *Human
Rights and Human Diversity* ( programs.
Candidates should have a doctorate (or be near completion) in the social
sciences; areas of specialization are open. The successful candidate
will be expected to have an active research agenda and, ideally, to
teach courses dealing with the following topics: development theories,
strategies and issues (including economic and human rights
perspectives); global health and social justice (including health as a
human right); the basics of economic globalization; as well as some
other courses in the Leadership and Human Rights and Human Diversity
programs. For the full ad, please visit:

CFP conference session at CASCA

Call for Papers for session at CASCA in May at UBC:
Knowledge production: Constructing Indigeneity, past and present

Museums, tourist sites, and other spaces of representation and/or
performance are fertile terrains for the study of social relationships and
knowledge production. In terms of the production of knowledge, these spaces
often consist of power imbalances among the multiple producers; still,
opportunities for alternative narratives and knowledge production also
exist. This session explores how various actors, including anthropologists,
produce indigeneity in these transnational spaces. How have representations
of indigenous peoples and relationships changed at these sites? Who decides
how indigeneity is presented? How do "transnational" and "urban" indigenous
people engage with these representations and spaces? What knowledge do
indigenous communities construct of themselves in these spaces and what does
this mean in terms of power and social relationships?

This session welcomes papers that address these and other questions related
to the representation of indigenous peoples in museums, tourist sites,
literature, collaborative projects, and other sites of representation and
performance. Please send your abstracts to Linda Scarangella at by January 23rd, 2009.

Conference website:

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Health & Social Aspects of Area-Based Initiatives

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Health & Social Aspects of Area-Based

Affiliated with the CIHR-PHAC Chair in Applied Public Health on
Interventions in Residential Neighbourhoods & Population Health

The past several years has seen area-based policy emerge as a solution
to a variety of social problems, including spatial concentrations of
socially disadvantaged populations and increasing gaps between these
populations in a variety of social outcomes, including economic, health
and educational outcomes. Known as ABIs, the successful candidate for
this post-doctoral fellowship will conduct theoretically-informed, but
applied research on the social, political and cultural aspects of ABIs.
Specific questions may include: what factors affect the effectiveness of
ABIs in meeting their stated objectives internationally, and what
lessons can be learned for Canada?; in Canada?s limited experience with
ABIs, what factors have led to their adoption and the choices about
specific policy content?; and within ABIs currently in progress in
Toronto, what social and political factors have influenced their
implementation and how are these contributing to the success or failure
of local institution-building for community development and equitable
neighbourhood governance in socially-mixed communities? Examples of
relevant ABIs in Toronto include the Priority Neighbourhoods Strategy
and the redevelopment of Regent Park, a social housing development, into
a socially-mixed neighbourhood.

The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. James
Dunn at the Centre for Research on Inner City Health at St. Michael?s
Hospital. Dr. Dunn holds a Chair in Interventions in Residential
Neighbourhoods & Population Health and has established research
partnerships with agencies involved in ABIs in Toronto. Dr. Dunn is also
appointed in the Department of Geography and Planning and the Dalla Lana
School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. Applications are
invited from candidates with a Ph.D. in a relevant social science
discipline, which may include sociology, geography, political science,
anthropology, or urban studies.

Funding for this post-doctoral fellowship is provided by the Canadian
Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) ( through the
Successful Societies Program. After the deadline, one applicant will be
selected and nominated to CIFAR by Dr. Dunn. The appointment will then
be subject to approval by the Research Council and the Board of CIFAR,
based on academic excellence. The successful candidate will be expected
to participate in the activities of the Successful Societies Program of

The Fellowship will take effect on July 1, 2009. Its duration will be
one year, with potential to renew for a second year.
Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, the names
and contact information of three referees, and a one-page research
proposal relevant to the research program described above. Please submit
application materials by e-mail by January 26, 2009. Applications should
be sent directly by e-mail to:
Dr. James Dunn,
CIHR-PHAC Chair in Applied Public Health,
Centre for Research on Inner City Health,
St. Michael?s Hospital,
30 Bond St., Toronto, M5B 1W8

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