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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Call for Papers: Iraq since 1990

Call for Papers: Iraq since 1990

Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies invites
submissions for a special issue exploring "Iraq since 1990."

The marking of a so-called fifth anniversary of the Iraq War obscures the
fact that since 1990 Iraq has been subjected to and a constant site of
violence and war: the Gulf War, a controversial sanctions regime, invasion
and occupation, ongoing resistance, internal conflict, the Iraq War.

Peace Research invites submissions from disciplinary and interdisciplinary
perspectives that address the case of Iraq since 1990. We are open to a
wide variety of perspectives and themes for this issue. How are the various
aspects of this conflict connected? What theory can we bring to this study
to illuminate its complex nature? Possible themes include:

comparative occupation studies
representation of Iraq and war
neo-colonialism and imperialism
dissent and protest movements
responses to militarism
nationalism and war
morality, violence and sanctions
feminist analysis of war
hegemony and power dynamics
foreign policy critique
UN reform and conflict
resource scarcity and current policy
environmental destruction
theoretical perspectives on violence
historical and political context
globalization and economic violence

Potential contributors should consider this list as representative, not
exhaustive. All submissions will be peer reviewed. Manuscripts must follow
the PRJ's Submission Guidelines
(, and should be sent
electronically to the Editors ( followed by hard

Deadline for submissions: June 15, 2008.

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