This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Friday, February 8, 2008

CFP -- North American Hinduism

For those of you who also attend the American Academy of Religion meetings, a
CFP for the 2008 meeting that may be of interest (see below).

All the best,
Chad Bauman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Religion
Department of Philosophy and Religion
Butler University
4600 Sunset Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46208<>
Ph: 317 940 8705

A Call for Papers--North American Hinduisms Group of AAR
Representing (and Misrepresenting) Hinduism in North America

Over the past fifteen years, scholarship on South Asia, colonialism
and Hinduism
has been deeply concerned with questions of representation. Who defines and
imagines a given community or tradition? Which metaphors, narratives, and
historical perspectives are considered authentic, offensive, or
liberating, and
by whom? How are debates over religious, community, and political articulation
arbitrated? These long standing questions about who speaks for Hindus and
Hinduism/s take on additional characteristics when such debates happen
in North
America. Questions of representation are coupled with conceptions of freedom,
multiculturalism, civic duty, separation of church and state, free market
capitalism, and spirituality among others that are unique to the North
landscape. This panel seeks papers that explore the whole range of
representations and misrepresentations of Hinduism in North America in the
spheres of popular cullture, education, politics, ritual and practice.

Please contact and send proposals by Feb. 20th :

Shana Sippy:<> &
Tanisha Ramachandran:<>

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