This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

CASCA - Job postings/Offres d'emploi - 27/2/2020

***Même si la CASCA reste très critique face l'exploitation toujours croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.

***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.  


Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/The following job postings have just been added to our job page:

Academic employer:

-Assistant Professorship (Limited term appointment) -- King's College  

-Senior lecturer post in Social Anthropology, North West University

-Postdoc at SFU in Vancouver, Canada, applications due March 31

-Professorial Research Fellow at the Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities (U Sheffield)

-ESRC funded PhD Studentship: Hospital emergency admissions and frailty

-Health Policy for Children and Youth - Tier 2 Canada Research Chair - Simon Fraser University

-Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Students and International - Simon Fraser University

-Indigenous Ways of Knowing - Educational Development Consultant - University of Calgary - Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

-Indigenous Language and Literacy Education - Tenure-Track Assistant Professor - The University of British Columbia

-English - Assistant Professor (Indigenous Cultural Expression) - Laurentian University

-Vice President Academic and Research - Red Deer College

-Provost et vice-recteur ou vice-rectrice aux études/Provost and Vice-President, Academic - Université Laurentienne

-Instructor - School of Justice Studies (Full-time) 2 Positions - Lethbridge College

-Indigenous Student Recruit Officer - Admin Asst 1 (AESES) - University of Manitoba

-Sessional Instructor - NATV - University of Manitoba

-Mini-University Program Assistant/Youth Mentor - Indigenous Services, Western University

-Research Scientist: Community Appropriate Sustainable Energy Security (req5486) - University of Saskatchewan

-Assistant Professor, Public Health Economics - Brock University

-Department of History, CONTRACT ACADEMIC STAFF POSITIONS - University of Winnipeg

-Canada Research Chair in Socially Engaged Creative Practices - University of Regina

-2 Student Research Assistant positions - University of Regina

-Postdoctoral Fellow, SSHRC Partnership Grant - Dalhousie University

-Cont. Ed. Daytime 614-103-03 Aboriginal Languages: Inuktitut I - JOHN ABBOTT COLLEGE

-Indigenous Student Recruitment Officer - Nipissing University

-Part-Time Faculty Positions (Anth/Indg/Hist/Erst, More) - Trent University

Other Employer:    


-Parks Canada postings, including some student jobs

-Polar Knowledge Canada postings

-Environmental Health Scientist (Anticipatory) - Research Affiliate Program - Health Canada - Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch

-Indigenous Liaison Officer - Correctional Service Canada - Indigenous Initiatives (PQ)

-Senior Digital Education Specialist - Canadian Museum for Human Rights

-Economic and Socio-Economic Analyst/Researcher - Indigenous Services Canada - First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB)

-Program Officer - Canada Council for the Arts

-Intelligence Analyst - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (AB)

-Deputy Director, Exhibitions and Outreach - National Gallery of Canada

-Summer Students - 11 positions - Standards Council of Canada

-Director, Primary Care & Clinical Services - Anticipatory - Indigenous Services Canada - First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Regina (Saskatchewan)

-Research Assistant - Research Affiliate Program - Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Arctic and Aquatic Research Division

-Director-General, Québec - Canadian Medical Association

-Manager, Community Arts - City of Surrey

-Agent.e de développement et de mobilisation – Volet sécurité alimentaire - Corporation de développement communautaire Action Solidarité Grand Plateau

-Agent.e.s de sensibilisation environnementale (Matières organiques) - Vert Cité

-Responsable des dossiers politiques et porte-parole - Front commun des personnes assistées sociales du Québec

-AgentE de terrain - Société écocitoyenne de Montréal

-Agent(e) d'accueil et d'animation - Château Ramezay - Musée et site historique de Montréal

-Student Various Positions - Visitor Experience | Maintenance | Resource Conservation - Parks Canada - Wood Buffalo National Park

-Direction générale adjointe - Vivre Saint-Michel en santé

-Directeur(trice) général(e) - SAESEM-Éco-quartier Peter-McGill

-Museum/heritage postings - Canadian Museums Association / Emplois, stages et appels d'offres - SOCIÉTÉ DES MUSÉES DU QUÉBEC

-Coordinator, Resource Centre - Canadian Museum of History / Musée canadien de l'histoire

-Student positions - Canadian Museum of History / Musée canadien de l'histoire

-Summer Student Youth Employment - Caetani Cultural Centre Society


See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site Web: 


If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know. 

Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de nous en aviser à l'adresse: 


Merci/Thank you

Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante - 27/2 /2020

Subventions de voyage pour étudiant(e)s - CASCACongress 2020 - Student Travel Grant

"The Canadian Anthropology Society makes available a limited number of travel grants to attend the annual conference. The awards are available to doctoral students registered in Canadian Anthropology departments only.

Deadline: 15 March 2020. For further information, see: upcoming-conference/student- travel-grant


La CASCA octroie un nombre limité de subventions de voyage afin de permettre à des étudiants canadiens de se rendre au colloque annuel. Cette aide financière est destinée à des étudiants au doctorat inscrits dans un département d'anthropologie du Canada.

La date limite est le 15 mars 2020. Pour plus d'informations : colloque/prochaine-colloque/ subvention-de-voyage-pour- etudiant-e-s

Prix étudiant du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA pour une communication en anthropologie féministe / CASCA Women's Network Award for Student Paper in Feminist Anthropology  

(English follows)    

Les étudiants des 2e et 3e cycles en anthropologie qui ont présenté une communication au colloque annuel de la CASCA 2019 ou qui en présenteront une au colloque CASCA 2020 sont invités à soumettre leur communication au concours du Prix étudiant du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA pour une communication en anthropologie féministe (250 $).
Établi en 2009 dans le cadre de la célébration du 25e anniversaire du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA, ce prix a pour objectif d'encourager les chercheurs émergents en anthropologie sociale et culturelle au Canada à faire de la recherche dans une perspective féministe sur les enjeux autour du genre et des rapports sociaux de sexe.

• Les candidats doivent être inscrits à plein temps dans un programme de maîtrise ou de doctorat en anthropologie dans une université canadienne, ou avoir obtenu leur diplôme de maîtrise ou de doctorat il y a moins de 12 mois.
• Les candidats doivent avoir présenté leur article lors du colloque CASCA 2019 ou devront le présenter au colloque CASCA 2020 (les articles découlant d'une communication par affiche peuvent aussi être soumis).

Critères de sélection
Le comité de sélection recherche des articles qui :
• traitent explicitement d'une question de genre et démontrent clairement cette perspective dans le traitement du sujet;
• adoptent un point de vue féministe et renvoient vers des écrits pertinents de littérature féministe;
• ne se contentent pas d'une approche descriptive, mais font preuve d'une analyse critique originale.

La communication :
• doit être envoyée à Heather Howard (, membre du Comité du Réseau des femmes de la CASCA, pour examen par notre jury;
• doit être reçue au plus tard le 15 avril 2020;
• ne doit pas dépasser 10 pages;
• peut être rédigée en français ou en anglais;
• doit inclure un résumé;
• doit inclure la mention de l'université, du programme et de l'année d'inscription au programme de l'auteur ou de l'auteure.

La communication lauréate sera publiée comme article (après évaluation par les pairs) dans la revue canadienne d'anthropologie Anthropologica.


Graduate students in Anthropology presenting a paper at either the 2019 or 2020 CASCA conference are invited to submit their papers for consideration for the CASCA Women's Network Award for Student Paper in Feminist Anthropology ($250).
This award was set up in 2009 as part of the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the CASCA Women's Network. Its goal is to encourage research into gender and gender issues from a feminist perspective by emerging scholars in social/cultural anthropology in Canada.


Candidates must be registered full-time in a graduate program in Anthropology at a Canadian university, or have graduated from such a program less than one year ago.
Candidates must have presented their paper at the CASCA 2019 conference or will be presenting at CASCA 2020 (papers stemming from a presented poster can also be submitted)

Judging criteria

The adjudicating committee look for papers that:

Explicitly engage with gender, and clearly demonstrate that engagement in their treatment of the topic
Take a feminist perspective, with reference to relevant feminist literature
Are not merely descriptive and show evidence of original critical analysis.

The paper

Should be sent to the CASCA Women's Network Committee member Dr. Heather Howard ( for consideration by our award panel
Must be received by April 15, 2020
Must not exceed 10 pages in length
Can be submitted in either English or French
Must include an abstract
Must indicate the university at which the candidate is registered and their current year in the program

The prize-winning paper will be published (following peer review) in the Canadian anthropology journal, Anthropologica

Nouveaux ajouts / New announcements:


Fieldwork Funding - The Royal Anthropological Institute 

Summer School on Human Rights, Minorities and Diversity Governance: Linguistic and Religious Diversity

Lancement du concours de bourses de stage d'été au Laboratoire d'histoire et de patrimoine de Montréal 

Bourses d'excellence - Laboratoire d'histoire et de patrimoine de Montréal 2020-2021

Appel de candidatures - deux bourses de niveau maîtrise (BAnQ)

Bourses de recherche du Conseil de la vie française en Amérique (CVFA) à l'intention des étudiants qui poursuivent des études de maîtrise ou de doctorat

Public Humanities Undergraduate Fellowships - University of King's College

Bootcamp Summer Workshop in Decolonial Methods 

Graduate Fellowship in Forest and Conservation History

ESRC funded PhD Studentship: Hospital emergency admissions and frailty

Parks Canada postings, including some student jobs 

Summer Students - 11 positions - Standards Council of Canada

Research Assistant - Research Affiliate Program - Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Arctic and Aquatic Research Division

Agent(e) d'accueil et d'animation - Château Ramezay - Musée et site historique de Montréal

IPPH (CIHR) / ISSP (IRSC) - Applications now open - Summer Institute on AI and Public Health / Lancement : demandes pour participer à l'atelier d'été sur l'IA & la santé publique 

Student Various Positions - Visitor Experience | Maintenance | Resource Conservation - Parks Canada - Wood Buffalo National Park

2 Student Research Assistant positions - University of Regina

Student positions - Canadian Museum of History / Musée canadien de l'histoire

Summer Student Youth Employment - Caetani Cultural Centre Society

Phillips Fund for Native American Research 




Wednesday, February 26, 2020

CFPs / Events / Opportunities/Colloques - Appels à communication / évènements / opportunités (CASCA) - 26/2/ 2020

Canadian Anthropology Society 2020 conference: "Doing/Undoing" / le colloque annuel 2020 de la Société Canadienne d'Anthropologie « Faire/défaire »   (May 30-June 2 at Western University / 30 mai au 2 juin à l'Université Western)

-Manitoba Society of Artists – Competition & Exhibition  

-The Visual Archives of Sex, Radical History Review Call for Proposals

-Call for Book Chapters: Gender Equity and Political Development

-CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC are seeking Expressions of Interest for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples / Les IRSC, le CRSNG et le CRSH sollicitent de la part des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis du Canada des déclarations d'intérêt à faire partie du Groupe de référence sur les bonnes pratiques d'évaluation par les pairs pour la recherche autochtone (Groupe de référence)

-CFP ASA2020 - Critiquing what we like

-CFP: Writing workshop: International Student Migration in Africa

-CfP EASST/4S 2020: Online Campaigns and Digital Personhood in the Age of Datafication

-ICTS4eHealth 2020 - 5th edition of the IEEE International Workshop on ICT Solutions for e-Health

-CFP: Refusing to fail: hope/aspiration as labour (ASA)

-ASSW 2020: Workshop Gender in Polar Research 29-30 March

-Summer School - Ceramics and Hot Glass through Ethnographic Eyes

-call for papers: panel No 84 Imagine kinship!, IUAES 2020, Šibenik, Croatia

-Colonial Histories and Migration: Heritage, Narratives and Materiality, 12 ̶ 14 Au­gust, Helsingfors

-ASAUK 2020 - Call for Papers - African Studies Association UK

-EASST/4S-conference: Artificial Africa: Seeing urban algorithms through infrastructure, labour, justice and aesthetics

-Call for papers: Ethnographic inquiries into impact investing and the moral turn in finance

-cfp Eco-Warriors in the Name of Life: Generations, Nature and the Actual Degrowth of the Balkans

-Appel à propositions : Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française (IHAF) thème de «l'Événement»

-CFP: Anthropology and Ontological Symmetry

-Bootcamp Summer Workshop in Decolonial Methods

-Short-Term Fellowships at the American Philosophical Society Library & Museum [Digital Humanities; Early America; History of Science; Native America]

-CfP: Affect and Colonialism (IUAES)

-StatsCan - Enquête sur les inconduites sexuelles au travail (EIST) / Survey on Sexual Misconduct at Work (SSMW)

-CFP: Anthrodecentrism: Humans as Footnotes in Time and Space

-Call for papers and panels: 'New moral economies of care and welfare in Africa: a return to the universal?' at ASAUK 2020, Cardiff September 8-10

-Call For Papers for the Panel "Universal Health Coverage, health insurance and the market: universality, solidarity and care?" for MED2020: Mobilising Methods in Medical Anthropology, 3-4 September 2020

-CFP: Lucania between Film and Ecology. Bodies, Environments, Representations

-CFP: Plastics: Culture, Environment, and the Politics of Waste

-Funding Opportunity: Indian Ocean Transregional Planning Grants

-Fulbright Arctic Initiative-Arctic Security & Cooperation- Competition open

See them and others on our website:
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:

Thank you/Merci

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Solidarity with the Wet=?UTF-8?Q?=E2=80=99suwet=E2=80=99en_Nation_/_Solida_rit=C3=A9_avec_la_nation_Wet=E2=80=99suwet=E2=80=99en?=

Solidarity with the Wet'suwet'en Nation

The Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) expresses solidarity with the Wet'suwet'en Nation, and all Indigenous nations, in their struggle for recognition and respect for Indigenous self-governance, autonomy, and sovereignty over their territories. In particular, we call attention to the fact that Wet'suwet'en territory is unceded and, as such, is subject to the 2014 SCC Tsilhqot'in decision that sets out standards for obtaining consent from proper Titleholders. We call on all levels of government in Canada to respect Indigenous law and follow Free, Prior, and Informed Consent, as set out in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We also call for the RCMP to immediately withdraw their tactical forces from Wet'suwet'en lands. Respectful and meaningful nation-to-nation dialogue is required at this time.


Solidarité avec la nation Wet'suwet'en

La Société canadienne d'anthropologie (CASCA) souhaite exprimer sa solidarité envers la nation Wet'suwet'en et les autres nations autochtones dans leur lutte pour le respect et la reconnaissance de leur souveraineté territoriale. Nous souhaitons surtout souligner que le territoire de Wet'suwet'en n'a jamais été officiellement cédé. Par conséquent, il est sujet à la décision Tsilhqot'in de 2014 de la Cour suprême du Canada, dictant les normes pour l'obtention du consentement de la part des détenteurs des titres ancestraux. Nous demandons aux différents paliers de gouvernement de respecter les droits autochtones et de suivre les principes fondamentaux de consentement préalable, libre et éclairé, tel qu'énoncé dans la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones. Nous demandons également à la GRC de se retirer immédiatement des terres Wet'suwet'en. En ces moments d'incertitude, un dialogue de nation à nation honnête, respectueux s'impose.

CASCA - Job postings/Offres d'emploi - 20/2/2020

***Même si la CASCA reste très critique face l'exploitation toujours croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.

***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.  


Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/The following job postings have just been added to our job page:

Academic employer:

-Civil society - Conference CfP + Postdoc  

-York University position in Department of Anthropology, First Year Experience Teaching Stream - EXTENDED Application deadline: February 26, 2020

-Research Coordinator - Dalhousie University

-Part-Time Academic ("Exploring Sustainability") - College of Sustainability, Dalhousie University

-Program Coordinator - Academic Upgrading, Saik'uz - CNC

-Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences - University of Victoria

-Up to three senior research fellowships at the Center for Advanced Latin Amerian Studies headquarters in Guadalajara, Mexico

-Tenure Track, Assistant Professor (Canadian) - University of New Brunswick - Fredericton, History

-2 exciting PhD Studentships in social sciences, anthropology, art, and literature with a focus on migration, literary festivals, and cultural production (3 years)

-postdoc in Goettingen

-Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies- 2020-21 Visiting Professorship

-Indigenous Studies - Assistant Professor (Indigenous and Canadian Studies) - Carleton University

-Mi'kmaw Art Education, Visual Arts, Language and Culture - Assistant Professor - St. Francis Xavier University

-University Studies - Assistant Professor - University of the Fraser Valley - College of Arts

-First Nations Studies - Assistant Professor - University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)

-Sociology - Assistant Professor (Indigenous Social Sciences) - University of Calgary

-Humanities - Hope Chair in Peace and Health (Assistant/Associate Professor) - McMaster University

-Indigenous Health - Assistant Professor/Santé autochtone - Professeure adjointe ou professeure adjoint - Université McGill

-Sociology - Assistant Professor, Limited Term (Criminology) - Western University

-Women's Studies - Lecturer or Assistant Professor (12-month position) - Mount Saint Vincent University

-Executive Director, International Student Enrolment and Inclusion - Ryerson University

-Full Time Teaching Stream - Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream - Department of Anthropology, York University

-NATV/WOMN positions - University of Manitoba

-Indigenous Intern - Student Engagement & Success - University of Manitoba

-Indigenous Intern - Manitoba Centre for Health Policy - University of Manitoba

-Faculty Member, Indigenous Language & Linguistics - University of Saskatchewan

-Sessional opportunities - University of Saskatchewan

-Gender, Race Sexuality and Social Justice - Lecturer - The University of British Columbia

-Indigenous Scientific Knowledge Systems - Assistant Professor / Système de savoirs scientifique autochtones - Professeur(e) adjoint(e) - Université d'Ottawa

-Provost & Vice-President Academic - Trent University

-Instructor, Criminology - NIC

-Aboriginal Services Coordinator - Conestoga College

-Senior Advisor, Government Relations - University of Regina

-Instructor (Field Placement Coordinator) - Criminology and Criminal Justice - Carleton University

-Educational Development Consultant (Indigenous Ways of Knowing) - University of Calgary

-FOLKLORE TRANSCRIBER - Department of Folklore, MUN

-PROGRAM COORDINATOR - Labrador Institute, MUN

-POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW, Area of Research: Food Studies - University of Toronto - Scarborough, Culinaria Research Centre

-Lenoir Rhyne University seeks candidates to serve as the Lineberger Multicultural Studies Scholar in Residence for Fall 2020

-Professors (various disciplines) - CHAMPLAIN REGIONAL COLLEGE

-Part-Time Faculty Positions (Anth/Soci/Indg/Erst, More) - Trent University

-Indigenous Student Recruitment Advisor - Capilano University

-Assistant Curator - Sheridan College

-Manager, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Projects Assessments and Evaluation - Sheridan College

Other Employer:    

-STUDENT EMPLOYMENT: Fort Anne & Port-Royal National Historic Sites - Parks Canada - Mainland Nova Scotia Field Unit

-Heritage Presenter I - Parks Canada - Fort-Beauséjour - Fort-Cumberland National Historic Site

-Deputy Director, Exhibitions and Outreach National Gallery of Canada

-Senior Guide-Interpreter - Office of the Secretary to the Governor General - Visitor Services

-Telephone Interviewer - Statistics Canada, Sturgeon Falls (Ontario)

-Senior Project Coordinator, Visitor Services (LTVP) - Library of Parliament

-Senior Guide-Interpreter - Office of the Secretary to the Governor General - Visitor Services

-Resource Management positions - Parks Canada

-Postdoctoral Research Program of the Government of Canada - Natural Resources Canada

-Social Program Officer - Correctional Service Canada, Port-Cartier (Québec)

-Regional Director General, Nunavut Regional Office (Anticipatory) - Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada - Northern Affairs Organization – Nunavut Regional Office

-AS-02 Various Positions - Office of the Chief Electoral Officer

-Interpretation Officer/ Coordinator III-Anticipatory - Parks Canada, Gros Morne National Park of Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador)

-Student postings - Parks Canada

-Executive Political Assistant to the Chief - Takla Nation

-Heritage Interpreter - Huble Homestead/Giscome Portage Heritage Society


-Responsable des dossiers politiques et porte-parole - Front commun des personnes assistées sociales du Québec

-Coordonnateur.trice de projet - Café autochtone - Groupe L'Itinéraire

-Directeur-trice général-e - Y'a quelqu'un l'aut'bord du mur YQQ

-Organisatrice ou organisateur communautaire - Singa Québec

-Coordination à la revitalisation urbaine intégrée (RUI) Airlie-Bayne - Table de développement social de LaSalle

-Intervention de proximité ASTT(e)Q/ communauté hispanophone - Cactus Montréal

-Agent.e d'accueil au Service d'accompagnement des nouveaux arrivants (SANA) - Centre d'action bénévole de Montréal-Nord

-Offres d'emploi (3) - Ville en vert

-External Relations Manager *Anticipatory - Parks Canada - Nunavut Field Unit

-Promotions Officer - Parks Canada - Nunavut Field Unit

-Student postings - Parks Canada - La Mauricie National Park

-Agent.e de développement et de mobilisation – Volet sécurité alimentaire - Corporation de développement communautaire Action Solidarité Grand Plateau

-Museum/heritage postings - Canadian Museums Association / Emplois, stages et appels d'offres - SOCIÉTÉ DES MUSÉES DU QUÉBEC

-2 postings - Impact and Benefit and Socio-economic Researcher in the Edmonton Office/Environmental Assessment and Regulatory Researcher - THE FIRELIGHT GROUP

-ADVISOR, STRATEGIC PLANNING OF EXHIBITIONS AND ACTIVITIES - Canadian Museum of History / Musée canadien de l'histoire

-Senior Program Officer-Employment and Growth/Administrateur de programme principal- Emploi et croissance - IDRC/CRDI

-Programs Operations Analyst - Programs and Partnership Branch/Analyste des opérations - Direction générale des programmes et partenariats - IDRC/CRDI

-Bilingual Heritage Interpreter - March to September - Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21

-Researcher - Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21



-Winnipeg – Artist in Residence

-Queer Environmental Futures Residency - Anima Casa Rural

-MAG Summer Residency - John and Maggie Mitchell Art Gallery

-Artist-in-Residence Program 2020: Environment - Critical Mass: A Centre for Contemporary Art

See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site Web: 


If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know. 

Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de nous en aviser à l'adresse: 


Merci/Thank you

Casca News

This blog mirrors the list-serv for the Canadian Anthropology Society. To submit an announcement to this list, please email:

Blog Archive