This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014





Eligibility: Applications can be made by any student member of CASCA
undertaking doctoral level research in the field of anthropology at a
Canadian university. Preference will be given to those who have
completed their comprehensive examinations, have approved thesis
proposals and are within one year of beginning fieldwork. CASCA
recognizes that some eligible candidates may not be studying in
anthropology programs, however all candidates must be members of CASCA
when making their applications. The intent of the award is to assist
with fieldwork expenses.

Criteria: An outstanding academic record and an excellent research
proposal with innovative scholarly import and social relevance.

Value: $2000

Deadline: All application materials must be submitted electronically
by 1 February 2015 to:

Pauline McKenzie Aucoin - CASCA Secretary

Each application should include:
1. A Salisbury Award application form, signed, with items 2-4 attached
2. A curriculum vitae, including education history, Ph.D. courses,
presentations, awards, honours, teaching, grants and publications (up
to three pages).
3. A research proposal, including: theoretical framework, research
problem/question, methodology, objectives, and social and scholarly
significance (two pages).
4. A budget for research, including planned use of Award funds,
requests to other sources and funds received to date (one half to one
5. Two letters of reference about the applicant's qualifications and
the research proposal, one of which must be from the applicant's
thesis supervisor (these are to be sent directly by the referees).




Phone: __________________________
Email address:____________________
University: _______________________
Year the degree is expected: _________
Member of CASCA: yes____ no_____

Stage of PhD program (with respect to completion of comprehensive
exams, approval of thesis proposal, date of beginning of

Signature: ______________________________________


1. Make sure your name appears at the top of each page you submit.
2. Field research must be under way during the year beginning 1 May 2015.
3. The Salisbury Award recipient will be announced at this year's CASCA AGM .
4. Award recipients are expected to present their research at a
subsequent CASCA annual conference within two years of receipt of the
award. In order to enable this, Salisbury Award recipients may be
given priority consideration for a CASCA student travel award to
present at the conference.
5. Decisions of the Salisbury Award Committee are final.




Admissibilité: Tout membre étudiant de la CASCA menant une recherche
doctorale en anthropologie dans une université canadienne peut
présenter sa candidature. Une préférence sera accordée à ceux et
celles qui auront terminé avec succès leur scolarité de doctorat, y
compris les examens de synthèse et le projet de thèse, et qui
commenceront leur recherche de terrain au cours de l'année suivante.
La CASCA reconnaît que certaines personnes admissibles n'étudient
peut-être pas dans un programme d'anthropologie; quoi qu'il en soit,
toute personne posant sa candidature devra être membre de la CASCA au
moment du dépôt de sa candidature. L'objectif de ce prix est d'aider à
couvrir leurs dépenses liées à la recherche sur le terrain.

Critères : Un dossier universitaire exemplaire, ainsi qu'un excellent
projet de recherche, innovateur en matière de contribution
intellectuelle et de pertinence sociale.

Valeur: 2000$

Date limite : Tous les documents liés au dépôt de la candidature
doivent être soumis électroniquement au plus tard le 1er février 2015
à l'attention de :

Pauline McKenzie Aucoin - Secrétaire de la CASCA

Chaque dossier de candidature doit inclure:

1. Le formulaire de candidature au Prix Salisbury signé, avec les
documents énumérés aux points 2 à 4 en pièces jointes.
2. Un curriculum vitae, comprenant diplômes obtenus, cours doctoraux
suivis, présentations, prix, honneurs, expériences d'enseignement,
bourses et publications (jusqu'à trois pages).
3. Le projet de recherche, comprenant: le cadre théorique, le
problème/la question de recherche, la méthodologie, les objectifs, et
la signification sociale et académique (deux pages).
4. Le budget de recherche, comprenant les dépenses prévues des fonds
du Prix, ainsi que les autres demandes de financement et financement
reçu jusqu'à présent (une demi-page à une page).
5. Deux lettres de recommandation au sujet des qualifications de la
personne candidate et du projet de recherche. L'une d'elles doit
provenir du directeur ou de la directrice de thèse et devra nous
parvenir directement de cette personne.




No de tél: __________________________
Université: _______________________
Année prévue d'obtention du diplôme_________
Membre de la CASCA: oui____ non____

Stage du programme doctoral (en ce qui a trait à la réalisation des
examens de synthèse, à l'approbation du projet de thèse, et à la date
à laquelle la recherche sur le terrain commencera)

Signature: ______________________________________

1. Assurez-vous que votre nom apparaît en haut de chaque page que vous
2. La recherche sur le terrain doit être en cours ou débuter pendant
l'année suivant le 1er mai 2015.
3. Nous annoncerons le ou la récipiendaire du Prix Salisbury lors de
l'assemblée générale annuelle de la CASCA de cette année.
4. Le ou la récipiendaire devra présenter sa recherche à l'un des
colloques annuels de la CASCA à l'intérieur des deux années suivant
l'obtention du prix. Afin de l'aider dans cette démarche, il est
possible que nous traitions en priorité toute demande de subvention du
lauréat ou de la lauréate du Prix Salisbury visant à couvrir les frais
de déplacement liés à la participation au colloque.
5. Les décisions du Comité du Prix Salisbury sont sans appel.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

CASCA: Conferences, Calls for Papers, Events/Colloques, Appels à communication, Évènements

Conferences and calls for papers/Colloques et Appels à communication:

Les colloques et appels à communication suivants viennent d'être ajoutés à
notre page web:

The following conference announcements and calls for papers have just been
added to our web page:

-CFSubmissions: Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social
Justice/ Études critiques sur le genre, la culture, et la justice

-New Narratives of the Postcolonial Arctic- Organised by Arctic
Encounters – Contemporary Travel/Writing in the European High North
(ENCARC): May 2015, Roskilde University

-Feminist Legal Studies Queen's & Women For Tax Justice & Femtax
International - March 2015, Kingston

-Graduate Student Conference- Changing Asia in the Globalizing World:
Boundaries, Identity and Transnationalism - May 2015, York University
- Glendon

-Graduate Student Conference- Context and Meaning XIV: Ideology(ies) -
January 2015, Queen's University

-Meaning in Motion: Knowledge, Dialogue, and Discourse - Graduate
Interdisciplinary Conference, March 2015, Concordia University

-Security, Strategy and Defence, Graduate Strategic Studies
Conference, March 2015, University of Calgary

-8th Annual Ethnic and Pluralism Studies Graduate Research Conference,
January 2015, U of T

-SANA 2015 Conference: Call for Track Proposals (Inequality, Equality
and Difference)

-CFP: Musical instruments and Material Culture, RAI and Horniman
Museum, London, March 2015

-Call for Contributions: Women's Leadership in Risk Resilient Development

-CFP 'Religion, Gender and Body Politics' Conference, February 2015, Utrecht

See them and others on our website:

Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:


Landscape and Sacred Architecture in Pre-modern South Asia
Fall 2014 Colloquium
November 14, 2014
Dumbarton Oaks, Washington

Dumbarton Oaks announces the annual fall colloquium for 2014 titled
"Landscape and Sacred Architecture in Pre-modern South Asia." To be
held on Friday, November 14, the colloquium is co-organized by John
Beardsley, Director of Garden and Landscape Studies, and Subhashini
Kaligotla, doctoral candidate in the Department of Art History and
Archaeology at Columbia University and predoctoral fellow at the Getty
Research Institute. Because Dumbarton Oaks and the field of garden
and landscape studies more largely have already seen extensive
research into Islamic gardens generally and Mughal gardens in South
Asia particularly, we want to push the focus back in time. The
colloquium will focus heavily though not entirely on temples, which
form the bulk of the extant remains from the pre-modern era: Buddhist,
Hindu, and Jain, both constructed and rock-cut. Speakers will also
address other kinds of ritual sites, including monastic complexes,
rock reliefs, water monuments, and funerary structures. Whatever the
type, the architecture will be considered in connection to landscape:
its relation to topography, climate, and hydrology; to water
engineering and management; and to larger landscape contexts such as
nearby settlements, rivers, and roads. Departing from the
monument-based perspectives that have dominated architectural
histories so far, presentations will explore the spatial
configurations of sacred complexes, including the interrelationships
of component structures, as well as the distribution of the larger
built environment. Speakers will engage with the multiplicity of ways
in which sacred places have been constituted: from worship rituals
such as festivals and processions to the economic practices of food
production and irrigation; from the pragmatic transformation of remote
wilderness areas to the expression of landscape cosmology and
symbolism; from spatial concerns such as circulation, approach, and
orientation to the exigencies of transport and trade. Gardens and
landscapes are also imagined realms. We therefore expect consideration
of discursive modes as they pertain to material culture—how
inscriptions, courtly texts, or architectural treatises, for example,
gave rise to or relate to specific landscape practices. Much of the
research to be presented in the colloquium is new and unpublished and
marks both a paradigm shift within architectural history and an
important contribution to the emerging field of South Asian landscape

For more information:

Upcoming Talk: Botanically Queer: Plants, Sex, and Biopolitics

Dr. Catriona Sandilands

Professor, Faculty of Environmental Studies
York University

Social Justice @ UBC Noted Scholars Lecture Series
The Intimate Public Sphere: Thinking Through the Skin

Wednesday, October 29, 12pm
2080 West Mall, Room 028,
Jack Bell Building
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, UBC

Plants have been profoundly queer players in modern projects of
describing "life" for ethical and political consideration. From their
taxonomic destabilizations of colonial order in the eighteenth century
to their questionings of agency in recent posthumanist discourses,
plants demand that we think about living, being, and becoming in ways
that interrupt anthropocentric, heteronormative figurings of agency,
futurity, and life generally.

This presentation will explore "botanical queerness" with an eye to
thinking through the complexity of humans' relations to plants beyond
habitual modes of address. Plants are not simply object of human
concern; they offer up modes of being, becoming, and living that have
been overlooked in more animal-centric accounts, and that point to a
more queer and ecological understanding of life in relation to power.

Dr. Catriona (Cate) Sandilands is Professor in the Faculty of
Environmental Studies, York University, where she teaches and writes
at the intersections of environmental humanities/ecocriticism, social
and political theory, and feminist/sexuality studies; she is also Vice
President of the Association for the Study of Literature and
Environment (ASLE). Among her many publications, she is the co-editor
of Queer Ecologies: Sex, Nature, Politics, Desire (Indiana, 2010) and
has written numerous articles and essays exploring different facets of
sexual/ecological intersection; her most recent writings on
plant-human relations will be collected in the forthcoming volume
Plantasmagoria: Plants and the Politics of Urban Habitats

Lunch will be provided to those who RSVP. RSVP here:

Co-sponsored by Ecologies of Social Difference Social Justice @ UBC
Thematic Research Network, Green College Speaker Series "Oecologies:
The Histories of Sustainability", Jane Rule Endowment, Critical
Studies in Sexuality, and the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality
and Social Justice.

RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM: The Many Facets of Textile Use and Production in
Mesoamerica, October 30-31, 2014, University of Calgary

Date & Time:
October 30, 2014 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
October 31, 2014 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Gallery Hall - Taylor Family Digital Library
University of Calgary, Calgary

Latin American Research Centre, Department of Anthropology, and
Archaeology Nickle Galleries

For further information contact:

See program:

Thank you/Merci

CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante

Nouveaux ajouts/New announcements:

-Graduate Student Conference- Changing Asia in the Globalizing World:
Boundaries, Identity and Transnationalism - May 2015, York University
- Glendon

-Graduate Student Conference- Context and Meaning XIV: Ideology(ies) -
January 2015, Queen's University

-India Overseas Study Summer Course 2015 - University of Ottawa

-Meaning in Motion: Knowledge, Dialogue, and Discourse - Graduate
Interdisciplinary Conference, March 2015, Concordia University

-Security, Strategy and Defence, Graduate Strategic Studies
Conference, March 2015, University of Calgary

-8th Annual Ethnic and Pluralism Studies Graduate Research Conference,
January 2015, U of T

-La Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School

-Turkey - Boncuklu Field School

-Ethnographic Field School in Peru, Oct. 31 Deadline

-Balkan Heritage Field School 2015 Season

See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:

Merci. Thank you

CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi

***Même si la CASCA reste très critique face l'exploitation toujours
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.

***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.

Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:

-St. Clair College - President

-Coordinator/Faculty Advisor, Yukon Native Teacher Education Program -
Yukon College

-Vice-President Academic & Provost - University of Victoria

-Animateurs-trices de milieu - Communautique

-Vice-President (Research and International) - Carleton University

-Louise Lamphere Visiting Professorship in Anthropology and Gender
Studies - Brown University

-Coordonnateur - relations communautaires - Jour de la Terre Québec

-Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies - York University

-Managing Director, Centres for Earth and Space, Fossils and Evolution
- The Royal Ontario Museum

-Director, Creative Development and Learning - Canadian Museum of History

-Director, Virtual Museum of Canada - Canadian Museum of History

-Assistant Professor, Biological Anthropology - University of Toronto

-Sociology/Criminology - Assistant Professor - King's University
College at Western University

-Science and Technology Studies, Assistant or Associate Professor,
Tenure track - York University

-University of South Florida Postdoctoral Scholars - Global Change in
a Dynamic World

-Indigenous Communications Coordinator - Laurentian University

-Assistant Professor in Socio-Cultural Studies - Community Engagement,
Health, Physical Activity and Sport - UBC - Faculty of Education

-Director, Gender Equity and Diversity - University of Ottawa

-The Social Determinants of Health SOC 322, Sessional Lecturer -
University of Regina

-Dean, Faculty of Human and Social Development - University of Victoria

-UN Infographics Consultant

-Adjoint au vice-doyen et responsable du soutien à la recherche -
Université de Montréal

-Evaluation Specialist - Canadian Museum for Human Rights

-Sociology (Tenure Track/Assistant Professor) - University of New Brunswick

-Academic Fellow in Urban Sociology - University of Leeds

-Interdisciplinary Studies (Child Studies Program) – Assistant
Professor - Carleton University

-Council of Ontario Universities- Scholar Awards Program in Women's Health

-Women in Defence and Security (WiDS) –Memorial Scholarship

-Call for Nominations: WGSRF (formerly CWSA/ACÉF) Outstanding
Scholarship Prize

-Tenure-track assistant professor of Public Humanities - Department of
Religion and Culture, Virginia Tech

-Aboriginal Services Liaison - Red Deer College

-Tenure-Track Position in Criminology - Department of Sociology,

-Special Topics: Health Care Costs & Challenges / Health Sciences
4090B, Part Time Appointment - Western University

-Indigenous Health Studies - First Nations University of Canada

-Dean, School of Graduate Studies - UNB

-Responsable de la campagne Arctique - Greenpeace

-Linguistic Diversity and Teaching Language Arts ELNG 200, Sessional
Lecturer - University of Regina

-Assistant Professor, Ethnomusicology, Tenure Track - University of Alberta

-Vice-rectrice ou vice-recteur - Université de Moncton (Campus de Shippagan)

-Aging and Social Inequality (Tenure-Track Assistant Professor/Tier II
Canada Research Chair) - University of Waterloo

-Research Methods and Social Statistics (Tenure-Track Assistant
Professor) - University of Waterloo

-Research Assistant, Anthropology University of Northern British Columbia

-Academic Advisor, First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Focus - Lethbridge College

-Digital Content Creator - Archaeology (contract) - Museum of Ontario

-Tenure Track Position, Anthropology - Rhode Island College

-Assistant Professor-Medical Anthropologist - The University of Texas
at El Paso

-Direction générale - CQLGBT - Conseil québécois LGBT

-Gender and Language LING 3P93, Instructor - Brock University

See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:

If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:

Merci/Thank you

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante

Nouveaux ajouts/New announcements:

-15th International Conference of the Graduate Student Association of
the Historical Sciences Department of Université Laval - Feb 2015,

-Council of Ontario Universities- Scholar Awards Program in Women's Health

-Canadian Association For Refugee And Forced Migration Studies
(CARFMS) 2015 Student Essay Contest

See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:

Merci. Thank you

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

CASCA: Conferences, Calls for Papers, Events/Colloques, Appels à communication, Évènements

Conferences and calls for papers/Colloques et Appels à communication:

Les colloques et appels à communication suivants viennent d'être ajoutés à
notre page web:

The following conference announcements and calls for papers have just been
added to our web page:

-Eighth Annual International Festival of Anthropology Film: Work and

-15th International Conference of the Graduate Student Association of
the Historical Sciences Department of Université Laval - Feb 2015,

-Artifacts in Agraria Symposium: University of Guelph, October 2015

-Xavier Dolan, Queer Nations, and World Cinema: Locating the Intimate within
the Global

-CINSA 2015: Survivance & Reconciliation: 7 Forward / 7 Back - June
2015, Concordia University

-Association canadienne des études autochtones Survivance et
réconciliation: Regards croisés sur le passé et l'avenir - juin 2015,
Université Concordia

-Colloque: Dans leurs propres mots: la mobilité dans les écrits
personnels et les sources orales, 14e-21e siècles

-Pacific History Association (PHA) Biennial Conference, TaipeiTaiwan,
and Taitung - Dec. 2014

-CFP: Expert meeting "Religion, Gender, Sexuality and Activism" -
December 2014, Ghent University

-CFP Indigenous Women's Symposium, Trent University - March 2015

See them and others on our website:

Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:


Ecofeminism and the Reproductive Strike

Tuesday, 28 October 2014
2:00 p.m.
Mu 203, Simone de Beauvoir Institute
Concordia University, Montreal
2170 Bishop Street

Light refreshments will be served

At the time of the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986, the government of
Finland was planning to expand its nuclear power program with the
construction of a new reactor. As public opinion turned sharply
against nuclear, resistance to the project was led by a group of
feminists at the University of Tampere who organized a petition asking
women to pledge not to bear children for the next four years unless
the plans were abandoned. They rapidly garnered over 5,000 signatures,
and within months the government conceded.

Is the reproductive strike relevant to ecological struggle in the
North American context? Could it, for instance, be effective in a
potential campaign against the Alberta tar sands? Given Canada's
reliance on immigration (versus reproduction) for the expansion of its
labour force, would such a movement have any political leverage? And
would it be complicated by the ethnic diversity of the Canadian body

To address these questions, I examine the shifting cultural
significance of reproduction in the Canadian context, with a focus on
our transition, circa the 1970s, from a zeitgeist of nation-building
to one of market-building. Although a tactical reproductive strike
would present unique difficulties in the contemporary moment, I
suggest that it may nonetheless be effective in galvanizing critical
public discourse on the meaning of childrearing amidst ecological

Niko Block is a researcher and writer based in Toronto. He spent two
years on the editorial board of the McGill Daily, and three years on
the board of directors of CKUT Radio. He has been active for several
years in the struggle to liberate Palestine, in addition to the Quebec
student movement and Idle No More. He is presently working on a book
called Access to Power: The Gender Politics of Energy Enclosure for
Fernwood Press.

Thank you/Merci

Friday, October 17, 2014

Searching for an Editor in Chief for Anthropologica/CASCA cherche un(e) r=?utf-8?Q?=C3=A9dacteur(trice)?= en chef pour Anthropologica

CASCA cherche un(e) rédacteur(trice) en chef pour Anthropologica

Le mandat de Naomi McPherson venant à son terme, CASCA est à la
recherche d'un (e) rédacteur(trice) en chef pour assurer la direction
de la revue Anthropologica à partir de Mai 2015. Le/la candidat(e)
doit être posséder un doctorat en anthropologie socio-culturelle et
être à un stade avancé de sa carrière d'anthropologue au Canada. Le/la
candidat(e) retenu(e) devra avoir un important dossier de
publications, être connu(e) de la communauté anthropologique du
Canada, posséder de grandes qualités d'analyse, de rédaction et
d'édition et être à même de respecter les dates butoirs. De plus, il
lui faudra faire preuve de fortes qualités interpersonnelles, de
communication, de gestion du temps, et d'administration. La
connaissance active du français et de l'anglais est un atout.

Anthropologica est la revue professionnelle de la CASCA. Suite à une
entente signée en 2013, la revue est maintenant produite et diffusée
par les Presses de l'Université de Toronto. La revue publie deux
numéros par an.

Le/la rédacteur(trice) en chef est nommé(e) par le comité de direction
de la CASCA. Son mandat est normalement d'une durée de trois ans.
Elle/il reçoit des honoraires annuels de 4000$ et peut se prévaloir
d'un compte de dépenses ne dépassant pas 2000$ par an. Ses frais de
déplacement au congrès annuel de la CASCA sont couverts au même taux
que celui utilisé par les membres du comité exécutif de l'association.

Les responsabilités des rédacteurs en chef incluent : assurer la
direction intellectuelle et administrative de la revue; collaborer
avec les autres rédacteurs, y compris les rédacteurs invités qui
dirigent ponctuellement un numéro thématique; solliciter des
manuscrits et les faire évaluer par des pairs; promouvoir le journal;
travailler avec les Presses de l'Université de Toronto pour que les
deux numéros annuels soient publiés en temps voulu; soumettre une
demande de subvention au CRSH tous les 3 ans; produire un rapport
d'activité au comité exécutif de la CASCA lors du congrès annuel.

Le concours se termine le 1er novembre 2015 ou jusqu'à ce qu'un/une
candidate approprié(e) soit trouvé(e). Nous encourageons fortement les
candidatures de la part d'anthropologues francophones. Pour tous
renseignements supplémentaires, veuillez contacter Naomi McPherson,
rédactrice en chef d'Anthropologica, ou
Christine Jourdan, présidente de CASCA


Searching for an Editor in Chief for Anthropologica

Following Naomi McPherson's end of term as Editor-in-Chief, CASCA is
looking for an Editor-in-Chief for Anthropologica as of May 2015. The
candidate must be a sociocultural anthropologist with a PhD in
anthropology and be a mid-career or senior academic in Canada. The
candidate should have a strong publication record, be well known in
the Canadian anthropology community, possess good analytical, writing,
and editing abilities, and be able to work to deadlines. Good
interpersonal, time-management, administrative and communication
skills are essential. Ability to work in both French and English is an

Anthropologica is the scholarly journal published under the auspices
of CASCA. The University of Toronto Press produces the journal in
accordance with the contract signed in March 2013. The journal
publishes two issues per year.

The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the CASCA Executive. Terms for the
Editor-in-Chief are normally three years. The EIC receives a yearly
stipend of $4000 and may use an expense account, to an annual maximum
of $2000, to fund the operations of Anthropologica. The
Editor-in-Chief will be reimbursed for travel costs to the CASCA
annual conference, at the prevailing rates for the Executive.

Duties of the Editor-in-Chief include : providing leadership on
editorial content; working with the other editors; working with guest
editors of thematic issues; soliciting manuscripts and arranging for
peer review; promoting the journal; working with the publisher
(University of Toronto Press) to ensure timely production of the
journal twice a year; submitting a SSHRC grant application every 3
years; and reporting to the CASCA executive during the yearly
conference of the society.

Applications will be received until November 1st or until a suitable
candidate is found. Francophone scholars are encouraged to apply. For
additional details please contact Naomi McPherson, Editor-in-Chief at or Christine Jourdan, CASCA president, at

Thursday, October 16, 2014

CASCA: Conferences, Calls for Papers, Events/Colloques, Appels à communication, Évènements

Conferences and calls for papers/Colloques et Appels à communication:

Les colloques et appels à communication suivants viennent d'être ajoutés à
notre page web:

The following conference announcements and calls for papers have just been
added to our web page:

-CFP: Canadian Journal of Sociology, proposed special issue on Contentious

-Call for Submissions – On the Politics of Ugliness

-CFP: Changing Asia in the Globalizing World: Boundaries, Identity,
and Transnationalism, May 2015, York University

-The Ethnographic Pact: New Frontiers of Representation in the
Anthropology of Suffering and Precarity, November 2014, UTSC Centre
for Ethnography

-Weathering Change: Pathways to Sustainability in Canada, 11th Annual
Trudeau Foundation Conference, November 2014, Toronto


See them and others on our website:

Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:


Saami Films at imagineNATIVE film festival in Toronto
Prepare to fill your head and heart with unique, inspiring,
Indigenous-themed film and panels.

It's an exciting time in Toronto as imagineNATIVE Film Festival
returns to Toronto from October 22 – October 26, 2014. You find more
about the program and ticket information here.

Thank you/Merci

CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante

Nouveaux ajouts/New announcements:

-CFP: Centre for Ethnic Studies (CEETUM), March 2015, University of Montreal

-APPEL DE COMMUNICATIONS: Le Centre d'études ethniques des universités
montréalaises (CEETUM) - mars 2015, Université de Montréal

-8th Annual Ethnic and Pluralism Studies Graduate Research Conference,
January 2015, Toronto

-Tropical Botany and Ethnobotany Field Course in Panama

-Amazonian Field Biology and Primatology

See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:

Merci. Thank you

Opportunity: Connect with International Researchers through Mitacs and Inria

Connect with International Researchers through Mitacs and

Establish new research collaborations and access mobility funding
from Mitacs, a national non-profit dedicated to fostering research
innovation, and Inria, the French research institution for computer
science and applied mathematics. The Globalink Research Award-Inria
provides funding for projects that are jointly supervised by faculty
members based
at select Canadian universities and Inria Research Centres.

Canadian applicants: apply now for student travel funding to an Inria
Research Centre in France
• Receive up to $5,000 CAD from Mitacs and 1100€ per month (Master's
students) and 1200€ per month (PhD students) from Inria

Inria applicants: apply now for student travel funding to a Mitacs
full or associate partner university in Canada
• Receive up to $5,000 CAD from Mitacs and funding from Inria to cover
return airfare and maintain your salary

Apply by December 1, 2014 at 5pm PDT for this unique opportunity to
broaden your global research network. To learn more, contact Mitacs
International at

Seeking travel funding for collaborations in Brazil, China, India,
Mexico, Turkey, or Vietnam? Apply by February 6, 2015 for a Globalink
Research Award to support student travel in summer 2015.

To learn more, contact Mitacs International at

Saturday, October 11, 2014

CASCA: Conferences, Calls for Papers, Events/Colloques, Appels à communication, Évènements

Conferences and calls for papers/Colloques et Appels à communication:

Les colloques et appels à communication suivants viennent d'être ajoutés à
notre page web:

The following conference announcements and calls for papers have just been
added to our web page:

-8th Annual Ethnic and Pluralism Studies Graduate Research Conference,
January 2015, Toronto

-APPEL DE COMMUNICATION: Paroles et regards de femmes en Acadie.
D'hier à aujourd'hui

-Extended Call for Abstracts: Gender and Global Warfare in the
Twentieth Century

-International Journal of Health Sciences: Call for Papers

-Revue HAU -- Appel à évaluateurs

See them and others on our website:

Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:


Upcoming Talk:

Nico Block
Ecofeminism and the Reproductive Strike: From Nuclear to Climate Change
Simone de Beauvoir Institute, 2170 Bishop Street, Montreal, Lounge,
Concordia University, Montreal

Date and Time

Tuesday, 28 October 2014 at 2:00 p.m.


At the time of the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986, the government of
Finland was planning to expand its nuclear power program with the
construction of a new reactor. As public opinion turned sharply
against nuclear, resistance to the project was led by a group of
feminists at the University of Tampere who organized a petition asking
women to pledge not to bear children for the next four years unless
the plans were abandoned. They rapidly garnered over 5,000 signatures,
and within months the government conceded.

Is the reproductive strike relevant to ecological struggle in the
North American context? Could it, for instance, be effective in a
potential campaign against the Alberta tar sands? Given Canada's
reliance on immigration (versus reproduction) for the expansion of its
labour force, would such a movement have any political leverage? And
would it be complicated by the ethnic diversity of the Canadian body

To address these questions, I examine the shifting cultural
significance of reproduction in the Canadian context, with a focus on
our transition, circa the 1970s, from a zeitgeist of nation-building
to one of market-building. Although a tactical reproductive strike
would present unique difficulties in the contemporary moment, I
suggest that it may nonetheless be effective in galvanizing critical
public discourse on the meaning of childrearing amidst ecological


Niko Block is a researcher and writer based in Toronto. He spent
two years on the editorial board of the McGill Daily, and three years
on the board of directors of CKUT Radio. He has been active for
several years in the struggle to liberate Palestine, in addition to
the Quebec student movement and Idle No More. He is presently working
on a book called Access to Power: The Gender Politics of Energy
Enclosure for Fernwood Press.

Venue: Simone de Beauvoir Institute, 2170 Bishop Street, Montreal,
Lounge, Montreal

Date and Time: Tuesday, 28 October 2014 at 2:00 p.m.

Thank you/Merci

CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi

***Même si la CASCA reste très critique face l'exploitation toujours
croissante des chargés de cours et professeurs à court terme, la liste
de diffusion continue d'annoncer les postes à temps partiel.

***Although CASCA remains profoundly critical of the increasing trend
in the exploitation of part-time, sessional and contract faculty, the
list-serve includes advertisements for part-time teaching opportunities.

Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:

-Project Assistant - Global Health - University of Alberta

-Anthropology - Assistant Professor - University of Lethbridge

-Biological Anthropology, Instructor - Selkirk College

-Canadian Project Director, China Council For International
Cooperation On Environment And Development - Simon Fraser University

-Chief Executive Officer - Cuso International

-Education - Assistant Professor (Educational Studies) - Concordia University

-Sociology - Assistant Professor - Crandall University

-Gestionnaire de projet en justice entre les femmes et les hommes -

-University of Alberta - Post-Doctoral Fellowship - "Object Lives and
Global Histories in Northern North America: Networks, Localities and
Material Culture, c. 1700s-1900s"

-LGBT archives and fellowship - Yale University

-FACULTY POSITIONS - University of Regina (Sociology and Social Studies, more)

-Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Trinity Western University

-Chargé(e) de programme, Niveau 2, Afrique de l'Ouest - Equitas

-Vice-rectrice ou vice-recteur à l'enseignement et à la recherche -
Université de Saint-Boniface

-Power, Politics and Welfare State SOC3380, Lecturer / Instructor -
University of Manitoba

-Agent(e) de développement - Maison d'Haïti

-Organisateur-trice communautaire Projet écoles - Carrefour de
Ressources en Interculturel CRIC

-Program Leader - Think Tank Initiative - *Anticipatory Staffing* - IDRC/CRDI

-Program Management Officer - Think Tank Initiative - *Anticipatory
Staffing* - IDRC/CRDI

-Senior Program Specialist - Climate, Energy, Environment - Think Tank
Initiative - *Anticipatory Staffing* - IDRC/CRDI

-Assistant/Associate Professor in Aboriginal Health, Exercise and
Physical Activity
UBC-School of Kinesiology

-Women's Studies for Social Worker (Sessional) - University of Regina

-Agent(e) d'intégration - Agence Ometz

-Vice-President, Academic - Durham College

-Languages, Literatures, and Cultures - Assistant Professor (Latin
American Studies)
McGill University

-Langues, littératures et cultures - Professeur adjoint (Études
Université McGill

-Linguistics, Languages and Cultures - Assistant Professor (Muslim
Cultures and Societies)
University of Calgary

-Chargé de cours - sociologie - Université de Moncton

-Assistant Professor in Muslim Cultures & Societies - University of Calgary

-Assistant Professor in Sexuality Studies - University of Toronto

-Assistant Professor - Gender & Transnational History - University of Toronto

-Assistant Professor, Sociology, Tenure Track - Crandall University

-Health Policy GSPP 817, Sessional Lecturer - University of Regina

-Conflict Resolution Studies - Tenure-Track Faculty Position - Memno
Simons College

-Études internationales - Professeur adjoint - Université York,
Collège universitaire Glendon/International Studies - Assistant
Professor - York University/Glendon College

-Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies - Assistant/Associate
Professor - St. Jerome's University

See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:

If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:

Merci/Thank you

Friday, October 3, 2014

CASCA: Job postings/Offres d'emploi

Les offres d'emploi suivantes viennent d'être ajoutées à notre banque/
The following job postings have just been added to our job page:

-Peace and Conflict Studies - Sessional Instructor - University of the
Fraser Valley

-Aboriginal Recruitment and Retention Officer - University of Toronto

-Assistant / Associate Professor, Family Gerontology, Tenure Track -
University of Alberta

-Assistant / Associate Professor, Family Science, Tenure Track -
University of Alberta

-Assistant / Associate Professor - Transnational Feminisms and
Qualitative Research in Education - University of Toronto

-Research Coordinator - Idea Couture

-Directeur(trice) Général(e) - Chantier de l'économie sociale

-Full-Time Tenure-Stream Assistant Professor Position - Children's
Studies (Contemporary Global Youth Cultures) - York University

-Assistant/Associate Professor in Sociology - McMaster University

-Assistant Professor - Department of Sociology at McMaster University

-Researcher for Central America - Amnesty International

-Assistant Professor, Canadian History, Tenure Stream - University of Toronto

-Sociology of Deviance SOCI 2603, Contract Academic Position -
University of New Brunswick

-Current Social Issues SOCI 1583, Contract Academic Position -
University of New Brunswick

-Women's Studies - Junior Ruth Wynn Woodward Chair (Assistant
Professor) - Simon Fraser University

-Senior Built Heritage Specialist - Golder Associates Ltd.

-Assistant Professor in Environmental Archaeology - Rhodes College

-Chargé(e) de programme, niveau 1 – Programme international
d'éducation aux droits humains - Equitas

-First Nations Governance & Leadership Coordinator - University of New

-Fellowship, University of Alberta, Department of Sociology

-Professionnel en DD - La Fondation des jeunes pour un développement durable

-Associate Vice-President Research - Mount Saint Vincent University

-Organisateur-trice communautaire, responsable de la coordination -
Regroupement des comités logement et associations de locataires du

-Personne coordonnatrice aux urgences internationales - Développement et Paix

-Aboriginal Community Outreach and Support Services Officer,
Aboriginal Student Affairs - Laurentian University


-Assistant / Associate Professor, Migration and Mobility in the
Digital Age, Canada Research Chair, Tenure Track - York University

-Assistant/ Associate Professor, Diasporas and the Imagination, Canada
Research Chair, Tenure Track - York University

-Assistant / Associate Professor, Socially Engaged Research in Race
and Racialization, Canada Research Chair, Tenure Track - York University

-Assistant / Associate Professor, Politics of Socially Engaged
Research, Canada Research Chair, Tenure Track - York University

-War and Conflict: An Introduction GS 231, Course Instructor - Wilfrid
Laurier University

-Sociology of Youth SY303B, Sessional Lecturer - Wilfrid Laurier University

-PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL POLICY - University of Victoria

-Agent(e) de communication et du développement - Jour de la Terre Québec

-Sociology and Anthropology (Assistant Professor) - Carleton University

-NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES - University of Lethbridge

-Intro. to Women & Gender Studies WOMN 1500, Sessional Instructor -
University of Manitoba

-Acting Up! Feminism and History in Canada WMST CAST HIST 2711H,
Course Instructor - Trent University

-Cultural Counsellor, First Peoples House of Learning - Trent University

-Coordinator, Aboriginal Resource Centre - Humber College

-Human Ecology - Assistant/Associate Professor (Family Science) -
University of Alberta

-VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) - University of Regina

-President - St. Clair College

-Coordonnateur(trice) des programmes autochtones - Jeunesse Canada
Monde J.C.M.

-ChargéE de projet des marchés solidaires - Club populaire des
consommateurs de Pointe-Saint-Charles CPC

-Director, Department of Equity Services - Carleton University

-Agent(e) de planification, de programmation et de recherche - secteur
Tout-petits - Jeunes
Agence de santé et des services sociaux de Montréal

See them and others on our website/Consultez-les ou voyez toute la
liste en visitant notre site Web:

If our job bank helped you find employment, please let us know.
Si notre banque d'emplois vous a aidé à vous trouver un emploi, merci de
nous en aviser à l'adresse:

Merci/Thank you

Thursday, October 2, 2014

CASCA: Student Zone Notices/Annonces zone étudiante

Nouveaux ajouts/New announcements:

-Call for Papers and Peer Reviewers for Contingent Horizons

-Field School in Romani Studies

-India Overseas Study Summer Course 2015

See them and others on our website.
Consultez-les ou voyez toute la liste en visitant notre site web:

Merci. Thank you

Casca News

This blog mirrors the list-serv for the Canadian Anthropology Society. To submit an announcement to this list, please email:

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