This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jane Goodall Institute and Centre for Environment - January2009 - Seminar Invitation E-flyer

Presented by, Centre for Environment, in Partnership with the Jane
Goodall Institute

2009 Winter Environment Seminar Series
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 4:10PM - 6:00PM
East Common Room, HART HOUSE, 7 Hart House Circle
University of Toronto

Please join us at Hart House for the Winter-Spring Environment Seminar Series.
All are welcome - no registration required.

Speaker: Dr. Lilian Pintea
Director of Conservation Science, Jane Goodall Institute

Topic: New Remote Sensing Tools for Great Ape Conservation: The Case
of Chimpanzees in Africa

Seminar Abstract:

Satellite based remote sensing technologies can be powerful tools for
supporting great ape conservation efforts. New generations of
satellite sensors are capable of imaging areas as small as 0.5 meters
or revisiting large regions more than 700x700 km daily, greatly
improving the ability to map and monitor great ape habitats and
threats at the local, landscape and regional scales. However, the
transition from remote sensing data to information that is actually
used in the conservation activities is not straightforward. Lack of
capacity at the local scales and perceived complexities of remote
sensing data and analysis often discourage conservation practitioners
from using this valuable resource. In this presentation Dr. Lilian
Pintea will discuss three applications of 60-cm QuickBird, 56-m AWiFS
and 12.5-m PALSAR satellite imagery to support conservation planning
in Greater Gombe and Greater Mahale Ecosystems, Tanzania and Greater
Tchimpounga Ecosystem in the Republic of Congo.

For more information, please contact:

Emma Thacker
Program Development & External Relations Assistant

Friday, December 19, 2008

sessional position at Thompson Rivers University

A sessional position (full year), likely to be extended, in the
Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Thompson Rivers University
(Kamloops, BC):

please see:


Chaire conjointe en études des femmes / Joint Chair in Women's
Studies, Université d'Ottawa et/and Carleton University
Acceptez nos excuses si vous recevez cet envoi plus d?une fois /
Apologies for cross-posting

(English follows)


Créée en 1985, la Chaire conjointe en études des femmes pour
l?Université d?Ottawa et Carleton University offre à sa titulaire ou
son titulaire la possibilité de contribuer au développement des études
des femmes, d?établir des liens entre le monde universitaire et la
communauté et la chance d?explorer des questions féministes et
interdisciplinaires innovatrices.

Le comité administratif de la Chaire conjointe en études des femmes
sollicite les candidatures de personnes ayant une expérience reconnue
dans leur domaine et démontrant une solide capacité de recherche et/ou
de pratiques féministes.

Il s?agit d?un poste requérant une expertise démontrée, dont le mandat
est d?une durée de 12 mois (sujet à une possible prorogation),
commençant au plus tôt le 1er juillet 2009 OU au plus tard le 1er
janvier 2010. Il y a des exigences quant à la résidence (présence d?au
moins 4 jours par semaine durant toute l?année scolaire) afin
d?assurer la visibilité de la ou du titulaire sur les deux campus tout
au long de son mandat.

Nous sommes particulièrement intéressées par les candidat-e-s pouvant
apporter une contribution considérable au développement de réseaux
internationaux et domestiques, ainsi qu?à la promotion de la Chaire
conjointe, et pouvant aussi contribuer à d?autres opportunités telles
que :

1. assumer le leadership dans la mise en ?uvre et le suivi de
nouveaux projets de recherche ;
2. développer et encourager des partenariats de recherche
entre les deux universités et la communauté ;
3. appuyer les efforts de levée de fonds pour la Chaire conjointe ;
4. enseigner aux premier et/ou deuxième cycles à l?Université
d?Ottawa ainsi qu?à l?Université Carleton, suivant entente ;
5. contribuer à la diffusion des résultats des recherches par
la tenue de conférences à l?Université d?Ottawa et à la Carleton
University et/ou par le biais de publications.

QUALIFICATIONS : Doctorat achevé ou l?équivalent en termes de travaux
savants et/ou pratiques féministes. Nous accueillerons les
candidatures d?universitaires, d?activistes, de gens issus du milieu
professionnel (les professions), ainsi que de personnes provenant du
milieu des arts. Une excellente renommée dans son domaine serait un

Le bilinguisme est essentiel, le ou la titulaire devant s?exprimer
avec aisance en français et en anglais.

SALAIRE : Le salaire pour ce poste se situe dans l?échelle salariale
d?un Professeur agrégé et sera établi selon les qualifications,
l?expérience et la disponibilité de la personne choisie.

CANDIDATURES : Le dossier de candidature doit inclure un curriculum
vitae, un exposé décrivant la vision de la Chaire conjointe par la
candidate ou le candidat et une proposition de programme de recherche
et d?activités pour la durée du mandat. Les candidates ou candidats
devront aussi fournir les noms et coordonnées de trois répondants ou

Comité conjoint de sélection pour la Chaire
a/s Institut d?études des femmes
Université d'Ottawa
143, rue Séraphin-Marion
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5

- OU -

Comité conjoint de sélection pour la Chaire
a/s Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies
Carleton University
Dunton Tower, Room 1502
1125, promenade Colonel-By
Ottawa ON K1S 5B6

L?étude des demandes débutera le 31 janvier 2009 et continuera jusqu'à
ce que le poste soit comblé.

Conformément aux exigences d?Immigration Canada, cette annonce
s'adresse en priorité aux personnes ayant la citoyenneté canadienne ou
le statut de résident permanent. L?Université d?Ottawa et la Carleton
University ont toutes deux un programme d'équité d'emploi et
encouragent les femmes, les autochtones, les personnes handicapées et
les membres des minorités visibles à poser leur candidature.

*Poste subordonné à une approbation budgétaire.


Established in 1985, the Joint Chair in Women?s Studies for Carleton
University and the University of Ottawa offers an opportunity for its
incumbent to contribute to the development of Women?s Studies, to
build links between academe and the community, and to explore
innovative feminist and interdisciplinary topics.

The Administrative Committee for the Joint Chair is seeking
applications from individuals who have an established record and have
demonstrated strong capacity in feminist research and/or practice.

This is a 12-month term senior appointment (subject to possible
extension), commencing at the earliest on July 1, 2009, OR at the
latest, on January 1, 2010. Residency requirements (minimum 4 days per
week during the academic year) ensure visibility of the chair-holder
on both campuses throughout the tenure of the position.

We are particularly interested in candidates who will make
considerable contributions to the development of international and
domestic networks, to the promotion of the Joint Chair and who can
participate in other opportunities such as:

1. providing leadership in responding to new research initiatives;

2. developing and fostering research links between the two
universities and the community;

3. supporting fundraising initiatives for the Joint Chair;

4. teaching in the graduate and/or undergraduate Women?s
Studies programs at Carleton University and the University of
Ottawa, as negotiated;

5 facilitating the dissemination of research results by
hosting conferences at Carleton and the University of Ottawa
and/or through publication.

QUALIFICATIONS: A PhD or equivalent in feminist scholarship and/or
practice. We will consider applicants with experience in academia, the
arts, the professions, or as activists. Prominence in their field
would be an asset.

Fluency in both official languages is required.

SALARY: The stipend for this position will be in the Associate
Professor range, commensurate with qualifications, experience and

APPLICATIONS: Letter of application including curriculum vitae and a
statement detailing the candidate?s vision of the Chair and proposed
research program and activities to be undertaken during the incumbency
should be sent to the Joint Chair Search Committee. Candidates should
also provide the names and contact information for three referees.

Joint Chair Search Committee
c/o Pauline Jewett Institute of Women?s and Gender Studies
Carleton University
Dunton Tower, Room 1502
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6

- OR -

Joint Chair Search Committee
c/o Institute of Women's Studies
University of Ottawa
143 Séraphin-Marion
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5

Consideration of applications will begin on January 31, 2009, and will
continue until the position is filled.

In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this
advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent
residents. Both Carleton University and the University of Ottawa have
employment equity programs and encourage applications from women,
Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible
and ethnic minorities.

*The position is subject to budgetary approval.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tenurable Position in Development Studies, The University of Auckland

Job Title: Lecturer/Senior in Development Studies, Centre for
Development Studies, University of Auckland

Job ID: 10471

Location: Auckland City Campus

Full/Part Time: Full-Time

Regular/Temporary: Permanent

Faculty: Faculty of Arts

For further information please contact the Director of the Centre for
Development Studies, Dr Yvonne Underhill-Sem, Email:, (unavailable 17 Dec 2008 to 13 Jan
2009) Phone: 64-9-373 7599 ext 82311, Level 9, Human Sciences
Building, 10 Symonds Street, Auckland, New Zealand.

Applications close 16 January 2009.

Position Overview

Development Studies at the University of Auckland is a rapidly
growing, cross-faculty, interdisciplinary graduate programme located
in the Faculty of Arts. The aim of the programme is to provide
students with the skills of developing a conceptual framework from
which to they can understand the complexity of development. A range of
issues can then be addressed including new aid modalities, culture and
human rights, gender relations, security and new livelihoods,
migration and transnationalism.

Development staff are involved in both core, elective and special
topic courses in conjunction with the many staff at the University who
have research areas aligned to development studies.

The appointee will teach at least one of the core courses and develop
another course in his or her specialty area. Given the large number of
graduate students, consideration will be given to the ability to
develop a programme that provides for high quality student engagement
at the graduate level.? A key part of the position will be to
supervise honours, masters and doctoral theses.

We encourage applicants from all backgrounds. The University of
Auckland is an equal opportunities employer and is a member of the EEO
Trust's Employer Group.

Selection Criteria


A Phd or submitted Phd in Development Studies or a closely related field

Demonstrated excellence in teaching at the tertiary level

Demonstrated experience supervising research post-graduate students

Excellent written and verbal communication skills

Demonstrated capacity to develop curriculum, course design and
innovation in teaching delivery

A capacity to interact positively with graduate students from a range
of difference countries

Ability to interact positively with academic and professional staff
and deal efficiently with administrative tasks associated with the


Professional experience in the field of development

Experience in conducting field research on development related topics

A developing research and publication profile in Development Studies

A proven capacity to apply for and receive nationally and
internationally competitive grants

Closing date

Please submit all applications by the close of business on 16/01/2009.

Please indicate 3 referees in your covering letter.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Position: Full-time Assistant/Associate Professor - Dalhousie University

Position: Full-time Assistant/Associate Professor
University: Dalhousie University
Department: Bioethics

short description:

The Department of Bioethics invites applications for a full-time
position at the rank of
Assistant or Associate effective July 1, 2009, subject to budgetary
approval. We seek a
colleague with the potential to establish an active research program
and teaching
interests that complement existing areas of the Department. The
individual will be
expected to make a strong contribution to the mission statement of the
Faculty of
Medicine and of the Department of Bioethics. The areas of Bioethics
expertise are open.
The successful candidate will contribute to three integrated
activities: scholarly work
that contributes to, and advances, the interdisciplinary field of
bioethics; ethics
education and capacity building within the Faculty of Medicine,
healthcare institutions
and communities; and, collaborative engagement with healthcare
institutions, government
and communities to provide ethics support that is attentive to
diversity, inclusiveness
and social justice. Salary and rank are commensurate with
qualifications and experience.
Applicants should possess a PhD and/or an MD/Masters and have some
experience in
University level teaching. The Search Committee will begin its review
of candidates
immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Please see the full ad:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

two-year limited-term appointment at Wilfrid Laurier University

Wilfrid Laurier University - The Department of Anthropology invites
applications for a two-year limited-term appointment, commencing 1 July
2009, subject to budgetary approval. The appointment will be at the
Assistant Professor rank. A PhD (or near completion) in Anthropology is
required. The successful candidate will teach sections of AN101
Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology in a large classroom setting.
The department?s new curriculum for the course uses Lavenda and
Schultz ?Core Concepts in Anthropology?, 3rd edition. The future
instructor will choose readings, including an ethnography, to complement
this textbook, in consultation with the department. Please submit a 1-2
page cover letter, curriculum vitae, one recent sample publication, and
a teaching dossier (e.g., evaluations, course outlines, examples of
innovative pedagogy). Please arrange for three letters of reference to
be sent by the due date; these may be sent as attachments to Applications must be delivered in hardcopy by noon on
Friday 13 March 2009 to Dr. Anne Brydon, Chair, Department of
Anthropology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo Ontario N2L 3C5.
Inquiries may be directed to but electronic applications
will not be accepted. Wilfrid Laurier University is committed to equity
and values diversity. We welcome applications from qualified individuals
of all genders and sexual orientations, persons with disabilities,
Aboriginal persons, and persons of a visible minority. All qualified
candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent
residents will be given priority. Members of the designated groups
wishing to be considered for employment equity must self-identify, in
confidence, to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. David Docherty.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

UW term contract

The University of Winnipeg?s Department of Anthropology requires a
lecturer for a full-time, twelve-month appointment commencing
September 1, 2009. Responsibilities include teaching multiple sections
of four-field Introductory Anthropology, and Myth, Magic and Shamanism
and/or Archaeology of the Holy Lands. Teaching in spring term 2010 may
be required. Candidates with a PhD or ABD are preferred. The
University of Winnipeg is committed to employment equity, welcomes
diversity in the workplace, and encourages applications from all
qualified individuals including women, members of visible minorities,
Aboriginal persons, and persons with disabilities. In accordance with
Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is initially
directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.
Letters of application, including cv and the names of three
references, should be sent to Dr. Barnett Richling, Department of
Anthropology, University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Ave., Winnipeg MB
R3B 2E9. The closing date for applications is March 15, 2009.

Nomination Holberg Prize 2009 final deadline 20 January 2009

The Board of the Ludvig Holberg Memorial Fund invites you to nominate
the Holberg International Memorial Prize for outstanding work in
the academic fields of the arts and humanities, social science, law
and theology. The prize for 2008 is NOK 4,5 million (approx.
570.000/716.000 US Dollar), and was established by the Norwegian
Government in 2003.

Letters of nomination must be sent to us by 20 January 2009.

Holberg Prize Laureates:
2008: Fredric R. Jameson
2007: Ronald Dworkin
2006: Shmuel N Eisenstadt
2005: Jürgen Habermas
2004: Julia Kristeva

How to nominate?
Scholars holding a senior position at universities and other research
institutions within the above mentioned academic fields are entitled to
nominate candidates for the Holberg Prize. The Holberg Prize's
Academic Committee will base its assessment on the letters of
nomination which must
state the reasons for the nomination (2 to 3 pages). Letters should
also contain a brief CV for the candidate and suggest referees who
know the scholar
and his/her work. Nominations are strictly confidential.

For more information:

Please contact Ms Trine Kleven, Project Manager in Holberg Prize, if
you have questions:

Yours Sincerely,

Professor Jan Fridthjof Bernt
Chair of Ludvig Holberg Memorial Fund

Prix Weaver-Tremblay Award

Prix Weaver-Tremblay

En 1992, la Société pour l'anthropologie
appliquée au Canada créait le prix
Weaver-Tremblay. Marc-Adélard Tremblay et Sally
Weaver, deux anthropologues des plus respectés au
Canada, furent tous deux essentiels pour la
fondation de CASCA, une initiative découlant de
plusieurs facteurs. L'un de ces facteurs a été
leur forte conviction dans le fait que les
anthropologues et leurs associations doivent se
pencher sur des questions politique et sociale
d'importance. Le prix fut placé sous la
responsabilité de la CASCA et depuis 16 ans, il
fut attribué à une série de collègues des plus distingués au Canada.

La gagnante du prix Weaver-Tremblay en
Anthropologie appliquée en 2008 est Dr. Harvey
Feit de L'Université McMaster. Il prononça son
discours lors du congrès de la 2008 CASCA
conference en Mai á L'Université Carleton. Les
récipiendaires furent, par le passé, Joan Ryan
(1993), Michael Ames (1994), Paul Charest (1995),
Peter Stephenson (1997), Michael Robinson (1998),
Michael Asch (2001), Pierre Beaucage (2002),
Donat Savoie (2003), Elvi Whittaker (2004),
Herman Konrad (2005), Richard Preston (2006) et
Penny Van Esterik (2007). Pour plus
d'information, consultez le site web de la CASCA:

Le prix est décerné à ou une citoyen-e
canadien-ne ou un-e immigrant-e reçu-e.. Les
candidatures doivent inclure un CV du ou de la
candidate, une lettre d'appui d'un individu qui
propose la nomination et qui explique en quoi la
candidature est méritoire, de même que tout
matériel complémentaire permettant d'étayer la
candidature. Dans les années précédentes, les
dossiers des candidatures comprenaient des
lettres d'appui de collègues et d'organismes
divers, du monde académique et extra-académique.
Le ou la gagnante doit prononcer un discours lors
d'une session plénière du congrès de la CASCA. Un
montant de $500 est payé au gagnant; les frais
de déplacement ne sont généralement pas couverts.

Les candidatures pour le prix Weaver-Tremblay
2009 doivent être reçues pour le 13 février et
être adressées à la présidente du comité :

Professor Harvey Feit [
<> ]
Department of Anthropology
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8

Pour répondre à vos questions :

Evie Plaice, CASCA Secretary [
<> ]
Department of Anthropology
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton NB E3B 5A3


Weaver-Tremblay Award

In 1992 the Society for Applied Anthropology in
Canada established the Weaver-Tremblay Award,
naming it after Marc-Adélard Tremblay and Sally
Weaver, two of Canada's most respected
anthropologists. Both Weaver and Tremblay were
instrumental in the founding of CASCA, an
initiative prompted by a range of factors. But a
central principle was their belief that
anthropologists and their professional
associations need to examine and address matters
of social and political concern. The award was
subsequently moved to CASCA's jurisdiction and
has been presented to a series of distinguished
colleagues during the past 16 years.

The 2008 winner of the Weaver-Tremblay Award in
Applied Anthropology was Dr. Harvey Feit of
McMaster University. Dr. Feit gave the
Weaver-Tremblay Lecture at the 2008 CASCA
Conference held in May at the Carleton
University. Past recipients are Joan Ryan (1993),
Michael Ames (1994), Paul Charest (1995), Peter
Stephenson (1997), Michael Robinson (1998),
Michael Asch (2001), Pierre Beaucage (2002),
Donat Savoie (2003), Elvi Whittaker (2004),
Herman Konrad (2005), Richard Preston (2006) and
Penny Van Esterik (2007). For further
information, please visit the CASCA

The award is for a Canadian or Landed Immigrant
to Canada. Nominations should include a CV, a
cover letter from the nominator explaining why
the candidate is worthy of the award, and any
supporting material the nominator feels is
important. In the past, supporting material has
included publications and letters from other
academics and/or community organizations.
The winner is invited to deliver a plenary
address at the CASCA annual conference. An
honorarium of $500 is paid to the winner, but the
association does normally not cover travel costs.

Nominations for the 2009 recipient of the
Weaver-Tremblay Award should be received by February 13th and addressed to:

Professor Harvey Feit [
<> ]
Department of Anthropology
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8

Enquiries can be made to:

Evie Plaice, CASCA Secretary [
<> ]
Department of Anthropology
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton NB E3B 5A3

Call for papers, CASCA/AES Conference, Vancouver May 2009

(la version française suit)



CASCA/AES 2009 Canadian Anthropology Society-Société Canadienne

American Ethnological Society Joint Meeting.

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May 13-16 2009

Theme: "Transnational Anthropologies: Convergences and Divergences in
Globalized Disciplinary Networks"

The organizing committee seeks proposals for panels and individual papers by
January 31, 2009. Early submissions and registration are welcome.

Please go to <> for
information on how to:

* Register for the conference
* Submit panels and individual papers
* Submit films for the Anthropology Film Festival held in conjunction
* Buy tickets for the party at the UBC Museum of Anthropology
* Book accommodation on the UBC campus

For further information, please contact us at:


Transnational Anthropologies: Convergences and Divergences in Globalized
Disciplinary Networks

In an era when anthropology is increasingly attentive to transnational
connections, globalized geographies, and diasporic identities, the
discipline itself is subject to new and challenging forms of
deterritorialization and re-territorialization. Anthropology has long been
constituted by tensions between the gravitational force of its various
national traditions and the pull toward an international intellectual
cosmopolitanism. Yet the increasing presence of scholars from the world
"periphery" in metropolitan universities, the rise to international
prominence of subaltern academic centers, the deterritorialized concerns and
priorities of funding institutions, and the growing transnational links
between researchers, research institutions, and research subjects (among
other factors) are further complicating the spatiality of anthropological
practice. These shifts, in turn, are transforming the way anthropologists
examine the production of power relations, inequalities, and identities in
local and global arenas. The 2009 CASCA-AES conference to be held at the
University of British Columbia in Vancouver calls anthropologists and
scholars from across the social sciences and the humanities to offer a fresh
look at the increasingly transnational nature of knowledge production, at
the resilience of regionalized academic hierarchies, as well as at the
different ways in which the latter are being reconstituted and subverted.
Additionally, the conference welcomes volunteered papers, panels, workshops,
and videos related to the internationalization of social practice, power
relations, and subjectivities and to any other theme associated with ongoing
anthropological questions.

Deadlines and registration fees (in Canadian dollars)

Faculty registration costs:
Before the deadline of January 31, 2009: $150.00
Before March 15, 2009: $170.00
At the conference venue: $190.00

Students, Postdocs, Unwaged, Retired:
Before the deadline of January 31, 2009: $50.00
Before March 15, 2009: $60.00
At the conference venue: $70.00



CASCA/AES 2009 Congrès conjoint de la Canadian Anthropology Society-Société
Canadienne d'Anthropologie et de la American Ethnological Society.

Université de la Colombie-Britannique, Vancouver, 13 au 16 mai 2009

Thème: Anthropologies transnationales : Convergences et divergences au sein
de réseaux disciplinaires mondialisés

La date limite de soumission des propositions pour les communications et les
séances de groupe est le 31 janvier 2009. Les propositions et inscriptions
reçues à une date antérieure sont bienvenues.

Voir le lien suivant : <>

* S'inscire au colloque
* Soumettre une proposition de communication ou de séance de groupe
* Soumettre de films pour le Festival de Films Anthropologiques au
* Achetez vos billets pour la soirée qui aura lieu au Musée
d'Anthropologie de UBC
* Réserver hébergement sur le campus de UBC

Pour toutes questions liées au congrès veuillez communiquer avec :

Thème :

Anthropologies transnationales : Convergences et divergences au sein de
réseaux disciplinaires mondialisés

À une époque où l'anthropologie est de plus en plus attentive aux rapports
transnationaux, aux géographies mondialisées et aux identités diasporiques,
la discipline elle-même est aussi confrontée à de nouvelles formes de
déterritorialisation et de reterritorialisation. L'anthropologie s'est
édifiée au fil de tensions entre la force gravitationnelle de ses diverses
traditions nationales et sa tendance vers un cosmopolitisme intellectuel
international. Aujourd'hui, la présence grandissante d'intellectuels issus
de la périphérie mondiale dans les universités occidentales, la percée au
niveau international de centres académiques du Sud global, les
préoccupations et priorités déterritorialisées des organismes
subventionnaires, de même que les relations transnationales croissantes
entre chercheurs, institutions de recherche et sujets de recherches (entre
autres facteurs), compliquent encore davantage la spatialité de la pratique
anthropologique. Ces changements transforment aussi la façon dont les
anthropologues examinent la production de relations de pouvoir, d'inégalités
et d'identités sur les scènes locales et mondiales. Le congrès CASCA-AES
2009, qui aura lieu à l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique à Vancouver,
invite les anthropologues et les chercheurs de toutes disciplines des
sciences sociales et humaines à porter un regard nouveau sur la nature de
plus en plus transnationale de la production du savoir, sur la résilience
des hiérarchies académiques régionalisées, de même que sur les différentes
façons par lesquelles ces dernières se voient reconstituées et renversées.
La conférence sollicite également des propositions de communications
individuelles, de séances de groupe, d'ateliers et de vidéos reliées à
l'internationalisation des pratiques sociales, des relations de pouvoir et
des subjectivités ainsi qu'à tout autre thème associé aux enjeux
anthropologiques contemporains.

Dates limites et frais d'inscription (en devise canadienne)

Tarifs d'inscription pour le corps professoral:

Avant la date limite du 31 janvier 2009 : $150,00

Avant le 15 mars 2009 : $170,00

Lors de la conférence : $190,00

Étudiants, stagiaires postdoctoraux, non-salariés, retraités:

Avant la date limite du 31 janvier 2009 : $50,00

Avant le 15 mars 2009 : $60,00

Lors de la conférence : $70,00

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Call for Papers

Call for papers:
What is radical imagination?: Potentials and barriers towards
mobilization in the
global North.
Panel at the Society for Socialist Studies
@ the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Carleton University, Ottawa
May 27-30, 2009
Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2009
[If you are interested in this topic and wish to become part of a
research network on radical
imagination, please email us]
The crises of neoliberalism, so evident and provocative throughout the
rest of the world, have finally
come "home" to the global North in the form of a cataclysmic financial
crisis. However, we have yet to
see here the rise of radical mass political activity that has marked
the landscape of political contention
and alternative-building in the global South. From the Zapatista
uprising to water and AIDS activism
in sub-Saharan and southern Africa to general strikes in Korea to the
Bolivarian revolution, the last 15
years has seen mass mobilizations animated by concrete and radical
hope for a globalization from
below. Yet in the North the question that has plagued Left scholars
since the 60s has taken on new
salience and urgency. Why, in the face of increasing inequality,
precariousness, and exploitation, in the
face, even, of imminent ecological collapse, do North American elites
and governments enjoy reckless
accumulation untroubled by mass movements demanding radical social and
political change?
The answers are legion and the reality complex, but in the face of
this persistent conundrum, powerful
imaginations of political possibility capable of provoking movement
are striking in their absence.
Now that the lexicon of "crisis" has lost so much of its efficacy,
elites have turned to hollow
invocations of the rhetoric and symbolism of hope, imagination, and
possibility. The elite colonization
of this terrain makes the lack of (or need for) radical imaginations
capable of fueling radical
movements all the more critical. Yet while its evocative power and
romantic appeal are undeniable, the
discourse of radical imagination among the left (and especially among
left academics) may draw its
strength precisely from its nebulous and ill-defined nature. At risk
of demystifying a term whose
mythic power may be worth maintaining, our panel asks for a more
rigorous examination of concepts
and practices of radical imagination towards new forms of
academic/activist knowledge.
In a moment where the conspicuous lack of radical imagination has been
brought home amidst a global
financial crisis, where unprecedented opportunities for alternative
visions of society have been
sacrificed by the Left on the alter of a ubiquitous and tepid
neo-Keynesianism, the conveners of the
panel invite contributions which help us rethink and retheorize
radical imagination by focusing on
concrete sites of struggle, particularly (but not exclusively) in
North America. Of particular interest
? Indigenous struggles and struggles in solidarity with indigenous peoples
? Migrant and migrant workers' struggles
? New directions in peace and anti-war organizing
? New forms of labour organizing (Workers' centres, radical workers'
networks, the IWW
resurgence, etc.)
? New forms of feminist (anti-)globalization
? Emergent or resurgent anti-capitalist tendencies
? New anarchist(ic) initiatives
? New forms of Queer and trans- organizing
The conveners encourage and anticipate a wide variety of disciplinary,
theoretical and methodological
approaches. Papers should focus on the ways movements seek - or fail -
to conceive of, articulate, and
mobilize radical imagination(s) in the pursuit of radical social
change and the consequences thereof.
Please send 100-word abstracts to:
Organisers: Alex Khasnabish (Mount Saint Vincent) & Max Haiven (McMaster)
E-mail for paper proposals:;
Telephone: 902-457-6565
Fax: 902-457-6134
Mailing address: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Evaristus Hall, Rm. 443
Mount Saint Vincent University
Halifax, NS B3M 2J6
Please note: While the limits of an academic panel can accommodate
only a handful of presenters we
sincerely hope that a network of scholars and activists interested in
radical imagination can emerge
from this endeavour. If you are interested in this panel and wish to
be involved in such a network,
please email us. Plans are afoot to create more opportunities to
discuss these questions in the very near

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