This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Conference on "Engaging The Other"


3rd International Conference on

September 4 - 7, 2008
San Francisco (San Mateo), California, USA

Keynote Speakers Include:
Huston Smith, Marianne Williamson

E-Conference Addresses:
US Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Costa Rican President Oscar Arias

An international, multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary conference
examining concepts of "The OTHER" from a universal, cross-cultural
perspective to promote wider public dialogue about concepts of "Us and

Sponsored by: Common Bond Institute (

Co-Sponsored by: International Humanistic Psychology Association, Institute
of Imaginal Studies and Institute of Noetic Sciences

Supported by a growing international list of over 90 organizations and

Registration is Open To Professionals
and the General Public
(Continuing Education Units Available)

<> Program
(Click Here)

Registration <>
(Click Here)

We invite you to an extraordinary conference to address the roots of fear
based belief systems and stereotypes, prejudice, polarization, enemy images,
and artificial barriers of misunderstanding and distrust that divide us.

Join an international list of over 60 presenters and visionaries, and
hundreds of concerned individuals, to engage in 3-1/2 days of workshops,
roundtables, and focused, facilitated dialogue bridging the divide and
cultivating our capacity for reconciliation, appreciation of diversity, and

"The most enriching conference experience of my life."
-Senator John Vasconcellos

For information on promoting your call-for-papers or conference announcement
on the LIBRARY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE NEWSLETTER, please send an email to
or call (718) 393-1081.


. Raise the level, depth, and breadth of public dialogue and
awareness on core issues. Explore dimensions and dynamics of "The OTHER" on
both individual and group levels, and consider how enemy identity is formed,
perpetuated, and manipulated, including fear-based belief systems, negative
stereotypes, projection, prejudice, and scapegoating.

. Identify and compile fundamental questions, dilemmas, and
implications for further deep inquiry and examination.

. Tap our shared wisdom and compassion as a community-from the local
to the global-in developing practical applications.


A 3-1/2 day program of Keynote Speakers, Topical Plenary Roundtables,
Concurrent Break-Out Sessions of Workshops and Roundtables to Engage
Concepts and Explore Practical Applications, Conference-Wide Facilitated
Dialogue Groups, Interactive All-Conference Experiences, Evolving Expressive
Arts Interpretation of the Conference, Tibetan Buddhist Sand Mandala Ritual,
Media/Art Exhibits and Events, Evening Performances, Cultural Programs, and
Community Activities, Rich Networking and Action Planning, Intentional
Multi-cultural Community

<> Program
(Click Here)

Registration <>
(Click Here)


Confirmed Include: Huston Smith, Marianne Williamson, Don Edward Beck, Geshe
Gendun Gyatso, Maureen O'Hara, Satsuki Ina, Corinne McLaughlin, Shaykh Hamza
Yusuf, Reverend Paul Chaffee, James O'Dea, Tashi Wangdu, Stanley Krippner,
Imam Zaid Shakir, Sharif Abdullah, Sen. John Vasconcellos, Gay Barfield,
Aftab Omer, Maha ElGenaidi, Michael Nagler, Lee Mun Wah, Libby Traubman, Len
Traubman, David Hartsough, Louise Diamond, Steve Olweean, Sandra Friedman,
Sally Mahe, Sarah Talcott, Christopher Thoresen, Richard Moon, Elza Maalouf,
Kim Weichel, Skip Robinson, Kirk Schneider, LeahGreen, Deborah Koff-Chapin,
Luisah Teish, Ihsan Alkhatib, Imad Hamad, Nadia Fadel, Pat Allen, Mukti
Khanna, Marc Pilisuk, Benina Gould, Melek Totah, Eryn Kalish, Lorin
Troderman, Osprey Orielle Lake, Melissa Nelson, Ahmad Hijazi, Emmanuel
Vaughan-Lee, Rita Semel, Ken Homer, Shellee Davis, Alana Lea, Eleanor
Williams-Curry, Irene Nasser, Devi Gursahaney, Ryan Feinstein, Jean Marc
Randin, Lyla Johnston, Chiring Dorje Sherpa, Topten Lama, Ram Bahadur Tamang
Lama, Nayduk Gurung

E-Conference Addresses: US Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Costa Rican
President Oscar Arias

To be Confirmed: Danny Glover

LOCATION: San Mateo Marriott Hotel, San Mateo, California


Steve Olweean, Director, Conference Coordinator
Ph/Fax: 269-665-9393 Email:
Common Bond Institute ( <> )
12170 S. Pine Ayr Drive, Climax, MI 49034 USA

Monday, July 14, 2008

Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization/Chercheur(e) invit=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9(e)_en_perspectives_f=E9ministes?= sur la mondialisation

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC)-

Carleton University-University of Ottawa

School Year 2008-2009
Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization

The Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies (Carleton
University) and the
Institute of Women's Studies (University of Ottawa), with the support of the
International Development Research Centre (IDRC), are pleased to
launch the second phase
of the research programme on Feminist Perspectives on Globalization.
This two-year
(2008-2010) programme offers highly qualified researchers working on issues of
globalization from a feminist perspective, from developing countries
in Africa, the
Middle East, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and the South Pacific,
the opportunity to
spend a research term in Ottawa based at one of the two universities.
The Visiting
Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization will contribute to
gender and
development research at both universities and provide a unique opportunity for
collaboration between feminist scholars in Canada and the developing
world and between
North and South. The Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender
Studies and the
Institute of Women's Studies will alternate in welcoming one visiting
scholar per year.
However, both Institutes look forward to the opportunity of engaging
with the Visiting

Applications are invited for the 2008-2009 Visiting Scholar in
Feminist Perspectives on
Globalization to be based at the Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's
and Gender Studies
at Carleton University . (In 2009-2010, the Visiting Scholar will be
based at the
University of Ottawa Institute of Women's Studies.) The position is
open to scholars
from developing countries (both tenured and untenured faculty, as well
as post-doctoral
or independent scholars) who are pursuing critical feminist research.

Applicants must be fluent in English have a completed PhD, a record of
publications, and a current and established research project in
relation to one or more
of the research fields listed below. Individuals currently pursuing a
university doctoral
degree are not eligible.

The focus of the Feminist Perspectives on Globalization programme is
on the broad area of
the "rights." The theme of Feminist Perspectives on Globalization
targets rights and
citizenship of women and girls in a globalized context. This focus on
citizenship is
conceptualized broadly as an interdisciplinary inquiry whereby
investigators explore the
multiple layers of citizenship through matrices of social power in its
various cultural,
national and transnational contexts. Some areas of interest include
the gendered
dimensions of citizenship and rights in the following thematic areas:
peace, conflict
and reconstruction; migration; health; education; environment; and
economic security.
The continuation of the Visiting Scholar program with a focus on
citizenship and
globalization is a timely and important initiative.

During their stay in Canada, the Visiting Scholar will pursue and
present their ongoing
research in conferences and seminars as requested, participate in
outreach activities,
and produce a paper based on their ongoing research which reflects
their time and work in
Canada. It is anticipated that this research will promote policy
advocacy and/or further
gender and development studies and the effective integration of gender
equality into
development policy and programming.

The duration of the Visiting Scholar's stay will be a six (6) month
period within the
university's 2008-2009 academic year, which runs from September 2008
to April 2009. The
recipient will receive a generous stipend to cover travel, research
and living expenses
(including medical insurance coverage). The successful applicant will
have access to
library services, a shared phone and computer facilities.

Applications may be submitted in English or in French, and must
include: an abbreviated
curriculum vitae (10-12 pp.); a letter of intent outlining the
research to be undertaken
in Canada (max. 2 pp.); a list of recent publications; availability
during the 2008-2009
academic year; and the names and addresses (postal and e-mail) of two
referees. Please
forward applications to: Selection Committee, Visiting Scholar in
Feminist Perspectives
on Globalization, c/o Hélène Boudreault, Institute of Women's Studies,
University of
Ottawa, 143 Séraphin-Marion, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 5B6;
Telephone (613) 520-6644;
Fax (613) 562-5994; email

The closing date for submitting applications is July 15, 2008
(application dossiers
received after this date will not be examined). Please note that only
the short-listed
candidates will be contacted.

Candidates may access the following websites for additional
information about the Pauline
Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies at Carleton University
and for additional
information about the Institute of Women's Studies at the University
of Ottawa. <>

Le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) -

Université d'Ottawa - Université Carleton

Chercheur(e) invité(e) en perspectives féministes sur la mondialisation
Année scolaire 2008-2009

Le Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies de
l'Université Carleton et
l'Institut d'études des femmes de l'Université d'Ottawa, avec le
concours du Centre de
recherches pour le développement international (CRDI), désirent lancer
la Phase Deux du
programme de recherche en perspectives féministes sur la
mondialisation. D'une durée de
deux ans (2008-2010), la Phase Deux de ce programme s'adresse aux
chercheur-e-s de haut
calibre provenant de pays en développement (Afrique, Amérique latine,
Caraïbes, Asie, Sud
du Pacifique ou Moyen Orient), déjà impliqués dans des projets sur les
rapports sociaux
de sexe (genre) et le développement, et intéressé-e-s à poursuivre
leurs travaux à Ottawa
(Canada), dans l'une des deux universités précitées. Plus encore, il
constitue une
occasion unique pour resserrer les liens de collaboration entre
chercheur-e-s féministes
du Nord et du Sud, mais aussi entre les instituts d'études des femmes
de l'Université
d'Ottawa et de l'Université Carleton. Alternativement, chaque institut
accueillera un-e
chercheur-e par année. Toutefois, les deux collectivités
universitaires auront le plaisir
de pouvoir échanger avec les chercheur-e-s invité-e-s.

Au cours de l'année scolaire 2008-2009, la ou le chercheur-e invité-e
sera basé-e à la
Carleton University et devra donc être fonctionnel-le en anglais. (En
2009-2010, la ou le
chercheur-e invité-e sera basé-e à l'Institut d'études des femmes de
d'Ottawa.) Le Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies
de l'Université
Carleton et l'Institut d'études des femmes de l'Université d'Ottawa
sollicitent des
candidatures de professeur-e-s-chercheur-e-s universitaires (avec ou
sans permanence)
ainsi que de chercheur-e-s postdoctoraux autonomes féministes issu-e-s
des pays en
développement ciblés par le présent programme.

En plus de devoir parler, lire et écrire l'anglais couramment, les
candidat-e-s devront
remplir les exigences suivantes : un doctorat complété, des
publications dans des revues
savantes, un programme de recherche bien établi et en lien avec l'un
et/ou l'autre des
axes de recherche ci-dessus mentionnés. Les individus qui ne
détiennent pas un diplôme de
doctorat, y compris celles et ceux inscrit-e-s dans un programme de formation
universitaire, ne sont pas admissibles.

La Phase Deux du programme de chercheur-e invité-e en perspectives
féministes sur la
mondialisation aura pour focus le domaine de recherche assez large que
sont « les droits
». Le thème des Perspectives féministes sur la mondialisation ciblera
les droits et la
citoyenneté des femmes et des filles dans un contexte mondialisé. Ce
focus sur la
citoyenneté est conceptualisé dans une recherche interdisciplinaire à
travers laquelle
les chercheur-e-s exploreront les multiples paliers de la citoyenneté
à travers les
structures de pouvoir social dans ses nombreux contextes : culturel,
national et
transnational. Les domaines d'intérêt peuvent comprendre par exemple,
la dimension-
différenciée selon les sexes -de la citoyenneté et des droits dans les
champs thématiques
suivants : paix; conflit et reconstruction; migration; santé;
éducation; environnement;
et sécurité économique. La Phase Deux du programme de chercheur-e
invité-e avec focus sur
la citoyenneté et la mondialisation est une initiative importante et

Durant son séjour au Canada, la ou le chercheur-e invité-e poursuivra
son projet de
recherche en cours et présentera, à la demande, ses résultats dans le cadre de
conférences et de séminaires. En outre, elle ou il participera à des
activités de
réseautage et produira un rapport faisant état des progrès accomplis
au cours de la
période couverte par sa bourse. Ce rapport de recherche devra
contribuer à la promotion
des politiques sur l'égalité des sexes dans le développement ainsi
qu'à leur intégration
dans les programmes de développement, et/ou susciter de nouvelles
études sur les rapports
sociaux de sexe (genre) et le développement.

La ou le récipiendaire séjournera à Ottawa pendant une période de six
mois allant de
septembre 2008 à avril 2009 grâce à une bourse généreuse couvrant ses
frais de voyage, de
recherche et de subsistance (y compris une couverture d'assurance
médicale obligatoire).
La ou le chercheur-e invité-e aura également droit aux services
bibliothécaires ainsi
qu'un accès partagé (avec d'autres chercheur-e-s) à un téléphone et à
un ordinateur.

Les candidatures, soumises en anglais ou en français, doivent inclure
un dossier
comprenant (i) un curriculum vitae abrégé (max. 10-12 pages), (ii) une lettre
d'intention décrivant le projet de recherche qui sera entrepris au
Canada (max. 2 pages),
(iii) une liste des plus récentes publications, (iv) les dates de
séjour suggérées, et
(v) le nom de deux répondant-e-s. Veuillez faire parvenir votre
dossier complet au :
Comité de sélection de la ou du chercheur-e invité-e en perspectives
féministes sur la
mondialisation, a/s Hélène Boudreault, Institut d'études des femmes,
Université d'Ottawa,
143 Séraphin-Marion, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5.

La date de clôture du concours est le 15 juillet 2008 (aucun dossier
reçu après cette
date ne sera examiné). Seul-e-s les candidat-e-s de la liste courte
seront contacté-e-s.

Pour de plus amples informations sur les instituts d'études des femmes
de l'Université
d'Ottawa et de l'Université Carleton, prière de consulter les sites
web suivants :

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

PhD position Berlin/Turkish fieldsite


Deadline: *17 JULY 2008*

The *Department of European Ethnology* and the *Collaborative Research
Unit 640*, "Changing Representations of Social Order: Intertemporal and
Intercultural Comparisons" at *Humboldt-University Berlin* offer a *PhD
position* within the research project "*Kinship as Representation of
Social Order and Practice: Knowledge, Performativity and Legal-Ethical
Regulation*" (Project C4, Stefan Beck and Michi Knecht) This project
seeks to understand how notions and practices of kinship / affinity /
togetherness are changing in relation to the appropriation of assisting
reproductive technologies and adoption in Berlin and Istanbul/Izmir,
with a particular focus on the emergent transnational scapes of
reproductive medicine. The position is for 4 years, open as soon as
possible, ending June 30^th , 2012.

The PhD position will contribute to the Turkish and transnational part
of the project directed by Prof. Stefan Beck and Dr. Michi Knecht. The
focus will be on women, couples and kinship networks, who are using --
or have used -- reproductive technologies or adoption in order to start,
to enlarge or complete families. Important sites of fieldwork in
Istanbul, Izmir and Berlin will be self-help groups and other concerned
groups within the reproductive health sector, infertility clinics,
adoption agencies, ethic committees and governmental staff and experts
engaged in redefining kinship and kinship law. Most importantly,
interviews and participant observation will take place within the
everyday life of families who are involved in our long term study.

Applicants are expected to develop, define and carry through their own
PhD research project within the research field of our project (assisting
reproductive technologies in Turkey and the emergent transnational
scapes of reproductive medicine, kinship and citizenship, concerned
groups / self help groups in the field of infertility treatment,
adoption, bioethics and regulation in the field of reproductive
technologies in Turkey) Applicants for this PhD position should have a
background in social / cultural anthropology, european ethnology or STS.
Place of work will be the Humboldt University Berlin, with long
intermittent periods of fieldwork in Istanbul/Izmir. For further
information on the research project see

Applicants must have obtained a *Master's degree* with excellent results
or complete a Master's course before starting at HU. They should have a
*very good written and oral Turkish and English and a good knowledge of

Further requirements:

· *knowledge in one or more of the following fields*: new anthropology
of kinship, anthropology of knowledge, ethnographies of assisting
reproductive technologies, Anthropology of Turkey and the Mediterranean,
social studies of science and technology, transnationalisation,
methodologies of complex comparisons.

· *Ethnographic fieldwork experience*

· *Ability to work in a team, excellent organisation and communication

Applicants are kindly asked to send a letter of application with a
concise statement of their interest, a cv and up to three examples of
their academic writing (including unpublished thesis material), and
official transcripts or certified copies of University certificates.

The successful applicant must participate in and complete the PhD
programme of the collaborative research unit 640 at Humboldt University

The position is payed according to BAT IIa-O, 50 % The PhD students will
also receive an additional stipend for time abroad and funding for
travel and accommodation for the time spent in fieldwork.

Applications should be sent by post with the *reference Nr. DR06408 to*

Prof. Dr. Stefan Beck / Dr. Michi Knecht, Department of European
Ethnology, Humboldt-University Berlin, Mohrenstrasse 41, D -- 10117
Berlin, Germany. Or per mail <>; <>.

Deadline is July 17^th 2008.

For further information potential applicants are encouraged to contact
their prospective part-project leader and main supervisor Prof. Stefan
Beck and Michi Knecht informally, by email in the first instance.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Call for Presentations: Curating Difficult Knowledge 09

Call for Presentations:

"Curating Difficult Knowledge"

April 16-18, 2009

Concordia University, Montréal

How are public spaces used to shape memories of systematic mass
violence? What unique challenges arise in attempts to deploy
narratives and documents of collective suffering for public display?
And what innovations in exhibition, museology, and the activation of
memorial sites might these challenges inspire? Employing as a point
of departure a notion of "difficult knowledge" as that which
challenges or disrupts anticipated experience (and thus potentially
induces transformations in understanding or subjectivity), and
considering "curation" in its deeper meaning of "taking care of," this
conference will provide a venue in which to grapple with these
questions as they arise in theory and practice.

The Centre for Ethnographic Research and Exhibition in the aftermath
of Violence (CEREV - at Concordia
University is pleased to announce our first international conference,
co-sponsored by the Canada Research Chairs in Post-Conflict Studies
and Latin American History. Keynote speakers will include Prof. Roger
Simon, Faculty Director of the University of Toronto's Centre for
Media and Culture in Education and Director of the Testimony and
Historical Memory Project at the Ontario Institute for Studies in

The specific aims of the conference are:

• To engage an emerging body of interdisciplinary scholarship and
practice around representing and conveying experiences and meanings of
historical suffering and injustice

• To envision and critique innovative attempts at public knowledge
production and transmission about post-conflict experience

• To reflect on the creation of public spaces for the discussion of
past violence as part of community and nation-state recognition of the
past for future generations

We especially encourage participation by scholars, curators, artists,
activists and other practitioners who are engaging with these
questions in the context of museums, memorials, and "sites of
conscience." Our goal is to bring together individuals who are
engaged in experimental curatorial work in the aftermath of violence
with researchers undertaking fine-grained reporting on and analysis of
such work.

Instructions for submission:

We invite 250 word abstracts for 15- or 30-minute presentations that
will explore the conference themes outlined above. Since a central
goal is to foster conversation among participants, we encourage you to
request the shortest time-slot in which you can communicate your key
points in your chosen medium (i.e. a spoken conference paper should
fit in 15 minutes). We welcome the use of photographs, sound/video
clips and other digital media in presentations, and for this reason
are offering the option of a 30-minute time slot. Please send
abstracts, along with a current CV and a 100-word description of your
current area of research/practice to:

Deadline for abstract submission: August 31st, 2008.

Notification: by September 30th, 2008

Pending funding, we hope to be able to offer some travel subsidies to
participants coming from beyond North America. Please indicate in
your submission if such funding would be essential for your

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