This is a blog recording the announcements that are sent out on the CASCA listserv.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization/chercheur-e invit=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E9-e_en_perspectives_f=E9ministes?= sur la mondialisation

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC)-

Carleton University-University of Ottawa

School Year 2008-2009

Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization

The Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies (Carleton
University) and the Institute of Women's Studies (University of
Ottawa), with the support of the International Development Research
Centre (IDRC), are pleased to launch the second phase of the research
programme on Feminist Perspectives on Globalization. This two-year
(2008-2010) programme offers highly qualified researchers working on
issues of globalization from a feminist perspective, from developing
countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, the
Caribbean and the South Pacific, the opportunity to spend a research
term in Ottawa based at one of the two universities. The Visiting
Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization will contribute to
gender and development research at both universities and provide a
unique opportunity for collaboration between feminist scholars in
Canada and the developing world and between North and South. The
Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies and the
Institute of Women's Studies will alternate in welcoming one visiting
scholar per year. However, both Institutes look forward to the
opportunity of engaging with the Visiting Scholar.

Applications are invited for the 2008-2009 Visiting Scholar in
Feminist Perspectives on Globalization to be based at the Pauline
Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies at Carleton University
. (In 2009-2010, the Visiting Scholar will be based at the University
of Ottawa Institute of Women's Studies.) The position is open to
scholars from developing countries (both tenured and untenured
faculty, as well as post-doctoral or independent scholars) who are
pursuing critical feminist research.

Applicants must be fluent in English have a completed PhD, a record of
scholarly publications, and a current and established research project
in relation to one or more of the research fields listed below.
Individuals currently pursuing a university doctoral degree are not

The focus of the Feminist Perspectives on Globalization programme is
on the broad area of the "rights." The theme of Feminist Perspectives
on Globalization targets rights and citizenship of women and girls in
a globalized context. This focus on citizenship is conceptualized
broadly as an interdisciplinary inquiry whereby investigators explore
the multiple layers of citizenship through matrices of social power in
its various cultural, national and transnational contexts. Some areas
of interest include the gendered dimensions of citizenship and rights
in the following thematic areas: peace, conflict and reconstruction;
migration; health; education; environment; and economic security. The
continuation of the Visiting Scholar program with a focus on
citizenship and globalization is a timely and important initiative.

During their stay in Canada, the Visiting Scholar will pursue and
present their ongoing research in conferences and seminars as
requested, participate in outreach activities, and produce a paper
based on their ongoing research which reflects their time and work in
Canada. It is anticipated that this research will promote policy
advocacy and/or further gender and development studies and the
effective integration of gender equality into development policy and

The duration of the Visiting Scholar's stay will be a six (6) month
period within the university's 2008-2009 academic year, which runs
from September 2008 to April 2009. The recipient will receive a
generous stipend to cover travel, research and living expenses
(including medical insurance coverage). The successful applicant will
have access to library services, a shared phone and computer facilities.

Applications may be submitted in English or in French, and must
include: an abbreviated curriculum vitae (10-12 pp.); a letter of
intent outlining the research to be undertaken in Canada (max. 2 pp.);
a list of recent publications; availability during the 2008-2009
academic year; and the names and addresses (postal and e-mail) of two
referees. Please forward applications to: Selection Committee,
Visiting Scholar in Feminist Perspectives on Globalization, c/o Hélène
Boudreault, Institute of Women's Studies, University of Ottawa, 143
Séraphin-Marion, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 5B6; Telephone (613)
520-6644; Fax (613) 562-5994; email

The closing date for submitting applications is July 15, 2008
(application dossiers received after this date will not be examined).
Please note that only the short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Candidates may access the following websites for additional
information about the Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender
Studies at Carleton University and for additional information about
the Institute of Women's Studies at the University of Ottawa. <>


Le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) -

Université d'Ottawa - Université Carleton

Chercheur(e) invité(e) en perspectives féministes sur la mondialisation

Année scolaire 2008-2009

Le Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies de
l'Université Carleton et l'Institut d'études des femmes de
l'Université d'Ottawa, avec le concours du Centre de recherches pour
le développement international (CRDI), désirent lancer la Phase Deux
du programme de recherche en perspectives féministes sur la
mondialisation. D'une durée de deux ans (2008-2010), la Phase Deux de
ce programme s'adresse aux chercheur-e-s de haut calibre provenant de
pays en développement (Afrique, Amérique latine, Caraïbes, Asie, Sud
du Pacifique ou Moyen Orient), déjà impliqués dans des projets sur les
rapports sociaux de sexe (genre) et le développement, et intéressé-e-s
à poursuivre leurs travaux à Ottawa (Canada), dans l'une des deux
universités précitées. Plus encore, il constitue une occasion unique
pour resserrer les liens de collaboration entre chercheur-e-s
féministes du Nord et du Sud, mais aussi entre les instituts d'études
des femmes de l'Université d'Ottawa et de l'Université Carleton.
Alternativement, chaque institut accueillera un-e chercheur-e par
année. Toutefois, les deux collectivités universitaires auront le
plaisir de pouvoir échanger avec les chercheur-e-s invité-e-s.

Au cours de l'année scolaire 2008-2009, la ou le chercheur-e invité-e
sera basé-e à la Carleton University et devra donc être fonctionnel-le
en anglais. (En 2009-2010, la ou le chercheur-e invité-e sera basé-e à
l'Institut d'études des femmes de l'Université d'Ottawa.) Le Pauline
Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies de l'Université
Carleton et l'Institut d'études des femmes de l'Université d'Ottawa
sollicitent des candidatures de professeur-e-s-chercheur-e-s
universitaires (avec ou sans permanence) ainsi que de chercheur-e-s
postdoctoraux autonomes féministes issu-e-s des pays en développement
ciblés par le présent programme.

En plus de devoir parler, lire et écrire l'anglais couramment, les
candidat-e-s devront remplir les exigences suivantes : un doctorat
complété, des publications dans des revues savantes, un programme de
recherche bien établi et en lien avec l'un et/ou l'autre des axes de
recherche ci-dessus mentionnés. Les individus qui ne détiennent pas un
diplôme de doctorat, y compris celles et ceux inscrit-e-s dans un
programme de formation universitaire, ne sont pas admissibles.

La Phase Deux du programme de chercheur-e invité-e en perspectives
féministes sur la mondialisation aura pour focus le domaine de
recherche assez large que sont « les droits ». Le thème des
Perspectives féministes sur la mondialisation ciblera les droits et la
citoyenneté des femmes et des filles dans un contexte mondialisé. Ce
focus sur la citoyenneté est conceptualisé dans une recherche
interdisciplinaire à travers laquelle les chercheur-e-s exploreront
les multiples paliers de la citoyenneté à travers les structures de
pouvoir social dans ses nombreux contextes : culturel, national et
transnational. Les domaines d'intérêt peuvent comprendre par exemple,
la dimension- différenciée selon les sexes -de la citoyenneté et des
droits dans les champs thématiques suivants : paix; conflit et
reconstruction; migration; santé; éducation; environnement; et
sécurité économique. La Phase Deux du programme de chercheur-e
invité-e avec focus sur la citoyenneté et la mondialisation est une
initiative importante et d'actualité.

Durant son séjour au Canada, la ou le chercheur-e invité-e poursuivra
son projet de recherche en cours et présentera, à la demande, ses
résultats dans le cadre de conférences et de séminaires. En outre,
elle ou il participera à des activités de réseautage et produira un
rapport faisant état des progrès accomplis au cours de la période
couverte par sa bourse. Ce rapport de recherche devra contribuer à la
promotion des politiques sur l'égalité des sexes dans le développement
ainsi qu'à leur intégration dans les programmes de développement,
et/ou susciter de nouvelles études sur les rapports sociaux de sexe
(genre) et le développement.

La ou le récipiendaire séjournera à Ottawa pendant une période de six
mois allant de septembre 2008 à avril 2009 grâce à une bourse
généreuse couvrant ses frais de voyage, de recherche et de subsistance
(y compris une couverture d'assurance médicale obligatoire). La ou le
chercheur-e invité-e aura également droit aux services bibliothécaires
ainsi qu'un accès partagé (avec d'autres chercheur-e-s) à un téléphone
et à un ordinateur.

Les candidatures, soumises en anglais ou en français, doivent inclure
un dossier comprenant (i) un curriculum vitae abrégé (max. 10-12
pages), (ii) une lettre d'intention décrivant le projet de recherche
qui sera entrepris au Canada (max. 2 pages), (iii) une liste des plus
récentes publications, (iv) les dates de séjour suggérées, et (v) le
nom de deux répondant-e-s. Veuillez faire parvenir votre dossier
complet au : Comité de sélection de la ou du chercheur-e invité-e en
perspectives féministes sur la mondialisation, a/s Hélène Boudreault,
Institut d'études des femmes, Université d'Ottawa, 143
Séraphin-Marion, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 6N5.

La date de clôture du concours est le 15 juillet 2008 (aucun dossier
reçu après cette date ne sera examiné). Seul-e-s les candidat-e-s de
la liste courte seront contacté-e-s.

Pour de plus amples informations sur les instituts d'études des femmes
de l'Université d'Ottawa et de l'Université Carleton, prière de
consulter les sites web suivants :

Monday, June 23, 2008

course instructors - Trent University

DEPARTMENT: International Development Studies

UNIVERSITY: Trent University

POSITION TITLE: Course Instructor


COURSE NAME: Perspectives on Ethnicity

TERM OF APPOINTMENT: From September 1st, 2008 To Dec 31st 2008

DEADLINE: July 20th, 2008

BASE STIPEND OR HOURLY RATE: 5528.50 + 4% vacation pay

Prepare and deliver 4th year course. 2 hour seminar per week. Grade

PHD in hand or near completion in Sociology, Anthropology or related
field. University teaching experience

email letter of application, full C.V and the names and contact
information for 2 referees to:

Winnie Lem
Chair IDS
Trent University
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7B8

DEPARTMENT: International Development Studies

UNIVERSITY: Trent University

POSITION TITLE: Course Instructor


COURSE NAME: Religion and Social Movements

TERM OF APPOINTMENT: From January 1st, 2009 To May 31st 2009

DEADLINE: July 20th, 2008

BASE STIPEND OR HOURLY RATE: 5528.50 + 4% vacation pay

Prepare and deliver 4th year course. 2 hour seminar per week. Grade

PHD in hand or near completion in Sociology, Anthropology or related
field. University teaching experience

email letter of application, full C.V and the names and contact
information for 2 referees to:

Winnie Lem
Chair IDS
Trent University
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7B8

Doctoral Research Funding in New Zealand

New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships
Closing date: 15/07/2008
Open to international postgraduate students seeking doctoral degrees
by research in New Zealand universities

call for submissions/ appel de textes -- Culture, Oct. 2008

Call for Submissions, Culture Newsletter

We are currently planning our upcoming fourth issue of Culture.

We welcome all kinds of submissions to the newsletter. Please share your
experiences and ideas in the upcoming October 2008 issue of Culture.

Submissions should be made by no later than August 31st. Send your inquiries
and submissions to Craig Proulx, Anglophone member-at-large at and/or Karine Vanthuyne Francophone member-at-large at

For more information about Culture check out the CASCA website: <>

Appel de textes pour le bulletin Culture

Nous sommes en train de planifier le prochain numéro de Culture.

Toutes les soumissions de textes sont les bienvenues. Faites nous part de
vos expériences et idées de recherche dans le numéro d'Octobre 2008 de

Les textes devront nous être parvenus au plus tard le 31 août 2008. Veuillez
les envoyer Craig Proulx, membre anglophone, <> et/ou Karine Vanthuyne, membre francophone,

Pour plus d'informations concernant le bulletin, veuillez visiter le site
Internet de la CASCA :


N'hésitez pas également à contacter Craig ou Karine pour toutes informations

Thursday, June 19, 2008

5 year postdoc China Studies

* University of Technology Sydney, China Research Centre
* 5 year fixed term contract

*Postdoctoral Fellowships*

The China Research Centre at UTS is Australia's most productive and
dynamic unit researching social and cultural change in China. Building
on our history in promoting studies of Provincial China, we now expand
our focus to explore the key issues of China's development in the
twenty-first century:

* Environment, Space and Resource Use
* Health and Disease
* Business and Enterprise Reform

We are assembling dynamic teams of researchers to examine how China
faces challenges in these areas. In addition to making a number of
strategic senior appointments we invite applications for a number of
5-year Postdoctoral Fellowships.

In the first round we seek applicants keen to contribute to
international knowledge on the three areas above.
The Centre has an outstanding reputation for collaborative research
leadership in China Studies, including the ARC Asia Pacific Futures
Research Network and the annual Provincial China Symposia.

The Centre takes a collaborative approach to research that recognizes
the need to disaggregate social and cultural change in China by
locality, class and gender. Centre staff work regularly together on
collective projects, publications and symposia.

This is an opportunity for the best and brightest early career
researchers to work on issues of pressing global concern from a China focus.

Fellows will initially be appointed at Lecturer Level B. Salary range as
at 1 May 2008 is $70,309 to $83,474 per annum. The University offers
salary packaging plus 17% employer superannuation contribution.

*Application Procedure:*
Obtain the "Guidelines and instructions to applicants", by clicking on
the Position Description link on the website:
When you have prepared your application, please submit via the 'Careers
at UTS' online application system on link above.

*Contact Information:*
If you require further information on the position contact Director of
the UTS China Research Centre, Professor Louise Edwards by email at or by telephone on 61-2-9514-7489.

*Closing Date: 16 July 2008*

Ref No. R160608

Monday, June 2, 2008

Postdoctoral fellowship

Anthropology, Science & Technology Studies

The Technoscience and Regulation Research Unit at Dalhousie University is
engaged in multi-sited ethnographic studies which critically examine the
relationship between the biosciences, industry, policy, and citizens. Our work
is located in laboratories (public and private, developed and developing
countries) where molecules begin to become medicines, biotechnological and
pharmaceutical corporate offices, or government regulatory agencies. Our
research team (led by Dr. Janice Graham, a medical anthropologist and Canada
Research Chair) invites disciplinary diversity including anthropologists and
sociologists of medicine, science and technology, molecular biologists,
political scientists, bioethicists, lawyers and historians of regulation.

Candidates for the two-year postdoctoral positions should have a completed PhD
in a relevant discipline. We expect the project to focus on actor-network
cultures in laboratory, regulatory and other technoscience settings.
including date of commencement, are negotiable as determined by the expertise
and interests of the successful applicant.

As funding is also available for a doctoral studentship, we welcome
doctoral students interested in working in this area of research to
contact us.

Candidates should send: (1) a curriculum vitae; (2) a statement of short- and
long-term career goals that includes identification of ongoing research
interests and suggested projects; (3) name, affiliation and contact
for 3 referees; (4) writing samples; and (5) university transcripts, to:

Andrea D'Sylva, Research Coordinator
Technoscience and Regulation Research Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University
5849 University Avenue, Room C315
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3H 4H7

For further information, contact
Applications will be accepted until July 1, 2008 or until a suitable candidate
has been found. The anticipated start date of September 1, 2008 is negotiable.

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